La Grande Nickel 01-08-15

Page 1

Mondayy - Fridayy

8:3Oam-5:OOpm January 8th, 291

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ANTIQUE VERY LARGE With my whole heart pot b e llied s t ove, have I sought thee: 0 $500.00. Army cannon let me not wander from stove. 541-663-9091 La thy comandments.Thy Grande mms word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin 2 STOVES one gas, one wood, RV tires, 4x4 Blazagainst thee. er, $1,000.00 obo. Call Psalm 119:10-11 Dave 541-240-9558 mos 1606 Portland St, 800 S. River St. La Grande, OR97850 Enterprise,OR97828 5 41-963-603 3



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Old Fashicued Values Sales yyy Service



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SET OF 4 studded snow tires, 185/70-R14 88T, used one season, $200. OBO 541-398-2179. Enterprise amj

AKC CHOCOLATE Lab Puppies, Dew claws, first shots, ready now. $425.00. 541-519-7520 Haines poc

4 M OUNTED snow tires off Chev Malibu, $300.00 obo. 541-9109680 La Grande aoh

ORCHARD AND Meadow grass hay, small bales, $110-180 per ton. 541-805-4936 La Grande pok



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Monday-Friday9:Ooam-5:Oopm Saturday 9:Ooam-12:Oopm

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Page 2 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •

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PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. hxc OAK ENTERTAINMENT center, will take 40in tv, $100.00. New kitchen table, $25.00. Queen mattress, $75.00. 541910-6713 La Grande hmt BUNK BED with double bed on bottom, single bed on top, $75. 541398-0458 Wallowa hos FISHER WOOD Stove with pipe, in excellent condition, $600.00. 541519-3092 Baker City hoh DIRECTV'S THE Big Deal special! O nly $19.99 per month - Free premiumchannelsHBO, Starz, Cinemax 8 Showtime for 3 months 8 Free Receiver upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included. Call Now 1-800-4539131 ffn RUBBER STAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each.

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NOTICE: C l assified Deadline: T u e sday 5pm. Changes or cancellations must be in by 5pm Monday.

SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want COVE FINISH to go to college? Have GENERAL way too many student CARPENTRY loans? Ever thought NEW & RENEW about serving your counNow taking new clients try? The Oregon Nafor this winter's projects, BUYING VI N TAGEtional Guard gives you in the Grande Ronde Val- clothing, vintage jewel- tuition assistance and ley area. 541-786-4550 ry. Cash paid. 541-805- the MGIB so you can or k dcovefinish@live.8937 La Grande gpb start/finish your college com Dan Brinton CCB¹ degree. If you already 130769 Cove sob BACK ACRE'S Second have your degree we Hand Stuff. 5,000sqft offer the student loan reINDIVIDUAL LOOKING of it, w arehouse at paymentof$50,000 dolfor work, 3yrs construc- 2701 Bear Co Loop. lars!!! Plus you gain the tion experience, custom- Tuesday-Wednesday, knowledge, experience, er service, computer and Friday-Saturday, 10am- and motivation to jump some management ex- 4pm. La Grande gtb start your career. Imagin having your college toperience. 541-975-4095 La Grande sor IDAHO TRANSPOR- tally paid for and a drill TATION D epartment pay check. Want more THE NICKEL FAX 541- Auction Saturday Jan- information call SGT Lori uary 10th 9:30AM Aso- McNeil 541-786-1459 La 963-8853. tin, WA. Big 8 Small Grande area. bxm Dump Trucks, Sand/ Salt Spreaders, PickBRAND NEWadult foster ups, Cars, Snowplows, 2ND/3RD Cutting alfal- De-Icers. Absentee bids, home in beautiful Cove, fa, 2 tie bales, $200/ton. 208-503-0235. Photos Oregon! We provide New crop alfalfa, big www . TigerAuctioneer- up to level 2 care with combined staff experibales, $125/ton. 541- gmt ence of over 25 years. 663-8400 La Grande pos PUBLIC AUCTION Two private rooms and BARN STORED Hay, Will take good clean con- one semi private room small bales, first cutting signment for next sale; are currently available. $130.00, third cutting Bill 541-571-3107, co- Why settle for an sonal crowded, hospital $200.00. 541-562-5870 gmc type nursing home when Union pnw your loved one can enjoy beautiful scenery, daily activities, t r ansportation to all appointments, medication assistance all on one homelike environment. Pets welcome on approval. Beautiful home, large spacious rooms, privacy, and one in one care! You can't beat Joel's Adult Foster Home! For more information. 541-910-8216. No Waiting List!! Call Today! Cove boj '

541-786-2098 541-437-9621

DIVORCE SALE: Sale till everything is gone, everyday except Saturday. Household some guns, new Dayton 2 ton hoist, wood cook stove, shop smith, bench on rollers, snow blower, tiller, blower, antique lawn art, machinery, much more! Call for appointment, 541562-2029. 1025 West Birch, Union gmc

THE NICKELAT1112 1/2 Adams Ave., La Grande, OR 97850. 1-800-6545829, 963-6237. Hours: M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm.


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(800) 682-0589 (541) 663-0246 10102 S.McARster Rd.Island City

