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Table of Content * Down Memory Lane
* Interview with Fawaz Groiose
* The Color of Your Personality
* Fasting in the California Desert
* Taste of Hony
* Zed Al-Refai
* Thoughts
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Down Memory Lane
Majd Al Ansari
The Majd of Trafalgar
Down Memory Lane Third and Last Part
There are instances in ones’ life wherein one realizes that our colorful language might not be colorful enough. For sometime there are no clear words that can describe what one wishes to say. As I am writing this, I realize that I have reached that point in my life. There are no words that can clearly describe what our cousin, Majd Al-Ansari, has meant to our immediate family (Aida, Amer and Heidi). Majd seemed to have an uncanny instinct to be there when he was needed most.
For Aida Al-Ansari, he was there during the dark turbulent years of teen-
This is the third and final installation of the story of Trafalgar. It is the
age hood. Giving advice and lending an ear to someone who was trying
story of Majd Al-Ansari who was able to weave the lives of the Al-Ansari
to make sense of the world. This pivotal time he handled with humor
family and Trafalgar back into a state that lead to the path that is being
and philosophical discussions of the endless possibilities the world had
forged today.
to offer. At the tender age of 12, Amer Al-Ansari lost his father. Majd was there for Amer and became the rock that he could lean on. More than a friend, Amer relied on Majd as a mentor. Helping Amer out of this sad and trying time, their friendship blossomed to all a friendship could be and more. Without a father, but with Majd at his side, he found his footing into adulthood. After the invasion of Kuwait, when Heidi was at her most vulnerable and Trafalgar was a company in disarray, Majd selflessly stepped in to help in everyway possible.
Pre-Invasion Majd’ last few days before the invasion were spent with Amer, either spearfishing or playing Ping-Pong. The fact that Amer won the last game they ever played on August 1st 1990, still niggles him! The next morning Majd realized something was seriously wrong when he went to the building site where he was supervising his fathers’ (Ali Al-Ansari) Palmeras building. The site was empty of workers and as Majd wondered what was going on, he heard and saw overhead the loud roar of two Iraqi jet fighter plane.
Down Memory Lane
Majd went home to regroup with his mother and brother, Ma’an.
Post Liberation
So began what was to be a long 7 months of witnessing the unimaginable
First Majd checked on the apartment building in Bidaa that belonged to
and experiencing the horrors of war that just a day before, whilst fishing
Heidi, Adnan, Aida, and Amer. There he noticed a total mess with dirt,
in Nuwaiseeb, would not have seemed possible.
human feces and garbage strewn around. When he went to Trafalgar, he
Majd witnessed the mass looting of Kuwait by the Iraqis and their allies. He saw massive trucks loaded with electronics, furniture, cars and any-
Amer arrived a few weeks after the invasion. Since the airports were not
thing and everything that could be stolen.
working yet, he hitched a ride on the cargo plane his cousin Mustapha
When the Iraqis banged at his door at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, his frus-
tration, anger and fury lashed out at them. Soon he found himself forced
Heidi soon returned to Kuwait. The enormity of the situation soon
to his knees with a gun to his head. It was Ma’an pleading insanity on his
crashed down on her. The reality of the situation was almost too much
behalf that had them release him.
for her to bear. There was no income coming in, the apartment building
One day while fishing with friends, Iraqi soldiers brought 8 men who seemed Iraqi as well. They were in their worn out civilian cloths, plastic sandals with their heads covered with a sack. In front of the group of fisherman friends these 8 men were all shot in the head. Reasons being that they were not following orders. Majd realized then that human life suddenly seemed to hold no value. Majds life became one of survival, never knowing when someone would turn on him, not knowing whether he was safe in his own home and also not knowing what foods he would be eating, as the sources for food were random.
was in a total mess with no electricity or water, Trafalgar was looted and dirty, a German women on her own with 3 foster children under her care as well as her own three children. Majd, who was also trying to bring back his life to a semblance of normality, picked up on the fact that Heidi was so overwhelmed that she did not even know where to start. After sitting down and talking to Heidi, they came up with a plan of what needed to be done and steps on how to tackle each issue. They realized they needed cash to get things moving. The fastest way was to clean up the building. Heidi then rolled up her sleeves and began cleaning with caustic chemicals. Majd went out and hired a crew to help her finish cleaning the apartment building. They used the pool as a water tank. Once the building was cleaned up, he rented the first 15 apartments to
When the U.S. came to liberate Kuwait, he could not wait to get into his
persons from the United Nations. They paid their rent in cash which a
car to drive around and see the newly liberated Kuwait as Kuwait and not
huge help.
as the 19th province of Iraq.
realized it was broken into and looted out.
Next, they focused on getting Trafalgar back on track. While Heidi was
He was the first civilian to drive down the Road of Death and to witness
with the crew cleaning, (The hardest thing to clean was the stick black
Americas’ fury unleashed on the Iraqi soldiers who were then on the run.
soot that was produced from the oil fires that seemed to hang over ev-
The mood down the Road of Death was eerie, with black rain (result of
erything) Majd was running around to ministries to get different permits
the oil fires) pelting down on dead bodies and some cars’ engines still on.
that were needed.
