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X229lFears! Cofltiu'uous
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Vol.2.8No 2
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"WE TREATYOLILIKE FAMILY" CLASSIFIED DEADLINE GOLDEN EAGLE Electric Wheel Chair, $550.00 TUESDAYAT 5PM! obo. 541 -709-6306 Durkee mqp Peace I leave with you, 'Iii' • , my peace I give unto TO SELL: 16ft flatyou: not as the world bed trailer, new deck, giveth, give I unto you. 2x12x2. Has new tires. Model 310LQ - STK¹3008A Let not your heart be Double frame, $1,500.00 I.»-EIII«I troubled, neither let it be obo. Cell 541-377-2549 )900 or Home 541-562-5262 afraid. John 14:27 541-962-2975 www,thunderrv,com 10401 5,Walton Rd, Island Cit Union mqv
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2001 Exiss
Thunder Price: $29
2007 CHEVY H HR 2.2 motor, auto, cold AJC, loaded. New tires, brakes, struts. 2016 tags, $5,695.00 obo. 541-9635646. See pics 8 infor onh Eastern Oregon Craigs List. La Grande aoj
PORT-A-SCALE Great for weighing sheep, goats 8 Pigs. Easy to move, gates on both ends, $550. 541-5195840 Baker City pom FOR SALE: Clean 2"' cutting alfalfa, 225 in stack, small bales. 541962-5523 La Grande por
I 1 5 5/60 T 9- 1 3
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W hatever t he r oad t hr ow s a t yo u — f r o m p ot h o le s t o n a i l s — if y o u r t i r e is d a m a g e d f ro m a n y r o a d h a z a r d , w e w i l l r ep l a c e t h e v a lu e o f y o u r t ir e . If you r t ir e is d a m a g e d b e y o n d r e p a i r w e 'l l r e p l a c e its v a lu e O u r w o r k m a n s h i p is g ua r a n t e e d f o r t h e l ife o f y o u r t i r e s W e o f f e r f r e e p r e - t r ip s afet y c h e c k s
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S O .O E S E O. O O . ............................................BALA N C E S EO.O E 3 5 0 . 0 0 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . S E O . O O 3 5 0 . 0 ) S ) 0 0 .0 0 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ) 5 . 0 0 S EOO.O E 3 2 5 0 .0 0 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 5 . 0 0 3 250 .0 ) 3 5 0 0 . 0 0 . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3 5 0 . 0 0 3 5 0 0 . 0 ) S ). 5 0 0 . 0 0 .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 5 . 0 0 S E.EO O . O E 3 2 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 )5 0 . 0 0 O V E N 3 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 .............................I/3 OF B A L A N C E
L ES SC N I N A B 2306 Adams Ave. La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-8411
w ww.Les S c h w a b . c o m
Page 2 e-mail
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING August 14th, 2014
• • g
NEW PISTOLS over JADE ELIZABETH is 100 in stock can special now cutting hair at Allure order an y f i r earms Beauty Bar downtown, or do i n ternet gun call 541-786-9578 (fortransfers.541-523-9448 merly at Perfect Look) La Grande sps Baker City dxw GUNS AMMO & MORE Ruff N Rustic Mercantile. Hunting, tact i cal, personal defense guns. Buy sell, trade. We buy Gun Estates or we will help you sell your guns for top dollar. 541-962-
DARREL FRIESEN Well Services, LLC. Submersible pump installation and repairs on water systems. Phone 541-5625628 Cell 541-786-8668. CCB¹163246 Union, OR sxd
PIANIST Selectee will be required Island City dxv to play during Sunday Morning Worship Service CASH FOR guns, we in Pendleton, Oregon buy guns at Oregon Trail and at special events. Trader, 2312 Adams Experience playing in a Ave. 541-963-2913 La church environment is Grande dxo required. Send resume to 2007 Van Giesen, BUYING ANTLERS! Richland, WA. 99354; for Any type, any condition, more information 509will pay more for craft 946-3399 sqb antlers. Will pay cash. Call 541-910-2640 Union COMPUTER REPAIRS, dxd Consulting, Training, and Notice: Programming. ReasonClassified Deadline for able rates. References new ads is Tuesday, available. Email OReilly. 5pm. Changes and or cancelation deadline is phone 541-910-3687 La Monday at 5pm. Grande sqo 7833 10703 "/g Walton
2004 FATBOY Harley INSTANT CASH for Davidson, e x c ellentquality antiques 8 colcondition, 30,000 origi- lectibles. 541-963-9358 nal miles, lots of extras. or 541-963-5646 Thank $9,500.00 obo, cash You! La Grande mxj or trade, 541-886-2094 Wallowa vxm Need an address label stamp for business or FOR SALE 21ft Glastron just for home? Come into boat with 305 Vortec V8 The Nickel to design and engine, custom cover, order one! one owner with 165 actual hours of use, call DR. WILLARD G. Ber541-786-2859, or 541- trand DC now accepting 963-6771 or see at 126 Workmen's comp. and Ridge Drive, La Grande auto accident injuries. OR. Very classy, $12,000 Call today to get schedobo. vpb uled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande 2001 30FT High end mxb Alfa 5th wheel, excellent condition, Corian counter BARRELS tops, lots of storage. 541- Burn or Storage $18.00 523-5528 vph to $20.00. Call 541-9638990 La Grande mxp
E.FIIA ZEIIGIIIIWQIIKS,IIC GUtNMITHIN GANQFIREARMSSALES Come8 See our selection of Optics, Pistols, Rifles, Outdoor Gear, Concealed Carry Purses 8 Growing line of trapping supplies
5 41 -663 - 8 0 0 0 G U N W O R K S @ FRO N TI E R .CO M
2616 Bearco Loop, La Grande, Oregon
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Free youth pheasant hunts around the state in September — Register now! S ecial free heasant huntsfor hunter education certified youth (age 17 and under) at locations around the state (Baker City, Central Point, Corvallis, Eugene, Irrigon/ Umatilla, John Day, K-Falls, La Grande, Madras, Portland, The Dalles/Wamic). Weekend fishing opportunities • Ju b ilee Lake is a great location to beat the heat and catch some trout; the lake stocked last week with both legal and trophy-sized trout. • Th e Walla Walla and Umatilla Rivers are at summer time flow levels making for some good trout fishing. • An g lers willing to hike off the beaten track will find good warm weather trout fishing at Jump-Off-Joe, Strawberry and Slide lakes. GRANDE RONDE RIVER:trout, bass The Grand Ronde River flows have dropped and the water is warming up. Fishing for bass can be great under these conditions. Look for bass near rocky outcrops and shelves. Bass will take a variety of lures including top water baits. Trout fishing will be difficult under warm water conditions. Look for trout near turbulent water where the water is well oxygenated. Remember, only adipose-fin clipped trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER:trout, bass, Chinook The lmnaha River is now closed to all salmon angling as of Sunday, July 27. Flows have dropped considerably from earlier in the season. Bass fishing should begin to pick up on the lower river as fish move up from the Snake. Trout fishing may be difficult in the lower river as water temperatures start to warm. Remember, below the mouth of Big Sheep Creek only adipose-fin clipped trout may be harvested. All bull trout must be released unharmed. The upper Imnaha has a healthy population of mountain whitefish and can produce some large fish. Look for whitefish in deep pools and runs. Whitefish will take small bead-headnymphs and smallspinners. JOHN DAY RIVER:smallmouth bass, trout Smallmouth bass fishing is good in the lower river but flows have dropped to 250 cfs making boat travel very difficult. Trout fishing is fair on the South Fork and on the Middle Fork but flows will remain very low for the remainder of the summer. JUBILEE LAKE:rainbow trout The lake has been stocked and should provide good fishing for rainbow trout. Anglers should concentrate on the deeper areas near the dam or use a nonmotorized boat to reach the deeper areas of the lake. STRAWBERRYAND SLIDE LAKES:rainbow andbrook trout These high lakes in the Strawberry Mountain wilderness area provide good fishing all summer. Strawberry lake requires a 1.5 mile hike and Slide Lake is another mile further. Fish can be caught from the bank but packing in a float tube or raft will improve your chances. WALLOWA LAKE:rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Fishing for rainbow trout has been great over the last month and there are no signs of catch rates slowing. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple tig with Powerbait has been best The lake was stockedwithtatatedrainbow troutin an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $1,700 in rewards have been pald.