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237


Q ~ A~ o Q-Gr

ll l'Ks e-mail Page 3

Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING January 8'", 2015



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Report big game and turkey tags Don't forget to report your hunt results no later than Jan. 31, 2015 for most hunts. Report online or by phone (1-866-947-6339). Hunters need to complete a report for each deer, elk, cougar, bear, turkey and pronghorn tag purchased (or picked up as part of a Sports Pac) — even if they didn't hunt or weren't successful. Deer and elk hunters who don't report will have to pay a $25 fine to get a 2016 hunting license. Winter steelhead season underway Winter steelhead and winter rains have arrived together. For the best fishing, keep an eye on the weather and water levels (and the weekly Recreation Report) and be ready to hit the river when water levels start to fall. To help plan your trip, including access and fishing tips, check out the 2014Annual Fishing Guide. White sturgeon opens above Bonneville Dam White sturgeon is open to retention in the Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day pools effective Jan. 1. Spring bear application deadline is Feb. 10 Don't miss the deadline to apply for a controlled spring bear hunt. Weekend fishing opportunities • Um atilla River steelhead fishing continues to be good. Water levels should be dropping back into shape relatively quickly. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: steelhead Anglers have recently reported good steelhead fishing on the Grande Ronde. The river is just getting to great fishing flows but the cold weather is on the way. The river may freeze over the next week so keep an eye on the river conditions before you head out. With cooling water temps look for fish to move to calmer water where they can conserve energy while holding. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! Remember, only adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER: Steelhead Anglers are still making successful steelhead trips to the lower lmnaha. Cold temperatures are coming so you better get your trips in before the river freezes. Fishing can often be great right after ice off so keep an eye on river conditions and the weekly recreation report for more information. Anglers have reported catching fish on both fly and conventional gear. Try using gear that's a little smaller than your used to when water temperatures are low. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Some rainbow trout are still available and tagged fish are occasionally being reported. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple rig with PowerBait has been most effective. If the cold weather continues and the lake freezes, ice fishing can be good for both kokanee and trout. The lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish Reports of successful steelhead trips have been surprisingly consistent for steelhead. The best time to catch steelhead on the Wallowa is normally late winter or early spring, but there are enough fish being caught currently to keep anglers interested. The river has been in great shape for fishing but with cold temperatures on the way the river may freeze. Keep an eye on the weekly recreation report for more information on river conditions. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber rig and let the fun begin. Also, steelhead will often take a bead head nymph hanging underajig. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, WATERFOWL (see regs), UPLAND BIRD CHUKAR, HUN, QUAIL hunting closed Dec. 31 in Umatilla and Morrow counties. Hunters are reminded to purchase their 2015 hunting license. BAKER COUNTY Closure of Wallowa Mountain Loop Road (Forest Road 39) Chukar, Hun, and California Quail season end Jan. 31, 2015. Hunters should expect another season very similar to last year. Chukar numbers are still low for the county, however quail numbers showed a slight increase from last year. Remember to purchase your 2015 license before going hunting after the first of January. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays during pheasant, quail, partridge and waterfowl seasons. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the wildlife area. Waterfowl hunting has been slow due to the early freeze-up. Recent warm temperatures and rain is beginning to open some areas. Local bird numbers remain good and hunting should improve if warm temperatures persist. Hunters should watch local weather reports for high winds near Ladd and Pyles canyons. This generally means good waterfowl hunting at Ladd Marsh. Upland hunting has been good for pheasants and quail. Nesting conditions were good for both this year. Hunt areas near water with dogs for the best success. WALLOWA COUNTY Closure of Wallowa Mountain Loop Road (Forest Road 39) Elk - Numbers of elk are strong throughout most of Wallowa County with good bull to cow ratios in all units. Most animals are now on winter ranges at lower elevations. Our last antlerless elk season for the year is still open and success has been moderate. Most elk have moved off of the Zumwalt Prairie and are on the canyon slopes along the eastern edge of the Prairie where they are less accessible. Chukar hunting has been poor to fair in recent years, but this year a good hatch should produce an improvement in chukar numbers. The season remains open thru Jan. 31. Coyote: Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougar numbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles can be seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. Elkhorn WildlifeArea Elkhorn Wildlife Area is known for the Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that frequent the area during the winter. When snow covers the ground, ODFW staff feed elk and deer to encourage them to stay in the higher elevations and out of agricultural fields. There are two good viewing sites. The Anthony Creek site is located about eight miles west of 1-84 on North Powder River Lane. From 1-84 take the North Powder Exit (Exit 285). About 150 elk can be seen here on any given day. From the overlook on Auburn Road, watch hundreds of elk and mule deer. It is on the south side of Old Auburn Road, which branches off Highway 7 about six miles south of Baker City. 12/30/14 UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake autoroute is closed to vehicles, the Tule Lake unit and most of the wildlife area is open Sat., Sun., Wed. and holidays during the waterfowl and pheasant hunting seasons. The Glass Hill Unit is open to public entry seven days a week for foot and horse traffic only. Be aware that hunting seasons are open. Please see the note above regarding daily permits. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife areaadministrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Water levels in ponds and wetlands are good. The wildlife area is mostly frozen but will likely thaw as temperatures rise. Waterfowl present in the area include Canada goose, common merganser and many duck species. Tundra swans will likely return when ponds open up. Large numbers of white-crowned sparrows have been found in shrubby areas along with song sparrows. Cedar Waxwings can be found foraging in fruit trees, mountain ash and hawthorn. Northern shrikes have been seen in several locations across the area. Feeders at HQ are hosting goldfinch, house finch, Cassin's finch, black-capped chickadee, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, flicker, collared-dove, house sparrow and California quail. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Great horned and Barn Owls, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrel. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consult the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife area (541) 963-4954. 1/6/14.

Page 4 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 0 •

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BUYING ANTLERS! Any type, any condition, will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. Call 541-910-2640 Union dxd

