February 27, 2014
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T hursday February 27, 2014 ThUrSday , F,EbrUary 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
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636 Main Street
Inside Making a difference Montecito High School's STAR Leadership Club is making a difference with activities from teaming up with the American Heart Association to planning an egg hunt for Head Start preschoolers...................4
Oscar favorites Match your wits with the 2014 Oscar judges in Guy Hanford's "Flickers" list of contenders....................15
Index Obituaries....................................8 Opinion ........................................9 Business News .......................... 12 Arts & Entertainment ..............14 Sports............................................16 Classifieds ....................................19 Dining Guide ..............................27
District declares 40 acres surplus
League champs Park projects
take step back
By MAUREEN ROBERTSON Approximately 40 acres Ramona Unified School District purchased for $1.19 million in 1999 is on the district’s surplus land list. Three of the district’s five trustees — Rodger Dohm, Kim Lasley and Bob Stoody — supported the recommendation of the Surplus Property Advisory Committee to declare the land behind Ramona High and Olive Peirce Middle schools surplus. Two — Dawn Perfect and John Rajcic — voted present. “I’m all for putting all property back on the tax See 40 ACRES page 6
(RPRA), which is responsible to make sure all activities meet the insurance and permit requirements of the lease, said RMWD General Manager David Barnum. Ray Cardona, RPRA president, said the project proponents should have approached RPRA with their plans instead of the water district. It’s just a matter of steps, he said, explaining, “all comes through us and we refer to the water district.” Barnum said RPRA must submit insurance certificates and site designs and maps so the water district can review and ensure the projects are compliant with state and local laws. “We can’t take action from individuals,” he said. Once the water district
Photo/Doug Sooley
Chiara Mattern steals the ball and drives to the basket in the Bulldogs 49-45 win against Del Norte. For details of the league win, see page 16.
Proponents for three projects recommended for Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) funds have had to take a step back to go through the proper channels. Nearly $700,000 is available in PLDO funds for recreational uses in Ramona. The county charges the park fee with residential building permits. Three of the projects on the eight-item PLDO Priority List — an amphitheater, Ramona soccer field expansion and Girls Softball LED scoreboards — are in Ramona Community Park, which is owned by the Ramona Municipal Water District (RMWD). The water district leases the land to the Ramona Parks and Recreation Association
Changes coming in next week’s Sentinel
Vol. 128 Issue 2
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Ramona Unified offering classes for new parents
By Maureen Robertson
• Lorem ipsum dolor
425-A 10th 10th Street Street 425-A Ramona, CA CA 92065 92065 Ramona,
our columns: “Manes & Trails,” “Ramona’s Trainer,” “Mr. Marketing,” “Crime Prevention Corner,” “Wine and Cuisine,” and “Scribbles from the Field.” We hope you will like what you see and continue to turn to the Ramona Sentinel for all that’s hapunity pening in the 92065 ZIP code. Comm As you know, your ideas and comments are always welcome and L vital to the success of our mission, which is to be an informative and interesting platform for our community. You can reach our editor, Maureen Robertson, at (760) 789-1350, extension 109, or maureen@ramonasentinel. com.
• Ramon Unified offering classes on how to be a better parent. AA3 • Time’s running out to buy Kiwanis Luncheon ticket . AA3
• Local history buff starts informational blog. A3 •Entire family earns black belts. A7
• Two Healthy Heart events next week. A13
ry 6, 2014
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Bulldogs/Titans clash
gLorem Friday in must-win ac In id nisi risus ac, a. Aenean viverra r sit ame am adipiscin nec game for both squads. m dolo elit. Null enatis ipsum mass augue ut, sectetur endorem ipsuadipiscing A16 t, con volutpat g, Sed sed sollicitudin itor justo. Susp r sit ame g elit. sectetur suscipit elit, vel. Cras t, adipiscin a m dolo eu portt aliquet, sit ame pretium venenatis Fusce elit ac nulla endisse adipiscin m ipsu bus sadolor • .Ramona wrestlers nunc. orci m non, Lore consectetur m, dapi ra. Susp erat ipsum issim more up in state rankgravida nibh dictu us nibh. 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• Girl Scout cookie sales kick off Sunday. A1
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• City secretly settles long-running lawsuit with Green Valley residents for $295K. AA2
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425-A 10th Street Ramona, CA 92065
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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. AA2
Ramona Sentinel (and all the newspapers in the new U-T Community News Group) will have a fresh look beginning with the March 6 issue. Expect to receive two sections in your Sentinel — one large broadsheet “wrap” with lots more room to showcase our news, photos and advertisements, and a smaller “tab” section, “Community.” The size changes are necessary so we can match the parameters of U-T San Diego’s press drums, which will now be printing the Ramona Sentinel. You can be sure that all the Sentinel’s trusted features will remain — front-row coverage of public meetings, civic and social events, business and arts news, sheriff’s and fire reports, community calendars, opinion pages, high school and community sports — and, of course,
Ramona’s Community Newspaper Since 1886
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pretium suscipit elit, volutpat gravida orci venenatis vel. Cras lacinia nibh dictum, dapibus sapien sit amet, tempus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus imperdiet nibh, id ullamcorper felis blandit eu. Nunc est nibh, interdum a metus ac, lobortis rutrum erat. Nulla pellentesque ornare diam ut luctus. In elementum diam ut tellus rutrum aliquam. Morbi nulla tellus, dictum quis euismod non, fringilla et risus. Curabitur non magna nec dui fermentum imperdiet at at nibh. Phasellus id urna orci. Etiam magna arcu, vestibulum sit amet magna bibendum, laoreet aliquet mi. In id nisi velit. Fusce lorem tortor, venenatis nec risus ac, luctus viverra ante. Sed sed ipsum massa. Aenean ac purus aliquet, sollicitudin augue ut, viverra nunc. Fusce eu porttitor justo. Suspendisse placerat elit ac nulla adipiscing, in mattis massa viverra. Suspendisse a urna sollicitudin, posuere dolor non, vestibulum felis. Maecenas vel metus dui. Duis scelerisque purus ut iaculis dignissim. Vivamus pellentesque sem lacus, posuere tempus dui faucibus nec. Sed libero tortor, lacinia quis nisl nec, viverra rhoncus dolor. Proin ultrices accumsan suscipit. Phasellus malesuada lacinia tellus, tempus luctus dui convallis nec. Mauris ultrices interdum rutrum. Suspendisse convallis vel leo volutpat facilisis. Praesent turpis ante, dapibus eu massa vitae, sollicitudin suscipit est. Vestibulum sed quam sit amet odio bibendum sollicitudin. Sed dapibus turpis vel mattis vestibulum. Ut ullamcorper, felis at commodo dapibus, libero lacus mollis nibh, vel pulvinar libero urna non dolor. Nam eget lectus est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspend-
isse potenti. Ut vel felis blandit enim pulvinar iaculis id consequat arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam eu odio lectus. Suspendisse vitae aliquet metus. Mauris hendrerit ornare sapien sed iaculis. Suspendisse id dolor quis risus feugiat dictum at ac est. Ut vehicula auctor purus et tincidunt. Mauris sed ligula turpis. Integer vitae rutrum libero, quis luctus odio. In convallis eros vitae magna auctor, a iaculis elit tristique. Quisque cursus sem eget leo rhoncus mollis. Sed auctor felis in vestibulum tempus. Cras nec consectetur erat. Aenean mollis placerat dui id tincidunt. Etiam faucibus urna nisi, in eleifend orci tempus et. Proin faucibus, augue vel pulvinar faucibus, lorem arcu placerat est, a mattis dolor nibh a lectus. Quisque ac turpis tincidunt, posuere risus at, sodales libero. Praesent suscipit rhoncus tortor, vitae auctor orci rhoncus nec. Suspendisse placerat augue nec tincidunt ullamcorper. Duis et est vel nisi gravida laoreet eu ut tellus. Curabitur feugiat a neque vitae vestibulum. Sed eget purus augue. Sed ultrices turpis bibendum est adipiscing lacinia. Fusce ipsum erat, scelerisque in imperdiet a, blandit in ipsum. Morbi nulla tellus, dictum quis euismod non, fringilla et risus. Curabitur non magna nec dui fermentum imperdiet at at nibh. Phasellus id urna orci. Etiam magna arcu, vestibulum sit amet magna bibendum, laoreet aliquet mi. In id nisi velit. Fusce lorem tortor, venenatis nec risus ac, luctus viverra ante. Sed sed ipsum massa. Aenean ac purus aliquet, sollicitudin augue ut, viverra nunc. Fusce eu porttitor justo. Suspendisse placerat elit ac nulla adipiscing, in mattis massa viverra. Suspendisse a urna sollicitudin, posuere dolor non, vestibulum felis. Maecenas vel metus dui. Duis scelerisque purus ut iaculis dignissim. Vivamus pel-
Rorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pretium suscipit elit, volutpat gravida orci venenatis vel. Cras lacinia nibh dictum, dapibus sapien sit amet, tempus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus imperdiet nibh, id ullamcorper felis blandit eu. Nunc est nibh, interdum a metus ac, lobortis rutrum erat. Nulla pellentesque ornare diam ut luctus. In elementum diam ut tellus rutrum aliquam. Morbi nulla tellus, dictum quis euismod non, fringilla et risus. Curabitur non magna nec dui fermentum imperdiet at at nibh. Phasellus id urna orci. Etiam magna arcu, vestibulum sit amet magna bibendum, laoreet aliquet mi. In id nisi velit. Fusce lorem tortor, venenatis nec risus ac, luctus viverra ante. Sed sed ipsum massa. Aenean ac purus aliquet, sollicitudin augue ut, viverra nunc. Fusce eu porttitor justo. Suspendisse placerat elit ac nulla adipiscing, in mattis massa viverra. Suspendisse a urna sollicitudin, posuere dolor non, vestibulum felis. Maecenas vel metus dui. Duis scelerisque purus ut iaculis dignissim. Vivamus pellentesque sem lacus, posuere tempus dui faucibus nec. Sed libero tortor, lacinia quis nisl nec, viverra rhoncus dolor. Proin ultrices accumsan suscipit. Phasellus malesuada lacinia tellus, tempus luctus dui convallis nec. Mauris ultrices interdum rutrum. Suspendisse convallis vel leo volutpat facilisis. Praesent turpis ante, dapibus eu massa vitae, sollicitudin suscipit est. Vestibulum sed quam sit amet odio bibendum sollicitudin. Sed dapibus turpis vel mattis vestibulum. Ut ullamcorper, fe-
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Firefighters extinguish late-night blaze that spreads from vehicle to garage Fire officials are investigating the cause of a late night blaze that started as a vehicle fire and spread to the garage at 2006 Via Rancho Dos Ninas off Dye Road on Saturday. No injuries were reported and all of the animals were found safe, reported Cal Fire Capt. Robert Ramirez with the Ramona Fire Department. Cal Fire/Ramona firefighters responded to the report of a residential structure fire at 10:28 p.m. On arrival, they found a vehicle on fire in front of the home. The garage attached to the home was about three-quarters on fire, reported Ramirez.
Crews concentrated on extinguishing the garage fire to prevent spread into the main part of the house, said Ramirez. Occupants of the home had evacuated the house before firefighters arrived but reported they had not found all of their animals — four dogs and eight cats. Firefighters searching for the possible extension of fire into the main house located some of the missing pets in the smoke-filled home. All pets were found alive and reunited with their owners, according to the report. Firefighters remained at the scene until 1:30 a.m. Sunday working on salvage and overhaul, noted Ramirez.
On the Agenda Thursday, Feb. 27 Coffee with Constituents hosted by San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob, 8:30 a.m., Ramona Town Hall, 729 Main St. Public invited to bring questions, concerns or ideas about county government or the community. Ramona Design Review Board, 7:30 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Monday, March 3 Transportation and Trails Subcommittee of the Ramona Community Planning Group, 7 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Discuss Caltrans’ response to traffic congestion by Starbucks at Main and 13th streets. B R A N D
Thursday, March 6 Ramona Community Planning Group, 7 p.m, Ramona Library Community Room, 1275 Main St. Among preliminary agenda items: Caltrans’ response to traffic congestion by Starbucks at Main and 13th streets; appointment of CUDA Subcommittee chair; consideration of supporting $5,000 grant to benefit community; reports on county Land Development Performance Review Committee, Ramona Village Design Group and Design Review Board; update on Park Land Dedication Ordinance Priority List; and discussion regarding the number of RCPG members and members of the public on a subcommittee.
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Cal Fire/Ramona firefighters work to extinguish a fire that started in a vehicle and spread to the garage on Via Rancho Dos Ninas late Saturday night. No injuries were reported. Damage estimate was $70,000, reported Ramona Fire Department.
