La Grande Nickel 11-05-2015

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WOOD EARTH stove, large, excellent condition, like new, $1,500 obo. 541-663-1751 La Grande mjs

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Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING http: //www.dfw.state. November 5th, 2015

The Nickel- Nov5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

Secondseason Rocky Mtn elk hunting Nov. 7-15 Reports from Northeast Oregon say that an expected cooling weather trend should have elk on the move. Green-up is underway due to recent rains, meaning improved feed conditions and elk more likely to spread out across the landscape. In The Dalles district, first season hunting pressure was light so expect elk to still be in larger groups. No snow accumulation has occurred at higher elevations, so elk have not fully migrated to lower elevations. Extended deer hunting season for youth this weekend The general season ends Nov. 6. But youth hunters age 12-17 with an unfilled Western Oregon general deer, W High Cascade or Hood-White River tag can hunt this weekend, Nov. 7-8. See page 35 of the Big Game Regs for more information. Turkey hunt until Dec. 31 Most of western Oregon is open under a general season through the end of the year. Get a tag any time before going hunting. Remember tactics are different for fall turkey hunting. Despite Oct. 31 closures, trout opportunities continue While trout fishing on many streams and rivers closed on Oct. 31, there's still plenty of trout fishing to be had. Most lakes and reservoirs are open year-round and there will be great opportunities until snow/ice make access dicey. Several rivers also remain open to trout- think Deschutes, Crooked, Metolius, Fall and Blitzen rivers. Weekend fishing opportunities: • •

St e elhead fishing has been good to very good on the lmnaha and Grande Ronde rivers. Go o d numbers of fall chinook and coho are available in the lower Umatilla River and anglers are using a variety of techniques, bobbers and jigs/bait, casting spinners/plugs. This fishery should continue to improve as flows increase and water temperatures decrease. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: trout, whitefish, bass Steelhead fishing on the Grande Ronde is very good right now. With the recent bump in flows, catch rates should remain high for the next few weeks. Fish are taking everything including flies, lures, bait and anything else you want to throw at them. The outlook for steelhead is currently very good for 2015-16 with nearly 21,000 Wallowa/Imnaha fish to pass Bonneville Dam; much higher than the average of 14,000. The river remains open for trout whitefish and bass. Fishing for smallmouth bass will be good with lots of fish in the river, warm temperatures and low flows. IMNAHA RIVER: trout The Imnaha River is fishing well for steelhead. The recent bump in flows will bring more fish up from the Snake River and fishing will remain good. The outlook for steelhead is currently very good for 2015-16 with nearly 21,000 Wallowa/Imnaha fish to pass Bonneville Dam; much higher than the average of 14,000. JUBILEE LAKE: rainbow trout Trout fishing has been good with the cooler fall temperatures, trout are once again willing to feed near the surface and in the shallows. Anglers should try casting lures or flies, and bait is always a good back-up plan. The lake has been stocked and should provide good fishing for rainbow trout. PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh): rainbow trout Peach Pond is closed to fishing until Dec. 31 due to a recent pesticide application to remove unwanted goldfish. However, the pond will not be restocked until spring. WALLOWA COUNTY PONDS: rainbow trout Kinney Lake was treated with a pesticide on Oct. 5 to remove unwanted fishes. Public access has been restricted to avoid exposure to rotenone. Kinney Lake is closed to entry until all signage has been removed and is closed to angling until Dec. 31. No fish will be in Kinney Lake until restocking in spring of 2015. Salt Creek, Honeymoon and McGraw were stocked this fall prior to rifle deer season and should produce good catch rates. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Trout fishing has slowed at Wallowa Lake. However, the pressure has dropped off with the end of the summer season. During the fall stocked trout have been in the lake long enough they start to learn to eat natural food. Try fishing with flies and other more natural baits. The lake has received additional rainbow trout stocking due to other area water bodies being too hot to receive fish. This means the lake has been heavily stocked with both legal-size and trophy trout. Kokanee anglers have found some recent success, however the fish are still running on the small side. Biologists have received few reports on the kokanee fishery; however, late spring and early summer is usually best. Lend a hand to local biologist and report your kokanee fishing experience at ODFW Fishing Reports. In 2014 the lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. Some of these fish have likely held over from last year and are available to anglers. If you catch one of these tagged fish, please report the number, location, date, where in the lake the fish was caught and the size to the ODFW office in Enterprise or online. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish Steelhead season is open on the Wallowa River, however fishing doesn't normally pick up until later in the year and into the spring. Trout fishing has been good on the river with angers finding some nice fish. Fall caddis and mayfly hatches have been good and fish seem to be keying in on them. Remember, the Wallowa is also a whitefish factory and can produce some large fish. Whitefish are native to Oregon and are a respected sporffish across the west. Whitefish can be great in the smoker and are a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing. To catch them, use beadhead nymphs a size ¹12-16 hook and fish for them in quick runs that are knee to waist deep. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, BLACK BEAR, ROCKY MTN ELK 2"' SEASON (Nov. 7-15), UPLAND BIRDS, WATERFOWL (goose closed Nov. 2-7, see regs) BAKER COUNTY The 39 road near Halfway is now open. Elk- Second season runs Nov. 7-15. Elk numbers are good in most units. Elk may be scattered and hard to locate. Look in areas of green up from late summer rains. It has been dry for the last several weeks and there has not been much green up in the lower elevations. Chukar, Hun, and California Quail - The season ends Jan. 31. Hunters should expect another season similar to last years. Chukar numbers were up from last year however. Grouse season starts September 1. Blue grouse can be found in the higher elevations while ruffed grouse are more common in wetter areas. Hunters should expect an average year for grouse. Successful hunters are asked to place the tails and wings from harvestedbirds in the collection barrels. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Bear season opened August 1. Successful hunters, remember check-in of bear skull is mandatory; see the regulations for details. Biologists recommend propping the bear's mouth open with a stick after harvest; it makes for easier tooth collection and measuring. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Elk hunters can expect some moist conditions for rifle first season in Union County. Older bulls will be away from cow groups for the most part, recovering from the rut. Look for spikes and young bulls to be with larger herds. Snow likely won't be an issue for fist season but could be a consideration for second season. Remember to ask permission before entering private land. Forest Grouse hunters can expect a productive season. Look for Ruffed grouse in creek bottoms and Blues above 5000 feet on open ridges. Both may be found near water sources early in the season. Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Black Bears are plentiful throughout the county. Look for sign around fruit trees and in canyon bottoms. Bears can be concentrated along creeks and rivers in the late summer. This year's berry crop is not quite what 2014 was but should still make for good early season bear hunting in Union County. Huckle, Service and Hawthorn berries are all in full swing. Hunt in the early morning and evenings for the best chance of seeing bears. Bear skulls must be checked in within ten days of harvest, see regulations. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Upland Birds are plentiful this fall in Union County. Hunters will find excellent numbers of Pheasants and quail in the valley and foothills. Look for birds near water sources. Expect warm dry conditions for opening weekend and bring plenty of dog water. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Glass Hill Unit is open to hunting during authorized seasons except closed to all entry Feb 1" through March 31st. Vehicles, camping and fires are prohibited on the wildlife area. The Marsh (Everything North and East of Foothill rd) opens to upland game bird and duck hunting on October 10. The lack of spring rain and warmer weather this year proved beneficial for pheasant and quail populations. Nest and brood rearing success were high and should provide a great hunting opportunity. The hot conditions and lack of spring rains caused much of the wetland to go dry this year. Waterfowl nest success was good but the lack of water did cause some mortality. Recent fall precipitation events have allowed water levels to increase and water conditions are looking good for the waterfowl season. Most areas with water are holding good numbers of birds. WALLOWA COUNTY The public land north the FS 62 road and east of the Elk Flat Trailhead in the Wenaha Unit in Wallowa County has now been opened to public access after the Grizzly Fire Umatilla NF closure. However, several roads north of the FS62 road remain closed to vehicular traffic due to hazard trees along them. 10/26/15 Notice: Hancock Timber lands in the Minam and Sled Springs units are now open to camping, campfires, and firewood cutting. Elk: First bull elk season ended November 1" with most units reporting good success as elk numbers are generally above management objective. Second bull elk season begins on November 7'" and the expected cooling weather trend should have elk moving and hunters can expect good success. Some rain has fallen recently and fall green-up is underway, which provides improved feed conditions and allows the elk to spread out across the landscape. Forest Grouse: Blue grouse can still be found on ridge tops near wet spring areas, but will soon be moving to conifer tree tops where they feed on buds for the winter. Once that move occurs, it will be difficult to locate blue grouse. Numbers are still below long term averages, and hunters will need to work a little harder to find birds. Ruffed grouse numbers have been more stable and hunters should have good success hunting riparian areas where these birds remain throughout the winter.

