Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm April 10th, 2014
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29 Feai rs.~
l@XC$6% 0
C ntinu us Servi -e
Vol. 29 No 34
• •
BATTERY OPERATED golf cart, excellent condition, $2,500.00. Singer Surger sewing machine, $250.00. 541-403-1249 Baker City vvh am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
• • I
JAZZY 615 motorized wheel chair, excellent condition, $ 2,250.00. 541-910-8711 Union mvs
-M zc4-v r-
2008 Chrysler PT Cruiser @gp gogo
8X8 TIN shed with floor, wiring, insulation, $450.00. Fuel Tanks, 275gal and 150gal. 541- stk¹ 3327 Price Good thru 4l30l1 4 541-962-2975 10401 S. Walton Rd. Island Cit 263-1108 Wallowa mff
tIJi JJ.G > r©SS
1999 GMC K-1500
Stocktr13 565A
4x4, va, Auto,
Cruise, Tilt, PW,PL
Special Of The Week!
S24,990 2006 ChevyEquinox
4x4, LT,VS,Auto, Air, Cruise,Tilt,PW,PL
Stock 414 556A
2011 Buick Lacrosse
s i ock/2267A
2011 Chevy k-1500
,'LilTw oiIUBakepizza 'lt pepp eI0RI
2012 Chevy Cruze
1606 Portland St, La Grande, OR 97850
5 41 -9 6 3 - 6 0 3 3
800 S. River St. Enterprise, OR 97828
5 41 -4 2 6 - 9 2 2 8 Monday-Friday9:Ooam-5:Oopm Saturday 9:Ooam-12:Oopm
'( Haw aiian
' S47. 899.0 ,'541.805.4845
/ INNOVl/t
50% OFF
Friday 8r Saturday 4/188r 4/19 I
ThruA ril19th, 2014
Put our expertise to work on your refund. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn't enough — you need your taxes done right. That's where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.' Call today to make your appointment.
LTL 4 Cyl,Auto Loaded
CXL, V6, Auto, Loaded
Easter Special ,'
4x4, LT,Z, Diesel Loaded
ffPtyGEM .
'- Art9 Wa9 YouSlice It! I
77 N. 8th,Elgin
2010 Chevy K-3500
HURRY In NoltwlBest Prices of theSeason!
SLS,4Cyl,Auto, Loaded
Great Selection Of PromDresses
2011 Ford Fiesta
2011 Chevy Malibu
AWD, LT,V6,Auto, Air,
I 2010 Chevy K-3500
Fine Quality Consignment Clothing
IIISrandeP intStlsss a
10-5:30 1431 Adams Ave La Grande, OR
1415 ARANSAllt. 54 1 -9$3-41$1 lA GRAHRE,OR 800-3$8-$258 2007 GMC Yukon
ture in Halfway or Rich1993 JEEP Wrangler Black, Soft Top, $4,200. land area. Call 541-910Call 541-786-1750 La 2118 to discuss availability and rate. pvh Grande avl
8IZIIs ~al
rOgr WrlaTi a 'OaR< C
4x4,SLT,VS,Auto, Loaded
1996 CHEVY 15004x4 6 WEEK old toy poodle 4.3 V6. Good paint, for sale, black 8 brown, body, bed-liner, truck $250 pp each Call 541 663-8745 La Grande ptk 805-1854, Evenings. Enterprise auj WANTED; HORSE pas-
2745 Broadway, Baker City, OR 97570 541-523-3252
2003 Chevy Malibu
'If you discover an HBR Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund (or smaller tax liability), we'll refund the tax prep fee for that return Refund claims must be made dunng the calendar year in which the return was prepared QBTP¹BT 3696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc
i S24,990 4x4, LT VS Auto Tilt, Cruise Air, PW, PL
576 1990f
4Cyl,Auto,Air, Cruise, Tilt, PW PL
Stock II 2267A
Union Drug
V6, Auto,Air, Cruise, Tilt,PW,PL
-' a Soda Fountain
Stock II2311B
105 N Main St. Union, OR 541-562-5441 our Family Pharmacy
2011 HDK Electric
1991 Club Car Electric
Li ke ns on
2014 Yamaha Electric •
W armCreekKennel 8Grooming A Safe and Convenient Place For Your Pets To Stay While You Are Away! MyHome Away From Home
y ppy
/'m A// Cl e an'
u •
S7. 790
61030 Lower Cov er R d Cove Oregon
S5.990 StockII2346A
Easter Deeor • Candp • Card
541 -91 0-4649
Page 2 e-mail •
The Nickel-A ril10,2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
M2 BOWFLEX Like I RRIGATION PI P E OPENINGS NOW avail. STORAGE UNIT Sale: new $400. Nice Oak Trailer, $1,500 obo. for beginner piano les- Guns, Furniture, HouseComputer Desk with Powder River Calf Tilt sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. wares, Good C lean cabinet and office chair Table, $400 obo. 1978 Safe 8 fun environment! Items, Cheap Cheap $75. Hardwood swivel 2 ton GMC Truck with Call 541-805-9741 for Cheap. Saturday April chair, $25.00. Tv stand metal racks, $1,500 obo. more info! La Grande 12'", 9am-2pm. 1410 bxw for flatscreen tv, $50.00. Model 2840 John Deere 21". Unit A2. La Grande Sewing maching, many 2wd tractor with farm gtc SERVE YOUR attachments, b a r ely hand, $14,000. 541-398COUNTRY!!! RUBBER STAMPS! Startused, $60.00. Pet Por- 0645 Joseph ftl Want a little cash? Want ter do crate, 5 large, to go to college? Have ing at $16.60 each. $25.00. 541-805-4966 INLAND AG REPAIR way too many student or 541-856-3606 or 541- Meeting all your Ag loans? Ever thought VETERANS OF Foreign 805-4967 La Grande La and turf service needs. about serving your coun- Wars High Valley Post Grande hnh Open 8am-5pm, Monday try? The Oregon Na- 4060 will be sponsorthrough Friday. Just tional Guard gives you ing a Pancake Break2 DRAWER oak dress- outside La Grande at tuition assistance and fast with French Toast, the MGIB so you can Scrambled eggs and a er, new, $200.00. Small 62302 Pierce Rd. 541start/finish your college oak file cabinet, $10.00. 963-4985 faa Yard Sale on April 12, degree. If you already QUadrafire wood firehave your degree we 2014 at the VFW Hall place insert, 3yrs old WANTED TO buy 12 offer the student loan re- in Union. The Breakfast with liner, $1,500.00. foot offset disk in good paymentof$50,000 dol- starts at 7:00 AM until Call 541-663-1615 La condition. 24" d i sks lars!!! Plus you gain the 10:00 AM at a cost of $ Grande htf preferred. Must have knowledge, experience, 6.00 and is open to the good hydraulics and and motivation to jump public, everyone is welwheels for t ransport start your career. Imagin come. The Yard Sale will and be in good working having your college to- begin at8:00AM andrun condition. 541-410-8033 tally paid for and a drill until 1:00 PM. If you have pay check. Want more something to donate to fwm information call SGT Lori the yard sale you can "Nore Than Justa Shed" McNeil 541-786-1459 La Countryside Sheds, u c drop off your items at the Grande area. bxm (800) 682-0589(541)663-0246 MARKET LAMBS for VFW Hall in Union Mon10102 S. MrAlister Rd.IslandCity sale, for Baker and NOTICE: C lassified day thru Sat from 9:00 to Halfway fairs. Asking Deadline: T u esday10:00 AM. We are not 5pm. Changes or can- accepting any clothing $125.00. Contact- 541cellatlons must be in items. Union gtm 403-2279 Baker City ful by 5pm Monday.
ANTIQUE L I QUIDATION Sale.5 Storage Units worth of Antiques, Collectibles, and Furniture. Rare and unusual items. Glassware(every color),silver plate/pewter, kitchen, tools, fishing, lamps, toys, Bedding, linens, ceramics, cast iron, books, vintage clothing and jewelry, Huge selection. April 17'"-20'" 8:30am to 4pm. The warehouse on Clark and Baker St. in Baker City. gtb STORAGE UNIT SALE Sat., April 12, 8am-1pm Unit ¹ 145, 2516 Cove Ave, La Grande. No Early Sales! Kenmore wall oven (still in box), Dictaphone Transcription Machine, Saddle $ Stand, New exterior glass door, old phonograph, furniture, books, blankets, linens, Barbie 8 Accessories Ezra Brooks Bottle Collection 8 More! La Grande gtg
GIANT YARD sale! We are getting married and two housesofstuffneed to fit into one. Tools, guns, antiques, clothes, outdoor gear, tilt trailer, kitchen-ware, 8' pontoon boot. Saturday and Sunday, April 12th and 13th. 9am-4pm. 402 Leone Ave. Enterprise. Please, No early birds! gtr SISTER SHIC'S Spring Sale at the Shabby Shack. Antiques, collectibles, shabby chic, garden and Easter decor. Baskets, dishes, jars, silver, aprons, windows, and more. April 11-12. Friday 5-8 pm. Sat. 9-1. 68389 Kerns Loop, Cove gts SHOP SALE everything in the shop goes. Toyo tires, medical bed, Friday-Saturday 8 Sunday, 9am-5pm. 2407 Q Ave. La Grande gts
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Church will hold their Annual Rummage Sale April 12'", 2014, from 9am to 12noon, at the Presbyterian Friendship Center on Spring Street in La Grande. Clothing, dishes, furniture and many other items will be sold. La Grande gtp HUGE THREE Family Moving Sale. April 4'", 8am-6pm. All week until gone. Rain or Shine. North Powder exit 285, signs, across from North Powder Cafe. Toys, baby things, tools, antiques, collectables, tire changer with electric balancer, iron wheels, too much to mention. North Powder gum ESTATE SALE April 1213'", 478 West Fulton, Union Oregon. 9am-5pm 541 562 5280 tc
4CYLINDER PERKINS d iesel engine, m i d 1960's, $300.00. 1984 REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for Dodge 1/2 ton, 2wd, 318 classifieds; $14.00 for motor, automatic transdisplays! The Nickel. 963- mission, $800.00. Bill at 541-398-0089 6237. La Grande
P UB L I C ?
