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Spotlight on Hogansville
Recapping 2020 as a City with a Vision


In 2020, Hogansville won the Visionary City Award in the small city category for its collaboration with Georgia Historical Society and Hogansville community members in developing the Isaiah H. Lofton historical marker. The marker is now part of the historical society’s Civil Rights Trail. This year, as a way to expand recognition of the historic marker and Mr. Lofton’s many contributions as Postmaster of the city, the Hogansville City Council voted to authorize bidding for a “pocket park”. The Isaiah Lofton Park will be located at the corner of Boozer Street and West Main Street and construction is due to begin this summer. But that’s only part of what Hogansville accomplished last year and continues to do in 2021. Some of the other improvements didn’t come with an award but are significant to the community. Using 2019 Community Development Block Grant funds, along with matching dollars from the City, a water system improvement for the west side of Hogansville was completed last summer. This project included replacing 2,900 linear feet of PVC pipe from 6-inch pipes to 8-inch pipes to help increase water pressure. In addition to the water system project, Hogansville also finished construction on a new Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Hogansville Business Council June 29, 2021 For more information, contact Leslie Traylor at leslie@lagrangechamber.com or 706-884-8671
After receiving a grant to add lighted crosswalks to four pedestrian crossings on Main Street, the project was completed in October 2020. Now, crosswalks in front of City Hall, at Hogansville Elementary School, in front of the Post Office and at the Special Event Center on West Main Street have solar-powered, lighted signs making it safer for citizens to cross the busy street and easier for drivers to see crossing pedestrians. Another exciting project for Hogansville is a new location for City Hall. The former PNC Bank at 111 High Street is being readied as the future location. The project got a head start this past March when city leaders and officials attending a dedication ceremony were given an opportunity to help with the demolition of an inside wall. Remodeling and construction is expected to take 12 weeks with a move in date in June.