ORE G O N TRAIL YAMAHA 1925 AUBURN AVE BAKER CITY OR, 978143850 541-523-61 03
"We Will Meet Or Beat Any Competing Dealers Price!" Expires 8/31/14 evs
p u r H <~
'0% 10% down payment required Applies to purchases ol newZgtg Z015 Motorcyctes Scooters ATVst' Side x Sides made on a tamaha Installment tmancing loan account lrom 6/1/tt to 9/gg/tt Otter issoblect to credit approvatbyGECapital Retail Bank Maximumcontract length is 36months Minimum amount fmancedis $5 000 FixedAPRol 3 99% 5 99% 6 99%ot 1Z 99% assigned basedon credit approvat criteria Example Monthly payments per $1 000financed basedon 36 month term are$Z9 5Zat 3 99%rate and $3369at1Z 99%Standarddown payment requirement is based oncredit approvat criteria "Customer Cashotter good onselect Zgt0 Zgtt models between6/1/tt 9/gg/tt Offer good onlyin the US., excluding the state af Hawaii.Oeater remams responsible lor complying with aii locai and state advertrsrng regulations and laws Oress properlyloryour ridewith a helmet eye protection long sleevedshirt long pants gloves andboots Oo not drink andride It is iiiegai and dangerous Yamahaandthe Motorcycle Salety Foundation encourageyoo to ride saletyand respect the environment For lorther inlormation regarding theMSFcourse please caii l 800 tt6 9ZZ7 ATVmodels shown arerecommended lor oseonly by riders16 years andolder Raptor 700Rrecommended lor experienced riders only Yamaharecommendsthat aii ATV riders take an approvedtraming course For salety and training inlormation see your dealer or caii the ATVSalety lnstitute at l 800 887 Z887 ATVscanbehatardoostooperate Foryoursalety AIwaysavoidpavedsorlaces Neverrideonpublicroads AIwaysweara helmet eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing Nevercarrypassengers Never engage instunt riding Ridmgandalcohot/drogs donl mrk Avoid excessivespeed And beparticolartycareloi on dilficolt terrain Prolessional riders depicted on closedcourses OrZgtt tamaha MotorCorporation U S AAII rights reserved • YamahaMatarsparts.cam6/tt
WALLOWA RIVER:steelhead, mountain whitefish, chinook The Wallowa river closed to all salmon fishing as of Sunday, July 27. The flows in the Wallowa have dropped considerably and the river is becoming easier to wade. Anglers are finding some larger fish and catch rates have been good. The best dry fly angling is in the late evening. During mid-day nymph fishing will produce the most fish. Most spinner and bait angling techniques will also be very effective. Look for trout where the water is well oxygenated and near structure. Remember, below Rock Creek only adipose-fin clipped trout may be harvested. All bull trout must be released unharmed. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTINGOPEN: COUGAR, BLACK BEAR BAKER COUNTY BEAR seasonopened August 1. Successful hunters, remember check-in of bear skull is mandatory; see the regulations for details. Biologists recommend propping the bear's mouth open with a stick after harvest; it makes for easier tooth collection and measuring. UNION COUNTY BLACK BEARSare plentiful throughout the county. Look for sign around fruit trees and in canyon bottoms. Bears can be concentrated along creeks and rivers in the late summer. This year's bumper berry crop should make for good early season bear hunting in Union County. Huckle, Service and Hawthorn berries are all in full swing. Hunt in the early morning and evenings for the best chance of seeing bears. Bear skulls must be checked in within ten days of harvest, see regulations. ANTLERLESS ELK:The youth hunts for antlerless elk are underway in most hunt units. Numbers of elk are strong throughout most of Wallowa County and most elk are on their summer ranges. They are often in large herds this time of year and so are localized. Consequently, hunters should be aware that there are large parts of their range that have no elk, but when they do find elk they are likely to find 100-200 in a herd. When hunting or scouting look on timbered ridges where they can rest in the shade during the day. Elk this time of year usually move to the larger meadows at night to feed. Most mule and white-tailed deer are on their summer ranges now and the does have dropped their fawns. If you find a deer fawn that is not with its mother, leave it alone because its mother is probably nearby and will expect to find it where she left it when she returns.
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e
AUCTION August 16, 2014 at 10 am 15849 High County Lane, Baker City, OR 97814. Directions —From Baker North on Hwy 30 to Wingville Lane, West 3.5 Miles to Brown Rd, North .5 Miles to High Country Lane. Look for Signs. Autos/Boats: 1996 Dodge 2500 Extended Cab 12 Valve w/ Bradford Flatbed, Auto, Nice 4x4. 1996 Dodge 3500 Regular Cab 12 Valve w/Flatbed 8 Fuel Tanks, 5 Speed, 4x4 1 Ton Duelly. 1992 Bayliner Classic i nbound-outbound — Open Bow —19'. 1972 CJ5 New 304 New Paint Rollbar 8 Seats (with Reserve). 2000 Big Tex 18' Tandom Axle, Pull Trailer 12,000 GVW. Livestock: P.R. XL Squeeze Chute w/Self Catch Shoulder 8 Side Turn-out Gate. P.R. Portable Single Animal Scales, Misc Panels. Tractors: JD 4410 —4wd Diesel Tractor w/420 Loader 8 Backhoe, 32 HP, 1020 hrs, Excellent Condition. JD 4410 Att achments — L X S Brush Hog, 3 pt, Quick Connect Forks. JD 655 5" Roto-tiller 3pt. 5' Snow Blower 3 pt. JD L130 Automatic Lawn Mower, New Condition. Speedko Post Auger, 3 pt, 5' Box Scraper, 3pt. Household: Beautiful Dining table w/6 chairs. Floral Print Couch 8 Loveseat, New Condition. 2 Complete Queensize b e droom sets w/linens. White Couch w/End Tables 8 CoffeeTable.2 Vintage Barrel Chairs. Construction Tools 8 Supplies: Complete Scaffold Set, including 25 Frames w/7 Planks; Mtr pro Tile Saw 7 stand, 2 hp; Chicago Electric Rock Saw w/Stand, 25 hp; Northstar 20 Gallon Pull Type Sprayer; Dewalt 12;
er; Senco Wide Crown Stapler; Senco Finish Guns; Drill Motors; Sawzall; Floor Jack; Grinders; Skill Saws; Rebar Benders; Highlift Drywall Handler. Woodworking: Large Quantity of used Kitchen Cabinets; Complete Shopsmith New Condition w/Lathe; Scroll Saw; Table Saw; Planer. Miscellaneous: Gas Fireplace-Complete; Several Cross over pick-up boxes; Pick-up Fuel Tanks w/hand pumps; EZ Lift Stabilizer Trailer Hitch. This is only a partial listing! There are boxes of misc plumbing, electrical and construction supplies. All Items Sold as is where is! Advertisements to be in local papers, capital press 8 possibly surrounding area papers. Overton Auction Company. Wayne Overton 541910-3610 Baker City goo MOVING SALE: Friday-Saturday, 9am-5pm, Kids Cloths, Furniture, Music instruments, riding lawnmower, And A lot More! 2995 North 3rd Street, Baker City gok GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 16, at 905 14th, La Grande, 8:00am to 6:00pm. Tools, household items, vintage sewing machine, oxy torch, pressure washer and more. La Grande gos MOVING SALE all must go! Number One Valley Heights Rd. Enterprise. August 16th, 8am-4pm. gol
YARD SALE, Sat. 7:00 am. Roll top desk, tables, chairs, guy stuff, pellet stove, skis, boat motor, o 13 studded tires, tools, Bowflex, home decor, large wooden ladder, Slide Saw; Dewalt 10o junk, and much more. Table Saw; Dewalt 12o 68389 Kerns Loop, Planer; New in Box Ryo- Cove. 6 miles out Lowbi Table Saw; Campbell er Cove Road. Follow Housefield Airless Paint Signs. 541-910-5618 gos Sprayer; Stihl Weed Eat-
Is Vourhomeowner's SolicV gutting youin the
NoorhouseP Z8f ttJ$60f f Of'
Valle CalI 54l-963-3l2l Visit
II e-mail ads la Pa e 3 e
REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande ESTATE AUCTION Sunday August 17'", 10am. Preview 9am Clark Auction Barn 340 W Highway 203 Union, OR Several estate combined to make one large estate. Large Anglophile collection, Maytag Neptune dryer, GE washer, Silver King cooler, glass cabinet, Sony stereo, Pioneer 25 CD player, wheelchair, glider rocker, heaters, fans, DVD player, VHS player, swivel rocker, custom built chair, 50 inch projection TV, microwaves,claw foot oak coffeetable, new slow cookers, stemware, new pull handles, mixer, old jars, Lowrance X510C fish finder, new fireplace screen, Universal mixer, uga horn, snowmobile, helmet, towels, dishes, toys, tools, antiques, collectibles, table and chairs, queen bed set, full bed set, day bed with trundal, china, brass and copper teapots, brass candle holders, tea cup collection, pottery, Royal Dalton, Sadler, Wedgewood, vintage Fiasta ware, furs, pictures, lawn furniture, cast iron, cast aluminium cookware, bunny suit,bikes, Ripper electric scooter, and a whole lot more. There is one more trailer load coming of the good stuff so we can only guess as to whatis init. View items at www. Items sold as-is where-is. 10% buyer premium. terms cash, bankable check, or credit card. Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark Auctioneer 5 4 1-9100189 Union goc
APARTMENT SALE: Everything must go! Saturday, August16'" 8 Sunday, August 17'", Greentree Apartments, 2310 E. Q Ave. Apt 42, 8am-5pm. Early Birds call 541-7863376 . Furniture, nick nacks, all stuff a woman would collect, lots of free stuff. Lady is terminal, everything must go. La Grande gop
HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience Required. Start Immediately! www .Iocalmailers. net soa
e J
~ 7 uel ~ ~ ! m Carpentry m Painting -d Remodeling — Repair Home8WorkspaceImprovement l Installation Cereiiod Ronovator iii Organization Licensed-Bonded-Insured CCB¹ 200398 ~ Design 541-975-3485 8¹afts¹rta¹L Mattttutdr Fiuitur
RETIRED TEACHER sale. Lit and methods books,also garden stuff , tools, guns, decoys, lots of miscellaneous. Free pile. 59674 Foothill Rd. 2 Miles from Gekeler. Saturday, 7am-2pm. La Grande goe
MOVING SALE August 15th-16th, 8am1pm, 1608 Foley, La Grande. No early sales. Lots o f ev e rything, clothes ba b y-adult, microwave, e l liptical, coffeeand end tables, couch, bumper pool/ poker table, futon, computer desk, large cabinet, glass bookcase, TV consoles some fishing, washer and gas dryer available after 8-26-14, much, much more gob
g'---...,'''L.-- ""-"- 'I .> i
• •
QYamaha4Sazrdki+ Arctic Cat ©Polaris II •
• I
"Sen/f'ng Wat,toura County" CALL US •
„PIGTAIL BBQ • QuickPelletChangeFeature , 15FunctionPELLETBOSS™ DigitalControl ~
rs ama sema ~e
coIIB PRBIeotd BNNO- ra43 30 Years Experience
• Honest
FREE PERSONAL classifieds for military personel and dependants with dependant ID. We support our troops! The Nickel, 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Grande.963-6237
• Licensed glp ygg • Bonded • Insuredcca ¹ <ssssc 36 FOOtBuCket TruCk I VE TREAT YOU LIKE FAM I L Y
-IJ IjLI2IIrLI(4®li' X'C/ •aa
3RD RNNII IDRHO SEI ECT SRDDI E MUI E SRI E h RODEO Rodeo Friday, August 22th Sale Saturday, August 23rd Preview: Noon. New Plymouth, Idaho Rt Fairgrounds Taking Consignments Now
208-239-2268 Selling 35 Head
541-962-2975 10401 S. Walton Rd. Island City
General Contractor CCB¹116752
-Concrete -Excavating -Pole/FrameConstruction 541-786-2098 541-437-9621
Page 4 e-mail
PROFLOWERS - ENJOY 50% off 100 blooms of Peruvian Lilies with free glass vase - your price $19.99 +s/h PLUS, Save 20% off your order over $29! Visit www. or call 1-800-861-8703 12/14
BEFORE YOU trade or sell your rig: see what Alan McKinney Swain Automotive Group will buy it for! Consignments welcome also; 541-5717355, Hermiston axs
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and RebuildDIRECTV sta r ting ing. Reasonable Prices, at $24.95/mo. Free 28 years in La Grande 3-Months of HBO, starz, Call 541-963-7087 La SHOWTIME 8 CINE- Grande axm MAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sun- CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickday Ticket Included with up, restored 350 small Select Packages. Some block, $28,000 firm. 541exclusions apply - Call 963-7517 La Grande axy for details 1-800-3701356 02/15 PAYING CASH up to $300.00 for broken unwanted/junk vehicles. No GOLDEN EAGLE Elec- title, no problem. 541tric Wheel Chair, $550.00 786-8777 La Grande ash obo. 541 -709-6306 Durkee mqp 07 TOYOTATacoma 2wd TO SELL: 16ft flatbed trailer, new deck, 2x12x2. Has new tires. Double frame, $1,500.00 obo. Cell 541-377-2549 or Home 541-562-5262 Union mqv INSTANT CASH for quality antiques 8 collectibles. 541-963-9358 or 541-963-5646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one!
