Los Angeles City Fire Department Hydrants & Access Unit
UPDATED: Tuesday November 26, 2024

The Fire Development Services Center at Metro (201 N. Figueroa St) and Van Nuys (6262 Van Nuys Blvd) have reopened to the public on an appointment-only basis. (West LA remains closed)
1) All plan check applications shall be submitted electronically through the FIMS Customer Portal (inspect.lafd.org). An Angeleno account is required to log into the FIMS system.
Application Items to Consider:
a. If there are multiple PCIS numbers associated with the project, please enter the additional PCIS numbers in the “Work Description” box.
b. “Fire Dept Access/Hydrant Plan Review” is the most common permit/review type.
c. Upload files individually. Multiple files cannot be uploaded simultaneously.
d. Expedited plan check is now available for Hydrants and Access
2) All appointments shall be made at BuildLA (appointments.lacity.org). For plan review appointments, a FIMS application# and all fees paid are required prior to the appointment.
3) The Metro LA lobby drop-off & pick-up bins have been removed. Customers wishing to submit hard copy plans shall make an appointment or make arrangements with their reviewing inspector.
4) Project status can be tracked within the FIMS Customer Portal (inspect.lafd.org).
5) General questions and requests can be sent to lafdhydrants@lacity.org along with any supporting documents in PDF format. Please include your FIMS ID# on all correspondence.