I t doesn ' tj u s t m e a n h a v i n g a t i tle o r s p e n cfing time o n a b o a r d o r c o m m i t t e e . O ne o f t h e w a y s I h a v e b e e n a b l e t o s e r v e m y c o m m u n i t y i s b y g i v i n g b a c k t o o rga n i z a t i o n s t h a t e n r i c h t h e d a i l y l i v e s o f E a s t e r n O r eg o n i a n s . T h a t i s w h y i n t he p a s t d e c a d e a l on e , I h a v e r ei n v e s t e d h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s i n t o m y c o m m u n i t y b y g i v i n g t o t h e s e o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d m o re : E OLS 4 - H / F F A A uct i o n
C om m u n i t y C o n n e c t i o n s S en io r M e a ls
U nio n C o u n t y F a i r 4 -H J u n i o r A u c t i o n
Re pu blican Part y
O re go n D i s a b i l i t y S po r t s
E ast- W e s t S hrin e G a m e
R ocky M o u n t a i n E l k F oun d a t i o n
A merican H u n t e r A ssoc i a t i o n
4 -H R a d i o A uct i o n
G ra n d e R o n d e A ca d e m y
S hri n e r s C h i l d r e n ' s H osp i t a l
American R ed C r o s s
U nio n C o u n t y C h a m b e r o f Co m m e rc e
N ex t S t e p P r e g n a n c y I nfo C e n t e r
H ab i t a t f o r H um a n i t y
C ove S e n i o r C itiz e n s
Pen d l e t o n a n d U n i o n C ou nt y S h r i n e C l u b s
O re go n A s s o c i a t i o n C hief s o f P o l i c e
U n io n C o u n t y C r o p s R Cons e r v a t i o n T o u r
O re go n S t a t e S h e r i ff ' s A ssoc i a t i o n
A ll A r o u n d S p o r t s H i g h S choo l P o s t e r s
O re go n S p e c i a l O ly m p i c s
U n io n C o u n t y L ittle L e a g u e
L a Gr a n d e S oro p t o m i s t
Friend s o f
t h e N RA
O re g o n
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 3 I •
GARAGE SALE Antiques, collectibles, tools, guns, sporting goods, ceramics, lamps, etc. Saturday Only. 8am till 4pm. 450 Main, Imbler. gts AUCTION!! Saturday, April 12th, 2014, 10am, 28570 Highway 730, Umatilla, Oregon. 2 horse trailer, flatbed trailer, dual recliner couch, China hutch, large table and 8 chairs, dresser, 2 vintage record players, upright Philco tube radio, 1941 Martin guitar, 1969 Martin mandoiin, Washburn mandolin, Bruno banjo/ mandolin, firearms, Hopkins Allen 38 caliber revolver, Savage 20 gauge, pump shotgun, 2 Glenfield 22 rifles, two 16 gauge single shot shotguns, CVA 50 caliber hunter bolt magnum, 2 Benjamin Franklin pellet rifles, fishing rods, reels, 3 chainsaws, weedeaters, carnival glass, crystal, china, salt 8 pepper shakers, Bauer, records, vintage bottles, jars, Christmas, household, too much to list. Java Junkies will have concessions available on site; for pictures and updates go to Mbz Liquidations on Facebook, payment by cash or check only, 10% buyers premium in effect; Dave Bender Auctioneer, Mike Zook Auctioneer, 541-571-6280 Umatilla gtz
$500 TO $1000 Weekly Mailing Our Brochures 8 Postcards + Online data Entry Work. Experience U nnecessary! w w w
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande GREAT CONDITION 700 Call 541-963-7087 La Polaris RMK 151 track Grande axm Snowmobile. One owner. Easy to start 8 thorough- PICKUP FLATBEDS, ly serviced every year and front end replaceby a certified mechanic. ments, many styles to Comes with cover, dash choose from. Call Piobag and extra belt. Runs neer West 541-663-9378 great! $2,950.00. 541- La Grande axp 805-9000 Cove 541-8059000 Cove vvw HARLEY AND ATV Service and R epair FOR SALE 2008 CanAm for Harley Davidsons ATV Outlander 500, like and ATV's. BBB Renew, 198mi, winch on pair 62010 West Road front, front and back car- Call 541-605-0400 La rying bag, camo color, Grande axb asking $7,000. 541-8936950 Richland vtc 2013 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo Immacu2001 HONDA Shadow late, 4,600 miles, black 750cc, $3,000. 1973 Kit on black, $41,000.00. La Camper, Self Contained, 541-786-2575 $950. 541-663-8629 La Grande axl Grande vts 413 DODGE truck motor, SUZUKI LTZ 400Z quad, and other Dodge truck liquid cooled engine, parts, 541-408-3896 or 5spd transmission, rear- 541-480-4377 Baker City wheel drive, 2008 model. axl Asking price, $2,295.00. 541-427-3028 Ukiah vtg BEFORE YOU trade or sell your rig: see what $2,499.00, 88 Travel Alan McKinney Swain Trailer, Fleetwood, 29ft, Automotive Group will bumper pull, new batter- buy it for! Consignments ies and awning, electric welcome also; 541-571jack, hitch, sway-bars, 7355, Hermiston axs load levelers included, well maintained. To see, AUTOMATIC AND Kurt at 541-962-1020. STANDARD Transmisvtk sion Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La FOR SALE 2005 Prai- Grande axm rie Schooner by Gulf It's Nickel Time!! Stream. 29FBW 5'" wheel, AC, 10gal water heater, deluxe awning, CLASSIC 51 Chevy pick2 slide-outs and more, up, restored 350 small $19,900.00. Call 541- block, $28,000 firm. 541805-1244 La Grande vtc 963-7517 La Grande axy
20 ACRES. $0 Down, O nly $119/mo. NO CREDIT CH E CKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Views! Money Back Guarantee 1-866882-5263 Ext. 81 www. $21 CAR InsuranceInstant Quote - All Credit Types - Find Out If You Qualify - As LowAs $21/ Month. Call 888-2912920.
MERCURY OUTBOARD motor, 9.9ft 4 stroke for sale, $500.00. 541-4264742 vtk
• • I
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo BUYING ANTLERS! Any type, any condition, will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. Call 541-910-2640 Union dxd NEW PISTOLS over 100 in stock can special order an y f i r earms or do i n ternet gun transfers.541-523-9448 Baker City dxw
CCB¹ 183563
•Pole Buildings •Remodeling •BarnS DeCKS •Fencing Siding •Windows
County" CALL US F I RST!
• I
Excel Electrical Services,lnc. 322 E. Mckinney Ave. Hermiston,OR 97838
Office:541-567-21 88 Fax:541 -567-1 442 Residential•Commercial•Agricultural •Industrial
-tf [)I) tvjtfl](og(Q[7 lrcr c/ ••s
541-962-2975 10401 5. Walton Rd. Island City
• Computer Consulting k Repair • Custom Websites k Spreadsheets • Wireless Internet Provider Simple Explanations - Reasonable Rates
o unt a i n orks Bicycles
Sales 'Repairs 'Accessories• Clothing 'Rentals
g g• I
1301AdamsAve, LaGrande, OR97850(541)963-3220 Trek TerraTrike Co-Motion Mirraco Burley
Mamaha 4Suzuki~Arctic Cat ©P o laris II
MUZZLELOADERS and more. Guns, buy, sell or trade. Black powder guns 8 a c cessories, modern guns 8 ammo. 541-663-2650 I sland City dxg
2001 F-350 Utility Truck. 9ft box, Pipe Rack, Locking Tool Boxes on both sides. Box By itself is worth $7,000. Asking $7,995 Cash OBO
CASH PAID for guns. Indian Creek Trading Company in El g in. Shannon 541-786-5750 or JD 541-805-0216 dxm
• New Homes -Licensed -Bonded -Insured
"SeTt/f'ng WaLLoura
PRICE R E DUCED! SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 grips, night sights, mag pouch, holster, travel box, 115 and 214round magazines, $650.00. 541-910-6148 I sland City dxf
Serving Eastern Oregon Since0969 S pecializing In:
Serving Union, BaKer, & Wallowa Counties
Page 4 e-mail
The Nickel-A ril10,2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
I •
• • I
What can I do? Please spay and neuter. www. or 541-4264170 Enterprise ztp
RUFF N RUS T IC FOR SALE 2004 Alpine M ERCANTILE ha s Lite Limited Series Santa everything you will need Fe 1100 Camper, elecfor hunting. Buys 8 tric jacks, rear awning, liquidates Estates. See AC, generator ready us for hunting 8 self- and more. $14,200.00. 60"x30" 5 drawer metal defense supplies. 10703 Call 541-805-1244 La desk, small computer 1/2 Walton Road, Island Grande vtc desk, solid oak tv cabi- City 541-786-1900 dxv C USTOM BUIL T net. Call Tim at 541-5684-wheeler carrier rack 5092 zts W A N T E D for long bed pickup: CENTERFIRE brass bas e C OLLIE PUPPY 8 cartridges, all calibers, freestanding keeps load off t he bed weeks, $25.00. 541-969- no sorting required, $2/ side rails, hold two 9270 Tollgate zts lb. Call 541-519-1538 4-wheelers, side load and Baker City mth unload, easy removable COME A Long, $10.00. side rails, deck built with Phonograph records, RUGER SR40C, 150rds galvanized grip strut, 45's, 78's 8 33 "/9, $1.00 ammo, new in box, never stored in covered area; each. 541-963-2652 zts been fired, $430.00. 541-567-0840, HermisTraditions E v o lutionton vtt black powder 50 cal. Any Item $25 or less, fluted barrel, stainless, 17FT ARIST Travel TrailFree, or Lost/Found, get never b ee n fi r ed, er, excellent condition, 1 week FREE in The $225.00. 541-786-3453 $2,495.00 obo. 541-786Nickel. La Grande dtm 8207 La Grande vtb
OAK HAVEN Summer Programs. Preschool: Montessori-based program for 2 "/9-5yr olds, with nature focus. Literacy Camps: week-long immersion experiences in reading and writing for 6-9yr olds. Limited to 4 students, with gardening focus. Private Tutoring: Individual support for all ages, including children with special needs. Piano Lessons: Starting children at age 4, including children with special needs. M. Ruth Davenport, Ph.D. 541-6631528 La Grande bbd BINGO American Legion Post 43 La Grande, will be hostingBINGO on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 9:00pm, beginning April 3rd. 301 Fir St. Cash only please. bva
'' I
' •
• 4 r
—0 •
save '29,839! 2014 MONTANA 3100RL
2004 FLEETWOOD TAOS CAMPERg4 gg5 STK¹47259808 ......-- ---
save ~7,444! 2014 HIDEOUT 23RKSWE
2000 NORTHLAND POLAR 860 2013 SPRINGDALE 189 STK¹DG 011 871.................. 13,995
2013 NASH 23B
• •
STK¹D0138 882................ 18,990
save '11,228! .
