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W W W. L A F O C U S N E W S PA P E R . C O M
Church News: Francine Brookins Gets Key Endorsement In Bid For Bishop PAGE
In these turbulent political times, is the black vote being leveraged to the political and economic advantage of black people? One On One: Kerry Washington On Upcoming Anita Hill HBO Film PAGE
Through The Storm: Boyz II Men Shawn Stockman Is Micah’s Voice
Israel Houghton Sets The Record StraightOn His Divorce, His Official Lakewood Church Status & His New Love SEE PAGE
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April 2016
L.A. Focus Publication
Mikki Taylor, Tisha Campbell-Martin,Naturi Naughton, Fran Burst honored at 'Untold Stories' luncheon during the Black Women Film Summit;Flotus Michelle Obama,Potus Barack Obama pose with President Raul Castro on their historic trip to Cuba; Dr. Elaine Batchlor, CEO Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital was the recent guest of Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Senior Pastor at Holman United Methodist Church.
Commentary Why Voters Are Turning Off...
Kerry Washington
From The Editor Upfront
7 Head To Head 8
Trump Looks To Build Support Among Black Voters; Landlords And Small Biz Push Legislation Against Lawsuit Abuse
The BET Honors
Debating Trump, the KKK & Louis Farrakhan
Headlines From Africa
10 Dollars & Sense 12 Money Matters 13 Inside Hollywood 15 Feature Story
Brokering The Black Vote
15 Calendar/Around LA 16 Red Carpet Style 18 Church News 20 First Lady Files 21 22Pastor Profile One On One
Francine Brookins Gets Key Endorsement in Bid for Bishop; First Ladies Health Initiative
staff Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Staff Writer Contributors
Lisa Collins Stephen Oduntan Larry Elder Bill Jones, Ian Foxx Kisha Smith
Kelly Ellis—Kadee Cakes
Israel Houghton Sets The Record Straight On Adrienne Bailon
Omari Hardwick
With Chez
Mark Whitlock
From The Pulpit
23 Through The Storm 25 Evangelist Manuel Scott
The Alvin Ailey Dance Theater returns to Southern California this month. See our calendar on page 15 for details.
Boyz II Men’s Shawn Stockman Is Micah’s Voice
advisory board Napoleon Brandford Pastor Beverly Crawford Marc T. Little
Photographers Advertising
27 28 Eye On Gospel 29 Saving Grace 30 Finding Your Pretty
Dorcas Waddis
With Bob Blake
Rising Data Breaches Put Californians At Risk
In Good Taste
Siebert, Brandford, Shank & Co. Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church
Cover Graphics by Joseph Anthony Shawn Stockman photo credit: Erik Umphery
Law Offices of Marc T. Little
honorary advisors Bishop Charles Blake Bishop Noel Jones Paradise Baptist Church Dr. Aaron D. Iverso Southern MBC Rev. Xavier L. Thompson F. A.M.E. Church Dr. Cecil Murray Faithful Central Bible Church Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Rev. Melvin Wade Mt. Zion MBC Rev. E.V. Hill II West Angeles C.O.G.I.C. City of Refuge
L.A. Focus–On the Word, is published monthly. Address all correspondence to: L.A. Focus, 333 W. Florence Ave., Suite C333 Inglewood, CA 90301 • (310) 677-6011 Fax: (310) 677-2338 Subscription rates $25.00 per year. Copyright, January 1995 by L.A. Focus Publications. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts/photographs are not accepted, nor shall any responsibility for them be assumed.
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Star Parker Guest Columnist
“Why Voters Are Turning Off”
Although the current colorful, for want of a better word, presidential campaign is attracting attention from voters, indicators are that this attention reflects voters being turned off to the whole process. According to new polling data from Gallup, in the first three months of 2016 the percentage of Asmericans who say they have given "a lot of thought" to the election increased from 63 percent to 71 percent. However, over the same period, the percentage saying they are "extremely or very enthusiastic" about voting dropped from 48 percent to 43 percent. And the current 43 percent who say they are enthusiastic about voting is way down from the 58 percent who expressed enthusiasm in January 2008 about voting in the upcoming presidential election. Additional polling data from Gallup points to the extent to which voters, particularly Republicans, are being turned off. In the first three months of 2016, the percentage of Americans saying they feel "the election process is working as it should" dropped from 37 percent to 30 percent. However, the percentage of Republicans and those "leaning" Republican saying the process is working "as it should" dropped from 46 percent to 30 percent. In January 2000, 57 percent, and in January 2008, 67 percent of Americans said the presidential election process was "working as it should." I am hearing plenty of complaints about the dirt-defined Republican primaries and more and more tell me they are just turning off. But dirt, outrage and even violence are far from new in American political discourse. Going back to the 1850s, we have the infamous incident of Congressman Preston Brooks entering the Senate chamber and beating abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner with a cane after Sumner gave a floor speech, which included a provocative attack on Brooks' pro-slavery Senate colleague from South Carolina, Andrew Butler. In the years that followed shortly thereafter, there was an election in which
From the Editor
Abraham Lincoln was elected president with just 39 percent of the popular vote, then a horrible civil war with more than a half a million killed, and finally the assassination of Abraham Lincoln shortly after his re-election. Or we might look to the sleaze and character assassination campaign in 1991 that Democrats waged to destroy conservative Clarence Thomas in his confirmation hearings for his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. A nation watched in disbelief as the Senate judiciary committee, then chaired by our current Vice President Joe Biden, permitted explicit and vile sexual allegations to be made against Thomas as part of the hearing. Thomas told the committee, "I think this hearing should never occur in America. This is a case in which this sleaze, this dirt, was searched for by staffers of members of this committee, was then leaked to the media, and this body validated it and displayed it in prime time across our entire nation." After Thomas was confirmed by the Senate, he wrote, "Mere confirmation, even to the Supreme Court, seemed pitifully small compensation for what had been done to me." So mud, or even violence, is not new to our political scene. But we do have something new now, which is causing many voters to shut down. In the past, attacks were motivated by differences in ideas, principles and beliefs. The systematic personal attacks orchestrated by Donald Trump against his Republican opponents, each in order as they have posed challenges to him — Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and now Ted Cruz — have had little or nothing to do with differences in principles, ideas or beliefs. Trump's campaign isn't about ideas but about personal accumulation of power through character assassination of other candidates. This is a sign of how low we are descending and not about how great we can become. No wonder so many voters are turning off. Star Parker is an author and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at
Just To Save Ourselves
The beauty of empowerment is that it can not only save us, but ensure our successes. The same principle applies with political empowerment and making our votes count for something. The same is true as well of economic empowerment about which, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “We don't have to argue with anybody. We don't have to curse and go around acting bad with our words. We don't need any bricks and bottles. We don't need any Molotov cocktails. We just need to go around to these stores, and to these massive industries in our country, and say, "God sent us by here, to say to you that you're not treating his children right. And we've come by here to ask you to make the first item on your agenda fair treatment, where God's children are concerned. Now, if you are not prepared to do that, we do have an agenda that we must follow. And our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you." So much is at stake in this year’s elections and yet, at the same time, so little seems to be possible in a politically charged atmosphere where candidates have resorted to playing the dozens and trading insults about their wives and then, when checked, pointing fingers, and even resorting to the explanation of a five year old— ‘he started it.’ The real issues have gotten lost in personality clashes and the backroom party squabbles that have all too often become fodder for the media in their quest for ratings. Those of us struggling to make ends meet and or keep our businesses afloat are left to scratch our heads and wonder if these people can’t keep it together on the campaign trail, what will they do in the White House. And what must other nations be thinking when they tune in to CNN. In the meantime, our agenda must be empowering each other with our dollars, with our words, with our love and with our talents, understanding that the real power lies in what we do together. In the words of an old African proverbs, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Keep the faith.
L.A. Focus/April 2016
f you’re in the back seat of a truck and you don’t like the driver and the car’s going over the cliff, don’t take solace in the fact that he’s going over the cliff, because he isn’t going to push a button and eject you. You’ll have to save the driver just to save yourself…We’ve always had the paradoxical burden of fighting to save the nation just to save ourselves.” Those were the words of then presidential candidate Jesse Jackson back in 1988. It was a speech on empowerment. “Real politics,” he said, “is not about providing for you. It is about empowering you so that you can provide for yourself”. Empowerment is not only key to survival, but is essential to success. There is power in numbers and in coalescing with others in the attainment of a common goal. See our cover story on page 10. During my tenure as the gospel columnist for Billboard Magazine, two friends and I formed a powerful coalition. One, Vicki Mack Lataillade went on to form GospoCentric Records and forge the most successful string of hits the gospel industry has ever recorded with artists like Kirk Franklin, Kurt Carr and Byron Cage. The other, Teresa Hairston, went on to establish Gospel Today Magazine, and well you know what happened with me. But during the early years of Teresa’s publications, there was a white businessman who decided he was going to put her out of business as he forged what he called a publication of greater quality (I’m putting it nicely) aimed at the same consumer demographic. When we got wind of what he was trying to do, we called all the gospel record labels and artists, told them what was going on and decided we weren’t going to let it happen. I’ll never forget Marvin Winans calling me up—with the gentleman on the other line —and stating I just want to say for the record, the Winans will never be appearing in your magazine, so please take us off your cover. Needless to say, the venture—though fully financed—never got off the ground. Now, to be honest, we banded together as much for ourselves as for Teresa. One because we wanted to support each other and build a resource base we would be able to tap into when we needed. Two, because if we allowed that to happen to her, then others might allow it to happen to us, hence we were saving ourselves.
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UpFront Trump Looks To Build Support Among Black Voters
f he can survive his latest blunder over penalizing women for having abortions, Donald J. Trump (DJT) could very well be the GOP nominee in the fall—particularly if his message with illegal immigration galvanizes the African-American voter base. Though it might be a stretch for most to think that a significant number of black voters could share the same sentiments as Trump, the numbers just might tell a different story. “Americans care about two main issues right now, jobs and the economy, and on both fronts DJT has shown that he would be quite effective,” said Omarosa Manigault, who met Trump during the inaugural season of “The Apprentice” and has thrown her support behind the Teflon billionaire. The former Apprentice star turned ordained minister told L.A. Focus that Trump has attracted a great deal of support from many influential AfricanAmerican pastors and religious leaders. “I know of a plethora of others who support DJT, but most notable are the African-American faith leaders who stood with us in Dec. at Trump Tower with DJT to proudly show our support for his campaign to be president of the United States.” Fact is, —despite Trump’s hardline, controversial rhetoric and heated reaction from critics who label him a racist, pathological narcissist unfit to be president of the U.S.—he commands 12 percent of the black vote nationally, according to one recent poll, and if that trend gains strength, he could end up with the highest percentage of black votes since Ronald Reagan in 1980 who won 14 percent of that bloc of voters. “Trump runs away with the Republican
nomination and does better than expected with minority populations, said conservative political pundit Ann Coulter. “Particularly because blacks are deeply impacted by illegal immigrants who take jobs away from them.” Still, his position on illegal immigration—no matter how extreme—could potentially lure large numbers of black voters to the ballot box in the months ahead. At least that seems to be the view some prominent pundits are putting forth like veteran TV journalist Geraldo Rivera, who made a bold prediction during a segment that aired recently on ‘The O’Reilly Factor,’ in which he said, “I predict Trump may get as much as 25 percent of the African-American vote.” Part of his reasoning Rivera explained is that “the immigrants perceived by black Americans to being in direct competition to [sic] them.” While undocumented immigrants competing with African-Americans for jobs in the low-skilled labor market has become a hot-button issue in this election cycle, one problem Trump might have that could hinder support among black voters has to do with his past, which is littered with racially charged problematic statements. Trump’s history with AfricanAmericans include charges that he once said laziness was “a trait in blacks.” Then during a February interview on CNN, Trump was hesitant to unequivocally disavow the Ku Klux Klan and one of its better-known current figures, David Duke. Also, Trump famously led the birther charge against President Barack Obama in which he claimed Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. and thus ineligible for the presidency. Defending Trump, Omarosa blamed
STAFF California Black Media
ing the tenant to share details of any habitability concerns when responding to the lawsuit (prior to appearing in court) and specify if they have contacted the owner or code enforcement about the problems Similarly, Assembly member Don Wagner (R-Irvine) introduced Assembly Bill 1948, which included provisions to help limit predatory lawsuits brought against businesses. AB 54, introduced by Minority Leader Kristen Olsen (R-Modesto) and coauthored by Adam Gray (D-Merced), seeks to modify existing requirements for the reporting of information about demand letters and complaints to the California Commission on Disability Access regarding construction-related accessibility cases and AB 52, introduced by Gray addresses issues around construction-related accessibility claims. “Businesses, large and small, are being targeted and sued for technical violations from wage-an-hour, disability access to environmental laws,” says Ken Barnes executive director, California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. “People who bring forth the suits know businesses are likely to settle because of the cost of litigation. The business can either spend tens of thousands of dollars to defend themselves or cut their losses and settle for huge sums of money. Either way, attorneys win and we all lose.”
News Briefs Golden State to Raise Legal Age of Smoking To 21 California could become the second state in the nation to raise the legal age for tobacco consumption to 21. A package of tobacco control bills passed the Assembly floor on March 3 causing uproar amongst the parties. Senate Bill 7 increases the age of sale for tobacco from 18 to 21, and SB 5 regulates e-cigarettes as tobacco products. Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg), the author of SB 7, said it’s estimated that nearly all smokers begin smoking before the age of 21. “Adolescent brains are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of nicotine and nicotine addiction,” Wood said. “Fewer smokers means healthier people; healthier people means we spend less money on healthcare. The only loser in this equation is the tobacco companies and, in my opinion; they have won for long enough.” Supervisor Scott Wiener, chief sponsor of the legislation, said raising the age will discourage young people from turning into lifelong smokers. The nation's largest tobacco company Altria Group, Inc., opposed the legislation and wanted the Food and Drug Administration to provide scientific findings to Congress before states consider legislative proposals. “We believe states and localities should defer to this process and give the FDA and Congress the opportunity to evaluate this issue before enacting different minimum age laws,” spokesman David Sutton said.
Gov. Brown Proposes to Slash Prop. 47 Prop 47, one year out has reduced the prison population by 27 percent and tens of thousands of people—no matter how old their convictions—and have changed their records and lives. But it could be a victory short-lived for Prop 47 beneficiaries and proponents as Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed a state budget that would gut the historic criminal justice reform law by slashing its funding from $150 million to $29 million. Brown also proposed $250 million for prison expansion. Alberto Retana, President of Community Coalition, says, “The governor has betrayed voters’ desire to end decades of racialized mass incarceration and wasteful prison spending.” Advocates across the state are preparing to combat the governor’s cut. The reduction in the prison population has saved the state $150 million in the first year, argue opponents, and that Brown’s $29 million doesn’t take into account prison, judicial and hospital savings. “When there’s disinvestment in communities hit hard by mass incarceration, it will push people to their limits, and they will commit criminal activities to survive,” said Susan Burton, founder of A New Way of Life Re-entry Project. A New Way of Life Re-entry Project has helped thousands of formerly incarcerated women integrate back into society.
L.A. Focus/April 2016
assistance program in ways that are abusive, causing small landlords to prolong costly eviction processes which, on average, cost the property owners about $10,000. Douglas says she witnessed this tenant stay in the home without paying rent for over six months and even had their record sealed from the eviction as part of the settlement. “I am sorry maybe there is legitimacy in some of these cases, but this case was not one of them”, said Douglas. Several legislators have introduced bills that small business owners hope will fix problems like this. AB 2003 or the Unlawful Detainer Reform Bill, according to Assembly Member Tom Lackey (RPalmdale), will address issues by requir-
Staff Writer
Hilary Clinton for initially spreading the theory that Obama was not born in the U.S. “It is critically important to note,” said Omarosa, “that (as reported in the Washington Post) the Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her supporters. This is not an issue that was created by DJT. “African Americans should know the truth of where this issue began,” Omarosa continued, “and how in 2008 during her campaign Hillary Clinton boldly exploited Barack Obama's ‘otherness’ and questioned his birthplace. “Certainly both candidates should be held responsible,” she concluded, “Clinton for starting such a salacious rumor and DJT for following her lead and not recognizing it was, in fact, untrue.” Interestingly enough, Trump’s appeal has genuinely perplexed many political experts who say he has rewritten the rulebook on how to run for president. “Donald Trump ain’t like the rest of them fake [explicit] politicians, and that’s why I’m voting for him,” said one African-American man selling Trump Tshirts on Ventura Boulevard near the 101 freeway. Barbara Caiquo, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Ghana and an assistant physician at Los Angeles County Hospital, said she admires Trump’s “determination despite some of his controversial statements.” “If Donald Trump becomes the next president, he can bring jobs back. He will accomplish this as long as he has a congress that would work with him.”