NEW PISTOLS over 100 in stock can special order an y f i r earms or do i n ternet gun LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES SAVE! Starting $19.99/ transfers.541-523-9448 ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER month (for 12 months). Baker City dxw lx4, lx6, lx12 BOARD k BAT FREE Premium Movie 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 THREE REGISTERED Channels. FREE Equip- PRICE R E DUCED! 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Angus, calving ease ment, Installation 8 SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 bred, bull calves. Al Activation. CALL, COM- grips, night sights, mag Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best sire-Coleman R e gis PARE LOCAL DEALS! pouch, holster, travel buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. 904. Born late Feb- 1-800-593-1764 ffn box, 1 15 and 2 14 round Fence Stays 1.10 ea. r uary-March 201 4 . magazines, $650.00. $2,300.00 each, or all SOCIAL SECURITY Dis- 541-910-6148 I sland three for $6,300.00. 541- ability Benefits. Unable City dxf 519-2827 Richland pos to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN MUZZLELOADERS and or Pay Nothing! Contact more. Guns, buy, sell Bill Gordon 8 Associ- or trade. Black powder ates at 1-800-317-4986 guns 8 a c cessories, to start your application modern guns 8 ammo. Pick up a Winter Sale Catalog at the OXARC near you! today! ffn 541-663-2650 I sland ADTO DARÃENING WHDING HHME3TS A ii'di." City dxg 100 Series GOT KNEE Pain? Back choose Pain? Shoulder Pain? GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' Irorn our Get a p a in-relievingGen, Mod. 21. Ruger brace, little or NO cost to Vaquero, 45 LC SS. st~ggooSt~ggoo Stggoo St~ggoo ~roefuew rojan Warrior Aces High Bla c k Tribal a ut o Darkening you. Medicare Patients Ruger Vaquero, Matched roictor23rrvu roi c t o r231AH r o i 0 0 1231BL r o i c tor231TR OOPT2000 Call Health Hotline Now! Set, 45LC, Hi Gloss SS. WH DING a WHDING ACCESSORIES 5ff cATALQE 1-800-408-8103 ffn SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 INTRODUCING THE "/z", Nickel, Trigger Job. SAVIN65! POWER MIGe 210 MP all-in-one welder SELL YOUR structured SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, VERSATILE, EASY-TO-USE AND AFFORDABLE settlement or annuity Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". Ifyou'vebeen on the fenceaboutbuying a welder you'll beglad you waited. f ThePOIIIERMIctdZIOMPmulri processweideriseveryrhingyou'veeverneededinaweider:g payments for CASH SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". • Multi-process: MIG,self-shielded and gas-shieldedRux-cored, d ud dr d v t t d;Mtddtl dr d — ltdd d NOW. You don't have to And many rifles! Call • 1 15or 220Volt, Stickrlr116—175 Amps, Lightweight: 40lb wait for your future pay- 541-786-1900 I sland 210 amps (10%morepowerful thanthe competition) rro963 1 ments any longer! Call City dxv HEATERS TORCH E S a TOOLS I C EMELtT 1-800-628-8710 ffn SO¹ lce & Snow Melt TIMBER-N-TURF REDUCE YOUR Past SAW & LAWN MOWER Tax Bill by as much as Small engine repair, ='",:= d'.r. 95 75%. StopLevies,Liens chain saw sharpening, 8 Wage Garnishments. parts 8 sales, all makes. Demo" Call The Tax DR Now to Tuesday through Friday. VAL6 Infrared Portable Diesel/Kerosene Heaters Mrdr lr see if you Qualify 1-800- 8am-6pm, S a turday, 100,000& 118,000BTU 455-7198 tfn 9am-2pm. 10304 West Cylindersincluded rooO3Oio MOreheaterSlnStOCk! 1". Island City. 541-963GlOVES,GlOVES, GlOVES WINTER 8 R 5900 dxj

dawe ~ /

Homek Workspace Improvement

CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo


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ESSENTIAL: S PAY, ORECK CANNISTER PACK LLAMAS Wanted: 2006 20FT Barage 5th neuter, v a ccinations, vacuum, includes bags 2 to 3. 509-876-8015 wheel flatbed trailer with identification. www .wal- 8 attachments, barely Walla Walla wmv 5ft beaver tail and ramp, lowacountyhumanesoci- used, $25.00. Ben-Hur $4,500.00. 5 4 or 541-426-4170 spice cans, $2.00. 5410988 Enterprise mnb Enterprise zmp 562-5329 Union zm ENJOY 100% PREGNANT? CONSIDAny Item $25 or less, CLASSIFIED E-MAIL guaranteed, delivered-to- ERING Adoption? Call Free, or Lost/Found, get address; ads@lagran- the-door Omaha Steaks! us first. Living expensSAVE 78% PLUS 4 es, housing, medical 8 1 week FREE in The FREE Burgers - The continued support afterNickel. Happy FamilyBanquet wards. Choose adoptive - ONLY $49.99. ORDER family of your choice. Today 1-800-440-2567 Call 24/7. 1-800-918use code 43285DMW 4187 ffn or www. OmahaSteaks. 59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande com/osmb37ff n DISH TV Retailer

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208 Chestnut, La Grande


• • 0




Nampa 208-442-8910 Sunnyside 509-837-6212 Okanogan 509-826-3205 The Dalles 541-296-0012 Pasco 509-547-2494 Walla Walla 509-529-3060 Sandpoint 208-263-1016 Wenatchee 509-662-8417 Spokane 509-535-7794 Yakima 50 9 -248-0827



50 CAL Hawkins muzzle loader, has shot powder and cleaning equipment, $250.00. 541-519-7194 Richland dnc CLASSIFIED DEADLINE TUESDAYAT 5PM!