The Nickel - Nov 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 3


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TOTAL GYM - rarely used. Includes extras and unopened training DVDs. $525 OBO 541403-0164 Baker City djk

NOTICE: C l assified 2004 FAT BOY Harley TUTOR ELEMENTARY Deadline: T u e sday Davidson, e x c ellentschool: earn up to $460/ 5pm. Changes or can- condition, 30,000 origi- monthly tax free, must cellations must be in nal miles, lots of extras. be 55 or more. Personal by 5pm Monday. $9,500.00 obo, cash income limits; call John or trade, 541-886-2094 Brenne, 54-276-4474 or REMINGTON 700SPS WANT YOURAD TO Wallowa vxm jcbrenne@outlook.corn in 300 RUM with 20 moa COVER A GREATER sll AREA? THOMPSON RV is Eastpicitiny rail dies, brass and 7lbs of Retumbo Come inand speak with ern Oregon" s largest RV DARREL FRIESEN Well powder and primers. us at the The Nickel dealer: family owned and Services, LLC. Submers541-263-1014 call or txt. about PNAWANads. You operated for 40 years; ible pump installation Enterprise djd can advertise in 12 differ- browse our inventory on- and repairs on water sysent papers for as low as line at www.thompsonrv. tems. Phone 541-562S H 0 T G U N $75.00. Papers in Ore- corn, or call us at 800- 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. WINCHESTER Model gon, Washingt on, Idaho 459-4836, Pendleton vxt CCB¹163246 Union, OR 50 Twenty gauge, semi- and more! Call 541-963sxd 2000 22FT. Nomad Lite auto, full choke, $300.00. 6237 bxn 541-786-2212 La Grande Camp Trailer in excel- JOIN OUR awesome dha OPENINGS NOW avail. lent condition. Can be team. Health Care workfor beginner piano les- pulled with half ton, ful- er need for a 24hr live in SAVAGE MODEL 93R17 sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. ly self-contained and shift, once a week. with scope, new. Safe 8 fun environment! equipped. Sleeps 6, Air sibility of doing 2 shifts a Combo stock,cleaning Call 541-805-9741 for Conditioner and micro- week. Musthave active kit, 10 boxes shells, more info! La Grande wave, everything works, state provider nubmer 8 has awnings and out- a valid drivers license. $350.00 obo. 541-805- bxw 0494 La Grande dks side shower. New tires, Call 541-786-8261 for equalizer hitch and sway details. Please leave GREAT SELECTION of SERVE YOUR bar, 1500 watt generator, message or contact by rifles 8 pistols,. Ammo, COUNTRY!!! some camping equip- text. 541-786-0448 La 8 shirts, hoodies 8 Want a little cash? Want ment. Comes with bat- Grande sjc much more! E. Frazer to go to college? Have tery charger and electric Gunworks. 2616 Bearco way too many student hitch. $8,000 8 includes EXPERIENCED AR/AP Loop, La Grande. 541- loans? Ever thought cover, new in box. 541- specialist seeking em663-8000 dkf about serving your coun- 216-1941/541-823-2901 ployment; contact via try? The Oregon National Haines vhd email - bllamoureux@ STEELHEAD Guard gives you tuition gmail.corn - for full reFISHING assistance and the MGIB POLARIS ATV 2002 700 sume and r eferencSteelhead fishing above so you can start/finish Sportsman. Winch, heat- es. 360-609-2422 La McNary Dam is picking your college degree. If ed grips, bags, 2,759mi, Grande shl up. Book your trip now. you already have your $2,850 or trade for 500 8 hour trip, $150; call degree we offer the stu- ATV of equal value. 541Odohrty Outfitters, 541- dent loan repayment of 540-6890 Richland vhs 571-3933 dmd $50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowlCASH FOR guns, we edge, experience, and buy guns at Oregon Trail motivation to jump start Trader, 2312 Adams your career. Imagin havAve. 541-963-2913 La ing your college totally Grande dxo paid for and a drill pay check. Want more infor• : I li t NEW PISTOLS over mation call SSGT Lori e 100 in stock can special McNeil 541-786-1459 La s • • order an y f i r earmsGrande area. bxm or do i n ternet gun 700-1000 Gemstones, 1997 Lincoln Town Car — 55k Miles — Pristine, 150 Piece Royal Douldon transfers.541-523-9448 COME TO the Presby- China, 75 Boxes of Figurines and Collectables, Baker City dxw terian Harvest Bazaar. Wall Plates, Nice Black 3 Piece Couch, 2 Glass Top End Tables, 2 Matching Lamps, 2 Stuffed G LOG K 45ACP, 2"' It will be held at the Chairs, Fire Place Mantel, Large Glass Top Coffee Presbyterian Friendship Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger 4 Head Free Standing Lamp, Howard-Miller Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Center on the corner of Table, Grandfather Clock, Broyhill Side Board Slate Top, 4 Ruger Vaquero, Matched Spring and Sixth Streets Shelf Glass Front China Closet, Tall China Closet w/ Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. on November 7'" from Door and Drawer, Tall 6 Shelf China Hutch, Dining S8W Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 9am to noon. We will Room Set w/ 6 Wicker Back Chairs, Go-Go Power "/n", Nickel, Trigger Job. be selling homemade Chair, Several Pictures/Paintings, 2 Tall Wood Book SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, donuts, coffee, canned Shelves, 4 Door Hall Storage Cabinet, Nursing Bed, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". and baked goods, dec- 7 Drawer Dresser w/ Mirror, 3 Drawer 2 Door Glass w/ Wood Shelf, 2 Four Poster Queen Sized Beds SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". (Very Nice), 5' Tall Centurion Safe w/ Gun Station, 2 And many rifles! Call orations, books, toys, 541-786-1900 I sland and used treasures. La Corner Shelves, Drawer Dresser w/ Beveled Mirror, Secretary w/4 Drawers and Glass Front, Very Nice Grande bhp City dxv 7 Drawer Dresser w/ Mirror, 4 Drawer Wood Shelf, 2 ¹


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MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages 8 connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-417-7304 ffn

ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PANA WAN. 963-6237.

The Nickel- Nov5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •

FREE PERSONAL classifieds for military personel and dependants with dependant ID. We support our troops! The Nickel, 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Grande. 963-6237

Join Pastor Frank Humber from

Summerville Baptist Church First 4 Jefferson, Summerville, OR 534-9155 National Ado tion Awareness Month Usually when we think of the month of November our focus goes to the fourth Thursday of the month and our celebration of giving of thanks. However, I would like to draw your attention to a newer and less familiar focus of November. This month is also National Adoption Awareness month. For a child that is orphaned, removed from their biological parents permanently, or abandoned by their parents, being chosen to be loved by a caring and nurturing family is truly a cause for thanksgiving. According to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute in a report produced in 2013 by the US Health 8 Human Services, there were 397,122 children in foster care at that time. I am sure the numbers have not adjusted too greatly. Of those children in foster care, 32 percent, or 101,667, are eligible for adoption. According to that report, most of them will remain in foster care for three years before being adopted. These statistics are only for the foster care system. There are even more children in other American systems that are in need of adoption. And then add all the parentless children around the world and the numbers are astronomical- into the millions. Unfortunately, adoptionhas become a big money business forsome and a means to exploit children by others. In the midst of all of that, children are left without a family and many good families hit road blocks and disappointments in their journey toward adoption. I love hearing wonderful stories about successful adoptions and those who have dedicated themselves to help facilitate it. I heard about a church that was challenged by their pastor to dedicate themselves to make their homes available for foster care, and every child in their town was placed into a loving home. I am blessed to be part of a church family that has children in it that are in foster homes and many other members who have adopted. I know of many other congregations like ours as well. People who are in it for the good of the child and not for their own personal benefit are a great blessing. Sadly, I do know stories where that was not the case. Homes in which the family had their own personal, sinister reasons to enter the foster care system or adoption process. There is no perfect way to catch and stop every bad situation, because we are merely humans and we liveamong humans. However, just because thereare some bad situations and some bad people involved it should not stop good people from trying to make a difference. The fact is that there are children who need people to care about them. I can speak from experience that it is not easy to care for the child of another person, but the easy thing is not always the right thing. Too many people are too comfortable doing what is easy. There are a lot of children who need good people who are willing to take on the challenge to get involved in bearing their burden of their traumatized life and try to make it better. Just think of all the Bible characters that were cared for by people other than their own biological parents. You can start with Jesus. Also consider the fact that God uses both birth and adoption as physical pictures and parallels of entrance into His family by faith in His Son for forgiveness of sin in His Bible. I kind of think there is a precedent here for those who call themselves Bible believers and Christ followers. November is a good month to contemplate these things. Happy Adoption Awareness Month! Be aware of the need. "From the heart of the va//ey, to HEARTS in the va//ey" Sunday School for all ages