Landlords, Small Biz Push Lawsuit Abuse Legislation Patricia Douglas, an African-American real estate business owner from Inglewood, came to Sacramento last week with over 200 other small business owners to urging lawmakers to offer them some relief from what they describe as lawsuit abuse. “I came to Sacramento to speak with members in the legislature to share what I see is becoming a trend with property owners who are being taken advantage of by tenants in the eviction process,” said Douglas. At the rally in front of the capitol, Douglas shared the story of one of her clients who rents a single-family home and issued a rent increase of $40.00, which she said amounted to about a three percent adjustment. Instead of paying the rent, the tenant sought legal counsel from the “Shriver legal non-profit” forcing the landlord to begin the eviction process. According to the court’s web site, the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act, AB 590, a law enacted in 2009 and received $9.5 million per year since July 2011 for seven pilot programs administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts providing legal representation to a selected number of low-income Californians hoping to address critical legal issues affecting basic human needs. Now, Douglas says, the “Shriver Law” legal help center may be using its legal
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Debating Trump, The KKK & Louis Farrakhan
onald Trump campaign And as the angry white Donald Trump’ s men do their thing at his rallies are a lot like Coke Zero. Die-hard supporters Campaign Stops Are rallies, Trump is even of Trump get a rich taste of of a Klan Rallies Sans The embracing white supremagood ol’ fashion white supremacist media as well. His Sheets cist rallies, but without the guilt campaign gave press creand public shaming. The fact that he’s the dentials and VIP access to a white leading GOP candidate for President of the supremacist radio host named James United States is great cover. Mainstream Edwards to interview Donald Trump, Jr. media often brushes over his flock with Edwards’ show, “The Political Cesspool” is terms likes “working-class whites,” but the described by the Southern Poverty Law word ‘bigots’ is more befitting. Center as “a racist, It’s time to call the bullsh*t. You can’t anti-Semitic radio eat an entire sh*t sandwich and convinc- show” which “has feaingly say you do it because you like lettuce. tured a wide roster of There are no redeemable policy details white supremacists, that Trump presents that would tempt anti-Semites and other any racially-tolerant person to sit through extremists, such as the his hate-flaming stump speeches. longtime Klan leader Trump is the face of America’s new David Duke and white nationalist movement. Believe it. He Holocaust denier provides legitimacy and cover to people Willis Carto. Its mis- David A. Love who share his racist, xenophobic and sion statement says it ‘stands for the Islamophobic sentiments, and need a place Dispossessed Majority’ and is ‘pro-white.’” to congregate. Almost 20% of Donald Donald Trump says he wants to make Trump supporters admitted that they dis- America great again, and these rallies give agreed with the freeing of slaves in the you a glimpse of what he has in mind. South after the end of the Civil War, Now, a new generation of white supremaaccording to a YouGov poll. cists has a demagogue who understands There is a reason why the Donald has their frustrations, and is providing them been slow to condemn the KKK and its for- with a venue to vent and unleash their mer grand wizard David Duke, who hatred against black people–particularly endorsed Trump, declaring to white people those #BlackLivesMatter that a vote against the GOP presidential activists–Mexican immigrants, Muslims candidate “is treason against your her- and others who are not the real itage.” Trump claimed he knew nothing Americans. It does not take much of a about Duke, who, along with other white stretch to say that someone is going to get supremacist groups are endorsing him, hurt, and things will get uglier than they even sending out get-out-the-vote robocalls already have. for election day. Hitler had his Brown Shirts, and And the angry white racists are heeding Trump has his. Trump needs these peothe call. ple, and they need him. On Monday, black students were ejected from two Trump rallies, the first at Radford University in Virginia. The students were thrown out by security after they began chanting: “No more hate! No more hate! Let’s be equal, let’s be great!” Moreover, a Time magazine photographer was violently thrown to the ground by one of Trump’s security, reportedly a U.S. Secret Service agent. And later that day, at Valdosta State University in Georgia, 30 to 40 predominantly black students were kicked out of a Trump rally, apparently due to blackness. At a Trump event in Louisville, Kentucky, a mob of white thugs shoved and manhandled a young black woman.
Headlines From Africa Angola: A court in Angola jailed 17 young activists last month to terms of two to eight years after they organized a public reading of the book, From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation. Officials charge that the group—led by rapper activist Luaty Beirao—planned to overthrow president Jose Eduardo dos Santos at a book club meeting. Benin: With 67% of the vote, businessman and cotton tycoon Patrice Talon was elected President of the West African nation. Election observer teams from the African Union and Economic Community of West African States declared the elections that were held last month to be peaceful.
L.A. Focus/April 2016
Burundi: Genocide Watch is warning that a genocide is under preparation in Burundi and that the United Nations may already be too late to prevent it. Up to 900 have already been killed since President Pierre Nkurunziza took office for a controversial third term many in the nation feel violated the constitution. After a failed coup, the government intensified its crackdown on protesters and opposition groups. Congo: Denver businessman Emmanuel Weyi has thrown his hat in the middle of a presidential campaign to become the leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Weyi, who was born in Congo, has served as a tribal chief in the country for the past several years and travels there a great deal for his mining business. Djibouti: Tensions continue to mount in the nation that has been in a state of emergency since November in light of the upcoming April 8 election in which incumbent President Ismail Guelleh will seek a fourth term. Opposition groups have called for a boycott of the election. Ethiopia: To combat disease-ridden tsetse flies in Africa, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is enlisting heavyduty drones carrying temperature controlled pods, each containing a swarm of sterile male insects intended to mate with the flies, but producing no offspring which will significantly reduce the tsetse fly population
ormer Grand presidential candidates" of Wizard of the KKK "seeming ambivalence about Trump Asked to David Duke recent- Denounce David Duke David Duke and the KKK." ly made positive comments Paul Ryan, the Republican about Republican front- -- But Not Farrakhan? speaker of the House, also hit runner Donald Trump. He Trump for his insufficient did not endorse Trump's candidacy. But it rejection of Duke's supportive words. And, came close enough for Trump's critics — of course, Democratic presidential frontwithin and without his party — to hammer runner Hillary Clinton, race card at the him for failing to issue an immediate and ready, weighed in, saying: "I was very dissufficiently full-throated denunciation of appointed that he did not disavow what Duke. appears to be support from David Duke "Voting for these and from the Ku Klux Klan." people, voting Meanwhile, another well-known antiagainst Donald Semite also expressed positive feelings Trump at this point, towards Donald Trump. The Nation of is really treason to Islam's Minister Louis Farrakhan said: your heritage," said "(Trump) is the only member who has Duke on his radio stood in front of (the) Jewish community program a couple and said, 'I don't want your money.' weeks ago. "I'm not Anytime a man can say to those who conLarry Elder saying I endorse trol the politics of America, 'I don't want everything about Trump. In fact, I haven't your money,' that means you can't control formally endorsed him. But I do support me. And they cannot afford to give up conhis candidacy, and I support voting for him trol of the presidents of the United States. as a strategic action. I hope he does every- ... Not that I'm for Mr. Trump, but I like thing we hope he will do." what I'm looking at." CNN's Jake Tapper asked Trump to Did the Democratic National "unequivocally condemn" Duke. Trump Committee or Hillary Clinton, or even replied: " Well, just so you understand, I Messrs. McConnell and Ryan, call for a don't know anything about David Duke. denunciation of Farrakhan? The AntiOK? I don't know anything about what Defamation League posts a laundry list of you're even talking about with white Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments, supremacy or white supremacists. So, I including that "Judaism is nothing more don't know. I don't know, did he endorse than a 'deceptive lie' and a 'theological me or what's going on, because, you know, error' promoted by Jews to further their I know nothing about David Duke. I know supposed control over America's governnothing about white supremacists. And so ment and economy." And about Judaism, you're asking me a question that I'm sup- Farrakhan once called it a "gutter reliposed to be talking about people that I gion," while praising Adolph Hitler. know nothing about." A white anti-Semitic racist bigot must Tapper reframed his question: "But I be denounced, but a black one enjoys a noguess the question from the Anti- fly zone? Defamation League is, even if you don't Speaking of double standards, both know about their endorsement, there are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton these groups and individuals endorsing aggressively pursue the endorsement of you. Would you just say unequivocally you the Rev. Al Sharpton. Sharpton once called condemn them and you don't want their Jews "diamond merchants" and helped fan support?" the flames during the Crown Heights riots, Never mind that Donald Trump, just which pitted blacks against Jews. days earlier, said about David Duke: Captured on tape, Sharpton bellowed, "If "David Duke endorsed me? Ok. All right. I the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin disavow." Or that in 2000 Trump said: their yarmulkes back and come over to my "The Reform Party now includes a house." Sharpton also called whites who Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. moved into Harlem "interlopers." Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. President Barack Obama, for his reThis is not company I wish to keep." election campaign of 2012, received the Republican Senate Majority Leader endorsement of the Communist Party of Mitch McConnell chastised "one of our the USA. One of their publications said:
A look at current news from the continent of Africa Guinea: Opposition leaders are calling on a second general strike to protest against the high cost of living and the government’s refusal to cut fuel prices. Tens of thousands of workers took part in a similar strike in February that lasted five days, closing factories, retailers, banks and offices in the capital city of Conakry and other major towns. Mozambique: Giant trained rats are being used to detect tuberculosis (TB) among inmates in crowded prisons in Tanzania and Mozambique. Prisons are “considered incubators of tuberculosis due to their high populations and confined conditions”, according to Apopo, a Belgian non-governmental group that has been training African Giant Pouched Rats to carry out the mass screenings. Niger: The United Nations reports that a total of 736 cases of meningitis have been officially recorded in Niger so far this year, including 61 deaths. Last December, the World Health Organization warned of a risk of fresh meningitis outbreaks in 2016 in Africa, particularly in Niger and Nigeria. The majority of the cases involved children. The UN has teamed with Doctors Without Borders to launch mass vaccinations. Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma has refused to sign a bill legalizing abortion, saying it should be put to a referendum. The law would allow women to terminate a pregnancy in any circumstances up to 12 weeks and in cases of incest, rape and foetal impairment up to 24 weeks. Abortion is currently illegal in Sierra Leone under any circumstances. South Africa: South Africa's top is set to rule on whether President Jacob Zuma must repay the state some of $16 million spent upgrading his private home, a ruling that could hit the scandal-plagued leader politically as well as financially. Tanzania: Keeping his promise to cut wasteful public expenditures, Tanzanian President John Magufuli has said he will slash the salaries of senior civil servants, cutting the top wage threshold by almost two-thirds. He told supporters that it was shameful that some top officials were earning $18,000 a month, while others were paid as little as $140, adding that those not ready to accept the new $7,000 monthly wage limit should "start looking for alternative jobs.
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Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Agenda Comes With Huge Pricetag
efore thrusting himself onto the national political stage, Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders became widely known in Vermont politics for his relentless effort to bring socialism into mainstream politics. The outspoken leftist, who has proven to be a formidable contender in the Democratic race, believes in establishing a government that represents all the people—not just the wealthiest people. “Do the American people agree that public colleges and universities should be tuition-free as they are in many other countries? Do the American people agree that the largest corporations and the wealthiest people, who today are doing phenomenally well while the middle-class shrinks; do people believe they should have to pay more in taxes? The American people say yes.” Even as his message is catching on in the primaries, a growing number of political observers are pessimistic of Sanders’ political ideology—dubbed Democrat socialism—partly because they feel it is vertically impossible to pay for many of the campaign proposals he has made like the Single-Payer Healthcare program or make public colleges and universities tuition-free. The price tag on free college tuition alone could cost taxpayers $70 billion annually, according to estimates by some respected financial analysts. Experts also say his signature Medicare for all singlepayer healthcare plan would add $15 trillion to the national debt. Opinionated comedian and political commentator Bill Maher, himself a staunch liberal said there’s just no way raising taxes for the top one percent of
If the American people elect him, he’s gonna tax you people 90 percent; he’s gonna take everything!
Americans could pay for all his programs. “The tax revenue we would get just from taxing the people your fans think you’re talking about, the people who own a yacht, does not come close to covering what you want to pay for,” said Maher. Although this may be true, the selfdescribed “Democratic Socialist” remains adamant the United States should adopt policies similar to those of Scandinavian countries that provide education and healthcare for free. “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, Sweden and Norway,” said Sanders “and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people.” Sanders’s equality for all message resonates particularly with young voters who flock to him like moths to a porch light. “Bernie Sanders’ is awesome, he’s the purist of all the presidential candidates in the race,” said Shelby Mack, an undergraduate student in Sociology at UC Berkley. “I just love how he is pushing for free education and how he is going to have the top one percent pay for it. “Also, as a young black woman, I am deeply moved by the fact that Bernie Sanders marched for civil rights in the 1960s. I admire him for that.”
As a student at the University of Chicago, Sanders said he was involved in the Congress on Racial Equality and has often stated he was actively involved in the civil rights movement. But Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), often called “one o the most courageous persons the civil rights movement ever produced, dismissed Sanders civil rights credentials. “I never saw him,” Lewis said. “I never met him.” In any event, the longtime Vermont senator who called income inequality “the great moral issue of our time,” listed universal health care, campaign finance reform and climate change as key issues in his progressive agenda. Other items on his campaign platform include raising the minimum wage to $15, closing the gender gap, imposing new taxes on corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy; and investing $1 trillion over five years to rebuild infrastructure. “America once led the world in building and maintaining a nationwide network of safe and reliable bridges and roads. Today, nearly a quarter of the nation’s 600,000 bridges have been designated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Let’s rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Let’s make our country safer and more efficient. Let’s put millions of Americans back to work,” Sanders said. Despite his good intentions, Sanders faces an uphill battle selling the Scandinavian political model to mainstream Americans who are already skeptical of big government. In the American lexicon, socialism has a negative connotation. Moreover, aside from millenniums, half of Americans say they would not vote for him, according to a 2015 Gallup poll.
STEPHEN ODUNTAN Staff Writer This partly because people often confuse democratic socialism with even other more extreme forms of government, according to Joel. D. Aberbach, a political science professor at UCLA. “Americans identify socialism with a large commanding bureaucracy, in that it’s a form of government that places restrictions on people; telling them what they can and cannot do,” Aberbach told L.A. Focus. “In the U.S., he added, “there’s a tradition of individualism, and so people react negatively to socialism or anything remotely reminiscent of it.” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump confirmed the general aversion to socialism when he said, "I call [Sanders] a socialist-slash-communist because that’s what he is. “If the American people elect him,” the New York billionaire continued, “he’s gonna tax you people 90 percent; he’s gonna take everything!" Fox News political commentator Bill O’Reilly believes Americans should learn from Greece as a textbook example of failed socialist policies. “Greece is bankrupt because of their socialistic policies, and it all comes back to the same thing, private enterprise being strangled by big government spending and regulations,” O’Reilly noted. “Entitlements, free stuff, giving people the means to live – giving it to them, rather than having them earn their way.” Still, Sanders paces the field in popularity among young voters. “I like Sanders’ plans,” one college student observed, “but I don’t know how he’s gonna pay for them, so I’m undecided for now.”