2014 BULLET . 281BHSWE
sTK¹3140 2288.................. 1 9,990
save '7,576!
save '13,980!
2013 KODIAK 221RBSL .
FOR SALE: One funeral plot in Island City $150.00 Call 541-8099060 La Grande mxt
HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb
TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 NO PART of this publicaCall for sizes and prices. tion may be reproduced Island City mxc without the permission of the publisher. Thank FOR SALE: Ceme- you. pxh tery plot. In Island City $150.00. Next to golf PPR HORSE Boarding Course. Call 541-805- quality care, reasonable 9060 La Grande mxt rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included ATTEND COLLEGE ON- in board. Overnighters LINE from Home. *Med- welcome. 541-910-4140 ical, Business, *Criminal LaGrande pxk Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. WANTED: ALL classes Computer available. Fi- of horses. We pick'em nancial Aid if qualified. up. Call J.A. Bennett SCHEV certified. Call Livestock. 541-523-6119 8 00-201-4585. w w w or 541-519-2802 Baker City pxj 35556 mxp SIAMESE KITTENS: DR. Willard G. Bertrand soft, fluffy, snowballs of DC now accepting Ore- fur, sweet, calm, pleasgon Health Plan Insur- ant, spriteful dispositions, ance. Call today to get $75 each; 541-720-7634, scheduled 541-963-4068 Umatilla. pxr or 963- Well. La Grande FOR SALE HEREFORD mxb YEARLING BULLS Harrel 8 Hoiden genet$$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT ics, sired by Churchill cash now!! Injury lawsuit Yankee and Sons ofthe dragging? Need $500- Great 4140P. Top quality $500,000 + within 48 bulls, priced right. Starthours? Low rates. Apply ing at $2,500.00. 541now by phone! 1-800- 910-3610 Baker City pxo 568-8321. www .IawcapVICTORY ACRES 35715 mxg ing Academy. All ages and levels, school horsFREE PERSONAL classies available, referencfieds for military personel es available. Indoor 8 and dependants with deoutdoor arena! Also ofpendant ID. We support fering equine massage. our troops! The Nickel, 541-786-3218. www. vic1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La La Grande. 963-6237 Grande pxw
2011 SPRINTER 299BHSTT $25 gg0 •
wRS $32,412............NQw: 28,990
save $'10,000! • 2014 FOURWINDS 28Z
10% OFF 7¹f/Pre-SeaSO¹I CheCk 15% OFF
wAs $32,990...........NQw: 29,990
Comein and
check out our parts department Clearance Sale area! Newitems added weekly.
sTK¹9801 3703................ 34,990
2005 FLEETWOOD 37A CLASS A STK¹43895712
wAs $88,998............NOw: 74,990
'I •
• $$
I I •
• • •
g e I I '
WERE YOU Implanted with a St. Jude RIATA Defibrillator Lead Wire between June 2001 and December 2010? Have you had this lead replaced, capped or did you receive shocks from the lead? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson 800-535-5727. mtw INJURED: IN a lawsuit? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Paymentsto Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Call 877-386-3692. mta ADOPTION, MOM,dad, 4 year old brother seek newborn to complete family. Loving, secure home for bright future and dreams. Expenses Paid. Jessica 1-800-5858410. mtn FOR SALE 3yr old Bowflex tread climber, used approx 20 times, $500.00. Call 541-4328010 after 3:30pm. Joseph mts JAZZY 615 motorized wheel chair, excellent condition, $ 2,250.00. 541-910-8711 Union mvs
A TTENTION: H A NFORD and Idaho National Lab W orkers: You may be entitled to $150,000 to $400,000 plus health benefits tax free. Call EEOICPA Attorney Hugh Stephens at 1-8 5 5-EEOICPA (336-4272), even if your claimhas been denied. 2495 Main Street, Suite 442, Buffalo, NY. WWW. EEOICPA.US mta
Tis The Season! Would you like to rip through seas of mud? Leap giant boulders in a single bound? Heres the tool to do that and more. One ton axles, A.R.B Lockers, On board air, Huge wheel travel, twin stick transfer, bead locks, winch, way to much to list. My wife can't get into this monster anymore, so it needs a new home. Virtually unbreakable, Possible Part Trade - ATVStreet Rod project - Guns - no ex or current wives or grandkids. Call for more details 541-786-0734
8X8 TIN shed with floor, wiring, insulation, $450.00. Fuel Tanks, 275gal and 150gal. 541263-1108 Wallowa mff INSTANT CASH for quality antiques 8 collectibles. 541-963-9358 or 541-963-5646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one!
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 5 •
1993 29FT motorhome 2000 DODGE 2500 V8 INSTANT CASH for HIGH QUALITY car454 Chevy, with gener- Magnum 5spd, good quality antiques 8 col- pet like new $300. Was ator, $10,500.00. 2 chil- condition, $ 4,500.00. lectibles. 541-963-9358 $1,500. irregular shape, dren's chest protectors, Single axle trailer, 7x10 or 541-963-5646 Thank cream/beige 2 2 'x20' 541-426-3747, 541-429$50.00 each. Antique metal deck, $500.00. You! La Grande mxj German sewing ma- 541-437-8181 Elgin ajm 2526. Enterprise hum chine, $200.00. Towbar, BUY YOUR locally made $200.00. Tree ladder FOUR 215/75R15 all affordable gifts at Blue 7 PIECE outdoor pastand, for 2 p eople, season tires mounted Turtle Gallery 1124 Ad- tio table set with glass $175.00. 541-571-7078 on 5 hole wheels. Will ams. Call 541-963-3841 top, chairs, cushions. La Grande mvw fit Chevrolet, asking for specifics. La Grande $50.00. 541-786-0904 La Grande hub $150. 541-786-2807. La mxk NEW D R IVESHAFTGrande ath for 3p t i m plements, Need an address label FOR SALE: Antique Oak 45-70hp, 42" extends. NEED YOURTires Rotat- stamp for business or Commode in goodcondiYellow Weasler brand, ed?? We do all Tire Ser- just for home? Come into tion. 2 drawers on left; 1 $110.00. Stihl Kombi KM vices. Ladd's Auto LLC. The Nickel to design and good size compartment 130 power trimmer with 8 David Eccles Road, order one! on right, with door; 1 long drawer above other grass and tiller heads. Baker City, OR. 541-523Only three hours use. 4433. Monday thru Sat- DR. WILLARD G. Ber- drawers. Price: $125.00 Paid $700.00, sell for urday, 8 to 5. atk trand DC now accepting firm. Location: Baker $450.00. 541-963-7595 Workmen's comp. and City. Phone: 541-523La Grande mvs ALMOST NEWAtlas Sun auto accident injuries. 2789 huh Adult Tricycle (3 Wheels) Call today to get sched18FT UTILITY flatbed 3Spd, assist motor with uled 541-963-4068 or KITCHEN DINING tatrailer, lights, s urge deluxe battery, large bas- 963- Well. La Grande ble, solid wood, $25.00. brakes, new spare w/ ket on back, 2 headlights, mxb Free Banty r ooster. 541-786-8871 La Grande hub, best offer over speedometer, flag, heavy BARRELS hwm $1,800.00. 8 1 7-739- duty bike chain with key, 3720 mvd Burn or Storage $18.00 paid over $2,000, will sell for $950.00 541-523- Call 541-963-8990 La LARGE CLAW-FOOT CONCRETE CULVERT 4189 or 541-519-7541. Grande mxp bathtub. Excellent condi36" long, 24" round, 8 See at 920 Madison, tion. Call 541-786-4282 pcs. $100.00 for all. Con- Baker City. att FOODALLERGY testing, Elgin hts tractor table saw(Atlas), cleansing therapy and 10" saw, with wide table FOR SALE 2001 Dodge hormonal supplemen- 6 MONTHS Crib/Cradle, on both sides, $500.00. 3500, Cummins engine, tation. Call Dr. Willard Good Condit ion,$50.00. 541-437-6907 Elgin htb J ointer, 6 " Del t a, duel wheel flat bed, Bertrand DC. 963-Well. $450.00. 15" round sand $6,000.00. 5 4 1-962- La Grande. Preferred stone, electric powered, 4701 Cove ath Provider for all major in- 30" TAPPAN gas range surances. mxb 8 self-cleaning oven. $150.00. Disston hand CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Bought in 2001, but saws, $25.00 a piece. TUESDAYAT 5PM! 2 Handyman jacks,like never installed or used. new, $25.00 for each. Air THE NICKEL DOES Some minor dings from impact wrench, like new FOR SALE 1994 Ford BUSINESS CARDS! storage, but n othing $50.00. 