This Weeks Valued Customers Are All Current and Fallen Veterans
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Miscellaneous EM 490 Graco airless tips 50’ line gun, $1,200. call 541-786-3720 mzv ROTOTILLER 4ft 3 point mount $1500. Older tiller, really built No labels may be a Howard. Call 541-562-2019 Union mzs
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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.
Vol. 32 No 46
Auto/Trucks Accessories
Pets & Animals
Previously known as: Western Auto Under new ownership: Jay and Kristin 2015 Main Street Baker City, Oregon 97814 541-523-6284 Website: Sales, Service and Parts Hours : Monday-Friday 9am-5:30 pm Saturday 9am-3:00 pm
FREE General Admission Ticket with Valid DOD Military ID
NEW THIS YEAR June 5th, 2017 Thru June 11th, 2017
2017 Schedule of Events Sun, June 4th - 2:00pm: Rodeo Royalty Horsemenship & Assessment. Mon. June 5th - 9:00am - 4-H Horse Show Tues. June 6th - 9:00am 4-H Horse Show 7:00pm - Queen Coronation (Clubhouse)
FAN OF THE NIGHT Award to be given to the most spirited rodeo fan on Thursday night during Ed Miller Xtreme Bulls. This will be determined and given out by the Rodeo Clown Scot Alerdings. Calf Scramble will be Thursday night During Xtreme Bulls and is open to All FFA Chapters. Grab a calf and dress it in a Tee Shirt! Winning teams gets 3 Montana Silversmiths belt buckles and Prize Money for the chapter. Contact your FFA advisor for more information.
Wed. June 7th - 1:00-7:00pm Livestock Weigh in 3:00pm - 4-H Goat Showmanship & Conformation Thurs. June 8th - 6:00am Cowboy Breakfast 9:00am - 4-H & FFA Conformation 3:00pm - 4-H & FFA Judging Contest 3:00-9:00pm - Carnival 5:00pm - Happy Hour 7:00pm - Ed Miller Extreme Bulls During Intermission - Calf Scramble Fri. June 9th - 6:00am Cowboy Breakfast 9:00am - 4-H and FFA Showmanship 1 1:00am - Queen Luncheon 1:00pm - FFA Awards Presentation (Sale Barn) 2:00-9:00pm - Carnival 2:00pm - Main Street Parade 4:00pm - PRCA Rodeo and Pari-Mutuel Horse Racing 6:00pm - 4-H Awards Presentation (Sale Barn) After Rodeo - Adult Dance (Clubhouse) Sat. June 10th - 6:00am Cowboy Breakfast 8:00am - Livestock Auction 1:00-9:00pm - Carnival 2:00pm - PRCA Rodeo & Pari-Mutuel Horse Racing After Rodeo - Adult Dance (Clubhouse) Sun. June 1 1 th 1:30pm - PRCA & Pari-Mutuel Horse Racing
Parade Entry Forms and Information Available Online at