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Ending a bruising battle to the finish, Ronald Reagan, after narrowly losing the Republican nomination in 1976, addressed a crowd of conservatives in Washington, D.C. and delivered this speech: “The New Republican party I envision is still going to be the party of Lincoln and that means we are going to have to come to grips with what I consider to be a major failing of the party: its failure to attract the majority of black voters. “It’s time black America and the New Republican party move toward each other and create a situation in which no black vote can be taken for granted.” In hindsight, perhaps it was a little too late to sway the black vote, but Reagan’s speech helped confirm the black electorate’s importance to the democratic process. It is a vote that has become important enough the GOP has focused on expanding it beyond single digits for decades, and the Democrats, on the other hand, are heavily dependent on the black vote to the point it has become a political lifeline. The Rev. Jesse Jackson sees it, as candidates across all political parties should be held accountable to their words and actions—especially on the campaign trail. The first viable African-American candidate for president blamed both parties for the huge economic disparities between white and black families. President Barack Obama’s tight-race victory in 2012 was widely attributed to the black vote where AfricanAmerican turnout was even with the white turnout, according to exit polls. Rev. Al Sharpton told L.A. Focus the black vote puts African-American in the driver’s seat—because they have an opportunity to have a seat at the table and make sure the work they have been fighting and organizing for is front and center. “Black voters made up more than 13 percent of all voters in the 2012 election, and they gave Obama 93 percent of their vote. If you think about it, the Black vote was almost the margin of victory in 2012. I guarantee that the candidates understand the power we wield as Black
I’ve never known a time when the black vote couldn’t be more important than it is today with all the theatrics going on in this election season. Although we live in the greatest country in the world, our country is at risk. There’s a whole different kind of people who are seeking to lead our country.
voters. “It is why, continued Sharpton, “You’ve got to be able to energize the base and turn people out to win. That means speaking to the issues we as Black voters care about.” There’s no question, said Sharpton, the black vote has aided Democrats enormously. “Look at how the “Black vote carried Hillary in the South—look at South Carolina and Virginia, and look at the results in Cook County in Chicago,” he said. Sharpton, who over the years has morphed into a political power broker, met with Democratic presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders—both of whom are seeking his endorsement. Asked what were some of the issues discussed, Sharpton replied, “The issues Black folks deal with every day—it’s ban the box; it’s police and criminal justice reform; it’s the safety of their children. He said it is critical people understand what could happen if African-American voters take a step back in 2016 and turnout is low. “I’m worried Black voters don’t see the potential future in front of them—a Supreme Court justice, affirmative action, voting rights if we don’t speak up and make sure candidates know that our votes matter, we’ll lose decades of progress. “The Black vote is as important as ever, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t understand the electoral system or the true power of a mobilized, organized, Black voter bloc.” Minnie Hadley-Hempstead, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP, agrees and said, “I’ve never known a time when the black vote couldn’t be more important than it is today with all the theatrics going on in this election season. “Although we live in the greatest country in the world, our country is at risk. There’s a whole different kind of people who are seeking to lead our country. “My advice to black voters,” Hadley-Hempstead added, “is they should be informed on the issues. They
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should vote for the candidate that has his or hers best interest. “I for one would certainly not vote for someone who encourages violence at his rallies,” – a reference to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump instigating his supporters to punch protesters, and boasting if they got arrested, he’d pay their legal fees. But no matter who ends up getting the bulk of the black vote, some argue too often brutally flawed candidates make broad appeals to African American voters just to get the vote. Moreover, they blame black political elites who continue to play the role of gatekeeper. “Current and prior generations of the black intelligentsia, like Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, and Michele Alexander, compete to define the best political choice for ALL black Americans, usually on the terms of racial disparity or specific pet issues,” writes Jason Lee in an article titled Wake Up! Both Democratic Candidates are Using the Same Tired Gimmicks to Get Black Votes. This says the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is
why they have decided not to endorse a presidential candidate in the 2016 election. “Without an agenda and a set of demands, we don’t get anything in return,” BLM activist Greg Akili told L.A. Focus. “And that’s part of the reason BLM has decided not to endorse any of the candidates. There has to be a set of demands. “Making a set of demands is a unique stance to take,” Akili explained, citing Latino and marriage equality as prime examples. “Latinos are putting forth a demand for an immigration policy that is fair and inclusive. They’ve seen significant gains in their pursuit of immigration reforms. “The same with marriage equality in which gay couples fought for same-sex marriage, and now it is the law of the land. In fact, marriage equality was advanced at a time when it might have been unpopular.” The BLM activist believes black leaders often confuse their acceptance into elite white circles as some kind of advancement. It might have some advantages, but there’s no evidence it translates down to public policy.
“As the [militant] human rights activist Malcolm X once said, ‘Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate.’ “We assume sitting at the table is good enough. Well, it isn’t. We have to have a set of demands, and those demands have to reflect the people’s interest. Asked what specifically are BLM demands, Akili listed five main ones in particular: education, income inequality, mass incarceration policy reforms, an end to police violence, health disparities, and a sixth one, under employment. With this in mind, some might ponder why black voters haven’t warmed up to Sanders given the fact his campaigned about eliminating domestic poverty. Although some black leaders in Vermont say Sanders had ignored their concerns before he started running for president, reducing income inequality has been at the center of the Vermont senator’s Democratic presidential campaign. “The issue of wealth and income inequality, to my mind, is the great moral issue of our time. It is the great-
L-R: Hillary Clinton with Rev. Al Sharpton; Black Lives Matter protester being arrested at Trump Rally; Rev. Jesse Jackson with former Preseident Bill Clinton est economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time,” Sanders proclaimed. Nonetheless, repeated polling (including exit polls of individuals who have actually voted in primary elections in recent months) shows that Sanders’ supporters are overwhelmingly white and that black voters are unlikely to vote for him. Additionally, while some have called Trump, an unrepentant hateful bigot, the cruel irony is that low black voter turnout could spell disaster for the Democrats as it could help propel the undisputed GOP frontrunner to ultimate victory in the fall. Since the black electorate mostly votes for Democrats and turned out at unprecedented levels to support Obama in 2008 and 2012; the burning question is can the Democrat nominee energize potential black voters enough to cast ballots in the hopes of defeating the Republicans in 2016? Fact is black voters hold an unusual position in American politics; a reality that both parties understand well, and why the black vote arguably matters more than any other electoral group in the 2016 election. Marcus Hunter, an assistant professor of sociology and African American Studies at UCLA said the black minority vote is often the deciding factor in a general election. “America’s white electorate tends to be evenly split,” said Hunter. “And so there’s always greater focus on gaining minority voters because they often tip the scale. They carry the ultimate swing vote.” Meanwhile, no Republican presidential candidate has received more than 40 percent of the black vote since 1936. In 2014, in the midterm elections, only 11 percent of black voters identified as Republican — the lowest percentage of any minority group, according to Pew Research Center. Until the “Great Depression” of the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, blacks had shown their traditional loyalty to the party of Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party. In the decade before 1948, blacks identifying themselves as Republicans were about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats. By 1948, the number of blacks that identified as Democrats increased as Real Clear Politics' Jay Cost wrote a few years ago that “Democrat Harry Truman made an explicit appeal for new civil rights measures from Congress, including voter protections, a federal ban on lynching and bolstering existing civil rights laws.” “Leave the dark lights of states’ rights and enter the bright lights of civil rights,” pleaded Truman, who himself was once an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. Still, it was the election of Roosevelt in 1932 that
marked the beginning of change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Mary McLeod Bethune, who became a special advisor to Roosevelt on minority affairs once, noted the Roosevelt era represented “the first time in their history” that African Americans felt that they could communicate their grievances to their government with the “expectancy of sympathetic understanding and interpretation.” W.E.B. Du Bois the eminent scholar and co-founder of the NAACP agreed saying that Roosevelt "gave the American Negro a kind of recognition in political life which the Negro had never before received." Nonetheless, it was during the New Deal era that racism, a problem firmly entrenched in American society became fully exposed, as a national issue the country could no longer pretend did not exist. In any event, the power of the black vote was cemented with the election of President John F. Kennedy, who historians say won more than 70 percent of the AfricanAmerican vote—and would not have won had African Americans not turned out in droves to vote for him. At the same time, many pundits—particularly conservative pundits—question, why generation after generation of black voters have allowed the Democrats to hold their vote hostage despite the fact it was the Democrats, the party founded in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson, was the pro-slavery party and fought the Civil War against Republicans to preserve slavery. Even George Wallace—an old school Democrat as were most Jim Crow-era leaders—ended his political career as governor for an unprecedented fourth term in 1982 with overwhelming support from black voters. During his 1963 inaugural address, Wallace, who in later years repudiated racism, stood on the steps of the Alabama Capitol as the state’s new governor and delivered one of the most vehement rallying cries against racial inequality in American history. "In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, he declared during the inauguration speech written by Ku Klux Klan leader Asa Carter, "I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say: segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” Over time, the Democrats' slow but steady embrace of the civil rights movement, and the GOP’s often criticized strategic communication choices about the black experience in America have seen blacks voting for the Democrats in wholesale numbers. “The issues the Democrats talk about are more compatible with African Americans, said NAACP’s president
Hadley-Hempstead. “At least, they aren’t as divisive as the Republican base that talks about building walls. They must think all Latino people come from Mexico. “That kind of divisive rhetoric aimed specifically at minorities is just one of the reasons blacks tend to vote Democrat.” When the history of the 2016 Democratic primary is written, if Hillary Clinton ultimately becomes the party nominee, it will show that Sanders’ tragic presidential campaign moment occurred in South Carolina, where Clinton annihilated him by 49 percent, winning the African American vote by an astonishing 47.5 points. Black voters have been remarkably loyal to the Clintons for more than 25 years. The love affair stems partly from the fact many people view the Clinton years as good times for black America. But at the same time, some critics deem two of the most famous Clinton-era legislative achievements a failure for black America. Alexander, for instance, cites the 1994 crime bill and the 1996 welfare reform bill as evidence that the Clinton presidency was, in fact, a disaster for black Americans. She’s not alone. Peter Edelman, an assistant at the Department of Health and Human Services who worked on poverty issues, resigned because of his opposition to the bill. Ultimately it would "hurt millions of poor children," he said. The Clinton Administration years might be known for appointing a record number of blacks to key government positions; a booming stock market, job growth, and median household income in African American households increasing by 25 percent, however Alexander points out that "the jobless rate among black men in their 20s who didn't have a college degree rose to its highest level ever." Why? High incarceration rates. For this reason, Alexander repeatedly asks, "What have the Clintons done to earn such devotion? Did they take extreme political risks to defend the rights of African Americans?" the author of The New Jim Crow asks. "Did they courageously stand up to right-wing demagoguery about black communities? Did they help usher in a new era of hope and prosperity for neighborhoods devastated by deindustrialization, globalization, and the disappearance of work? “To say someone deserves the black vote, suggests that someone is entitled to it or has a right to it. I don’t think any candidate has a right to the black vote. Frankly, with the possible exception of Lyndon Johnson in 1964 (after the passage of the Civil Rights Act) and Rev. Jesse Jackson (after his history of activism) I don’t think any Democrat (or Republican) for that matter. What has either Hilary or Bernie done to ‘deserve’ the black vote?”
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Dollars and ense You’ve seen them on the streets as they carried signs of loved ones who have passed on placards and go from car to car soliciting donations to bury loved ones— young and old—who have passed suddenly with no means to cover burial costs. Often, you wonder about their stories. They are stories I hear everyday. The irony is that you would be surprised at how little one can pay on a monthly basis to avoid being in the situation with the purchase of a life insurance policy. That’s why, this month I wanted to have a conversation about life insurance. It is, hands down, the most under-used investment for people of color, in many cases, determining if you can continue your lifestyle or deal with the setbacks that come with oss of income and or disability. Years ago I had a lady who purchased a life insurance policy on her two sons. One child was an amazing athlete who had over 100 scholarship offers to play football and had been accepted to USC on a full scholarship. On his way home from school one day he had a flat tire on Crenshaw Blvd. Because he did not have the lock key for his rims, he had to call for assistance and wait until someone could bring him the lock. Alas, the color of his car conflicted with the neighborhood gang turf. (You can guess how this story ends). Gang members spotted the color of his car and assuming he was a member of a rival gang, murdered him. I remember meeting with my client—who was devastated— to handle the claim. No amount of money could replace her child, but with part of the settlement she was able to take off work for over a year to get counseling and heal. If she had not purchased that policy she would have had to go right back to work as so many customers I’ve encountered who had not been as prudent. I will expound more in the future on various types of life insurance, but for this month I just want to introduce to you basic concept. Thinking about your own death or the death of a loved one can be scary, but life insurance can help take some of the economic sting out of a sudden loss. You'll never be able to replace the intangible things a lost loved one brought into your life, but
Bob Blake is President of Bob Blake & Associates Inc. and has more than 27 years experience in life & disability insurance market. To learn more visit or call (562) 437-7723.
the harsh reality is a spouse or parent may be the only thing separating you from financial turmoil. The purpose of life insurance is to fill the gap of lost income when a loved one dies. The average cost of a funeral in 2009 was $6,560, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. Today, that number has risen to anywhere from $7,000 - $10,000. For many families, coming up with several thousand dollars can be daunting or even impossible. Life insurance insures that you are reimbursed for funeral and burial expenses, which mean you won't permanently lose your savings or struggle to pay bills for months after the death of a loved one. Many families rely on the income of a primary breadwinner; even in families with two earners, the wages of both may be critical to meeting major expenses. The death of one earner could leave your family struggling to pay the mortgage or even be unable to afford basics such as groceries. Life insurance policies are frequently based upon your current standard of living and are designed to help your family maintain your lifestyle after the loss of income that often comes alongside a tragic death. Even if your family can survive a sudden loss of income, the death of a provider can make it challenging to save for college, retirement and other long-term goals. Life insurance can provide a cushion that prevents you from abandoning those goals. Some policies are specifically designed to help parents ensure they have enough money to send their children to college. Other policies allow policy holders to cash out their insurance at the end of the term, or offer permanent life insurance that grows in value over time and can ultimately be cashed in. Not everyone needs a policy that pays hundreds of thousands of dollars, and depending upon your health and income, you might not be eligible for one. A financial planner can help you determine how much the death of a family provider will cost your family, and can advise as to the right policy. When you consider policies, take into account not only your current income, but potential future income, goals for your children and family, the costs of a burial and future lost income. Whatever you do, take the time to sit down with an insurance professional to go over your options to purchase a policy that is right for you.
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Rising Data Breaches Put Californians At Risk
ate last month, California Attorney General Kamala Harris released a data breach report, which found that over 49 million records of Californians’ personal information were put at risk in last four years. The report, detailing the nature of data breaches reported to her office over the past four years, cited 657 data breaches between 2012 and 2015. Last year alone, 178 breaches placed 24 million records of Californians at risk, reflecting that as many as three in five Californians may have been victims of a data breach in 2015 alone. “Government and the private sector have a shared responsibility to safeguard consumers from threats to their privacy, finances, and personal security,” said Attorney General Harris. “California is leading the nation with measures to prevent data breaches, but we can do better.” All forms of fraud, including identity theft, cost Americans about $1.7 billion in 2014, or an average of more than $2,000 per incident. In the months following the theft of her identity, a former L.A. Focus employee had logged over $5000 in fees owed to companies for things she did not order, countless hours on the phone and on email trying to repair her credit and was eventually arrested for a rental car that had never been returned by the woman who had stolen her credit. One Missouri victim lost two jobs, his car and spent 32 days in jail. The IRS has set up a special unit to deal with rising identity theft tax fraud and medical identity theft is at an all time high, with victims often paying upwards of $13,500 to resolve it. In California, social Security numbers, payment card data, and medical information were the top three types of
MANNY OTIKO California Black Media
data breached over the past four years with the retail sector being the most vulnerable industry, accounting for 24% of breaches and 42% of records breached in the past four years. California has been at the forefront of identifying and implementing creative and effective ways to fend off attackers. In 2003, California became the first state to mandate data breach notification, requiring businesses and state agencies to inform consumers when a security breach compromises their personal information. In 2004, California required businesses that collect personal information to use “reasonable security practices and procedures.” To her credit, in 2011 Harris created the eCrime Unit, tasked with investigating and prosecuting large-scale identity theft. And in 2014, the California legislature passed a law requiring the source of a breach of such data to offer identity theft prevention or mitigation services at no cost to the affected person and for no less than 12 months. Here’s what you can do to lower your risk: •Monitor your credit card account for suspicious transactions and report any to the card-issuing bank. Change your password for the affected account(s). If you use the same password for other accounts, change them too. Create strong passwords. •Consider cancelling your credit card if you see fraudulent transactions on it following breach notices. Dispute fraudulent transactions on your credit card statement and deduct them from the total due. Your liability for fraudulent transactions is limited to $50 when you report them, and most banks have a zero-liability policy. continued to page 24
On the Money The Cost of Higher Education Gets a Little Higher The cost of higher education just got a little higher with the announcement that USC tuition rates would top $50,000 ($51,442 to be exact) for the 2016-2017 academic year. That places it above such Ivy League schools as Vassar ($51,300), Yale ($47,600), Stanford ($45,729) and Harvard ($45,278). That’s not including books, housing and other living expenses. So what about our historical black colleges? Their top ten rankings and tuition fees for the 2015-2016 school year (according to U.S. News & World Report) were as follows: #1 Spelman College ($26,388); #2 Howard University ($23,970); #3 Hampton University ($23,100); #4 Morehouse College ($26,090); #5 Tuskegee University ($21,535); #6 Xavier University ($22,349); #7 Fisk University ($20,858); #8 Claflin University ($15,650); #9 North Carolina A&T State University (state residents: $5,872; out of state: $18,632); and #10 Florida A&M University (state residents: $5,784; out of state: $17,726).Just food for thought.
