2015 Public Works Program Guide

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Public Works Events Calendar

What does Public Works do for you? The Public Works Department takes pride in our work. We hope this brochure will familiarize you with the programs and services our department offers our residents. P RSR T.ST D Car r ier R te. PreS or t US Po st ag e Paid L afayet te, CO 80026 Per mit # 22

Post al P a tron Laf ayette, CO 8 0 0 2 6

Public Works Programs

The Public Works department offers several programs throughout the year. Many programs are seasonal so visit www.cityoflafayette.com/publicworks for dates and more information.

Spring Clean-up (NO-COST)

Every Spring we offer curbside collection of yard waste and tree branches only. Materials must be in compostable bags for pick up. Visit www.cityoflafayette.com/SpringCleanUp for guidelines 2015 Pick up Schedule April 27th April 29th May 4th May 6th

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Electronic Recycling Collection Event (LOW COST) In partnership with Metech Recycling we offer an electronic recycling day every January and September. There is a low cost for residents to drop off unwanted items. Next event date: September 12, 2015 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm City Service Center: 1700 Avalon Ave See website for a list of acceptable items, fees and dates.

Fall Leaf Drop-off (NO-COST)

The Service Center is open October thru November to the public for the drop off of leaves and pumpkins only. No tree branches are accepted. This is a self service program. 2015 Schedule : October 5th-November 27th M-F 6: 30am - 3: 30p m Closed November 11th (Veteran’s D ay) & N o vemb er 26t h (Thanksgiving D ay)

Mulch Give-Away**

Free mulch is available to Lafayette residents in the Spring and Fall. Staff is available on site to assist with loading. Visit www.cityoflafayette.com/publicworks for dates. **Due to the federal Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) quarantine in Boulder County, the City’s annual mulch program will not be offered in 2015.

Christmas Tree Recycling (NO-COST)

A Christmas tree recycling program is availabe December thru January at the City Service Center by the Parks Department. Visit www.cityoflafayette.com/parks for specific dates or call 303-661-1306

Going Green!

Public Works also partners with the Center for ReSource Conservation (CRC) to offer the following programs to Lafayette residents.

Water-Wise Landscape Seminars

Every April, no-cost xeriscape landscape seminars are offered to our residents. Call 303-999-3820 x222 to sign up! Xe ri sca p e f o r B e a uty and C onservati on Th u rs d a y, A p r il 1 6 6-8 pm Laf ayet t e P u b li c Li brary A l i so n P e c k , M a t r i x Gardens

Ins ta lling a nd Ma inta ining Your Xe r is c a p e G a r d e n We dne s da y, Apr il 2 9 , 6 -8 pm La fa y e tte Public Libr a r y Sue Rigdon, Ec os c a pe Env ir onme nta l De s i g n

Garden In A Box

Xer is c ap e Gard e n

More than just pretty flowers, Garden In A Box provides a significant water conservation tool in the form of a plant by number garden kit. Affordably priced, these professionally designed gardens improve the beauty and water efficiency of any landscape, especially when used to replace turf. Water-wise garden kits are sold annually from March thru May. Quantities are limited! Place your order online at conservationcenter.org/gardens or call 303-999-3820 x222. Sale starts March 6th 2015. Lafayette residents are eligible for a $25 discount while supplies last.

Toilet Upgrade Program

2015 ram rog New P

R es id en tia l c ust omers can receive an ult ra high- ef f icien cy t o ilet w ith o u t th e h assle of t he st andard rebat e process t h r o u g h a lo w-co st in s tallat ion f rom t he CRC. S av e th o u s a nds of gallons of wat er per year wit h t h e b r eak th ro u g h tec h nology of t he Niagara St ealt h 0.8gpf T o ilet . T h is to ile t is k n o wn f or superior perf ormance and impre ssive wat er sa v in g s wh en compared t o a st andard t oilet .

Yo u r o l d t oilet w ill b e tak e n away and recycled t oo! Quant it ies are lim it ed ! C a ll 3 0 3 -99 9 -38 2 4 to see if you qualif y f or a t oilet upgrade!

