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LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT CANNABIS FACILITY PRE-INSPECTION CHECK LIST This information is intended to assist you in preparation for your upcoming cannabis facility inspection. This is not a complete list and the Inspector may identify other conditions or issues in the building that require attention. Additional questions may be directed to
GENERAL FIRE LIFE AND SAFETY INSPECTION FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS: □ Appropriate fire lane maintenance (include paint and signs) (503.1.1)(503.2) □
No person shall install or maintain any security barrier such as barbed wire, razor wire fencing chain link fencing or any other like material that obstructs or renders access or egress from the roof. (504.4)
BUILDING ADDRESS □ Address numbers clearly visible from street with contrasting background (505.1) (505.2) □ If required, proper placard (704 diamond) KEY BOX □ A key box shall be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain access as required by the fire code official. (506) FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS (if applicable) □ FDC signage, address(s), type of system, area served, system or pump pressure (509.1) □ Location on address side of building or signs indicating location (505.1)(505.2) □ Clearly visible, not blocked, unobstructed (507.5.4.1) □ Working condition- caps and plugs in place (912) PATH OF EGRESS TO OUTSIDE PUBLIC WALKWAY □ All exits from the building unobstructed- path of travel properly marked (1030.2) □ NO storage on fire escapes and must be maintained in working order (1029.4) □ Exit doors- 1) not blocked, 2) identified, 3) proper exiting hardware, 4) good repair (1030.2)(1030.3)(1030.4)
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□ Sliding fire doors- maintained in proper working condition (703) □ Adequate egress lighting (1006) □ EXIT signs, lights working (1011) □
Minimum clear aisle width no less then 36” in grow rooms (1017.3)(1023.2)
BUILDING INTERIOR STORAGE □ Storage shall be 18” below sprinklers ceiling, 2 feet below unsprinklered (315.3.1) EXTENSION CORDS □ Commercial quality only- 14 gauge or better (605.5) □ Shall plug directly into the wall socket (not into each other) (605.1) □ No multi taps shall plug into an extension (605.4) □
Temporary wiring for electrical power and lighting installations is allowed for a period not to exceed 90 days (605.9)
FLOOR HEATERS □ Shall have tip over protection and remain 36” from combustibles (605.10-.605.10.4) PROPER SERVICE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS □ All fire extinguisher service tags are current and properly hung(906.2.2) □
Fire extinguishers shall be properly installed (906.2.4)(906.2.5)
SERVICE OF SPECIAL EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS (IF APPLICABLE) □ Equipment tagged, service records available(904.1) EXIT AISLES □ Exit aisles to remain free and clear (1030.2) □ Cabinets and shelving in exit aisles to be secured to the wall or each other to prevent tipping during earthquakes. (1030.2) □
Emergency escapes and openings shall be free and clear (1030.7)
UTILITY ROOM □ All wiring shall be properly covered per the Electrical Code (605.) □ Sign on door stating use- letters to be a minimum of 1” height(605.3.1) □ All penetrations out of rated room, properly fire stopped and sealed (703.1) □ Combustible material shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms or electrical equipment rooms. (315.3.3) 2
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□ 30 inches in width, 36 inches in depth, and 78 inches in height shall be provided in front of electrical panels(605.3) CORRIDORS (RATED) □ No holes in the walls or ceilings (703) □ Magnetic door hold open devices (703.2.2) □ No wedged door opening (703.2.5) □ All doors opening into a corridor shall be self-closing with approved hardware(703.2.3)
EGRESS DOORS □ Provide, install, and maintain approved type hardware (panic hardware) for all doors used as a means of egress. (1030.2) (1030.3)(1008.1.9.1) □ Shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge(1008.1.9) □ Doors to open in the direction of travel (1008.1.2) □ Doors shall close and latch (703.2.3) □ Security devices affecting means of egress shall be subject to approval of the fire code official(1030.2.1)
STAIRWELL GENERAL □ No storage of any kind permitted in stairwells (1030.2) □ Proper egress lighting shall be maintained in stairwells (1006.1) □ Fire protection valves shall be supervised by alarm system or chained with breakaway type lock (if applicable). (903.4.4) □ Stairwell doors shall close and latch (703.2.3) □ Doors shall close and latch (703.2.3) STAIRWELL IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE (if applicable) (1022.9)(1022.9.1) □ Shall be present at each stairwell landing □ Shall meet LAFD requirements □ Minimum 12” square sign □ Block style letters □ Number indicating floor shall be at least 5” in height, ¾” stroke □ Numbers and letters showing upper and lower terminus shall be at the top of the sign