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Creelman Lane residents want road issues resolved By KAREN BRAINARD A group of residents on Creelman Lane are asking for a curvy portion of their road to be straightened — or to be straightened out with the county as to who owns that particular piece of land. They say that the countymaintained road curves onto private property before it reaches the San Diego Gas & Electric substation. Dr. Alireza Falahati who bought his property three years
ago, said he believes the road cuts 30 to 40 feet deep across the width of his land. He said his Realtor told him the day before closing that she looked at the drawing of the property and that portion appeared to be grandfathered and taken by the county. However, he said, the deed makes no mention of any land dedication to the county. The matter has become more public because San Diego Gas & Electric plans to build a solar installation on property it owns
Valley Club Mardi Gras March 1 benefits youth scholarships, community projects San Vicente Valley Club invites the public to its Mardi Gras fundraiser on March 1 from 6 to 10 p.m. “We’ve changed it up a little with dinner and New Orleans band at the San Vicente Resort,” said Claudia Weringa of the club. Tickets are $45 and are available at the resort, 24157 San Vicente
Road or by calling Sharon Greene, 760-788-6960, or Russ Ann Zazas, 760-788-5571. A silent auction is planned. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the club’s community funding and student scholarships. Guests may come in costume. Mardi Gras masks will be available for $10 each.
at Creelman Lane and Ashley Road. Creelman is a dirt road, and homeowners along the street are asking SDG&E or the county to pave it because construction will stir up a lot of dust and create health hazards. Falahati, who plans to move to the property full time in June, said he has been out with his children when trucks heading to the utility’s substation at full speed “raise mountains of dust.” “Our issue is you need to pave the road if you’re going to
use it,” he said. His neighbor, Bob Romeo, has raised the dust and street alignment issues at recent Ramona Community Planning Group meetings. Romeo said Creelman Lane was created in the 1950s. According to Falahati, he is not the only property owner affected by the road alignment. The road also cuts into smaller portions of two other properties, he said. “This is a matter of principle,” said the doctor, noting that
there is also a potential liability issue if an accident occurred on his property. Falahati said he has consulted with an attorney who has dealt with similar issues and, after looking at his deed, said he has a case. For now, however, Falahati, is willing to wait and see how the road issue plays out with SDG&E’s plans and the request for paving. “If that doesn’t get anywhere then I’m going to demand they give my property back,” he said.
SENIOR CENTER DONATION— Scott Norton, Ramona Real Estate Association president, left, presents a $1,000 check to Pete Bakarich, president of the Ramona Senior Center, as senior center board members Beverly Torres, Nancy Walker and Hazel Cardwell look on. The donation represents proceeds from the real estate association’s Feb. 1 opportunity drawing ticket sales, which totaled $922. The association rounded up the amount to $1,000.
Sentinel photo/Karen Brainard
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Montecito High STAR Club makes a difference with Red Out candy grams, anti-bullying effort Next: Spring Egg Hunt with Head Start By PIXIE SULSER “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote by Margaret Mead could be the motto of the Montecito High School STAR Leadership Club, according to club adviser Lyn Hardy. “The STAR Club, which stands for Support, Teamwork and Recognition, brings together students who exhibit leadership
abilities and who want to plan and implement activities and community service projects,” said Hardy. The group’s latest project involved teaming with the American Heart Association (AHA) in an effort to spread awareness of heart disease and its prevention as well as to raise funds to help with research. Ramona schools are no strangers in supporting the efforts of the AHA. Several elementary sites are yearly participants in the Jump Rope for Heart or the Hoops for Heart programs.
Ramona Trails Association has two presentations planned for March 5: Ramona High School’s bicycle team with coach Robert Grace, and a helmet cam video of the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Ride. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. The public is welcome.
“We have lots of new and exciting things happening this year,” said Don Wendt, president of RTA. Jan and Glen Morgan, who filmed the Grand Canyon ride on horseback, will present the video. Family memberships in RTA are $25. For more information, see RamonaTrails.org.
Trails group hosts teen bicycle team, helmet cam video of Grand Canyon ride
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na’s Rotary Club regarding the project. During the holidays, the students conducted a toy drive for Rady Children’s Hospital and even “had the joy of actually delivering over 150 toys to the hospital rather than just dropping them off or having someone else deliver the donations!” “Additionally,” shared Hardy, “with the assistance of one of our parents, we sponsored our first Cards for Heroes project providing our students with the opportunity to make holiday cards for veterans and
active duty members. We created and mailed over 100 cards with some of the creations making it to Afghanistan.” One of the group’s favorite activities is just around the corner. It’s the Spring Egg Hunt which they plan for Ramona Head Start students. “This is such a fun event, not only for our students, but for the little ones as well,” said Hardy. “I am very proud of this group of young people. They have really reached out this year to think beyond themselves and to make a difference.”
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Sentinel photo/Pixie Sulser
Montecito High STAR Club leaders Rachel Van Doren and Crissy Goldsmith and club adviser Lyn Hardy deliver candy grams on Valentine’s Day.
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take action against heart disease starting now. The group’s fundraising efforts included selling a variety of candy grams for delivery on Valentine’s Day and selling red T-shirts to be worn on the campuswide Red Out Event on Feb. 14 to show support for maintaining a healthy heart. Supporting the AHA is just one of the many activities the Star Club has sponsored this school year. “Our governing board consists of seven students who meet once a week to discuss activities and/ or projects they feel our student body as a whole would find rewarding or informative,” said Hardy. This year alone the small group organized the school’s first anti-bullying campaign which included classroom visits, encouraging the signing of an anti-bullying banner and having two STAR Club board members, Sabrina Roberts and Salvador Hernandez, speak to Ramo-
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At the secondary level, the emphasis shifts to the education of others in addition to fundraising activities. In its second year of involvement with the AHA, the MHS STAR Club designed an informational presentation to share with classes on campus. “Heart disease isn’t just a disease of older people like many think,” shared STAR Club leader Crissy Goldsmith. “It can happen to anyone. In fact, one of our own MHS students just discovered that she has a possible heart condition. Knowing what you can do to live a healthier life is good information for everyone, no matter how young or how old.” Goldsmith and fellow STAR Club leader Rachel Van Doren explained that, according to AHA educational materials, nearly a quarter of strokes happen to people younger than 65. Part of the information club leaders shared with classmates was how to
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Ready to move or build? We’ve got the property that’s right for you!
Sentinel photo/Karen Brainard
Lt. Hank Turner of the sheriff’s Ramona station and Kim Lasley talk about drug use in the community at the sheriff’s Citizens Advisory Group meeting Monday morning.
Citizens focus on drug concerns during meeting with lieutenant By KAREN BRAINARD Drug issues in the community consumed the bulk of Lt. Hank Turner’s Citizens Advisory Group’s meeting at the sheriff’s Ramona station on Monday. It was the first advisory meeting led by Turner, who replaced Lt. James Bovet as commander of the station at the beginning of the year. Kim Lasley and Celeste Young, advisory group members, talked about ways to combat drug use, which Turner said will also reduce crime. “There is a correlation between drug use and crime,” he said, adding that it leads to burglaries and thefts. “It’s a very expensive habit. You legalize it, you’re still going to have theft issues.” Turner, who previously served on the sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force, noted that two suspected heroin dealers were among
five people arrested last week on suspicion of drug charges, and a week before a suspected methamphetamine dealer was arrested. “We will try to stay on top of it,” he said. According to Turner, driving under the influence of marijuana cases have exceeded driving under the influence of alcohol cases. With spring break coming up, Lasley and Young talked about the need to educate the public on the social host ordinance, which assigns responsibility to anyone allowing minors, under age 21, to drink alcohol on their property, and could result in citation or arrest, a $1,000 or higher fine, and possible jail time. In addition to Turner, Lasley and Young, one Ramona resident and Crime Prevention Specialist Barbara Wallace attended the meeting.
Judge denies probation, orders prison in child pornography case By NEAL PUTNAM A Ramona man was sentenced to three years and four months in state prison after he pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his computer and other charges. Randall Thomas Hook, who will turn 47 on Feb. 28, received credit for already serving 681 days in jail. Probation was denied.
Hook also pleaded guilty to felony possession of methamphetamine and residential burglary, said Deputy District Attorney C.J. Mody. He was fined $3,178. If he works in prison, a percentage of earnings will apply toward the fine. Also on Feb. 18, Hook was ordered to register as a sex offender after he is released on parole. He will have to register with a law enforcement agency wherever he lives.
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel g
rolls that we declare a surplus,” said Rajcic. But, he said, “we have a much bigger problem that we’re skirting around. We have declining enrollment ... Somewhere along the line we’re going to have to make decisions that are not popular with certain groups.” Perfect did not say why she voted present rather then yes or no, but earlier this month she said she likes of having a buffer of undeveloped land adjacent to the schools. The vote comes after two meetings of the 7-11 Advisory Committee that trustees authorized in December. The second meeting on Feb. 11 was a public hearing that two Ramonans attended.
Hanson Elementary Principal Chris Gunnett, a member of the school district's 7-11 committee, listens to discussion of vernal pools on school district property behind Ramona High and Olive Peirce Middle schools.
40 acres
Park projects
From page 1 “The consensus was declare the property as surplus,” Assistant Superintendent David Ostermann, who presided over the committee meetings, told trustees at their Feb. 13 meeting. While the district goes through the state-required process before it can sell or lease the land, the committee recommended having experts knowledgeable in environmental issues and mitigation banks conduct a cursory review of the property to get a better idea of its worth. “If it was my property, I wouldn’t sell it right now, because I think there are too many unanswered questions,” said committee member Steve Powell, developer and Wood-
crest Homes president. “What do you sell it for?” He noted inconsistencies in an asset management study prepared for the district by Eric Hall & Associates in November. “There could be seven figures easily on the table in the mitigation alone,” Powell said, referring to the 17 acres Ostermann said was unusable because of vernal pools. Those vernal pools are some of the most pristine in the county, and that could be valuable to someone needing mitigation to build elsewhere, said Powell. Suggesting a “reconnaissance walk-through” by credentialed land use consultants on the county’s accepted list, “you may end up with, instead of $10,000 an
From page 1
confirms that a project meets all requirements, it gets approval from the water board to amend the lease with RPRA. The board can amend the lease for several projects at a time, Barnum said. On Feb. 14, Barnum reported that the district engineer reviewed and approved the plans and site for the LED scoreboards. In November 2013, the Ramona Community Planning Group recommended the county release a portion of PLDO funds for the scoreboards
and the amphitheater, based on information from the group’s Parks and Recreation Subcommittee that the projects were “essentially funded and ready to go.” Art Thomsen, project champion for the naturally-designed amphitheater, requested $27,500 for fencing, sod and seed. Jeff Moody, project champion for the LED scoreboards, asked for $40,000 of PLDO money. Cardona said permits may be needed for the scoreboards and amphitheater. The amphitheater plans
will take a while to review for compliance because it is believed that Indian artifacts are near the site, said Cardona. The third PLDO project for the park is converting a Ramona Adult Softball field to a Ramona Soccer League field. Cardona said both groups have agreed to the swap and he did not believe there would be additional requirements. That project was not considered ready for PLDO funds by the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee in November.
acre, you may end up with $250,000 an acre in environmental wetlands or vernal pools. It would be nice to know that,” said Powell Previous reports done for the district several years ago are valuable and would need updating, added Powell. “Half of Main Street in Ramona cannot be developed because it’s got vernal pools,” he noted. “...If there was a mitigation bank that was available, I’ll bet you lunch that those landowners would pay dearly” for mitigation credits, “whether they believe in it our not,” so they could develop their property. Looking at the asset management study, Powell said, “I don’t think the correct kind of information’s been put together and the correct kind of studies.” The study estimated the value of the nearly 40 acres at $2.2 million to $3.2 million. It estimated the value of the 17.4 acres of environmental mitigation land at $174,000. With the Ramona Terrace Estates for residents age 55 and older adjacent to the property, 200 mobile home sites could be put on the 22.18 acres deemed developable, the study said. Powell volunteered to make a few phone calls “to see what it would be to do an initial walkover evaluation.” Cost of the consultants could range from less than $1,000
to $2,500. Both Powell and Eric Hall & Associates recommended the district not split the land. Developing the 22.18 acres may need mitigation the vernal pools could provide. If the district sold the property, what would it do with the money, resident Craig Ellsworth asked at the committee’s public hearing. If the district’s loan had not been paid off, it likely would go toward the loan, said Ostermann. The district in 2004 borrowed $25 million as a certificate of participation (COP). With interest, approximately $34 million is owed, according to district officials. That increases to $52 million if payments continue as scheduled through 2032. If the loan is repaid when — and if — the property sells, Ostermann said he would like to see the money go to facilities — construction or deferred maintenance. Committee member Larry Bringham, a Ramona High School teacher, said people he has talked with about the COP and a possible bond have said, “we want to see what the district’s going to do to be more solvent ... and it keeps coming up, put the land up for sale.” Letting the community know the district may sell the property would show “we’re doing the right thing,” he said.
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Woman’s club offers three $1,000 scholarships Ramona Woman’s Club invites Ramona high school graduates and seniors to apply for one of three $1,000 scholarships the club will award for the 2014-15 year. Two of the scholarships will go to students who will have completed one year of college.
The third scholarship will be offered to a Ramona high school senior who plans to attend a vocational or technical school. The scholarships will be based on need and completion of satisfactory academic work. Each scholarship will be split, with $500 given for the
first semester and $500 for the second semester. Applications are on the club’s website, www.ramonawomansclub. com. High school seniors may obtain an application from their counselor. Applications and transcripts are due from college freshmen by May 20.
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Evening service features music, meditation The First Congregational Church of Ramona is hosting an evening worship service at the corner of 8th and D streets every Sunday at 4:30. “This is a heart-warming, laid-back service open to all and especially comfortable for anyone new to church,”
said the Rev. David Auten. The worship service features acoustic guitar music, time for meditation, candle lighting, and a nursery and Sunday School program for children. More information is at 760-789-3348 and fccramona.org.
