New Test Notification Process Beginning January 28, 2019 The Los Angeles Fire Department CUPA has recently implemented changes in our underground storage tank test notification process. The intent of this change is to update the system to an electronic notification system that will simplify the process for both the business and the LAFD CUPA. Please read the following instruction to better understand this new reporting system. Please utilize the following hyperlink to access the compliance and repair permit test notification system which will start January 28, 2019. The compliance and repair permit test notification system can be found at The Los Angeles City CUPA will no longer require the requesting tester to email submittal request to This new system requires that the requester provide all pertinent information on the provided link. Please understand that all test results will still need to be submitted within 30 days by Email to and CC the district inspector that attended your testing. All submitted test results should have a subject line labeled "Test Results: Address Zip code" The following is a list of required procedures: Testing companies are required to submit test requests a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled test date. The 48 hour requests are during business days and excludes holidays and weekend. Once a test has been submitted, an automated response labeled “Google Forms” will be sent to the requester’s email. Please be sure to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive this response. If a response is not received, DO NOT reply to the email. Either, Contact your District Inspector, or LAFD CUPA information hotline (213) 978-9680. Requests are not guaranteed and is based upon LAFD Inspector availability and on a first come first served basis. State compliance test scheduling is given priority over repair permit requests. It is highly recommended to make your test request as early as possible. Due to overlapping requests and unforeseen situations, it will sometimes be required to move your test date at the request of the Inspector. If a date cannot be agreed upon, the Inspector may allow State compliance tests to occur, however, ownership will have to coordinate to have an ICC and monitoring system certified technician assist the LAFD at a future date with completing the State required annual inspection. Confirmation is required for all repair permit inspection request. To prevent any delays in confirmations, please verify the site’s zip code prior to submitting your request. Without the proper zip code, the correct notification will not occur as Inspectors jurisdictions correspond to zip codes. Confirmation and changes to your requested time will be made through the email or phone number provided. ONLY ONE REQUEST IS NEEDED PER TEST Tests performed without notification, may not be accepted and will result in the retest of the system. For all soil samples, a Geologist or person certified by a Geologist with a certification letter is required to be on site. Be advised, soil samples shall be prepared using EPA Method 5035 for all VOC’s and TPHg. The Los Angeles City Fire Department CUPA thanks you for the additional attention given during this time of transition. Please remember if you have any questions you may always contact your district Inspector, contact the LAFD CUPA Hotline at (213) 978-9680, or visit for more information