Slow the Flow Indoors

Slow the Flow Outdoor

Slow the Flow offers consultaSlow the Flow offers watertions on residential water use saving in-ground sprinkler and suggest simple measures consultations for no-cost. to increase water use efficienSimply schedule an cy in your home. Participants appointment to meet with a can request the installation of trained water-conservation new low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators at consultant at your home. The consultant will no-cost. deliver a clear and actionable list of suggestions to reduce water use and runoff at each property, Call 303-999-3824 to schedule your appointment. while keeping landscapes and lawns healthy. The Center for ReSource Conservation (CRC) is a social enterprise nonprofit that puts conservation into action. We empower 65,000 Front Range community members annually, helping them to live more sustainably in practical, cost-effective and measurable ways. Learn more at www.conservationcenter.org.

Services Provided

P ubl i c W o rk s of f er s man y servi ces to our r es idents . They include but a re n ot li m it ed t o th e f ol l ow i n g l i st: Ö Ö Sidewalk Repair Ö Ö Right of Way Permits Ö Ö Sign Maintenance Ö Ö Water Treatment Ö Ö Street Sweeping Ö Ö Wastewater Treatment (sewer) Ö Ö Backflow Compliance Ö Ö Permits for Dumpsters/PODs Ö Ö Striping & Painting of Streets Ö Ö Pothole Repair Ö Ö Water Pressure Issues Ö Ö Stormwater Compliance Ö Ö Public Road Banner Requests Ö Ö Water Conservation Ö Ö Hydrant Flushing Ö Ö Utility Locates Ö Ö Repair of Water Main Breaks Ö Ö Snow Plowing Ö Ö School Zone Light Maintenance (see website for snow routes)

Household Hazardous Materials

Lafayette residents can take hazardous household products to the Hazardous Materials Management Facility free of charge. Proof of Lafayette residency is required. Every Wednesday - Saturday (except holidays) 1901c 63rd Street, Boulder 8:30 am - 4:00pm 720-564-2251

Visit www.bouldercounty.org/env/hazwaste for more information and a list of accepted items.

Ya rd W aste

City of La f a yet t e o nl y of f ers TWO y ard was te pr ograms a year : S pri ng C lean-up an d F a l l L ea f Drop - off. L a f a yet te d oes N OT h ave a y ard waste facility at this time. Yard Waste can be disposed of at Western Disposal Yard Waste Center 5880 Butte Mill Rd., Boulder For a list of acceptable items call 303-444-2037 or check online at www.westerndisposal.com/drop-center/yard-waste.

Water Conservation

Pe r ma ne nt Wa te r Cons e r v a tion Re gula tions

The Ci t y of L a f a yet t e h as a p erman en t wa ter c on s er va t ion ord i n an ce. It w as p ut in plac e t o p r ot ec t t h e Ci ty ’s w ater resourc es r eg a r d les s of droug h t con d i t i ons .

6 6 No water ing of outdoor lands cap ing b etw een

Fines w i l l b e a s s es sed to w at er c ust omers d i s r eg a r di n g th e p erman en t wa ter c on s er va t ion ord i n an ce.

6 6 Exces s iv e ov er r un of water onto a ny a rea no t

the hour s of 1 0 AM a nd 6 PM except If watering by hand with a hos e equipped w ith an automatic s hut-off v alv e cov er ed by v egetation s uch as sid ew a l k s , cur bs, dr iv eways, s tr eets and other pa v ed ar eas is prohibited

6 6 Washing down pav ed ar eas such a s d riv ew a ys with a hos e is not allowed

The City of Lafayette Water Quality Report is available online: www.cityoflafayette.com/WaterQuality


Wh en p erf o r m in g l an dscap e mai n t en ance, please prot ec t our loc a l creeks. Sh are th i s i nfor m ation with your h i red la n ds cap ers!!

L aw n and G ard e n ± ± Sw eep g ra s s cl i p p i n g s b ack on t o y our yar d after m owing. ± ± B l ow in g lea ves an d g rass cl i p p i n g s into the gutter and/ or s tor m drains can c l o g s torm pi pes a n d c a use f l ood i n g . I t i s agains t the la w to blow, s tor e or dis pos e of a ny y a r d w a s t e i n the s t r e e t . F in e s wi l l be assessed. ± ± Al t h oug h lea ves an d g rass cl i p p i n gs ar e biodegr adable, the pr ocess of decompos ing rob s ox y g en f r om t he w ater. T h ese add ed nutr ients feed our water bodies and c on t r ib ut e t o h armf ul al g ae b l ooms which kill fish. P l ease use l ocal resou r c e s to dis pos e of y a r d wa s te pr ope r ly.