Heidi Al-Ansari and Caroline Scheufele during a Chopard Exhibition
The problem that Majd and Heidi came across was how to finance the
connection to them was via his father Ali Al-Ansari. Ali was an ambassa-
re-stocking of the looted Trafalgar. The cash they had on hand would
dor of Kuwait in Switzerland who first introduced to his brother,Yahya, to
not buy more than a few watches and the banks were not giving out any
the Chopard line. All of this created a sense of deep trust. Mr. Scheuffle
large loans.
went all the way and told Majd that he could leave with 2 million Swiss
Majd took the initiative to fly to Switzerland to meet the Sheuffles who were the owners of Chopard. He was hoping to explain the situation to them in the hopes that they would come to some sort of agreement. He was met with overwhelming kindness in Switzerland. The whole family took him out for lunch and raptly listened to his story of the invasion and what he had witnessed. They all had loved Yahya and Majd’ indirect
franks worth of goods to be paid whenever Trafalgar could afford to pay it back! This was a true honor of trust and respect and Majd returned to Kuwait with a bag of Jewels and watches knowing that the worst was over. Soon Heidi and Majd found George Abraham, who became the main sales person in the front of the shop.
Down Memory Lane
Majd also knew that they needed to hire someone trustworthy to take on the financing. Majd knew Wael Shorbaji through family and Majd knew that Wael had a strong reputation as someone who was honest and hardworking. Wael had grown up in Kuwait but was working in Abu Dhabi. When Majd asked him if he would be willing to join the company, Wael did not hesitate. Soon as sales picked up and cash was flowing through, Majd could feel Heidi’s’ spirits lift. With the lifting of the spirits she became more joyfully involved in making the Trafalgar the best it could be. She began to create and design the displays once again. Majd learned the basics of fixing watches and being an engineer who loved challenging him self, this was something that was not too difficult. And on his second trip to Geneva, he brought all the necessary watchmaking tools back with him. The shop soon got back on its feet and the apartment building in Bidaa was fully rented out, but Majd knew that Amer still had four more years of university before he would come back to Kuwait. He decided he would be there to help Heidi during those four years. He did this all with no pay or benefits. He did it because he wanted to and because of a connection and a bond that was there between him and the family.
Majd al-Ansari and Hugue Jucker
Godfather ÂŤBlackÂť At the age of 18, I left school to find a job and spent several years as a sales assistant with a leading Florentine jeweler, who sent me to England seven years later to oversee the opening of a new London store. That was my start in the industry and it instilled the passion for jewelry and watches.
Then, I realized at a certain point of my career that I needed to create something on my own, something which could give me emotions, something which was challenging. That was the beginning of de GRISOGONO.
Interview with Fawaz Groiose
Fawaz Groiose, Founder and Chairman de Grisogono
Fawaz Gruosi
I am lucky As the founder and creator of the de Grisogono brand, you are considered the soul of the organization. What makes you tick and what drew you to the industry? At the age of 18, I left school to find a job and spent several years as a sales assistant with a leading Florentine jeweler, who sent me to England seven years later to oversee the opening of a new London store. That was my start in the industry and it instilled the passion for jewelry and watches. Then, I realized at a certain point of my career that I needed to create something on my own, something which could give me emotions, something which was challenging. That was the beginning of de GRISOGONO. There is no doubt in my mind that I was born under a particularly lucky star. First off, I’m a true son of the Mediterranean, one of the world’s most productive melting pots of men and cultures, of ideas and inventions too. It’s been a creative cauldron for thousands of years so I feel that as a designer and inventor I’m simply following destiny. Then, somewhere in my own DNA, there lurks an aversion to déjà vu, to the commonplace. I much prefer to do things my way, as the song says, and advance off the beaten track. You come to your position with good credentials.You worked for the Alireza Family in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia representing Harry Winston when you were 30 and subsequently went to work for Gianni Bulgari of
the Bulgari fame. How did these experiences prepare you for the challenge of setting up de Grisogono? It gave me the opportunity to know the jeweler’s profession intimately having learned it from the bottom up. A degree of boldness plus trust in my own instincts gave me the confidence to run the company by myself. My independence allowed me to take certain risks. My independence allowed me to take certain risks. de Grisogono is represented extensively across the GCC and the Middle East. What is your assessment of this region and what are your short and long terms plans for the region? How does de Grisogono far specifically in the state of Kuwait? The GCC is a developing economy, and there is a high potential in this region for growth. It is is mainly due to the favorable economic outlook, high disposable income and varied consumer base. The luxury market in the GCC started to show some signs of recovery as demand for luxury goods begin to rise and the revenue presented a significant growth rate. From the domestic perspective, Kuwait has favorable demographics with high disposable income, and hence, presents the potential for luxury market growth. Much of de Grisogono’s jewellery creations are centred on the iconic black diamond. Why do you hold the black diamond with so much fascination?
Interview with Fawaz Groiose
Butterfly Bracelet: Diamond and whistling
My first one-man trend dates from 1996 when I came across a fascinating article on black diamonds.The gem jeweler in me was mesmerized. It was love at first sight! At the time, I shook up the competition by launching an entire collection featuring black diamonds, which had been popular in the thirties but which had meanwhile sunk into oblivion.This proved to be a masterstroke and the start of de GRISOGONO’s success story.
50/50 You have a high profile on the celebrity social circuit networking with stars, singers and other cultural personalities. How does this networking impact the brand and how has it been helpful for the brand’s image?
In my opinion, it is the perfect symbol of eternal femininity because of its intense strength, its unpredictability and its mysterious brightness. Its striking beauty makes me speechless.
