The Talon | Issue 2 | October 29, 2013

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Los Altos High School, Los Altos, CA ■ October 29, 2013 ■ Volume XXIX, Issue 2


Vocational program highlights student diversity SOFIA GUO Staff Writer


Starting this school year, the school is hosting a new fifth period class for the MVHS Transition to Work program. The vocational program, a yearlong course designed to teach basic living skills to high school students with disabilities, was formerly a Foothill Community College program. For the past decade, Transition to Work students split activities between the MVHS campus and the Veteran’s Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System

(VAPAHCS) located in Palo Alto, where the students helped out in the cafeteria four times a week. This year, the Foothill program was replaced with a new MVHS program of the same in an effort to widen the variety of facilities used and involve the students more in the district. This MVHS program does not include the VAPAHCS element and instead aims to use local school facilities like the Autoshop to teach a wider variety of living skills. Autoshop teacher Greg Ely super-

vises the class, which contains seven students this year. Ely teaches the students basic living skills such as sweeping areas and maintaining vehicles while they are at LAHS. The students learn other skills such as washing and cooking skills at the MVHS location as well. “The students have a special classroom over there at MVHS,” Ely said. “They learn really simple things... they have a stove, sink, washing machine, dryer and stuff so [the students] can learn things that we take for granted.


FONDA SHARES DECADES OF STORIES Get a closer look into the interesting life story of the substitute teacher nearly every student has fallen in love with: Mr. Fonda. Features, 12

Strong leadership has launched the girls volleyball team to the top of the league

Feminism Through the Ages

Joseph Ong has excelled in the martial arts form of Taekwondo, claiming second place at Nationals. Features, 13

“Chasing Charming”: Broken Box’s First Performance Read into the humorous, modern take on the classic princess stories in the upcoming Broken Box play. Features, 14


The players huddle together during a game to discuss strategies and tactics in between sets. The girls volleyball team, led by experienced upperclassmen players, has clinched the top spot in their league.


Feature Artist: Emeli Sandé

Staff Writer

Learn about the up-andcoming artist who has taken Europe by storm with her meaningful lyrics and powerhouse vocals. Entertainment, 15

Horseback Riding Gains Popularity Equestrianism is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all abilities, and is practiced by multiple LAHS students. Sports, 18

UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. 30 @ 5:00 p.m.

Haiti Fundraising Dinner Nov. 2 @ 7:00 p.m.

Grad Night Fundraiser Nov. 5 - 6

CAHSEE Testing Nov. 6 @ 7:00 p.m.

Sophomore Parent Night Nov. 11

Veteran’s Day Holiday Nov. 11 - 22

LAHS Annual Food Drive Nov. 18 @ 6:30 p.m.

The girls volleyball team blazed through the first half of the season with a series of wins. Most notably, the team took first in the bronze division at the Spikefest Tournament on September 7, beat Homestead High School 4-1 on October 8 and won against Mountain View High School at the MVLA Tournament on October 12. Los Altos is currently dominating with a 6-1 league record and a 22-3 overall record, staying strong and consistent throughout the season. The team’s strength was on display in its game against Home-

Nov. 21 - 23

Broken Box Performance 9 12 15 18

court, not just in one stead, one of its toughposition. It’s a really est league competitors. big factor that not a “[The Homestead We have talent lot of teams will have game] was a really good all over the in high school.” game for us because court, not just in Considering the we were tied in first for one position. team’s impressive seaLeague,” junior Carmen — Junior Carmen son kickoff and status Annevelink said. “WinAnnevelink as first in the league ning that game, espeand sixth in CCS, it is cially winning it in four, looking forward to and hoping for was amazing. They were our biggest success in CCS and SCVAL. competition in league.” “Honestly, it will come down These season successes have led to the last week of the season to many to speculate that the team is at really determine who will be the the best that it’s ever been. league champion,” Head Coach “This is the best team Los Altos Peter Kim said. has had in a lot of years,” Carmen CONTINUES ON PAGE 20 said. “We have...talent all over the

Since the start of the school year, Vemna, a relatively obscure company, has recruited students to sell products and grow the company by convincing others to join. Vemma has generated controversy for its non-traditional business model, which some have called a pyramid scheme. Vemma is a 7-year-old multi-level marketing company that is currently recruiting high school and college students to be “brand partners,” salespeople of the company’s line of energy drinks. Like the majority of multilevel marketing companies, Vemma’s business model is centered on the premise of recruitment, and as such, the company does not pay any hourly wages. Instead, Vemma compensates its salespeople for convincing other people to buy into the company. Due to its recruitment-oriented foundation, Vemma has been accused of being a pyramid scheme, a business model that is illegal in the United States. Pyramid schemes function on recruitment, and must have an exponentially increasing enrollment of members to sustain themselves. Technically, Vemma is legal because its business model includes products such as the Vemma Verve, an energy drink that is marketed for more than $3.00 per 8.3 ounce can. Under federal law, companies are classified as pyramid schemes when the only source of revenue is recruitment. CONTINUES ON PAGE 2

State Assembly Bill 1266 signed into law AB 1266, which concerns transgender students using public facilities, has been passed in the state assembly STEVEN CUI MAYA VARGHESE Copy/Content Editor Staff Writer

Fall Sports Award Night

In-Depth Features Entertainment Sports

Nearpyramid scheme spreads Staff Writers

Junior Takes Down Competition in Taekwondo

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Read the story of feminism from generation to generation, including the views of students today. In-Depth, 9-11

News Editorial Opinions

You and I can sit there and wash some dishes and stuff like that, but to them, washing dishes is just a concept that’s beyond their imagination.” The program also focuses on teaching students specific skills they will likely need later in life. “When they get up into their early 20’s, they have to learn some basic things like washing their clothes, going shopping and how to use a bus,” Ely said. “[The program] takes them out on field trips all the time.”

On August 12, 2013, Governor Jerry Brown signed California Ed Code AB 1266 into law. This amendment, which adds subsection f to Section 221.5, states that “A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school

programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.” Essentially, AB 1266 permits students who identify as a gender different from that listed on their records to use facilities of their identified gender, such as bath-

rooms and locker rooms. Due to this change, AB 1266 has drawn the attention of supporters and opponents of the law alike. AB 1266 was first introduced as a bill by Assembly member Democrat Tom Ammiano on February 2, 2013, and was first read on February 5. The bill then began its six-month-long journey through both the Assembly and Senate. It was read three times and passed by the Assembly’s Committee on Education on May 5, 2013, with a vote of 46-25, with eight abstentions. The bill was then given to

Read a guest opinion on the benefits of this bill PAGE 8 the Senate, which read the bill three times and passed the bill with a vote of 21-9, with eight abstentions. Finally, the bill reached the governor and was signed on August 12, 2013. It is set to take effect at the beginning of next year on January 1, 2014. CONTINUES ON PAGE 3

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The Talon | Issue 2 | October 29, 2013 by The Talon - Issuu