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□ Sign shall be of a durable material and bottom of sign shall be 5 feet off of floor landing EXIT SIGNS AND EGRESS LIGHTING □ Exits and exit access doors shall be marked by an approved exit sign readily visible from any direction of travel (1011.1) □ No point in an exit access corridor or exit passageway is more than 100 feet or the listed viewing distance for the sign, whichever is less, from the nearest visible exit sign(1011.1) □ Approved exit signs only, and shall be lighted and have secondary emergency power. (1011.6.3) □ Egress lighting shall be in all exit aisles, corridors, elevator lobbies and tenant space as required by the chief. ALL egress lights shall have a secondary emergency power (1006.3.1) FIRE ALARM AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS □ Continuously maintain system for fire protection (901.4.1) NO SMOKING SIGNS □ Provide and maintain “NO SMOKING” signs. Signs shall be not less than 3 inches in height on a contrasting background. (310.3) REQUIRED PERMITS □ CUPA permit “If Required” Please contact 213.978.3680 “Please see Hazardous materials handlers below”
□ Operational fire permit for carbon dioxide enrichment systems “Required summer 2018”(105.6) □ Operational fire permit for Plant extraction systems “Required summer 2018”(105.6) □ Specific action/Project permit (105.7) “Required for all industrial processing equipment in connection with hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or hazardous plastics. This will include many plant extraction systems and the use of liquid carbon dioxide in growing atmospheres. For more information please visit 201 North Figueroa Street, 3rd Floor or email HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLERS (120.3) A CUPA Permit is required for all businesses that exceed the Reportable Threshold Limits. To obtain a CUPA permit please contact (213) 978-3680. In addition to the CUPA permit all facilities over the inventory threshold are required to annually update the following information through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) The following reporting will be required immediately upon storage of 4
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the hazardous materials and need to be updated a minimum of once a year between Jan1 and March 1. The most common inventory reported is going to be CO2 used in the growing process. Many other reportable chemicals or items will be associated with the extraction process. Depending on the quantities many fertilizers if premixed with water will also need to be reported. When completing the electronic online reporting please remember to complete the following information sections. □ Fill out owner/operator and business activity information. □ Complete chemical inventory. All inventory greater than 200 cubic feet of compressed gas, 55 gallons of liquid, or 500 gallons of solid. □ Facility site map provided through CERS (sample attached) □ Upload Emergency Response, contingency and training plan. (A blank contingency plan has attached. Employee training section is included in the contingency plan and may also be used for the employee training section. □ Classes for navigating through CERS are offered at: 200 N. Main St, Floor 17 Los Angeles, CA 90012 A flyer has been provided for your review. Please register at
PLANT PROCESSING AND EXTRACTION This information is intended to assist you in preparation for your upcoming plant processing and/or extraction inspection. This is not a complete list and the Inspector may identify other conditions or issues in the building that require attention. INSPECTION GENERAL □ Operational fire permit required to use plant extraction equipment (105.6.50) “required summer 2018”
□ A specific action and project permit will be required for all industrial processing. This will include methods used with plant extraction. For more information in obtaining your specific action permit please contact or visit 201 N Figueroa room 300. □ Extraction equipment and extraction process utilizing hydrocarbon solvents shall be located in a room or area dedicated to extraction (3803.3) □ For liquid extraction processes where the liquid is boiled, distilled, or evaporated shall be located within a hazardous exhaust fume hood, rated for exhausting flammable vapors 5
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□ Site Inspection: Prior to operation a professional mechanical engineer shall inspect the site of extraction process once equipment has been installed for compliance □ Provide a technical report and building analysis. □ Report shall include the Serial Number of the equipment used in the process and shall confirm equipment installed is the same model and type identified in the technical report SAFETY SYSTEMS(3805) □ For extraction process utilizing flammable gases and solvents, a continuous gas detection system shall be provided. Gas detection threshold shall be no greater than 25% of the lower flammable limit (LFL) of the materials. (3805.1) □ System shall be calibrated to the types of fuels or gases used for the extraction process. (3805.1.1.)
