STUDENT ASLA CH APTE R The student chapter of the ASLA hosted an array of
The incoming 2020-2021 student ASLA officers include:
extracurricular and social programs during the 2019-2020
President-Kali Clarke, President-Elect-Hallee Kinikin, Public
academic year. These successful programs—‘Genius Hour’
Relations Specialist-Gabby Hawkes Blackburn, Professional
luncheon presentations, community BBQ’s, the LAEP
Development Coordinator-Josh Quigley, Treasurer-
Christmas Party, and the student’s collaboration with the
Alison Gowans, Outreach Coordinator-Helen Lea, Events
ASLA Utah chapter through the mentorship program, Winter
Coordinator-Chandler Christensen and Secretary-Landis
Social and portfolio review night—all enriched student
learning and professional networking. Professor David Anderson serves on the ASLA Utah A successful student ASLA CREATE 2020 differential tuition
Executive Committee and continues to strengthen the LAEP
proposal allowed the department to send fourteen students
connection to the professional community. Professor David
to the National ASLA Conference in Los Angeles, California.
Evans serves as the faculty advisor to the student ASLA.
During the conference, the LAEP students won second place in the school spirit award competition, which earned ten free student registrations to the next conference (slated for 2021). Building on that success, the student chapter applied for and was awarded a CREATE 2020 funding that will pay for registration, travel and housing for fifteen students total to the next conference.