541-963-4591 F250 4wd, extended cab Come in and start de- major. Almond color, La Grande mvb long box, big block auto, s igning. Starting a t $350.00 obo. 541-8051522 La Grande huw $2,500.00 obo. 541-805- $32.50 for 500! LIFT CHAIR new un- 4841 or 541-437-0144 used. Beautiful brown Elgin auw WANT RAILROAD lan- JAZZY 615 motorized leather. $1,300 new, now terns, globes, locks, wheel chair, excellent $800. 541-805-5373 or 2004 FORD F350 keys, signs, badges, condition, $ 2,250.00. 541-805-8111 Cove mus POSSIBLE FINANCING china, silver, paper, wax 541-910-8711 Union mvs 4x4 4 door Super Cab, sealers. Cash. 541-27613 DRAWER Crafts- Powerstroke, 6spd, new 3506 Pendleton mxj BUY- SELL- TRADE man tool set, rollaround clutch. $12,995.00 obo/ GUNS GUNS GUNS and chest, $600.00 part trade 541-426-2100 HIGH SCHOOL DICash Paid For cash. 541-963-6174 La Enterprise atg PLOMA from home 6-8 Quality Merchandise Grande mvc weeks accredited, Get Selling Appliances 1996 F350 Dually, 7.3 a diploma! Get a job! Furniture 'Sporting Goods Tools RUBBER STAMPS! Start- powerstroke, automatic, Free Brochure call now! Jewelry ' Quality Glass ing at $16.60 each. 1-800-264-8330 Benjaall power, newer transa mission, $3,000.00 541- min Franklin HS. www. REVERSE MORTGAG- 437-8014 Elgin atz DiplomaFromHome. com ES Seniors, Free information. Larry Waters NMLS¹400451, Local 208-762-6887 Proficio Mortgage V e ntures, 157 Hayden Ave ¹104, cotprlptette Preparation orI!ILLN6¹orm Doc¹6668 ents, I63ciwcies: children, Hayden, ID 8 3 835. 56¹ppotrt, IDivistort of Propetty tt¹ Bills, and Return to any fotmer name. Ho CCHPRr APP&RAHCESI 855-762-6887 Branch NMLS¹1079636. Member FDIC Equal Housing ap¹¹7¹a¹Par nlegaMEte¹ ¹¹aa¹&¹¹e.Bom Lender mtw •
' I
4 •
30 Years Experience
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PaI'f;e HOliday Advertising Consultant Offic e 541-963-6237 or1-800-654-5829 1112 1/2 Adams Ave., La Grande, OR 97850
Page 6 e-mail
The Nickel-A ril10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
BALE WAGONS sell/ AIRLINE C A REERS buy. New Holland pull- begin here - Get trained type or self-propelled as FAA certified Aviation models/ pa r ts/tires.Technician. Housing and Call Jim Wilhite 208- Financial aid for qualified 880-2889 any t i me. students. Job placement www. balewagon .com assistance. Call AIM 866-453-6204 Caldwell fxw
2003 POLARIS ATV JD 945 Moco Impeller. Sportsman with trailer, Field ready, $9,000. 541$2,500.00. Fair condi- 805-4579 La Grande fvk tion. 541-534-2031 Summerville vts STEVE'S PIPE STRAIGHTENING & LIKE NEW Honda 300 REPAIR ATV with blade, trail- Have your Aluminum er, winch, sprayer and pipe straightened to lay ALL YOUR VIAGRA 100MG and loading ramps. 208hrs, flat, easier to move. Pipe CULVERT NEEDS Cialis 20mg! 50 Pills $3,000.00 541-437-6745 Press repair with some Contact Rob at Pioneer $99.00 FREE Shipping! vue Rebates available. 541West 541-910-9378 fxp 100% guaranteed. CALL 786-1128 or 541-963CLASSIFIED E-MAIL 5494 La Grande fvc NOW! 1-866-312-6061 address; ads@lagranFOR SALE: GE 30hp pump 8 motor plus TOP CASH for cars, PORTABLE VlBRATORY accessori es,make off er. Any Car/Truck, Running Grizzly. Screens sand, 541-786-3833 Elgin fgm or Not. Call for INSTANT 1987 21FT Pontoon soil, rock, compost, wood offer: 1-800-454-6951 boat, good condition, debris 8 more. 1/8"-4" Need CASH?Place an Ad 85hp Johnson motor, mesh, nomaintenance, $5,500.00. 5 4 1-742- operates on 110v. Full 6797 Halfway vuw package, $4,695; base price, $3,295. www. 2012 HARLEY David- 509son Switchback Mod- 994-5687 ftm el FLD103, 1690cc, Mileage 570. Like new. Any Item $25 or less, I I I I $15,600. Call 541-963- Free, or Lost/Found, get 2224 La Grande vvh 1 week FREE in The Nickel. 2004 PALOMINO Pony Popup Camper, new LOOKING FOR hay refrigerator, heater, stor- acreage. Custom or I r age boot, very good con- Shares. Small Bales. dition, $3,500.00. 541- 541-805-4579 or 54119 R WY 03 G r d e R $ 894-2473 Baker City vut 805-4936 La Grande fvk
m' m o p / ss ai s I su ed p Wir Sc C / ar q i e Ia te'
"PeopleBuySome Papersto Read,TheyReadThe NickeltoBuy" iii2i/2Adams Ave,LaGrande,OR97850 (54i) 963-6237 Toll FreeNumberfor Classifieds Onlyi-800-654-5829
Continuous Service
E i~
P> Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
April 3rd, 2014
VENDORS WANTED for NOTICE: Changes or 2001 DODGE DuranFarmers/Craft Market in cancellations must be go SLT 4x4, very good Union, June-September. in by 5pm Monday. condition, comes with Call for details, 541-786studded snow t ires, 4024 Union bvr LOCKER BEEF grass $4,000.00 obo 541-403WANT YOURAD TO fed Angus steers, no an- 0552 Baker City atm COVER A GREATER tibiotics, no hormones, AREA? 1/4, 1/2 or whole, $2.20 FOR SALE: 1998 SeCome inand speak with per pound, hanging bring XLI, two door seus at the The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You weight. 541-568-4441 or dan, $950.00 obo. Call can advertise in 12 differ- 541-910-4441 Cove puk 541-962-7481 or 541ent papers for as low as 786-3438 La Grande atb $75.00. Papers in Ore- WANTED: PASTURE gon, Washingt on, Idaho for 25-100 cow/calf VW 1973 Super Beeand more! Call 541-963pairs, 2014 and beyond. tle, rebuilt engine, new 6237 bxn Please call 541-786- clutch, new brakes, new MEDICAL MARIJUANA 0495 or 541-910-5629 tires and wheels, new DOCTORS OFFICE La Grande pvt front end parts, $3,000 COMING TO LA obo. 541-421-3331 Long GRANDE HORSES TRAINED and Creek atm Call for appointment, location and additional de- ridden: used on cattle 5 4 1 -571-69361997 Suburban 4x4, tails, 541-889-6512. Like daily; us on Facebook at East- Wade Bertsch pvb auto, V8, 229,000 miles, ern Oregon Wellness air shocks, leather, 3rd Center. La Grande byg FOR SALE: Registered seat Very Dependable, Angus Bulls. Yearlings, Runs Great many new THE CELL FIX out of Final Product 8 parts, $2,000.00. Call for CELEBRATES Brilliance. $2,750.00 to details, 541-437-7633 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! $3,250.00. 5 4 1-805- or 541-910-0600, leave Saturday, April 1 2'". 9504 Union ptb message. Elgin ats 10am-5pm. The Cell Fix, 10505 W. St. Island City. FOR SALE Registered 2004 DODGE Durango btc black angus c attle, Limited, new Hemi motor weaned heifers $1,000. w/ 100k warranty, new PLANTING A each. Open yearling heifTERRARRIUM brakes/rotors, good tires, FREE workshop, 11am ers $1,600. each. Bred leather/power, $7,800.00 Sat. April 12th. Plants heifers $2,200. each. and containers available Pairs $2,500. each. Bulls will consider part trade for sale or bring your $2,000. to $2,500. each. for 4wd pickup. 541-403own. Baker Botanicals, Please call Bob Gardner 2765 Baker City aup 3797 10th St. Baker City 541-893-6027 or email at 541-403-1969 btb eieio @eagletelephone. CHANGES DEADLINE MONDAY BY5PM!! com. Richland OR. ptg
Gel Tlle FmelS Science vs. Qarwinism Evidence Of The Ilohal Flood who wrote The R
Sun. 4/6 Summerville Baptist Church Mon 4/7 Imbler HighSchool
Wed 4/9 CalvaryChapelâ&#x20AC;˘ LaGrande
9:4 5am/11am/6pm
7:00pm 7:00pm
Thu4/10 New Song Church -La Grande 7 : QQpm Fri 4/11 EOU BadgleyHall.HuderAuditorium 6:30pm Sat 4/12 Elgin OperaHouse 6:30pm Sun 4/13 Elgin Baptist Church 9:30am/11:00am/1: m
Ilear the Ilnhlased T Russ Miller: Author & Lecturer - His work includes
"LOVE The Nickel"
he Damalnian De[usion..., The Grand Staircase, GrandCanyon 8Mount St. Helenl... Author ofIt'sAboutTime&'TheCost' andmanyotherpresentations...