□ Components shall be listed/labeled in accordance with UL 864 or UL2017(3805.1.2) □ Operation: Activation of the gas detection system shall result in the following: (3805.1.3) □ Initiation of distinct audible and visual alarm signals □ Deactivation of all heating systems located in the extraction room. □ Activation of mechanical ventilation system. □ Gas detection failure: Shall result in the deactivation of the heating system, activation of the mechanical ventilation system where the system is interlocked with the gas detection system. (3805.1.4) □ Cause a trouble signal to sound in approved locations □ All electrical components within the extraction room shall be interlocked with the gas detection system. □ Activation of the gas detection system shall disable all light switches and electrical outlets □ Extraction processes utilizing gaseous hydrocarbon based solvents shall be provided with an emergency shutoff.
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CARBON DIOXIDE ENRICHED SYSTEMS This information is intended to assist you in preparation for your upcoming plant processing and/or extraction inspection. This is not a complete list and the Inspector may identify other conditions or issues in the building that require attention.
Carbon Dioxide systems shall be installed so the storage tanks, cylinders, piping and fittings are protected from damage by occupants or equipment during normal facility operations GAS DETECTION GENERAL □ Permits: An operational fire permit shall be required and posted (916.2) “Required summer 2018”
□ Permits: A specific action and project permit is required with the use of liquid CO2. For more information in obtaining your specific action permit please contact or visit 201 N Figueroa room 300. □ Equipment: Pressure relief, vent piping, fill indicators, fill connections, vent terminations, piping systems, and the storage, use, and handling of the carbon dioxide shall be in accordance with Chapter 23 and NFPA 55 □ Equipment: Gas detection system equipment shall be designed for the use with the gases being detected and shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions ( 916.3)
□ Protection from damage: CO2 systems shall be installed so the storage of tanks, cylinders, piping and fittings are protected from damage by occupants or equipment during normal facility operations. (5307.3.1) □ Power Connections: System shall be permanently connected to the building’s electrical power or shall be permitted to be cord connected to an unswitched receptacle using an approved restraining means that secured the plug to the receptacle.
