Fan Zine "What are you?"

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Zine authored by: Laetitia Le Meillour

Excuse me standing on one leg I’m half-caste. Explain yuself wha yu mean when yu say half-caste yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas? explain yuself wha yu mean when yu say half-caste yu mean when light an shadow mix in de sky is a half-caste weather? well in dat case england weather nearly always half-caste in fact some o dem cloud half-caste till dem overcast so spiteful dem don’t want de sun pass ah rass? explain yuself wha yu mean when yu say half-caste yu mean tchaikovsky sit down at dah piano an mix a black key

wid a white key is a half-caste symphony? Explain yuself wha yu mean Ah listening to yu wid de keen half of mih ear Ah looking at yu wid de keen half of mih eye an when I’m introduced to yu I’m sure you’ll understand why I offer yu half-a-hand an when I sleep at night I close half-a-eye consequently when I dream I dream half-a-dream an when moon begin to glow I half-caste human being cast half-a-shadow but yu must come back tomorrow wid de whole of yu eye an de whole of yu ear an de whole of yu mind. an I will tell yu de other half of my story.

John Agard

You know you’re white when... -When you just can’t catch that beat

-You know you’re white when you recycle

-You believe that black people’s weave is their real hair, and are amazed when -When you pay for songs on iTunes it grows 15inch over night -When you can blush -You hear a noise and try to find out what is it -You now you’re white when swearing in front of your parents or at them, doesn’t cost you a limb or your life -You hear a serial killer/rapist is on the loose. mostly white -You’re favourite liquor is vodka or wiskey

-You wear socks with sandals

-You can find you name on pencils, rulers, coffee mugs and you dont have to get it specially made

-Your parents make you pay for rent once you have a job

-You think africa is a country not a continent

-You are on time over 50% of the time -Your parents are aware that you drink and smoke and do or say nothing about it

You know your parents are african when: -When you don’t eat anything raw

-They always find the hardest way to do things when there’s an easier way out

-When you carry vaseline everywhere you go

-You have been beaten with a belt, shoes, wooden spoon,

-When a love scene comes on tv and they act all disgusted

-Everything is your (their child’s) fault

-When your watching a movie esecially with your mom, the questions are endless “who is he” “what is he doin” “what is his name” “who born him” “is he stupid”

-Human right is a myth

-When they want you to be a doctor, lawyer or accountant

-You eat chicken EVERY SINGLE DAY..!!!

-Insults are a daily thing

-Being a vegetarian is NOT an option

-They make you regret ever knowing how to drive “go buy me this, (you come back), oh and I forgot this one too“

-they would say something like “why raise the bills using a dishwasher when we can give birth to one“

-They make every problem sound spiritual

-over 70% of CDs and DVDs in your house are illegally owned

-When something bad happens your mother feels like notifying your WHOLE family.

- they tell you not to talk back, but get angry when you don’t answer

-They ask you for a favour and you know that “NO” aint an option.

-They don’t believe in rights exept for the right to woop your butt and take your money once you start working -An A* in GSCE is not good enough

Mixed race people are cocky about their looks and think that they are inaccesible. This has obviously led to the development of their arrogance and loose morals and so the girls are seen as hoes and the guys as “pretty faces”. They enjoy revealing flesh in skimpy, seethrough and tight clothing, claiming “if you’ve got it, flaunt it“, when in reality they’re probably just trying to make the rest of the world jealous. They don’t belong in any race, and we only really consider the term “mixed race” to describe someone half caucasian and half black. They’re seen as black by white people and white by black people, they are always drawn more towards one race than the other. They’re invisible yet stick out like a sore thumb at the same time. They’re an abomination to the human race, it is a morally wrong to mix races. People should stick to their own race in order to preserve their culture and tradition.

Most people would describe mixed race people as good looking adding that they have the “best of both“ from their origins. Their hair is complimented as being “beautiful”, furthermore their skin colour seems to be the shade that all women aspire to attain; (some) black and asian women lighten their skin, while (some) white women tan it. Mixed race people are naturally good dancers and they all listen to Hip Hop and RnB. They have a very versatile physical appearance, due to the fact they look like neither race particularly, which could explain their popularity in the media and why they may be less prone to racism. This has led people to think that the increase of mixed race people in the world, will eradicate racism altogether.

In a survey people were asked to choose a race they would prefer their future spouse to be if they had the choice


of people asked what race they would prefer to marry into, chose to marry outside of their race.

“I’ve grown up around black people, and have a black father as well as being used to the african culture”

1 out of 4 asian “I like a mix”

3 out of 10 caucasian

“that’s the colour that’s normally attracted to me” “I feel more confortable with ethnic people, as I find we have more in common” “I want all 3 (white, black and mixed race) so I’ll have a combination”

6 out of 11 black

8 out of 11 mixed race

“I’m generally more attracted to black girls”





Malaysia China Ghana

England Italy Trinidad and Tobago Monzerat

Ghana India

Fiji Rotuma/Polynesia North America England

“.. ”

“When growing up people made me feel like I didnt have a race, wit h comments like “half cast, Half Breed, yellow, or confused”.. But looking back now I’m happy to be mixed, I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“It’s a blessing and a curse. Though I’m formed of both I belong to none, however I like my mix because people find it fascinating. People’s reactions can get a bit tedious but generally it helps as an ice breaker.”

English people see us as being from Fiji even though we’ve lived here most of our lives, and Fijian people see us as being from England, but to be honest being mixed helps me appreciate both cultures.”

Wentworth Miller

Thandie Newton

Tiger Woods

Nicole Scherzinger

Afro-America England Germany Israel Native America Russia France Holland Syria Lebanon

Zimbabwe English

China Thailand Native America Afro-America Holland

Hawaii Russian Philippines

“I used to feel - as neit her white nor black, but as a bridge between both. Now I see myself as black. There is a side of me that would like Refers to himself as to go back to how I used to feel. But then I “Cablinasian “Being mixed kind of makes me a racial Lone was looking at my peers. Now I’m looking at (Caucasian, Black, (American) Indian, and Ranger“ the whole world.” Asian )“

“A lot of people in the industy didn’t understand what race I was. So, they were a little confused on how to cast me or what my place was.. people wanted me to be like the Puerto Rican girl, the Puerto Rican best friend. I’m like, I’m not Puerto Rican. “

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