It Sold All Our Puppies! From Washington & Portland to Ontario Donna Kynid of Baker City
()H, EV()
C 0
J 4 ~~
The Theft of America's Christian Heritage Science vs Darwinism in theTextbooks Public Education INenticide 6 Day Formation of the GrandCanyon Old Earth or Global Flood Noah's Ark and Dinosaurs The Genetic CodeRequires anAuthor The Systematic Undermining OfValues 8 Beliefs
Crem tionKvolutionScienceImiltries
see a tlearRHss MIIIIF 1NI!AN.CrealionNinislries or
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 7 I •
TWO TIME c locks, 1996 GMC 1/2 ton ex$60.00 ea. Stand up tend cab, 350 engine, Helene Curtis hair dryer, one owner, lots of miles, $250.00. 2 person Ca- runs and looks good, bella tree ladder stand, $2,700.00 obo. 541-310$200.00.Miscellaneous 9823 Sumpter atc Harley Davidson parts off of 04 Softail 8 06 2007 CHEVROLET SilLowrider. Pop 8 candy verado 1500 4x4, max machine, works good, 6.0L motor, LTZ, leather, $275.00. Antique Ger- OnStar, Leer canopy, man sewing machine, custom wheels, 57,000 $250.00. 541-571-7078 miles, excellent shape, mxw $25,000.00 obo. 541963-2713 days, 541ATTEND COLLEGE ON- 910-4535, evenings. La LINE from Home. *Medi- Grande auf cal, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job 4CYLINDER PERKINS
FOR SALE Grass hay, 950lb round bales, $150/ ton. 541-910-4570 Union ptr
HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience 20-22MONTH old black Required. Start Immedicomposite, 2nd gener- ately! www .Iocalmailers. ation A.l. Bulls from All net sta West Semen. Semen Tested 80% and above, DARREL FRIESEN Well vaccinated 8 Warbecks Services, LLC. SubmersVac 45 Program, $3,500 ible pump installation each. First come, first and repairs on water sysserve. Open for offers. tems. Phone 541-562Call Karen at 541-562- 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. 5423 Union pum CCB¹163246 Union, OR sxd AMERICAN BULLDOG Puppies. NKC regis- OPENINGS NOW avail. tered. C hampionship for beginner piano lesbloodlines. Quality pups. sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Bucalla's Palouse KenSafe 8 fun environment! nels, Like Us on Face- Call 541-805-9741 for book! Well socialized, more info! La Grande loyal, great family dogs. Several ages. 509-334- bxw
placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-201- 4585. www 35716 mxa
d iesel engine, m i d 1960's, $300.00. 1984 Dodge 1/2 ton, 2wd, 318 motor, automatic transmission, $800.00. Bill at 541-398-0089 Joseph avd 1664 puw
2800 PSI pressure washer, 5hp Honda Cat pump, 50ft of pressure hose, $1,000.00 or trade for vehicles. Warm drive, millwaukie in case with blade, 3ft Werner ladder, 4in angle grinder, Bostich nailer, Cenco staple gun, 6ft level, and more. All tools in excellent condition. 541-403-4504 mxt
1978 OLDS Cutlass Salon, 4dr, one owner, 260 V80, $1,500.00 or 15 cord of wood. 541-4031912 Bake City avs
FOUND A bag of seed on 10/18/13 on Slack Rd. in Summerville. Contact Owen McBride 541-5342019. mxm
CKC R E GISTERED smaller standard Australian shepherd pups: all colors, vaccinated, wormed, very socialized, males and females available, 6 weeks old on REBUILT ENGINES 4/1 2/14; 541-571-0007 Custom built in USA. or email ironhorseranchToyota 22RE, $969.00. pvm 3.0 V6, $1,889.00. 3.4 V6, $2,489.00. Cus- FULL NUBIAN Doe, tom engines built for all $115.00. Burbon Red makes and models. Cus- Heritage Turkey Chicks, tom installs for your clas- $9.00 Each. 541-562sic car or truck. Muller 5072 pup Engines 541-786-4861 REGISTERED BLACK La Grande awm Angus Virgin Bulls. QuiDODGE 318 1.A motor, et, excellent EPD's. 2yr olds and yearlings. 54190k, $250.00. 541-910742-4966 Halfway pua 8711 Union avs
ROUND LOG, full scribe, cabin shell for sale. Finished package also available, call for details. 541- 1996 CHEVY 1500 4x4 432-6076 Enterprise mts 4.3 V6. Good paint, body, bed-liner, truck BINGO box. $2,500.00. 541American Legion Post 43 805-1854, Evenings. EnLa Grande, will be host- terprise auj ingBINGO on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 1993 JEEP Wrangler 9:00pm, beginning April Black, Soft Top, $4,200. 3rd. 301 Fir St. Cash Call 541-786-1750 La only please. mva Grande avl
• • I
GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Ruger Vaquero, Matched Set, 45LC, Hi Gloss SS. SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". And many rifles! Call 541-786-1900 I sland City dxv
ATTENTION Patriots and concerned citizens. It's time to take back America's gold. Watch YouTube video: Karen Hudes'either we take back our gold', etc. Help spread this message across America. dtf
LIKE NEW Hot TX Spa also have stairs, hand rails and cover included with spa, used maybe 12 times. Husbands lllness prevents us from using spa, paid $4,400 sell for $3,000. 541-523-3236 or 541-523-3159, ask for Mardell, please only serious buyers. Baker City mtm 5FT SCAFFOLD frames, $75.00 per frame, braces $15.00 each. Railroad ties, $12.00 ea. New bricks, .60$ ea. Fruit ladders, 12ft, 14ft and 16ft, $50.00 ea. Multiquip 3in trash pump, only used twice, $1,300.00. Fox Shop band saw, almost new, $450.00. 541-9624701 Cove mth
WANTED SIDE car for 2004 Heritage Softail Harley Davidson. 541571-7078 La Grande wxw
ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 or 541-9632866La Grande wxt
Livestock kales Every Thursday 11:30 am Your livestock will bring top dollar at INIL! 541-963-2158 800-824-5298
are iiiii aciiie
Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to 13'Wide. Like New Asking $14,000
Call 541-910-7096
NOWOPi Lawnmowers Chainsaws Outdoor Power Equipment Sales • Repairs • Sharpening Wood Cutters & LoggersWelcome 10304 W. 1st Street. Island City, OR Tuesday — Saturday 8-6pm
et help for problem gembling. It's free, confidential and it warks
Page 8 e-mail
The Nickel-A ril10,2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
6 RIDING lawnmowers, JD/Honda/Craftsman, from $650-$1,100. 541562-5469 Union mus
• • I
PUREBRED BLACK 1998 HONDA SE1500 TAURUS 9MM 2 hi-cap Angus Bulls,2yr old, GoldWing, candy red, clips, NlB, $ 545.00. virgin bull, semen test- 110,000 miles, many 12ga single shotgun, ed, $2,500.00. Yearling add-ons and extras, one $145.00. Coleman 1850 Bull, $1,500.00. Delivery beautiful bike. La Grande watt generator, $325.00. LOTS OF stuff, new, options available. 541- 541-963-6668 vuw Cash only obo. 541-963used and antiques. 541- 742-5172 Halfway pud 4806 La Grande dtm 893-6513 Richland mvh 2004 EAGLE Cap campBUTCHER HOGS 250- er, 9.5ft, clean in great SAKO LEFT handed 30HOUSE FOR sale at AFFORDABLE LIVING! SHOP/WAREHOUSE OCEAN CARGO Stor- 260lbs, live w eight. shape, self-contained, 06 bolt action, with 3x9 1890 Oak Street, Baker Yakima, WA. Downtown, 2000sf 8 700sf. Truck age Containers. Various Can have processed with slideout, Air condi- variable Leupold scope, City. Asking $129,000. furnished studios, rent Parking, R e s troom,sizes, secure storage, locally or picked up live. tioned, propane genera- $1,500.00. Remington Call 541-519-5001 evw $310+, clawfoot tubs, Heat, La Grande 541- on ground delivery. "We $300.00 each. 541-742- tor, $11,500.00. Sevylor 22 rifle, model 597, kitchenettes, v i e ws, 786-4792 utb sell, rent, buy and move 5172 Halfway pud raft, 6 person, 1,200lb semi auto with scope, ATTENTION FREE utilities, bus line, containers." Insta Stor, capacity, never used, 6 $200.00. 541-534-6281 Truck 8 Trailer shop for secured access, mini 36FT TRAILER in shady Inc. 509-765-1376. www. PUREBRED RED Angus new oars, 3 life vests, Summerville dvm sale. Repair shop, lube storage available. 509- area near M e dical mwg bulls ready to go to work $210.00 obo. 541-910248-2146 ets shop, 8 equipment. LoSprings, winterized with for you. Yearlings, 2yr 0026 vva 1970 16FT Starcraft cated in Baker City, OR electric heat, propane SHEDS! RENT To Own! olds, and one 3yr old, all Aluminum Boat, f ull next to the Baker Truck FOR SALE: In Cove, stove and water heater. No credit necessary. virging. Great tempera- A RE Y O U cer t i- cover, bikini cover, trailer, Corral on 1-84 Exit 304. 10 acres with 2 hous- $275/mth first and last. www. ments, easy to handle, fied to ride? If y ou 45 mercury motor 8 vest, Fully set-up shop with es. Beautiful setting. 541-853-2351 utb john@hickorysheds. calving ease. Will be are 15 o r y o unger Must Sale, $1,600 obo. 5 service truck, med. duty $269,500. 541-962-4701 com We deliver to Idaho, semen tested prior to you need to take the week old bummer lamb wrecker, shop tools, Cove eth 2 BDRM, 1 BATH mo- Washingtonand Mon- pick-up, trich tested by OPRD On-line Safety and milk replacer, $30. wheel jacks, transmisbile home for rent. No tana mum request. Delivery avail- Training Program and Four 7gal propane tanks, sion jack, clutch jack, FOR SALE river lot, Im- s moking/pets. 3 2 40 able to certain areas. completethe Hands-on $10 each. 541 420 2752 rear diff jack, hoists, tire naha woods III, .47 acre, 14th Street. $575/month. 1982 1642 Tucker Sno- $2,000.00 for yearlings, Evaluation Program. Be- Baker City dte machine, tire tools, fresh $9,500.00. 5 4 1-962- $500/deposit. 541-523- Cat, 361 Chrysler Indus- $2,200.00 for the reste. ginning January 1, 2012 oil tanks with pumps, 4701 eth 9089 Baker City uuv trial, Alison Automatic, 541-856-3547 or 541- Class III (MOTORCY- S AVAGE 22-2 5 0 80 ft pit in lube shop 8 8-way blade, $12,500.00, 403-1494 pus CLE) off highway vehicle stainless, c o mposite more. Call 541-523-5710 RETAIL SPACE 3 BEDROOM duplex in possible trade. 541-894riders 15 years of age stock, sling, bag, scope, for more details, ask 1000ft', wood floors, Union for rent. $700.00 2453 Sumpter mud FOR SALE Yearling and and younger are re- bolt action, $550.00. for Gene. Sales price tenant pays electric. a month. Water, sewer, 2yr old horned Hereford quired to first complete 541-805-1551 Cove dug $875,000. Great location Adams 8 Depot, Down- garbage paid. $100.00 PET TAG stamping ma- Bulls, Dandy group for the Oregon Parks and with 14 years in busi- town La Grande, 260ft' pet deposit, per pet, chine. Call for price. 