People have often asked how I’ve managed to bring de Grisogono products to markets, then to keep it there, without the benefit of advertising. Although there’s no denying its effectiveness, advertising is extremely costly. I had to find another way. It took me a little while before my lucky star whispered an answer. I merely had to look around me. Over the years I’d been fortunate to make a lot of friends, including more than my fair share of celebrities. With their reactions and opinions, they formed a perceptive jury as well a public relay for many of my designs. More than once, too, their remarks provided valuable insights into the minds and moods of society at large. Call it a marketing survey done my way!
What is the current proportion of sales between jewellery and watches?
I’ll also willingly admit that my love of a good party also helped. Convivial
Moreover, this “rebell” stone (because it is so difficult to cut it) has a mysterious appeal and is really fascinating. It is so dark alone but it strikes and shines when you set it together with colored stones or pearls.
Gold earrings encrusted with diamonds and emeralds
Instrumento Tondo
receptions, such as at the Cannes Film Festival, regularly bring together friends and potential customers, but the friendship and the party always come first. I can only repeat that my friends are to be thanked for much of whatever success I’ve enjoyed.
Watch Meccanico
Do the Kuwaitis have a different taste from the rest of the region? They really want elegant and prestigious pieces and they have an expert eye to select beautiful jewelry. How much they appreciate luxury and specifically Jewellery & watches?
What is the profile of the typical de Grisogono buyer in the Middle East and how does it compare and contrast with this profile in other countries? The profile of a typical de GRISOGONO buyer is almost similar everywhere . It’s a person with strong personality and very good taste.
They are true connaisseurs and they have a very fine taste in selecting jewelry and luxurious watches. They like the craftsmanship and uniqueness of our products and the innovative spirit of our collections. Moreover, they are totally concentrated on their client’s satisfaction. How do you describe your partnership with Trafalgar?
What are your best selling items in Kuwait and across the region? Jewelry in general, for example the Boule collection and the Allegra collection just to mention few.
It is outstanding. First of all, it is a real pleasure to work with them because they are so much involved in their business and they are passionate people. Then, they are true professionals with a great efficiency
Interview with Fawaz Groiose
What is the Kuwaiti market potentials for your brand in terms of sales and potential growth? Despite the economical downturn, and even though de GRISOGONO saw slowing Kuwait economic growth during these 2-3 years, the company maintained a steady growth in sales in the Kuwaiti market. Moreover, we are very confident for the future. Indeed, during the last decade the luxury sector in Kuwait has experienced a significant growth as a result of the strong demand by youth and the rich population. The financial crisis has negatively affected the economies of the GCC region. Despite that, Kuwaiti market maintained a healthy average revenue growth.
What is your vision for de Grisogono in Kuwait and for the GCC region? Our strength lies in our creativity and innovation in the field of watches and jewelry and de GRISOGONO will carry on creating exclusive and outstanding pieces that turn beauty into perfection. We are planning to increase our visibility and our partnership with Trafalgar. Indeed, we are currently working on an event for the 1st quarter of 2013.
IncrocIo collectIon Pendants In PInk gold and black mIneral Powder, set wIth whIte dIamonds Special edition In horns set wIth brown dIamonds
The Color of Your Personality
Photos, Graphics and Written by: Ayla EL-Moussa
The Color of Your Personality
A miserable gloom is setting over me as I sit here staring at the glowing screen. I have adopted the local Starbucks as my accommodation for this gray afternoon, legs crossed, a pile of empty wrappers and cardboard cups litter the area around me-I have been trying to gain inspiration and using sweets and tea to lighten me up. How do I write such a short article on a topic that is so profound, How to understand the inner nature of the human being? It seems that the deeper I thought on this topic the more despondent I became and quickly saw my flowery personality wilt under a grey weight of such thoughts. It is easy to brush off this question and keep talking about more simple topics like the latest news or describing my new acquisitions that I really did not need. The truth is, I want to find a way to better understand myself as well as all humans around me. One way, I found out, is see the human being as a possible pallet of colors (as an artist, this suits me just fine!), sometimes singular in tone but more likely a mixture. A yellow color affects its surrounding differently than blue or red, whilst green is a balancer between yellow and blue and sometimes gets an undertone of red. An accurate way of describing humans through color is connecting the color to what is called the four humors or temperaments. The Four Temperaments can be traced back reliably to Ancient Greek medicine and philosophy, notably in the work of Hippocrates the ‘Father of Medicine’. It is a complex topic that was simplified in order to help us understand individual personalities and the accents that revolve around all of them. The four temperaments Aristotle speaks about are the choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine. A Little story I will tell to help us all understands the colorful temperaments a little more.
One day four friends were driving in a mini - van. Mr. Choleric Red, Miss Sanguine Yellow, Mrs. Phlegmatic Green and last but not least, Mr. Melancholic Blue.They were heading home after a long day of shopping at the mall. As they turn onto the highway, the four friends were greeted by a long line of traffic ahead, static and motionless. The van rolls to a stop. It was obvious that the return home would be a long one for everything was at a standstill, not a single car was moving. Mr. Red, who always drives the car, starts beeping the horn and yelling angrily. He jumps out of the car and starts waving his hands and roaring at the other drivers in front of him. He marches back to the car and declares that there has been an accident up ahead and he is going to go call an officer to see how long the wait will be. His face is perspiring beet red, his chest is heaving and he is angry. Miss Yellow, who loves to sit in the front seat so that she can look around at all her friends as well as have the best view, gets very excited about this new turn of events. As she begins to ask “what happened? What is going on?” She pulls out her mobile and begins to text, twitter and face book everyone and anyone. And while she is doing that she hops out of the car and begins to talk to any other human who is out of their car, most of whom are also Sanguine and Choleric. Mr. Blue is sitting way back in the mini-van with his face in his hands. He starts complaining that they are going to be stuck in this car forever.
