Thursday, June 22, 2017
Brody, Best Kisser in Bow Wow Pow Wow. 11
■ ROARS Field Day, 2
Vol. 131, Issue 19
Ramona’s Community Newspaper since 1886
Directors adopt sewer rate hikes in 3-2 vote BY KAREN BRAINARD By a 3-2 vote, Ramona Municipal Water District directors approved sewer fee increases of 4 percent for Santa Maria Sewer Service Area customers and 5 percent for San Vicente customers. Both are less than what was originally proposed. For the average customer, the annual Santa Maria fee will rise from $720.83 to $756.87 and the San Vicente fee will go from $759.30 to $789.67, according
to the district. The increases, adopted at the board's June 13 meeting, will go into effect July 1, the start of the district’s 2017-18 fiscal year. Opposed were directors Jim Hickle and Jeff Lawler, who questioned whether any increase is necessary this year, saying it appears there has been healthy growth in the fund balances to pay for some of the capital improvement projects at the two sewer plants.
RMWD General Manager David Barnum argued that the sewer fund will drop when the district pays for some of the projects and without the increase they would have to stop deferred maintenance. Hickle, who also voted against last year’s sewer fee hike, said his constituents told him that they do not want another increase. “My constituents are certainly bending my ear when I talk about rate
Planners to update priority list for roads
■ Village update, 3 ■ Opinion, 4 ■ Hiker rescues, 6
County eyes 2024 completion for road extensions
■ Vineyard mural, 7
SCHOOL BOARD HONORS RETIREES re-enactor, rodeo photographer. 8
■ Sports, 14 ■ Obituaries, 16 ■ Classifieds, 19 ■ Crime Reports, 21 ■ Calendar, 23
850 Main St., Suite 106 Ramona, CA 92065 (760)-789-1350
increases,” said Hickle. The water district had originally proposed a 6 percent hike for Santa Maria and 7.5 percent for San Vicente, the same as what was adopted in 2016 and recommended annually in the 2014 sewer rate and fee study conducted by Bartle Wells Associates that takes into account the capital improvement program. District staff said it reviewed and SEE SEWER, A22
AND EMPLOYEES OF THE YEAR Holding her plaque, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” mug, and other gifts, 40-year Ramona Unified School District employee Robyn Puckett receives thanks and recognition from Trustee Bob Stoody, Superinitendent Anne Staffieri, Ed.D., and trustees Kim Lasley, Rodger Dohm, Daryn Drum, and Dawn Perfect. Puckett, honored at the school board meeting last Thursday, is among district employees retiring this year. Dohm, school board president, made the plaque of purpleheart wood from the rainforests of Brazil. For an article about this year’s retirees and employees of the year, see page A10.
Five groups seek hotel tax money BY JOE NAIMAN Five Ramona organizations are seeking Community Enhancement funds from the County of San Diego's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors hearing on Community Enhancement requests June 12 and 13 included presentations from the five groups. Ramona Chamber of Commerce seeks
$106,000, Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Project Corporation wants $39,140, Ramona Pioneer Historical Society requests $23,600, Ramona Town Hall Inc., seeks $20,000, and Ramona Outdoor Community Center Inc. requests $12,150. The supervisors will provide recommendations, which will likely be approved June 27 during their budget deliberation session. SEE TOT, A2
BY KAREN BRAINARD Two proposed road extensions that were delayed after years of planning are still on the county’s Capital Improvement Project list (CIP), scheduled for 2024 completion, and will be among several road projects addressed at an upcoming Ramona Community Planning Group meeting. The planning group was scheduled to consider updating its 2014 Capital Improvement Road Priority List at its June 1 meeting, but member Jim Cooper asked that it be tabled until next month. Cooper, chair of the group’s Transportation and Trails Subcommittee (T&T), said they first want to review the county’s CIP list and possibly merge the two lists. Cooper told the Sentinel that the road priority list will be on the agenda for the T&T meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, in Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. As of April, the county’s CIP list showed the Ramona Street Extension, which would involve road reconstruction to extend Ramona Street between Boundary Avenue and Warnock Drive, scheduled for design completion in 2022, right-of-way in 2023, and completion in 2024. The county’s schedule is the same for the Dye Road Extension that calls for road reconstruction between Dye and San Vicente roads. Both projects are on the RCPG’s road priority list but the planning group voted to delay them in 2013 so the TransNet funding could be diverted to pay for improvements at the state Route 67 and Highland Valley/Dye Road intersection. Those living along the dirt road where Ramona Street would be extended to Warnock Drive, as well as others, SEE ROADS, A2