2ND CUTTING alfalfa, big bales, good clean hay, no rain, $200.00 a ton. 541-805-9000 Cove pqw
CLAWFOOT BATHTUB with faucets and plumbing included, 5ft, excellent condition, $250.00. 541-429-5108 Elgin mpb
PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk
BUNDY STUDENT clarinet case, $125.00. 541963-9328 La Grande mof
HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb
TRYOUT FOR the 2015 Eastern Oregon Livestock Rodeo Court. Tryouts will be held September 14th at 3:00 pm at the EOLS arena Union, Or. Applications are online at or contact Deb at 541-5611602 Union mph
NO PART of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Thank you. pxh
BENGALS, SHOW qualPrerunner, new tires, ity, pet prices, rare snow 78,000mi, 2.7L, 5spd, leopard kittens, retired $11,000.00. 541-963- young queens, T.I.C.A. 5900 La Grande axt R egistered, hou s e raised. 541-886-2323 1999 JEEP Cherokee Wallowa pod Grand Limited, V8, auto, low miles, clean 8 ex- WANTED: ALL classes cellent shape. 541-742- of horses. We pick'em 2949 Halfway aow up. Call J.A. Bennett Livestock. 541-523-6119 2007 CHEVY HHR or 541-519-2802 Baker 2.2 motor, auto, cold City pxj A/C, loaded. New tires, brakes, struts. 2016 tags, SIAMESE KITTENS: $5,695.00 obo. 541-963- soft, fluffy, snowballs of 5646. See pics 8 infor fur, sweet, calm, pleasonh Eastern Oregon ant, spriteful dispositions, Craigs List. La Grande $75 each; 541-720-7634, aoj Umatilla. pxr
THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Come in and start de- s igning. Starting a t 1959 CHEVROLET EI $32.50 for 500! Camino. Restored, modWANT RAILROAD lan- ified. Very nice driver, terns, globes, locks, $25.000. If no answer, keys, signs, badges, leave a message. 541china, silver, paper, wax 786-4192 Summerville sealers. Cash. 541-276- apw 3506 Pendleton mxj
i) i
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
NOW 5Ugllg.<i / (
/ (
A(uminum/20PPer/8iass/5taiAIs JnsulitedQppetWirh/St:iyp Ci5/
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ANVIL 195ยน Hay budden, $450.00 obo. 541963-9328 La Grande mof
INJURED: In A Lawsuit? Need cash now? We Can Help? No Monthly Paymentsto Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Call 877-386-3692. moa REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home
Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-840-8955 12/1 4
ALL THINGS Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! FOR SALE HEREFORD Waterproofing, Finishing, YEARLING BULLS Structural Repairs, HuHarrel 8 Hoiden genet- midity and Mold Control. ics, sired by Churchill FREE ESTIMATES! Call Yankee and Sons ofthe 1-800-680-6517 12/1 4 Great 4140P. Top quality bulls, priced right. Start- MEDICAL GUARDIANing at $2,500.00. 541- Top-rated medical alarm 910-3610 Baker City pxo and 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limitVICTORY ACRES Rid- ed time, get free equiping Academy. All ages ment, no activation fees, and levels, school hors- no commitment, a 2nd es available, references waterproof alert button available. Indoor 8 out- for free and more - only door arena! Also offer- $29.95 per month. 800ing equine MASSAGE. 977-5943 12/14 541-786-3218. www. La MY COMPUTER WorksComputer problems? Grande pxw Viruses, spyware, email, PUREBRED ANGUS printer issues, bad inYearling Bulls. Good ternet connections - FIX bloodlines, semen test- IT NOW! Professional, ed and ready to go, U.S.-based technicians. $2,500.00 Call 541-910- $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-8006549 Haines pyp 996-4531 12/14 .
BALE WAGONS sell/ 1999 BIGFOOT camper. buy. New Holland pull- 9 1/2ft, 2500 basement type or self-propelled model, fully self-conmodels/ pa r ts/tires.tained. It has a STABLE Call Jim Wilhite 208- lift conversion for load880-2889 any t i me. ing and unloading. It is www. balewagon .com in excellent condition. Caldwell fxw I will fit it to your truck for $7,000.00. 541-432ALL YOUR 7265 Joseph vos CULVERT NEEDS Contact Rob at Pioneer HUNTERS GETAWAY West 541-910-9378 fxp 2007 19ft Toy Hauler, fully equipped, $11,000.00. 541-910-1140 La Grande PUREBRED ANGUS Yearling Bulls. Good vom bloodlines, semen tested and ready to go, 1985 HONDA Shadow $2,500.00 Call 541-910- 500, great condition, 6549 Haines fyp 25,255 miles, includes hwy bars, saddle bags, 1995 INTERNATIONAL $1,500.00. 5 4 1-8864x4bucket truck JIB auto, 3421 Wallowa voj 60ft work height, 25,000 miles, $22 , 000.00. 2006 BUELL Ulysses View pic online at www. XB12X 1200cc. Hard 541- bags, tank bag, air 786-1673 La Grande fom scoops, too many options to list, 34,550mi. PUBLIC NOT ICE: This bike is in very good Hermiston I r r igationcondition, brand new District has a 2 0 00 rear tire, very clean, askJohn Deere 1 60LC ing $5,300.00. 541-519excavator for sale to 5143 Baker City vom the highest b idder, minimum bid $35,000 1996 JAMBOREE moand a Caterpillar D4D tor home, 19.5ft, sleeps for sale to the highest 4, less than 20,000mi, bidder, minimum bid e verything wor k s , $15,000. The equipment $8,500.00 obo. 541-962is available for inspection 5056 Island City vom by appointment, call 541-571-7698. Sealed 18 FOOT Gator Jet Boat bids must be received and Trailer, Welded at the office located at Heavy Gauge Aluminum 366 E. Hurlburt Ave., Hull. 350 Cl Chevy enHermiston, no later than gine, Indamar Jet Pac, 5pm, September 10th, Berkley 12 JC A Pump, 2014. Payment must Stainless Steel Impeller. be made by certified Runs Great, ideal for cashiers check or cash. river running, Rogue, HID reserves the right to Willamette, etc. Seats 6, refuse any or all bids fqh air boat steering control. Boat and Trailer, new GET PREAPPROVED tires and spare for trailer. for y ou r RV at Cash Only. View picture 1-877- online at www.lagran297-5117 In the Pasco 541-562Autoplex vmr 5280 Union voc
PLACE AN AD TODAY! OLD GRAINMILL WAREHOUSE ESTATE LIQUIDATION SALE Aug.22,23 from to 7:30 to 4and 24th 8-1 at2950 Church St. In Baker City, OR . Antique Fairbanks Scale, Howe Scale, Antique Mill Equipment, Advertising Signs, Forklift, Antique flatbed wagon, Oak display case, Antique secretary,barn wood, many old bottles, antique camera collection, office furniture, books, clothing, household furniture, glassware and much more, Everything goes! Baker City gob
BARNHART ESTATE SALE 46435 Brah man, Shenandoah, Pendleton, Oregon. Saturday, August 16th, 7:30am3pm, Sunday, August 17th, 9am-2pm, Sunday 1/2 price on most items. Take 1-84 to 216 Exit, right on South Market 1.4 mile to Lloyd, right on Lloyd to Angus 1/4 mile, right on Angus to Brahman. Double bed, dresser, oak commode and display case, Victorian rocker, mirror corner shelf, coff ee box, Bishops peanut butter crock, wood rocker, mahogany desk, chair, wall and corner curios, 5 tables, hospital bed, couch, recliners, miscellaneous chiars, New H aven clock, kitchen table and 4 chairs, sewing machines, oak Kellog wall phone, pictures, very old Oliver typewriter with case, 27 pieces cast iron, Wagner, Stover, Griswold including tite top and chicken pan, 6 kerosene lamps, Carnival glass, pottery, household items, pots, pans, Corning, Pyrex, collectibles, s tainless dinnerware, small appliances, sword, leather ammunition pouches, medals, German helmets, grain dolly, planter, primitive wall shelf, doll bed, branding irons, 110/220 compressor, PUREBRED ANGUS 2004 FATBOY Harley welder, generator, powe x c ellenter tools, lawn mowers, Yearling Bulls. Good Davidson, condition, 30,000 origi- riding mower needs bloodlines, semen nal miles, lots of extras. tested and ready to go, $9,500.00 obo, cash work, lots of yard/ gar$2,500.00 Call 541-910- or trade, 541-886-2094 den/ hand tools, chain hoist, work tables, met6549 Haines fyp Wallowa vxm al shelves, chain saws, BBD ยน47 3/4' drill, FOR SALE 21ft Glastron by vacuums, shop vac, boat with 305 Vortec V8 ladders, lots of tires and 1995 INTERNATIONAL engine, custom cover, rims and much more. 4x4bucket truck JIB auto, one owner with 165 ac- 1978 Lincoln Town Car, 60ft work height, 25,000 tual hours of use, call with 102,000 miles, very 541-786-2859, or 541miles, $22 , 000.00. 963-6771 or see at 126 clean. Bid box Saturday, Visa 8 Mastercard; View pic online at www. Ridge Drive, La Grande Vintage Court Antiques, 541OR. Very classy, $12,000 541-377-0510 gog 786-1673 La Grande fom obo. vpb
