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R196k for Corporate workshop outing

■ Joe Dreyer

This week the Greater Tzaneen Municipality spent another R196 955 on a three-day excursion to the Karibu Luxury Lodge 32 kilometres outside Tzaneen. This was to allow all of their directors, managers and councillors to attend a Corporate Services Workshop which started two hours late on Wednesday and will likely end early today (Friday).


same employees. The reasons offered to justify the insulting amount of money spent, was that the meeting was of such importance that these public servants were not to be bothered by the public whilst attending.

All employees are reimbursed their travel costs to and from the venue in accordance to the AA rates and it so happened that shortly after their return, the employees submitted their claims.

tee submitted a claim even though this member travelled in a vehicle with a co-worker.

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Two months ago the GTM spent R850 000 on a three-day excursion to the Forever Resorts Blyde luxury holiday destination in Mpumalanga for these

It was then discovered that one of the employees submitted a travel claim for a Porsche whilst not owning a vehicle.

Another member of the ethics commit-

The opposition made a big noise upon their discovery of these fraudulent claims and promised to push the investigation and root out all corruption within the municipality. A week later however, the DA Caucus Whip referred all related inquiries to the spokesperson of the very municipality where the alleged fraud originated. Not a single word has since been said about this issue again. In this latest instance the opposition objected to the notion that the officials would stay over at Karibu Lodge, labelling it as an unnecessary expense. The mayor reportedly agreed that all the councillors would take sporadic breaks to head to the shops for lunch and refreshments. He later added that should some of the officials want to sleep over, they could.

Traveling to and from Karibu Lodge is in the region of 65 kilometres and with the employees being told they can submit travel claims, one can only hope that this time the vigilant eyes of the opposition will be present when the process starts.

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