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH 537 E Street (corner 6th St) • (760) 789-0583
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am (English); 11:30 am (Español) Mon-Wed & Fri: 8 am; Thu: 8:00am Comm. Service & 6:30pm Mass Holy Days: 8:00 am & 7:00 pm • Reconcilation: Sat. 3:30pm For more info, call or go to www.ihmramona.parishesonline.com
First Christian ChurCh 1970 Vermont St. • (760) 789-2371 www.fccoframona.org • Bill Zabriskie, Pastor
Sunday School .................................................8:45 a.m. Coffee Fellowship ............................................9:30 a.m. Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. Children’s Church ........................................ 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Mon. -Men: 7pm Tues. -Women: 7pm • Wed. -Women: 9:30am
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Our Town Calendar Thursdayfeb. 27 TOWN HALL MEETING with San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob, 8:30 a.m., Ramona Town Hall, 729 Main St. All are welcome. TOPS—Ramona Chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Grace Community Church, 1234 Barger Place, 9 a.m. Weigh-in at 8:30 a.m. RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St., 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tai Chi for Adults at 9 a.m., English as a Second Language at 9:30 a.m., Toddler Storytime at 10:30 a.m., Teen Origami at 3 p.m., Homework Club at 4 p.m., Free Citizenship Class at 6 p.m., Bilingual Activity at 7 p.m. More: 760788-5270. CHAMBER RIBBON CUTTING, noon, Eiler Tire & Brake, 1743 Main St. More: 760-789-1311. SLIDE SHOW AND MUSIC—”Travel Spain’s El Camino Trail,” accompanied by harp music, 12:30 p.m., Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. Public invited. More: 760788-5274.
Upcoming Community Events
SPRING ARENA SOCCER SIGNUPS, noon to 6 p.m., Ramona Boys and Girls Club, 622 E St. For ages 5 to 13; 10-game season starts March 22. Cost: new members, $95, includes club membership; current members, $35. More: w w w. l e a g u e l i n e u p . c o m / bgcramona or 760-788-7564. ARRIBA TEEN CENTER, 3 to 6 p.m., 1710 Montecito Road. More: 760-788-6443. TOWN HALL BRIDGE CLUB, 6 p.m., Ramona Town Hall, 729 Main St. More: 760-7891132. PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT, 6:30 p.m., Ramona Community School, 1010 Ramona St. More: 760-7873600.
fridayfeb. 28 RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St. All day Fine Free. Bilingual Zumba at 9:30 a.m., Bouncing Baby Storytime at 10:30 a.m., Teen Music Shop at 3 p.m., Family Craft at 3:15 p.m. More: 760-788-5270. TOWN HALL BRIDGE CLUB, 10 a.m., Ramona Town Hall,
729 Main St. More: 760-7891132. SUPPORT GROUP for those with depressive or bipolar illnesses, 10 to 11 a.m., 323 Hunter St. More: 760-4436861. SPRING ARENA SOCCER SIGNUPS. See Feb. 27 entry. AMERICAN LEGION POST 332, 7 p.m., Ramona Library Community Room, 1275 Main St. More: 760-7885947.
saTurdayMarch 1 KIWANIS OF RAMONA, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Ramona Valley Grill, 344 Main St. More: 760-440-3000. RAMONA PONY BASEBALL OPENING CEREMONIES, 8 a.m. parade, 9 a.m. ceremonies. “A Star Spangled Season,” honoring first responders and the military. A veteran from Ramona VFW Post 3783 will throw the first pitch. Marine Corps Band has been invited and other features are planned. In the event of rain, check leaguelineup.com or the league’s Facebook page.
OBITUARIES His services will be held March 8, 2014, at 1pm at the Christian Center in Borrego Springs, CA. Please sign the guest book online at www. legacy.com/obituaries/ ramonasentinel.
Russell Thomas Laws 1954 – 2014
Thomas Laws passed away February 6, 2014. He was born May 6, 1954, in Ramona. He will be missed very much by all who loved him. Thomas is survived by his three children, Joseph Laws, Elizabeth Laws and William Laws; two grandchildren, Isaac and Kinsley Laws; and his brothers and sister, Bill Laws, Robert Laws and Kathy Savage.
Robert Urbach
a resident of Ramona since 1973. He served his country in the U.S. Army and fought in Vietnam. Bob worked at RCP for 35 years. During that time, he worked weekends at the Branding Iron. After retiring from RCP in 2007, he opened his own shop in Ramona called “Hats by Bob” where he also did leather work and sold bits and spurs. He loved riding his horse for relaxation. Bob is survived by his son, John; daughter, Gina (Henry) Rodrigo; grandchildren, Jaden and Hailey; brother, Tom (Susan); and ex-wife and friend, Bette Parlette. Funeral information is online at: www. bonhammortuary.com. Please sign the guest book online at www.legacy.com/ obituaries/ramonasentinel.
1944 – 2014
Robert Urbach of Ramona passed away suddenly on February 22, 2014. Bob was
Obituaries call Cathy Kay at 858-218-7237 or email: InMemory@MyClassifiedMarketplace.com
Submission Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, e-mail to maureen@ ramonasentinel.com
WEIGHT WATCHERS, Ramona Woman’s Club, 524 Main St., 8 a.m.
nity. Public invited.
BOY SCOUT TROOP 679 PANCAKE BREAKFAST, 8 to 11 a.m., Grace Community Church, 1234 Barger Place. All you can eat pancakes. Also, bacon or sausage and coffee or juice. Orders to go available. Gluten free pancakes and sugar free syrup offered. Tickets $4 per person, $3 for children age 5 and younger, $18 per family. Proceeds benefit troop’s community service projects and summer high adventure and leadership camps. More: 760-315-2493.
CAR SHOW, 3 to 5 p.m., Albertsons parking lot, 1400 block of Main Street. Owners of pre-1974 trucks and cars are welcome to display vehicles. Tractors, tanks, boats, Peterbilts, motorcycles and other vehicles welcome. Free. More: 760-789-3396.
RAMONA CERTIFIED FARMERS’ MARKET, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kmart lot, 1855 Main St. RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St. Exercise dance class at 9 a.m. FREE LEGAL CLINIC, 10 a.m. to noon, Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. Hosted by Ramona Bar Association. Residents are seen on a first come/first serve basis. All those signing in by noon will be seen. FREE TAX HELP from AARP volunteers for low- to moderate-income taxpayers, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. Appointment sign-up sheet in library tax area. DOS PICOS PARK FREE SATURDAY PROGRAMS, 17953 Dos Picos Park Road. Snakes ‘N Skins 1 to 1:30 p.m.; Junior Rangers 1 to 2 p.m.; Craft Time 2 to 3 p.m.; Earth Ball 4 to 4:30 p.m. More: co.sandiego.ca.us/parks/actguide. html or 760-789-2220. MARDI GRAS FUNDRAISER, San Vicente Valley Club, 6 to 10 p.m., San Vicente Resort, 24157 San Vicente Road. Tickets: $45 available at resort, or call 760-788-6960 or 760-788-5571. Proceeds benefit scholarships, commu-
sundayMarch 2
MondayMarch 3 RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St. Homework Club at 4 p.m., Free Citizenship Class at 6 p.m. GRIEFSHARE support group, 6:15 to 8 p.m., Mountain View Community Church, 1191 Meadowlark, off Highway 78 and Ash Street. More: 760-789-4798 or 760-8055722. WRITERS GROUP—Ramona Christian Writers Group, 6 to 8 p.m. Contact Byron Mettler for location: 760-310-9539 or email explorerseries@ gmail.com. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAILS SUBCOMMITTEE of the Ramona Community Planning Group, 7 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane.
TuesdayMarch 4 RAMONA ROTARY CLUB, noon, luncheon meeting, Ramona Valley Grill, 344 Main St. Students of the Month. RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St. English as a Second Language at 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., Yoga at 11 a.m., Teen Chess Club at 3 p.m., Folkloric Dance at 4 p.m., Homework Club at 4 p.m., Pajama Storytime at 7 p.m. More: 760-788-5270. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. SEUSS! 3 to 5 p.m., Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. Celebrate the doctor’s birthday and Read Across America Day with stories, crafts, and birthday cake. More: 760788-5270.
ARRIBA TEEN CENTER, 3 to 6 p.m., 1710 Montecito Road. More: 760-788-6443.
wednesdayMarch 5 TOWN HALL BRIDGE CLUB, 10 a.m., Ramona Town Hall, 729 Main St. More: 760-7891132. RAMONA LIBRARY, 1275 Main St. English as a Second Language at 9:45 and 10 a.m., ABC Preschool Storytime at 10:30 a.m., Storytime Craft at 11 a.m., Spanish for Communication at 1 p.m., Teen Wii at 3 p.m., Kids’ Elementary Book Club at 3:30 p.m., Homework Club at 4 p.m. More: 760-788-5270. ARRIBA TEEN CENTER, 3 to 6 p.m., 1710 Montecito Road. More: 760-788-6443. RAMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD, 5:15 p.m. Special meeting to review proposed contract with bond consultant. More: ramonausd.net, 760-7872007. AWANA—spiritual group for ages 3 through 12th grade, 6:20 to 8:30 p.m. at Grace Community Church and Mountain View Community Church. More: RamonaAwana.org or 760-315-2323. RAMONA TRAILS ASSOCIATION. 7 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Ramona High bicycle team with coach Robert Grace, and a helmet cam video of the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Ride. Public welcome. More: RamonaTrails.org. UGANDAN ORPHANS CHOIR, 7 p.m., Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, 1735 Main St. Traditional African song and dance. All are welcome. More: 760-788-7456 . RAMONA SANTANA RIDERS board meeting, 7 p.m., International Equestrian Center Rotunda, 16911 Gunn Stage Road, San Diego Country Estates.
Club invites applications for community awards San Vicente Club invites Ramona-based nonprofit organizations to submit applications for its 2014 Community Awards made possible by the club’s fundraising events.
The application deadline is April 1. For an application form, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: San Vicente Valley Club Community Funding
24157 San Vicente Road Ramona, CA 920654199. Or download an application from the club’s website: www.sanvicentevalleyclub.org.
February 27, 2014
Thursday FEBRUARY 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel Douglas F. Manchester Publisher
Ramona Sentinel Maureen Robertson Editor
Phyllis Pfeiffer Vice President/General Manager
Bond contract worth a second look
Some other reasons for 2012 bond failure
amona school trustees will meet soon to take another look at a proposed contract with the firm that will work on a campaign for voter approval of a bond, likely in November. We applaud the school board for responding to member Bob Stoody’s concerns about what a contract might mean after the election. If Ramona voters approve a school bond, an as-yetto-be-determined debt will shift from the district’s to the community’s shoulders. That makes “after the election” specifics worth meticulous scrutiny. As a businessman, Stoody has some experience with contracts, but, he admitted, he’s no expert. He asked that an outside firm advise the district to avoid potential pitfalls or land mines. We believe Stoody’s concern “to make the bond livable, to make it responsible to the taxpayers” is worth the second review. He's shown before that he views public matters with a critical eye. Serving his third term on the board, he is the only member of a previous school board who voted against the district borrowing $25 million in 2004. When asked why, he said he believed the district could have achieved its goals with an $11 million loan. That $25 million, with interest, has blossomed into $34 million if paid off today and will top $52 million if payments continue on schedule through 2032, according to the district. It’s one of the reasons the district is in fiscal hot water. Two years ago, when trustees asked voters to approve a $66 million bond, Stoody insisted that reference to the loan — called a certificate of participation, or COP — be included clearly in the proposition on the ballot, so voters had full disclosure. We understand the enthusiasm school officials have for a bond. They’re tired of tight budgets, and some fear a state takeover if the district can’t pay its bills. Despite an eagerness to get started on a bond campaign, the board showed consideration for the community two weeks ago by agreeing to have two of its members — Stoody and Dawn Perfect — work with the district superintendent to refine the contract.