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FROM TOT, A1 Each county supervisor has a Community Enhancement budget of $1.08 million, not including returned funds from 2016-17 awards, and will decide how much of his or her budget will go to each group requesting funds. Supervisor Dianne Jacob will have $1.08 million to distribute to District 2 or multiple-district groups. Ramona is among communities in District 2, which Jacob represents. Although the revenue is only from TOT money collected from lodging facilities in the unincorporated portion of the county, organizations in incorporated cities are also eligible for funding. Most organizations traditionally receive less than the amount they requested. The money is not based on the previous year's allocation,
and there are no adverse consequences of asking for more money than will be granted. Each county supervisor also has a discretionary Neighborhood Reinvestment Program budget, so some Community Enhancement requests can be fulfilled by that source. Last year, Ramona Chamber of Commerce requested $95,000 of 2016-17 TOT revenue and received $75,000. This year's $106,000 request would provide $60,000 for the annual Community Awards Gala, Ramona Open Studios Tour, Taste of Ramona, Safe Merchants Trick or Treat, Christmas Tree Lighting, Casino Night, Cruise Night and Bike Poker Run events, $18,500 to promote agritourism, $13,000 for the Economic Development Backcountry Coalition program that also includes Julian,
FROM ROADS, A1 have long been opposed to that project. At the June 1 planning group meeting, Diane Chapman presented the Citizens For a Rural Ramona’s (CFARR) revised and updated report to San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) on the infeasibility of the Ramona Street Extension. “I consider this a must read for anybody voting on this project,” Chapman said. The report, prepared in August 2012 and updated in May, provides a timeline of the planned project, cost estimates over the years, and structural, environmental, safety, and other
Borrego, Valley Center, and Alpine, $8,500 for the Last Wednesday Workshop business development series, and $6,000 for maps and guides. Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Project Corporation would spend $23,760 for a mural with a topic to be determined on the west wall of the Ramona Fitness Center at 558 Main St., $7,880 for a mural on the west wall of Ron's Tire and Brake at 2560 Main St. that will depict the San Diego Raceway where cars once raced in Ramona, and $7,500 for a mural on the north wall of Dave's Auto, Truck, and RV Services at 310 13th St., which will likely feature a multi-generational family reunion. Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Project Corporation received all of its $35,040 request last year. During the 2016-17 process, Ramona Outdoor Community
reasons why it should not be constructed. In 2012, the project was estimated to cost $4.5 million. Chapman said additional problems have been discovered in the past five years and encouraged planners to tour the site, noting that the newer members were not part of past discussions. In 2015, SANDAG pushed the Ramona Street Extension out to a 2035 completion date in its Regional Transportation Plan. The county’s CIP project status was presented by Michael Khoury with the Department of Public Works at county Supervisor Dianne Jacob’s April 19 Ramona Community Revitalization Steering Committee meeting.
Center Inc., asked for $124,000 and received $53,365. This year's $12,150 request would provide $8,000 for expenses related to the Ramona Rodeo and parade and $4,150 for expenses related to the rodeo grounds and facilities. Ramona Pioneer Historical Society received $20,000 of its $21,000 request last year. The $23,600 requested this year would allow $15,000 for the salary of the operations manager, $4,200 for operation expenses, $2,400 for humidifiers for the Millinery Shop and Scenery Room and for archival boxes, and $2,000 for upkeep including supplies. Ramona Town Hall Inc., would spend $15,000 on restoration of the town hall building and $5,000 for new entry doors with secure access and egress. It asked for and received $15,000 last year.
The CIP list also shows that the 13th Street bridge over the Santa Maria Creek bed is projected to be completed in March 2021. Khoury said he is anticipating that 30 percent of the bridge design will be completed this summer and said a public review would be scheduled. Also on the CIP list is new sidewalk construction on the north side of D Street between 12th and 13th streets. Khoury said the project proposes to install about 320 feet of missing sidewalk to give residents better accessibility to the downtown area. The sidewalk section is estimated to be finished next summer at a cost of $360,000 in fiscal year 2017-18 Community Development Block Grant funding.