Biz NewsBriefs Sony Deal Nets Michael Jackson Estate $733 Million
Sony Music has agreed to pay out $733 million to the estate of the late Michael Jackson for his stake in a music catalog that includes songs by everyone from the Beatles and Little Richard to Alicia Keyes, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift and such best selling titles as “Over The Rainbow”, “New York, New York” and “I Heard It Through The Grapevine”. In fact, with the deal, Sony gets control of the rights to nearly 4 million songs and stands to net upwards of $4 billion thanks to the growth of streaming. Jackson paid $41.5 million for catalog in 1985. In a statement, John Branca and John McClain, who serve as co-executors of the estate, said the deal validated Michael Jackson’s genius and foresight in making the investment, adding that the transaction further allows us to continue our efforts of maximizing the value of Michael’s estate for
the benefit of his children.” The lump sum payout will wipe out any remaining debt that had been carried by the estate. (When Jackson died in 2009, he was half a billion in debt, a great deal of which had been reduced by recording and merchandising deals made by estate executors, including $200 million from the posthumous documentary Michael Jackson's This Is It). The sale did not include rights to the pop star’s master recordings or his stake in EMI Music Publishing.
Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles Files Bankruptcy Last month, a signature Los Angeles soul food eatery, Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a move that will allow the company time to reorganize and pay its creditors over time. The famed soul food landmark—which operates five restaurants in the L.A. area— says it owes its creditors somewhere between $10 million and $50 million and has less than $50,000 in assets. The move for Chapter 11 protection came after its parent company, East Coast Foods Inc., was ordered by a judge to pay upwards of $3 million to former employee Daniel Beasley and his lawyers. Beasley successfully sued the company for discrimination and wrongful termination claiming that black employees were treated worse than Hispanic employees. The Long Beach-based chain was founded in 1975 by Herb Hudson and is a favorite of celebrities like Snoop Dogg, who loves the restaurant so much that he told a TMZ reporter, “I guess I’m a have to buy it.”
Beyonce Launches High End Activewear Line To be sure, Beyonce is her own best advertisement for anything she wants to sell and with that, one can bet that her latest business enterprise, a newly launched activewear line called “Ivy Park” is sure to be successful. The 200-piece collection includes everything from sleek and polished bodysuits and matching jacket to sports bras, cheeky overthe-thigh varsity socks and a variety of leggings that flatter a full range of body types. “Queen B”, as she is affectionately called, made the announcement via her Instagram account, which has more than 65 million followers. She also released a video in which she dances and works out in some of the clothes. Named in part for her 4-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy and with pieces priced from $30 to $200, the collection will go on sale at selected Topshop and high-end department stores around the world on April 14 as well as online. For more information, visit
L.A. Focus/April 2016
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INSIDE HO L LY W OOD with Chez’Ney Mariah Carey’s New Reality Show is Underway Mariah Carey is shooting a docu-series focusing on her Vegas residency (Mariah #1 to Infinity), drama surrounding her two-month European tour, and everything in between. A source tells the Vanity Fair magazine, “Mariah’s excited to show some personal family moments. . . It’ll definitely show another side to her.” As evidence, the source reveals that Carey brought the camera crew to Elton John’s recent Oscar party. While fans are over-the-moon about the reality show, the five-time Grammy winner’s team is less than thrilled. An insider in Carey’s camp tells Page Six, “Someone of Mariah’s stature should not be doing this. Whitney Houston did a reality show and that was the real end of it. We hope that it doesn’t end up being like when Whitney did Being Bobby Brown.” “Mrs. & Mr. Smith” After playing 15 years in the NFL, breaking records and with an impressive resume including three Super Bowl champion rings and his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.Emmitt Smith and his wife Pat have a reality show on OWN. Emmitt has had mauch television success which includes winning the third season of ABC’s popular primetime reality show “Dancing with the Stars” and returning to the ballroom in 2012 for “Dancing with the Stars All-Stars.” Pat Smith was the first AfricanAmerican woman to win the Miss Virginia USA title and first runnerup of the 1994 Miss USA Pageanthas been the rock to her family for 15 years. It may be challenging to maintain their traditional family
roles at times, but the couple must embrace and adjust to change. While Emmitt loves his wife and what she does for their family, he doesn’t always recognize that she sometimes feels second best. “Mrs. & MR. Smith” airs Saturday nights at 10pm ET/PT. Confirmation HBO’s upcoming film about the controversial 1991 confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — starring Kerry Washington as Anita Hill, Wendell Pierce as Thomas and Greg Kinnear as Joe Biden—has come under fire for inaccuracies and anti-Republican bias. Former Missouri Sen. John Danforth sent a memo to HBO blasting his portrayal in the film, characterizing his depiction as “untrue” and “malicious.” President George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to serve on the Supreme Court replacing the first African American Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall. The film centers around the Supreme Court Justice’s combative confirmation hearings, during which Hill, a former aide, accused Thomas of sexual harassment while he was her boss at the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, claiming that he asked her to go out with him, discussed pornography and made inappropriate remarks about her body....Premiering April 16 on HBO, the film contains a disclaimer that states: “This film is a fact-based dramatization. Some of the events and characters have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes.”
Meet The Blacks The Blacks inherit $1 million and leave Detroit for a better life in Beverly Hills. But what they don't know is that it's the annual purge night in Beverly Hills. • April 1
Miles Ahead A Weekend With The Family Barbershop: The Next Cut In the 1970s, down-and-out Love interests Travis (MarCalvin (Ice Cube) and his ques Houston) and Courtney jazz trumpeter Miles Davis longtime crew come together (Karrueche Tran) portray try (Don Cheadle) tries to recover to not only save the shop, but to hold on to their relationhis new session tape from their neighborhood. ship while their families wage music producers.• April 1 April 15 war. • April 1
Kerry Washington New York Native Kerry Washington has come a long way since her 2000 debut in the independent film “Our Song”. With her starring role as Olivia Pope in the hit ABC drama, “Scandal”, she became the first African American woman to headline a network TV show since the 1974 short-lived series “Get Christie Love”. In 2013, Washington earned her first primetime Emmy nomination and in 2014, Time Magazine named her as one of the “Most Influential People in the World”. Now, Washington is executive producing as well as starring as Anita Hill in the upcoming HBO project, “Confirmation”. Q: What made you so interested in Anita Hill and and telling her story? A: It was a huge topic of conversation at home, a very complicated issue.I saw the documentary Anita about two years ago, and it made me think 'What else is there? What else is in that story?While peeling through the layers of this case I discovered one thing to be true -- someone had to be telling the truth, it was just a matter of who that person was.
Q:How important are the events that inspired “Confirmation” A:This moment was so important because it created a language around women being able to protect themselves. The behavior Anita Hill described was going on in a lot of offices throughout the country and most people didn't think they were doing anything wrong. But this created awareness around the need for women's voices to be heard in our public spaces, both testifying “This is painful. Gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, nauseat- before Congress and sitting on the committee. It really was such a huge cultural shift. ing, soul-crushing.” Simone’s estate tweeted. “It made me sad,” Arie said. “The way she looked in the Q: How do you stay so true to your beliefs? movie was ugly. Whether or not Nina Simone was beautiful A:"I'm a person who's always been politically in your eyes, I thought she was beautiful. But in this movie active and passionate about people's rights. I marched against the [2004] Republican - her skin looked weird, and her nose looked weird. Convention. And as my career has expanded, it's “Was that how the filmmakers see her? Did they not think been important for me to not stifle that voice. she was beautiful?” Because you want to be popular, you want people Many, however, say Saldana’s iteration of the jazz, gospel, to hire you, and I have to make sure I don't do it less because I'm an actor. and classical great is inspiring. "Zoe Saldana delivers an exceptional and mesmerizing Q:How did playing Olivia Poe on “Scandal” make tribute to Nina Simone. She gave her heart and soul to the you feel ready to be a mom? role and displayed her extraordinary talent,” said Robert A:Even though Olivia Pope has obviously made the decision that she is not a mom, playing her Johnson, whose company will distribute the movie. made me feel like I could be a mom. Because she “The most important thing is that creativity or quality of knows there's always another way—there's performance should never be judged on the basis of color, or always a way to fix it, there's always a way to ethnicity, or physical likeness." solve it, to win. And I feel like playing her made Nina hits theaters April 22 and moviegoers will get the me feel like, All right, I can do it. I will figure out how to juggle it all. chance to decide for themselves.
Saldana Blasted Over Nina Role Zoe Saldana became a household name after her riveting portrayal of the vengeful assassin Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, but after nabbing the role of singer/civil rights activist Nina Simone in the much anticipated biopic, Nina, Saldana has been the target of criticism as soul singer India Arie and the estate of Nina Simone’s family charged Saldana’s casting was offensive to Simone’s legacy. While shooting Nina, which details the singer’s rise to fame, Saldana is reported to have worn a prosthetic nose and darkened her skin for the flick, causing comments comparing the role to blackface.
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Calendar of events
Ongoing Exhibit: Respect! Otis Redding and the Revolution of Soul Original stage outfits, rare photographs and performance footage and more. $12.95 • Kids 6-17= $10.95• Seniors & college students=$11.95 M-F 10:30am - 6:30pm Sat-Sun 10am - 6:30pm The Grammy Museum 800 W. Olympic Blvd Contact: (213) 765-6800
Wednesday, April 6 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (Through Sunday April 10) Tickets start at $29 Segerstrom Center for the Arts 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa Contact: (714) 556-2787
Friday, April 8 In Concert: Keith Sweat Dinner show 8pm $50–$70 Grove of Anaheim 2200 E Katella Ave Anaheim Tickets: (714) 712-2700 m
Queen Latifah arrives at Special Needs Network’s Tools for Transformation: Protest, the premiere of ‘The Participation, Progress Perfect Match’
L.A. Focus/April 2016
Conference Over 50 resource health, educational and special needs vendors Special reception for newly elected
c’s 2016 ends Ciro held at tt a s m a li il ch Jennifer W powerment Brun Em y Hills. rl ’s e n v e e m B o W asons in e S r u o F The
LA School Superintendent Michelle King (Through Saturday, April 9) Free (includes free child care, breakfast on both days and lunch on Friday) California African American Museum 600 State Drive, Exposition Park Information: (323) 291-7100 In Concert: Floetry 7PM • $25 - $55 The Wiltern Theater 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Contact: (213) 388-1400
Saturday, April 9 Oprah Winfrey Presents: SuperSoul Sessions (Series 2) With Scandal star Kerry Washington, author Caroline Myss; Indie Arie, teen actress Amandla Stenberg and more 9am – 4pm (Lunch Included) $99 • $175 • $250 UCLA Royce Hall 340 Royce Drive Westwood Holman CDC’s 2016 Pre Employment Workshop Series (for youth 14-21) Preparation for internships/jobs Free • 10am-2pm (April 9, 16, 23, 30) Holman United Methodist Church 3320 W. Adams Blvd. Contact: (323) 731-0140 In Concert: Jodeci & H-Town 9PM • $75-150
The Saban Theatre 8440 Wilshire Blvd Contact: (888) 645-5006 8th Annual PLUS Awards Brunch & Luncheon Host: Wendy Gladney Dean. Mistress of Ceremonies: NBC4 Co Anchor Michelle Valles Community Honorees include Cynthia Heard, Kiesha Nix, Rene Nourse and Dr. Roslyn Blake 11am-2pm $150 Beverly Hills Hotel 9641 Sunset Blvd (951) 313-4732 L.A. Times Festival of Books (Through Sunday, April 10) Featuring Exhibits, book signings, seminars and kid’s activities Free • Parking: $10 USC Campus
Sunday, April 10 Walgreen’s First Ladies Health Day 40 L.A. Area Churches to provide Free Health screenings including Diabetes, Blood Pressure, dental mammograms, Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS Free Visit for a full list of participating churches Micah’s Voice Presents Back In The Day 2nd annual fundraiser to benefit families affected by autism Hosted by The Late Late Show host James Corden Featuring performances by Boyz II Men and Tank Honoring L.A. Clipper Jamal Crawford & actor/comedian Martin Lawrence 5-9PM • $200 - $300 Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills 21850 Oxnard Street
EVENT SpOTLIGHT In Concert: Kirk Franklin 6:30PM • $25 - $75 The Wiltern Theater 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Contact: (213) 388-1400
New mom Tyra Banks attends the Simply Sty 2016 list Confere nce es at with her castmat Tracee Ellis Ross rty pa ap wr on two “Blackish” seas
Terrence Howard on stage at 33rd Annual Paley Fest.
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KJLH air personality Tammi Mack joins First Lady Judy Sauls who was honored by Bennett College last month.
The men of Emire at 33rd Annual PaletFest
Thursday, April 14
Sunday, April 17
Thursday, April 21
Workshop: Your Divorce Options: What You Need To Know Noon to 1:30PM $10 registration fee L.A. Law Library 301 West 1st Street Call: (213) 785.2516
Unity Christian Fellowship 17th Annual Church Anniversary (Also Sunday, April 24) Guest Speakers: Pastor Xavier Thompson and Pastor Wayne Chaney 5PM • Free 16133 S. Atlantic Ave. Compton Information: (310) 886-0198
Full Gospel Western Pacific Region Summit (Through Friday, April 22) Speakers include Presiding Bishop Joseph Walker and Founding Bishop Paul Morton Victory Full Gospel Baptist Church 1497 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena Information: (626) 794-4700
Friday, April 15 On Stage: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (Through Sunday, April 17) 7:30pm • Sunday 2PM $34-$125 Dorothy Chandler Pavilion 135 N Grand Ave
Saturday, April 16 Legacy Ladies Inc. Presents The 12th Annual Torch Awards Proceeds benefit "From the School House to the White House Leadership Academy" 6pm • $250 The Ritz Carlton 4375 Admiralty Way Marina Del Rey Contact: (310) 335-0291
16th Annual Star Eco Station’s Children’s Earth Day Featuring celebrity guests, live performances, crafts, exotic wildlife, environmental experts and vegetarian cuisine 10am - 4pm Free Star Eco Station 10101 Jefferson Blvd, Culver City (310) 842-8060
Anchor of Hope Formerly Incarcerated Reentry Ministry Conference (For those who work with individuals impacted by the criminal justice system) 9am – 5pm $35 Registration fee (includes lunch) City of Refuge 14527 S. San Pedro Street Gardena
In Concert: Bone ThugsN-Harmony 8pm $25+ Club Nokia 800 W Olympic Blvd
KJLH Annual Women’s Health Forum Panel of medical experts, free health screenings, free massages, exercise, gift bags, healthy food samples & more
Saturday, April 23
7am—3pm Free 1201 S Figueroa St L.A. Convention Center: West Hall Register: On Stage: The Soul Mate Experiment 8:00pm Barnsdall Gallery Theater 4800 Hollywood Blvd Contact: (818) 691-0010 www.tamerahillproductions.c om In Concert: Andy Mineo 7PM • $20 - $30 The Wiltern Theater 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Contact: (213) 388-1400
Sunday, April 24 KDAY 93.5 presents Krush Grove Performances include Snoop Dogg, Too Short, Mack 10, Warren G, Chingy, MC Eiht, Glasses Malone and Kam! 7pm • $50 - $150 The Forum 3900 W Manchester Blvd
Featuring performances from Salt-N-Pepa, Stevie B, Slick Rick, Biz Markie and more 1PM $52.42 • Backstage VIP: $215.70 The Queen Mary Park 1126 Queens Highway Long Beach Information: (800) 928-2181
Saturday, April 30
Girls To Greatness Salute Honorees include US Bank SVP Darrell Brown and Martha Daniels (CEO, Information Management Resources) 6pm-9pm • $300 Mount Saint Mary’s University Doheny Mansion 10 Chester Place Contact: EmpowerHer Institute (310) 574-9181
Black Writers on Tour & Southern California Black Business Expo Featuring keynote speaker Economist Dr. Claud Anderson. 9am—6pm $35 Carson Civic Center 801 E. Carson St.90746 Contact: (323) 750-3592
Friday, April 29 In Concert: Thelma Houston (Through Saturday, April 30) $25-40 (Not including minimum drinks/food) Call for showtimes Catalina Bar & Grill
Kerry Washington poses with Anita Hill and Senator Barbara Boxer at the premiere of HBO’s Confirmation.