Sentinel Staff
Douglas F. Manchester - Publisher Phyllis Pfeiffer - Vice President and General Manager Michael Raher - Ramona Sentinel General Manager Maureen Robertson - Editor Karen Brainard - Assistant Editor Nancy Stegon - Graphic Designer Lynn Sampson - Advertising Executive Stephanie Holas - Administrative Sales Assistant Bill Tamburrino & Joe Naiman - Sports Jerry Meloche - Cartoonist Frenchy & Chris Choquette - Distribution
Eddie Brisendine • Karen Carlson • Beth Edwards Regina Elling • Philip Garnett • Jessica King S. Elaine Lyttleton • Joe Naiman • Neal Putnam Peter San Nicolas • Marsha Seff • Pixie Sulser • Marta Zarrella
Sun Distributing - 858-277-1702
Guest Commentary
Don't fall for the guilt trip By J. DYER The special school board meeting/community workshop held on Jan. 25 exposed our school district’s unwillingness to take the measures necessary to balance its budget. Their unwillingness seems to be based upon desperation and fear. The meeting focused on the district’s strategies regarding how it might survive its fiscal difficulties. What should be remembered from this meeting is that, if everything the district proposed could be accomplished — closing schools, selling properties and getting their next bond measure passed — by their own admission, all of these accomplishments would not solve their long-term fiscal problems. These strategies are only stop-gap measures to kick their self-inflicted difficulties down the road. These
school officials are operating under the assumption that ultimately you will be required to bail them out of their habitual overspending. The district is going to throw another bond measure at us in November. They are hiring consultants to strategize ways to manipulate us into supporting their sixth attempt to increase our property taxes. Five times we have refused to approve more funds for their fiscally irresponsible organization. They keep spending money to fight our vote because they do not operate as if they have a finite budget. Their bureaucracy is using money it has taken from us to fight us for more of our money. A tactic used by the district in its attempt to scare us into supporting another bond measure is the threat of a state takeover of the school district. I asked them why the taxpayers
Volume 128 • Number 2 425-A 10th Street, Ramona, California 92065 760/789-1350 • fax 760/789-4057 www.ramonasentinel.com • e-mail: news@ramonasentinel.com The Ramona Sentinel is a legally adjudicated award-winning newspaper. The Ramona Sentinel is published weekly at 425-A 10th Street, Ramona, CA 92065 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ramona Sentinel, 425-A 10th Street,Ramona, CA 92065. Ramona Sentinel is owned by U-T Community Press. All rights reserved in compliance of Federal Copyright Act of 1978
of the community should care about which state bureaucrats run the local state schools. I specifically asked what would change if the state took over the district, since the district must teach what the state mandates them to teach. We were told a “big” state bureaucrat would come here and be primarily focused on balancing the budget. This state bureaucrat would be able to cut jobs, close schools, and eliminate busing without the approval of a local school board. It appears our district’s biggest fear is to be forced to work within its budget. Our district bureaucrats, who have a history of being unresponsive to the voters of this community and have put the district on the brink of bankruptcy, now are fearful of a state bureaucrat who might be unresponsive to them. The district also may have expressed an unspoken fear of the teachers union. We were told that in other state takeovers of school districts, the “big” state bureaucrat had to have armed guards protect him as he went about his business of eliminating unneeded services and the See COMMENTARY page 10
Re: “Trustees to review bond consultant’s proposed contract” (Ramona Sentinel, Feb. 20): The article states many reasons why the 2012 bond failed. However, Dr. Graeff and Isom did not mention other reasons such as: 1. There are countless voters who cannot afford to pay more property tax, 2. Many people are disgusted with the district’s mismanagement of money, 3. The bond would free up money for district staff, teacher and administrator pay and compensation increases. Plenty of opportunity for students exists. Those students who disagree lack the willingness to perform. Another bond is not about the students. Rather, it is for the adults and their insatiable desire for more personal income at the expense of property taxpayers. Paul Nichols Ramona
Please explain: What was the message? I would like to question the message of the cartoon published on the editorial page of last week’s Ramona Sentinel. For those who missed it, the cartoon featured three boys wearing “hoodies” (Trayvon Martin?) and baggy pants (thugs?). The first boy talks about ‘jacking a car (what stereotype is that?); the second mentions everyone’s right to carry a gun *no change yet in effect (recent Appeals Court ruling on California’s strict concealed weapon laws?); the third would rather walk (than be shot and killed? Jordan Davis?). Just what is the message the cartoonist intended? Joanne Bergen Ramona
For more letters, see page 10
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
More Letters Supports Norvell in Estates election There is an upcoming election for seats on the San Diego Country Estates Board of Directors. It is a very important position, as the board sets policies for the entire San Diego Country Estates. The individuals we place in these seats should be exceptional. That being said, it is my honor and pleasure to endorse Stephanie Norvell for a position on the San Diego Country Estates Board. I have had the opportunity to work closely with Stephanie over the course of the past two years on the Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Project Board of Directors, and have found her to be in reality as passionate and capable as her reputation. Stephanie is a long-term resident of the Country Estates and owns several successful businesses. Her commitment is making the best informed decisions for the benefit of all the residents of the San Diego Country Estates, and she is willing to listen to reasonable arguments in making these decisions. As a resident of the San Diego Country Estates, I would feel very good about Stephanie making those decisions for me and our neighbors, and would request that all those voting in the upcoming San Diego Country Estates Board election cast their vote for Stephanie Norvell. Bob Krysak Ramona
Norvell will benefit Estates community This is a letter of recommendation for Stephanie Norvell’s run for the board of SDCEA. I started working with Stephanie in 1994, as a lender to her brokerage office. I quickly learned that she is a very hard working person who always works in her client’s best interest. We worked together for almost 20 years. Stephanie is the kind of person that makes good things happen. I have no doubt that her actions will benefit our community. Sandi Kane Ramona
Deputies arrest four on felony charges, seize heroin Deputies from the sheriff’s Ramona station arrested five Ramona residents last week, four of them suspected of felony charges, and seized 7.2 grams of heroin, worth nearly $500, along with .2 grams of methamphetamine and $580 in cash, reported Lt. Hank Turner. After conducting sur-
veillance on a residence in the 1500 block of Wilson Road on Feb. 19, detectives from the station observed a male who was a suspect in a drug sale in front of the residence around 5:45 p.m., Turner reported. Deputies arrested Jeremy Scherff, 20, on suspicion of possession/pur-
Two face court hearing for carjacking, assault By NEAL PUTNAM A Ramona man suspected of carjacking the vehicle driven by his exgirlfriend’s new boyfriend faces a March 13 preliminary hearing on charges stemming from the Nov. 24, 2013, incident. Ricardo Daniel Macedo, 25, pleaded not guilty to carjacking and felony assault in El Cajon Superior Court. He remains free on $75,000 bond on condition he has no contact with the 23-year-old victim. One of Macedo’s friends, Elias Ruiz, 25, also was charged with the carjacking and pleaded not guilty. Ruiz is also free on bond. The victim talked to a San Diego Police officer on Nov. 24 before the carjacking, saying he believed he was being followed in his car from the San Pasqual Valley. The victim talked to the officer g
at a road closure, and the officer contacted Macedo, but let him go because no criminal violation had taken place, according to the report. However, once in Ramona, Macedo and Ruiz allegedly followed the new boyfriend and took his car where he had stopped at 2405 Main St. The new boyfriend was kicked in the face and punched, according to sheriff’s deputies. Macedo is alleged to have driven off with the new boyfriend’s vehicle and Ruiz left in the other car. Deputies contacted San Diego Police for Macedo’s name and went to his residence, where they found the stolen car. Macedo admitted to taking the car, saying he was jealous of the new boyfriend, and he also admitted to assaulting the victim, deputies said.
chase for sale a narcotic controlled substance, and possession of narcotic controlled substance, both felonies, according to the report. During a search detectives found heroin, cash and drug paraphernalia in his possession, Turner said. Detectives and patrol followed up on information from Scherff’s arrest, along with other investigative information, and obtained a search warrant on Friday, Feb. 21, for Jason McDivitt’s residence in the 1100 block of Ramona Street, the report stated. Detectives searched the residence and found cash, evidence of heroin sales and drug paraphernalia, and arrested McDivitt, 19, suspected of felony child endangerment, felony keep place to sell narcotic controlled substance, and two misdemeanor drugrelated charges, according to the report. The lieutenant said detectives used intelligence gathered from the search warrant at McDivitt’s residence to locate and arrest three more suspects: Joshua Brown, 28, suspected of felony possession of controlled substance, and felony bench warrant, Elizabeth Reed, 19, suspected of accessory to felony, a felony charge, and a 21-year-old male, suspected of misdemeanor use/under the influence of a controlled substance. McDivitt and Brown had
arraignments scheduled for Feb. 25. Among other reports filed at the Ramona station: Wednesday, Feb. 19 •Petty theft of $500 computer, 16700 block Wikiup Road. Tuesday, Feb. 18 •Male, 25, arrested, 600 block Fifth Street, suspected of drunk in public. Monday, Feb. 17 •Vandalism, $400 or more to single-family home, 15900 block Shalom Road. •Subject stop, 700 A Street, possession of up to an ounce of marijuana. •Subject stop, 700 A Street, possession of up to an ounce of marijuana. Sunday, Feb. 16 •Juvenile arrested, 300 block Seventh Street, suspected of assault by stabbing victim’s head with a mechanical pencil, causing a severe laceration. •Male, 21, arrested, Stater Bros., 1600 block Main Street, suspected of commercial burglary of $117 of miscellaneous food. •Heavy truck vandalized, $400 or less, 100 block Hanson Lane. Saturday, Feb. 15 •Male, 23, arrested, 700 block Fourth Street, suspected of possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Friday, Feb. 14 •Female, 42, arrested, 200 block North Kalbaugh Street, suspected
of residential burglary, possession of controlled substance, conspiracy to commit crime, and possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Thursday, Feb. 13 •Male arrested, Main Street, suspected of possession of controlled substance. •Coldstone, Ramona Smoker’s Shop and Hallmark in the 1400 block Main Street, victims of commercial burglary by use of counterfeit money. •Victim of petty theft and fraud, 500 block 14th Street, stolen money order cashed. •Male, 56, arrested, E Street, suspected of drunk in public. Wednesday, Feb. 12 •Annoy/molest victim under 18, 1400 block Montecito Road. •Vandalism to windows, estimated at $1,000, Ramona Hydroponics, 700 block Main Street. •Male, 42, arrested, Main and South Hunter streets, suspected of use/ under the influence of controlled substance. Male, 59, arrested, suspected of drunk in public. Tuesday, Feb. 11 •Female, 28, victim of threatened crime with intent to terrorize, 600 block B Street. Monday, Feb. 10 •Burglary to vehicle, 21300 block Black Canyon Road, $100 stereo component.
From page 9
union employees providing them. Is this why our district and board won’t work within their budget? Are they afraid to make the necessary cuts because they fear state union leaders might resort to threatening behaviors? Why else would this armed guard scenario have been brought up? Are they backing away from sound fiscal policies because they fear union intimidation? At this special school board meeting, the district relied heavily on their own statistics to justify the actions they will be taking. However, they were not as willing to discuss statistics that made them look less than stellar. For example, the district touts its high student test scores and its good academic reputation when it pleads for higher property taxes through a bond measure. The veiled threat is that if we don’t give them more money, they won’t be able to maintain their “high” academic standards. I went to various websites to try to verify their claim of “high” academic achievement, but I did not find that verification. When our district is compared to other school districts in
standard testing of high school reading, writing and arithmetic skills, it rates in the 50 to 60% range. With a 100% score being the best rating in these district comparisons, our district rates poorly. These same websites show that our district does not consistently meet the state’s academic goals. In a U.S. News and World Report survey of the best high schools, the Ramona district did not make the list of top 600 schools. The district likes to blame the lower enrollment rates on the housing crisis and the lack of a big business tax base in Ramona. Maybe these dismal academic rankings are responsible for the declining enrollment. The public school system is inefficient because of its multi-layered bureaucracies. It is ineffective because it does not focus on teaching kids the basic skills necessary for success in the private work world. The public school system is a money wasting, social engineering driven institution that cannot be redeemed with more tax dollars. When the local bureaucrats send someone to the door of your home or of your business
begging for money (and part of their strategy is to intrude upon your homes and businesses), be ready for them. Ask them to tell their bureaucrats to work within their budget just like you do. Tell them you will not support their sixth attempt to pass a local bond measure— five “No’s” should be enough. Don’t fall for the guilt trip they will try to lay on you. You already give their system $8,000 to 10,000/student/year. You are taxed enough. You have given enough. It’s time for them to begin acting like fiscally responsible public servants. To end on a slightly different tone, I know there are some good people working in government schools. I know they are fighting the state’s progressive socialist indoctrination of the kids. If these good people can’t show how their efforts are making this district more supportive of parental rights and traditional American values, it will be very difficult to convince the opposition that a state takeover of the schools to force a balanced budget is such a bad thing. J. Dyer is a Ramona resident.
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Business News Chamber honors 2013 committee chairs, announces 2014 chairs
Sentinel photo/Maureen Robertson
Amber Ramirez, chamber first vice president, shows the plaque she received for chairing the chamber’s Business and Membership Services Committee.
•Charlotte Jensen, Oktoberfest and Installation Dinner; •Hans Hemkes, Christmas Tree Lighting; •Heidi Sam, Ambassadors; •Cindy Galloway, Board Election Nominating Committee; •Thad Clendenen, Annual Awards Committee; •Amber Ramirez, Business and Membership Services; and •Darrel Kinney, Financial and Audits Committee. In her President’s Message to chamber members, Charlotte Jensen announced committee chairs for 2014:
•Ambassadors, Heidi Sam. •Awards, Frankie Newberg. •Economic Development, Carol Fowler. •Education, Cindy Galloway. •Election, Amber Ramirez. •Events, Jason DeLeo. •Government, Sally Westbrook. •Marketing and Public Relations, Janice Baldridge. •Membership, Lezley Knott. Frankie Newberg will head Membership Subcommittee. •Scholarship, Darrel Kinney. •Tree Trust, Bob Krysak.
New owner operates Warnock Drive solar installation The 7.5-megawatt solar energy project at Ramona Street and Warnock Drive, originally developed by Sol Orchard, is now owned by Ramona Solar Equity Holdings. While it is not unusual for a developer to sell a solar project, it is less common for the project to be
sold a second time, said Hugh Kuhn, director of operations and technology for Ramona Solar Equity Holdings. According to Kuhn, Sol Orchard sold the project to GCL, a Chinese company with offices in San Francisco. GCL then sold the project to the investorowned Ramona Solar Equity Holdings.