-9:45 am

Main Service & Children's Church Sunday Evening Service

11:00 am 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening Service 7:00 pm Nursery provided for all services. Thanks to these generous sponsors, please patronize their businesses: The Nickel, Valley Realty, Frontier Motors, Daniels Chapel of the Valley, Claudson's Sew & Soak, Dr. James McMahan, Loveland Funeral Chapel, Legacy Ford, Evergreen Health & Rehabilitation And, of course, our own church family


PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. www.clark-auctions.corn hxc

CUSTOM 18FT Mirage Xtera Cargo trailer, carpet, refrige, furnace, cabinets 8 bed. First $6,000.00 takes 541562-6131 Union vhh

NICE OLDER travel trailer, 18ft, fully self-contained, tandem axle, new license, new refrigerator, propane tanks full, new DIRECTV'S THE Big upholstery, ready for Deal special! O nly hunting or vacationing. $19.99 per month - Free Good buy at $2,750. premiumchannelsHBO, 541-519-5620 Baker City Starz, Cinemax 8 Show- vhb time for 3 months 8 Free Receiver upgrade! NFL WANTED SNOW plow 2014 Season Included. b lade for ATV a nd Call Now 1-800-453- chains. 541-983-2603 9131 ffn Meacham vjc

VENDORS WANTED! La Grande American Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, 301 Fir St. Saturday November 7'", 9am-1pm. Contact Jody 541-963-5081 La Grande bha

AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Donating Blood is as easy as pie! La Grande Community. 1802 Gekeler Lane. The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Gym. Tuesday, November 17'", 2015. 12pm-6pm. To schedule your appointment or for more information, contact Linda Strand at 541-963-4261 SAFE STEP WALK-IN I'M SELLING my 2007 La Grande bja TUB alert for seniors! Snowmobile, like new Bathroom falls can be with only 1,920 miles SHOP EARLY. Jewelry fatal. Safe Step Walk-In and just over 40 hours Display at The Nickel Tub, approved by Arthri- used. It has a clean title 1112 1/2 Adams Avenue, tis Foundation, therapeu- and reverse. It would be La Grande. $4- $40. Gift tic jets, less than 4" step- a great sled for a begin- giving just got easier! in, wide door, anti-slip ner or a serious rider. It Happy Holidays! bmh floors, American made. has only been ridden Installation Included. Call on trails and has never DID YOU know an esti800-379-6390 for $750 been abused. $4,000 mated 44 million Amerioff! ffn obo. Buy this before the cans, age 18 and older, season starts. I' ll take off provide unpaid assisDACOR RANGE, burn- $500 if purchased by No- tance to older adults ers run on propane, oven vember 1st, 2015. Call and adults with disabiliis electric, works well, Jess at 541-910-4244 La ties? November is National Family Caregiver $200.00 obo. Earth wood Grande vjr stove with fans, heats up Month, and we here at to 2000sq. ft, very good ALPINE LITE travel trail- Community Connection condition, $600.00 obo. er, 31ft, with 2 slide outs, want to let you know 541-534-6554 Summer- air, microwave, tv, like you are not alone. Beville hcm new tires, clean and in ing a Family Caregiver excellent condition, lots is a very demanding QUEEN MATTRESS of storage, $9,500.00. job, and we understand and box springs, $100. 541-910-0026 Elgin how hard it can be to Entertainment center, take a moment to take $75. 541-910-6713 La 12FT. VALCO Aluminum care of your-self. If you Grande hjt are feeling tired or overboat, 10hp, Honda motor whelmed, gives us a call and trailer. $700 541today or drop into your 663-9091 La Grande vfs local Community ConnectionOff ice and ask LAGRANDE OR Livestock Eales CAMPER, FULL mat- about our Family CareEvery Thursday tress, 5x60x74, $75.00. giver Support Program. 11:30 am 4 hydraulic camper jacks Let us see how we can Your livestock will and 2 Honda XR 80's. help you. Baker County bring top dollar at One for $200, and the Community C onnecIMLI other for $250. 541-426- tion: 2810 Cedar Street, 541-963-215 8 Baker City, OR 97814. 3841 Enterprise vku Phone: (541) 523-6591 800-824-5298 i Toll Free: 1-800-8236591. Union County Community Connection: 1504 N Albany Street La Grande, OR 97850. 59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande Phone: (541) 963-7532 LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES i Toll Free: 1-800-331ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 7532. Wallowa County lx4, lx6, lx12 BOARD k BAT Community Connection: 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 702 NW First Street, 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Enterprise, OR 97828. Phone: (541) 426-3840 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best l Toll Free: 1-800-772buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. 3840 bmp Fence Stays 1.10 ea.


High Country Post 4, Poles

Call Ron963-6258oI 805-9279

CASH! For quality Antiques 8 Collectibles. I buy older Estates! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one! DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and auto accident injuries. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb BARRELS Burn or Storage, $20.00; vented $25.00. Call 541963-8990 La Grande mxp FOOD ALLERGY testing, cleansing therapy and hormonal supplementation. Call Dr. Willard Bertrand DC. 963-Well. La Grande. Preferred Provider for all major insurances. mxb THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Come in and start des igning. Starting a t $32.50 for 500! HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome.corn TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 Call for sizes and prices. Island City mxc WANT YOURAD TO COVER A GREATERAREA? Come inand speak with Don at The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You can advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Oregon, Washingt on, Idaho and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job

placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. THE NICKEL@ Call 800-201-4585. www www.lagrandenickel.corn .CenturaOnline.corn 35556 mxp

The Nickel - Nov 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm CM TRUCK flatbeds, front bumpers and grill guards, with many styles to choose from. Please call Pioneer West at 541963- 9378 La Grande axp

ORCHARD GRASS hay, first cutting, two string bales, some light rane, tarped, some no rain, in shed will load. $175. to $200. per ton. 541-5684441 or 541-910-4441 Cove. pjk PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters wl runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk

HARLEY ANDATV Service and R epair NO PART of this publicafor Harley Davidsons tion may be reproduced and ATV's. B8B Re- without the permission pair 62010 West Road of the publisher. Thank Call 541-605-0400 La you. pxh Grande axb WANTED: ALL classes 2013 JEEP Grand Cher- of horses. We pick'em okee Laredo Immacu- up. Call J.A. Bennett late, 4,600 miles, black Livestock. 541-523-6119 on black, $41,000.00. or 541-519-2802 Baker 541-786-2575 La City pxj Grande axl NOTICE: Changes or AUTOMATIC AND cancellations must be STANDARD Transmis- in by 5pm Monday. sion Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, FOR SALE HEREFORD 28 years in La Grande YEARLING BULLS Call 541-963-7087 La Harrel 8 Hoiden genetGrande axm ics, sired by Churchill Yankee and Sons of the CLASSIC 51 Chevy pick- Great 4140P. Top quality up, restored 350 small bulls, priced right. Startblock, $28,000 firm. 541- ing at $2,500.00. 541963-7517 La Grande axy 910-3610 Baker City pxo 1964 CHEVY PANEL TRUCK 350 V8, l ess t h an 8,000mi,4x4, manual trans, huge bumpers all around, with winch, newer wheels 8 tires, she' s a beast! $6,900. View online at lagrandenickel.corn. 541-534-2772 Summerville agl

VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering boarding, lessons and training. All ages and levels, school horses available 8 references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arenas! 541-786-3218. www .victoryacresfarm. corn. La Grande pxw

www.lagrandenickel.corn HOMEADE BUCKBUSTER front bumper, Dodge SHELTERS, MARE moRam, $125.00. 541-426- tels, heavy gauged gal8809 Enterprise ahs vanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, custom SET OF 4 wheelsoff stall fronts, complete 2010 Ford F-150 Lariat, arena set-ups and more. $500.00. Call 541-963- Factory Direct! ID¹ RCE8404 La Grande ahr 20843, OR¹ 190181, WA¹ LUCKYAF859DC. 2001 CADILLAC, North- Lucky Acres Fencing, star, loaded, everything Inc. 208-746-1228, www works, elderly owner, . pjl 160k, $3,595.00. 541963-5646 or 541-9639358 La Grande abf •