Kid’s Choice Keke Palmer attends The rch 12th at the Ma on Awards which aired live d. oo lew Ing in The Forum
Tuesday, May 3 In Concert: Rihanna (Through Wednesday, May 4) 7pm $45.50 - $165.50 The Forum 3900 W Manchester Blvd
Paula Patton graces the red carpet at The Perfect Match premiere
L.A. Focus/April2016
ster Sunday l celebrates Ea Erica Campbel ter pasC ia Worship en at the Californ ryn. ar W d, sban tored by her hu
The L.A. Urban League’s 43rd Annual Whitney M. Young Jr. Awards $500 • 6PM Renaissance Montura Hotel 9620 Airport Blvd Contact: (323) 299-9660
Thursday, April 28
around los angeles 11th Annual Freestyle Festival
6725 Hollywood Blvd Info: (323) 466-2210
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Re d Carpet Style
Monica Walked the red carpet in a full flower print skirt
Toni BraxTon Looks daring in this floor lenght belly button baring black gown
The BET Honors were held in Washington D.C. The host was Arsenio Hall and the stars showed out on the red carpet.
JANelle MoNeT showed up in signature black and white style.
FANTASiA attended in this form fitting silver gown.
ToWANDA BRAxToN looks fabulous in this form fitted black velvet gown.
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ChurchNews Francine Brookins Gets Key Endorsement in Bid for Bishop
ast month, delegates of the AME’s 5th Episcopal District voted during it’s Mid Year Convocation to make Francine Brookins, daughter of the late Bishop H.H. Brookins their official candidate in the 2016 national campaign for the Bishopry. “It’s a great honor for me because it’s all happening here where my Dad was and especially as I’m the only female,” said Brookins, who presently serves as senior pastor of Bethel AME Church of Fontana. “It’s historic that the Fifth District has elected a woman to represent it as its endorsed candidate for bishop at the bicentennial celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,” said Brookins. “We presently only have one female bishop—Vashti McKenzie. There were three. She was the first. Then there was Sarah Davis who died and Carolyn Tyler Guidry, who retired. So that leaves the first as the last and there are some saying we want to make sure she [McKenzie] is the last, period. So what the 5th district has done in making me their choice is really significant for the cause of women.” The endorsement sets her apart from the remaining three 5th District candidates for Bishop—Pastors Kelvin Calloway (Bethel AME, Los Angeles), Dr. Timothy Tyler (Shorter Community AME, Denver) and Pastor J.R Rumph (Grant A.M.E.). The election is set to take place in Philadelphia as the group’s General Conference gets underway in July. 31 candidates from across the country seek to fill the six available slots at the convention which also marks the groups’ 200th anniversary and the official resignation of current 5th District Bishop T. Larry Kirkland. Before joining the ministry, Brookins, a licensed attorney, says she did everything she could to stay away from the church. “I was determined to seek out and save the lost in the courtroom instead. Licensed in 1996, I was going to do criminal defense, but as soon as I was licensed, God just started saying to me you need to preach.” Already looking ahead, Brookins adds, “I am relatively young compared to all the other candidates so that when I’m elected in July I will have 30 years to serve.”
First Ladies Health Initiative Kicks Off Its 2016 Season
L.A. Focus/April 2016
On April 10, the First Ladies Health Initiative will kick off the 2016 season with its First Ladies Health Day in Los Angeles. The event is hosted by 35 First Ladies, ranging in age from 30 to 82, who represent congregations of more than 10,000 people. Together, they are utilizing their collective influence to stage a citywide health takeover, directing their communities to get tested, know their health status and actively participate in wellness programs. “In our communities, the church serves a multitude of purposes, including ‘hospital’ for the spiritually downtrodden; so, it is a natural fit to open the doors of the church to offer these health services, empowering attendees of all ages to declare war on these systemic, chronic and often deadly medical issues,” said First Lady Rinnita Thompson of Southern Missionary Baptist Church; and First Ladies Health Day co-chair in Los Angeles. After the kickoff in Los Angeles, First Ladies Health Days are scheduled in Orange County, Calif., Chicago, and Gary, Ind. The First Ladies Health Initiative even extends across the globe via a partnership with the Bishop Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation’s “Take One, Give One” campaign. For every HIV test taken at a First Ladies Health Day location, an HIV testing kit will be donated to testing facilities in South Africa. “What better place to connect with our customers than through the First Ladies Health Day which promotes
continued to page 24
Amen L.A. (Affirming Ministry Enlightening Nations) 1455 W. 94th St. Los Angeles, CA 90047 (323) 229-9351 • Rev. Dr. DiAnn L. Johnson Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30am-10:30am PTP / Preach the word- Teach the word practice the word
Bethel AME Church of Los Angeles 7900 South Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 (323) 750-3240 • Rev. Kelvin T. Calloway Early Worship: 7:45 am Morning Worship: 10:45am Mid-week “Hour of Power” (Wed): noon
Bethesda Temple Church Apostolic Faith 1101 W. Florence Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 299-2591 Interim Pastor Robert Lockett Sunday School: 9:40am Morning Worship: 11am Evening Worship: 6pm Bible Study (Wed): 7pm Prayer (Sat): 7am Evening Prayer (Mon.): 6:30pm
Bethlehem Temple Church, INC. 958 East 52nd Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 (323) 232-8429 • F: (323) 232-8660 Pastor Elder Gentry Richardson, Jr. Sunday: Christian Education: 9am Morning Worship: 11am PYPU (youth services): 4:30pm Evening Worship: 6pm (5pm 5th Sun.) Monday Prayer Revival: 7pm Wednesday Ministerial/Teacher’s Prep. Class: Noon; Bible Class: 7:45pm
Bryant Temple AME Church 2525 W. Vernon Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 293-6201 • F: (323) 293-0082 Rev. Theodore W. Payne, IV Sunday School: 10am Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 10:30 am Bible Study (Tues): Noontime Pastor’s Bible Study( Tues): 7pm
Crenshaw Christian Center 7901 South Vermont, Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 758-3777 • F: (323)565-4231 • Rev. Frederick Price Jr. Sunday Service: 10am Bible Study (Tue): 11am & 7pm Tue. Night Kidz Unlocked: 7pm Tue. Night Bible Study (Teens): 7pm Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program (Wed): 7pm Intercessory Prayer (Wed.): 7:30pm Prayer & Praise (Thurs.): 6:30pm First AME Church (FAME) 2270 South Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 730-7750 • F: (323) 735-7829 • Pastor J. Edgar Boyd, Senior Pastor/CEO Sunday School: 10am Worship: 8am, 10am, Noon Youth Church (Fame Renaissance): Noon Wed. Prayer Service: Noon Wed. Bible Study: 7pm Radio: 10:30am on KJLH-102.3FM First AME is the oldest Black Church in the City Grace United Methodist Church 4112 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 294-6653 • F: (323) 294-8753 • Rev. Pastor Paul A. Hill • Early Morning Worship: 7:45am Sunday School: 9:45am Morning Worship: 10:45am Wed. Bible Study: Noon & 7pm Fri. Alcoholic Anonymous: 7pm Tues. Prayer Fellowship: 6:30pm Super Seniors (Thurs/Bi-Monthly): 10:30am Follow us on Facebook Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church 5300 S. Denker Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90062 (323) 759-4996 Dr. Solomon Drake Early Worship: 8am Sunday School: 9:30am Mid-Morning Worship: 11am Radio-KALI 900AM: Sun. 11-Noon, 7-8pm KTYM 1460AM Sundays: 5:30pm Bible Study (Tues, Wed & Thurs): 7pm
Holman United Methodist Church 3320 W. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 731-7285 • F: (323) 731-2609 • Rev. Kelvin Sauls Sunday School: 8:00, 9:45 & 11am Fuse Worship (Sunday): 6pm Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 11am Bible Study (Thurs.): Noon Sun. Radio: KJLH 102.3FM: 11am E:
Christ The Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 3303 W. Vernon Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 295-4139 • F: (323) 295-4681 Rev. Joseph Oloimooja Sunday School: 10am Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 10am Mon. Centering Prayer/Meditation: 6:30pm Mon. Overeaters Anonymous: 7pm Wed. Bible Study & Eucharist: 7pm Wed. Alcoholic Anonymous: 7:pm E:
Liberty Baptist Church 1500 West 51st Place, Los Angeles, CA 90062 (323) 295-3866 • F: (323) 295-0366 • E: Rev. Terry Lovell Brown Sr.
Church of Jesus Christ International 3719 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 296-1106 Pastor Michelle Beal
Miracle Center Apostolic Church 2638 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 735-5121 or 735-5122 Dr. Roy S. Petitt • Sunday School: 9:30am Sunday Worship: 8am, 11am & 6pm Tues. Prayer & Bible Class: Noon Rights of Passage: 7pm Wed. Bible Study: 8pm Thurs. Prayer/Bible Class: Noon Fri. Faith Seminar: 8pm Radio KTYM-1460AM: (M-Fri.) 8am - 8:15am
Sunday Morning Glory Service (2nd & 4th): 8:30am-9:30am Christian Education Classes: 9:45am-10:45am Sunday Morning Worship: 11:15am Tuesday Prayer: 7pm Wednesday Bible Class: 7pm 1st Sunday Nights: 7pm Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship 2085 S. Hobart Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 Phone: (323) 731-8869 • F: (323) 731-0851 • Pastor James K. McKnight Sun. Early Worship: 8am Prayer Meeting: 10:30am Morning Worship: 11am Wed. Afternoon Bible Study: 1pm Wed. Prayer Meeting: 6pm Wed. Evening Bible Study: 7pm View Pastor McKnight’s Sermons on YouTube
Sunday Church School: 9am Morning Worship: 10:30am & 12:30pm Wed. Bible Study: noon & 6:30pm Prayer Meeting: 6pm Follow us on Twitter @dacrossculture
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church of LA, Inc. 4269 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90037 (323) 846-1950 Rev. Melvin V. Wade, Sr. Sunday School: 8:15am Morning Worship: 9:45am Evening Worship: 6:30pm Mid-Week Worship (Wed): 7pm Bible Study (Wed.): 8pm
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Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles 3669 W. 54th St. Los Angeles, CA 90043 • (323) 291-1121
F: (323) 291-1133 • • Pastor George E. Hurtt, Pastor-Teacher Sunday Worship: 8am, 11am Discipleship Hour (Sun): 9:37am Noonday Prayer (Mon): Noon Noonday Bible Study (Tue): 12:00pm Tuesday Night in the Truth: 7:15pm Email: • Our Goal: To win more Christians & develop better Christians to the glory of God. (Matt. 28:18-20) Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church 6614 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 (323) 753-3189 • F: (323) 753-1018 • Dr. Ticey M. Brown, D. Min. Pastor/Teacher Early Morning Worship: 8am Sunday School: 9:30am Mid Morning Worship: 11am Tues. Bible Study: 10am & 7pm Meeting/Bible Study: 6:30pm–8pm First Sun. Communion: 11am & 5pm Baptism First Sunday
Paradise Baptist Church 5100 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90037 (323) 231-4366 Dr. Aaron Iverson Pastor’s Bible Class & Sunday School: 8am Morning Worship: 9:30am Tues. Prayer: 7pm Tues. Bible Study: 8pm
Park Windsor Baptist Church 1842 W. 108th St. Los Angeles, CA 90047 (323) 756-3966 • Rev. Terrell Taylor Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Bible Study Wednesday: Noon & 7pm Communion: 1st Sunday at 8am & 11am
“You can end your search for a friendly church” Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church 1300 E. 50th Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 (323) 235-2103 • F: (323) 235-3177 • Dr. Edward V. Hill, II, Pastor Sunday Intercessory Prayer: 9:15am Morning Worship: 9:30am Children’s Church: 9:30am Sunday School: 11:30am Baptism: 2nd Sun. & Lord’s Supper: 1st. Sun. Tues. Pastor’s Bible Study: 6:30pm Wed. Noon-day Prayer: Noon New Antioch Church of God in Christ 7826 So. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 778-7965 Elder Jeffrey M. Lewis Sunday Early Morning Worship: 8am Sunday School: 9:30 am Morning Worship: 11am Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band: 11am Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30pm Wednesday in the Word: 7:30pm
New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 402 E. El Segundo Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90061 (310)324-0644 • F: (310) 769-1287 Rev. Sonja Dawson, Senior Pastor • Rev. Lonnie Dawson, Sr., Founder (1962 - 2010) Morning Worship: 7:30am & 10:45am Sunday School: 9:45am Wed. Prayer/Bible Study: Noon Pastor’s Bible Study: 7pm
New Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church 9537 South Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 755-1130 or 755-1139 • F: (323)755-8961 Rev. Melvin Hill, Pastor Worship Services: 8am & 11am Sunday School: 9:30am Prayer Meeting(WED): 6:30pm Bible Study(WED): 7pm
People’s Independent Church of Christ 5856 West Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90043 • (323) 296-5776 Bishop Craig A. Worsham, Sr. Pastor Sundays: Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Wednesday Bible Study & Mid Week Worship: Noon & 7pm Prayer Meeting: 6:30pm
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 2009 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90062 (323) 293-6448 • F: (323) 293-6605 Dr. Sylvester Washington Sunday School: 8am Morning Worship: 10am Tues. Bible Study: 11am Wed. Evangelism Class: 6:30pm First Sun. Holy Communion Service: 4pm Praises of Zion Baptist Church (“Praise City” 8222 So. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90003 (323) 750-1033 • F: (323) 750-5458 • Dr. J. Benjamin Hardwick, Sr. Pastor Early Morning Worship: 6:45am Educational Hour: 9:15am Mid-Morning Worship: 10:45am Wed. Bible Study: Noon & 7pm Sunday Broadcast: 7pm
Price Chapel AME Church 4000 W. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 296-2406 • Rev. Benjamin Hollins Sunday Worship Service: 10am Sunday School: 8:30am Power Lunch Bible Study (Wed): 11am Praise & Worship Bible Study (Wed): 6:30pm
The Church where “It pays to be nice”.