Property owners in the Ramona Street and Warnock Drive area opposed the solar installation, as did the Ramona Community Planning Group. It was approved, however, by the county Board of Supervisors with Supervisor Dianne Jacob, whose district includes Ramona, the lone opposition. Kuhn said the company spent about half a million
dollars on landscaping to help soften the visual impact of the solar panels. The electricity generated is being sold to San Diego Gas & Electric and will be consumed in Ramona, he said. According to Kuhn, Ramona Solar Equity Holdings will operate the plant remotely and maintenance at the site will be on a quarterly basis.
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No, but you should probably buy them anyway. I’ve owned marketbuilding.com since 1995 and have built my business — The MarketBuilding Team — around that name. Four years ago a loyal client phoned me to report on this conversation with an unknown woman: Woman: Hello, I’m calling from themarketbuildingteam.com and would like to discuss developing your next brochure. Client: Where’s Rob? Woman: Who’s Rob? I quickly determined that an unethical graphic artist had bought themarketbuildingteam.com and marketbuildingteam.com domains and was trying to pass herself off to my clients as my ad agency. I was outraged — especially when my attorney reported I had few options. “You didn’t buy those names, so she did,” he advised, adding, “Just sit tight and the problem will eventually go away.” Naturally, I contacted all my clients to inform them of the situation, and nobody fell for the ruse. A year later she relinquished both domain names and I immediately grabbed them. My mistake was focusing on saving $25 per year. I never recognized how this meager investment could prevent potentially huge losses to my reputation and my bottom line. Never again will I make that mistake. Today those additional domains point to my main website. They’ve been well worth the investment. Now what about your business? Say you own butlercorp.com and want to prevent a situation like I had. The solution could simply be
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Among awards presented at the Ramona Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner & Awards Banquet were plaques to those who headed chamber committees last year. Recognition went to: •Judy Nachazel, Open Artist Tour; •Bob Murray, Horseshoe Tournament and Ramona Country Fair; •Carol Fowler, Economic Development Committee; •Patrick Osio, Mixer Committee and Scholarship Committee; •Bob Krysak, Government Affairs Committee; •Sally Westbrook, Public Affairs and Advertising;
Ask Mr. Marketing
Rob Weinberg buying butler-corp.com. Only there’s a wrinkle (naturally). You may have noticed that dotcom isn’t the only domain suffix anymore. Exponential growth on the worldwide web has forced the addition of dotnet, dotgov, dotorg, and dotinfo. In fact, counting the dotestate, dotphotography, dotguru and dotventures suffixes now going into global use, as well as the unique domains for every country, there are 263 domain suffixes to choose from today. More are coming. As you’re researching possible business domains, you may find industry-specific names like dotmuseum, dottravel, and even the pornographic dotxxx. Just choose those making sense for your business, without going overboard. Names like bultercorp.com or bulter-corp.com should cover common misspellings. Finally, skip butlercorp. aq unless you’re planning to open that shave ice shop in Antarctica anytime soon. With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing. You’ll profit from 30+ years of experience in the marketing trenches. Find out how at either www.askmistermarketing.com or www.askmrmarketing.com.
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Arts & Entertainment Sponsors and golfers welcome at mural benefit
Ravy teaches art classes in Ramona and Poway Ramona artist and art teacher Carol Ravy has new hours for her Ramona watermedia class, and she is teaching Beginning Watercolor 1 through Poway Adult School. Ravy’s Ramona classes will be the first and third Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. through May 21. The classes are in the Ramona Woman’s Club building at 524 Main St. Her six-week Poway class is Mondays from 1 to
4 p.m. through March 31. The class, held at 13626 Twin Peaks Road, is for the beginner and also for those wishing to brush up on their watercolor skills. For more information or to register for the Poway class, email www.powayadultschool.com or call 858-668-4024. For more information about the Ramona class, contact Ravy at 760-7893298. She also can answer questions about the Poway class.
2.65 Acre C-37 Commercial Lot in Old Town District. Potential Senior Care Facility, Strip Mall.
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church to host Ugandan Orphans Choir The Ugandan Orphans Choir, a ministry of Childcare Worldwide, will present a concert in Ramona on March 5. Hosted by Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, the 10 Ugandan children will present their songs and dances in the church, 1735 Main St., at 7 p.m. All 10 children have been given hope through Childcare Worldwide’s Sponsorship Program and are spreading that hope to audiences across the United States, states an announcement of their performance in Ramona.
The choir has performed nationwide at churches, schools, and Disneyland, on King 5 Television’s “New Day Northwest” and the steps of the White House, and at Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks. These children delight audiences with traditional African songs and dances, states the announcement. “All of you have amazing talents, beautiful voices and some serious dance skills,” said Megan DiRienzo, curator of education at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. “A performance like yours was a once in a
lifetime opportunity. We fully support you on your mission to end child poverty.” Through child sponsorship, Childcare Worldwide provides children in need with an education that will prepare them for future employment and break the cycle of poverty in their lives. Those attending the concert at Spirit of Joy Lutheran will enjoy a unique experience of traditional African song and dance as well as help children in need, say event organizers. For more information, call 760-788-7456.
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Ramona author Mary Galusha is among 300 authors in the 48th Local Author Exhibit this month in the new San Diego Library. Her book, “Sapphire Skies,” is available on Amazon.com.
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San Diego Country Estates Association invites golfers and their friends to a Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Golf Tournament to benefit the mural project on Saturday March 29. Proceeds from the fundraiser are dedicated to a mural on 10th and D streets. The Country Estates association will sponsor the mural, which will depict Ramona’s rural country lifestyle, including hiking, riding, golf, tennis and beautiful views, said S. Elaine Lyttleton, mural project board president. Tee, hole and event sponsorships are available for $100, and items are being sought to include in the entrant gift bags. A special feature at the event will be the opportunity to bid on the mini-mural that Ramona artist Linda Kelly is creating on a wine barrel. “That’s worth the (entry) fee just to be able to bid on that,” said event organizer, Stephanie Norvell. Check in at the San Vicente Golf Course, 24157 San Vicente Road, will be at 11 a.m. for a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The $100 entry fee includes lunch, dinner, awards and auction. “Make your own foursome or individual entries, and incomplete foursomes will be teamed,” noted Norvell. Not a golfer? “It’s just $25 for the dinner and the opportunity to bid on the auction items and join in the fun,” she added. Reservations are due by March 20, but with room for just 144 people, event organizers encourage you not to delay. For sponsorships and more information, call Norvell at 760-505-5626. To enter the tournament, call Jim Munsterman at 760-789-9999 or email mnstrmn1@cox.net.
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
By Guy Hanford
Best Picture __American Hustle __Captain Phillips __Dallas Buyers Club __Gravity __Her __Nebraska __Philomena __12 Years a Slave __The Wolf of Wall Street Best Director __David O. Russell – American Hustle __Alfonso Cuaròn - Gravity __Alexander Payne - Nebraska __Steve McQueen – 12 Years a Slave __Martin Scorsese – The Wolf of Wall Street Best Actor __Christian Bale – American Hustle __Bruce Dern - Nebraska __Leonardo DiCaprio – The Wolf of Wall Street __Chiwetel Ejiofor – 12 Years a Slave __Matthew McConaughey – Dallas Buyers Club Best Actress __Amy Adams – American Hustle __Cate Blanchett – Blue Jasmine __Sandra Bullock - Gravity __Judi Dench - Philomena __Meryl Streep – August: Osage County Best Supporting Actor __Barkhad Abdi – Captain Phillips __Bradley Cooper – American Hustle __Michael Fassbender – 12 Years a Slave __Jonah Hill – The Wolf of Wall Street __Jared Leto – Dallas Buyers Club Best Supporting Actress __Sally Hawkins – Blue Jasmine __Jennifer Lawrence – American Hustle __Lupita Nyong’o – 12 Years a Slave __Julia Roberts – August: Osage County __June Squibb – Nebraska Best Animated Feature Film __The Croods __Despicable Me 2 __Ernest & Celestine __Frozen __The Wind Rises Best Foreign Film __The Broken Circle Breakdown - Belgium __The Great Beauty - Italy __The Hunt - Denmark __The Missing Picture - Cambodia __Omar - Palestine Best Original Screenplay __American Hustle __Blue Jasmine __Dallas Buyers Club __Her __Nebraska Best Adapted Screenplay __Before Midnight __Captain Phillips __Philomena __12 Years a Slave __The Wolf of Wall Street Best Costume Design __American Hustle __The Grandmaster __The Great Gatsby __The Invisible Woman __12 Years a Slave Best Original Song __Happy – Despicable Me 2
__Let It Go - Frozen __The Moon Song – Her __Ordinary Love – Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Best Original Score __The Book Thief – John Williams __Gravity – Steven Price __Her – William Butler and Owen Pallett __Philomena – Alexandre Desplat __Saving Mr. Banks – Thomas Newman Best Documentary __The Act of Killing __Cutie and the Boxer __Dirty Wars __The Square __20 Feet from Stardom Best Documentary (Short) ––CaveDigger __Facing Fear __Karama Has No Walls __The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life __Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall Best Makeup & Hairstyling __Dallas Buyers Club __Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa __The Lone Ranger Best Production Design __American Hustle __Gravity __The Great Gatsby __Her __12 Years a Slave Best Film Editing __American Hustle __Captain Phillips __Dallas Buyers Club __Gravity __12 Years a Slave Best Cinematography __The Grandmaster __Gravity __Inside Llewyn Davis __Nebraska __Prisoners Best Sound Editing __All Is Lost __Captain Phillips __Gravity __The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug __Lone Survivor Best Sound Mixing __Captain Phillips __Gravity __The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug __Inside Llewyn Davis __Lone Survivor Best Visual Effects __Gravity __The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug __Iron Man 3 __The Lone Ranger __Star Trek into Darkness Best Short Film (Animated) __Feral __Get a Horse! __Mr. Hublot __Possessions __Room on the Broom Best Short Film (Live Action) __Aquel No Era Yo (That Wasn’t Me) __Avant Que de Tout Perdre__Helium __Pitääkö Mun Kaikki Hoitaa? __The Voorman Problem
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2014 Oscar Nominees
Retired Ramona teacher and movie buff Guy Hanford challenges readers to match their favorites with the 2014 Academy Award judges.
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Ramona Sentinel
February 27, 2014
Bulldog girls basketball clinches league title By BILL TAMBURRINO In a battle for the Valley League title, Ramona High School’s girls basketball team beat Del Norte 4945 on Feb. 21 in the Dawg House to remain undefeated in the league. The Bulldog girls earned the No. 1 seed in CIF playoffs and were scheduled to play No. 16-seeded Bonita Vista High in the Dawg House on Tuesday night. The Lady Dawgs entered the Del Norte game with a 9-0 league record while Del Norte had an 8-1 league record. Both teams wanted to be league champs and they played like it. Del Norte coach Jake McNeely’s game plan was to take advantage of his players’ height and control
the paint and boards, and for 2 1/2 quarters they did just that. The duo of Natalie Davies and Caitlin Cole had 25 rebounds and 12 blocked shots. Ramona led 13-4 after one quarter of play as the Lady Bulldogs relied on 3-point shots and medium-range jump shots to score. Del Norte made a defensive adjustment and stormed back in the second period, and trailed by 2 points in the 21-19 score at intermission. The Nighthawks scored the first 8 points of the second half and held Ramona scoreless for the first four minutes of the third quarter. Then Katherine Mauldin took charge. The Nighthawks had doubled her in the low post so coach Ken Scheib made a suggestion
to coach Dan Marshall. “Ken said to move Katherine to high post,” said Marshall. “That would take one or two defenders out from under the basket and allow Katherine to use her speed advantage over the taller girls and give Ramona a better chance at rebounds. For once Scheib’s idea worked,” he joked. Ramona’s offense caught fire and tied the score at 35 going into the final eight minutes of league play. Ramona scored the first 6 points of the final period and Kailey Hill came up with two blocked shots and two steals to go with her 6 points. Marshall had praise for his team captain: “Christina Barrameda had her best game of the year
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when it counted the most. She came up with some big rebounds (7), steals (5), a blocked shot down the stretch and scored 16 points with two key threes. Her leadership is one of the big keys to our team’s success.” Mauldin finished the game with another double double against a quality team in an important game. The junior forward
finished with 15 points, 10 boards, two assists and three steals. Kylee Scheib came up with the play of the game in the fourth quarter. She was double-teamed at the free throw line and close to getting a held ball call. Scheib delivered a wraparound bounce pass to an uncovered Mauldin who scored a layup and prevented a 4-point swing at
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Sentinel photo/Bill Tamburrino
RHS girls basketball coach Dan Marshall, kneeling, talks to his players after they clinch the league title. This will be the 17th time Marshall takes his team to the playoffs in as many years. Pictured with Marshall and his players are assistant coaches Jim Conroy, left, and Ken Scheib.