INSIDE QUITTING Sale: 9am-6pm, Saturday November 7th. Furniture, books, dishes, Salon furniture, misc small appliances, p i ctures, shelves, misc wood, mirrors, plastic mats, overstocked salon product, "Set Me Free" items, Salon chairs, facial chair, therabths and much more. 1424 Jefferson, La Grande ghw

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 5

WILL THE person or persons who bought the old coins from 95 north 17th street in Elgin Oregon, please call me at 541786-8112 gje

HUGE SALEESTATE, BARN, AUCTION!! SHOP, HOUSEHOLD!! Hermiston, O r egon, Nov. 78 8--9-5pm. No November 15th, 2015. Early Sales! Gate locked. Coca Cola collectibles, 64635 Orchard Rd. 4 mi. John Deere pedal tractor, N on Hunter from Island Goodyear sign, collect- City light, L on Standley, ible tools, model trains, R on Orchard, 1st house banks, trucks, die cast, on R. Watch for signs! Snap-On, Mac, knives, Cash Only! Phone 541clocks, Noritake, Texaco, 963-0800 La Grande ghs Case pedal tractor, shop tools, 24 kt. Mac tools, GARAGE SALE Novempig collection, every- ber 7th, 9-5. On Main thing must sell, great gift Street in Richland at the items, new in box. For old Bank Building. Anpictures and information tiques, new and used go to Mbz Liquidations furniture and lots of mison Facebook, larger ads cellaneous. Richland ghb in following Nickel ads. Ford Bonney auctioneer, Moving Sale ( under call Mike Zook 541-571- Cover) Nov 6-7, 8am tp 6280 ghz 2pm. Chauncey Jerome Antique Clock circa: PUBLIC AUCTION 1850 - 1853 value to November 8th, 2015, be- $350 sell $125.00, King tweenMissionand Pend- bed Scaly (over $2000 leton. High end furniture new) like new $200.00, 8 collectibles; for photos Rough cut Black Walnut and listings go to colum- 2X various lengths and biariverauction.corn and widths - make offer, lots see listing in this weeks of Old Barn boards make Nickel paper. ghr offer, tools, King size dresser, $100. Antique Chair and Ottoman, several New Metal Detectors A-1 DONATE YOUR never used(in Boxes) CAR FOR BREAST from $75.00, Neutilus CANCER! Help United NS 600 (Sport Series) Breast Fou ndation Premium Strength Syseducation, prevention, 8 tem (over $2300 investsupport programs. FAST ed - Sacrifice $500, 14' FREE PICKUP - 24 Boat, 2 motors, Bimini HR RESPONSE - TAX top and trailer (new tires) DEDUCTION 855-403$850.00, much more. 0213 45627 Cherry Lane, Halfway, Ore, 541-7424958 ghk DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About REACH THOUSANDS F REE SAME D A Y starting at $7 a week for Installation! CALL Now! classifieds; $14.00 for 877-648-0096 displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande


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FOR SALE: Truck tools 8 miscellaneous, fuel tanks. 3710 17'" St. Baker City. Saturday 8 Sunday. 10am-4pm. ghs

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THE NICKEL TOLL free 1-800-654-5829. STUDDED SNOW tires mounted, 15in five hole rims, like new. Off Chev Camaro, $250.00. 541786-0513 La Grande ajo


Paige Holiday 1:ornpllete Preparation or IMj. Ntrorm Decuutents, Inciwdes: Children, SLrpport, IDivislon of P ropertyIr Bills, and Return to any former name. Ho CCHPRT'APP&RASCESI

Leger Altelnltives 503-772-5295 rrarrrN pm

ulega Muernat&eacorn+

Advertising Consultant Offic e541-963-6237 or1-800-654-5829

11121/2 AdamsAve., La Grande, OR97850 E-mail:displays@lagrandenickel.corn

Page 6 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

The Nickel- Nov5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • e

NOTICE: C l a ssifiedNOTICE: C l assified LaGrande Philly Group Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Deadline: T u e sday Holiday Bazaar 2015 Changes or cancella- 5pm. Changes or can- November 21, 2 015 tions must be in by 5pm cellations must be in 9:00-3:00 @ LaGrande Monday. by 5pm Monday. Middle School FOUND CAT, gray and white, real friendly, tall with big eyes. Call 541523-3119 La Grande zhf

ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541TRAIN YOUR dog or 910-6713 La Grande your dog will train you wxt or 541- CARS FOR TROOPS! 426-4170 Enterprise zhp Donate your car 8 help the military charity of FREE COLEMAN two your choice. Fast, free burner gas camp stove. pickup. Tax Deductible. Needs new valve or use for parts. 541-437-0438 Call now! 800-952-0977 Elgin zhm tfn

STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE! We' ll let you look at and pick out your containerbefore you buy! Will the other guy. ARBE INVENTO RY


2001 32FT. Holiday JENN-AIR ELECTRIC IRON WOOD rack/fireRambler Admiral Class A black glass cook top place w/ sling, 12x13x24 Motorhome, Ford, Gas, with down draft fan. Like broom, poker shovel, V-10, 33,000 miles, New new. Includes griddle, $235.00. Cabela's comTires, Always Covered, grill 8 grill cover. Sells mercial meat slicer 10in, $32,000. 541-910-6487 new $1,300. Great deal $225.00. Pasta Machine FALL FESTIVAL Satur- or 541-786-5512 La $400. 541-963-4441. La w/ discs, $125.00. 541day November 7'", 9am- Grande vka Grande hhc 534-2021 Summerville 1pm. 1612 4'" Street. mkh Hand crafted items, 2 HONDA trail bikes, TWIN OAK M irrors. CHRISTMAS quilts, benches, bake 90cc, 1 complete, 1 for 3.5ft x 2ft dimensions. CRAFT SHOW goods, garden items, parts. $400 for both Call 541-910-7080 La Dec. 45th 8 5th located pet gifts, treats, books, obo. 541-786-1996 La Grande hjh Christmas gifts, toys Grande vkr in Enterprise, at Cloverand much more. 10,000 BRAND NEW Lenovo leaf Hall, Wallowa CounVillages, free trade and 2015 21" Springdale trail- computer tower, pur- ty. Space available for taco soup. La Grande er: was my wife"s and chased at Davis Com- rent ($25) which covers bhm she passed away, unit is puter in Baker City in July both days for handmade in new condition, 11,000 2015. I am computer il- items, and everyone is NEW LIFE CENTER total miles, anti-sway literate and can't run it. It welcome. Door prizes, has less than 5 hours of Church, Christmas Ba- bar hitch, TV, tailgater, free to public. Bus will use, comes with a brand zzar. Saturday Decem- all hoses, extra power new printer, Key Board be available for transport ber 5'", from 8am-4pm. cord, water filter, electric and Mouse. Paid $700 from La Grande to the 20+ vendors with some- furnace and microwave, for the tower, make offer. various shows throughthing for everyone on bring any reasonable 541-519-7399 Baker City out Wallowa County. Cont. breakfast and your list! (Behind Wal- offer; 5 4 1-567-5990,hkr Lunch will be available in Mart) Vendors Want- Hermiston vhs NEW WOOD Heating the show. Please contact ed! 417-450-5292 La stove. Napoleon 1450P Grande bnn 2004 FATBOY Harley with glass in door. In Natalie Wilsey 541-8387802, or Eddie Butler Davidson, e x c ellent VENDORS WANTED: condition, 30,000 origi- original packing crate. 541-577-3150. For table Direct Sales Representa- nal miles, lots of extras. $850.00. New Travertine reservations or info. Waltile, cream color. Thirty tives, Crafters, Vendors, $9,500.00 obo, cash 18" squares. Approxi- lowa County mkc Table Rental Fee: $35. or trade, 541-886-2094 mately 68 SF $75. Pot Contact: mjkkwilliams@ Wallowa vxm hanger for above kitchen WOOD EARTH stove, gmail.corn or 541-910island. 15"x30" black and large, excellent condi4136 for more informa- View our ads online at copper. $20. 541-523- tion, like new, $1,500 tion. La Grande bkw www.lagrandenickel.corn 2801 Leave message if obo. 541-663-1751 La no answer. Baker City Updated every Friday. Grande mjs