New Shady Grove Baptist Church 1509 W. Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047 (323) 753-0198 • Rev. Jewett L. Walker, Jr. Sunday Worship: 11am Sunday School: 9:30am Wednesday Bible School: 6pm Men’s Ministry Meetings 2nd Tues: 6pm Youth Mentoring Program 3rd Sat: 10am-11am
Sunday Worship: 9am, 11am & 1pm Wednesday Midweek Service: 8pm—View live streaming
St. Matthew Tabernacle of Praise “The S.T.O.P.” 3770 Santa Rosalia Dr. Baldwin Hills, CA 90008 (323) 291-1115 • F: (323) 293-0471 Rev. C.Barry Greene, Pastor Morning Worship: 8am Church School Hour: 10:15am Tuesday Hour of Power: 7pm E:
Dorcas Waddis First Lady Dorcas Waddis of Central Baptist Church is a proud "pastor's kid" who has a verve for serving God through her own means - be that through a children's ministry or a weekly Zumba class at Carson Mall. "All I can be is myself," she says. "I've had to follow in my mom's footsteps, she just passed, and [when] my husband was selected as pastor, it was like 'oh you've got big shoes to fill! "I just want to walk in my own shoes, serve God, serve people and be a help to my husband." Waddis, who was born and raised in Carson, California, met her husband, Reverend Gerald Waddis, at Banning High School in the 70's. Together, they help run the church originally founded by her father, who helped merge his original church with Central Baptist Church in 1972. Waddis is also excited about the children's ministry she and her husband are preparing to open " My passion's the children, the babies," she says. "I want our children's church program to be so exciting that the children are waking the parents up in the morning, 'are we going to church today?'" Waddis also uses Zumba to inspire that same excitement in the women who come to her classes." I'm a motivator and I love to motivate women and make them smile, make them feel good about themselves," she says. "At the end of every class I say 'hug yourself for taking care of yourself today.'"
Salem Missionary Baptist Church 729 S. Park View St. Los Angeles, CA 90057 (213) 738-1077 • Pastor J. Williams Sunday School: 10am Morning Worship: 11:15am Ministry For Alcohol & Chemical Addiction Wednesday: 5:30pm Bible Study Thursday: 7:30pm Office Hours: Mon 1:30pm-5:30pm; Thurs 2:30pm-7:30pm St. Paul’s Mission Fellowship Church 4816 S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018 Cell: (760) 214-8282 • Rev. Dr. Charles J. Burt, Senior Pastor Morning Worship: 11:30am
“Join us for worship–you will be blessed!”
St. Rest Missionary Baptist Church 709 W. Manchester Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323)752-6179 Rev. Torrey Collins, Pastor Sunday School: 9am Morning Worship: 10:45am Evening Worship: 3:30pm Tues. Bible Study: 7pm Wed. Bible Study: 11am Choir Rehearsals (Wed. & Fri.): 7pm Southern Missionary Baptist Church 4678 West Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 731-2703 • F: (323) 737-5202 • Rev. Xavier L. Thompson, Sr. Pastor L.I.F.E. Groups Sundays: 8:30am Morning Worship: 10am Baptism & Communism (First Sunday): 5pm Word Wednesday: 6:45pm “One Church For All Generations”
The First Saint John Bible Church 11030 S. Willowbrook Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323) 566-5055 • F: (323) 566-0219 Pastor/Teacher: Bishop Michael A. Brass, Jr. Sunday School: 9:30am Morning Worship: 11am Bible Study Wednesday: 7pm
L.A. Focus/April 2016
One Church International 614 N. La Brea Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036 (818) 763-4521 • Sr. Pastor Toure’ Roberts
St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church 5017 S. Compton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011 (323) 231-1040 • Rev. Dr. Lovely Haynes Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Mon. Night Bible Study: 7pm Mon. Tutorial Study: 6:30pm Wednesday Prayer: Noon Wed. Exposition of Sunday School Lesson: 7pm • Wed. Prayer Meeting: 7pm Thurs. Evangelism: 7pm (enrollment required)
first lady files:
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Weller Street Baptist Church 129 S. Gless St, Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 261-0949 • F: (323)264-6601 • Pastor K.W. Tulloss
Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church 9702 Holmes Ave. Los Angeles CA 90002 Cell: (323) 566-1202 • Rev. Marcus A. Murchinson, Pastor
Sunday School: 8am Sunday Morning Worship: 9am Tues. Bible Study: 6:45pm
Sunday School: 9:30am Sunday Service: 11am Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm
“We have not walked this way before” Joshua 3:1-6
Trinity Baptist Church 2040 West Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018 (323) 735-0044 • F: (323) 735-0219 Rev. Alvin Tunstill, Jr
West Angeles Church of God In Christ 3045 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 733-8300 Bishop Charles E. Blake
Sunday Worship: 7:30 & 10:30am Sunday Church School: 9am Radio Broadcast KJLH FM: 9am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study: Noon-7pm
Sunday School: 8am & 10:30am Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 11am Evening Worship (North Campus): 7pm Wed. Mid-Week Worship: 7pm Sun. Radio Broadcast KJLH 102.3FM: 10am
UpLift Christian Fellowship 4745 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90056 (310) 927-3476 Pastor Anthony Thompson
Lifeline Fellowship Christian Center 2556 N. Lake Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 (626) 797-3585 • F: (626) 797-3233 • Pastor Charles D. Dorsey
Sunday Worship: 10am Bible Study Wednesday: 7pm
Sunday School: 9am Early Worship (Glory Prayer): 8am Morning Worship: 10:30am Evening Worship (1st & 2nd Sun.): 5pm Wed. Bible Study: 7pm
In Carson
Judson Baptist Church 451 E. 223rd St, Carson, CA 90745 (310) 834-2630 • F: (310) 513-0943 • Dr. Johnny V. Baylor, Pastor/Teacher
Sunday Worship Service: 9:30am Children’s Church (Except 5th Sun): 9:30am 2nd & 4th Sun. Speak Life Youth Ministry: 12:30pm Wed. Bible Study: Noon Streaming live at
Peace Apostolic Church 21224 Figueroa Street, Carson, CA 90745 (310) 212-5673 Suff. Bishop Howard A. Swancy Sunday School: 10am Morning Worship: 11:45am Evening Worship: 6:30pm Wed. Noon Day Bible Class: 12:30pm Wed. Bible Class: 7:30pm
Resurrection Church L.A. 1135 East Janis St. Carson, CA 90746 Office Address: 1143 East Janis St. Carson, 90746 (310) 626-4864 • Pastor Joseph Carlos Robinson Service times: 8am, 10am, 12:15pm Communion: every 5th Sunday Tuesday Bible Class: 7:30pm
Pastor Profile: Mark Whitlock Church: Christ Our Redeemer AME How long at church: 18 years Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri Family: Married 31 years to wife Mia with whom he has two sons
L.A. Focus/April 2016
When did you get the call to preach? I was 16 when I first heard the voice of God and I ignored it. Ten years later, I heard it again at McCoy Memorial Baptist Church. I was 26 and I ignored it. But when I turned 34, I had an overwhelming desire never to ignore it again. By that time I am now married, I have two children and the civil unrest takes place. I’m called out of corporate America as the vice-president of a firm where my average transaction was about $30 million. I’m making six figures but the city is burning and I went to my wife and said ‘I’d like to leave my job and go work for the church full time’. ‘Our bills are $11,000 a month,” she told me, and I said God will make a way. God did. We started an organization called Fame Renaissance. We had no budget—not a dime in the bank. We called it Renaissance because it was a renaissance moment in the city of Los Angeles. In a few months we were able to raise $1 million. We took a building on Adams and Western that was an abandoned telephone switching station; raised $7 million to revive that building to what it is today and we raised a $75 million Capital Venture fund—a microloan fund and we help put people to work at Disneyland every year for ten years. Then the Lord spoke to me again in 1998. I remember it distinctly. I was in my forties and I remember the Lord saying I want you to go do a church.
How did you wind up in Orange County? I spoke with Pastor Murray and he went to Bishop Anderson? and said can you find that young man a church, and they did. They put me in Orange County. It was in August of 1998. I remember I was so excited I got in my car and it was crowded on the freeway as I fought traffic to get there. They didn’t have a building and they didn’t have any music or equipment. They had nothing but five angry members. That first day I preached nobody clapped and the
next Sunday four of them quit. I don’t remember what I preached on, but I do remember that I’d preached the same sermon the Sunday before at First AME and 22 people joined. Today, we have 3200 members, our own nonprofit corporation, eight pieces of property and we bought a new building last year for $7 million that holds 1,000 seats. To what do you attribute the growth and your success? God and Jesus Christ, he has done more for me than I deserve. God has anointed the sermon because I’m not a great preacher, he’s anointed the ministry because I’m not a great administrator, its God. God and Jesus Christ, number two, my wife. My wife is an incredible organizer, an incredible operations director and she’s been with me every step of the way, She never questioned it and then when I left FAME and went down to $25,000 a year when I was pastoring Christ our Redeemer full time, now I'm doing much better. You’re also instrumental at the USC Center for Community Engagement… The USC Center for Community Engagement is a program designed to teach pastors the Murray method of civic engagement and development. I serve as the Executive Director and we are funded by the California Endowment, Wells Fargo Bank, Union Bank, Comerica Bank and State Farm. We’ve now trained 900 pastors, the majority of them coming out of the Baptist church. We thank Pastor Xavier Thompson of who has been nothing but a friend of ours as well as people like Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Charles Blake and because of that we continue to thrive. What do you see as your biggest strength? I understand people. It really is emotional intelligence. I treat people very well. I feel their emotions and try to satisfy the pain,—satisfy what they need. I try never to say no. If you need help I want to know what I can do to help you. I don’t care if it takes all night long or all day long, I’m going to help you get what you need because the job of a pastor is to serve. I understand things haven’t always gone so smoothly for you? "I grew up on the rough side—a bit of a gangster type and a martial artist.
"The Lord sent me through a kind of Job experience. I went through a lot of jobs, tried to start a series of businesses that failed and went homeless. In one year, I moved eight times. I then lived with a friend of mine in a roach and rat-infested place. I remember one month where we had no money and a couple of times all there was to eat was grits." I wasn't very much into diversity either. I didn't have a great feeling about white people. It was only as I got older and learned from several of my mentors that there was another way of life and the rough edges kind of melted away." Are you on track with your goals? I drive a Chevy, I live in a little modest home and my wife left her job as a very successful attorney to work at the church with me. She makes all of nothing but our job is to help people and that’s what church should be about. It should not be about making mega salaries or mega ministries. Instead, we have a mega ministry to serve people. I have one goal when I preach and that is to make Heaven crowded—to bring new Christians, new souls to Christ. I'm looking for folk who have never met and felt the joy of Jesus. My goal is just to plant the seed. Pastor Murray's social gospel ministry revolutionized my life. There's a loss of ego...a loss of believing that I have accomplished something. Instead, I believe that God works through us and we're used as a vessel by Him for Him. That's how you accomplish things."
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From The Pulpit of: Manuel Scott, Jr. Ministries
t’s wonderful. It’s marvelous. It’s tremendous to be able to count. When you’re able to count, you’re able to tell time, you’re able to dial the telephone, you’re able to cook a good meal. It’s wonderful. I’m of the very strong and clear contention that if in fact you are able to count, then surely as a believer in Jesus you ought to be able to count your blessings. It occurred to me that there’s an inverse relationship between counting and complaining. What I mean by this is the more you count your blessings, the less likely you are to complain about your condition. Someone here today needs to do themselves a sanctified and spiritual favor and count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings and see what God has done. Number one, our texts are suggesting that perhaps you need to count the times the Lord has surprised you. Number two, maybe you need to count the times the Lord has surrounded you. And number three, the texts seem to suggest that you need to count the times the Lord has supplied you. In John 20:28, we hear Thomas declaring, “My Lord, and my God.” Thomas here is expressing the fact that he was absolutely startled and totally and completely surprised at seeing the nail scarred hands and touching the pierced side of a bodily resurrected Christ. I believe in my spirit that we have some Thomases. Those who just like Thomas
have been marvelously and wonderfully surprised by God so much so until you’ve had to say, “My Lord, and my God.” Have you ever received a blessed check in the mail you didn’t expect? What a surprise. Have you ever received a blessed phone call you didn’t expect? What a surprise. Have a blessed visit from a long time friend or a precious relative you didn’t expect? What a surprise. Count the times the Lord has surprised you. In II Kings 6:15-17 in a time where the Syrian army had surrounded the city of Dothan and the servant of the prophet Elijah became terrified, so much so that Elijah had to say to his servant, “Fear not. For they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Elijah had to pray to the Lord for the Lord to open the servant’s eyes. When the Lord opened the servant’s eyes he amazingly saw that the mountains were full of angelic horses and chariots of fire that surrounded him and especially Elijah. Don’t you see today that the text is profoundly and helpfully suggesting that we need to count the times the Lord has surrounded us? Here’s the lesson: You ought to be spiritual enough to see that through it all, it’s been God’s protecting angels who have been surrounding you all along the way. It hasn’t been your little education. It hasn’t been your bank account. It hasn’t been your economic portfolio. It hasn’t been your
In Compton
Citizens of Zion Missionary Baptist Church 12930 No. Lime Ave., Compton, CA 90221 (310) 638-0536 • F: (323) 636-2080 • Rev. Bobby Newman, Jr., Senior Pastor; Rev. B.T. Newman, Pastor (Pastor Emeritus) Sunday School: 9am Morning Service: 10:45am Wed. Mid-Week Bible Study: 7pm
Cadillac or Mercedes Benz. It hasn’t been your computer, or your website or your CD, it hasn’t been your clothes. It hasn’t been your wig or your weave. It’s been God’s protecting angels who have been surrounding you through it all. This is why you need to make sure your relationship with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Ghost is intact, because in the final analysis they will be the only ones to surround and protect you. Count the times the Lord has surrounded you. Our final text, Phil. 4:19, finds the Apostle Paul gloriously declaring, “But my God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Understand that Paul in the context of this verse is actually thanking the Philippians for financially helping him in his ministry. In essence, Paul is saying “Oh my dear and precious Philippians, because you have been so generous to me in meeting and supplying my needs, I want to know that my God is going to be extra generous to you in meeting and supplying your needs.” In the larger context of the letter, Paul is really thanking the Lord for using the Philippians to supply his needs. Somebody say amen. Have you ever been blessed by other people? In other words, has the Lord ever used other people to supply your needs? Have you ever needed a job and the Lord used others to supply it? Have you ever needed a place to stay and the Lord used others to supply it? Have you ever needed
Love and Unity Christian Fellowship 1840 S. Wilmington Ave, P.O. Box 5449, Compton 90220 (310) 604-5900 Fax: (310) 604-5915 Dr. Ron C Hill Sunday Morning Worship: 8am & 11:30am Sunday Evening Worship: 6:30pm Bible Studies: Wed. 7:30pm & Sat. 9am Food for Your Soul Radio & Television Ministry: KTYM 1460AM: Mon - Fri. 6:30am Church Channel: Tues. 5:30pm & Fri. 2:30pm
Family of Faith Christian Center 345 E. Carson Street, Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 595-1222 • F: (562) 595-1444 Pastor: Sherman A. Gordon, E.D. Min Sunday School: 9:00 AM Early Worship: 7:30 AM Morning Worship: 10:00 Am Bible Study: Every Wednesday 12 (Noon) & 7:00 PM Radio: 7:00 PM (1st & 3rd Sunday) Station: KJLH
Unity Christian Fellowship 16133 S. Atlantic Ave., Compton, CA 90221 (310) 604-0234 • F: (310) 886-0198 Bishop Johnny R. Withers, Jr., Senior Pastor
Greater Zion Church Family 2408 North Wilmington Avenue, Compton, CA 90222 (310) 639-5535 • E: Reverend Michael J. Fisher & Dr. W. Jerome Fisher, Pastor Emeritus
The City of Refuge 14527 S. San Pedro Street, Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 516-1433 Bishop Noel Jones
Sunday Morning Worship: 9am, 11am & 5pm Wed. Bible Studies: Noon-7pm
Early Morning Worship: 7:30am Sunday School: 9:45 & 10:15am Mid Morning Worship: 10:45 am 1st. Sun. Holy Communion: 7:30 & 10:45 am Sat. Broadcast KTYM 1460AM: 10-11pm Wed. Mid-Week Prayer & Bible Study: 7pm
The Liberty Church 14725 S. Gramercy Place, Gardena, CA 90249 (310) 715-8400 Pastor David W. Cross Early Worship: 8:30am Morning Worship: 11am Children’s Church: Both Services Word Power Wed.: 7-8pm
evangelist Manuel Scott Jr.