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 5

DIRECTV sta r ting 2009 CHEVY Impala REDUCE YOUR Cable FOR SALE: 2000 White LA GRANDE RIFLE at $24.95/mo. Free with low miles, always Bill!* Get a whole-home Toyota Camry, Automat- Club has unseasoned 3-Months of HBO, starz, garaged, $9900. 1987 Satellite system installed ic, Sun Roof, Automatic mixed pine, tamarack 8 SHOWTIME 8 CINE- 33' motorhome, 2 speed at NO COST and pro- windows/locks. Comes red fir, cut in rounds for MAX FREE RECEIVER differential, 454, genera- gramming starting at w/ reg. tires and studded firewood, u-load u-haul. Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sun- tor, AC, awning, all alu- $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ snow tires, $2,500 OBO. $125 per cord or $100 for day Ticket Included with minum, nice condition, DVR Upgrade to new 541-910-5152 for Allie, members. Contact Darrel Select Packages. Some $5,000. 208-503-0235, callers, SO CALL NOW 541-786-8230 for Josh. at 541-910-4132, Dennis exclusions apply - Call Clarkston aft 1-800-840-8955 tfn La Grande any at 541-910-4535, Dave for details 1-800-370541-910-1179 La Grande 1356 02/15 1998 FORD Windstar SOCIAL SECURITY Dis- WESTERN S N OW- mmd Runs and Drives Good, ability Benefits. Unable PLOW Blade AS IS:8'6" FIREWOOD PRICES Brand New Fuel Pump to work? Denied bene- LX27" H w/nose mount, NEW SNOW plow: came reduced $140.00 In and Filter, $1000.00 fits? We Can Help! WIN hydraulics, shoes, con- off Yamaha Rhino, will fit rounds, 4in to 12in di- OBO. 5 4 1-742-6819or Pay Nothing! Contact trols 8 over-the-blade other side by sides, used ameters, split. $170.00, Halfway amb Bill Gordon 8 Associ- lights. Sealed bid pro- twice, $1000; 541-384Red Fir, Tamarack and ates at 1-800-317-4986 cess. Bids to be deliv- 3344, Condon mnm Hardwood. $205 a cord, 1969 CHEV Camero to start your application ered to Halfway City Hall, split. 541-786-0407 La Coupe, white w/ black today! tfn 155B E Record Street or 2000 POLARI S 700, Grande mnv vinyl top, black interior. mailed to PO Box 738 ex condition, low miles. 350 automatic, radio, ENJOY 100% guaran- Halfway, OR 97834 8 re- 1997Arctic Cat 580, new WANTED: ONE log truck heater, new tires, 21,000 teed, delivered to the ceived on or before Jan- motor, low miles, ex conload of firewood logs. miles on 350 motor, door Omaha Steaks! uary 22nd 2015 by 4pm. dition. 1999 Honda Fore541-432-5230 Joseph $17,200. 541-975-3148 SAVE 74% PLUS 4 For more information or man 450 4 wheeler, low map La Grande aml FREE Burgers - The to see, call City Hall 541- miles, brand new tires, Family Value Combo- 742-4741 Halfway ans ex condition. 1993 Ford GET THE Big Deal 2004 FORD F-350 4X4 ONLY $39.99. ORDER 3/4 ton extra cab, long f rom D irecTV! A c t Possible fin ancing. Today 1-800-304-3414 96 FORD Bronco, full box, 7.3 motor, 5 spd. Now- $19.99/mo. Free 4dr Supercab, pow- Use code 48829NVL or size, last year, 5.0 liter, Pressure washer used 3-Months of HBO, starz, erstroke, 6spd, new www.OmahaSteaks. 302 manual 5 speed, once. Antique wood saw, SHOWTIME 8 CINE- clutch, goosneck, 132k, com/mbfam37 ffn straight body, r u ns runs well. 1986 3/4 ton MAX. FREE NADA $13,975, sell for great, brand new tires, Chev PU, standard cab, GENIE HD/DVR Up- $11,995.00 OBO. 541- ARE YOU in BIG trouble $2,500.00. 5 4 1-663- good wood truck, new with the IRS? Stop wage 9091 La Grande aks motor 3 yrs ago. 2002 grade! 2014 NFL Sunday 263-0555 Joseph afg 30'camper, bumper tow, Ticket Included with Se8 bank levies, liens 8 aulect Packages. New Cus- 1997 NISSAN Pathfind- dits, unfiled tax returns, FOR SALE Cl Chev 16' tipout. Pulled one tomers Only. IV Support er 4x4. Has new tires payroll issues, 8 resolve Inline 6cyl 155hp, runs time, excellent shape. All Holdings LLC- An au- and new battery. It starts tax debt FAST. Seen on great, out of 68 ยน match- for sale or trade for mothorized DirecTV Dealer. and runs but needs new CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800- ing Camaro, $250.00 tor home. 541-969-1255 Some exclusi ons apply wires 8 plugs, newstruts, 291-1682 ffn obo. 541 -962-0112Ukiah mnw - Call for details 1-800- and new driver side door or 541-786-2736 La 370-1356 ffn handle. Currently has MEET SINGLES right Grande aow FOR SALE Lapidary equipment for 265,878 miles, automatic now! No paid operators, DirectTV - Over $636.00 transmission, CD, A/C, just real people like you. sale. F1-20 vibrating flat in savings, Free upgrade Cruise, power windows 8 Browse greetings, ex- 2006 DODGE Grand lap, 20', like brand new, to Genie, 8 2014 NFL locks, $1,500.00. Please change messages and Caravan- V-6, has stud- complete with two pans, Sunday Ticket included call 541-429-3355 Enter- connect live. Try it free. ded tires, has stow-and- one grinding and one for at no charge. $29.99 prise ajh Call now: 800-417-7304 go feature with room for polishing, $575; F1-20 vimonth! Call Now 1-800ffn luggage in floor, tinted brating flat lap, 20', older 453-9131 ffn 2005 SUBARU Forestwindows, power locks model, new parts, works CAN PILLARS and windows, 207,000 great, $240; Jig L Lap er, new head gasket, DISH TV Retailer. Start- water pump, timing belt, AND BELL TOWERS miles and still running floor model, older model, ing at $19.99/month (for brakes, all fluids, 155k, REPRESENT "DIGNI- great. Asking $3,000, call works great, $175; FeelTY' 12 mos.i 8 High Speed $7,895 obo. 541-805541-540-1257 Richland ingstone Gifts LLC, open I nternet starting a t 0941 La Grande anm When they replace the aoh Monday-Saturday, 9ambuilding that served the $14.95/month (where 4pm, located in Hermavailable.) SAVE! Ask 1999 CADILLAC STS re- most vulnerable among DODGE M-37 W/PTO iston, Oregon. Call for About SAME DAY Instal- ally good condition, well us? Join the Perimeter winch, doesn't r u n, details, 541-567-8369, lation! CALL Now! 1-800- maintained, good tires Party......... Any ques- $2,000.00 OBO. 1941 shown by appointment 593-1764 ffn $3,000. 541-523-2797 tions, please call 541- WWII Dodge Power only or during business Baker City ank 568-4625. mfc Wagon, doesn't run, hours. Brad new vibratMEDICAL GUARDIAN$1,000.00 OBO. Sears ing rock tumblers also for Top-rated medical alarm Classsified e-mail ad- ZOMBIE H U NTINGCraftsman 10" radial sale, 3 and 10 pounders, ad s @lagran-headquarters at New arm saw, $125.00 OBO. for the hobbyist or seriand 24/7 medical alert dress: monitoring. For a limited Vizions on Washington, Fireplace insert w/blower ous rock hounder. Come 1934 DODGE 541-962-9708. Get your and glass doors, $150.00 by and check us out at time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no RAT ROD machetes, knives 8 OBO. Call evenings 541- our country store. Visa, commitment, a 2nd wa- Driver sits on the right throwing knives by Bio- 562-1194 Union aoh Mastercard 8 PayPal terproof alert button for hand side, new rebuilt Tech and War-Tech with welcome. mmk free and more - only Chevy 350 with legit more to come including 1991 CHEVY truck, $29.95 per month. 800- Camel Hump heads, patches. La G rande extended cab, RUBBER S T AMPS! 977-5943 ffn TH350, your choice of 10 mmn runs good. 350 en- Starting at $16.60 each bolt rearend 2.48 or 5.37 gine. 222,010 miles at the Nickel. ALL THINGS Basemen- gears, your choice of 10' 4x4, AM/FM CD, power ty! Basement Systems or 8' rear wheels, Holley locks/windows all work. DRILL PRESS 1hp Inc. Call us for all of your 500 cfm 2 bbl, aluminum DRY WALL tube, pump, ToyoM55 tires in decent 15inch 12 Speed 5/8 basement needs! Wa- radiator with twin electric angle box, roller, glazer, shape. Clean Title, ser- Chuck, $350. Craftsman terproofing, Finishing, fans, 19" 6' long with Blue Line used 5 times, viced regularly. $2,500 10 inch Table Saw 3hp Structural Repairs, Hu- 13" wheelbase, $8200 paid $2,300.00 asking OBO. 541-910-4868 La with mitre, $500. 100lb midity and Mold Control or best offer; 509-551- $1,200.00. 5 4 1-398- Grande ans bottle tank, $50. 541FREE ESTIMATES! Call 0581 Enterprise mmc 562-5469 Union mks 7093, Hermiston. awd 1-800-680-6517 ffn