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2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT; auto 4wd V6, 46k, well cared for, one owner, Sirius 8 Sync, heated seats, keyless entry, $16,000. 541-562-5949 Union ajw 4 ALUMINUM S u b aru 16in wheels, $80.00 obo. 4 185-70-14 studded, $100.00 541-9630928 La Grande ajd 2011 TOYOTA Tacoma, 66,000 miles, 4x4, 6cyl, Excellent Condition, All records well maintained, Three way access Leer Canopy, Trailer Hitch, Dark Grey, $24,500. La Grande 541-910-0773 ajb 2007 TOYOTA Rav4 Limited, 166,000 HWY Miles, Outstanding winter performance, $8,500. La Grande 541-9100773 ajb

NEW LOAD Range E Traction tires size LT265CRAFTSMAN 1/2HP 70-17, $150 ea. LT235o/h Garage door opener, 85-16, $135 ea. 541$50.00 obo. 541-561- 523-5275 Baker City ajr 4985 Joseph mhm 1975 THIOKOL Imp CASH! For quality An- Snowcat 1404 WT, V-4, tiques 8 Collectibles. I new tracks, passenger buy older Estates! 541- cab 8 Trailer $15,000. 963-9358 or 541-963- 1994 Dodge Diesel 4x4 5646 Thank You! La with Knaphied service box, 5 speed, 253K, Grande mxj good tires, c ustom RUBBER STAMPS! Start- wheels, 2yrs license, $8,700. 541-403-0104 ing at $16.60 each. or 541-856-3458 Baker DR. WILLARD G. Ber- City ajm trand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and 1991 OLDS Gutless, auto accident injuries. 4dr sedan, starts and Call today to get sched- runs good. New license. uled 541-963-4068 or $2,200 OBO. 541-562963- Well. La Grande 5850 Union ajh mxb

Long Handled Wire ¹25i50....'1.50

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1992 CADILLAC De Ville; Mint condition, original. Good tires, 30k on rebuilt motor. Call 541534-4501 or 541-7868244 Summerville ahw

The Nickel - Nov 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 7

DR. Willard G. Bertrand DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan Insurance. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb

5 MONTH oldblackstud colt, American Indian horse, gentle, broke to lead, has white socks, sripe down face, $700. 541-519-7399 Baker City phs

1 CUT receiver hitch for 2012 Toyota Tacoma. 4- 215/65 R16 studded snow tires, half-life for 16in whell 2016 Tacoma. 541-523-5950 Baker City ajy

$$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 hours? Low rates. Apply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www . Iawcapital.corn 35715 mxg

ONE 8 half year old laying hens. $5.00 each. Or 10 for $20.00. 541-5684513 Cove prs

SEALED BIDS are being acceptedforthefollowing: Item ¹1: 1993 Chevrolet Lumina, min bid $250 Item¹2: 5-15'wide-59' long heavy duty insulated tarps — great for RV or hay storage. Open bids by the tarp or for all 5. Bid instructions: Lumina can be viewed at City Parks - 2402 Cedar (in Pioneer Park). Include amount, full name and phone number sealed in envelope addressed to the City of La Grande, 2402 Cedar, La Grande, OR97850. Bids must be received in person or by mail 5pm November 6, 2015. 541-962-1352 La Grande ahs

OAT HAY cut late, $70.00 a ton, about 60 tons. Big Bales. 5 41-805-8693 North Powder phm

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medi- HORNED HEREFORD cal, *Business, *Criminal bulls which are regisJustice, *Hospitality. Job tered, have excellent

bloodlines and EPD's. Gentle, halter broken, up-to-date on vaccinations. One 2 year old -has been semen/tric tested. Four yearlings from Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015. Call 541 742 5436, cellTHE NICKEL 541 403 2828 Halfway 1112 "/~ Adams Ave., phb La Grande. 963-6237, 1-800-654-5829. AKC YELLOW Labs, FOUR STUDDED snow Born 9-15-15, micro tires, 2 seasons, mountDISH TV Retailer. Start- chipped, Vaccinated, ed on 5 hole wheels, ing at $ 1 9.99/month Ready November 1, 4 P215/70R15, $195.00. (for 12 mos.) 8 High Females,and 4 Males. 303-993-9317 Baker City Speed Internet starting $600.00 for f emales akh at $14.95/month (where $500.00 for males. Huntavailable.) SAVE! Ask ing and dog Trial back- REACH THOUSANDS About SAME DAY Instal- ground. 541-523-3782 starting at $7 a week for lation! CALL Now! 1-800- Baker City php classifieds; $14.00 for 593-1764 mxm displays! The Nickel. 963GERMAN 6237. La Grande FIREWOOD PRICES reSHEPHERD PUPS duced $140.001n rounds, German Sh e pherd 1993 FORD Probe SE 4in to 12in diameters, puppies, born 9-4-15, 2dr Hatchback. 90,000 split. $170.00. 541-786- n on-papered, sir e s miles, 32mpg, 5spd. 0407 La Grande mov known, ready n ow, Power windows 8 locks. $200; call 541-720-1249 Runs great! 541-519or email kerbenhall @ 0242 Baker City ajm SOCIAL S E CURITY gmail.corn phh DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! 3 YEARLING Black RegWIN or Pay Nothing! istered Angus Bulls. 5, Contact Bill Gordon 8 11"'" old Bulls. Quiet 8 Associates at 1-800-317- High Quality. Short on NOI/EN/E BR 2I ST 4986 to start your appli- hay. Priced to sell. 541FROM 9A.M. -3P.M cation today! tfn 742-4966 Halfway phh placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-201- 4585. www . CenturaOnline.corn. 35716 mxa

BALE WAGONS sell/ THE NICKELAT11121/2 buy. New Holland pull- Adams Ave., La Grande, type or self-propelled OR 97850. 1-800-654models/ pa r ts/tires. Call Jim Wilhite 208- 5829, 963-6237. Hours: 880-2889 any t i me. M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. www. balewagon .corn Caldwell fxw RUBBER STAMPS! StartALL YOUR CULVERT NEEDS Contact Rob at Pioneer West 541-963-9378 fxp

311W ,MainEnterprise5414N8100 Sunday ByAppointment

METAL DOG kennel, medium size. 2ft wide, 2ft high, 3f t l o ng, Good condition. $55, elsewhere $96! Cash Only. 541-910-7080 La Grande pxh

dFash ionedValues



WATER TENDER 1988 Fre i ghtliner. 3,200 gallon t a nk. Full inventory, 1 radio. Cummings 350 Turbo, 9spd. Fresh inframe overhaul. Fire fighting contract fo r 1 5 yrs. $18,000. 541-432-3808 Joseph fhs




2012D O DGERAM2500

Imbler Veterans Assembly Nov, I 0th @ 2;30PM Imbler High School Gym Invite a Veteran and comejoin us to honor those uurho have semed our Couutry,

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www.lagrandenickel.corn 2015 LAND Pride PD15 PTO Post Hole Digger, Like New, $850. La Grande 541-910-0773 fjb



WOOD DECK flatbed w/ slip in sideboards. Two storage boxes, In bed and bumper, pull hitches w/plugins. Feed lights on rack. Fits most long bed pickups. Available mid Nov. $1495.00 obo 541-519-0645 Baker City fje



fieds for military personel pers, 25 words or less for and dependants with de- only $75. a week. 4 state pendant ID. We support 8 Canada coverage, 27 our troops! The Nickel, papers to choose from. 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La PANA WAN. 963-6237. Grande 9636237 1-800-654-5829

ing at $16.60 each.


Oui. Vefenvnz





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R 2,3 50 STKIIl0820

Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

The Nickel- Nov5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 4 •

• • 4

LAND PRIDE Patriot FDR1660, Three Blade 4 wheeled PTO Mower, $850. La Grande 541910.— 0773 fjb

Every time youplaceyour adin

e ICe youIiet aFREECLA$$IFIEDOnLine!

• lag randenickel.corn Fill out the form below and let us help you put cash into your pocket! Phone Name Address City Z1P PLY SE PRIlVTONE WORD PER BOX- YOUR PHONE NUMBER COUNTS AS ONE WORD


12. 16. 21.


26. 31.