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□ Emergency and standby power: Shall be provided or the gas detection system shall initiate a trouble signal at an approved location if the power supply is interrupted. (916.5)
□ Sensor Location: CO2 sensors shall be provided within 12 inches (305mm) of the floor in the area where the gas is expected to accumulate or a leak is most likely to occur. (916.6)
□ System activation: A gas detection alarm shall be initiated where any sensor detects a concentration of gas exceeding the following thresholds (916.8) □ For flammable gas, a gas concentration exceeding 25 percent of the lower flammability limit (LFL) □ For non-flammable gases, a gas concentration exceeding the threshold specified by the section of this code requiring a gas detection system. □ Audible and visible alarms associated with a gas detection alarm shall be distinctive from fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm systems □ Fire Alarm System Connections: Gas sensor and detection systems shall not be connected to fire alarm systems unless approved and connected in accordance with the fire alarm equipment manufacturer’s instructions. (916.10) □ Inspections, testing, and calibration: Inspection and testing of gas detection systems shall be conducted not less than annually. (916.11) GAS DETECTION SYSTEMS(5307.4.3) A gas detection system shall be provided in a room or indoor area in which the carbon dioxide enrichment is located, in the room or indoor area in which the container system is located, and in other areas where carbon dioxide is expected to accumulate. □ CO2 sensors shall be provided within 12 inches (305mm) of the floor in the area where the gas is expected to accumulate or a leak is most likely to occur. □ Activation of Low Level Alarm upon detection of a CO2 concentration of 5,000 ppm (9,000 mg/m3). □ Activation of High Level Alarm upon detection of carbon dioxide concentration of 30,000 ppm (54,000 mg/m3). SYSTEM ACTIVATION(5307.4.3.1) Activation of the low level gas detection system alarm shall automatically □ Stop the flow of carbon dioxide to the piping system □ Activate the mechanical exhaust ventilation system 8
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□ Activate an audible and visible supervisory alarm signal at an approved location within the building. Activation of the high level gas detection system shall automatically □ Stop the flow of carbon dioxide to the piping system □ Activate the mechanical exhaust system □ Activate an audible and visible evacuation alarm both inside and outside of the carbon dioxide enrichment area. PRESSURIZATION AND VENTILATION (5307.4.4) A mechanical ventilation system shall be provided in rooms or indoor areas in which carbon dioxide enrichment is provided. The rooms or indoor areas shall be maintained at a negative pressure in relation to the surrounding areas in the building. □ Mechanical ventilation shall be at a rate of not less than 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot. □ When activated by the gas detection system the mechanical ventilation system shall remain on until manually reset. □ The exhaust system intake shall be taken from points 12 inches from the floor. □ Ventilation system piping shall terminate outdoors in an approved location. SIGNAGE (5307.4.5) Hazardous identification signs shall be posted at the entrance to the room and indoor area where CO2 enrichment process is located, and at the entrance to the room or indoor where the CO2 containers are located. □ Minimum of 8” (200mm) wide and 6” (150mm) high indicating □ CAUTION-CARBON DIOXIDE GAS □ Ventilate the area before entering □ A high CO2 gas concentration in this area can cause asphyxiation CONTAINER REFILLING (5307.4.7) □ CO2 containers located indoors shall NOT be refilled from a remote connection located indoors
Fire Safety Plans
How often should the fire safety and evacuation plan be reviewed or updated? -Annually Is my Fire Safety Plan the same as the CUPA contingency plan and Map?
Version 1.3 1/4/18 -Not exactly however some of the required items overlap. As long as your fire safety plans contains all the required information including what is required by CUPA, you may use the same plans for both. This will only work if you are required to obtain a consolidated permit and report in CERS. Do I need to keep a copy of the fire safety and evacuation plan at the location? -Yes. The plan shall be available in the workplace for reference and review by employees, and copies shall be furnished to the fire code official for review upon request. Where can I find more information on requirements of the fire safety plan? -Please refer to the California Fire Code Section 404 Who is going to check my fire safety Plans? -The business is required to keep the plans updated and current. The information on your plans will be confirmed during the annual inspection. What is required in A Fire Safety Plan? 1. The procedure for reporting a fire or other emergency. 2. The life safety strategy including the following: A. Procedures for notifying occupants. B. Procedures for evacuating occupants, including those who need evacuation assistance. 3. Site plans indicating the following A. The occupancy assembly point. B. The locations of fire hydrants. C. The normal routes of fire department vehicle access. 4. Floor plans identifying the locations of the following A. Exits. B. Primary evacuation routes. C. Secondary evacuation routes. D. Accessible egress routes. a. Areas of refuge. b. Exterior areas for assisted rescue. 10
Version 1.3 1/4/18 E. Refuge areas associated with smoke barriers and horizontal exits. F. Manual fire alarm boxes. G. Portable fire extinguishers. H. Occupant-use hose stations. I. Fire alarm annunciators and controls. 5. A list of major fire hazards associated with the normal use and occupancy of the premises, including maintenance and housekeeping procedures. 6. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance of systems and equipment installed to prevent or control fires. 7. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance, housekeeping and controlling fuel hazard sources.