There’s no water, bathroom or food. Mr. Blue starts mumbling about how he can’t be in the car too long as he is claustrophobic and he can feel a headache coming on... He complains and philosophizes of the terrible state of affairs with cars and how we should not even be driving cars as it is ruining the environment and how much better it was when we were on foot, or camel or horses. Meanwhile Mrs. Green, who comfortably has the middle seat all to herself, sighs and makes herself a little more comfortable. She knows it will be a long wait, so why not just accept it and make the best out of it. Without saying much, she rummages through her shopping bag looking for the boxes of Godiva chocolate she just bought. She finds the boxes, opens one up and chooses the biggest chocolate. She takes a bite and smiles silently as she was happy and content to know that the Godiva came into usefulness much sooner than she expected. She turned around and offered some to Mr. Blue, in which he only accepted the smallest one rather reluctantly. She waited till Mr. Red calmed down enough and upon offer he grabbed a bunch of chocolate, gulping them quickly down. And when Mrs. Green noticed Miss Yellow sit down for a minute between all her excitements, her offer was taken with a laugh. While the two chatted, the chocolate was melting in Miss Yellows’ hand, already forgotten. Slowly they all began to discuss the situation at hand. As you can see, each color reacted differently. Mr. Red acted as a Choleric would. They are
The Color of Your Personality
a robust individual who is willful, headstrong, and not easy to change. On the good side, they have strong leadership and guidance abilities, are faithful, brave, and have the freedom to be on their own. A Choleric will always take charge in time of peril or need. They are true fighters at heart with visions of the future. The tendency to erupt is quick but also short lasting; for they have no time to hold on to grudges while forging ahead. Choleric personalities have undeniable fire and passion. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte is the archetypical example of the choleric: Strong features, short with a stocky build, determined to conquer the world. Napoleon strongly believed he could do no wrong. With every step he planted his foot solidly (heel first)- bearing and impressing his physical into the ground
Miss Yellow reacted as only sanguine know how, all over the place. Jumping hither and thither talking and mingling with everyone around. Yellow’s hue is infectious and easy to be around. Just like the sun that spreads light over all in their proximity. They are very sociable. They laugh for the hard days. They have a copious amount of creativity, enthusiasm and an abundant amount of excitement when it comes to starting something new. Finishing the matter at hand is altogether another story! Sanguines love to be popular and have many friends. They are a true child at heart with a connoisseurs taste for life. The yellow characteristics of sanguine sing through Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s music. He would rush from note to notecreating symphonies that would have us experience a wide range of emotions within a single bar of music. The liveliness of his sanguine personality was manifested through every fiber of his being and thus allowed him to produce the light ethereal masterpieces he is known for today. Mr. Blue, ah poor blue, always a chip on his shoulder. The meloncholic’s thoughts are always filled with the pain of the world as well as the pain of his their own body. Melancholics are incredibly sensitive people.They have a desire to see the heart and soul of life. Usually more soft and sad, a Melancholic will ponder the bigger questions of life. Deep thinkers, a Melancholic is likely to keep to themselves or with a select few. They have a tendency
The Color of Your Personality
to wallow in the past. A True philosopher at heart, the world’s pain is their pain. The Melancholic appeal can be seen through the thin frail, tall and sensitive body of Leo Tolstoy, the Russian writer. The predominance of pain and thought are written across the pages of his novels. Tolstoy was not one to like an extravagant life style nor was he one to appreciate the social aspects of life. He was one that preferred the intimate and quiet. Blue by nature he dedicated his life the to subtle thrills of life and the delicate riddles of thought. Mrs. Green is the steady lush mixture of color. A phlegmatic thrives in a calm and peaceful environment where predictability reigns. They will always try and find a way to be content in their situation and have a gentle positive outlook on life. A patient character, the Phlegmatic has a general compassion for others. During times of chaos and upheaval, they are the calm in the storm. They are a true peacemaker at heart who love to finish what they start.
* أعدت آيال الموسى الصور من مستحضرات تجميل حقيقية خصيص ًا للموضوع 24
Siddhartha Buddha was such a person and his philosophy is all about tolerance and peace. Usually a softer and rounder in body they, enjoy mealtimes and the mellow company of others. It is safe to say that without the colorful palette of the temperaments the world would be an exceedingly dull place The temperaments brings understanding to our differences which make up all the beauty, and fullness of life. It is like adding spice to food. The flavors are enhanced. So when someone asks you “Shlowneck� you can reply (hopefully) with utter certainty that you are the exact color you are feeling because now you have a little more clarity as to the exact meaning of the greeting.
Fasting in the California Desert Trusting my GPS as it drove me into a desolate area out of Palm Springs, I was on the look out for an opulent Spa/Resort style of place. All I came across was desert, shrubs and the beautiful mountain vistas that surround the whole Coachella valley. Finally, as I was being winded through twists and turns, I saw ahead of me a cutout space of green, an oasis of sorts. “This must be it. ” I thought. As I heard the GPS proclaim, “You have arrived at your destination”, I saw the adobe walls and the iron gates welcome me with a sign saying, “WE CARE SPA”.