Atherton Baptist Church 2627 W. 116th Street Hawthorne,CA 90250 (323) 757-3113 • F: 323-757-8772 • Pastor Larry Weaver
In Hawthorne
Sunday Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Sunday Bible Enrichment Class: 9:45am Mon.-Thurs. Bible Study: 7pm Wednesday Bible Study: 12:30pm & 7pm
Victory Institutional Baptist Church 4712 West El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 263-7073 • Pastor Richard Williams, III
Sunday G.I.R. Up Leadership Class: 8am Morning Worship Tuesday: 10am Teaching Empowerment Night: 7:30pm
Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Evening Worship: 6pm Bible Study (Wed): Noon & 7pm BET/Fresh Oil (Wed): 7am
some transportation, a car, or what have you and the Lord used others to supply it? Count the times the Lord has used other people to supply your needs. Never ever forget that God has a supplying, saving fountain. By this I mean God will save you. God will supply all of your needs if you just come to the fountain. I hope and pray that you did not miss the thrust of this message. The simple but profound and helpful truth is that if you can count, then surely as a sanctified, HolyGhost-filled, redeemed child of the living God, you ought to be able to count your blessings. Never forget the principle, the more you count your blessings, the less likely you are to complain. Count the times the Lord has surprised you. Count the times the Lord has surrounded you. Count the times the Lord has supplied you.
In Gardena
Sunday Morning Worship: 9am Sunday Evening Worship: 6pm Wed. Mid-Week Worship: 7pm Bible Study Tuesday: Noon & 7pm
Bible Enrichment Fellowship International 400 E. Kelso, Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 330-4700 • Dr. Beverly “BAM” Crawford
In Inglewood
Morning Worship: 9:30am Tues. Bible Study: 7:30pm Wed. Mid-Week Prayer: 5am, Noon & 7pm Wednesday Pathway: 7pm
Faithful Central Bible Church 321 N. Eucalyptus Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 330-8000 • F: (310) 330-8035 Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Ph.D. Senior Pastor/Teacher Services at The Tabernacle: Sunday Services: 7am & 10am Wed. Mid-Week Service: 7pm The Tabernacle is located at 321 N. Eucalyptus Ave., Inglewood
L.A. Focus/April 2016
Holy Chapel Baptist Church 1016 East Rosecrans Ave. Compton, CA 90220 (310) 537-3149 Rev. George L. Thomas
“Count Your Blessings”
Focus4.16Q_Focus 7-04 4/1/16 9:53 PM Page 24
Crusade Christian Faith Center 801 S. La Brea Avenue, Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 330-8535 Bishop Virgil D. Patterson Sr. Wed. Mid-Week Service: 7pm Sunday School: 9am Sunday Worship: 10:30am
True Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 7901 South Van Ness Ave. Inglewood, CA 90305 (323) 750-7304 Rev. James A. Perkins Sunday School: 9:30am Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 10:45am Bible Adventure Hour (Tues): 6pm Bible Study (Tues): 7pm Bible Study (Thurs): Noon First Church of God Center of Hope 9550 Crenshaw Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90305 • (323) 757-1804 Pastor Geremy L. Dixon Morning Worship: 8am & 11am Wed. Mid-Week Service: Noon Wed. Teaching Ministry: 7pm 1st Sunday Communion 5th Sunday Baptism
Jacob’s Ladder Community Fellowship, inc. 1152 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90303 (866) 330-1702 • F: (310) 674-0760 Watchman/Shepherd Dr. Robert T. Douglas Sr. Sunday School: 10am Morning Services: 11:45am Evening Service: 7pm Wed. Lock & Load Prayer: 7pm Wed. Bible Study: 7:30pm 3rd Friday Youth Night: 7:30pm KYTYM 1460AM (Sunday): 11:30am New Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church 434 S. Grevillea, Inglewood CA 90301 (310) 673-6250 Office • (310) 673-2153 Rev. Dr. Phillip A. Lewis, D. D., D. Th., Senior Pastor Sunday School: 9:30am Early Worship: 8am Morning Worship: 11am First Sunday Evening Worship: 5pm Mid-Week Bible Study Wed.: 7pm Radio: KTYM 1460 AM on Saturdays at 8pm &
Money Matters continued from page 13
L.A. Focus/April 2016
•Report potential identity theft to all three of the major credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax and TransUnion— and have them flag your file with a fraud alert. This helps to prevent an identity thief from opening new credit accounts in your name. When a merchant checks the history of someone applying for credit, they get a notice that there may be fraud on the account and take additional steps to verify the applicant’s identity. A fraud alert lasts 90 days and can be renewed. You can also receive a free copy of your credit report. •For the strongest possible protection, put a security freeze on your credit file at a cost of $10 per credit agency. The fee is $5 for those 65 and older and free to victims of identity theft. Once frozen, even someone who has your name and Social Security number would probably not be able to get credit in your name. •A password manager program or “safe” can help in creating and managing strong passwords. You only have to remember one password (or passphrase) to open the safe. •Steer clear of spyware and use firewall, virus and spyware protection software that you update regularly. •If the breach notice involved your checking account, call the bank, tell them about the breach and tell them you want to close your account. Change your password and do not use your mother’s maiden name or the last four digits of your social security number. •Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet •Do not respond to any request to verify your account number or password over the phone, in e-mails and or in postal mail. •Be careful of sharing personal info on social
In Irvine
Christ Our Redeemer AME Church 45 Tesla, Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 955-0014 • F:(949) 955-0021 • Pastor Mark E. Whitlock, II
Sunday Worship: 8am, 10:30am New Generation Praise Service: 10:30am Sun. Bible Univ.: 9:30am Tues. Interactive Bible Study: 7pm Wed. Pastor's Bible Study: Noon, 7pm Thurs. Bible Study: 7pm Fri. Singles Bible Study (1st Fri): 7pm Antioch Church of Long Beach 1535 Gundry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 591-8778 • F: (562) 599-6048 Pastor Wayne Chaney Jr.
In Long Beach
Worship Services: 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am Elements Bible Study: 8am & 10:15am Spanish Worship Service: 3pm Family Night Bible Study (Wed.): 7pm
In Monrovia
Second Baptist Church 925 S. Shamrock Avenue • P.O. Box 479, Monrovia, CA 91017 (626) 358-2136 • F: (626) 303-2477 Bishop W.M. Larue Dillard, Phd. Sunday Worship: 7:45am, 10:45am, 4:45pm Ministry Worship to Children/Youth Sunday: 9:45am - 10:45am Prayer/Academy of Biblical Studies (Wed): 10:45am - 6:45pm
In Pasadena
Bethlehem Church 1550 North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103 (626) 794-5211 • F: (626) 794-6592 Pastor Christopher A. Bourne Sunday School: 9am Sunday Worship: 10am Tuesday Bible Study: 7pm Mid-day Worship Thursday: Noon
Christ Second Baptist Church 1471 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 599-3421 • Fax: (562) 599-6175 • Rev. Welton Pleasant II, Senior Pastor Sunday School: 8:30am Sunday Worship Service: 9:40am Wed. Bible Study: 7pm Wed Youth & Young Adult Ministry: 7pm
Gospel Memorial Church of God In Christ 1480 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 599-7389 • F: 562-599-5779 • Bishop Joe L. Ealy Sunday School: 9:30am Sunday Worship: 11am Evening Worship: 6:30pm Wed. Intercessory Prayer: 7pm Wed. Pastoral teaching adults: 7:30pm Wed. Youth Ministry Boot-Camp; Youth Bible Study: 7pm & Choir Rehearsal: 7:30pm Grant AME Church of Long Beach 1129 Alamitos Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813 • (562) 437-1567 • Rev. Michael W. Eagle, Sr. Sun. Worship Experience: 10:45am 3rd Sun. Healing & Annointing: 10:45am Wed. Bible Study: Noon & 6pm Mothers of Murdered Youth & Children: Thurs. by appt • On/off Parole, Now What?: Thurs. by appt
media. •Have your name removed from credit bureau marketing lists by calling 1-888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688). Or opt out online at If you become a victim of identity theft download an Identity Theft Victim Checklist and other helpful information at Church News ontinued from page 20 happy families and healthy options,” said John Gremer, director of Community Relations, Walgreens. “The First Ladies Health Initiative is a one-of-its-kind effort that positions the church as the nucleus for largescale health and wellness outreach,” adds Executive Director Tracey Alston. “Ultimately, we want to empower minority and low-income communities with the essential healthcare resources so they can take control of their health. It is crucial these communities have access to health information and medical experts, as well as free tests which can sometimes cost hundreds of dollars.” Participating health partners include Walgreens pharmacists, AltaMed, the Alzheimer’s Association, the American Diabetes Association, Cedars-Sinai, City of Hope, and Susan G. Komen®. For more information or a full list of participating churches and their First Ladies, visit or call 213-394-0844. Fire Guts Greater Bethany Property It took approximately 125 firefighters nearly two hours to extinguish the flames that set fire to an abandoned building owned by the city of Refuge and part of the church’s Greater Bethany property. The two-story building in the Vermont Knolls area of South Los Angeles—
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church 980 Rio Grande Street, Pasadena, CA 91104 *Mailing Address: 1416 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena, 91104 (626) 794-4875 • F: (626) 794-7815 Pastor W. Harrison Trotter Sunday School: 8:30am Sunday Worship: 10am Bible Study Wednesday: 7pm Intercessory Prayer (Fourth Wed.): 7pm Christians Uniting To Make A Difference -Eph. 4:13
Spirit of Zion Fellowship Church 10853 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 (805) 517-1907 • Pastor E.V. Hill II
In Van Nuys
Sunday Worship: 1pm Children's Church: 1pm
In Westchester Arise Christian Center 6949 La Tijera Blvd. Suite C, Westchester, CA 90045 (310)568-8445•F: (310) 568-8430 • Pastor Ron Taylor Morning Worship: 9am & 11:15am Bible Study Wednesday: 7pm Intercessory Prayer Tuesday : 7pm Intercessory Prayer Sunday: 8am - 8:45am Intercessory Prayer Thursday: 11:30pm - 12:30pm
once home to the Greater Bethany CDC— was not currently in use. No one suffered injury though during the firefight, a mayday was called when the roof collapsed and there was the possibility of a down, missing, or trapped firefighter. There was significant damage to the building, and the estimated dollar loss is still being calculated. According to a Fire Department spokesman, the fire was being investigated as a possible case of arson. Head 2 Head continued from page 8 "Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama is absolutely essential." Communism has more blood on its hands than the KKK: Estimates of the number of people killed under Joseph Stalin range from 6 million to 60 million; under Mao Zedong between 30 to 80 million; and under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 1.7 to 2.5 million. Obama did not seek the Communist Party's support, and reporters quite properly refrained from asking him to reject it. But Donald Trump did not seek the support of David Duke — yet he was asked to denounce it. The out-of-the-blue campaign success of Donald Trump serves once again as a laboratory that exposes left-wing hypocrisy. It's a long and winding road until November. Follow the flashing double standards. Larry Elder is a best-selling author and radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an "Elderado," visit
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T h r o u g h t he Storm Boyz II Men’s Shawn Stockman Is Micah’s Voice e rose to fame with one of the best selling R&B groups of all time, winning multiple Grammy awards for such chart-topping hits as “End Of The Road” and “I’ll Make Love To You”, but Boyz II Men singer Shawn Stockman was suddenly cast into unknown territory when in 2003 his then toddler son was diagnosed with autism. Today, the soul singer, who’s reached multi-platinum heights with Boyz II Men and enjoyed a run as a hit judge on the NBC show, The Sing-Off, calls his autistic son, Micah, is “quite amazing,” but back then both he and wife Sharhonda, found themselves helpless, alone and fearful of what such a diagnosis would mean for their young son. Sharhonda was the first to notice the sudden change in Micah’s behavior. “At the age of one and a half — even though he was the first of our twins to walk and talk, it’s like it rapidly went the opposite direction and [Sharhonda] knew that there was something going on. His light started to fade a little bit. He wasn’t the Micah that we knew.” While autism was far from rare in 2003 - with about 1 in every 150 American children developing the condition - Stockman, like many parents and doctors alike in the early 2000s, knew little to nothing about the condition. For Stockman and so many others, it was something that happened to other people. “When we finally got the diagnosis for our son, I instantly thought - what do I need to do to make this situation go away? “We didn't reach out to people for a long time,” Stockman says. “We kept it a secret because of the unknown factors of the condition and there were not many people we could turn to in the first place. But we did the due diligence in finding a doctor and herbalist and people like that who specialized in treating children and basically confided in them, and they became our friends in this whole journey.” Stockman is the first to admit that embarrassment was also a factor. “The problem with a lot of kids is that the parents are in denial. Embarrassment, not really knowing what to do, not knowing what to say to our friends and people who asked ‘what’s wrong with your son?’ It's a
little bit of all of that apprehension.” Acceptance, Stockman underscores, was key in thejourney towards supporting and helping his son. “Just accepting the fact that my son’s life will forever be changed. I love this dude and will do anything for him and he will forever have challenges that can be trying sometimes. “It wasn't easy for my wife and I...we wanted to make sure that we didn't neglect [the other kids], that can be a strain with so much focus being on everybody but each other,” Stockman says. “So it is important that both of us are here and working this out the best way we can and I guess you can say we are now experts.” Fact is, in the years since his diagnosis, the Stockman family has gotten Micah’s needs down to a tee. He currently eats a “Group 3” diet for autistic children, which cuts out yeast and gluten, and both Stockman and his wife are used to ensuring at least one of them can be there for him at any given notice. Even through Boyz II Men’s Package Tour in 2013, Stockman made sure he was available to fly home at a moment’s notice. Stockman and his wife are now using that expertise to help other parents understand and support their autistic children through the foundation they established, Micah’s Voice, which will host it’s second annual benefit concert on April 10 at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodlands Hills. The Late Late Show star James Corden is set to host Micah’s Voice Presents: Back in the Day, which will feature performances from Boyz II Men and R&B artist, Tank. The event will honor L.A. Clippers point guard Jamal Crawford, and comedian and actor Martin Lawrence, both of whom, Stockman says have exhibited “selfless and invaluable efforts to enrich and support families affected by autism.” It was important to Stockman to establish Micah’s Voice— which offers information and financial resources to help families with autistic children — because he wished he’d had a similar source of information when he was first struggling to understand his son’s autism. The couple want Micah’s Voice to help other parents avoid the “trial and error” period they went through in the early years of Micah’s life, particularly the denial and secrecy that too often follows diagnosis. “The sooner you are able to get treatment and help your child out, the better off they will be. “It took us a long time to find the right people for Micah…to know who we could trust and who wasn't so good,” Stockman reveals. “So, we are providing the information that worked for us and hopefully it works for other parents. “At Micah’s Voice, we want you to know that you have
people you can confide in and trust, that you can go to and get help.” These days, Stockman can hardly contain the pride he takes in his son, Micah, especially as he watches him get older. “Micah consistently works hard for his teacher and nurses alike to make sure that what he’s learned he has developed into quite a young man. He loves his twin brother and sister, and is growing into a young man. Seeing him grow up...his voice is changing and he is taller now... it’s actually been fun.” Through it all, the Stockmans have maintained their strength as a family. “I couldn't have been blessed with better kids,” Stockman says, of his daughter, Brooklyn and son, Ty, who is Micah’s twin. “He is so supportive and he loves his brother very much and he protects him very much. His sister is awesome; they look out for each other.” Stockman has a goal to spread autism awareness and assistance, as the prevalence of autism in children has almost doubled, with 1 in every 68 children now falling on the autism spectrum, according to the CDC. “If you are not personally affected by autism, you know somebody that is,” Stockman says. “This is just me being a contributor, just trying to help out. “That's what I’m usually a celebrity for. It’s not about me just singing a few songs, it’s about using what I’ve built for this time and give light to this situation. God has played a significant role in motivating Stockman to keep doing what he’s doing. “It has practically been the only thing that wakes me up in the morning,” he says. “To know that there is a God that has done this for a purpose or a reason...and even now I see and he has given us understanding as to why it is happening to us. “It has made me more passionate, made me more aware of not just the condition but just the world and what is going on out here. So it is still a lot for me and my wife and family and it just teaches me to be a better person, a better father, a better everything.” Stockman, now a seasoned caretaker for his son, holds out hope that he can help as many autistic children as possible with his story and Micah’s - and that one day, he might be able to have a conversation with his son. “I just want to be able to sit down, go to dinner and have a talk with my son, that's it,” Stockman says. “Just simple stuff that we take for granted. “To have a conversation with my son, I would be the happiest man in the world.” In the meantime, he is truly grateful for the human connections that have come from Micah’s diagnosis. “God has done that, so I believe in everything. I believe I’m a better person because of Micah.”