1999 CADILLAC STS really good condition, well maintained, good tires $3,000. 541-523-2797 Baker City aok

CLAUSING MODEL 8540 H orizontal mill, great condition, $2,600.00 obo. 541-4273149 Ukiah moh

1999 FORD F250 XLT, 7.3L Powerstroke diesel, crew cab, shortbox, auto, 4x4, 126k miles. Reconstructed title, asking $14,000 OBO. Call/txt 541-398-0376 Wallowa aop

SHERLINE MINITURE lathe and mill, with digital readout, plus many accessories. $ 1 ,400 OBO. 541-910-5270 La Grande mog B7100 KUBOTA Diesel 16hp 4wd, new tires, 3pt hitch, new radiator, complete overhaul w/ loader, $7,500.00. 23 drawer 56in Craftsman tool box, good condition, $500.00. Chainsaw, Stihl MS440, $350.00. 541-963-6237 La Grande mos

IDAHO TRANSPORTATION D epartment Auction Saturday January 10th 9:30AM Asotin, WA. Big 8 Small Dump Trucks, Sand/ Salt Spreaders, Pickups, Cars, Snowplows, De-Icers. Absentee bids, 208-503-0235. Photos KAWAI ORGAN For www . TigerAuctioneer- Sale: Outstanding amt dition with padded bench and box of music. FeaSNOW PLOW, 1997 tures upper and lower Ford F250, 8 1/2' West- orchestra, k e yboard, ern V plow, Unimount, synthesizer, drum fill-in, arpeggio and three Canopy, 5.4ltr V8, 4WD. auto keyboards. Call 541-379183,000mi, $ 6 , 700.8630 North Powder mob 541-620-1386 Prairie City aow IN JURED? IN ALawsuit?

CONTENTS OF Storage Unit for sale. Every must must go. Matching fridge(side by side) and stove, solid hard wood roll top desk, computer desk and new laptop never used, fax 8 copier, dishes, towels 8 bedding. All like new. Much more! Taking offer on everything. No reasonable offer refused. Call for an appointment, 541-5196904 Baker City mnd

Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Paymentsto Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Call 877-386-3692. www. mma OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy 8 move containers." Insta Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376, www. mpi

REMINGTON, RUGER, MILWAUKEE, POOL TABLE, STIHL CHAINSAW044c, WALL JACKS, runs great, 28" bar, $450. LADIES GOLD NUG541-786-1164 SummerGET ville. mow R EMINGTON M o d el 870 Express pump, Reznor gas h e ater, new in box, 28" barrel 40,000 btu, electronic VT 20 gauge, 12 boxignition, $350.00. Jeff es of ammo, $300 firm. Stevens 541-963-8671 RUGER Model 96 .17 caliber, rare, very good La Grande mws condition. $600 firm. RUGER old m o del SMALL CASE Model 3-screw Blackhawk .357 430, articulated, front Mag caliber, 6" barend loader, has 2 1 "/~ rel, blued, wood grips yard bucket, general with Ruger medallions, purpose and digger, with adjustable site, s er. teeth, nice little machine, ยน104371, excellent con$6,500.00. Myer 7ft snow dition. $600 firm. Milwaukee angle grinder, 9" 13 plow for pickup etc. All amp. Pool Table, hydraulic, right left and 4'X8', $75. 7/8" slate, new felt, up and down, nice unit, overhead 4-lamp light, $850.00. F o u r-Arm-$300. 2"X4" Wall Jacks, strong all weather tires, $225 pair. Ladies Gold mounted on Chevy S10 Nugget.36 diamond ring, pickup wheels, size size 6, 2004 appraisal 2-35-75 R15, $200.00. - $1,375. Sell for $700. 541-894-2352 Baker City 541-523-4499 Baker City moh mmb

Page 6 e-mail

NOTICE: Classified MASONRY REPAIR Deadline: T u esdayprofessional block stone 5pm. Changes or can- brick repair for a free escellations must be in timate call Tylor at 254by 5pm Monday. 226-2774 La Grande sxd

HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb

ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 or 541-9632866La Grande wxt

DARREL FRIESEN Well Services, LLC. Submersible pump installation and repairs on water systems. Phone 541-5625628 Cell 541-786-8668. CCB¹163246 Union, OR sxd WANTED M ILITARY guns, bayonets, swords, OPENINGS NOW avail. knifes, misc. Also any for beginner piano lesolder guns, h unting sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. knifes, collector not deal- Safe 8 fun environment! er. 541-377-8008. wxh Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande sxw

SHOW PIGS Bevington Show Pigs, bringing you the best in show pig genetics. Let us help place you in the Championship Round! Years and years of genetics and retaining championship show lines have gone into our breeding stock from some of the best Al genetics the US has to offer. This year we are offering litters from Top Cut Genetics boar lineup, a company that ANTLERS WANTED: CONTRACT FENCING is one of the leading proElk, Deer, Moose. Payup Farm Ranch Residen- ducers of national chamto $11.00 a lb. 541-910- tial. Contact Darrel 541- pions. All of our pigs will 8782 La Grande wob 562-5628 541-786-8668 have a full series of show CCB¹163246 Union sxf vaccinations from 4 Star Veterinary Services and wormed twice. 541-314NOTICE: C l a ssified5284 or 541-561-2072. LAGRANDE OR Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Check us out on FaceLivestock Eales Changes or cancella- book at bevington show Every Thursday tions must be in by 5pm pigs or our website: 11:30 am Monday. www.bevingtonshowYour livestock will for all the latest bring top dollar at CARE PROVIDER seek- litters/ Sires and upcomINIL! ing hours, La Grande ing events. pnb 541-963-2158 area, human services. 85 LARGE f ramed 800-824-5298 541-534-6106 sml black/ black w h ite face cows: preg tested to s t art c alving February 2015; 2 year old fancy Angus bulls also available if needed; for more information call Joe Chappell, 509-301-4402, Milton-Freewater pmh


