ST UDY ABROAD: S LOV ENI A CHANDLER CHRISTENSEN, BLA ‘21 Ljubljana. If you’re the average person, like I was, you have
city center comes to life at night as the restaurants and bars
no idea where that is, what it looks like, or even how to
along the river open and friends meet up for a drink and
pronounce it. The correct pronunciation is “Lyoo-blyah-nuh”.
some food. Time seems to move slower. The hustle of the
Or “Loob-lee-ah-nah” for those of us with little European
American life is seemingly nonexistent. Locals enjoy taking
language background. Yes, the ‘j’s are silent. How cool is
their time, delving into conversation, and enjoying a nice
that? Geographically, Ljubljana is located in central Slovenia.
burek, a Slovenian pastry.
If you haven’t googled where that is already, the country of Slovenia is bordering the north-east edge of Italy. It is a
School is different. There is a great deal to learn from the
stunning land of green pastures, mountains, rivers, and a very
unique perspective and beliefs of the Slovenian people.
cute little coastline.
But learning is not exclusive to class. Travel opportunities are around every corner, and in turn, so are learning
Life in Ljubljana is laid back, quiet, and very European. In
opportunities. The study-abroad experience is exciting,
the mornings the streets are busy with bicycles and public
different, and challenging. All in all however, the study-
transit. Noontime is the perfect time to go people watching
abroad experience is worth it!
as families and individuals hit the streets to visit their neighborhood cafe for a light lunch and some coffee. The
CASSIDY FROST, BLA ‘21 Our time in Slovenia definitely did not go the way that I
to be more understanding, and makes us better people. I’m
envisioned it, returning to Utah earlier than anticipated in
grateful for the 4 weeks that we had and the cities we were
the wake of a pandemic. I was able to learn so much from the
able to experience. Coming home early was disappointing,
short amount of time that we did have. I met people whose
but because of it, I have a fire to keep traveling and learning.
outlook on life changed my own and experienced a culture
Ljubljana is such a unique, beautiful place that will always
full of tradition. I believe travel broadens our minds, allows us
hold a piece of my heart.