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 ¹
• e-mail Page 5
NOTICE: C l assified PRICE R E DUCED!FOODALLERGY testing, Deadline: T u e sdaySNP .45 USG 4in, 2 cleansing therapy and 5pm. Changes or can- grips, night sights, mag hormonal supplemencellations must be in pouch, holster, travel tation. Call Dr. Willard by 5pm Monday. box, 1 15 and 2 14 round Bertrand DC. 963-Well. magazines, $650.00. La Grande. Preferred SERVE YOUR 541-910-6148 I sland Provider for all major inCOUNTRY!!! City dxf surances. mxb Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have MUZZLELOADERS and THE NICKEL DOES way too many student more. Guns, buy, sell BUSINESS CARDS! loans? Ever thought or trade. Black powder Come in and start deabout serving your coun- guns 8 a c cessories,s igning. Starting a t try? The Oregon Na- modern guns 8 ammo. $32.50 for 500! tional Guard gives you 541-663-2650 I sland tuition assistance and City dxg WANT RAILROAD lanthe MGIB so you can terns, globes, locks, start/finish your college GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' keys, signs, badges, degree. If you already Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger china, silver, paper, wax have your degree we Vaquero, 45 LC SS. sealers. Cash. 541-276offer the student loan re- Ruger Vaquero, Matched 3506 Pendleton mxj paymentof$50,000 dol- Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. lars!!! Plus you gain the SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 HIGH SCHOOL DIknowledge, experience, "/¹", Nickel, Trigger Job. PLOMA from home 6-8 and motivation to jump SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, weeks accredited, Get start your career. Imagin Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". a diploma! Get a job! having your college to- SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". Free Brochure call now! tally paid for and a drill And many rifles! Call 1-800-264-8330 Benjapay check. Want more 541-786-1900 I sland min Franklin HS. www. information call SGT Lori City dxv DiplomaFromHome. com McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL SBW 9MM auto pistol, address; ads@lagran- $385.00. 541-568-4601 Call for sizes and prices. Cove dsb Island City mxc
TRAEGER WOODPellet Grill, almost new, Many attachments. New Price $985. Asking $600. 541403-1217 Baker City mqr
AUTOMATIC AND WANTED: USED 4FT STANDARD Transmis- high wire galvanized, sion Repair and Rebuild- 16ft cattle panels. 541ing. Reasonable Prices, 910-5962 Union fqt 28 years in La Grande ADVERTISE IN 12 paCall 541-963-7087 La RIDING LAWNMOWER pers, 25 words or less for Grande axm Crasftsman LT1000 6 only $75. a week. 4 state speed, Make and offer. 8 Canada coverage, 27 541-568-4044 Cove mqc PICKUP FLATBEDS, papers to choose from. and front end replacePANAWAN. 963-6237. HUCKLEBERRIES $45 ments, many styles to 1-800-654-5829 a gallon or $12.50 a choose from. Call Pioquart. Fresh or frozen. neer West 541-663-9378 WE PRINT14,000Aweek! Local delivery. 541-805- La Grande axp We cover 4 counties! The 5929 Elgin mpj most effective advertisHARLEY AND ATV FIREWOOD $135.00, Service and R epair ing for your investment! $155.00, $185.00. Sea- for Harley Davidsons The Nickel, 963-6237. La soned 8 delivered. 541- and ATV's. BBB Re- Grande. 786-0528 La Grande pair 62010 West Road mvp Call 541-605-0400 La HOUGHTS 24 Flavors, Grande axb 602 Adams Ave, La Grande OR, will be celebrating their 4th annual block party on August 15th! Free Hot Dogs, soda 8 other specials. (The regular menu will also be available.) Mark Stratton Lost Creek Road will be providing the music. A Bouncy house will also be available. Some tables 8 chairs will be provided. Come on down and have some fun. La Grande mos
2008 Chevy Cobalt
T POSTS Good Condition, 10 for $25. Smooth Wire and Spacers. 541962-5566 zow
+ 118mimttliml LAGRANDE OR
Livestock kales Every Thursday 11:30 am Your livestock will bring top dollar at INIL! 541-963-2158 800-824-5298
High Country Post 4, Poles 59854Pierce Rd., La Grande
2013 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo Immaculate, 4,600 miles, black on black, $41,000.00. 541-786-2575 La Grande axl
413 DODGE truck motor, and other Dodge truck parts, 541-408-3896 or 541-480-4377 Baker City axl
LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER lx4, lx6, lx12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $98.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $78.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.
Call Ron963-6258or 805-9279
ee 2005 Chevy Impala
CANNER AND 2 dozen quart jars, $10.00. 541786-8191 Cove zoc
ea 2007 Toyota Corolla
2007 Cadillac CTS
2011 Chevy Cruze
$7 995
V6, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL
Stock ¹ 2408A
2014 Subaru Outback
Tilt, PW, PL
Stock ¹ 23908
2003 Ford Explorer
CE,4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL
2012 GMC Terrain
,, $15,400 Loaded!
S t o ck ¹ 14-6298
2010 GMC Acadia
Stock ¹ 2362A
2010 Chev K3500
„,„, „,$26,488
Cruise, tilt, PW, PL
Stock ¹ 2393A
AWD, Limited,VB, Auto,Loaded
AWD,SLT,4 Cyl, Auto, Loaded
Stock ¹ 2399A
$22,987 Auto, Loaded
Stock ¹14-586A
4x4, v8, Auto, Air, Crui se
Page 6 e-mail
The Nickel-Au 14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
2000 INTERNATIONAL crane dump, bed crew cab, $22,000.00. View pic online at w ww. 541786-1673 La Grande fom 1953 FORD 8N Tractor, runs good, new paint, new tires. $2,300. OBO 541-963-7087 eve 541963-6327 La Grande fpb GRASS/CLOVER HAY FOR SALE No rain. Small bales. $190/ton. 541-519-7795 Baker City fql YOUNG LAYING Hens for sale, should start anytime. 4 months old. Rhode Island Reds and Coco Morans. $15 each. 541-786-1492 fpb
NttMtttndt CMi~SICye Tuesday. Mens Day
$10 Haircuts with Felycta s
tii2FourthGt.LnGrande 44tiih2484
A-ONE Firewood RedFir/ Tam. $180.00 in rounds, $210 split delivered. 541910-7074 La Grande mpm
OPENINGS NOW avail. FOR SALE: certified for beginner piano les- weed free alfalfa. Small sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. bales, no rain, $220.00 Safe 8 fun environment! ton. 541-663-1806 La Call 541-805-9741 for Grande pqc more info! La Grande BULLS — CROSS bred, RUBBER S T AMPS! bxw Starting at $16.60 each fast Ibs gain, calving at the Nickel. WANT YOURAD TO ease, $1,950.00. 541437-8181 Elgin pnm COVER A GREATER I-FIT 630 DS treadmill. AREA? Digital control interface, Come inand speak with 2 MALE Chihuahua pupruns great, good condi- us at the The Nickel pies, long haired, pure tion, $75.00. 541-534- about PNAWAN ads. You bred, $300.00 each or 4501 Summerville mpw can advertise in 12 differ- $575.00 for both. Have ent papers for as low as first shots. 541-519-2782 OCEAN CARGO Stor- $75.00. Papers in Ore- Baker City pqw age Containers. Various gon, Washingt on, Idaho sizes, secure storage, and more! Call 541-963- 170 TON of alfalfa grass on ground delivery."We 6237 bxn at $160/ton. 160 ton sell, rent, buy and move of Oat Orchard Grass containers." Insta Stor, HARD-WORKING in- hay, $140.00/ton. 200 Inc. 509-765-1376. www. dividual looking for any ton of Timothy Oat hay, mqi work. Three years con- $160.00/ton. Call 541struction e x perience910-6549 or 541-856BIKE 8 BRONZE Spe- and ten years working 3425 Haines pqd cialized (Crossroads) local. 541-975-4095 La CERTIFIED ORGANIC xl, $275.00. Bronze by Grande bor alfalfa hay in Union, small Rodd Ambroson, artist proof-angel Ebay- ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- bales, $220/ton or $8.30/ art-261526305920,I can pers, 25 words or less for bale, not weed-free. 541562-5465 Union pqc email photos. See bike only $75. a week. 4 state at Enterprise Action Out- 8 Canada coverage, 27 GRASS HAY s mall door.. 541-432-4535 or papers to choose from. bales, $135.00 ton, in the 541-426-3577 Enterprise PANAWAN. 963-6237. stack, no rain. 541-437mqb 1-800-654-5829 0490 Elgin pqr