CASH FOR guns, we 5 YEAR old black and buy guns at Oregon Trail white grade paint mare. Trader, 2312 Adams She is very willing, easy Ave. 541-963-2913 La to shoe, bathes and Grande dxo hauls. Her quite temperament would make her I' VE RETIRED. John BUYING ANTLERS! an excellent 4-H project, Deer 110 Double Offset Any type, any condition, $2,500. 940-255-0659 12ft disk, $5,800. Morris will pay more for craft Enterprise pjs B-12 Rod W e eder, antlers. Will pay cash. $1,000. IH 415 Roller Call Craig, 541-910-2640 HOOF CARE, hot and Harrow 12ft, $6,800. Union dxd cold shoeing, h oof John Deer 8300 Double rehabilitation and i nDisk Drill, 7in spacing, NEW PISTOLS over jury reh a bilitation. 12ft, small and lard seed 100 in stock can special 940-255-0659 Enterprise boxes, $4,800. John order an y f i r earmspkb Deere 3600 Auto Reset or do i n ternet gun Plow, 5-18inch bottoms, transfers.541-523-9448 HORSE B OARDING: $4,800. Vibrashank 30ft Baker City dxw Inside stalls, runs, inside with trailing harrows. All hay storage, outside in good condition. Also MUZZLELOADERS and arena 8 pasture. Close John Deer Kellifer Offset more. Guns, buy, sell to La Grande. Call 541disk 11ft, needs new or trade. Black powder 963-4591 pxb disks, $500. For more guns 8 a c cessories, complete information call modern guns 8 ammo. ALFALFA AND alfalfa/ 541-437-1083 fji 541-663-2650 I sland grass hay for sale. 3x3 City dxg bales, barn stored no WANTED: USED wheel rain. Approximately 500 lines. Will pay cash. 541- G LOG K 45ACP, 2"' ton to sell at $175 a ton. 910-6339 La Grande fkg Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger For info call 541-263Vaquero, 45 LC SS. 1618 Wallowa pkb 200 GALLON poly water Ruger Vaquero, Matched trough. $75.00 obo. 541- Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. FOR SALE: 3 Fancy 786-1445 La Grande akr SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 heifers, 2 1 1/2 Angus, "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. 1 1/2 Wagyu, fall calves, TEFT GRASS hay: $7 SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, 1yr old, ready to breed. per bale; 541-571-8508, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". One Red Angus HereHermiston fkt SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". ford cross, 1 1/2 yrs old. And many rifles! Call $1,000.00 ea. 5 lengths ALL YOUR 541-786-1900 I sland of 3in aluminum irrigation CULVERT NEEDS pipe, trade or sale. Call City dxv 541-523-3991 Baker City Contact Rob at Pioneer West 541-963-9378 fxp W A N T E D PIP CENTERFIRE brass BALE WAGONS sell/ cartridges, all calibers, 5 YEAR old black and buy. New Holland pull- no sorting required, $3 white grade paint mare. type or self-propelled plus/lb. Call 541-519- She is very willing, easy to shoe, bathes and models/ pa r ts/tires.1538 Baker City mxh hauls. Her quite temperCall Jim Wilhite 208ament would make her 880-2889 any t i me. MAN SHACK GUN an excellent 4-H project. www. balewagon .corn SHOP View online at lagranCaldwell fxw Man Shack Gun Shop is denickel.corn. $2,500 ready for you! In house 940-255-0659 Enterprise gunsmithing, f i rearm WATER TENDER pjb 1988 Fre i ghtliner.sales, FFL service, Class 3 weapons, suppressors 3,200 gallon t a nk. GERMAN Shorthaired Full inventory, 1 radio. and custom orders. Pointer puppies for sale, Locatedin Joseph. Check Cummings 350 Turbo, us out online at www purebred 8 papered, the 9spd. Fresh infra me .ManShackGunShop. lines stem down from overhaul. Fire fighting c orn, or call for an Rawhide Clown, 3 time contract fo r 1 5 yrs.appointment 800-630- national champion, all $18,000. 541-432-3808 6314 or 541-398-1982 kinds of patches 8 markJoseph fhs Joseph dxw ings, 1 female, 4 males, docked 8 d e wclaws removed, wormed, first shots. 5 0 9-981-5443 phw



1112 1/2 Adams Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850 (541) 963-6237 800-654-5829 Fax:(541) 963-8853


j3A,RKXM' ~ XRMSKA4 K ~ T ' T'hrift & t n ~r~ ~

li 7

N orth%%llew - La Grande

AKC STANDARD Poodle puppies! Top-quality breeder 8 lifetime breeder support. Ready now! 12-14 weeks old, males 8 females. Very fun 8 sweet personalities. All vaccinations c u rrent, 2-year health guarantee, microchipped, parents genetically tested, shipping available. 509582-6027 www .OurPoeticPoodles.corn Kennewick pjf

The Nickel - Nov 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

DIRE CTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, 8 Starz. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-3701356 tfn KEEP YOUR Family 8 Property Safe! Home Bundles Home Security 24/7/365 monitoring. $1400 FREE Security Equipment. No Installation Fees. Starting at $19.99/mo. Call 1-800951-0413 ffn

WANTED: 1999-2000 Buick Le Sabre, Low miles, really nice condition in and out, and mechanically, will pay high Kelly+. 541-963-9918 La Grande akl

GOT AN older car, boat or RV? Do the humane thing: Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-800-419-6574 ffn

FIREWOOD FOR sale: Tamarack, Red Fir mix, $180/ cord, plus delivery, limited offer; 541-5718499, Hermiston mhp


SHOP EARLY. Jewelry Display at The Nickel STUDDED TIRES on 1112 1/2 Adams Avenue, rims, fits half ton pickup, La Grande. $4- $40. Gift HELP PREVENT FORELT 235-85 R16. Maker giving just got easier! CLOSURE 8 Save Your offer. 541-805-1520 Jo- Happy Holidays! mmh Home! Get FREE Relief! seph aks Learn about your legal 1940 CREAM separator option to possibly lower 90 TOYOTA Xcab 4 X4, w/stand $35, new 36" your rate 8 modify your sun roo,f PW, PL, 127K. stainless steel range- mortgage. 800-915-0478 $4,750 OBO. 503-201- hood $125, a ntique tfn 9700 Elgin ajc school desk 2-seats, 1-desk $75, kitchen com- HOME INCOUNTRY FOR SALE: 1994 Ford pactor w/2-extra packag- 1.38 acres in Hermiston, Explorer. Body rough, es/bags $75, small pot home is 1970, 12"x64" good V-6 engine, new belly stove $100, riding Fleetwood, 3 bedrooms, clutch, needs pressure lawnmower lift $50, an- 2 baths, with large covplate, threw out bearing. tique wheat grinder $75. ered deck and garage/ $250, See at6255th St. Wanted wool blankets, carport, full water rights, North Powder, Or. Call 541-523-5991 Baker City good well and septic 541-786-5525 ahn mjl system, property has

PROTECT YOURSELF From Unsafe Banks! DON'T BANK ON IT! Free book reveals 20 modern banking dangers such as cybercriminals, money-hungry politicians 2003 FORD E350 14' 8 Too-Big-To-Fail bank- Box Van. Loading ramp, ers. 800-893-2619 ffn step bumper. Runs great, new tires. $7,995 obo. DISH NETWORK? Get 541-910-5287 Cove akb MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 STUDDED SNOW tires months), PLUS Bundle 8 for sale. In excellent conSAVE (Fast Internet for dition. Size P225/55R18. $15 more/ month). CALL Asking $650. 541-786Now, 1-800-593-1764 tfn 4288 La Grande akh FIND THE love you deserve! Discover the path to happiness. New members receive a FREE 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 8 over. 800-7582304 tfn

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 9

2000 MAZDA Mini Van, s unroof, new t i res, 196,000mi, needs engine. Other vehicles as well. 541-786-3711 La Grande acs FOR SALE Chevy Cheyenne 4x4, 400 engine, Veng original, runs well, $2,850. 1979 Chevy 4x4 auto, shor wide, low miles, new engine, runs, looks excellent, $4,500. 1986 Jeep Comanche 4x4 auto, V6, long box with canopy, $2,850. 541-853-2330 Medical Springs aks