541- sale, this year, great ge- Recreation Departments CONCEALED ness. Baker City exm windows. Rent Negotia- non-refundable. Ready 898-2530 North Powder netics, registered and (OPRD) On-line Safety HANDGUN CLASS ble. 541-663-9000 La May 15th. 541-805 9727 vaccinated, ready to go. Training Program and BY CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL AND Grande euj Union uum Perry 8 Trina Jones, then a Hands-on evalNRA INSTRUCTOR residential zoned, 3bdr. CARPET C U TTING 541-398-2700 Lostine uation program, as per No fly by night training THE NICKEL TOLL free Convenient location for 1-800-654-5829. AFFORDABLE LIVING! machine, m e asurespbj Oregon Administrative here. April 26th, $50 business 8 resident. 1 Yakima, Washington, and cuts carpet and viRule. Oregon Motorcy- pre-registration. Learn acre, approx. 220x220, downtown, furnished stu- nyl up to 13' wide. Like ORCHARD GRASS Al- cle Riders Association how to get more states $170,000. 541-663-9091 dios, rent $310+, claw- new, asking $14,000.00 falfa hay, 2 string bales, (OMRA), along with without paying extra. OFFICE/RETAILSPACE foot tubs, kitchenettes, Call 541-910-7096. La no rain, stored in barn, Eastern Oregon All Ter- Also ONLY Certified La Grande evs 3000sf. Great Parking, views, Free u tilities, Grande mwm $200.00/ton. 541-568- rain Vehicle Association ConcealedWeapon Self RUBBER S TAMPS! Modern Construction. busline, secured access, 4441 or 541-910-4441 (EOATVA), is conducting Defense class in Eastern Starting at $16.60 each La Grande 541-786- mini storage available. JOHN DEER Lawn trac- Cove pwk a hands-on Youth Safe- Oregon. Sho o ting at the Nickel. 4792 utb 509-248-2146 uts tor 2005 LTR180, fair ty Evaluation Program classes available. Call condition, for sale to the ORCHARD GRASS Al- (YSEP) for youth off- 541-786-1900 Ruff N UNION, FOR rent May highest bidder. Starting falfa hay, 2 string bales, road motorcycle riders Rustic Mercantile. dvv 1", 3bdrm 1bath, new- Bid at $600.00. All bids no rain, stored in barn, on Saturday May 3, 1:00 ly renovated house. must be received in a $200.00/ton. 541-568- PM at the Union County $700.00 mo. Water and sealed envelope, marked 4441 or 541-910-4441 MERA Fox Hill training FOR SALE Mini Ruger sewer included. $350.00 clearly "tractor bid" by Cove pwk area. For more informa- 14, Stainless steel, flash damage deposit. JEM 2:00PM on 4/24/14 at tion visit www. omraof- hider, 2 - 20rnd clips, Storage. 541-562-5261. 2608 May Lane, La USED SQUEEZED Calf or 1 5rnd clip, Redfield Cimmaron 1034 S Main. Union uvr Grande. Tractor can be shoot, good condition, email YouthEducation@ Scope, $650.00. 541APTS: Kingsview Manor viewed at same address. asking $600.00. 541- o o r 398-0558 Enterprise dug Studios, ADVERTISE IN 12 paCall Greg at 541-910- 426-4480 or 541-263- phone 541-963-8147 La Country West pers, 25 words or less for 1 Or2 Bdrm 1244 with questions. La 0872 Enterprise ptt Grande vwb H ORNADY AUT O only $75. a week. 4 state Apartments Miocene Grande dti Powder M ea s ure/ 8 Canada coverage, 27 ANTIQUE NENA sad$295-$595 THE NICKEL FAX 541reloading. Works great, LaGrande Terrace papers to choose from. dle with t a paderos, little use and retails PANAWAN. 963-6237. WOODS 5FT 3.0 attch, 4 $1 800 00. 2 pair of 963-8853. 1-800-654-5829 pivot wheel, finish mover, batwing chaps, $350.00 for $229.00 You pay $750.00. 503-805-8306 each. 1886 year made 1997 30FT Class A Hur- $139.00. 541-963-7595 Minam area. man side saddle, recondi- ricane Motorhome, 460 La Grande dvs • i I 1 - 3 Bdrm, 1 Or 2 Bath tioned, $500.00. 541- Motor, New Tires, GenSenior and Di s abl e d $500-$900 910-0026 pva erator, Queen Bed, Very DILLON SQUARE Deal Nice, Well maintained B reloading press with MISCELLANEOUS HORSE TRAING tuneInterior. Non-smoking, dies for 45 ACP, and 44 applications.Income office desks, file ups, problem solving, 84,500 miles. Ready to Mag and extras like a 115 Sq.Ft. to 1250 Sq.Ft. restrictionsapply. WOOD cabinets, office chairs sound fou n dation, Go! Pictures Available, Brass Tumbler, Scale, Call For Information and cargo trailers. 541- smooth transitions, soft $15,500. 541-910-3993 and other misc. $350.00. 963-2051 or 541-910- touch. Call 541-215- or 541-786-0334 La Call 541-519-0467 Baker 12'x12'-$45 12'x24'-$70 12'x30'-$90 5356. La Grande. mum 0758 pvb Grande vbr City duf
LaGrande 8 Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES
Housing. Accepting
Call Candi in Baker City
gJ (541)523-6578. g
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 9 e
MASONRY REPAIR professional block stone brick repair for a free estimate call Tylor at 254226-2774 La Grande sxd
CLASS OF 1964 Union High School. Organizing their 50'" Class Reunion for August 22"' 23"' 8 24'", 2014. Anyone knowing the where abouts of class mates, call 541CONTRACT FENCING 910-5553. bvv Farm Ranch Residential. Contact Darrel 541THE CELL FIX 562-5628 541-786-8668 CELEBRATES CCB¹163246 Union sxf 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! CLASS A CDL driver Saturday, April 1 2'", needed. Doubles expe- 10am-5pm. Hot Dogs rience and clean dmv a and soda. Drawings for must. Job entails hauling gift certificates. Special grain and hay out of Wal- Deals in April: iPhone 4 lowa County home, daily. 8 4s repair LCD/DigitizGood pay. Experienced er: $89.95. To change drivers need only apply. colors(in stock only): Call 541-263-0802. Wal- $89.95. To change to lowa svw mirror screen: $109.95. To change to camo HELP WANTED!! Make screen: $109.95. iPod up to $1000 a week 4'" gen. repair LCD/Digimailing brochures from tizer: $79.95. To change Home! Genuine Oppor- colors(in stock only): tunity! No Experience $79.95. The Cell Fix Required. Start Immedi10505 W. 1" Street, Isately! www .Iocalmailers. land Ci btc net dta NORTHWOOD MANUFACTURING NASH TRAVEL TRAILERS Is currently accepting applications for Assemblers. Benefit package includes: health care insurance for you and your family, paid vacation, 401K, production bonus incentive, eight paid holidays. GREAT PLACE TO WORK. Apply in person at 59948 Downs Road (out by the airport) or the Employment Department, 1901 Adams, La Grande, Oregon. We are an equal opportunity employer. La Grande stn BLUE MOUNTAIN Care Home has an opening! We have been serving Union and Wallowa counties since 2009. We provide care for your loved ones. 20% off first month special move in rate up to a $400.00 savings. Mention code April 14. Call 541-786-3630 to set up a free consultation. Elgin sub
85HP LANDINI Tractor WANTED: VENDORS w/loader. 75hp PTO, for Memorial Day flea MFWD, 1733 hours, market in Sumpter OR. excellent co n dition,In town location. Call for $32,500.00. 541-569- reservations and details. 541-894-2360 Sumpter 0166 Lostine fjc wyb
Workable Design
Mome Plans Remodel Design t7raftirtg 6 Permits
PO. Box tot
Cove, OR 978z4
WANTED M ILITARY 2013 1ST 8 2nd cutting guns, bayonets, swords, grass hay, $10 per 80 knifes, misc. Also any lb. bale; 3rd cutting, $9 older guns, h unting per 80 lb. bale; 509-727- knifes, collector not deal6038, Paterson fwe er. 541-377-8008. wxh
1 Ralph Edwards
CALL US FORA F RE ECONSULTATION! Hermiston, OR 541-922-2885 CCB¹ 115247 BUILDING SALE! 30'x40'x13' • $15,565 42'x72'x15' • $27,750 60'x104'x17' • $55,475
800-373-5550 I
Join Pastor Frank Humber from
o J
~IDM g
HomeIWorkspaceImprovement Cerdeod Ronooetor Unonood-eonded-Inonrod CCB¹ 200398
7 a tu ~ e~
8<aftewfa¹L /I/tatt4uvtf Ffuttur
Summerville Baptist Church
541-963-6154• 541-910-2321 La Grande, OR
First 4 Jefferson, Summerville, OR 534-9155 "Jesus is the I Amfrom Heaven" John 6:31-51 This text begins with the feeding of the five thousand men, plus womenand children. Jesuswas challenging His disciples to help themsee that He wasthe solution to their every dilemmaand the One that could meet their every need. Jesus fed the people miraculously with five barley loaves and two small fish. After this event, Jesus sent His disciples across the Sea ofGalilee and during the night as they were sailing a storm arose on the large lake. They were fearful of dying. During their fear, Jesuscamewalking on the water. Whenthey knew it was Jesus, they received Him in the boat, and they were taken immediately to the shore. The next day Jesus begins this conversation about how they benefited from His earlier miracle that fed them physically and how they needed to benefit from Himspiritually. He links this to the Jewish history back to Moses leading the children of Israel in the wilderness and howGod provided mannafor them from Heaven. This is when Herefers to Himself as ol am" again after his reference back toMoseswhoused this nameas to the One that sent Himotorescue God's people from bondage in Egypt. Jesus describes Himself as the l am" that is the bread of eternal life. Just as the mannacame from God and fromHeaven to meet the physical needs of His people, so too Jesus was sent from God and from Heaven to meet the spiritual needs. He declares to anymanthat whoever will receive Himshall live forever and never be in want. He makes it clear howany person canbenefit from the life He can give--it is only by coming to Him infaith, admitting our need, andbelieving on Him as our personal Saviour whoalone canmeet our deepest need.WhenHe stated that the breadwas His flesh, He was not referring to an act of literal or spiritual cannibalism as somereligions teach, but of His sacrifice of His body on the cross to be offered for the forgiveness of our sins. The next phrase makes that very clear when Hesays, "which I will give for the life of the world." Jesus gave His life on thecross to redeemthe lives of the people that make up the world from the eternal destruction of their sin. However, the only way any human can benefit from His offer is to believe on Him and in Him as the personal Saviour. "From the heart of the va//ey, to HEARTSin the va//eyn Sunday School for all ages
-9:45 am
Main Service 8 Children's Church Sunday Evening Service
11:00 am 6:00 pm
o t
The Nickel, Valley Realty, Frontier Motors, Daniels Chapel ofthe Valley, Claudson's Sew8 Soak, Dr. James McMahan, Loveland Funeral Chapel, Legacy Ford, Evergreen Health 8 Rehabilitation And, of course, our own church family
Q m uzumst Dirtbikes • Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile
Parts — Service —Sales — Financing ~
10 7 0 S. 1 Walton Rd., Island City ' 54 1-Czrzs- 1 11 ~
It ' I iT(KNRE
Footwear for the Family 541-963-8898 2700 Bearco Loop, La Grande •
Wednesday Evening Service 7:00 pm Nursery provided for aii services.