Amateur radio group to stage Field Day Members of the Ramona Outback Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) will participate in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise from noon June 24 to noon June 25 at Ramona Fire Station No. 82 at 3410 Dye Road off Highway 67. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. For over 100 years, amateur radio — sometimes called ham radio — has allowed people from all walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during a disaster, all without needing a cell phone or the Internet. Field Day demonstrates SEE RADIO, A22
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Design groups to review Village Center update Proposed changes to update the Ramona Village Center Form-Based Code will be discussed at two upcoming meetings. The Ramona Village Design Group, which created the code’s custom-tailored zoning in collaboration with county staff and a consultant, will meet at 6:30 p.m. June 26 at 2260 Main St. to review text changes and proposed density for mixed-use on some side streets, said chair Rob Lewallen. The Ramona Design Review Board will be presented with the proposed text and mixed-use density changes at its June 29 meeting and could vote on whether to approve the changes. The board meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Lewallen said in an email that most of the text changes regard signage adjustments and he is unsure whether county staff is ready for them to address Jim Hagey’s property behind Stater Bros. shopping center. Hagey has requested his approximately 20 acres bordered by Ramona, H and 16th streets be included in the form-based code boundaries to make it easier to commercially develop.
Caltrans re-opens state Route 78, conducts one-way traffic weekdays Caltrans has re-opened state Route 78 from Ramona to San Pasqual Valley, but is conducting one-way traffic control between Indian Oaks and Weekend Villa roads weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lanes in both directions of the highway are open before 9 a.m. and after 3 p.m. and on
weekends, said Caltrans. The state transportation agency closed the highway to traffic in both directions on June 9 to accommodate the large equipment required to stabilize the down slope on the north side. Caltrans re-opened the highway and began one-way traffic last Thursday.
According to Caltrans, the work is expected to be completed by the end of June. Caltrans reminds drivers to “Be Work Zone Alert” and to slow when nearing highway work zones. Follow @SDCaltrans on Twitter and like CaltransDistrict11 on Facebook to stay updated on highway news.
Ramona Design Review Board seeks candidates to fill vacancy Ramona Design Review Board is seeking applicants for a vacant community at-large seat and encourages those interested to attend its June 29 meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Ramona Community
Center, 434 Aqua Lane. The nine-member board meets the last Thursday of each month. The vacancy is due to the resignation of Evelyn McCormick. Candidates must live, maintain a business, own property, or be
Thursday, June 22 Ramona Unified School District, 6 p.m., Closed session. Monday, June 26 Parks Subcommittee of the Ramona Community Planning Group (RCPG), 6:15 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Presentation on Skate Park Champion Donor Brick Campaign, review of horseshoe and disc golf course plans to include lighting calls and possibly update to LED lighting sources, and consider requesting a report on remaining Park Lands Dedication Ordinance Funds available to Ramona. Ramona Village Design Group, 6:30 p.m., 2260 Main St. Review to update Ramona Village Center Form-Based Code text. RCPG ad hoc committee on Mt. Woodson Parking Issue, 7:15 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane.
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employed in the Ramona planning area Diego County Department of to be considered for appointment. Planning and Land Use. Members Emphasis goes to candidates with review project site planning, backgrounds in architecture, landscape architecture, landscape design, architecture, urban planning, fine arts, and details such as signage and and/or construction. lighting. More information is at The board is advisory to the San
ON THE AGENDA Mt. Woodson parking issue research presentation and discussion. Tuesday, June 27 Transportation & Trails Subcommittee of the RCPG, 6:30 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Agenda items include: four-lot subdivision with remainder parcel at 632 Ash St., roadway conditions on H Street, large boulder on hillside above state Route 67 opposite Rock House Road, speeding on Arena Way, and review and update 2014 RCPG Capital Improvement Road Priority List. Wednesday, June 28 RCPG Committee on Median Barrier Between Cloudy Moon Drive and Rockhouse Road, 7 p.m. Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane.
Discussion on supporting corresondence from planning group on proposed median barrier. Thursday, June 29 Ramona Unified School District Board, closed session at 6 p.m., open session at 7 p.m., Wilson Administrative Center, 720 Ninth St. Approve 2017-18 budget and approve 2017-2020 Local Control Accountability Plan are among agenda topics. Ramona Design Review Board, 7:30 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Agenda items include Ramona Village Center Form-Based Code update –text changes and mixed use density; waiver requests for Adobe Animal Hospital sign change and for minor deviation of monument signage re-facing for Arco; preliminary review for Jack-In-The-Box rebranding; and consideration of candidates for vacant board seat.
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Ramona Sentinel 850 Main Street, Suite 106 Ramona, CA 92065 760-789-1350 The Ramona Sentinel is published weekly by Union-Tribune Community Press. Copyright © 2016 UnionTribune Community Press. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced in any medium, including print and electronic media, without the express written consent of UnionTribune Community Press.