BEST BEEF Jerky in the USA! $10 off the Original Beef Jerky Sampler. FREE Shipping. Great Gift Idea! Call Bulk Beef Jerky! 800-819-2610 ffn 4 FULL tread Winterforce studded snow tires, SERIOUSLY INJURED? 185/65 15", $120.00. Auto Accidents, Medical 541-215-3663 La Malpractice, Slip 8 Falls, Grande ahw Dangerous Products, Wrongful Death. Speak Display e-mail address: to a Highly Skilled Per- displays@lagrandenickel. sonal Injury Attorney corn. Now. Millions Recovered for Clients. Call 24/7. 1993 FORD p ickup 1-800-914-6259 ffn 4x4 with wood rack, STOP O VERPAYING $1,700.00. 10ft l ong for your prescriptions! trailer with 4ft high wood Save up to 93%! Call rack, $500. New Amerour licensed Canadian ican Standard Urinal, 8 International pharma- complete w/ flush valve, cy service to compare $130.00. 68in high 2 prices 8 get $15 off your door Tappan refrigerator, first prescription 8 FREE Shipping. 1-800-815- $120.00. 541-805-1716 ani 6059 tfn

24" EARTH Wood Stove with Hearth $200, Red Lion Big Cat Electric Cement Mixer $95. 541403-0104 or 541-8563458 Baker City mjm FALL BRIDAL SHOW Planning a wedding? Get free tickets to the Eastern Oregon Bridal Show, Saturday, N ovember 14th, 2015, at the Pendleton Convention Center. Go to www.eobridalshow. corn for tickets. Vendors spots available. mjm

underground sprinklers, plenty of room for garden, animals or room to build a new home while living in the mobile home, lots of shade and privacy, $85,000; 541-561-5657 evj NEW LISTING: Updated Farm House. 4BDR 1BA, 2,000sqft. More info 8 pics at zillow.corn. $149,900. 541-886-3421 Wallowa exj

4 BDR 2BA Home, large shop w/ bays on 88 acres, meadow 8 timber bordering National Forest. Near John Day. Deer, Elk 8 Sunsets. $380,000. 541-542-2708 eks

SEEKING A 1-3 bdrm Rental (rent amount negotiable), rent to own, lease option, owner carry (only 1000 down) house or mobile home in Union County (I work in Union) We do have2 emotional support animals (dogs) Will consider livable fixer upper. Please call 2 08-830-8522 O w ners/Agents/Mgrs. welcome utc

Rent to Own No Credit Check ~

Call todayfor a no-obligafion insurancereview


Countryside Sheds, u c


(all Matt Pidcock541-963-3121 1603Washington Ave,LaGrande

10102 S. McAlister Rd.IslandCity


CASCADE, SENATOR 8 Savoy apartments: rooms start at $345 and up per month, all utilities are included, right in downtown Yakima, 20 E Staff Sgt. Pendleton Way. Call the office to schedule an appointment to tour today, 509-2482146. Bus access, shopping, banks, everything you need is right here in walking distance. ums

Senior andDisabled

Housing. Accepting applications.Income restrictionsapply.

Call Candi in Baker City g (541) 523-6578. g •

Cimmaron Manor Kingsview Miocene LaGrande Terrace

APTS: Studios, 1 Or 2 Bdrm Apartments $295-$495

LaGrande 8 Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES

CCB¹ 149931

"Nore Than Justa Shed" (800) 682-0589 (541)663-0246


1 BEDROOM, 1 Bath Cottage. 1151 N. Main, Union. $400/month plus utilities, $400/Deposit. 541-786-0408 ukt

CASCADE, SENATOR 8 Savoy apartments: rooms start at $345 and up per month, all utilities are included, right in downtown Yakima, 20 E Staff Sgt. Pendleton Way. Call the office to schedule an appointment to tour today, 509-2482146. Bus access, shopping, banks, everything you need is right here in THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 walking distance. ems Adams Ave., La Grande, THE NICKEL TOLL free OR 97850. 1-800-6541-800-654-5829. 5829, 963-6237. Hours: M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm.

DREAM HOME or weekend retreat: log style mountain home, lots of Ocean Cargo Storage upgrades, 3 bedrooms, Containers. Various siz- 2.5 baths, great room, 6 es, secure storage, on car garage with loft and ground delivery. "We bathroom, 4.5 acres, sell, rent, buy and move year round access, Blue containers." InstaStor, Mt./ Tollgate area, price Inc. 509-765-1376. www. reduced $379,500; days See us on 541-938-6563, evenings AFFORDABLE LIVING! Facebook! mmg 541-938-6957 ehw Yakima, Washington, ROYAL CARPET up- 3BDR 1BA single car Downtown, furnished holstery s h ampooer,attached garage, out studios, rent $345-$385. like new, used twice, buildings, four double di- All utilities included, $150.00. 541-437-0753 vidable lots, commercial refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, busline, secure, Elgin mks zoned, good location for mini storage available. business, good invest- 509-248-2146 uhs PIANO: KIMBALL, nice ment, $168,000. 541one, $950.00 firm. You 663-9091 La Grande ejs move it, not huge but we have no way. Beau- WANTED TO rent: 2,000 tiful complete 10pc Tama to 3,000ft Large shop or Drum Set, $600.00 firm. store. 541-663-9091 La La Grande mkw Grande ejs

DoesVourdusiness have thecoverageitneedsP

G I I I Di E


1, 28 3 Bdrm, 1 Or2 bath $675-$1000

COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1250 Sq.Ft. $375 mo. Union 750 Sq. Ft. $375. mo. $1. for first year lease if agreed improvements are made

Storage 12'x12'-$45 12'x24'-$70

Page 10 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn •

DONATE your car, truck or boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. Call 1-800-895-8117 tfn

The Nickel- Nov5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •

• • I

KENMORE UPRIGHT freezer, approx. 15ft. Good runner, $150.00. Call evenings, 541-8051522 La Grande hhw