• •
Thanks to these generous sponsors, please patronize their businesses:
FARRIER S ERVICE New to area. Certified since 2001. Call 541786-2768. Will travel. Call for pricing. Union sac
~ Carpentry ~ Painting -e Remodeling — Repair F Installation III Organization n Design
Building pictured is not pnced in ad Crew travel required over 50 miles Local building code modi~ - fications extra Pnce sublect to change without notice
1920 Court Ave., Baker City •
• e .
Page 10 e-mail •
The Nickel-A ril10,2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
26' CONCESSION trail- SILVA BROTHERS 8th er, propane and electric, Annual Show Pig Aucgrill, fryer, refrigerator, tion, Saturday, April 12, freezer, good storage, Central W a shington $3,000.00. 5 4 1-437- Livestock Yard, 17342 N 8014 Elgin mtz Frontage Road E, Moses Lake, Washington. www. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL OWN YOUR own busiTIMBER-N-TURF n ess! Turn key A n - address; ads@lagranSAW 8 LAWN MOWER 509-361-9633 ptp tique,gift, etc Mall next NEW FRIGIDAIRE Wall to Steakhouse in Haines. Small engine repair, Oven. Convection/elec, For sale, or lease at chain saw sharpening, NALC REG. Catahoula 30", brushed nickel Gal- $450.00 per m onth. FARMALL TRACTOR parts 8 sales, all makes. Puppies, born 2-1-14, Io request oquote, visit vvvvvv lery model. $1,600 re- Needs someone with With att a chments,Tuesday through Satur- parents on site and OFA Zef ur shopforrtou! tail, sell for $895. Very more time that can be caboose stove- Estate day, 8am-5pm. 10304 tested, $300 and up. open more days. Over nice! 541-963-7595 La 40 c urrent s paces, 140. 541-963-3317 Alicel West1". Island City. 541- 541-215-2597 Joseph 963-5900 mxj Grande hts ptb most already rented. fza Great growing business! C U T TING PROUDLY OFFERED RUBBER S TAMPS! hainesmarketplace@ OLDER POWDER River VICTOR II Call 541-963-3121 or 541-519Starting at $16.60 each calf table. $350.00 obo. torch, tips 8 large oxy 8 BY 1603Was hingtonAve,la Grande 2612 Haines swe at the Nickel. 541-554-1885 Cove fok acet. gauges, $285.00. THE LONE PINE Coleman 1850 watt genRANCH erator, $325.00. Cash Cattle for sale: 3 eighonly obo. 541-963-4806 teen month old heifLa Grande mtm ers, one on grain. 2 four year old cows, BUYING DRIED Morels, 1 six year old cow. top prices, call for info. The heifers have notbeen 541-403-0925 Baker mtc bred, the cows are due in OVER 50PEUSPRE-OWHEII RV'SIH-STOCK- MORECOMIHG. IIRIVE AlITTEE, SAVEAlOT! the fall. 541-962-6057, I SEMI TRAILERS 128ft, can deliver within a reaI I $1,400.00. 1- 38ft, has sonable distance. Baker office shelving 7 work ta- City ptt ble, $1,500.00. 541-403I I ' . e 0925 Baker City mtc MINI AUSSIE Pups Born PRE-OWNEDTRAILERS PRE-OWNED MOTORHOMES LIST SALE LIST SALE 1/8/14. 1 Red tri Male, 1 2011 294BHSPRINGDALEslide, bunks $23,900 $21,900 2009 31E WINNEBAGOSIGHTSEER $79,900 $64,900 FOUND ALONG the Black Tri Male, No Pa201119 Wildwood Lots of extras $15,900 $11,900 V10, DBLESLIDE, 3551 MILES, Like New Wallowa River, fanny pers. Tails Docked 8 dew 2011 26RBSHIDEOUTslide $17,900 $16,900 2008 378 DAMONCHALLENGER $69,900 $59,900 2010 26L CHEROKEE slideout $18,900 $16,900 V10, 30,630 MILES,JACKS,CAMERA pack with fishing gear, claws removed. 1st shot 2009270WILDERNESS, slide $19,900 $17,900 200836FWINDSPORT dbleslide $74,900 $64,900 call to identify. 541-403- 8 wormed. $400 or trade 2009 24SKSANDSTORMSUT, gen $24,900 $19,900 V10, 17,000 MILESLOADED 2728 myd for horse hay of equal 2008 294 COUGAR,slideout $18,900 $16,900 2008 COACHMENFREELANDER $54,900 $47,900 value. 5 4 1-805-8958 2007 230 NITROUSSUT, gen & air SLIDE, V10, 39,900 MILES,CLASSC $18,900 $15,900 SKILL SAW Table Saw Cove ptd 2006 ATTITUDEECLIPSESUT $15,900 $9,900 200731 GULFSTREAM ULTRA CONQUEST $54,900 $44,900 Model 34, $85.00. Cum2004 24 PACEAMERICAN EXPLORERSUT $18,900 $13,900 V10, SUPERSLIDE,model W6319E, 27,900 miles 2002 279 KITCOMPANIONslide $13,900 $8,900 2004 WINNEBAGOMINNIEWINNIE mins Drill Press 16 15 TONS top 8 bot$44,900 $39,900 superslide, gen, air, 20,900 miles, PRE-OWNED5TH WHEELS LIST SALE Speed, $130.00. 541- tom grass 3'x4' bales. 2001 28A FOURWINDS cl a ss C $17,900 $14,900 523-4380 Baker City $80.00/ton. 541-9102013 319 DLSDENALItriple slide $41,900 $37,900 Gen, Air, Extra Clean 2012 350RLCOACHMENBROOKSTONE mus 2118 Union pts $79,900 $64,900 2003 35E BOUNDER $47,900 $37,900
MARKET LAMBS for sale, for Baker and Halfway fairs. Asking $125.00. Contact- 541403-2279 Baker City pul
WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
GOT A little or a lot to sell? We do auctions, sell on consignment or buy outright. Clark 8 Daughter Auctions 541-5625274 w ww.clark-aucRUBBER STAMPS!Start- SELL YOUR STUFF IN tions. com Get the best ing at $16.60 each. THE NICKEL! price possible! Union hxc
YEAR- ROUND Employment for Experienced Ranch Hand. On-site housing provided. Call 208-628-3475, Riggins, ID. stc
FOR SALE 1991 JLG 60ft man lift duel fuel, $8,500.00. New Stihl pole saw, $450.00. 541962-4701 Cove fth
Paying loomuch
for yourautoinsuranceP
quad slide, DimaondEdition
81 GM Allison trans 31,900 miles, MUSTSEE
20103665MONTANA quadslide 2010 32FNCARRIAGECAMEOdble slide 2009 3100 BIGHORNtriple slide 2008 355RLQSTERRYQUANTUME
$49,900 $44,900 $59,900 $44,900 $42,900 $34,900 $39,900 $27,900
$39,900 $34,900 $49,900 $39,900
2009 992 LANCEdouble slide, gen 2008 1160ARCTIC FOXSILVER FOX
$31,900 $27,900 $31,900 $26,900
$37,900 $31,900 $37,900 $29,900 $29,900 $24,900 $17,900 $13,900 $39,900 $27,900
2007 805 ARCTICFOXSBDIX 2007 11.5 HOSTYUKON slide
2008 3812 RAPTORtriple slide SUT 2007 37K HITCHHIKERChamagne QUAD SLIDE, rear dinette, Must See
2007 3055RLBIGHORNtriple slide 2007 3400RLMONTANAquad, slide, gen 2007 29TRLCHALLENGEtriple slide 2006 WILDCAT slideout, bunks 2006 34RLAPLENLITEVOYAGER tnple slide, loaded
2005 222 KOMFORTslide, lots of extras 2004 365 AX6WILDERNESSADVANTAGE 200027 5JGLW ILDERNESS slide 200027 5JLAYTON slide,clean
$17,900 $13,900 $24,900 $21,900 $8,995 $6,995 $17,900 $14,900
$69,900 $59,900
THE NICKEL TOLL free 1-800-654-5829.