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a crucial time in the game. Scheib finished with 3 points, 10 rebounds, four steals and a blocked shot. Chiara Mattern had five defensive rebounds, two steals and scored 9 points. Ramona beat Orange Glen 73-30 on Feb. 19 and Mattern led the way. The freshman guard put on a shooting clinic as she See LEAGUE TITLE, page 24
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Wrestling team takes second at CIF; eight wrestlers advance to Masters By BILL TAMBURRINO Coach David Tomaino’s Valley League championship wrestling team will advance eight wrestlers to the Masters Meet on Friday and Saturday at Mission Hills High School. The Bulldogs finished second as a team in Division III behind Brawley High School of Imperial County, so technically the Bulldogs are the best Division III team in San Diego County. “As a team I thought we competed very well,” said Tomaino. “We did our part
in the head-to-head bouts with Brawley, pinning two of their wrestlers in the finals. We just didn’t get any help from the rest of the field. We are still hungry at this point, which is a good sign heading into the Masters.” Four wrestlers from Ramona advanced to the championship round and three Bulldogs — Arturo Osario, Troy Jordan and Trae Rodriguez — won individual championships. All won by pinning their opponents in the finals. Osario pinned Acuna from Brawley in the 138
championship bout in 2:54. “Arturo is a gamer. He was ready for CIF. He is a senior and you can tell he is making the most of every wrestling match he has left this year,”said Tomaino. Jordan beat Baeza from Brawley in the 152 championship bout by fall in 2:30. “Troy came in as the No. 10 seed. We knew what he is capable of and now the rest of the county knows what he is capable of,” Tomaino said. Trae Rodriguez, at 220
pounds, pinned Ballesteros of Montgomery High School in 4:42. Rodriguez was named Most Outstanding Heavyweight wrestler in the Division III meet. “Trae has shed some pounds and is looking more quicker and more explosive each bout. He has the correct mind set at this point. He goes out expecting to dominate each opponent,” said Tomaino. Raul Briseno entered the finals undefeated and lost a hard-fought bout to Eckman of Mt. Carmel, 8-7, to take home a silver medal
Photo courtesy of Antoinette Rodriguez
CIF wrestling champions, from left, Trae Rodriguez, Troy Jordan and Arturo Osario wear their gold medals.
for second place in the 197-pound weight class. Alex Gomez lost in the semifinals and bounced back to win the bronze medal for third place in
the 170-pound weight class. Leo Duron also advanced to the semifinal round and took fourth See WRESTLERS on page 24
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Ramona triumphs over Steele Canyon in girls water polo playoffs By JOE NAIMAN Ramona High girls water polo advanced to the CIF semifinals after beating Steele Canyon 7-4 in the CIF Division II quarterfinals Feb. 21. The Bulldog girls were scheduled to face No. 1-seeded Valhalla High School Tuesday night at La Jolla High School’s Coggan Pool. The winner advances to Saturday afternoon's championship game at Coggan Pool.
“Really proud of these girls. I think they’ve come together and done good work,” said coach Donnie Williams. Ramona had played two matches against Steele Canyon earlier in February in the San Diego Open tournament, splitting their win by one-goal final margins. The tournament matches gave the two teams familiarity with each other for the playoffs. “The more you see people the more they know
your tendencies,” Williams said. Ramona’s fourth seed in the Division II playoffs gave the Bulldogs a firstround bye. “We did have a full rested squad,” said Williams. Fifth-seeded Steele Canyon had a Feb. 19 firstround match — a 12-3 victory over Point Loma. Holly Smith opened the scoring for the Bulldogs in the quarterfinal, although 10 seconds later the Cougars tied the score. Twenty
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seconds after that Cassie Bernas scored to give Ramona a 2-1 lead with less than two minutes elapsed in the game. “That put them kind of where we wanted them,” Williams said of regaining the lead so soon after Steele Canyon scored the tying goal. Later in the period, Smith scored a pair of goals 30 seconds apart. “She really had a great first quarter,” Williams said.
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The first period ended with a 4-1 score. Paulina Bernd scored the second period’s only goal, giving Ramona a 5-1 halftime lead. “The second quarter was a lot tighter fought,” said Williams. Steele Canyon’s goalkeeper made nine saves during the first half. The Cougars had the initial third-period score on a five-meter penalty shot, but Bernd scored on Ramona’s next possession. Steele Canyon scored the period’s remaining two goals, creating a 6-4 score entering the fourth quarter. With 4 1/2 minutes remaining, Bernas scored for a 7-4 Ramona advantage. “I could see our girls were getting a little bit tired,” Williams said. The coach called a timeout on Ramona’s next possession. “That gave them enough rest,” he said. Goalie Morgan Wallace
helped the Bulldogs stave off a Cougars power play. “Morgan came up huge,” said Williams. The rest of the game was scoreless. “We got it down under two minutes and just worked our offense, played solid defense,” Williams said. Wallace had four saves and shared the team lead with four steals. Smith also had four steals. Jocelyn Schwegler had an assist along with her four steals. “Defense was solid,” Williams said. “I think we did a good job working our halfcourt. We got quality shots.” Williams noted that the Steele Canyon goalkeeper’s performance was beyond the control of the Ramona players. “We created the opportunities; that’s all you can ask for,” he said. “We did the work to come out on top.”
Boys basketball earns first trip to CIF since 2009-10 season By BILL TAMBURRINO The Ramona Bulldogs closed out basketball’s regular season with a loss to Orange Glen on the road and a loss to Valley League Champion Del Norte in the Dawg House. The Dawgs finish the regular season with a 13-12 record and a 5-5 record in league play. The team received the No. 13 seed, earning its first trip to CIF since the 2009-2010 season, and will play No. 4 seed Foothills Christian at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Mt. Miguel High School. Ramona lost to Orange Glen 80-64 in a game that was hard-fought in more ways than one. Colton Harris drew five fouls and was fouled out of the game. “The Dawgs came in with a good game plan but too many defensive breakdowns and mishaps made it impossible to gain the momentum needed to get over the hump,” said coach David Reichner. The first quarter was played fairly even but the Patriots led 20-16 after eight minutes. A disastrous second quarter cost the Dawgs the game as Orange Glen outscored Ramona 17-7 and took a 58-45 lead into the lockerroom. The Dawgs cut the lead to 5 points in the third quarter and outscored the Pats 22-21. Marco Cobian led the Dawgs in scoring with 14 points. Scott Stransky scored 12 points and led the team with five assists. He had two 3-point goals. Blake Seits also scored in double figures. The freshman swingman scored 10 points and led the team with three blocked shots. Tanner “T-Bone” Williams came off the bench to lead Ramona in rebounding. Williams grabbed nine boards and scored 5 points. Anthony Silvaggio (2), Christian Dominguez (7), See BOYS BASKETBALL on page 24
February 27, 2014
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February 27, 2014
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LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-005049 Design Inspirations By Moon Located at: 425 16th Street, Apt. 210, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Diane Goodman, 425 16th Street, Apt. 210, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 1/26/09. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/21/2014. Diane Goodman, Owner. R2799. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-004812 Motor N Located at: 1201 Creelman Ln., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is registered by the following: 1. Brandon Rogers, 1201 Creelman Ln., Ramona, CA 92065 2. Ashley Rogers, 1201 Creelman Ln., Ramona, CA 92065 This business is conducted by: A Married Couple. The first day of business was 2/1/14. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/20/2014. Ashley Rogers. R2796. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 Central Division PETITION OF: ANTHONY PAUL WOOD and BRIDGETTE HERRMANN for change of name. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER 37-2014-00003588-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ANTHONY PAUL WOOD and BRIDGETTE ANN HERRMANN
filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Present Name ANTHONY PAUL WOOD to Proposed Name ANTHONY PAUL DIEHL b. Present Name BRIDGETTE ANN HERRMANN to Proposed Name BRIDGETTE ANN HERRMANN DIEHL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: April 04, 2014 Time: 9:30 AM Dept 46. The address of the court is: 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Ramona Sentinel. Date: Feb. 20, 2014. David J. Danielsen Judge of the Superior Court R2795. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-004610 Cheers of Ramona Located at: 2475 Main St., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is registered by the following: Sean Leahy, 16088 Green Valley, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 10/6/2003. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/18/2014. Sean Leahy, Owner. R2794. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-004689 Rock Construction Located at: 810 7th St., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Trevor Lee Green, 810 7th St., Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 10/1/2006. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/19/2014. Trevor Lee Green. R2793. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-002828 a. Ramona Tang Soo Do b. Ramona Martial Arts c. RMA Located at: 1530 Main St., #7 & 8, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: same. This business is hereby registered by the following: 1. Hans Hemkes, 1320 La Haina St., Ramona, CA 92065 2. Elizabeth Hemkes, 1320 La Haina St., Ramona, CA 92065 This business is conducted by: A Married Couple. The first day of business was Feb. 1, 2009. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/31/2014. Hans Hemkes. R2792. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-004064 Fictitious Business Name(s): Rescued Pup Boutique Located at: 220 Rotanzi, Ste. A, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following:
February 27, 2014 NikaPower LLC, 220 Rotanzi, Ste. A, Ramona, CA 92065, California. This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The first day of business was 2/1/13. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/12/2014. Dorene Robertson, Treasurer. R2790. Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-003670 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. R & L Farms b. Cervantes Grapes Located at: 731 Oak St., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Israel Cervantes, 731 Oak St., Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 5/1/05. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/07/2014. Israel Cervantes, Owner. R2789. Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-003668 Fictitious Business Name(s): IM Quality Hydraulics Located at: 731 Oak St., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: 1. Israel Cervantes, 731 Oak St., Ramona, CA 92065 2. Mario Gomez, 484 Jamul Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91911 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The first day of business has not yet started. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/07/2014. Israel Cervantes. R2788. Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No.: 9434-1788 TSG Order No.: 1486304 A.P.N.: 286-181-35-00 NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED (The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(c)(1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(c) (2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 09/12/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NBS Default Services, LLC, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 09/27/2005 as Document No.: 2005-0832616, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, executed by: BARRY N. SINKOFF TRUSTEE OF THE BARRY N. SINKOFF FAMILY TRUST INITIALLY CREATED MARCH 14, 2005, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and state, and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date and Time: 03/14/2014 at 10:30 AM Sale Location: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 The street address
and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 19002 RANCHO SANTA FE COURT, RAMONA, CA 92065 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $687,154.12 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call, (714)730-2727 for information regarding the trustee`s sale or visit this Internet Web site, https://www. lpsasap.com/, for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, T.S.# 9434-1788. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder`s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Services, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90802 800-7667751 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: https://www.lpsasap.com/ or Call: (714)730-2727. NBS Default Services, LLC, Suzanne Castle “We are attempting to collect a debt, and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose.” A-4443468 02/20/2014, 02/27/2014, 03/06/2014. R2787 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-004030 Fictitious Business Name(s): Los Hotdogs Located at: 1158 Main Street, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This
business is hereby registered by the following: 1. Cynthia Valenzuela, 871 9th Street, Ramona, CA 92065 2. Sandra Gonzalez, 13930 San Pasqual Valley Rd., Escondido, CA 92027 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The first day of business has not yet started. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/11/2014. Sandra Gonzalez, Partnership. R2786. Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-003012 Fictitious Business Name(s): Town Hall Bridge Club Located at: 729 Main Street, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 1541 Keys Road, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is hereby registered by the following: Mary Ann Houston, 1541 Keys Rd., Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was August 1, 2013. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/03/2014. Mary Ann Houston. R2785. Feb. 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 2014. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1409 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Madge Bradley Building Estate of: BEVERLY ELGERENE MITTMAN, Decedent NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: BEVERLY ELGERENE MITTMAN CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00001682-PR-LA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of BEVERLY ELGERENE MITTMAN. A Petition for Probate has been filed by RALPH MITTMAN in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. The petition for Probate requests that RALPH MITTMAN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: MAR 18, 2014 Time: 11:00 AM Dept.: PC-1. Address of court: same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California
statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Casey L. Ames 1441 Main Street #104 Ramona, CA 92065 760-877-1555 R2784. Feb, 13, 20, 27, 2014 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. 13-519930 BFB Title Order No. 1478821 APN 286-191-29-00 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 03/23/05. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 03/05/14 at 10:30 am, Aztec Foreclosure Corporation as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Brian B. Abeel A Married Man, As His Sole And Separate Property, as Trustor(s), in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as Nominee for Guaranty Residential Lending, Inc., a Nevada Corporation, as Beneficiary, Recorded on 03/30/05 in Instrument No. 20050261610 of official records in the Office of the county recorder of SAN DIEGO County, California; Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee of the IndyMac INDX Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR16IP, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-AR16IP under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated July 1, 2005, as the current Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state), At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California described as: 19121 CAMINO VISTA ROAD, RAMONA, CA 92065 The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $692,109.28 (Estimated good through 2/26/14) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. DATE: 2-5-14 Elaine Malone Assistant Secretary and Assistant Vice President Aztec Foreclosure Corporation