Communications Solutions
High Speed Internet to Phone Starting At
$1 9 Per Month
1 -866-385-7378
FOR SALE: 14' Sea F OR SALE: 1 9 94 FOR SALE Weimaraner Nymph Aluminum Boat. Jeep Grand Cherokee, pups, parents excel15hp Yamaha 4-stroke, $2,250. OBO 541-805- lent disposition, on site, electric start, w/trolling 9637 La Grande aon ranch raised 8 parents plate. Starts great, runs hunt. 3 males, one fegreat. Hummingbird fish/ 1990 CHEVROLET Lu- male, $350.00. Please depth finder. Good tires mina Euro 4dr, V6 auto, leave message, 541on new wheels. Lights power windows 8 door 562-5970 Union pls all work. $ 2 ,300.00. locks, cruise control, cold Phone 541-962-5354 La a/c, body straight, tires GRASS HAY Small Grande vos near new, runs 8 drives bales approx. 85lbs per excellent, comes with bale. 23 bales per ton. 2005 CHALET Trailer, mounted winter tires, $160.00 per ton. 541sleeps four, $3,000 obo. $1,400.00. 5 4 1-786- 568-4556 Cove poo Will take part trades. 5575 aos See at 1520 Monroe or 80 LARGE framed Ancall 541-786-3424 La 1967 DODGE '/4 ton, 1 gus cows: bred to CharGrande vpd ton rear end, stock racks, lois and black bulls, start 318 V*, $500.00 or trade calving February 20th, 1995 5TH wheel camper, for? 541-426-5951 En- 2015, will sell 10 or more; Dutchman, 22ft. $3,000. terprise aok for more information call 541-263-1147 Enterprise Bob 541-938-0118, Milton-Freewater poh vph 2006 HONDA elite scooter. Blue, one owner. In 2010 FOREST River Toy great shape. Under 650 GRASS HAYsmall bales, Hauler, 27ft, DVD, TV, miles. $1,300.00. 541- Logger Mix, $160.00 ton. Rear Screen, Electric 910-7115 La Grande vop Owsley Canyon, 541963-6933 or 541-805Jacks, Includes 5.2KW Generator, Really Nice 1990 VOLVO 240DL, 4 4615 La Grande pkw Trailer, $18,500 obo. door, 2.3L, runs good, 541-263-0201 Wallowa good interior, good tires, SHIH TZU X puppies, 1 vpf $1,600 obo. 541-403- Black(m), 1Tan/black(f). 1108 Baker City apb Very small 8 c u t e, 2008 24FT Enclosed/ housebroke w/ Shots. It's Nickel Time!! Cargo Trailer, 10,000 $600.00 obo. 541-523GVW ready, Very Good 6080 Baker City pok Condition, A l uminum 1992 NISSAN SE ExWheels good tires, 2 tended Cab Pick-Up, MINI SCHNAUZERS for New Batteries with char- 4x4, 5 spd, CD player, sale. 3 (m), Dob 5/12/14, ger, $4,200 obo. Call for moon roof. $1,800 obo. $800.00. S o cialized, more info, 541-786-0734 541-519-7542 Baker City housebroke and current La Grande voh aom on shots. 541-523-6080 Baker City pok
"PeopleBuySome Papersto Read,TheyRead The Nickelto Buys 1112 1/2Adams Ave,La Grande,OR 97850 (541) 963-6237 Toll Free Number for Classifieds Only 1-800-654-5829
cHEGK ' "
Advertisingin the Nickel really works. I/I/e have received such positive feedbackfrom our ads. Paigeis always so professional. = I/I/ e offercustomallplywood ~b...shp construction cabinets with solid wood doors, drawer fronts, andfaceframes.We complete the kitchen or bath = cabinet with solid surface •I ,
tOPS aS Well aS lamtttate
counter tops.!/!/e also order your custom house doors and windows. •
s •
s • • •
s • •
"Long Lasting, Hand-CraCed Cabinets"
' •
MINIATURE AUSTRALIAN Shepherd puppies! ASDR registered (no papers optional for a discount), vaccinated and wormed, and socialized!!!! Ready to go - all colors, boys and girls. $600-$800., 541-518-9284 Baker City psc
• •
HAY FOR sale; alfalfa, grass 8 alfalfa, Tripicale, Oat, Pea and Barley. Prices start at $160.00 a ton, 3x3x8 bales. 541886-3951 or 541-8059985 Wallowa ppm
MINI HOUSE for sale. Yearling/male, $500.00 if gelded. Really blood line, $900 as stud. 541-5625818 La Grande ppm
s •
& N t3 L U M R K & •
La Grande Baker City 217 Greenwood 3815 Pocahontas Rd 541-963-2613 541-523-6404
BEAUTIFUL 10YR old mare, Sorrel w/ 4 white socks, great kids horse, very gentle, $950.00 obo or trade. 541-894-2339 Baker City pos
The Nickel - Aug 14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 7
I •
DR. Willard G. Bertrand DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan Insurance. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb WANT YOURAD TO COVER A GREATERAREA? Come inand speak with Don at The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You can advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Oregon, Washingt on, Idaho and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job
placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-201-4585. www 35556 mxp $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 hours? Low rates. Apply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www 35715 mxg
• • I
CALDWELL LEAD sled, $50.00, like new, with weight. Nikon laser 600 range finder, real tree camo, $60.00. 52in deluxe aluminum locking gun case, $35.00. Plus 3x9 scope, bipod and tripod. All like new. 307GRASS HAY, 65lb bales, 258-1738 Elgin dow $160. ton. 541-910-4559 3 308'S auto, Winchester Cove. ppc Model 100, Browning HAY GRASS 8 Grass/ Bar, Remington Model Alflafa, small bales, no 742, all scoped. 541rain, $ 1 60-$180/ton.620-2429 Prairie City dol 541-786-3321 Summerville pps 2010 GARY F isher Hybrid Trek mountain FIRST CUTTING alfalfa/ bike. Purchased Dec. grass, $180.00/ton, 3x4 2011, Used very little. bales. 541-805-1148 text $350.00. 541-910-4345 or leave message. Cove La Grande dph REGISTERED NIGERIAN dwarf buckling, polled, blue eyes. 2 months old. $125. Doeling, polled, $125. With papers. $50. Without. Call or text 541-9625814 La Grande ppy
ppp 3 SHI TZU males, tiny pocket puppies, $800.00 8 up. Weighing 1lb to1.8 oz. Ready to go 8-14-14. 541-523-6080 Baker City pok TEACUP YORKIE Male. Only have 1 left for sale. Purebred. Mom 8 Dad 3.5 lbs. Will be ready to go Sept. 11th Shots, dew claws and tail bobbed. $800.00 with $200.00 deposit. 541-910-4413, Joni. La Grande pqm
ATTEND COLLEGE ON- 13 YEAR old AQHA LINE from Home. *Medi- mare. Lady Colonel cal, *Business, *Criminal Reed aka Lady Ella is a Justice, *Hospitality. Job beautiful buckskin with placement assistance. a small white star. Broke Computer available. Fi- to ride for an intermedinancial Aid if qualified. ate or better rider. Not SCHEV authorized. Call spooky, good in the trail800-201- 4585. www er and for the farrier. 15.1 hands. Has trail and are35716 mxa na experience, but could use a refresher on neck LET U S DE LIVER reining. Asking $1,375 16,000 business cards obo. 541-805-1787 Wala week for just $15. lowa ppm Advertise in The Nickel business directory. 9636237. La Grande TWO TIME c locks, $60.00 ea. Stand up Helene Curtis hair dryer, $250.00. 2 person Cabella tree ladder stand, $200.00.Miscellaneous Harley Davidson parts off of 04 Softail 8 06 Lowrider. Pop 8 candy machine, works good, $275.00. Antique German sewing machine, $250.00. 541-571-7078 mxw
2006 22FT Nash Travel Trailer, Oak Etched Glass Interior, 4 Seasons Package, Excellent Condition $7,000 obo. Call for more info, 541-7860734 La Grande voh
DONATIONS NEEDED. Not your mone y, yo u r time . or 541426-4170 Enterprise zop
2 CANOPY'S 1 fits 80's Ford long box, $125.00. Other is white fiberglass, short box, fits Chevy or Ford, $225.00. Saw Buck pack saddle, $125.00. Older riding saddle, with BUSINESS CARDS! $35 15in seat, $150.00. 541519-0308 Elgin mot 1996 COLMAN Santa for 500 count. Fe Tent Trailer, Sleeps 6 Easily, $2500, No Trades. 541-523-7201 Baker City vpe 2002 ITASCA Horizon, luxiry diesel pusher, low mileage, $45,000.00. 541-609-8388 Joseph vop
papers to choose from. PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829
Piklzl OldFashioned Values Sales If¹' Servioe
4WD,AC, PW, PL, PS,92,287MLES
RWD,tuw Miles,Multi-Pointlnspected,SportyHandling,Luxury Vehicle,FullyEquipped,PerfectExterior SInterior, St'ndard Wamnty, Exhnd d WarrantyAvailable,AskforDetails
STK¹ 102236
STK¹ 10207
2007 DODGE RAM 1500
1998 DODGE RAM 2500
4WD,CD,PS,LowMiles, NeverWmcked,FuelEMcient, Ofl'-RoadReady,Mechanically Sound, CleanExterior Slnterio
4WD,A/C,PW,PS,PL, tsValveCummins5.odiesel, Automatice trans, SLTIaramieclothinterior, Thisisaveryniceunit!