330 HP, CAT,diesel, Double slide, 11,900 miles, MUST SEE
$16,900 $13,900 $19,900 $17,900
popout, gen, air, awning, slide door
2005 10.5 981 LANCEMAXslideout 1999 10v ELKHORNpwjacks, air 1998 10 BIGFOOTCOLUMBIA gen. & air 1998 8.5 S&SLB, powerjacks, air
$21,900 $18,900 $9,900 $7,900 $11,900 $9,900 $8,995 $6,995
2008 GMCACADIASLE, 4x4, like new $21,900 $18,900 2005 CHEVY2500HD LS $29,900 $24,900 diesel Allison Trans 4x4 su erclean 1owner
DAVIE OUTSIDE water pump, hand operated, $65.00 obo. Record collection, rock-n-roll and country western, $60's 8 70's, make offer. 541519-9475 Baker City mul
WANTED: IRRIGATED PASTURE FOR 10 (TEN) HEAD OF CATTLE They have great dispositions, Baker or Union County. Please phone 541-962-6057 Baker City ptt
High Country Post 4, Poles 59854Pierce Rd.,La Grande
LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 1x4, 1x6, 1x12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $98.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $78.00
IIL'g IEN L a a
SgQ P IL $gg
SHOP TOllFREE:800.338.6562 541.938.6562 - WWW.SMIEEVRll.COM
Corner of CrocKett Rd. a M-F 9-6 Hwy 11Milton-Freewater, QR
Railroad ties $13.00ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.
Call Ron963-6258oI 805-9279
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 11 s•
20FT FLATBED pull trailer, new deck, new wiring, new paint, new fenders, $1,595.00 or 15 cord of wood. 541-403-1912 Baker City vvs
PURBRED BEAGLE puppies, $300.00. Born 2/14/14, ready week of April 7'". 541-562-5877 Union ptl
2006 SIERRA 2500 HD4wd Crew Cab Pick-up, 8.1 Vortec Gas Engine. Like New, 18,000 Miles, Lots of Extras, asking $30,000. 541-519-8561 WANTED TO BUY: Pas- Baker City aui 2004 LANCE Camper, 9 ture harrow for small "/~ft, electric jacks, queen acreage. 541-805-9788, 1990 CHEVY 3/4 TON bed, full b a throom,leave message. pul Extended cab t ruck. Runs but needs tune-up $7,200.00. 541-805-8111 or 541-805-5373 Cove LUCKY ACRES Fenc- and body work. Perfect vus ing, Inc.- Panels, Gates, ranch or woodcutting Shelters 8 More! 12', truck. $950 obo. 541TWO 2010 used Arctic 1-5/8", 15ga. 5 -rail: 426-6217 Enterprise atz Fox 990 pickup camp- Panel $105, 6'x6' Bow ers: both lightly used, Gate with Horseshoe 1988 FORD RANGER one owners and loaded, Latch $195. 12', 1-3/8", 4X4 one for $24,900, one for 15ga. 5-rail: Panel $95, NEW PAINT $25,900; Thompson RV, 6'x6' Bow Gate with 1988 Ford Ranger 4x4 800-459-4836 or www Horseshoe Latch $165. ext cab. Fresh Black vtt Products are safe, du- paint with new tires and rable and designed to custom rims. Automatic BATTERY OPERATED last. Made with HEAVY transmission. 2.9 liter v6 golf cart, excellent con- gauged galvanized steel electronic fuel injected. dition, $2,500.00. Singer tubing- will not rust! De- Has all new sensors, new Surger sewing machine, livery Available! Pickup plugs 8 wires, new fuel $250.00. 541-403-1249 available in Lewiston or pump and a new sound Fruitland, Idaho. www. system. 541-786-1235 Baker City vvh 208-746- or 541-786-8388. Will consider trade for car of MERCURY OUTBOARD 1228 ptl equal value but must be motor, 9.9ft 4 stroke for sale, $500.00. 541-426- THE NICKEL TOLL free manual transmission. $2,800 has 143,000 4742 vtk 1-800-654-5829. miles. Runs good. Sat FOR SALE 2008 CanAm HAY FOR Sale: Triticale for 7 years, is why the ATV Outlander 500, like and Grass, 30 tons each, mileage is low. Had Ford new, 198mi, winch on big bales, $150.00 per Dealer fix it, so it was front, front and back car- ton. 541-910-0628 Sum- fixed right. Also has bed rying bag, camo color, merville puh liner and tie down hooks. asking $7,000. 541-893View pic online www. 6950 Richland vtc MEADOW HAY 8 Alfal- Imfa Grass for sale, 3x4 bler aug 2001 HONDA Shadow bales, Covered, Starting 750cc, $3,000. 1973 Kit at $160.00 and up. Deliv- Any Item $25 or less, Camper, Self Contained, ery Available. 541-403- Free, or Lost/Found, get $950. 541-663-8629 La 1 week FREE in The 0824 Haines prk Grande vts Nickel.
•• s
TIKKA 7MM Remington mag, $625. 0 0. Questions, please call 541-420-5421 Baker City dth
OREGON GREEN Free WANTED OWNER'S East, Oregon's Medical manual for Amana RadaMarijuana Association range model FE11bt. will meet Saturday, April 541-755-5476 between 12th at 12 noon at the 9am and 3pm. Granite Integrated S e r viceswts Building 1607 Gekler. MARLIN LEVER action Sandwiches 8 salad for 2 BUTCHERING cast 22's, model 1 8 97, Lunch. First half of the iron kettles and lard octagon barrel, very meeting is open to the press, good condition. good condition, $600.00. public, Information on 541-786-8147 SummerMarlin model 92, round how to obtain and OMMP ville wub barrel 22, very good card is one of the topics condition, $600.00. 541- being discussed. Any ANTLERS WANTED: 663-9091 La Grande dts questions call 541-963- Elk, Deer, Moose. Pay to 2529. btj 10.00 a lb. 541-910-8782 • s La Grande wab Display e-mail address: MEET SINGLES right displays@lagrandenickel. View our ads online at now! No paid operators, com. just real people like you. Browse greetings, Updated every Friday. • s exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. I • - • ' ' Call now 1-888-909- CASH FOR cars, Any 541-963-4985 Make or Model! Free 9905 Towing. Sell it Today. A DVERTISE TO 1 0 Instant offer: 1-800-864Million Homes across 5784 the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community Re t ailernewspapers, with DISH T V circulation tot a ling Save! Starting $19.99/ over 10 million homes. month (for 12 months.) Contact I ndependent Free Premium Movie Free P a pers of Channels. Free America I FP A at danielleburnettifpa@live. Equipment, Installation 8 com or visit our website Activation. Call, compare for more local deals! 1-800-309information. 1452
NAIL TE C HNICIAN wanted in trendy salon, full or part time. Call 541786-3518 La Grande svl MALE HOME CARE worker for male client, one day a week and relief. Must have provider numbers. Text or call 541-786-8261. Summerville svw ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829 I
7 I
Mowers Sales & Service Commercial & Residential
Small Engines Enm Q(Cx@aa Kohler & Kawasaki Dealer All Brands MxQ<5x~a All Service Outdoor Power
U nda r a cla D r i n k i n g . . . It's not a minor pro blem > c~
41% o f Union C o u n t y 1 1th gr a d e r s c onsu m e d a l c o h o l i n t he past m o n t h . 2018 Or e g o n H e a l t hy T e en S un e y
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T OW N H A L L M E E T I N G A pril 1 0 t h T hurs d a y 5 :3 0 - 7 :3 0 p m B lue M o u n t a i n C on f e r e n c e C e n t e r
• os •
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Minimum 24 month service term. onthly service fees an taxes app y. quipment ease fee is 5999 per month or if prepaid, 519999 for 24 months. service is subject to data transmission limits measured on a monthly basis. Service is not available in all areas. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at anytime. Exede isa registered service
mark of viasac Inc.
Page 12 e-mail
The Nickel - April 10, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
' I l I II
NEW 2013 FORD F-250
CREW CAB XLT MS RP .................................. ... $56,920 Gentry Discount................ Factory Rebate ................. Ford Credit Bonus Cash... Stcck ¹137317'Afterall manufacturersrebates, incl FordMotorCredit BonusCash,customer musl finance with Ford MotorCredit, OAC,notall bcyerswil qualify Otfer exp 4I30ll4
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Stock ¹14P0321, PW, PL, CC A/C CO, Local Trade.
Stock ¹14P0351, PWPL, CC CO, A/C, T/W, Leather, Moonroof.
2013 KIA
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Stock ¹14P089, 2.4L 4 Cyl., Auto, Blue-Link, All Power, Multi-Function Steering Wheel
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2012 RAM
Stock ¹14P0552, Leather, Navf Moonroof, PW, PL, Loaded.
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