6 Venture, Suite 305 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (877) 257-0717 or (602) 638-5700 Fax: (602) 638-5748 www.aztectrustee.com NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call or visit the Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case 13-519930. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Call 714730-2727 http://www.lpsasap.com Or Aztec Foreclosure Corporation (877) 257-0717 www.aztectrustee.com A-4442566 02/13/2014, 02/20/2014, 02/27/2014. R2782 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2014-004096 Citizens For Common Sense Voting Act Located at: 1672 Main St., Ste. E, PMB 165, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Guard My Vote, Inc., 15744 Zeigler Ct., Ramona, CA 92065, CA. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The first day of business was 7/16/13. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 02/12/2014. Rachel I. Meyer, Secretary. R2798. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 12-0024802 Doc ID #000893848232005N Title Order No. 12-0041355 Investor/Insurer No. 084946944 APN No. 200254-06-00 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 10/18/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JOSH SCHATZ, A SINGLE MAN, dated 10/18/2004 and recorded 10/27/2004, as Instrument No. 2004-1014640, in Book N/A, Page 6640, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, will sell on 03/10/2014 at 10:30AM, At the entrance to the East County Regional Center
Ramona Sentinel
by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1476 SARASOTA DRIVE, BORREGO SPRINGS, CA, 92004. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $143,966.62. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ‘’AS IS’’ condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on a property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 1-800-2818219 or visit this Internet Web site www.recontrustco.com, using the file number assigned to this case TS No. 12-0024802. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. DATED: 07/10/2012 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale
Ramona Sentinel
Information (626) 927-4399 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. A-4441873 02/13/2014, 02/20/2014, 02/27/2014. R2781 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-13-600737-BF Order No.: 130225495-CA-API YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/24/2012. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or
February 27, 2014 savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): STEPHANIE ORTEGA, A SINGLE WOMAN AND KYLE PIKE, A SINGLE MAN, AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: 2/29/2012 as Instrument No. 2012-
0115681 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN DIEGO County, California; Date of Sale: 3/14/2014 at 9:00 AM Place of Sale: At the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, 1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92101, in the Auction.com Room Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $308,478.14 The purported property address is: 24228 YORBA LINDA COURT, RAMONA, CA 92065-4165 Assessor’s Parcel No.: 288-432-08-00 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on
the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 800-280-2832 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site http://www. qualityloan.com , using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-13-600737-BF . Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any
reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 800-280-2832 Or Login to: http://www.qualityloan.com Reinstatement Line: (866) 6457711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-13-600737-BF IDSPub #0061507 2/13/2014
County of San Diego Ramona Community Planning Group PRELIMINARY MEETING AGENDA March 6, 2014 7:00 PM @ the Ramona Community Library, 1275 Main Street, Ramona 1. ROLL CALL (Piva, Chair) 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF 2-6-14 4. Announcements and Correspondence Received 5. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Group on any subject matter within the Group’s jurisdiction that is not on posted agenda. 6. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Action) 7. ACTION ITEMS: A. (T&T Subcommittee Review) Caltrans Response to RCPG Letter Requesting Their Investigation into Traffic Congestion on Main St. at 13th St. by Starbucks B. ”O” Animal Designator Discussion carried over from 2-6-14 Meeting C. Paving of Creelman Due to Building of SDG&E Solar Facility on Property near Substation (Moved to 4-3-14 when County Staff will be in Attendance) 8. GROUP BUSINESS (Possible Action) A. Appointment of CUDA Subcommittee Chair B. Santa Maria Creek Cleanup Update C. Committee Reports (Possible Action) 8-C-1: Parks and Recreation Subcommittee Meeting Business – Update on Park PLDO Priority List Submitted August 2013 8-C-2: DESIGN REVIEW REPORT (Cooper) – Update on Projects Reviewed by the Design Review Board 8-C-3: VILLAGE DESIGN COMMITTEE REPORT (Brean, Stykel) 8-C-4: Consideration of Supporting $5,000 Grant to Benefit the Community D. Discussion Items (Possible Action) 8-D-1: Update RCPG Information on Roster 8-D-2: Consideration of Chair Calling for Abstentions when there is a Vote 8-D-3: Question Raised on Having more RCPG Members on a Subcommittee than Members of the Public 8-D-4. FORM 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) Annual Filing Due 4-1-14 8-D-5: Concerns from Members 8-D-6: Future Agenda Item Requests 8-D-7: Addition of New Subcommittee Members E. Meeting Updates 8-E-1: Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission Meetings 8-E-2: Land Development Performance Review Committee Report of Meeting 2-20-14 8-E-3: Future Group Meeting Dates – Next RCPG Meeting to be 4-3-14 at the Ramona Community Library, 7 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT The RCPG is advisory only to the County of San Diego. Community issues not related to planning and land use are not within the purview of this group. Item #5: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the RCPG on any subject within the group’s jurisdiction that does not appear as an item on this agenda. The RCPG cannot discuss these matters except to place them on a future agenda, refer them to a subcommittee, or to County staff. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. Please fill out a speaker request form located at the rear of the room and present to Vice Chairperson. Prelim.Agenda.3.6.14. 2/27/14. R2797.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-002617 Fictitious Business Name(s): Jeff Burton & Associates Located at: 24866 Thunder Mountain Rd., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jeffery Antoine Burton, 24866 Thunder Mountain Rd., Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 1/1/2014. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/29/2014. Jeffery Antoine Burton. R2779. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-002873 Fictitious Business Name(s): Linton Family Arts Located at: 11225 Affinity Ct., #52, San Diego, CA, 92131, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 11225 Affinity Ct., #52, San Diego, CA 92131. This business is hereby registered by the following: Elaine Linton, 11225 Affinity Ct., #52, San Diego, CA 92131. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 1/1/2014. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/31/2014. Elaine Linton. R2778. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-002211 Fictitious Business Name(s): Empire Builders International Located at: 25120 Starlight Mountain Rd., Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: same. This business is hereby registered by the following: 1. Jennifer Devlin, 25120 Starlight Mountain Rd., Ramona, CA 92065. 2. Phil Smerdon, 5322 Alta Bahia Ct., San Diego, CA 92109 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The first day of business has not yet started. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/24/2014. Jennifer Devlin, President. R2780. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-002610 Fictitious Business Name(s): Fix Auto Ramona Located at: 453 Main Street, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lambcor, 453 Main Street, Ramona, CA, 92065. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The first day of business has not yet started. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/29/2014. Steven Lamb, President. R2773. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-002426 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Rancho De Las Uvas b. Hacienda De Las Uvas c. Casa De Las Uvas Located at: 24949 Thunder Mtn. Road, Ramona, CA, 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: PO Box 249, Ramona, CA 92065-0249. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lori Ann Brown, 24949 Thunder Mtn. Road, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business
ANSWERS 2/20/14
Ramona Sentinel 23 Ramona Sentinel Ramona Sentinel 2323
February February 27, 27, 2014 2014 has not yet started. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/28/2014. Lori Ann Brown. R2772. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-001856 Fictitious Business Name(s): Rent Jet Skis USA Located at: 2803 Emerson St., San Diego, CA, 92106, San Diego County. This business is hereby registered by
the following: 1. Antone J. Motta, 5949 Old Kane Springs Rd., Borrego Springs, CA 92004 2. Anthony D. Motta, 5949 Old Kane Springs Rd., Borrego Springs, CA 92004 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The first day of business was 4/1/14. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 01/22/2014. Anthony D. Motta, G.M./Partner. R2771. Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014.
Public Notice of Proposed Developer Fee Increase Ramona Unified School District PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ramona Unified School District will conduct a public hearing on March 13, 2014 to consider the increase of existing developer impact fees. Said fees are collected to implement the District’s school construction program and to participate in the School Facility Program. The hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as is practical, in the boardroom of the Wilson Administrative Center, 720 Ninth Street, Ramona, in the County of San Diego, California. Should the public wish to review the Residential Development School Fee Justification Study and Commercial/Industrial Development School Fee Justification Study upon which the proposed developer fee increase is based, prior to the public hearing, both studies will be on file and available for public inspection during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the address listed below, and on the District’s website www.ramonausd.net. All interested parties are encouraged to attend, speak and be heard. Written comments are acceptable and should be addressed to the District representative at the address listed below. Written comments will be accepted up to the time of the hearing. Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services Ramona Unified School District | 720 Ninth Street | Ramona, CA 92065 Phone: 760-787-2023 | Fax: 760-788-5381 RUSD 2.27. 2/27,3/6, 2014. R2800
LEGAL NOTICES Call 858.218.7237
Place your ad online anytime! We now have a complete classified advertising self-service and payment system on our website! From items for sale, to rental and transportation needs, to garage sales, announcements and services, to obituaries and fictitious business name notices, and more.
How will you be remembered Ramona lost a valuable asset to the community two weeks ago. Spiritual leader, mentor and pastor to thousands of people in Ramona, Charles Youngkin, died on Feb. 12, 2014. Pastor Charlie was remembered and celebrated by a full house at Mountain View Community Church last week. I was fortunate enough to get to know Charlie inside and outside the church and I would describe him in three words — passionate, energetic and caring. No matter what the topic, Charlie had a zeal
and spirit about him that was unmatched. If he was talking or playing sports he was all in and ALL THERE. His passion for sports and authors such as C.S. Lewis, John Piper and some of the theological greats were dwarfed by his passion for people. At his celebration service people rose one by one to give a testimony of how he changed their lives. A common theme was how he made each person feel like he or she was his best friend. He cared — truly cared — about what
was going on in people’s lives. He cared about their eternal well-being, he cared if they were hurting, and he somehow knew when to reach out and what encouraging words needed to be spoken to get one back on track and back in line with their purpose. He cared about the hurting world and specifically Ramona and set forth direction on how Mountain View Community Church would help rectify those hurts through Worshiping, Connecting, Reaching, Growing and Serving the community. If you had a chance to be around Charlie, you would find his energy contagious and his spirit unique. One in attendance described how he wore a hole in the carpet pacing vigorously to and fro dur-
ing his sermons. One second he was right in front of you and the next he was 50 yards away on the other side of the stage. “The Dash,” a book by Simple Truths, is an easy must read for everyone. The dash on your headstone — what will it stand for and how will you be remembered? When all is said and done and you’ve seen your last sunrise, when you’ve taken your last breath, what will that thin line between your years stand for? Will it be a hollow line etched in stone, or an overflowing testament of how your life changed others? Now is the time to create your legacy and to work on that small line between the years of your birth and your death. Pastor Charlie’s line continues on through the lives of the people he touched.
Fire Reports Ramona Fire Department responded to: Sunday, Feb. 23 •Medical aids -800 block Third Street. -600 block Kirks Way. -17000 block Highway 67. -100 block Letton Street. Saturday, Feb. 22 •Medical aids -1400 block Montecito Road. -25000 block Como Esta Court. -Walk-in, Station 86. -200 block Etcheverry Street. -1200 block H Street. -24000 block Watt Road -900 block Montecito Way. •Public service, 15000 block Vista Vicente Drive. •Smoke check, 600 block South Hunter Street. •Structure fire, 2000 block Via Rancho Dos Ninas. •Traffic collision, 24000 block Highway 78. •Traffic collision, 22000 block San Vicente Road. •Vegetation fire, 25000 block Oakana Road. Friday, Feb. 21
•Fire alarm, 400 block Aqua Lane. •Medical aids -2400 block Duraznitos Place. -On Mt. Woodson. -15000 block Highland Valley Road. -1200 block Ledesma Lane. -1800 block Raymond Avenue. -1200 block H Street. •Smoke check, 2600 block Dye Road. •Traffic collision, 26000 block Highway 78. •16000 block Wildcat Canyon Road. •Traffic collision, 19400 block Highway 78. Thursday, Feb. 20 •Medical aids -1100 block Hanson Lane. -16000 block Gunn Stage Road. -200 block 13th Street. -1200 block Elm Street. -100 block Ramona Street. -900 block H Street. -1600 block Highway 78. •Medical assist, 1200 block Quincy Canyon Road. •Medical assist, Barona Hotel. •Traffic collision, 1000 block
Third Street. Wednesday, Feb. 19 •Fire alarm, 700 block B Street. •Medical aids -19000 block Hawkeye Downs Way. -600 block South 14th Street. -24000 block Highway 78. -400 block Eighth Street. -400 block South 14th Street. -24000 block Rutherford Road. Tuesday, Feb. 18 •Medical aids -1600 block Main Street. -25000 block Hereford Drive -400 block Telford Lane. -1500 block Montecito Road. -23000 block Calistoga Place. Monday, Feb. 17 •Medical aids -16000 block Shady Oaks Drive. -700 block Highway 78. -200 block 13th Street. -Walk-in, Station 80. -Walk-in, Station 80. -1000 block Highway 78. -15000 block Wood Road Lane. -23000 block Green Haven Lane. •Traffic collision, 26200 block East Old Julian Highway.
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park offers cabin camping Cabin camping offers a new alternative to sleeping on the ground in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Eleven newly constructed cabins at Tamarisk Grove Campground are available to rent. Each cabin measures 12 feet by 14 feet and has a set of bunk beds and a loft, designed to sleep four, or perhaps a couple more if there are young children.
A table and chairs can be used in the cabin or moved to the porch for outside views. Each campsite also features a parking pad, a shade porch and a campfire ring. Inside or outside, the legal limit for each campsite is eight people. Two of the cabins are designed for disabled accessibility.
Visitors must bring their own bedding. The cabins rent for $60 a night on a first-come, first-served basis and will soon be available by reservation through the State Park reservation system, Reserve America — 800444-7275 or www.parks.ca.gov. For more information, call AnzaBorrego Desert State Park at 760767-5311.