P r o p e r l y D i s p os e o f Wa s t e

On l y rai n an d sn ow m elt s hould go down the s tor m dr ain. ± ± N ever w ash an ything down the s tor m dr ain. ± ± U se d ry cl ean up methods , s uch as absor bent, br oom and d us t pa n w h en ever p ossible. ± ± Wash i n g d ow n dr iv eways of debr is not only is a s tor mwat e r v iol a tion b ut a w at er cons er v ation v iolation as well. ± ± Put t rash i n trash can.

A ut omobi l e M a i n t e n a n c e

± ± F i x lea k s ! T ho se d ri p s on th e p avement will be was hed into the near est creek nex t time i t ra i n s . ± ± If y ou wor k on y our ow n veh i cl e capture spills and clean them up us ing dr y c l ea n- up met hod s . ± ± Wa s h your c a r at a commerci al car wash whenev er pos s ible. If you choose to w a s h your c a r a t ho m e, wash i t on t h e l aw n so that water can be absor bed by gras s .

Doo Good Pick up dog doo. Protect streams. Dog Doo is more than a nuisance!


It spreads disease

like Giardia and accounts for up to 20% of the bacteria in our waterways.


It hurts fish

by adding nutrients which act like a fertilizer in streams making algae grow, and reducing oxygen levels.


It adds up!

Locally there are 90,000 dogs that make 11,700 tons of poop a year.

Electronics Recycling Event

M et ec h R ec y c lin g p rovi des secure sh reddi ng of har d dr iv es and all data contain ing dev ic es so n o one c a n a c cess y our p erson al i n for m ation. They ar e a C er tified e-S tewar ds 速 rec yc l er. P l ea s e n ot e t ha t as of Jul y , 2013 i t i s illegal for r esidents of Col or a d o t o t hr ow aw ay or d ump e-w aste in their was te str eam s . Al l el ect r on i c s m ust b e recy cl ed. Col orado S tatute S B1 2-1 33.

September 12, 2015 9:00 am to 2:00 pm City Service Center: 1700 Avalon Ave .

Stay Informed:

The City of Lafayette offers many ways to stay informed with community events, news items, emergency alerts, bid postings and jobs.

Public Works website:

www.cityoflafayette.com/publicworks This link will take you directly to the Public Works home page. This page is continually updated with our most recent programs or news items.

Sign up for Notify me at www.cityoflafayette.com/NotifyMe to receive emails and text messages about Public Works on the fly.

Important Phone Numbers

Sign up for Nextdoor, a free and private social network that focuses on building stronger communities by sharing information with neighborhoods in our community. www.nextdoor.com

Follow the City of Lafayette on Facebook and Twitter.

Call us: 303-661-1277 Para informacion en espa単ol llame 303-661-1273

Wa t er Bi ll Q ues t ion s/Sett i n g up N ew Accounts

Finance Depar tment

3 03-6 65-5 588 Option 5

Ques t i ons on T r a sh Servi ce/Sett i n g up Tr as h Serv i c e

Republic S er v ices

3 03-2 86-1 200

Report S t r eet L i g h t Out ag es or Damage Bef ore Yo u D ig / Un derg roun d U ti l i ty L o cates

XC EL Ener gy

8 00-8 95-4 999 or Online www.xcelener gy.com/ O uta ges Colorado 811 Dial 8-1-1

To r ep ort a water ma i n br e a k or s e wer b a c k u p d u r i n g b u s i n e s s h o u r s c o n t a ct us at 303 -6 61-1277 or 3 0 3 -6 6 1 -1 2 7 3

F o r a f t e r hour s or w e e kend emergencies call 303-441-4444

Public Works is located at C ity Hall 1290 S Public Rd., on the 2 nd floor . 3 03-6 61-1 277 or 3 03-6 61-1 273

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