InSites 2020

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U RBAN SYSTE M S THEORY & D ESI G N The senior Urban Design Studio produced two projects for the

The four student teams worked collaboratively to address the

Community Design Team (CDT) program during fall semester

identified urban design goals. The Helper Overall team prepared

2019. The first project was the preparation of the Helper City

analysis and design recommendations at the city and regional

Plan, which addressed the region, districts and neighborhoods

scale for the arts, recreation, growth, infill, housing types,

of the city. Helper is a small, diverse community with a strong

regional transit and more. The North Main Street team focused

historic identity and an arts-based economy. Project two was

on a new visitors’ center, arrival and wayfinding, site design

the Riverton 2050 Plan, which established a future vision for

for infill housing and street character. The Main Street team

the transformation of the Riverton downtown. During a period

developed streetscape, park, hotel, and plaza design concepts for

of rapid growth in recent years, most of the historic character of

the historic downtown, and the Price River and 100 West team

Riverton was lost.

designed a new arts district along 100 W, designed improved pedestrian and vehicular access, and envisioned new public open

Project #1: Helper City Plan

space and river edge uses.

Helper City and the American Institute of Architects prepared an SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) Report in 2017.

Project #2: Riverton 2050 Plan

Building on the SDAT recommendations, the students formed

In Riverton, five student teams prepared urban design concepts

four teams that addressed an array of issues at the regional,

for the five neighborhoods surrounding the Old Dome Meeting

district, neighborhood and site scale. Accommodating growth,

Hall and Riverton City Park. The Riverton 2050 Plan is a vision

improving community character, clarifying public access,

for new public facilities, mixed-use development, walkable

wayfinding design, and economic development are at the heart

streets, public gardens, an interconnected trail system, and a mix

of the Helper City Plan, anchored by the city’s history, arts,

of housing typologies connected through greenway design and

recreation, authenticity and creative vision.

pedestrian access. The vision of the plan is to create a walkable,

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