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A reverse mortgage for our nation BY OSCAR A. QUINONES resident Trump announced to the nation and the world that his obligations to the United States take precedent over any agreement, and gave that rationale as his main reason for pulling the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. The president’s argument is that the agreement hinders the creation of jobs here at home and that to remain bound by the agreement would cost billions of dollars to the United States. Politicians tiptoe over the real issues facing the nation, and they are great at creating “alternate realities” that they present to the people. The main issue we face today is not the agreements and treaties we have with the rest of the world. It is what I call the yo-yo effect economy brought about by the costly and misguided deadly military operations politicians commit the nation to. It is simplistic for anyone to profess and to promise the nation a return to the past glorious days we enjoyed after the Second World War. The United States emerged from the war as the undisputed economic and military powerhouse of the world. It took our dear politicians less than 30 years of lying to the public in order to commit the nation to misguided military operations which squandered it all. Playing bad Napoleonic roles, we began a trend of bellicose adventures that prompted the slow downward spiral of our economy. The reckless and arrogant use of the awesome military force we built became the main tool in resolving our international differences, accomplishing little or nothing for the investment. The prime example of this is the Vietnam War. the cost of fighting that war overwhelmed the national treasure coffers, sending the nation into insolvency. The politicians’ solution: Cash the silver currency to continue the bloodbath. The sale of the silver currency was not enough, and they went ahead and raided the Social Security funds, raised taxes — still wasn’t enough, and finally refinanced the national debt. Today, what once was the envy of the world no longer exists, and our currency is just as good as that of a third world nation, altogether with a deficit tallied in the billions. The nation lost over 50,000 young American souls, and for what? Not to stop communism per se. The war’s hidden agenda: The oilfields of the South China Sea. The grand lie, as I call it, left the nation morally as well as economically half broken, and that war’s negative effects still reverberate to this day. The politicians continue committing us to misguided military operations, and after 9/11 we launched an attack against Iraq (under another lie, possession of weapons of mass destruction, and accused them of being the force behind the 9/11 attack). The war operation we launched was misdirected. It should have been against the backers of and the band of imbecilic religious zealot idiots who attacked us. That misguided attack left us once again with a broken national economy and trillions in national deficits that prompted a severe economic recession. It has taken years for the national economy to begin recovering from the fiasco, and to this day we are still involved in five unresolved and costly military SEE QUINONES, A16
OUR READERS WRITE Calamity Corridor I am going to start calling the four-lane section of Highway 67 past Mt. Woodson "Calamity Corridor." The commonly held "wisdom" in Ramona is that at least one person is going to have to die there before the situation is addressed. I don't drive that way very often, but I never really thought that person might be me. Now, I am not so sure. After multiple encounters with cars stopping suddenly to parallel park, I quit using the right lane entirely, even though I am a slower driver and I would much prefer to allow the stampede of faster drivers to go by on my left. On Friday, I was in the left lane when a car full of hikers (?) pulled out from the right shoulder, across the right lane, into the LEFT lane — and stopped. Stopped. Can you imagine the traffic consternation that caused? How we all avoided a collision, I still don't know. A little skill and a lot of luck. Would it be possible to have a volunteer citizens' patrol? Leaflet the cars parked along there to BE REALLY CAREFUL. THIS IS A MAJOR HIGHWAY AND WE DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU (OR DIE OURSELVES). I am a hiker myself. Ironically, there are safer places to park along that road, with a wider shoulder. That's where I would park, and then HIKE to the trailhead. What a concept. Katie Reid Ramona
Congressional forum Sunday Like many in Indivisible Ramona, I haven’t been politically active, but here I am, organizing a congressional forum. Frankly, I wouldn’t have started the group if another Republican had won the election (although I wasn’t too thrilled with Cruz, either). I am and always have been a moderate independent and rallied around the new “commander-in-chief,” but this election is different. Although it’s a lot of work on top of teaching and parenting, leading IR has allowed me to channel my energy, along with roughly 200 other Ramona residents and thousands in District 50, to protect our American values. On Sunday, June 25, at the Ramona Library community room, we have the opportunity to