NOTICE: C l a ssifiedAttention: VIA G RA N ORDIC TRA C K LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One 1993 CHEVY pickup, '/4 Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. 8 CIALIS USERS! A exercise cycle, easy press of a button sends ton 4wd Ext Cab, $2,300 Changes or cancella- cheaper alternative to entry, SL728. Used help FAST! Medical, Fire, obo. 1985 Chevy picktions must be in by 5pm high drugstore prices! 50 very little, in very good Burglar. Even if you can' t up, 4wd, wood racks, Monday. Pill Special - $99. FREE condition. $17 5.00 reach a phone! FREE almost new tires, $1,600 Shipping! 100% Guaran- OBO. $25.00 delivery Brochure. CALL 800- obo. 541-786-1996 La KITCHEN TABLES for CONTRACT FENCING teed. CALL NOW: 1-800- fee, curbside. Joseph 975-8941 tfn Grande akr sale. 55gal fish tank Farm Ranch Residen- 817-0568 tfn Enterprise area. Joe WANTED: SMALL diesel w/ stand, c ompete, tial. Contact Darrel 541541-577-5002 lmnaha djj DO YOU owe over 1994 TOYOTA 4Runpickup, prefer Toyota, $160.00. 541-786-5512 562-5628 541-786-8668 GOT KNEE PAIN? Back $10,000 to the IRS or ner, auto 4wd, $1,200 Chevy Luv or Isuzu Pup; La Grande hka CCB¹163246 Union sxf Pain? Shoulder Pain? WANTED: Winchester State in back taxes? You obo. 541-786-1996 La 503-805-2684 wjk Get a p a in-relievingLever Action 45-70. 541- could get a settlement for Grande aks as low as 25% of previPLANNING A yard sale? OPENINGS NOW avail. brace for little or NO cost 805-1551 Cove dhg WANTED OLD unusable Need to sell a storage for beginner piano les- to you. Medicare patients ous IRS settlements. Call F IRESTONE W IN6in-8in aluminum irriga- unit? Have some collec- sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. call Health Hotline now! WINCHESTER M-70 now! 1-800-404-1367 tfn TERFORCE UV studtion pipe. 541-562-6242 talbes to sell? Call us Safe 8 fun environment! 1-800-903-1039 ffn 338 Mag, 3x9 scope, like ded tire s /wheels. Union wjs first. Clark 8 Daugher Call 541-805-9741 for new, $600.00. obo. 541- THRILL DAD with 100% P235/75R15.Steel 15" Auctions 541-910-0189. more info! La Grande 2" HAND Stuff. Ware- 561-4985 Joseph dhm guaranteed, delivered- blk wheels, bolt pattern house full. Very large t o-the-door Om a ha 5-114. Mounted 8 balNOTICE: C lassified We buy used and new sxw variety of tools, Western, MADSEN'S GUNS Steaks! SAVE 69%, plus anced. Tires used about Deadline: T u esdayitems. Your complete 5pm. Changes or can- auctioneering company. MASONRY REPAIR household 8 collectibles. Class 3 d e aler f or 4 FREE Burgers - The 5 months in town, $400. cellations must be in www.clark-auctions.corn professional block stone 2701 BearCo Loop. La suppressors, S BR's. Favorite Gift - ONLY 541-523-9235 Baker City brick repair for a free es- Grande mhs also have in stock; $49.99! ORDER Today! ahs hxc by 5pm Monday. timate call Tylor at 254Glock 43 , Ke l -Tec 1-800-483-3491 or use ANTLER BUYER buying Any Item $25 or less, 226-2774 La Grande sxd 17"/~HP Turf Pro 7spd, SU B2K-40cal, several code mbdad75 at www. good riding mower, $300. suppressors, shotguns, OmahaSteaks.corn/ deer, elk and moose ant- Free, or Lost/Found, get lers, any condition, also 1 week FREE in The VISIT 8 assist Seniors 1973 Crestline with 85hp rifles, and pistols both 49377JCF tfn HAY FOR sale: alfalfa/ in their homes: $460/ outboard motor, fishfind- n ew and u sed, o r buying bear traps and Nickel. orchard mix, triticale or monthly tax free, must er, trolling motor, great visit my web site at SELL YOUR structured vintage 501 Levis. 541oats, 3x4 bales. 541910-6713 La Grande DIRECTV'S THE Big be 55 or older. Personal Caukins trailer with clean madsensguns.corn. For settlement or annuity 403-4086 Haines ppd Deal special! O nly income limits; call John title, brand new tags, information call me at payments for CASH wxt $19.99 per month - Free Brenne, 541-276-4474 open bow, nice boat, 541-437-8008 Elgin dhm NOW. You don't have to wait for your future pay- BIG BOLD Beautiful CARS FOR TROOPS! premiumchannelsHBO, or jc.brenne@outlook. $1,000. 1966 14ft canvas top plastic side windows, CONCEALED ments any longer! Call Black six month old, stud Donate your car 8 help Starz, Cinemax 8 Show- corn sjf colt, gentle, broke to 18hp Evinrude, neat litHANDGUN CLASS 1-800-218-0290 ffn the military charity of time for 3 months 8 Free lead. Indian horse breedTac t ical your choice. Fast, free Receiver upgrade! NFL CLASSIFIED E-MAIL tle boat with nice trailer, Northwest H A N - ing. $700 541-519-7399 pickup. Tax Deductible. 2014 Season Included. address; ads@lagran- $400. For sale or trade. and Madsen's Guns A TTENTION 971-295-9810, l eave are teaching classes FORD, Argonne And Baker City pkr Call now! 800-952-0977 Call Now 1-800-453- denickel.corn message. Will return for Oregon and Utah Idaho National Lab (INL) 9131 ffn ffn asap. Halfway vjs permits. The classes Workers: Did you, your FREE RANGE All Natuwill be offered at $45 spouse, or your parent ral frying chickens. $3.00 TAMARACK 8 Red Fir, per class or $75 for become ill after build- each. 541-963-6734 La delivered, $185/cord. both. Class will begin ing nuclear weapons? Grande pks $200 split. 541-910-3682 November 9'", 2015 in You may be entitled to A U STRALIAN Union mjw the La Grande area. For up to $400,000 from the MINI Shepherd pu p pies: more information and to United States. For more healthy, current on shots OAK ENTERTAINMENT sign up go to Facebook. information, call Attorney and worming, 5 males to Center, $200. China corn/NWTactical. Elgin Hugh Stephens at (800) Pa Qa choose from, these dogs Hutch with glass shelves, dim 548-4494 even if your claimhas been accepted will be very smart, loyal $250. Grizzly GH003G Gun Smith's lathe. Cin- www.lag randenickel.corn or denied. We assist with and of course cute, $350; cinnati Milling Machine. claims, dose reconstruc- 541-278-5726, PendleCanopy for small pickup 25TH GUN 8 Sportsman tions, appeals, impair- ton pkh with locking windows, Show. Baker County ment ratings, wage loss, POWDER RIVER Poss e . health care and home $125 obo. 6Pack pickup M ounted 60" diameter round corral 27th care. No Recovery-No camper, $500. 4 Toyo- November by Powder River, 3 years ta wheels with studded 28'" 8 29'" 2015. Fee. 2495 Main St., Bufold, like new, cost $2800, tires, used very little, $5.00 entrance fee, falo, NY mha $200 Down $99" mth, sell for $1500; 541-43712 free . $250 obo. 541-437-0401 under 7.9'ro 60 mths* 0406, Elgin phc or 541-786-2809 Elgin Information call Dave 2015 GLASS BLOWING II mjm McCoy at 541-379-4748 ORNAMENT WORK70 TON 3rd cutting: Baker City dmm SHOP November 7'" 8'" 14'" tarped and loaded, $175; 15'" 22"' 29'" 8 Decem- 541-428-2131, Grande ber 5th 6th 12th 13th 19th Rhonde Valley pmt 8 20'" 10am-4pm daily. $40 dollars per session. GERMAN SHEPHERD For appointment call puppies: 2 males, 3 feTom Dimond 541-786- males, available Novem0 Down $130" mth, 4x4 7.9'ro 60 mths* 1222 or 541-568-4397 or ber 11th, will have 1st Kevin Boylan at 541-910- shots, $550, deposit reJ • I p0WE 3510. Location Dimond quired; huntington550@ STEERIHG Art Glass Studio 60881 gmailcom,208-308-1557 Stackland Rd. Cove OR phg 97824.


ggST' BUY'


MXU 500I CAMO I ow




4x4, Power Steering, 45 Horse Power, Winch not included

0 Down $155" mth, 7.9'ro 60 mths*

if!IIIIIIII/IPO ~ ~ I!IAIIC5Ã lg8(lfg ~

Locatlyo!r/Ied,h and endj~ $ 64't!00RH wr703 Grae,C8

REACH THOUSANDS Any Item $25 or less, starting at $7 a week for Free, or Lost/Found, get classifieds; $14.00 for 1 week FREE in The displays! The Nickel. 963Nickel. 6237. La Grande

The Nickel - Nov 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 11

~ ~ ~ c z a~gP'

J ee p M


erGeo rForoerC it,coot


Gentry auto Group BakerCity is onceagain the Exclusive Anthony Lakes SkiResort Sponsor.Toshow our appreciation to our customers this sk%inowboard season if you come in and take a tes

drive at either Gentry Ford or Gentry Dodge store and recieve aFRE day pass to Anthony Lakes. If you purchase anew or usedvehicle you will receive aSeasonpassto Anthony Lakes.

Last year Gentry Auto Group Team Turkey Foundation provided Turkeys and meals to over 700 families in Baker City. This year our Goal is to serve over 1000 families. Please come by the dealership and do n ate to help us provide a hot Thanksgiving meal to anyone who needs it. The sales departm e nts are also donating 525 for every vehicle purchased. Let's not let even one family go hu n gry this holiday season.

Jus tAnotherWayToThankyouforDoi ngBusi nessLocaL

leasehelpusin ourgoal of feeding 1000families in ourlocal Communit I II





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Pre-Owned Vehicle Specials I I I







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Tax, licensing and registration fees additional. Prices include all dealer and manufacturer rebates and


ntives.seedealer forcompletedetailsalloffersexpire11-30-15Notallcustomersqualifyforrebates. GOOD CREDIT. BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! ince

Page12 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

8 00 34 2 3 9 3 5 www G eelryloriBekerCi,cow

The Nickel - Nov 5, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 r~


23IIM aieBtreetBakerCity,0l14


Gentry Auto Group Baker City is once again the Exclusive Anthony Lakes Ski Resort Sponsor. To show our appreciation to our customers this ski/snowboard season if you come in and take a test drive at either Gentry Ford and Gentry Dodge store and recieve a FREE day pass to Anthony Lakes. If you purchase a new or used vehicle you will receive free Season pass to Anthony Lakes.

ast year GentryAuto Group Team TurkeyFoundation provided Turkeys nd meals to over 700 familiesin Baker City. This year our Goalis to serve ver 1000 families. Please come by the dealership and donate to help us provide a hot Thanksgiving meal to anyone who needsit. Thesales departments are also donating 525 for every vehicle purchased. Let'snot l e t e v en o n e f a mi l o h u n r thi s h o l i d a s e a son.


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Just AnotherWaToThankYouForDoin BusinessLocal. I ' I

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tII Tax, licensing and registration fees additional. Prices include all dealer and manufacturer rebates and


some~p~icturesarefori~llustrationpuprosesonly.Not n e cessarilythe actualvehic re.

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