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Community assets attracting young adults
Like nearly every community, Troup County leaders desire youth to return to their hometowns once they finish their higher education. Younger residents bring the vitality needed for economic vigor and are the long-term talent pipeline needed to attract future generations. However, it does not always work that way. Many don’t come back while they are single, citing that small towns don’t have enough going on for single people.
Or sometimes they just desire working in an urban market to further their education, gain skills learned from metropolitan-sized businesses or are just simply drawn to a faster paced lifestyle. Studies reveal that young adults are more likely to move back to their hometowns after having their first child—due to the lower cost of living, proximity to family and friends, and other benefits, such as better opportunities for entrepreneurial endeavors.
More than 70 percent of young people want to own a business; 17 percent already do. Brandon
Todd, who started The Mind Clothing at 108
Main Street in downtown LaGrange, fits that bill. A 2011 graduate of Troup High, Brandon moved to Columbus to attend Columbus State
College. After earning his degree in business management he worked in that city as a sales associate with WRBL News. He then moved to
Atlanta, where he worked from 2017-2019.
Brandon opened his retail store one year ago and has prospered thanks to a built-in clientele of family, friends and college friends. The foot traffic in downtown brings a steady stream of walk-in customers, too. The peace and serenity of the area, including Callaway Gardens and West Point Lake, have made this a good place to do business and live, Brandon said. The addition of Sweetland Amphitheater and other entertainment venues have given young adults places to socialize. Summer Deal, owner and financial advisor of True North Investments, echoes Brandon’s sentiments. “The recent growth is the main thing attracting young people. The breweries, winery, The Thread and Sweetland Amphitheater have really made LaGrange a great place to live, work and play,” the 2003 LaGrange High graduate said. Summer had no intentions of settling in LaGrange after graduating from Auburn University. “I was able to get a job here and slowly realized how wonderful this town and community are to reside in at any age.” When she was ready to open her own business, she chose an historic home on Church Street in downtown to renovate into an office. “When our property became available we knew it would take a lot of work, but it was a way to preserve a piece of LaGrange’s history,” the mother of two children added.
“LaGrange has been a great place to start a business because of the wonderful, supportive community we live in,” she said.
Lindsey Robinson, a 2011 graduate of LaGrange High School and 2015 graduate of LaGrange College, agrees with Summer that opening a business in your hometown is bound for success.
“I’ve have been completely overwhelmed by the support from the community. I have friends who have opened businesses all over the country and they are all blown away at how our town has come out to support me and my dream,” said Lindsey, the owner of the recently opened The Local Chiropractic at 104 Church Street. Lindsey and her husband lived in Marietta for four years while she attended chiropractic school. She said living there solidified the decision to live in a small town.
“Of course there’s the obvious things like less traffic and shorter commutes, but while living there we realized how much we love the relationships of a small town — seeing people you know at the grocery store, supporting the restaurants and businesses of people you know personally, knowing your neighbors by name, having people to call on when you need help... you don’t get those personal touches in a bigger city,”
Like Summer and Brandon, Lindsey chose to locate her business in the downtown LaGrange footprint. “I love the downtown area and being a part of the action. I’m excited to participate in events on the Square and support my neighboring downtown businesses. My assistant and I walk to lunch downtown. We’re excited to see more businesses coming to downtown and love Brandon Todd
Lindsey Robinson
Summer Deal
seeing all of the foot traffic and people out and about,” the chiropractor shared. Lindsey’s husband, a West Point native, restores houses professionally so they are attracted to LaGrange’s inventory of older homes that are full of character.
Lindsey, Summer and Brandon all say that while they maintain friendships from their childhoods and college days, they have also made new friends here, adding to their satisfaction of returning home.
Memorial Nature Preserve

3550 Mooty Bridge Road LaGrange, GA 30240

Whispering Hills Memorial Nature Preserve is located on land with a historic past, a restorative presence, and a sustainable future. The preserve is nestled upon the gently rolling hills of West Georgia. Visiting the land brings a feeling of serenity reminiscent of the time before recorded history. Within the preserve is the region’s only natural green cemetery where loved ones can be interred amongst old growth trees, native plants, and natural meadows. This end-of-life passage creates a comforting connection with nature.
Tours: Sat & Sun 10 am-5 pm or by appointment.

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