A(uminum/60P Per/Rass/gtai Is


gaim Iquiplheht/Appliahc / ter '

,All FerrOu an SdNO II-PeI

4 ri

v I ii0re4y'oo4 'a o~ P~ Lodalll/~owP )dgnd Pg'$teP',

6$19BQR WY 03> Gr'nde' ,.ORQ

PUPPIES FOR sale, $70, 8 weeks old, Border Collie/Hound. 541-8982374 North Powder pmb ALFALFA GRASS hay, 200 ton, no rain, 3x4x8ft bales. 541-910-0957 or 541-856-3425 Haines pld

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande bxw

ATTEND COLLEGE ON- 2004 FATBOY Harley AUTOMATIC AND LINE from Home. *Med- Davidson, e x c ellentSTANDARD Transmisical, Business, *Criminal condition, 30,000 origi- sion Repair and RebuildJustice, *Hospitality. Job nal miles, lots of extras. ing. Reasonable Prices, placement assistance. $9,500.00 obo, cash 28 years in La Grande Computer available. Fi- or trade, 541-886-2094 Call 541-963-7087 La nancial Aid if qualified. Wallowa vxm Grande axm SCHEV certified. WANT YOURAD TO Call 800-201-4585. www THOMPSON RV is East- PICKUP FLATBEDS, COVER A GREATER ern Oregon"s largest RV and front end replaceAREA? dealer: family owned and ments, many styles to Come in and speak with 35556 mxp operated for 40 years; choose from. Call Pious at the The Nickel WANT YOURAD TO browse our inventory on- neer West 541-663-9378 about PNAWANads. You COVERA GREATERline at www.thompsonrv. La Grande axp can advertise in 12 differAREA? com, or call us at 800ent papers for as low as HARLEY ANDATV $75.00. Papers in Ore- Come inand speak with 459-4836, Pendleton vxt Service and R epair gon, Washingt on, Idaho Don at The Nickel about and more! Call 541-963- PNAWAN ads. You can 2005 MONICO Coach, for Harley Davidsons 6237 bxn advertise in 12 different Cummins diesel, Alison and ATV's. BBB Repapers for as low as transmission, 35' long, pair 62010 West Road GET UP, Get o u t, $75.00. Papers in Ore- loaded with everything, Call 541-605-0400 La Get moving, learn to gon, Washingt on, Idaho 48,000 miles. Call for Grande axb square dance with the and more! Call 541-963- more details 541-215Star Pro menaders. 6237 bxn 0093. La Grande vmm 2013 JEEP Grand CherFree Lessons beginokee Laredo Immacuning January 22, 2015. DR. Willard G. Bertrand 1999 YAMAHA MM late, 4,600 miles, black 7:00 pm at Fort Grange H all, G e keler L n . DC now accepting Ore- Snowmobile, new 950cc on black, $41,000.00. La Questions? Please call gon Health Plan Insur- Price engine, 151" track, 541-786-2575 ance. Call today to get Grande axl pipes, reeds, mountain 541-963-5740. See you scheduled 541-963-4068 seat, Ekhome Tunnel, there! La Grande bom or 963- Well. La Grande $2,500.00 obo. 541-519- BEFORE YOU trade or 4192 Enterprise vms sell your rig: see what OREGON GREEN Free mxb Alan McKinney Swain East, Oregon's Medical Marijuana Association $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT 2000 POLARIS 700, Automotive Group will will meet Saturday, Jan- cash now!! Injury lawsuit ex condition, low miles. buy it for! Consignments uary 10'" at 12 noon at dragging? Need $500- 1997 Arctic Cat 580, new welcome also; 541-571the Integrated Services $500,000 + within 48 motor, low miles, ex con- 7355, Hermiston axs Building 1607 Gekeler. hours? Low rates. Apply dition. 1999 Honda ForeDeli Sandwiches 8 salad now by phone! 1-800- man 450 4 wheeler, low AUTOMATIC AND served for lunch. First 568-8321. www .Iawcap- miles, brand new tires, STANDARD Transmishalf of the meeting is 35715 mxg ex condition. 1993 Ford sion Repair and Rebuildopen to the public, Infor3/4 ton extra cab, long ing. Reasonable Prices, mation on how to obtain ATTEND COLLEGE ONbox, 7.3 motor, 5 spd. 28 years in La Grande and OMMP card is one LINE from Home. *MediPressure washer used Call 541-963-7087 La of the topics being dis*Business,*Criminal once. Antique wood saw, Grande axm cal, cussed. Any questions Justice, *Hospitality. Job runs well. 1986 3/4 ton call 541-963-2529. bmj placement assistance. Chev PU, standard cab, CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickREVERSE MORTGAG- Computer available. Fi- good wood truck, new up, restored 350 small ES. Learn About New nancial Aid if qualified. motor 3 yrs ago. 2002 block, $28,000 firm. 541Changes. Local Area SCHEV authorized. Call 30'camper, bumper tow, 963-7517 La Grande axy Call 20 8 -762-6887.800-201- 4585. www 16' tipout. Pulled one Larry Waters NMLS¹ time, excellent shape. All 03 FORD Mustang, 91k 400451 Proficio Bank, 35716 mxa for sale or trade for mo- miles, manual transmis157 Hayden Ave ¹104, tor home. 541-969-1255 sion V6, around 20mpg. Hayden, ID 8 3 835. DISH TV Retailer. Start- Ukiah vnw Great condition in and 855-762-6887 Branch out. Reconstructed tiing at $ 1 9.99/month NMLS¹ 1079636. Equal (for 12 mos.) 8 High 1998 POLARIS Indy 600 tle. $3,650 obo. Call/ Housing Lender. bmw Speed Internet starting RMK, electric start, 2001 text 541-805-0778 La at $14.95/month (where Polaris Indy 550 Trail, Grande axc available.) SAVE! Ask Trailer, two sets clothing, About SAME DAY Instal- $2,500.00 takes all. 541- ALL WAYS Automotive lation! CALL Now! 1-800- 534-9211 Summerville LLC. 541-624-5001. Re593-1764 mxm vnw build Engines 8 Transmissions with 40 years 2007 MERCURY 9.9 experience. 3 year warREACH THOUSANDS trolling motor, long shaft, ranty on parts and labor. starting at $7 a week for 4 stroke, electric start, Specified labor rate: classifieds; $14.00 for low hours. $1,500. 541$68.00/hr. Lowest price displays! The Nickel. 963786-1164 Summerville. in town. La Grande axa 6237. La Grande vow 2006 CHEVY 3/4 ton 4x4, extended cab, four door, auto, gas, flatbed, 112,000 miles, $10,500 Let ushelpyoumakesenseof ¹ all. Call ustoday! OBO. 5 4 1-519-6533 Baker City anv