Written & Photos by: Aida Al Ansari
Fasting in the California Desert
I am here to go on a Juice fast. I am hoping to jump start a new path to a
all out negative and critical to someone who felt calmer, healthier with a more
healthier lifestyle. If there is any better spa in America for pure juice fasting,
positive outlook on life.
learning how lead a more mindful and fulfilling life, a place to restore ones’ energy, well being, and a place where you can heal yourself and loose an average of 1-3 pounds per day…Please… let me know what this other place is.
Her transformation within such a short time inspired her to continue studying anything that she felt would be supportive to juice fasting. She soon trained as a yoga instructor, a massage therapist and colon hydro-therapist, a certified
Susana Belen is the founder of We Care Spa. Over 30 years ago Susana had
lymphologist and a breath instructor. The more she learned, the more she
a major life crisis where life’s’ stresses compromised her state of health and
shared this new found knowledge with friends and the more she heard that she
wellbeing. Her digestive system shut down. She was in physical pain, feeling
should open up a spa that would embody this whole new philosophy.
very angry and emotional. She found a local chiropractor that taught her a few things about juice fasting and colonics. She was very surprised to see that by the end of the 2nd week of fasting, she felt that her personality changed from
WE CARE SPA opened its doors over 25 years ago. Walking into it, I felt I was arriving somewhere safe, intimate and gentle. I could feel the creation,
* مضمار “ديل مار” لسباق الخيول
courage, care and love that it took Susana, a single mother with four children
your stay. The tour around the property helps you connect to all the activities
in tow, to start a haven such as this. Now the Spa is booked up three months
you could be engaged in as well as meeting wonderful people who are just as
in advance. People from all over the world come here. It is a special secret
nervous and excited as you are. With the clear blue skies wrapped around you,
getaway for many stars such as Ben Affleck, Gisele Bundchen, Liv Tyler, Matthew
the reality of the world begins to fade away and the joy of having chosen this
Mcconaughey and many many more. All come here for one thing, to restore
special place sets in.
their energy and wellbeing.
As I started my fast, I went through a catharsis of sorts. My migraines came
The program Susana developed is clear and simple. You are on the fast the
out, seemingly happy to display their might and power upon my poor defense-
minute you walk through the doors. A warm and friendly staff meets you and
less body. Once they got tired of showing off, they disappeared into the desert
introduces you to the whole program. You are shown the self-serve juice bar
air. After their departure, I felt could jump into the program head on. Provided
with its variety of drinks, teas and specially purified PH balanced water. Here
are various activities such as yoga, breathing exercises, health and nutrition
you are given a schedule of what to drink and what supplements to take during
classes and a plethora of spa treatments such as chocolate scrub, facials, Thai
Fasting in the California Desert
message and a long list of more to choose from. The more I did the spa treatments, yoga classes and walking in the pure desert air, the more I felt like my old lizard skin was slowly being peeled off and a new me emerging in all its forms. After 25 years of running the retreat, Susana, who is 74, still comes to work during the week. She teaches yoga and many classes on nutrition and how to transform ones’ negative eating habits. She says she has never been sick since that crisis so long ago; no headaches, tummy aches, flus or any other ailments. She loves to ballroom dance on the weekends, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning. I have heard from many of the devoted practitioners that the highlight of their yearly Christmas Party is Susana performing a Tango dance. Seeing her is an inspiration that the power of health is really within our control. At the end of my stay, not only did I shed the kilos, but also I felt that the white 30
of my eyes were shining, my skin was dewy and soft, my body was nicely stretched out and my mind clear. I know I will be returning, like 80% of their clients. How can I not when their motto is “We detoxify your body, revitalize your mind and restore your spirit in an intimate desert oasis� is really true to its word. www.wecarespa.com
Honey - The Soul of Flowers
Written by: Aida Al Ansari
Taste of Honey
Honey .. spirit of flowers
Natural honey disk
Half way across the world from Kuwait, I stand in a kitchen, dipping a small teaspoon into a pot of raw, wild, unpasteurized golden Honey. As the drop of honey touches the tip of my tongue, a reverberation of pleasure zips through me and in that very instant I am once again 7 years old. I am seven years old, lying on the desert sands in the beautiful spring of Nuwaiseeb in Kuwait. I lie on my back watching the clouds play above me. The breeze is enfolding me in its core and I am listening to the bees hum all around me. As I turn onto my belly, my nose towers just a few inches above the spring blossoms. I gaze with curious delight at the bees so busy hopping from one wild flower to the next. The love, the joy and the peace I felt at that moment was the essence that I tasted in that drop of honey 38 years later. For pure unaltered honey is simply the by-product of the suns’ warmth melted and mixed into the flowers vibrant colors. Then the bees, with their dedication and love, transform the flower’s nectar into a sweet gift of unselfish love, an offering called honey. Our relationship to bees and their liquid gold has been a long bittersweet tale of love, want, forgiveness, greed, and misunderstanding. 35
Taste of Honey
In Valencia, Spain there are cave drawings in the Arana Cave dating back to
and giving thanks to the bees, the people of yester-year understood that they
around 6,000 B.C. Depicted on the walls are primitive drawings of a man, on a
were in physical contact with manifested ideals of all we hope to be and strive
rickety high ladder attempting to retrieve honey.
for as humans.
Another ancient find is a pot of honey that was buried in Tuten Khamen’s tomb.