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InGoodTaste ke S tr a w b e r r y C ad Filling
K e ll y E ll is Kadee Cakes ething about “There is som that just kba r he n decorating elly Ellis bega age eight cake l to me,” ing obsession at hanker- comes so natura e. a r the mothe of fiv the when she had but- explains ith ut w an pe ar e ye ad is Earlier th ing for homem her older sisation allowd ssing of a legisl sell items pa ter cookies—an rhe em th e lly ak ga m le to ing people to ter told her cook at home, they bake and self. e us to w ho a business e t m ou ed “She show Ellis took d ke ba e I’v d a cookbook an plained the license. busier than I ex “I’ve been a lot ever since,” ’s ho w , ve ti na which is a good expected to be, Cerritos, CA h. ot to t ee llis, the selfE sw a id thing,” sa always had of r ne ow e ho also works These days th s evolved taught baker w ha an. ” em es or as a longsh “Kadee Cak int starts at “cookies and po e ng ic ki pr ba er H from that ng hi ke to $80 for yt ca d an un $15 for a ro cakes and co de plicated ke ca r” to her more com involved suga kes but one of ca st ju t no signs. rating—to te it when intricately de and eople apprecia n’t real“P sculpted al on si they do e-dimen they see it, but detailed thre ndant, gum ork really goes fo w h g uc in m us w s cake olate, ize ho oc ch g in el into it.” paste, mod her website ts, food colorCheck out rice krispie trea of t lo whole www.kadeecake ing and a e. nc patie
Lemon Cur 6 T butter Strawberry Cake e mix 3 eggs h lemon juice cak erry wb stra r cke Cro ty 1/3 c fres 1 box Pillsbury or Bet 1/2 c sugar 1 cup granulated suge arflour (NOT all-purpose flour) 1 t lemon zest 1 cup + 2 tbsp cak 1/8 tsp salt Cream Cheese Frosting 1 1/3 cups water 8 oz cream cheese lightly salted butter 3 eggs ed) (lightly salt 1/2 cup (1 stick) ed sugar 1/2 cup melted butter 1 1/4 lb powderh lemon juice am cre r sou 1 cup t (optional) 1 oz (2Tbsp) fres t 1 tsp strawberry extrac 3 Tbsp lemon zes sour cream. Mix well. eggs, melted butter and g), usin (if t rac ext ter, put wa worked out. It is 1. In a large bow,l,sug cake flour, and salt. il most of the lumps are 2. Add cake mix spear,ed for approximately 2 minutes, or unt es out clean, or 3. Mix at mediumwork out all the lumps. erted into the center com not necessary to pans and bake at 325 until a toothpick ins Pour into preparedor two clinging to it (60 minutes). with just a crumb whisk continuaining ingredients and Lemon Curd Fillingmelt the butter in a saucepan. Add the. rem pour into a jar and n the l coo to w Allo *Over low heat, 0 minutes or until it forms a custard ously for about 8-1d will thicken considerably as it cools. refrigerate. The cur ese Frosting ten at room temperature for about 20-30 min Lemon Cream Checre ese sof che am and ter but 1. Let 1 il light and fluffy (about utes. am cheese together unt 2. Cream butter and cre until incorporated. minute). & juice. Mix on lowl mix ing on low. 3. Add lemon zestsug stil lly, dua gra 4. Add powderedipe isartoo soft to be used for This delicious rec be used under fondecorating. It canin between layers, dant, as a filling It should be or to frost cakes. refrigerated.
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Eye On Gospel Israel Houghton Sets The Record Straight On Adrienne Bailon
Gospel star Israel Houghton broke his silence last month to set the record straight on rumors he was fired as a senior worship leader at the Lakewood Church by Pastor Joel Osteen. “I have not been fired,” Houghton tweeted, while attaching the church’s official statement stating that the 44-year old worship leader and gospel recording artist had not been fired. “We can confirm that Israel is on indefinite leave, but it is important to clarify that we still consider Israel to be a part of the Lakewood family and that his employment has not been terminated,” the statement read. This after tabloid reports claimed Houghton had been cheating on his wife of 20 years with actress/TV cohost Adrienne Bailon of the daytime talk show, “The Real” and that the relationship was behind the breakup of his marriage . The two worked together when he produced the 2013 film, “I’m In Love With A Church Girl,” but Houghton denied that Bailon had anything to do with his divorce. “In the midst of all that’s going on in the world… Suffering, terrorism, deciding a future for our country, and making the world safer; It is sad that I am even having to address this matter…” Houghton posted on Facebook. “I understand that gossip and salacious untrue speculative stories are far more interesting and entertaining than the truth & facts. But, it’s incredibly unfair to allow someone to carry the burden, blame & shame of something they had nothing to do with… “I met Adrienne Bailon a bit over 2 years ago, we worked together & became friends… Our circles connected & we remained good friends. From a friendship, as two single adults we have very recently begun to explore a dating relationship. “I had not even yet met Adrienne during the time my marriage was falling apart. “It deeply saddens me that an innocent party would be dragged into this situation that I have taken personal responsibility for. Adrienne is a woman of integrity & character…”
Le’Andria Johnson Sings New Tune
Chart-topping singer, pastor, Grammy® and two-time Stellar Award winner Le’Andria Johnson —who generated a great deal of controversy as well as one of the stars of the Oxygen Network’s “Preachers of Atlanta”— delivers much-anticipated new music with her new single “Better Days.” Generating early buzz with her powerhouse performances on BET’s “Bobby Jones Gospel” and “Celebration of Gospel,” fans have quickly embraced the “Sunday Best” winner’s uplifting new song. The release of the single followed the show’s season finale, which aired on
March 23rd. The 33-year old pastor and founder of Imperfect People Changing Ministries had been slammed over the last year for cursing, drinking and more recently passing out condoms and cigarettes while dressing like a prostitute on the streets of Atlanta…In other release news, Jonathan Nelson celebrates another chart-topping hit with his newest album Fearless, debuting at #1 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums Chart. Released on March 18th, the multiple Stellar Award-winning singer, songwriter/producer and worship leader’s fifth album also debuted at #4 on Billboard’s Top Christian & Gospel Albums (Combined) Chart, and debuted at #2 on iTunes Christian & Gospel Albums Chart. Driven by the single, “Anything Can Happen” and songs such as “I Believe (Island Medley)” “My Hope,” “I Give You Glory” (feat. Tye Tribbett), “Brand New” (feat. Kim Burrell)” “Forever Settled” (feat. Dorinda Clark-Cole), “Jesus Chant” (feat. Jason Nelson) and more, Nelson recently celebrated the release of Fearless with a star-studded album release concert.
Bishop Paul S. Morton Launches Eyewear Apparel
Grammy-Award nominated artist, six-time Stellar Award Winner and founding Bishop of Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International, Bishop Paul S. Morton, may have retired as presiding elder, but the next chapter of his life will include his very own line of eyewear apparel. The collection features an assortment of frames that exemplify his style. Each handmade frame is embossed with Bishop’s signature and includes a distinctive ‘sword of the spirit’ flexible hinge. A true visionary, trailblazer and pastor of Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church (Atlanta, GA) and Co-Pastor of Greater St. Stephen (New Orleans, LA), Bishop Morton shows there’s no limit on utilizing your gift. "In my life I ' v e preached so that people could see better through the “spiritual and feel good”. Now I'm excited about my new Eyewear showing people how to see better through the “physical and look good”. l've always taught to be the best you can be in everything you do. That's why I'm so proud of my new signature eyewear, as I continue to live up to my brand."
Le’Andria Johnson
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Omari Hardwick
n screen, Power star Omari Hardwick—who plays wealthy New York City club owner James St. Patrick—lives a double life as an underground drug lord who goes by the name of “Ghost”. In what is the tangled web that has the Starz series enjoying huge ratings, Ghost, who's trying to leave the drug world for good and live an upright life, kills his associates in order to be with his longtime love, Angela Valdez, who just happens to be an assistant United States attorney. “There’s a good angel on the right shoulder and a bad angel on the left shoulder and they’re competing,” Hardwick has said of his character. But offscreen, life is a great deal more black and white for the prolific actor whose parents expected such great things from him that they gave him a Swahili first name that means “most high.” These days, Hardwick— who played the love interest of Gabrielle Union in “Bein’ Mary Jane” and Jordin Sparks in “Sparkle”, the husband of Janet Jackson in Tyler Perry’s “For Colored Girls”, served alongside Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner in “The Guardian, and starred alongside Dylan McDermott in the TNT series “Dark Blue”— seems to be living up to his name. But the multi-talented actor and artist wasn’t handed his accomplishments, and openly talks about a period in his life in which he used to live out of his car and shower at the YMCA when money was tight. He credits his devotion to God (and a little help from Denzel Washington) to his success. “It wasn’t that long ago I was sleeping in my car, now I live in a beautiful house. Dåreams are so qualified, but God has to be there first and foremost,” Hardwick says. He was raised in a religious household, with a father who went to the African American Methodist Episcopal church and a mother who is a practicing Catholic. Hardwick was given a well-rounded spiritual upbringing with their dueling faiths, alternating going to his mother and father’s churches every Sunday. He calls it “double church” duty. But Hardwick says that while he had religious structure in his life, he wasn’t always the most well-behaved. “Although I never did anything that would follow through time and bite me, I did receive the nickname ‘Devilish Angel’ and lived up to the reputation,” Hardwick says. It was a love of football—and not acting—that fueled Hardwick’s passion growing up in Decatur, Georgia. So much so that after graduation, he relocated to San Diego for a spot on the San Diego Chargers before a knee injury would cut his football dreams short. But after a knee injury, it became clear that football wasn’t his path. “It was hard to tell my Pops that I wasn’t going to be the star football player he imagined me to be,” Hardwick recounts. “I remember going to him and my mom hesitantly and letting them know that I would be pursuing acting, something I had minored in while in school. “My pops took it better than I thought he would, but the disappointment was still there. It was my Mom that really embraced my decision and gave me the confidence to pursue this new dream.” Still, parental support is only part of the battle, and he spent years working odd jobs and living on a dime until he was cast by Spike Lee himself in his debut role, the 2004 TV movie, “Sucker Free City.” Since then, Hardwick has had resounding success in hit blockbusters like Kick-Ass, The A-Team, and For Colored Girls. He has also been on many TV shows, including CSI: Miami, Saved, and Being Mary Jane. Hardwick has worked alongside rapper 50 Cent, Tyler Perry, and Jordin Sparks, and credits Denzel Washington as a close mentor, after he and his wife gave Hardwick shelter and
helped him when his car was about to be repossessed. “My father has always been my number one mentor, so I didn’t really need to actively seek out anybody in particular, however Denzel Washington and his wife, Pauletta, have been a great support system.” Hardwick also passionately pursues his poetry - which has not only been a spiritual and creative outlet, but has also given him a means to reach out to the younger generation. His bluApple Poetry Network offers a free after-school program that teaches kids in Broward County, Florida about spoken word poetry. NFL superstar and defensive end for the Miami Dolphins Jason Taylor partnered with Omari to create the now blossoming, multifaceted program that gives teens and children an outlet to express their beliefs, opinions, and emotions. They began airing the blueApple Poetry Network radio show in 2013, and have also established the blueApple Poetry Corner - which offers the after school program to both middle and high school students. “Poetry has, in a way, been my bridge to my acting career,” Hardwick says. Early on, he wrote a poem called “Maybe only God hears my dream,” upon dreaming what his life could be like. And while season three of “Power” will return in June to millions of anxious viewers, the 43-year old former teacher turned actor, also has three film projects in the works. But fame has come with a price tag, and the actor was dealt two major blows when he lost his infant son, and was subsequently separated from his wife. The public scrutiny during that time, he says, was harder than he could have possibly imagined. “It’s a double edge sword, balancing the fame and having to deal with such a public life,” he says. “It’s difficult.” His closeness to God has been of utmost importance in living in the public eye, which he has learned to navigate with the strength and determination of a former football sensation, and the delicacy and sensitivity of a poet. “Grace to me is having the ability to give people the opportunity to redeem themselves,” he says. “I in no way believe that I am the highest or most high,” he says, recalling his name. “But I feel like my name gives me something to strive for.”
“Grace to me is having the ability to give people the opportunity to redeem themselves”.
L.A. Focus/April 2016
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Finding Your Pretty with Chez
started to see the change around age 26. The smooth dimple free thighs that I would get so many compliments on – backstage of fashion shows from fellow models– were beginning to look a little cottage cheesy. I HAD CELLULITE! After a brief break down trying to come to the realization that my easy early 20s where beauty was a breeze, when I barely worked out or even put on lotion for that matter, were behind me. Reality smacked me and it was the smack of an old black southern grandma – right across the face, hard and life changing. I had to tack action! I began to research the best ways to combat these stubborn fat deposits that I’m sure have “We shall not be moved” picket signs. Over 90% of women have cellulite and it may be genetic. But Lucky for us and unlike those dreaded stretch marks, that definitely are more immovable than our beloved Rosa Parks, cellulite is reversible. Just put these simple tricks into your beauty regimen and you are sure
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exfoliating Sugar Body Scrub with the invigorating scent of Italian Mocha. Packed with antioxidants, Coffee Seed powder helps keep skin smooth and firm. Tree Hut Firming Sugar Scrub, Italian Mocha /Walgreens $6.99
to see a difference. According to Howard Murad, M.D., author of The Cellulite Solution: A Doctor's Program for Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, and Stretch Mark. Getting rid of cellulite is women's #1 beauty issue and in order to rid your body of cellulite you need to strengthen and hydrate your body’s cells and the connective tissue. The expensive way to do this is with a new laser treatment called Cellulaze, which has impressive results and according to Cynosure, the company that makes the machine typically costs between $5,000 and $7,000. Next you can get a deep tissue massage, not the kind you get from your massage therapist homegirl, but from a physician or physician’s assistant. “Endermologie” or “Silhoutte” involves a medical vacuum with rollers that use suction to massage the extra fluid out of swollen fat cells. These deep tissue massages cost around $100 per session and generally require a minimum of 14 performed twice a week. Now, the cheapest and –for most of us– the hardest way to lessen the appearance of cellulite is exercise. Though it won’t solve the problem completely, strength training will get the muscles firm and strong giving the overlaying fat layer a more stable base. Exfoliating is also a frugal way to help the cause. Exfoliate with a dry brush or coffee scrub before you shower 2-3 times per week to help increase blood flow. Caffeine is loaded with anti-oxidants and tightening agents. And last but not least avoid excessive alcohol and smoking. It puts a strain on your lymphatic system.
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with leg makeup. This lightweight, enriched with Palmaria Extract, enhances the coverage of freckles, veins and imperfections. It's water and transfer resistant. Bare legs are nice. Airbrush Legs are irresistible. Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Spray /Walmart $7.15
So Who Does Your Hair... Tasha specializes in helping h e r clients t o achieve healthy hair and h a t e s when when a client comes to her with their hair extremely damaged. “It’s the worst when a client leaves me and comes back and their hair has been just torn up. That just gets under my
skin because to me a clients hair is who they are when you walk in and your hair looks beautiful it’s a statement and when its not healthy it just looks a mess all the time. so you’re not representing yourself fully. I know my hands are anointed but I am not a miracle worker.” The stylist of over 25 years works out of the full salon she had built in her home and is an all around stylist but says she doesn’t do braids for the simple fact that it takes to long. “I don’t like to have my clients in the salon for a long period of time. I treasure my time and I treasure your time. Unless you’re getting a long process like a weave or some
Showcase your hairstyle, salon,
L.A. Focus/April 2016
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color then that’s different but when you are having a basic service you should be in the salon for maybe an hour or an hour and a half.” hair tip: When you are looking for a hairstylist find someone that cares about what you want. you may not agree with everything that they are saying but you must agree with the healthiness that they are looking for. Drink a lot of water, eat a lot of raw green vegetables, incorporate some nuts because you do need the oil from the nuts, and exercise. Salon info: Tasha’s Healthy Hair Salon 323-350-2800
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