ST K¹ 10232
STK¹ 10223
4WD,A/C,PW,PS,PL, 22,sovMLES
4WD,A/C,PW,PS,PL,PowerfulStrongRunning Engine,Clean Exterior Slntenor
2006 FORD F350
STK¹ 10232
AWD, SportyHandling, CleanExterior Slnterior, Extended WarrantyAvailable, AskforDetails
6 90 0
STK ¹ 10193C
only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27
Sunday By Appointment
AUGUST15 &16,2014 • ENTERPRISE,OREGON Promoted by
pers, 25 words or less for
3 1 1 W. Mai n • E n t e r p r i s e 54 1 -426-2 1 00
SMALL TRUCK CAMPER Six-Pack mini, 6.0ft, hydraulic jacks, good T H O M P S O N condition, must sell, CONTENDER pist ol.223 $1,000.00 obo. 541-663barrel and .410 barrel, 6683 Cove aqc 3x9 Burris scope, like new $600. 541-421-3212 FOR SALE: 5th wheel Ukiah. dph camp trailer, RoadRanger, for more information TAURUS 385P Ultra call 541-8881 Enterprise Lite hammerless model vqb 85, $425.00. Vangaurd Classsified e-mail adWeatherby300 WinMag, dress: ad s @lagran3x9 Bushnell scope, W I NNEBAGO $495.00. 742 Remington 1987 30.06, 4 power Bushnell Chieftain, 22 foot, 454 scope, $395.00. Brass Chevrolet, 53,000 miles, f or r e loading, 2 2 3 good tires, everything cleaned, $15.00 per works. $5,600. 541-437100. 223 ready to prime, 0805 Elgin vpj $20.00 per 100. 223 primed, $25.00 per 100. 1998 HITCHHIKER 5th 45acp cleaned, $20.00 wheel, 29ft, very good per 100. 223 loaded condition with h i tch 55gr hollow point, $50.00 extension. 2005 Ram per 100. 541-786-3367 quad cap pickup, hemi Island City dpw engine, air bags, set up for towing 5th wheel, accessories include 5th wheel tool box, hitch staREMINGTON MODEL bilizer 8 water softener. 870 Express. New in $16,500.00 for both. Or box. 28" barrel, VT 20 consider selling sepagauge. 15 boxes ammo. rate. Call 541-519-0483 $450 Firm. 541-523- or see 58 South Foothill 4499 Baker City dqh Drive, Baker City vpn
19 999
ST K¹ 1021S
aa b 4"
RWD,S.tchevroletgasengine,eMcientyetverypowerlhL very cleanandnicethroughoutandonly t4,000miles!! Twoslides!! oBrandNewTires
47 900
FWD, A/0,PW,PS,PL,MultiPointInspected, FuelEfficient, ExtendedWarranty Available,Ask for Details
ST K¹ 10246
STK¹ 10217B
Page 8 e-mail
The Nickel-Au 14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
541-963-6154• 541-910-2321 La Grande, OR
FA~ I t sX@RE
Footwear for the Family 541-963-8898 2700 Bearco Loop, La Grande •
• •
Dirtbikes • Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile
Parts — Service — Sales —Financing 10701 S. Walton Rd., Island City • 541-66S-1 1 1 1 ~~
Workable Design
Mome Plans Remodel Design ,t)rafting 8 Permits
PO, Box sos Cove, OR 978z4
I •
PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. hxc INDIAN CREEK Trading Company, LLC. We Buy All Things. Sell us your garage sale before you have it! JD at 541-8050216 or Shannon at 541786-5750 Elgin hxm EXPERIENCE THE ancient art of henna temporary body art. Traditional and modern design. Limited Time: small - medium designs, $5. Call to schedule your appointment, 541-805-8796 La Grande hoh DINING ROOM table Duncan Fife, 6 chairs, extraleaves,$600.OBO. 541-963-7087 eve 541963-6327 La Grande hpb KUUL AIRE evaporative swamp cooler, portable with remote, 115 volt, half price at $300.00. Like new. 541-963-2840 La Grande hpb
Ralph Edwards
Excel Electrical Services,lnc. 322 E. M ckinneyAve. Hermiston,OR 97838
Office:541-567-21 88 Fax:541 -567-1 442 Residential•Commercial•Agricultural •Industrial
II II RQPI)IIS x nu. ~ ~ 41-898- 2364
MOVING FURNITURE FOR SALE Antique Green Recliner with Ottoman excellent condition, $100.00. Curio Cabinet excellent condition, 6' Height 18" Wide, $75.00. White 5 drawer chest dresser, New $60.00. Wooden Rocking Chair, $40.00. Oak Computer table, $50.00. Metal Computer Table, $50.00. Contact 541786-0801 Island City hpp
50267 ELLIS RoAD NDRTH PovvDER DR 97867
• • I
FREE PERSONAL classifieds for military personel and dependants with dependant ID. We support our troops! The Nickel, FOR SALE M o del 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La 19 Smith 8 Wesson Grande. 963-6237 357 mag revolver. 4 inch barrel with bone, custom grips. Real good MUSIC IN The MEADcondition, $500.00. 541- OW, Sumpter's family friendly music festival is 786-8900 Elgin dqv this Saturday and SunAR15 CO M PLETEday (Aug 16 8 17). Visit flat top upper receiver historic Sumpter in the assembly, 16" 1:8 S.S. beautiful Elkhorn Mounbarrel with target crown. tains for fun, food, beer Just pin to your lower and from Barley Brown's and go shoot, $350. "New" music from Johnny 8 the Kel-Tec P32 pistol, $240. Lawbreakers, Channel Two new rifle scopes, Cats, High Desert Ren4-12x40 and 6.5-20x 50. egades and more! Held at the Dredge State Park 541-963-6931 dqk with free admission, the music begins at noon DEERAND ELK on Saturday and 2pm on HUNTERS Order your game bags Sunday. Bring your own before th e h u ntingchairs and be prepared season. We have large for any weather. More game b a g s(44x84),info at www.musicin$25.00. Large quarter themeadow.wordpress. bags (44x34), $10.00, com. Maxfield Originals made out o f 1 0 0% will also be open from muslin. Br e athable,9am to 5 pm this weekwashable and reusable. end. Come early so Last year we ran out so there is plenty of time to please order ahead of shop our unique home the season. 541-240- decor and gift shop. 1817 or 541-429-1609 We are located at 602 S Mill St, across from Adams dum the Dredge's parking lot SBW SEMI auto pistol and next to the Cracker SW9VE. Tw o 16 Creek Mining Museum. round clips 8 box. Like Don't miss a fun time in new. 54 1 -786-3547Sumpter this weekend! bow Summerville dot
5TH WHEEL hitch, adjust up and down, includes rails, like new, $400 cash. 541-8900343 Baker City vos
TRYOUT FOR the 2015 Eastern Oregon Livestock Rodeo Court. Tryouts will be held September 14th at 3:00 pm at the EOLS arena Union, Or. Applications are online at or contact Deb at 541-5611602 Union bph
FOR SALE 21ft Glastron boat with 305 Vortec V8 engine, custom cover, one owner with 165 actual hours of use, call 541-786-2859, or 541963-6771 or see at 126 Ridge Drive, La Grande OR. Very classy, $12,000 obo. vpb
SAVAGE 30-30, 100yrs old, still shoots great! $700.00. 541-215-0758 Summerville dob
SIGS P238 Equinox, 1911 Scorpion carry, Rugers SR45, SR9C, S R22, LC R 22 M . FNS40, FNX45. Beretta PX4 Inox 9mm. Kahr CM40. Ruger 10/22 camo break down, and 10/22 black. AR's in 5.56 and 300 ACC. Call or text Joe at 541-786-4453 La Grande d m
[tlgit@Q|J!93J](I(IIILI •
yO+ Purchase Tickets at:
MUZZIkLOADER'S AND MORE 10201W. 1st. St. Suite 3 IslandCity
HONDA 200 ATC 3 wheeler in great shape with electric and pull start. High and l ow range. Great bike for farm, dirt road and trail use. Tires and plastics in great condition. Have title in hand. Need gone asap. $650.00. Call or Text 503- 473-3684 La Grande vow 2013 HONDA 110 dirtbike, $1,395.00. 541910-7997 La Grande vom FOR SALE: 2010 Big Tex car trailer, $2500; 12.5" Sea Eagle inflatable raft, with solid floor, $750; 2007 CRF150F Honda motorcycle, $1500; accept all credit cards; 541-571-6280, Hermiston vom 2004 FATBOY Harley Davidson, e x c ellent condition, 30,000 original miles, lots of extras. $9,500.00 obo, cash or trade, 541-886-2094 Wallowa vxm
2001 30FT High end Alfa 5th wheel, excellent condition, Corian counter tops, lots of storage. 541523-5528 vph
g gpnple El e g a n c <
j %H)Njoilil%KlM Njiij(IVCSEal3@8(OIIflm)9
FOR SALE: 1991 Applelite, 29ft, best offer over $500.00. 541-7865677 Cove vqm
54] gg3ag5()
Drawing & Swap Meet Saturday Aug 16th loam — 2pm
1999 BIGFOOT camper. 9 1/2ft, 2500 basement model, fully self-contained. It has a STABLE lift conversion for loading and unloading. It is in excellent condition. I will fit it to your truck for $7,000.00. 541-4327265 Joseph vos
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
FOR SALE: 9 year old bay gelding. Was raised outside of Union, and was used primarily as a trail horse. Good sure footed horse, just not cut out to make a cow horse. Located in Lostine, call 541-398-1567, asking $2,500. ppy
86 MAZDA B -2000, 141k miles, $1,600.00. 541-403-0171 Haines aod 68 GMC '/4 auto, camper special w/ canopy. 541534-2642 Summerville aph e-mail Page 9
2800 PSI pressure washer, 5hp Honda Cat pump, 50ft of pressure hose, $1,000.00 or trade for vehicles. Warm drive, millwaukie in case with blade, 3ft Werner ladder, 4in angle grinder, Bostich nailer, Cenco staple gun, 6ft level, and more. All 2 BEDROOM Rental tools in excellent condi- trailer, Union, $400mth, tenants pay utilities and tion. 541-403-4504 mxt deposit. 360-701-9288 Union uot TIMBER-N-TURF