hear from District 50 congressional candidates on several critical issues that affect us nationally and right here at home. Having heard these folks speak, I’m impressed and excited about our options in 2018. Rather than our current representative, Duncan Hunter, who admits he doesn’t care about the constituents who didn’t support him, we need a bipartisan leader who cares about ALL of us. I may not agree politically with my neighbor, but I care about his/her concerns. Take the time to hear what these candidates have to say. Ask questions. Talk later, one-on-one. You can also take the post-event online survey to rate these candidates and help us decide who will be invited to future forums in the district. This is not just some liberal event. It’s a community event and an opportunity to take part in an American democratic process. To secure a spot, register online with and search under “Ramona” — select one of the two sessions: noon to 1:30 p.m. or 2 to 3:30 p.m. “District 50 Congressional Candidates Forum.” Or, email me at: Or, just show up and we’ll hopefully be able to seat you. Bring the kids. Susan Conrad Ramona
Trump should rent rooms in the White House America's great orator, Calvin Coolidge ("Silent Cal") declared "The business of government is business.” So, Trump is right in running the government just like one of his business enterprises. Forget the Trump Tower in DC, he could raise more money simply by renting out rooms in the White House to major corporations and wealthy individuals. The White House is immense. It's comprises 55,000 square feet on six levels. In contrast, Mar-a- Lago encompasses 110,000 square feet or 55,700 square feet excluding the club house. Trump originally offered $25 million for the property. His offer was rejected. He then obtained permits to block the ocean view of Mar-a-Lago with a high rise structure. When the market slumped, he wound up SEE LETTERS, A5
Assuming guilt without all the facts BY STEVE YANKE ebuttal to Susan Conrad regarding Hunter on Gianforte’s violence toward reporter. The left is playing a rather dangerous game of “I’m not touching you.” You know the game kids play in the back seat of a car. You hold your fingers as close to the other kid’s ear as possible repeating “I’m not touching you” at nausea. When you actually touch the other kid’s ear, you immediately “proclaim” that she moved into my finger. She touched me. Then right back at it. “I’m not touching you.” I thought the end of the game was just an annoyed baby sister, but my sister came up with a different ending. It came in the form of a round house sucker punch that landed directly on my nose. I was so focused on her ear lobe that I didn’t see it coming. And then she claimed, “Steve touched me first.” That was it, my sister was going to die. I started the systematic annihilation of my sister, my Dad pulled the car over and turned around, took one look at the situation and said, “are you crying?” The comment startled me, stopped the onslaught and saved my sister’s life. Let me tell you, if you get hit in the nose, it can make your eyes water and your nose run. No, I wasn’t crying. So what does this have to do with Gianforte, Hunter, and Susan Conrad? As near as I can tell, Gianforte was being tag teamed by the reporters, who were: No. 1, violating his personal space; No. 2, not going to accept any answer Gianforte gave; and No. 3, they were going to persist until something
happened. This is by no means a clear cut case of assault. Hunter said, “It is not appropriate behavior, unless he deserved it.” This is a factually correct and morally sound statement. It shows a trait that all of us should emulate, especially children, and that is not rush to judgment until all the facts are in, and let the justice system do its job. Hunter’s statement made no judgments of guilt or innocence. However, Susan concluded that Gianforte was guilty just because he was served. She neglected to tell Gianforte’s side of the story. Then she used that assumption of guilt to draw several slanderous conclusions about Duncan Hunter. Presuming someone is guilty without a trial, withholding vital information which is needed to make sound judgments, and making snap judgments without considering all the facts, are not traits that I think children should be following. These are traits used by tyrants and dictators to control people. These are not American traits and I have got to wonder why a teacher and Indivisible founding member is using them. Duncan Hunter has been listening to his constituents. He did so in the town hall meeting, and just because he is not doing what you and the left want him to do does not mean that he is not listening. It means he is rejecting your wishes, it means you have not convinced him that your way is better. Your commentary sounds kind of whiny, so I have to ask. Are you crying? Steve Yanke is a Ramona resident.