There are over 350 varieties of specific types of honey (if not more) from
When the pot was opened over 2,000 years later, honey was found with all its
around the world. Each honey is a distillation of the landscape of whence it
delicious sweetness still intact. It is interesting to note that bacteria do not grow in properly cured honey. It has very low moisture content as well as a low P.H. Honey can last indefinitely.
came. It is the landscapes memory caught and transported from across the world in jars to our very own tables. Whilst we sit in our comfortable homes tasting the varieties from far and wide,
The people of long ago used to revere honey as sacred. They did not view
we taste the languages of those countries. We taste the air, sun, earth, rain,
honey as an economic commodity. They knew that in honey was the essence
grass, meadows and winds that blow. In honey we taste each country’s sweet-
of purity, a purity that never spoils and never corrupts. When eating honey
ness, each land’s essence with all the bitterness erased.
It is of great importance here to state that raw, unpasteurized, organic honey is
It is good for stomach ulcers, canker sores, high blood pressure, and constipa-
what cures our ailments. Not the generic blend that has been harshly manipu-
tion. Honey is a natural antiseptic for burns and wounds. All is needed is to
lated and abused in order to squeeze out pure profits. Some manufacturers
spread a thin layer of honey on and it becomes a natural bandage whilst assist-
add almost 50% high fructose corn syrup to an already poor quality dosage of
ing the body to heal itself. It is used as a balm for sore throats. The venom of
something that should not be called honey. Those honeys are like a muddied
the bee is also used for a variety of therapies to help with arthritis, rheumatism,
watercolor painting in which someone, not an artist, lacks taste for beauty
back pain, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue. Honey has within it silica. Silica
and truth. Pure, raw honey is a true artists work manifest. It is the difference
is one of nature’s building blocks and wherever we see health and strength in
between tasting a beautiful rainbow or swallowing the muddiness of greed.
human, animal or plant we can assume there is an abundance of silica. Silica,
For only in real honey do we find a plethora of benefits. Besides honey containing essential nutrients such as protein, anti-oxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, honey is also known to harmonize the liver. This gives us balanced energy and helps the body in general to heal and strengthen.
with age, becomes depleted and we begin to wrinkle, our skin dries, luster to hair fades and nails and bones become brittle. Our collagens’ elasticity slackens. Our inner organs loose the strength to do their jobs properly. So a teaspoon of real honey daily is like taking a magic potion to a more youthful and vibrant you!
Taste of Honey
Honey bee Loaded with Pumking Pollen
Bees – A cry for help Besides just giving us honey, the bees keep on working to pollinate around 80%
in the honey that they could not move and began flapping their wings, which
of all our foods. Most vegetables, fruit and grain that keep us nourished and
in turn became weighted down with more honey. As they slowly suffocated,
satisfied are there thanks to the work of bees. It is said that if the bees die out
they cried out,” Oh foolish creatures that we are, with our own greed we have
we have 3-5 years left before human extinction becomes a reality.
destroyed ourselves.”
There is an old tale and the tale goes like this.
Our own greed and short sightedness could be our own undoing for bees
There was a pot of honey that was spilled. A number of flies came in and be-
around us are dying. The colony collapse disorder is a real threat to our very
gan dabbing their feet in the golden pool and ate the honey greedily. The more
own existence. Hives that were once thriving are found, one after the other,
they ate, the deeper they waded and soon their feet became so entrenched
empty and bare. And when the bees are not disappearing, they are weighted
Inside the house of bees
down with our modern day ailments of viruses and diseases. We have turned bees and their honey into a profitable financial enterprise. Bees are shipped around the world to pollinate vast acres of land that hold a single crop. These crops could not survive without the bees, but also the bees cannot survive in such a monoculture. For once the plant finishes it’s
labor‌honey. Honey, which has all the nutrition they need to stay strong and healthy, is stolen away. In its place they are fed the gruel of corn syrup or sugared water, which is empty and hollow. The stresses of the moves, bad quality of food, abundance of chemicals, sheer
bloom, the bees have nowhere to go. So they are packed again and shipped to another location. These gentle bees have become our modern day slaves. After a hard days work, they themselves cannot enjoy the fruits of their own
greed and misunderstanding on our part have left the bees in a diseased, distraught, and derelict state.
Taste of Honey
Nhltan Troyan Atchehema
Bee Sanctuaries
There are a few people around the world who are creating emergency wards for the honeybee, a place where they can rest and be taken care of. These doctors of bees do not ask for much except to give the bees a place to strengthen and recuperate. Their honey is mostly left to the bees and they are given plenty of clean water and vast spaces of land with a variety of plants and herbs to forage through the year. The bees’ illnesses are treated naturally. They are attempting to take the time to truly understand these creatures and to recreate what was once known as a sacred relationship. They believe that it is our time now to give back to the bees.
Protected غانثرthe hook and Spekinard
I had the pleasure of meeting two of these men; Gunther Hauk from the U.S. I met Gunther Hauk whilst he was leading a workshop on Saving the Honey Bee in Portland, Oregon. Included in this fascinating weekend was the opening night for the documentary called Queen of the Sun. This documentary depicts the crisis of the honeybee and what we all can do to help. Gunther Hauk runs a honeybee Sanctuary in Virginia by the Blue Ridge Mountains. This non-profit organization is called Spikenard Farm and has been there since 2006. Gunther began Spikenard Farm at the beginning of his retirement years when he realized that the plight of the Honey Bee was a worldwide crisis. At the farm he continues giving workshops on natural bee-keeping as well as ongoing research on how to help save the honeybee. www.spikenardfarm.org info@spikenardfarm.org
Kuwaities Around the W rld
Kuwaiti around the world I Zed Al Refai
ZED AL-REFAI From desert sands to mountain highs Kuwait is known to be a rather dry, hot, flat desert country with the blue
I met Zed soon after his return from Burma. His mind was still digesting his
waters of the Gulf hugging its shoreline. Like produces like and in this region
trip and all that he had seen and experienced there.
it is common to produce people who love horses, falcons, fishing and, of course, business.