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL WILL PAY $958.00 per 10+ PLUS acre improve bed, moveable side month for 20 years for home site, in Pondosa rails, fine c ondition, Union County home. Acres Sub-Division, well u n derground La septic, $800.00. 541-963-9918 541-786-0228 power, large barn and La Grande mql Grande eop large storage building. Reduced to $82,500.00 LARGE CLEAN, bright $85,000 FOR 2.89 acres, AFFORDABLE LIVING! which is half of an apbasement studio apart- with 2001 manufactured Yakima, W ashington praisal a few years ago. ment in private home. home near Durkee. 541- downtown, furnished stu- Owner may finance. 541Kitchenette, pr i vate 519-9846 eqd dios, Rent $345-$385, 853-2351 Baker City ewb entry. 2 blocks away utilities included, small Safeway, 6 blocks EOU. BIG HOME in Union, refrig, micro, twin bed, HEPPNER VIEW LOT W/S/G and t v/cable 2,246 sq. ft. Corner lot, dresser, bus line, secure, 10,000 sq. ft., city water included. No Pets No newly remodeled, 3 1/2 mini storage available. 8 sewer in street, electric pole on property ($330+ Drinking. $385.00 mo. bed rooms, 2 full baths, 509-248-2146 uqs cost), abundant hunting/ First, last+ deposit. For hot tub, 2 car carport with appointment 541-962- little shop, RV parking, UNION CAR wash 8 fishing, nice retirement 2953 La Grande upf comes with all applianc- laundromat business area, $7500, $0 down, es. Must see to appreci- with cash flow 8 room to $100 per month, buy now, build later; Russ NICE 3BDR/2BATH ate. $175,500. 541-786- grow! 2 (15') wash bays, 541-404-3072 eob HOME IN 'WELL KEPT' 1567 for appointment. vacuum/detail area, acLA GRANDE Union euh cessory vending. Laun- PROFESSIONAL OR NEIGHBORHOOD. dromat with 8 washers retail space in Union. Open floor plan, high 2010 28"X60", Super 8 2 commercial dryers, 528sqft on Main Street. ceiling, central air, bath- Good Sense, Energy coin opp. dog wash, of- Private half bath. $800/ tub jacuzzi, walk-in clos- Star manufactured home fice/grooming area. +16 month. Turn key. 541et, storage shed, fenced in lrrigon: 3, possible 4, camera Security system 562-9410 Union epm backyard w/ sprinklers. bedrooms, with a new Bring your ideas to exPrefer no pets and lease garage and on a concret- pand this business! Call through 2015, $1,200.00/ ed foundation, located The McCreith Team at month. Call 541-437- in a quiet neighborhood Bella Casa for info, 503on a paved street, with 310-9844. View property 0626 La Grande uph "Nore Than Justa Shed" street lights, comes with online at lagrandenickel. Countryside Sheds, LLc (800) 682-0589(541)663-0246 AFFORDABLE LIVING! no maintenance siding, com Union erl 10102 S.McAlister Rd.IslandCity Yakima, W ashington new15 sheer heat pump, downtown, furnished stu- upgraded appliances, 81X113 LOT 1800 block, dios, Rent $345-$385, garden tub and flooring, Z Ave, utilities available, utilities included, small has underground sprin- 36k. 541-963-2668 La refrig, micro, twin bed, klers, roll out lawn, deco- Grande evh dresser, bus line, secure, rative fenced yard, with a mini storage available. decorative concrete side 509-248-2146 uqs walk and driveway, home has been freshly painted ROOMMATE WANTED 8 professionally cleaned, to share nice sized 2 bed- priced at $119,950; call room apartment, pool, 541-571-2655 eqh laundry, all utilities inCimmaron cluded, La Grande, walk APTS: to downtown. $295.00/ Kingsview Manor FOR RENT, near colStudios, month. 541-786-0774 La Country West lege, duplex 2 bedroom, 1 Or 2 Bdrm Grande uql $650, some utilities inApartments Miocene cluded, large yard, car$295-$560 ROOM FOR rent, inLaGrande Terrace port, no pets or smoking, cludes kitchen, bath1yr lease. 541-805-8448 room, living room. Have La Grande upw to see, call 541-9109363 La Grande uom • i I
1998 FORD Explorer, MULE & HORSE SALE 160k, runs and looks SAT. SEPT 6- 6:00 PM great! Front rear heat, ENTERPRISE awd, V8 limited, lots of FAIRGROUNDS extras, includes tow, SAW & LAWNMOWER FMI and Consigning, $2,600.00 obo. 541-910- Small engine repair, 541-963-2158. M a n- 7074 La Grande apm chain saw sharpening, aged by I n termounparts 8 sales, all makes. t ain Livestock I n c . WOOD CU T TERSTuesday through Friday. Sale forms online at DREAM 1979 Chev, 8am-4pm, S a turday, hellscanyonmuledays. 12'x8' flatbed, 350, 4 9am-4pm. 10304 West com Show Info: 541-426- spd, 10 12/ running gear, 1". Island City. 541-9633271 Enterprise prl new brakes, tires, clutch, 5900 mxj fresh tune up. 4' side 3 TON Grass/Alfalfa boards. This truck will 2000 POLARIS 700, Hay, 60lb bales, $160/ haul 3 cord of dry fire- ex condition, low miles. ton. 541-910-6543 La wood. $2,000. 541-786- 1997 Arctic Cat 580, new Grande pqb 4621 or 541-805-5187. motor, low miles, ex conCove apl dition. 1999 Honda ForeHAY FOR Sale; $175/ man 450 4 wheeler, low ton, Feed Out, North FOR SALE OLD mining miles, brand new tires, Powder OR. 541-519- oar dump cart, $400. ex condition. 1993 Ford 8676 pqw OBO Two wooden old 3/4 ton extra cab, long wagon axles and part box, 7.3 motor, 5 spd. GRASS HAY for sale. wheels for landscaping Pressure washer used Small bales, $160/ton. $175. OBO 541-975- once. Antique wood saw, 541-519-6356 Baker City 3517 Elgin. mpm runs well. 1986 3/4 ton Chev PU, standard cab, pph 2011 CHEVY K2500 good wood truck, new 2 MALE Schnoodle pup- Silverado, e x tendedmotor 3 yrs ago. 2002 pies.4mo. mostly house cab, Duramax diesel, 30'camper, bumper tow, trained, current shots 8 Allison 6-speed auto- 16' tipout. Pulled one worming $100. 541-398- matic, matching canopy, time, excellent shape. All 2292 Lostine pof transfer/ flow fuel tank for sale or trade for mosystem, one owner, only tor home. 541-969-1255 PACK MULE For Sale. 36,100 miles, very nice; Ukiah mow 541-963-4522 La www., Grande pqh 541-276-4836 aot WANTED-DONATIONS of good, clean furniture 2001 DODGE DAKOTA 2011 PALOMINO Reand working household al-Lite pop top camp- 4X4 65K EASY MILES items for non-profit thrift er, fits 8 f oot truck Senior owned 2001 store. For more informabed. Hardly u s ed, Dodge Dakota 4x4 p/u, tion please call 541-213still smells new. Ev- 65k easy miles, 2 dr, 1496 Union mrn e rything works, n o V6, automatic, apx 80% rubber, Heavy Duty grill dents. L a Gr a nde, guard, hitch, very clean, HUCKLEBERRIES OR. $8 , 000 make always serviced. $6,500. CLEANED frozen or offer. 541-786-0431 La 541-523-1562 Baker City fresh. Call 5 41-853Grande aqh 2395. $40.00 per gallon, atv $12.00 per quart. MediOLD ENGLISH game 1998 PLYMOUTH Voy- cal Springs mob Bantams. 541-534-4373 ager van: equipped for Summerville ped handicapped wed, $4500 HERMISTON MELONS or best offer; 1990 Dodge 8 Tomatoes! Thursday 1 "/~ YEAR old laying pickup, $1000 or best of- and Sunday, 10am-4pm. hens. 5 hens $15.00. 10 fer; call 541-969-2365, Walton Rd. Next to Walhens $20.00. 541-568- 541-969-8651, 541-379- Mart. La Grande mug 8512, Pendleton aoe AFFORDABLE LIVING! 4513 Cove pqm Yakima, Washington, 1966 FORD Mustang APPROXIMATELY 2.5 Cp. Everything restored FORCED AIR wood- downtown, furnished stuTon of Feeder Grass or replaced. Auto 6cyl, stove, trailer approved. dios, rent $310+, clawHay, suitable for cattle, red, 6,270 mi. $8,500 2 hot heating dryers. foot tubs, kitchenettes, $135 takes all, you pick Firm. View online at la- 15 cockatiels 8 4 love views, FREE utilities, up. 541-963-5462 La 541- birds. 541-910-0072 La busline, secured access, 523-9409 Baker City mini storage available. Grande pom Grande mom avm 509-248-2146. uos
LaGrande 8 Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES
Senior andDisabled
Housing. Accepting applications.Income restrictionsapply.
Call Candi in BakerCity
gJ (541)523-6578.
1-3 Bdrm, 1 Or2 Bath $595-$850
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1250 Sq. Ft. Union
Storage 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90
Page 10 e-mail I •
• • I
The Nickel-Au 14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
BROWNING 12 G auge Tickets. $ 5 each, $20 f o r 5. All Proceeds Go To Joe Vaughan! Nikki at g o r 541-910-0513 zoc
RUGER 357 3 screw, NORDI C TRA C K HARD-WORKING in- WANTED 1987ish Toyo- DISH TV Retailer. Start- 2ND CROP alfalfa, $220/ excellent co n dition.A.C.T. Elliptical, 26 dif- dividual looking for any ta Tercel Wagon, 5-spd, ing at $ 1 9.99/monthton. Small bales, green, $450.00. Ruger 22 / ferent workouts, Paid work. Three years con- 4wd,good condition me- (for 12 mos.) 8 High dust free, excellent horse 22 mag combination, 3 $1,200.00, asking struction e x periencechanically 8 cosmetical- Speed Internet starting hay. 541-519-0693 Bakscrew, $350.00. 541- $800.00. Reclining sofa and ten years working ly. Fair Price. 541-963- at $14.95/month (where er City pqj 663-9091 La Grande dos and recliner, $300.00 local. 541-975-4095 La 9918 La Grande aql available.) SAVE! Ask obo. 541-898-2821 North Grande sor About SAME DAY Instal- EVERYTHING A horseUTAH AND Oregon Powder mpg 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 lation! CALL Now! 1-800- man needs in one locaCONTRACT FENCING Crew Cab pickup: 33,500 593-1764 mxm LOST BETWEEN Union CCW Thurs. Sept. 11th. tion! Saddles, new and and Baker, small out- Defensive gun fighting CHAIR RECLINER for Farm Ranch Residen- one owner miles, 4 wheel used, and some treetial. Contact Darrel 541board motor c over, training offered 1st part elderly. Lifts to standing drive, 5.3 Vortec V8, 6 COMPUTER SYSTEM- less. Packing saddles, brown. Reward if found. of Sept. Details at www. position, heats, mas- 562-5628 541-786-8668 speed automatic, loaded Apple MacPro 1,1: Quad halters, ropes, bits, and CCB¹163246 Union sxf Call 541-200-4872 Union or sages. Like new, cost with SLT, all terrain and Core, Memory 4 GB, so much we can"t list it zno call Phillip at 541-910- $1,500. $450 obo. 541- NOTICE: C l a ssifieddeluxe chrome pack- HD 750 GB, DVD drive. here. Come down and 663-9189 La Grande hpk 3687 La Grande dqo Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. ages, $34,900; Thomp- Monitors (2): 30" Apple see us at the Horse PlaChanges or cancella- son RV. 800-459-4836, Cinema HD and17" NEC za, 34287 Diagonal Rd., PRICE R E DUCED!MEADOW B R O OK LCD. Sound system: Hermiston, 5 4 1-567tions must be in by 5pm Pendleton apt NOTICE: Classified SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 Logitech x-240. Printer: 9034 pqh plush, queen size matMonday. Deadline: T u esdaygrips, night sights, mag tress and box springs: 2007 CHEVY HHR, HP Photosmart C 4280 5pm. Changes or can- pouch, holster, travel OPENINGS NOW avail. All-in-one. Add'I soft- GRASS FEEDER hay, cellations must be in box, 1 15 and 2 14 round paid $900 3 years ago, for beginner piano les- 2.2 motor, auto, cold excellent condition, one A/C, loaded. New tires, ware: Office-Mac 2008 bottom bales, some rain, by 5pm Monday. magazines, $650.00. sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. brakes, struts. 