Nature center, affordable housing Home sweet home: Your county government is moving to create more affordable housing for seniors. We recently approved spending $4.5 million towards the construction of two housing complexes, including a 62-unit development planned for Ramona. The units will be for low income seniors 55 and older. There is an incredible need for projects like these because the cost of living continues to go up, along with the number of seniors on fixed incomes. Plus, our
senior population is skyrocketing. There’s no place like home: A growing number of San Diegans struggle to keep a roof over their head. I’m talking about folks from across the entire county — seniors, veterans, families and others. We need to step up our game in a big way and give them a helping hand – a hand up, not a handout. That’s why I recently joined with Supervisor Ron Roberts to propose the creation of a $25 million trust fund to spur the
development of more affordable housing. Drawn from the county’s unallocated reserves, the money would allow us to team up with developers on low-cost housing projects. The fund represents a huge investment in San Diego’s future – and for many of those who are struggling, it would help make the American Dream come true. Local heroes: Among the folks I’ve recently given well-earned county proclamations to… Child care expert Deborah
buying Mar-a-Lago for $8 million, thus adding the final chapter to his greatest novel "The Art of the Steal." Actually, Americans underestimate the expanse of the White House. There are 132 rooms, 25 bedrooms, 69 closets, a private library, 35 bathrooms, 147 windows, 412 doors, and 28 fireplaces. Mar a Lago for example has five fireplaces. In Florida? The White House has eight staircases, three elevators, a private movie theatre, bowling alley and a state of the art gymnasium. There are five full time chefs among the 90 employees spread over 18 acres of manicured lawns and gardens, not to mention a one hole putting green. Incidentally, almost in their backyard is a 555 foot obelisk known as the Washington monument. Trump and his huge extended family are accustomed to a luxurious life style and opulence. Trump could raise much cash by renting out rooms in the White House instead of always relying on tax payers to pay for his ridiculous follies such as the $38 billion border wall. Peter Quercia Ramona
Help us make America great again Rebuttal to George Eastwood opinion article titled: Congress must impeach Trump. Enough is enough! Another liberal attack at President Trump with ZERO specifics to back it up. The only thing abundantly clear is that the left is doing everything in their power to prevent President Trump from doing his job of getting the country back on track. You say that he has broken faith with the nation that elected him. Again, not true! The people who elected him are very satisfied with the things he has put in place and accomplished so far. Gould… champion mountain biker Gwendalyn Gibson of Ramona… and home building innovators Amy McQuillan and Pierre Beauregard, also of Ramona. Be prepared: The recent Gate Fire in our backcountry and other wildfires remind us that we can’t let down our guard. With peak fire season coming, we must make sure we’re as ready as possible. Since the 2003 firestorms, the county has invested $400 million-plus on fire protection improvements. Today we have a stronger, more unified firefighting force, and more firefighting aircraft and other resources in place. Residents must also do all they can to prepare. Be ready. Be safe. Be vigilant. And go to
President Trump is keeping his campaign promises which got him elected. Stop, I repeat Stop throwing around the word impeach! You can't impeach a president due to the fact that you do not like him or did not vote for him. Mr. Eastwood spoke of his Navy values instilled in him at the academy. Were three of those values hate, discontent and disrespect? I don’t think so. Being from a Navy family myself, I know that NOT to be the case. After eight years of Barack Hussein Obama pushing the country downward by making Americans feel ashamed for respecting the flag, their country, our military, law enforcement, Christianity, etc. etc., we needed this change badly! The people will not be censored any longer! So, I invite liberals to come out of their safe spaces and help us make America great again. Mike West U.S. Air Force veteran Ramona
Church makes fairgrounds shine On behalf of the Ramona Stars 4-H Club, I would like to thank the North Coast Church for their commitment to community service which included the Ramona Junior Fairgrounds in their "Ramona’s Weekend of Service." Their recent hard work consisted of repainting the fairground office buildings, mowing the very long grass, and lots of raking and weeding. Not only did they clean up our fairgrounds, they beautified it! With all their hard work, they made the place shine like the stars they are. I think it’s so thoughtful of them to take the time out of their weekend to beautify the Ramona Junior Fairgrounds, just in time for the Annual Pie Auction on July 15. Thank you so much for your hard work. We will be forever grateful to you all! Tawny Troiano Ramona Stars 4-H . East County, naturally: My fellow county supervisors recently joined me in signing off on plans for the long-awaited Santa Ysabel Nature Center. The 6,000-square-foot attraction is due to start construction next year on the Santa Ysabel Preserve near state routes 78 and 79. The center will be the first of its kind in rural San Diego County and will showcase our beautiful backcountry. Cool Zones: Summer is here, along with dangerously high temperatures. In recent years, the hot weather has come earlier and earlier – and forecasters expect 2017 to be hotter than average. Stay ahead of the heat by checking out one of the 115 Cool Zones across the county. They include libraries, community
centers, and other places where seniors and the disabled can get a break from hot weather. It’s important to remember that a lot of folks don’t have air-conditioning. And if you are older or disabled, heat-related illnesses are more likely to strike. A Cool Zone can be a lifesaver. Where are they located? Look for a blue, diamond-shaped window decal with a polar bear on it. Or go to For more District 2 news, go to or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. If I can assist with a county issue, please call my office at 619-531-5522 or email dianne.jacob@sd Have a great East County day! Dianne
Rescuers aid heat-stricken Three Sisters hikers Rescuers evacuated several hikers in distress Saturday afternoon along the Three Sisters Trail in the Cleveland National Forest east of Ramona and south of Julian, despite warnings by officials last week in anticipation of higher than normal temperatures forecast for the area. Two hikers were airlifted by helicopter to an area hospital, one went to the hospital by ambulance, and medics evaluated five other hikers, a Cal Fire spokesman said. Cal Fire Capt. Issac Sanchez said the calls for help began coming in at about 3 p.m. Saturday and were ongoing more than two hours later.