Stay Connected to Ramona: ramonasentinel.com
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
RHS picks Darrough to coach tennis Former RHS grad to coach boys golf By BILL TAMBURRINO Rose Darrough will be the new Ramona High School boys tennis coach, replacing Doug Failla who resigned last spring. Darrough is no stranger to Ramona High School tennis or athletics. She graduated from RHS in 1980 and still holds records. She lettered in softball, volleyball, basketball, track and tennis. Darrough also earned all league in all of those sports and is the only RHS athlete to be all league in five sports. In all, Darrough earned 12 varsity letters. Her track records in the 100 and 200 will never be beaten. “That is only because they have gone from yards to meters,” Darrough said with a chuckle. Darrough attended Cal g
place in the 285-pound weight class. Vince Adair (126) and Logan White (132) each won medals for finishing in fifth place. Jordan Cas-
State Fullerton, where she earned a scholarship and four varsity letters in tennis. The RHS grad is no stranger to coaching at her alma mater. She has coached varsity track, tennis, volleyball and softball. Darrough is a social science teacher at RHS and a part-time teacher at Palomar College. She is a reader for Advanced Placement examinations and trains others to be
readers. In addition, she was a national presenter in Washington D.C. for the History in Schools program, and is the Department Chair in the Social Studies department. Darrough has four daughters and one son, but none of her children play tennis. “Some started when they were small, but they got interested in other sports,” she said. “Both success and failure are just as important in growing in athletics and in life. One must build upon successes and learn from failures,” said Darrough. “We will work on techniques and strategies. We will drill, have multiple reps and work on conditioning. There are no secrets or shortcuts to success.”
By BILL TAMBURRINO Michael Gainey is the new boys varsity golf coach at Ramona High School, replacing Jerry Patenaude who resigned in December. Gainey is a 1995 graduate of Ramona High School. He played three years of golf under coaches Ed Schwartz and Rick g
Hardiman. Upon graduating from RHS he entered the golf industry and is a certified PGA apprentice. Gainey is also a certified personal trainer. “I hope to continue the success that the previous golf coaches have established,” said Gainey. “Coach Patenaude did not leave the shelf empty. He
Boys basketball
built a solid base and we have several good golfers entering the program. My main focuses will be golf fitness and swing instruction. I will try to use my golf experiences to help the players with their swings and mental and physical approaches in order to get an edge. Our See GOLF COACH, page 26
From page 18
From page 17
tro (106) and Austin Koch (182) took home eighth place honors. Osario, Jordan, Rodriguez, Briseno, Gomez, Adair, White and Duron
all advance to the Masters Meet. The top wrestlers from the Masters will advance to the State Meet, March 7 and 8 in Bakersfield.
Celebrate Spring
Photo Doug Sooley
Del Norte players guard Bulldog Riley Hubbard, who was one of five seniors recognized during the team's Senior Night.
Colton Harris (6) and Riley Hubbard also scored for the Bulldogs. Orange Glen led the battle of statistics as they out-rebounded the Dawgs 37-32, had 16 assists to Ramona’s nine, forced 11 Bulldog turnovers to seven for the Pats, had seven steals to four for the Dawgs, hit eight 3-point shots compared to six for the Dawgs, and shot 50 percent from the floor compared to 40 percent for Ramona. The biggest crowd of the season showed up on Senior Night to salute seniors Stransky, Hubbard, Williams, Colton Harris and Tyler Liddie as the Bulldogs lost to Del Norte 73-58. The Dawgs led 6-2 and then Del Norte g
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League title
all but outscored Orange Glen with 28 points. Mattern hit eight 3-point shots for 24 of her 28 points. She also led the team in blocked shots. “We rested Kailey Hill so we needed somebody to step up in the scoring column. Chiara did in a big way!” said Marshall. “Hannah Farhat is a very good 3-point shooter but when she saw how hot Chiara was, Hannah kept feeding her the ball. That is the kind of players we have on this team. Unselfish is an understatement.” Marshall only had eight players available for the game and they all contributed. Lauren Werhanowicz filled in the rebounding gap as she led all rebounders with 13 boards. She scored 7 points
went on a 24-5 run and led after one quarter of play. The Nighthawks would not relinquish the lead. Stransky led all scorers with 25 points. The senior guard also grabbed six boards and dished off four assists. Colton Harris scored 10 points and grabbed six boards. Harris played at both ends of the court as he blocked three shots against taller foes. Cobian led the Dawgs in rebounding with eight as he scored 9 points and contributed three assists. Hubbard scored 6 points, grabbed three boards and took another charge to continue to lead in that category. Seits (6) and Williams (2) also scored in the game. From page 16
and had five steals. Scheib led both teams with seven steals and scored 8 points. Marshall rested Barrameda and Mauldin most of the game, but before they went to the bench Barrameda scored 3 points with two steals and Mauldin scored 8 points. “We played most of the game with only one regular starter in the lineup and never missed a beat. We have been able to give every player on the team quality playing time and every girl has done the job when called upon,” stated Marshall. Emily Sojourner scored 9 points and grabbed five boards. Molly McLeod scored 7 points and had five rebounds. Farhat gave Mattern five assists and scored 4 points.
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Girls soccer earns ninth seed in CIF playoffs By JOE NAIMAN The CIF playoff selection and seeding meeting on Feb. 22 gave Ramona High School girls soccer team its first playoff match in three years. “We’re excited to be in the playoffs,” said assistant coach Deena Vizcarra. “We’re pretty happy about that, very happy about getting the chance to be in the Division III playoffs.” Ramona was given the ninth seed and a firstround match Feb. 25 at Horizon Christian Academy. The game occurred after this issue went to press. The first-round winner plays Friday at Escondido Charter. A 4-1 home win Feb. 19 against Orange Glen and a 4-0 loss Feb. 21 against Del Norte gave Ramona a final regular-season record of 7-9-2, including a 4-6 Valley League mark. The game against Orange Glen was Senior Night and the pre-game
Photo/Doug Sooley
Ramona’s Karli Njaa, left, goes for the ball in the Bulldog girls win against Orange Glen.
festivities recognized seniors Teresa Italiano, Bianca Scodellaro, and Jamie Williams. “Very sad to see them go,” Vizcarra said. Orange Glen scored the game’s first goal in the eighth minute. The Bulldogs tied the game when
came out super strong,” Vizcarra said. Hoertig passed to Njaa, who scored 30 seconds into the second half. Midway in the second half Njaa took a corner kick that was headed into the net by Lorentz. “We brought it on strong,” said Vizcarra. In the Bulldogs’ loss to Del Norte, the Nighthawks had a 1-0 halftime lead. “We had midfield control, getting first to the ball,” Vizcarra said. “We actually had a lot more shots in the second half. Our defense played hard,” she noted. “Del Norte’s a little bit quicker.”
Photo/Doug Sooley
PLAYER OF THE GAME—Ramona High’s Alex Nastre, right, earns Player of the Game in the Bulldogs’ competition against Del Norte Feb. 21. The Bulldogs were up 2-0 at halftime but lost 3-2. Nastre scored both Bulldog goals.
Katherine Lorentz passed to Karli Njaa, who headed the ball into the net. Ramona took the lead on a goal by Kacie Jordan with an assist from Kathrin Hoertig, and the 2-1 score held up for the remainder of the first half. “The second half we
Check www.ramonasentinel.com for updates on CIF playoffs
February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Roberts featured on cover of USA Gymnastics Magazine Gymnast Ryan Roberts of Ramona is featured on the cover of this month’s USA Gymnastics Magazine. The 21-year-old Roberts was one of four representing the U.S. on the Senior Men’s Double Mini-Trampoline Team that earned the gold medal at the 2013 Tumbling and Trampoline World Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria, in November. Following teammate Alex Renkert of Indianapolis, Ind., who garnered a score of 36.500, Roberts moved the team up to second place after earning a g
Golf coach
practices will by highly structured. “Fitness is very important in golf. Every big time PGA pro has a strength coach. Strength is really emphasized in college so we are going to introduce
score of 36.800. Teammate Austin White of Newport Coast, Calif., clinched the gold after achieving a 36.900 for a team total of 110.200, besting Canada and Great Britain at the championships. The U.S. Senior Women’s Double Mini-TramUSA Gymnastics Magazine’s Feb- poline Team also won a gold medal. ruary issue features Ramonan Roberts attends Ryan Roberts, back row, far right, So Cal TTC in Powalong with his teammates after winning the gold medal at the ay. He has been on 2013 Tumbling and Trampoline the national team World Championships. for two years.
Blankenbaker wins mile at Razorback Invite By JOE NAIMAN In Dylan Blankenbaker’s first collegiate mile race, the 2012 Ramona High School graduate and current University of Oklahoma runner won the college section at the Razorback Invitational indoor meet in Fayetteville, Ark. Blankenbaker lowered his personal record at the Feb. 1 meet by seven seconds and finished the race in 4:10.64. “I’m really happy with how I competed, and getting a new PR was definitely a plus,” he said. Technically the Razorback Invitational race was his first actual mile race. A mile is 1,609 meters, so the 1,600-meter high
From page 24
it at our level.” Gainey is a personal trainer at Ramona Fitness Center and has expertise in strength, conditioning and flexibility. The fitness center recently added a golf simulator and swing
analysis program, useful tools for improving a golf game. “I remember trying out for JV golf and not doing very well. But I got the bug and got encouragement, and now I can give some
of that back,” said the new coach. At one time when Gainey worked full time in the golf industry he had a 2 handicap. His handicap is still in the single digits.
Since 1989 the friendly people at Richardson Recycling have enjoyed serving Ramona as a state certified redemption center, buying back all containers with the “CA CASH REFUND” on the label. As a metal scrap yard, they also buy iron and the non ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, brass, stainless, lead and such items as auto radiators, rims, batteries and bumpers. We even buy white goods (appliance like water heaters, refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers). For a $10 fee, your old appliance will be picked up from your driveway.
school races are known as the “metric mile” but are slightly shorter than one mile. The race was also Blankenbaker’s first mile or 1,600-meter race since 2011. Blankenbaker had knee surgery and missed the 2012 high school track and field season. He redshirted as a collegiate freshman last year. “This was my first time back on the track in a long time,” he said. Blankenbaker ran in two smaller meets prior to the Razorback Invitational. Oklahoma’s indoor track season began Jan. 18 with the Oklahoma Sooner Opener meet in Norman, Okla. Blankenbaker ran the anchor 1,600-meter portion of the distance medley relay. On Jan. 25, Blankenbaker ran the 1,000-meter race at the J.D. Martin Invitational meet in Norman. His time of 2:30.52 placed third among the eight runners. The University of Arkansas indoor track utilizes 200-meter laps, so Blan-
kenbaker and the other runners competed for eight laps and nine meters. “It was slow at first, but we definitely finished very fast,” he said. “I stayed with the leaders and when it came down to the last lap I took over and just pulled away.” Blankenbaker took the lead in the final lap with about 110 meters remaining. The meet included (in order of final men’s team points) Arkansas, Texas A&M, Florida, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, Florida State, Tulsa, Texas, and Stanford. “All the schools that we think of that are sports schools, track schools, they were there, so being able to come away with a victory, even in the college section, that was great. It definitely gave me a lot of confidence,” Blankenbaker said. “It was really good to get a good effort in,” Blankenbaker said. “It’s still early in the year. I think there’s still a lot more to come.”
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Boys 3rd/4th Grade Division Chase Newman Chase N e w man is a secondgrader at Mt. Woodson. His favorite subject is math. Chase is super competitive on the basketball court.
His dream would be to play college basketball at BYU, SDSU or Duke. If he could go anywhere, he would go to a college football game or basketball game. Girls 3rd/4th/5th Grade Division Sarah Sommers Sarah Sommers, 9, is a fourth-grader at Ramona Community School. She is
is a fifth-grader at Barnett Elementary. Colin is an excellent student. He has been playing Pop Warner Football for three years and basketball for four years. Colin is excellent at sports, art, building things and loves the outdoors.
Boys 5th/6th Grade Division Colin Nungesser
Girls 6th/7th/8th Grade Division Helena Brown
in the seventh grade. She is homeschooled, and is doing an indepth study on her favorite subject, science. Helena attends CrossFit and Kenpo Karate. This is her first year of basketball. Boys 7th/8th Grade Division Derek Newman Derek Newman is in seventh grade at Olive Peirce Middle School. His
Helena Brown, 12, is
favorite class is math. Derek has two brothers and a sister and enjoys going up to visit family in Utah. He w o u l d love to be 6’6" and play basketball at BYU or UNC. The best thing about recreation basketball is being with friends and having great coaches, he said. For more, see www. leaguelineup.com/ramonahoops.
Ramona Sentinel
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February 27, 2014
Ramona Sentinel
Sharon Quisenberry’s Q’Nique Properties
Bring me your listing!
Days on Market
710 War Paint
3105 Dye Road 15672 Davis Cup Lane 16048 Saddle Summit 590 Camino De Amor
$284,000 $184,800 $665,000 $548,800
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24657 High Country Rd Nicole Street Land Main Street Lots
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Beautiful Custom Home on .50 acres with Mountain Valley Views $527,800
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Custom Home with 4 Bd/3 Ba on 2 Acres $548,800
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New 3 Bd/2.5 Ba Home on 4.94 Acres $593,800
Custom Home 4Bd/3Ba on 4.19 Acres $728,800
Q’Nique Properties sharonquisenberry.com 2130 Main Street, Ramona
Sharon Quisenberry 760.787.3177 LIC.# 00768893