Fire/Life Safety Plan Check (4)

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FIRE LIFE SAFETY PLAN CHECK UNIT Notice: The Development Services Center building is now closed to the public entirely with the exception of the ground floor. There are drop off and pick up boxes for each Development Services department, including LAFD, where any hardcopy documents may be left and retrieved. If you leave anything hardcopy in the LAFD drop off and pick up box at 201 N. Figueroa St. 1st floor in lieu of submitting them as a PDF file, there will be a delay before they are processed. Please also note the LAFD counters in West L.A. and Van Nuys are both closed until further notice.

EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020: To Submit Plans to LAFD Step 1: Complete application form(s) [plan check | fire permit | expedite form, if desired; an additional fee applies] and email it/them along with a PDF version of your plans to using: Subject Line = APPLICATION: (Job Address) Step 2: You will receive a PDF of your application/invoice via email Step 3: Print three (3) copies of your application/invoice and either drop off your invoices and a check payable to City of Los Angeles in our drop off and pick up box or mail them to LAFD Plan Check, 201 N Figueroa St, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012. In either case, please provide us with your contact information, including an email address, and we will email you a scanned copy of your paid receipt. Alternatively, you may call Accounts Receivable at (213) 978-3995 to make a credit card payment. Provide your Transaction ID and credit card information over the phone. Please do not put your credit card information into an email. Accounts Receivable hours are from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. If you need further information you can reach Accounting Receivable at (213) 978-3995 or email at Step 4: Upon receipt of your proof of payment, your project will then be assigned for review. Step 5: You will receive an email with your marked up PDF plans if you submitted them accordingly, or advising you when your hardcopy plans will be available for pick up. All plans will be processed as backroom regular or as backroom expedite. Counter reviews are no longer available until further notice.

To Submit Requests for Modification to LAFD Step 1: Obtain your LADBS plan checker's signature first (if an LADBS Mod), and ensure your Mod in all cases is complete with the correct code section for the request, applicant's signature, justification statement, and any necessary supporting documentation. Please also complete the Modification tracking sheet. Step 2a: If you are submitting a stand-alone LADBS Modification only seeking LAFD concurrence and where there is no LAFD plan review in progress or otherwise required, please scan and email the complete package to using: Subject Line = MODIFICATION: (Job Address) Step 2b: If you have an assigned LAFD plan check engineer, please email your complete Modification package to him or her directly, who may resolve it or refer it to a supervisor for further review, as appropriate. If LAFD plan review is required and you have not yet submitted plans for assignment and review, please do this first before submitting your Request for Modification. Step 3: Your Modification reviewer will communicate with you about further details.

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