Authorities from the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and Cleveland National Forest issued a warning to hikers earlier in the week to use extreme caution while hiking at Three Sisters Falls and Cedar Creek Falls, a pair of popular water hikes made more appealing during hot weather. “With extremely steep slopes (and) a rugged and eroding trail, the (Three Sisters Falls) hike is listed as strenuous to extreme, and is suggested for those in good physical condition,” sheriff's department spokesman Ryan Keim said. “Couple this with extreme summer heat, no shade and rocky, unstable terrain, and many hikers quickly find
themselves overwhelmed and under prepared.'' Sheriff's Search and Rescue volunteers and deputies in the sheriff's ASTREA helicopters have this year already responded to 31 incidents of distressed hikers at Three Sisters Falls and Cedar Creek Falls. In 2016, rescuers responded to 51 calls to those areas. Hikers and others planning to go outdoors are advised to stay in groups, keep hydrated, dress for the heat in light and breathable clothing, take regular breaks, and stay indoors if the heat becomes overwhelming.
County officials also advised residents to stay in air conditioning during the hottest hours of the day, take cool showers, avoid using the oven to cook, and avoid unnecessary sun exposure. A heat advisory existed in the region until 9 p.m. June 21. The National Weather Service at Ramona Airport registered temperatures of 96 degrees June 16, 94 degrees on Saturday, 93 on Sunday, 95 on Monday, and 100 on Tuesday. Among county-designated Cool Zones are Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., and Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane.
Officials caution public about hiking in hot weather With temperatures soaring to dangerous levels, the sheriff's department is reminding the public to take precautions when doing outdoor activities. Since January, sheriff's ASTREA helicopters and Search and Rescue, have responded to 31 incidents of distressed hikers at Three Sisters Falls and Cedar Creek Falls near Ramona. In 2016, ASTREA and Search and Rescue responded to 51 rescue calls to these areas. These hiking trails are not for beginners. There is no shade from the sun and the return trip is mostly uphill.
Cedar Creek Falls This 6.6-mile round trip trail is considered moderate to strenuous, and is recommended for intermediate to advanced hikers. Since the canyon locks in heat, temperatures at the bottom can exceed 110 degrees while ground temperatures have commonly reached 135 during the summer. This trail provides no shade or drinkable water sources, and the trek out is completely uphill. Inexperienced hikers, or those looking to hike the trail for the first time, should not attempt it in the summer or on hot days.
Permits are required to visit Cedar Creek Falls in Ramona. To reserve a permit, visit For more information on Cedar Creek Falls, visit Additional trail information is at U.S. Forest Service rangers and sheriff's deputies will strictly enforce the permit requirements and the ban on alcohol and cliff jumping. They will take appropriate law enforcement actions on violations of local, state and federal laws, which can include a citation up to an arrest and fines. County Ordinance 364.1 also allows for the
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reimbursement of emergency costs up to $12,000. The sheriff’s Search and Rescue is an all-volunteer unit. Together, they perform wilderness and urban rescues and search for missing persons. Teams are available 24 hours per day to respond to local, state and federal agency requests. To learn more about SAR, visit Three Sisters Falls With extremely steep slopes, a rugged and eroding trail, this hike is listed as SEE HIKING, A8
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15th Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural BY JOYCE STRAND A dedication ceremony for the “Tending the Vineyard” mural will be held outside La Cocina restaurant on Saturday, June 24, at 10 a.m. The public is invited. In addition to refreshments, attendees will receive a picture of the mural, autographed by the artists. This is the 15th Ramona mural sponsored by the Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Mural Project, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. The “Tending the Vineyard” mural marks the growth of the wine industry in the area and highlights the contributions of the Hispanic community with the portrait of Hispanic vintner Alfimedo Martinez. Located 25 miles from the Pacific Coast with hot days and cool nights, geographically Ramona Valley’s Mediterranean climate is ideally suited to growing wine grapes. Since designated by the federal government as the Ramona Valley American Viticulture Area (AVA) in 2006, there are now more than 30 wineries with tasting rooms and 100 vineyards, and more are being developed. From the many vineyards to choose from, the artists painted a composite of several, featuring the popular hiking destination Mt. Woodson in the background to distinguish its location. Miguel Angel Godoy and Saratoga Sake painted the mural. As a child, Godoy, born in El Centro, Calif., traveled across the country and into Europe with his father, who was in the Army. His passion for art was established early, from watching his father sketch to witnessing graffiti on trains and on the Berlin Wall in Germany. Determined to further his education and learn more about art, he earned a Bachelor’s in Fine Art from Columbus State University in Columbus, Ga. Shortly thereafter, he returned to his home state of California to pursue his passion for art in San Diego. He has painted portraits, abstract and figurative paintings, and small to large-scale public art.