As we were drinking mint tea and eating nuts, he described to me some of his adventures and strange encounters. One story that left us both chuck-
So how did Kuwait produce Zed Al-Refai, a man who has climbed the
ling was when he was in Burma not able to use any of the newly drawn
highest mountains, some of them in the coldest regions in the world?
American cash he had folded in his wallet. He was not able to find a person or bank that would accept his new American dollars because there was a
For all intents and purposes, he grew up in a normal Kuwaiti household, at-
fold in them. Only perfect dollars were accepted. He had to find a “smart”
tending a regular public school. Yet out of these rather normal ingredients,
moneyman who would take his not so perfect bills and exchange them for
he has become the first Arab to summit Mt. Everest, he first Arab to climb
perfect bills. Of course, there was a certain fee added on to that!
the 7 highest mountains of the world, and part of the first Arab team to do the 264 km Sahara desert trek.
Zed walked and trekked the newly opened Burma because he wanted to make sure that he could experience Burma as it is now, before the world’s
Meeting Zed, I tried to find out what was the secret ingredient that
onslaught flows through its doors, changing it forever. Zeds’ wanderlust is
propelled him, not only to travel the worlds’ widths, but also ascend the
within every footstep he takes.
world’s heights.
Zed left Kuwait when he was eighteen to go to university in the U.S. While
a successful operation.
he was there, he would use every opportunity to travel. Whilst his friends
would rush home during the holidays, Zed would use this time to discover neighboring regions. This kept him going and out of Kuwait for 20 years. Zed now is a true world citizen living between London, Switzerland, Dubai and Kuwait. He seems to be comfortable wherever his feet tread.
Zed also just wrote a book called Summit Glory, a 260-page coffee table book that also includes a DVD. The book covers different topics such as
His interest in maps, geography and geology pushed him physically, emo-
mountains geology; Zeds’ mountaineering adventures how to climb the
tionally, and mentally and took him to far away lands where, very often, their
mighty beasts. Besides writing his own book, Zeds’ stories are now part of
majestic mountains were able to quench his thirst for adventure.
the Kuwaiti national school curriculum!
There seemed to be no one person, place or event that propelled him to become a mountain climber. A loner by nature, seeking adventure, he realized that when he was climbing the mighty, formidable mountains, his craving for adventure and solitude were fulfilled. Nowadays, as well as being a coffee merchant, Zed is a consultant for Rah-
Zed Al-Refai is very much his own person. Through his quests, he has found his own hard won truths and wisdom. Zed continues to enjoy travelling, hiking and trekking. He also loves gardening, bee keeping and finds cooking
halah explorers. Rahhalah is an adventure outfitting company especially
for friends to be his mode of relaxation. He never uses cookbooks and in
geared towards Middle Easterners. He and all who work in Rahhalah hope
alignment to the way he has lead his life, his best meals are created when he
to encourage different ways of travel. Since the company began, it has been
pushes new boundaries whilst trusting his gut intuition.
45 45
A Happy Diamond?
As I roller coaster my way through life, I very often look down upon the dia-
to the wind and very many of us have been caught up in its iridescent com-
mond heart ring that I wear. You see, it belonged to my mother and as she
munion to that Never-Never land that really never-never was. While we search
passed through the boundaries of this world, I was fortunate enough to receive
for this mirage of happiness, we as a people are becoming more and more
a little of her heart which I carry very dear to mine. It is my own little rock
depressed. The pharmaceuticals companies that are selling anti-depressants
of reality.
are having a hay-day knowing that by the year 2030, depression will be the #1 health problem.
This little diamond heart’s story is a story like all of ours. From darkness to light was its path as well as its need to shine and bring beauty to it’s surround-
Bhutan decides how well the country is doing by taking a GNH (gross na-
ing. This is where it is truly happy. I know from its beginnings, the diamond was
tional happiness) poll rather than a GDP and the criteria they look into is the
not always so beautiful, actually, a rather unattractive black carbon. Its tenacity
economy, environment, culture, social and spiritual factors. How wonderful it
to hold on and work through so many transformations is part of its story and
is that somewhere in the world happiness is not just based on the whims of
miracle. Just like us, if we can only discover our own inner carbon and have faith
the economy.
that all our own transformations of our life, our feelings, our paths and our reality can lead us to our own brilliance. We must accept our own stories rather
Bhutan was known to be a happy little place. Then, television was introduced
than wish for another’s, or hope for a better life, or use that little deceptive
in 1999 and by 2002 crime and depression set in. The latest GNH was rated
word IF. “If only this or that, then I would be happy.” Somehow whenever IF is
at 6.2. out of 10.
center stage then Happiness waits patiently by the sideline. It is interesting to note that Bhutan’s’ dip was soon after the introduction to But first, what is happiness? This word has been thrown around us like confetti
television. Likewise our free falling into a state of depression continues while
Aida Al Ansari
the Media Goliath, in all its shapes and forms, is more and more on the rise.