Confused adoutMedicareP

Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to13'Wide. Like New Asking $14,000

Call 541-910-7096


I N 5 U RA N C E

Beth Stewart 541-963-3121 1603WashingtonAve, LaGrande

2006 GMC E n voy, 91,000 miles, 4x4, never been smoked in, in great shape, $9,000.00. 541523-5151 Baker City amf

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •

SMALL CASE Model REMINGTON 770 .270 BARLEY HAYgreat qual430, articulated, front for sale, $230.00 or best ity 3x4 bales, $140.00 end loader, has 2 1 "/~ offer. 760-881-8994 La per ton. 541-805-4936 La Grande pok yard bucket, general Grande dob purpose and digger, with teeth, nice little machine, 2013 CAMOPLAST PPR HORSE Boarding T4S ATV TRACKS $6,500.00. Myer 7ft snow quality care, reasonable plow for pickup etc. All Have maybe 20 miles rates, shelters w/ runs, hydraulic, right left and on them. $3,600.00 new. arenas, hay included up and down, nice unit, Asking $3,000.00. 541- in board. Overnighters $850.00. F o u r-Arm-805-0827. Have a side welcome. 541-910-4140 strong all weather tires, by side 800 Polaris now, LaGrande pxk mounted on Chevy S10 reason for selling. 541NO PART of this publicapickup wheels, size 805-0827 Union dmp 2-35-75 R15, $200.00. tion may be reproduced 541-894-2352 Baker City UTAH/ ORE G ON without the permission mmb concealed fir e arm of the publisher. Thank t raining: carry in a t you. pxh INSTANT CASH for least 34 states, January quality antiques 8 col- 18th, at Ace Hardware WANTED: ALL classes lectibles. 541-963-9358 La Grande, 10am, $85; of horses. We pick'em or 541-963-5646 Thank Contact Grant Asher up. Call J.A. Bennett You! La Grande mxj 541-571-4600, admin@ Livestock. 541-523-6119, www. or 541-519-2802 Baker Need an address label utahconcealedhandgun. City pxj stamp for business or com, www just for home? Come into .utahweaponspermit. NOTICE: Changes or The Nickel to design and com dma cancellations must be order one! in by 5pm Monday. MAN SHACK GUN DR. WILLARD G. BerSHOP FOR SALE HEREFORD trand DC now accepting Man Shack Gun Shop is YEARLING BULLS Workmen's comp. and ready for you! In house Harrel 8 Hoiden genetauto accident injuries. gunsmithing, f i rearm ics, sired by Churchill Call today to get sched- sales, FFL service, Class Yankee and Sons ofthe uled 541-963-4068 or 3 weapons, suppressors Great 4140P. Top quality 963- Well. La Grande and custom orders. bulls, priced right. Startmxb Locatedin Joseph. Check ing at $2,500.00. 541us out online at www 910-3610 Baker City pxo BARRELS .ManShackGunShop. Burn or Storage, $20.00; c om, or call for an VICTORYACRES Riding vented $25.00. Call 541- appointment 800-630- Academy. Now off ering 963-8990 La Grande 6314 or 541-398-1982 boarding, lessons and mxp Joseph dxw training. All ages and levels, school horses availFOODALLERGY testing, GLOCK 40 Caliber Model able 8 references availcleansing therapy and 23, 2-13 round clips, able. Indoor 8 outdoor hormonal supplemen- Crimson lazer sights, arenas! 541-786-3218. tation. Call Dr. Willard holster, over 9 boxes www .victoryacresfarm. Bertrand DC. 963-Well. ammo. Appraised at com. La Grande pxw La Grande. Preferred $910 asking $765. 541Provider for all major in- 962-1520 La Grande dos 2ND CUTTING Timothy surances. mxb hay. Green, barn stored, and in a 3 tie bale. $230 THE NICKEL DOES ton. 541-263-0354 JoBUSINESS CARDS! seph pnb 1998 8 1990 YAMAHA Come in and start dePhaser snowmobiles, s igning. Starting a t HEAVY GAUGED galgood shape, runs good, vanized horse/ livestock $32.50 for 500! lowmiles,$700.00 each. 541-742-2949 Halfway panels, gates, shelters, WANT RAILROAD lancustom stall fronts, comvnm terns, globes, locks, plete arena set-ups 8 keys, signs, badges, 2 YAMAHA Big Bear 350 more. Factory Direct! ID¹ china, silver, paper, wax RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, 4x4 ATV's. Heated grips, sealers. Cash. 541-276WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. one has a winch, great 3506 Pendleton mxj Lucky Acres Fencing, shape, $2,000 each. Inc. 208-746-1228, www 541-403-0703 Baker City HIGH SCHOOL Lewisvos PLOMA from home 6-8 ton pnl weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome. com •

TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 Call for sizes and prices. Island City mxc e-mail Page 7

• • I

BALE WAGONS sell/ buy. New Holland pulltype or self-propelled models/ pa r ts/tires. Call Jim Wilhite 208880-2889 any t i me. www. balewagon .com Caldwell fxw

ALL YOUR CULVERT NEEDS Contact Rob at Pioneer West 541-910-9378 fxp ANGUS x GALLOWAY Commercial Cows: Bred cows, heifers, young steers, one black bull. Come see them and make near market value offer. 541-403-1063 or Baker City fqy


FOR RENT: Retail of- 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, fice space with shop/ large windows in living storage 8 r e stroom,room, sky light, extra 1,330 sq feet. Located at windows in bedroom, 1501 Madison Avenue. large deck, huge yard, Available 02-01-2015. sprinkler system, raised $550.00 per m onth. vegetable beds, room Call 541-975-3148 La to park 3 cars, locatGrande uml ed in Camas Estates, FOR RENT: Lovely end $59,000. OBO 541-215of the road, sometimes 0093. La Grande tmm snowed in, 2 bedroom 1 bath country home. REDUCED! Large kid 8 pet friendly Easy own first home, yard. Wood stove/elec- 14x70, move-in ready tric heat. Washer, dryer, mobile home in Pendlerefrigerator, range, dish- ton park, $10,500; details washer, garbage pro- 541-240-9036 or www. vided. $500.00 deposit,$750.00 month. Available February 1". 541- home4sale tnb

