Community Care Facility Referral Process FAQ's

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. What is a Community Care Facility? Community Care Facility means any facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day treatment, adult day care, or foster family agency services for children, adults, or children and adults, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and abused or neglected children, and includes the following as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1502:  Residential facility  Adult day program  Therapeutic day services facility  Foster family agency  Foster family home  Small family home  Social rehabilitation facility  Community treatment facility  Full-service adoption agency  Non-custodial adoption agency  Transitional shelter care facility  Transitional housing placement facility 2. What is Resident Care? As defined in the Health and Safety Code, varying levels and intensities of care and supervision, protective supervision, or personal care are provided, based on their varying needs. Resident Care is non-medical care such as helping someone to the restroom, or cooking their food. 3. How many times a year? Inspected annually by the Fire Prevention and Public Safety Bureau with the exception of any complaints, or referrals. 4. Are Community Care Facilities the inspection responsibility of Fire Stations or the Fire Prevention and Public Safety Bureau? This type of inspection is done by the Fire Prevention and Public Safety Bureau due to state license requirements.

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