This Goliath of ours spits out constant images in all forms, but its favorite are the two channels on either extremes. First are the images of the HAPPY LIFE
Our inner strength comes from our own laughter. (Laughing forces you to con-
that are primped and propped to portray an anesthised perfection of life that
tract your diaphragm, releasing endorphins, as well as using over 300 muscles.
we cannot make our own no matter how hard we try. For there is no deeper
Meanwhile you open up your lungs and oxygenate your blood that lowers the
story behind it, only a glossy untarnished surface. We do not see the trials and
levels of stress hormones.) Laughing at our hang-ups, mistakes and foibles, jok-
tribulations of these perfect lives. We are shown the front but never the back.
ing at our imperfections and allowing the loved ones around us to see our inner most soul unfettered will give us the strength to shine and allow us to sparkle
The other favored channel is human TRAGEDY brought from near and far. The
to all whom surround us.
grief of the world is so magnificently painful and overwhelming that we very often shut down our very own senses.These images that stream from around the
So sometimes when the little diamond heart catches my attention with a
globe ensnare and wrap us into a web that we can’t free ourselves from, over-
twinkle, I smile with a tear in my eye, for I know that my way to happiness is
whelming us in our struggle to get out and breathe our own pure simple air.
through allowing my own transformation to evolve in the step-by-step road to
These extreme onslaughts from the height of others’ so-called perfection to
life. I should dim down the noise and the lights of the media low enough so
the world’s heartbreak and misfortune leaves us catatonic to the blaring head-
that I can hear who I am, NOT what I should be. Like the diamond that can
lights that are forever barraging us.
still manage to sparkle even after all of its life’s heat and pressures, I will stand
For like the carbon that was deep down in the earth, trapped,
up (sitting for more than six hours a day doubles the risk of depression) and
sometimes we need the light of our reality and the wounds of our life to
run into the chaos of the life I love and give a shout of gratitude to everything
make us shine. It is our own trials and tribulations that polish us and makes us
that has made me ME.
Trafalgar Location Boutique Locations:
Aigner Boutique - Souq Sharq
Trafalgar Marina Mall
Chopard Boutique - Salhiya Complex
Unit No R12
Marina Mall
Ground Floor
Tel: 2246 1511
Salmiya, Shop No.R1-68
Tel: 2240 5753 / 2245 1988
Fax: 2246 1510
Tel: 25713646, 22244999
Fax: 2242 1878
E-mail: aigner.sharq@trafalgar.com.kw
Fax: 2571 3645
E-mail: chopard.boutique@trafalgar.com.kw
E-mail: trafalgar.marina@trafalgar.com.kw Aigner Boutique - Al Fanar
Chopard Boutique - Prestige -The Avenues
Unit No G48
Trafalgar Souk Sharq
Unit No. E.036-E.136
Tel: 2573 9965
Sharq Market
Tel: 2220 0772/3/4
Fax: 2573 9763
Shop No.R-13 / 14
Fax: 2220 0775
E-mail: aigner.fanar@trafalgar.com.kw
Tel: 2246 4545
E-mail: Chopard.Avenues@trafalgar.com.kw
Fax: 2246 4546 Aigner Boutique – Salhia Complex
E-mail: trafalgar.sharq@trafalgar.com.kw
de GRISOGONO Boutique
Unit No GF 50/51
Salhiya Complex
Tel: 2241 6996
Trafalgar Al Kout
Ground Floo, Shop No. 2B4
Fax: 22416994
Al Kout, Mezzanine Floor
Tel: 22432222
E-mail: aigner.fanar@trafalgar.com.kw
Shop No.M-4
Fax: 2243 2233 E-mail: degrisogono.boutique@trafalgar.com.kw
Tel: 2393 0393 Multi Brand Showrooms Locations
Fax: 2393 0392
Trafalgar Salmiya
E-mail: trafalgar.alkout@trafalgarco.com
TAG Heuer Boutique
Salem Al-Mubarak street-North Salmiya Bldg
Avenues Mall Phase II
Shop No.49
Trafalgar 360 Mall
Unit GL-98
Tel: 2571 8891, 2571 3407
360 Kuwait Mall
Tel: 2259 7606
Fax: 2572 1606
Unit No. G007
Fax: 2259 7605
E-mail: trafalgar.salmiya@trafalgar.com.kw
Tel: 2530 9610
E-mail: tagheuer.boutique@trafalgar.com.kw
Fax: 2530 9611 Trafalgar Avenues Mall
Versace Boutique
Phase II
Prestige -The Avenues
Unit No. GL 94/95
Ground Floor, Shop No.113
Tel: 2259 7609
Tel: 2299 6444
Fax: 2259 7610
Fax: 2246 4699
E-mail: Trafalgar.Avenue@trafalgar.com.kw
E-mail: versace.Boutique@trafalgar.com.kw Trafalgar Al-Fanar Aigner Boutique - 2nd Avenue
Al-Fanar Complex
Unit No GL-01
Salmiya, Shop No.G88-89
Tel: 2259 7607
Tel: 2574 3344
Fax: 2259 7608
Fax: 2574 7105
E-mail: aigner.avenues@trafalgar.com.kw
E-mail: trafalgar.alfanar@trafalgar.com.kw
E-mail: trafalgar.360mall@trafalgar.com.kw