$69,000 FOR 2.89 acres, with 2001 manufactured home near Durkee. 541519-9846 etd ACROSS FROM High School, 3b/2b home, W/D included, Detached garage, Carport, Fenced yard, $825/mo. Call 541963-1210 La Grande exg COMMERCIAL SPACE For Rent 1,000sqf area, plus 250sqf loft, office and bathroom, water/ sewer included, paved parking, located in Island City, $540.00/mth. Call 541-963-3496 after 10am. Island City eqe

ASHFORD JOY Spinning Wheel, like new, $350.00. Border Lester fleeces, cleaned and ready to spin, 2 adult white fleeces, 1 adult black fleece, 3 805-9061 Union uow lamb fleeces, $50.00 for all. 541-805-8653 La FOR RENT one bedGrande fnd room upstairs apartment, furnished, one occupant, 18 BOXES Davis Walker utilities furnished, no 14 1/2 Gauge Bailing pets. Rent $450.00/mth. Wire, $70 per box. 541- Call 541-523-7656 Baker 437-7170 Elgin fns City uns

ESTABLISHED, TURNKEY tra n smission shop. All equipment, prime frontage location. $529,900. Or 4000sqft partitioned shop, 2ba, 3 offices, $439,900. La Grande, Oregon. Call 541-963-9633 eph

AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, W ashington downtown, furnished studios, Rent $345-$385, utilities included, small refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, bus line, secure, mini storage available. TAKE OVER 509-248-2146 Yakima PAYMENTS AUCTION JAN 27th for uns 7 and 1/2 acres of nice remodeled 2571 LOOKING FOR the lady i rrigated land w i t h sq.ft. home with garage in Union that has the 3 b e droom h ome, 8 2 fireplaces in Clarkestablished orchards, Cuckoo Clocks. 541- REACH THOUSANDS ston, WA. Good neighfenced and cross fenced. 786-1714 La Grande starting at $7 a week for borhood, grea view. Phoclassifieds; $14.00 for tos www .TigerAuctionAssume a 3.75%VAloan. wgm displays! The Nickel. 963-, Mel Finnell, Take over payments. WANTED 6237. La Grande See on l, 509-234-1550. emt self sufficient ranch at Verizon used s mart Richland, Oregon. 541- phones in good condition. The Cell Fix, 10505 519-7194 fjc W. 1st Street, Island REACH THOUSANDS City. 541-786-9655 wnc starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for W ANTED TO B u y : displays! The Nickel. 963- Murphy fold into wall 6237. La Grande bed. 541-963-9314 La Cimmaron THREE REGISTERED Grande wnb •

Angus, calving ease bred, bull calves. Al sire-Coleman R e gis 904. Born late FebruaryMarch 2014. $2,300.00 each, or all three for $6,300.00. 5 4 1-5192827 Richland fos

W ANTED: 1976 o r newer double wide mobile home, with pitched roof, in liveable condition. Priced around $2,000.00. 5 4 1-7863353 La Grande wos

Senior andDisabled


Housing. Accepting

CornpIete Preparation ofALL Nvorm Decmments, Inciudes: Children, Support, IDivisIon of Propertv 5 Bills, and Return to any former name. HQ CCHPRTAPP&RAHCESI

Legel Alte~nstives 503-772-5295


svsnaPar nlegaMEternat&

applications.Income restrictionsapply.

Call Candi in BakerCity gJ (541 )523-6578.g

Kingsview Manor Country West Miocene LaGrande Terrace

APTS: Studios, 1 Or 2 Bdrm Apartments $295-$600

LaGrande, Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES 1 -4 Bdrm, 1 Or 2 Bath $650-$1100

COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1250 Sq. Ft. Union

Storage 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90 12'x24'-$70

Page 8 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 8, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

. .e r


Bt7gg ' .


- 42- 15 QENT+ 2300MajnStreet, BakerCjty, OR97814


1995 FORD F-350

1994 CHEVY 2500 StI< ¹14T036


wmA~ 4Q~,LL,l5 g g45



- 14-2

r GElttiT+ ConvenientlyLocatedon10thStreet


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P,M,'ii'N: 43I,O EBO E







StI< ¹14P2383, 4X4, 7.3L DIESEL, FLATBED, CREW CAB, PW, PL, CC







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WITH REBATES (Not an Custmets will qualify)

[5; p 13EI(

(Not an Custmets

2010 CHEVY

2007 FORD



StI< ¹14T2011 PW, PL, CC A/C.T/W

2012 JEEP


y gtLLIN. gg ogoig


2004 DODGE


StI< ¹14T2017 CREW CAB 4X4 PW, PL, CC,A/C T/W

RAM 1500




wm: g vuz 4kLL,R 4$4$P

2007 FORD F.150



RAM 1500


Wm~~ gQ>,LL,[5; g 5,ggg WW;g~

StI(¹14F1062 FWD

StI( ¹14P0193 84,431 MILES FWD

1998 DODGE






2002 FORD F-250




w84 )~ gQ~,LL,Q; g (,QQI





2007 FORD

Stk ¹14D581, ST, CREW CAB




wze~~ 4Q~,LL ,IN; $4,4lQ

Stk ¹15D501, Limited

R65 4%,dl'P

M LL,IN: 4(5QSF 2008 DODGE

20ii DODGE

RAM I500


StI( ¹14P2291 4WD, A/C, PS

StI( ¹14P326 1 OWNER


wm~ee gQ~, L,g; L gg Qgg

o 14KA 4'ij5 SQQ

2008 FORD

20ii BMW 328 XI


StI< ¹14P1373 AWD ONLY 24K MILES




wze~~ 4Q~,L L,l5 gI),ilIII 2007 TOYOTA





Wm: gx,tme4~a[5; gg

2013 FORD F-250 StI<¹15T0631 CREW CAB, 4X4, PW, PL, CC, CD, A/C, T/W, LOW MILES



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Wm: gX,m))' KH G4'il'ilgSKo • 20'I2 FORD FUSION



wz,e:yxti,e@4Q~,L,l5 g4,5@' 20'I3 JEEP

2011 DODGE


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: I e (g[ggO MO0 CWK>Pii' MO0 IKO0KMII D6n r et oStopBy ritry II Street Fer Mere Gr at Values o uaIIt Pre-OwnedCars Trucks

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I OI TOII DgAY iWw j>E +CAN HEL~P-i CA-'LL 5,41-<523-2~20

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