2016 tags, (installed), Intuit Quick- $125.00 ton. 541-562person (180 lb.), zipped 541-910-6148 I sland inside allergenic case Safe 8 fun environment! $5,695.00 obo. 541-963- Books 2010. $950. Op- 9708 Union pos ANTLER BUYER buying City dxf since bought, mattress Call 541-805-9741 for 5646. See pics 8 infor tional Software: Adobe deer, elk and moose antmore info! La Grande onh Eastern Oregon CS5 Master Collection HEAVY GAUGED gallers, any condition, also GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' pad, metal frame, all in- sxw cluded, well taken care Craigs List. La Grande $1100. Ken at 541-403- vanized horse/ livestock buying bear traps and Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger 0479 Haines mok panels, gates, shelters, vintage 501 Levis. 541- Vaquero, 45 LC SS. of, mattress turned reg- MASONRY REPAIR aoj Ruger Vaquero, Matched ularly, $475; 541-429professional block stone custom stall fronts, com910-6713 or 541-963Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. 1726, Pendleton hpl brick repair for a free es- FOR SALE or trade: FRESH VEGGIES Call plete arena set- ups and 2866La Grande wxt timate call Tylor at 254- 1986 GMC Sierra Clas- 541-962-5261 for big more. Factory Direct! SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 226-2774 La Grande sxd "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. sic 305 V8, auto trans quantities of corn, beans, ID¹ RC-20843, OR¹ WANTED M ILITARYSBW, 500 Mag. SBW, DINING ROOM table 4x4, tilt, cruise, pw, pl, cucs 8 peppers. Union 190181, WA¹L U C Kguns, bayonets, swords, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". Duncan Fife, 6 chairs, air, runs 8 drives, no mpb YA933DW. L U C KY OUTDOORS RV knifes, misc. Also any SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". extraleaves,$600.OBO. TRAVEL TRAILERS major damage. Call 541ACRES FENCING, INC. older guns, h unting And many rifles! Call 541-963-7087 eve 541AND 962-7300 for details. La 208-746-1228, RUBBER STAMPS! Startknifes, collector not deal- 541-786-1900 I sland 963-6327 La Grande hpb 5" WHEELS Grande aqr ing at $16.60 each. pql City dxv er. 541-377-8008. wxh Is Currently accepting KUUL AIRE evaporative applications for ProducSBW 9MM auto pistol, swamp cooler, portable tion Assemblers. Ben- 1987 PONTIAC Grand FOR SALE OLD mining VIZSLA PUPS, family W ANT TO Buy: 6 0 " $385.00. 541-568-4601 with remote, 115 volt, efit package includes: Am, 51,000 original oar dump cart, $400. owned and selectively Bush Hog/Flail. Competitive wages with Cove dsb half price at $300.00. Bonus incentives, 401K, miles, new alternator, OBO Two wooden old bred for 43 years, or 541-426-3280 Enterprise Like new. 541-963-2840 paid vacation, two emer- current service, very wagon axles and part tiful hunting dogs with CALDWELL LEAD sled, clean inside and out, wheels for landscaping great dispositions, 3 wow gency days, health care $50.00, like new, with La Grande hpb for you and your family $1,200.00 obo. 541-786- $175. OBO 541-975- males available 8/11/14, weight. Nikon laser 600 3517 Elgin. mpm $800 each. 208-743ANTLERS WANTED: range finder, real tree and eight paid holidays. 5592 La Grande aqt Come and join a fast 2466, Lewiston pqb Elk, Deer, Moose. Payup camo, $60.00. 52in growing business. Soon FOR SALE: Fiberglass WORKMASTER CANOTRA C K to open a brand new to $11.00 a lb. 541-910- deluxe aluminum locking NORDI C gun case, $35.00. Plus A.C.T. Elliptical, 26 dif- 50,000sqft Manufactur- canopy, fits Chevy pick- PY Iwb, 4ft high, 3 doors, RANCH GELDING for 8782 La Grande wub 3x9 scope, bipod and ferent workouts, Paid ing plant. Apply in person up, 6 "/~ft bed, $150.00. very good condition, sale: good for sorting, 541 - 963-5280$600.00. W i nchester ranch, roping and good tripod. All like new. 307- $1,200.00, asking at 62582 Pierce Road or Call 258-1738 Elgin dow at the Employment ofor 541-910-3502 La model 70, new condition, to shoe, all are shod; WANTED: wood splitter. $800.00. Reclining sofa fice: 1901 Adams in La 223 Magnum, 7 boxes 541-571-6936, Stanfield Call 541-963-6734 La RUBBER S T AMPS! and recliner, $300.00 Grande Oregon. We are Grande aqe of ammo, for deer and pob Grande wqb Starting at $16.60 each obo. 541-898-2821 North an equal opportunity em1956 FORD pickup varmint, 6 power Cittron Powder m at the Nickel. loer.S o F-100, front end clip, scope, $500.00. 541- ADVERTISE IN 12 pa350 motor, auto trans, 519-3097 Baker City pers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state has been sanded, have mpd 8 Canada coverage, 27 extra's. Have to sell because of healthy rea- 250LB ANVIL Fisher papers to choose from. sons. Asking $3,000.00 made in 1935, very good PANAWAN. 963-6237. or best offer. 845 WArch, condition, $700.00. An- 1-800-654-5829 Union OR. 541-377-2549 tique steam whistle, also or 541-562-5262 aqv works on air, $175.00. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL 541-663-6091 Imbler address; ads@lagranNeed CASH?Place anAd mos
Be Lhmeced in 1-5 Weeks
Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to13'Wide. Like New Asking $14,000
Call 541-910-7096
Cornpllete Prepasatilon ofgL@9lvorm Doeaam aeels. Inclaades: Children, Support, lDIvislon of Property 5 Bills,and Return to any former name. HO COVkf APPMRASCE$l
Rgsl Alteeatives M-772-5295 svww Pm"alegaMlternativeacmn
The Nickel-Aug14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 11
V felie w e
M orr e m UI>Ies>
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MaII Ijo.
Stop Iby
(7.80) 29 •
(8.IIO -
(8,40) 35 (8,%)
I W O U L D I I K E M Y A D T O R U N I N H E R M I S T C)N FG R I/ 2 P R I C E
' •
1, EMAIL YOUR AD TO 2, GO TO OUR WEBSITE: www.lagrandenickel,com 3. MAIL IN THE FORM A B O V E TO 1112 1/2 ADAMS A V E N U E LA G R A N D E , OR 97850 4 . FAX US YOU R A D AT 5 4 1 - 9 6 3 - 8 8 5 3 5 . STOP BY AN D SA Y H l ! WE ARE A L W AYS H A P P Y TO T AKE YOU R A D I N P E R S O N 6 . GIVE US A C A L L A T 5 41 -963-623 7 O R 8 0 0 - 6 5 4 - 5 8 2 9
Page 12 e-mail
The Nickel-Au 14, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
of Baker City
F-150 FX4 SUPERCREW4X4 MSRP................................... $51,765 $llfPIIIEf:
800-$42-$915 Stock ¹14F1202, Leather, PW, PL CC, CD,A/C
Tax, licensin& g registrationfeesadditional Stock¹14T165,MSRP651,765 Pnceincludesagdealerand manufacturerrebates &incentives RequtresFordMotor Company approvedcredit Seedealerfor completedetails Otferexpires6/31/14
2006 FOPD
Fo rd C r e dit Bonus Cash..-$1,500 Gentry Discount................-$7,500
1994 HONDA
201 3 M A Z D A
1 500 QUAD CAB
CX- 5A W D
800-$42-$915 Stock ¹14F03521, 3.2L V6, A7C Cruise, Power DJW, Tilt
800-$42-$915 Stock ¹14P1492, Leather, Navigation,Moonroof, Loaded
~2,99S 2010 DODGE RAM
'.eiv )
Stock ¹14T2557, 33', Tip out, Fuii Bedroom, Living Room, Bathroom
Stock¹14P094, PW, PL, CC CD, A/C T/ W
~ 1'199S ~ 1 4 9 9 S
Stock ¹14T2031, PW, PL, CC, CD A/C, Only 39K Miles
800-$42-$915 Stock ¹14T2471, Navigation, Sirius, Backup Camera, Loaded
Stock ¹14T2253, Diesel, 4x4, PW, PL, CC CD,A//C, Longbox, Shifter, Only 43k Miles
Stock ¹14T0581, Laramie Diesel 4x4, Leather, PW, PL, CC CD, A//C Loaded, Only 47K Miles
~ 1 8 9 9 S ~ 2 4 9 9 S ~29,99S ~$8,99S
Tax 8 tags additional. Photos for representation only. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details
800 614-2608 lhzcE5aaGMhGhccQ -
2014 DODGE AVENGER MSRP.•• .$21,985
MSRP.•• .$39,355
SAVE..... $5,086
SAVE.•• •.$8,856
Stock ¹14D616."Afterall manufacturer rebates.PlusDMV.Customermust qualify I for all rebates,OAC,notall buyerswil qualify. Offerexpires8/31/14.
1989 FORD
Stock ¹14D629."Afterall manufacturer rebates.Customermust qualify forall rebates,OAC,notall buyerswil qualify Offerexpires8/31/14.
MSRP....$47,320 SAVE.•• •.$4,721
l Stock ¹14D673. "After all manufacturer rebates.Customermust qualify forall rebates,OAC,notall buyerswil qualify. Offerexpires8/31/14.
200 6 DODGE RAM 250 0 M E G A CAB
• •
Stock ¹14D6581, Manual 4-Speed, 8 Cyl., 172k Miles
Stock ¹14D5987, 4.7L VB,Auto 4WD, Local Trade
' •
Stock ¹14P099, 5.7L VB, Auto, 4WD, Low, Low Miles
Stock ¹14P184, 6.7L 6 Cyl Diesel, 4WD, AC Tilt
Stock ¹14D6651, 59L 6 Cyl Diesel, 4WD, Lifted, Low, Low Miles
Stock ¹14P203 5.7L VB,Auto 4WD, Crew, Loaded!
~2 2 . $9T ~ 3 2 , 99T ~ 3 4 1 7 7 ' ~41®9T
Tax 8 tags additional. Photos for representation only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Seedealer for details.