Sake, who also painted the Ramona “1938 Turkey Day Queen” and “Midget Car Race” murals, began his art career with inspiration from New York City’s subway graffiti. In 1982, he became one of the first graffiti artists in California. Sake’s reputation as a serious artist grew out of respect for his technical skill, creating his first portrait with spray painting in 1986. In 1991 he won two Emmy awards for his spray paint work for the FOX network. He recently had a mural displayed for three years in the San Diego Museum of Art. He has been featured in numerous magazines, TV appearances and newspapers around the globe. He was recently featured in two books, “History of American Graffiti” and “Skullface.” The artist lives in East County with his two children and wife Chef Stacey Poon-Kinney, star of Food Network. La Cocina Mexican restaurant, owned and operated by the Bravo family, opened at 681 Main St. in 1981. As with all Ramona mural projects, viewers will be challenged to discover the “heart” icon in a “Where’s Waldo” exercise. Donations to help pay for the mural projects can be made online at Donations of $100 or more will be listed on the website and on a plaque on the building. The main goal of the Ramona H.E.A.R.T. Murals Project is to create a reason for passing tourists to STOP to enjoy Ramona’s beauty, charm, character, and heritage, and to rest a spell. After looking to the examples set by other mural towns, a group of Ramona business people launched an aggressive outdoor visual arts program, starting with murals. The acronym, H.E.A.R.T. not only indicates Ramona as the geographic center of San Diego County, but reflects the character of the community. “H” for Historic and Hiking, “E” for Equine, “A” for Arts, Antiques and Agriculture, “R” for scenic rural vistas and drives, and “T” for Tasting of fine wines. For more information about the mural project, go to the website or contact Elaine Lyttleton at 760-787-1102.
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Tea’d meeting in new venue this month Biblical and Islamic values will be the topic when Ramona Tea’d meets on Saturday, June 24. The meeting will feature human rights activist Nonie Darwish as guest speaker and will be held in Ramona Lutheran Church, 520 16th St. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the program will begin at noon. Darwish was born and raised as a Muslim in Cairo, Egypt, and Gaza and lived under Islamic law, or Sharia law. She lived in the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict during the 1956, 1967, and 1973 wars. As a result, she became a Middle East expert and covers topics related to human rights and women’s rights under Islamic law; including the Arab Israeli conflict, terrorism, and radical Islam and its agenda. A senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, she cofounded www.FormerMuslims
Nonie Darwish (FMU) in 2009. FMU stands for freedom of religion and to protect the life and civil rights of people who were born in Islam and wish to leave their religion. It stands against and exposes the Islamic law that condemns apostates (non-believers in Islam) to death, states the Ramona Tea’d announcement. Darwish has authored four books regarding Islam including “Now
They Call Me Infidel.” She lectures on college campuses nationally and internationally. A regular guest on radio talk shows across the country, she has been featured in several documentary films. She is published in the “Guardian” and “Wall Street Journal,” spoke before the European Parliament, and is the recipient of several awards for courage. For more information, see
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‘Tending the Vineyard’ mural dedication Saturday
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Settle finds excitement in rodeo work, battlefield role BY KAREN BRAINARD hen walking into a rodeo arena, Reed Settle said his adrenaline starts going just like it does when he rides onto a Civil War battlefield. "You just get in there and you just get caught up in the moment,” said the rodeo photographer, who is also a Civil War re-enactor. Those are in addition to his work as a licensed architect and as an expert witness in Americans with Disabilities Act cases. "My days are never boring," he said. Those who have attended the Ramona Rodeo may have noticed Settle in the arena, wearing his cowboy hat and credentials as a Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) ProRodeo photographer. Settle is also a Professional Bull Riders (PBR) credentialed photographer and is the West Coast photographer for PBR’s Velocity Tour. Settle became interested in rodeo photography after taking photos of
Reed Settle stands by some of the framed photos he has taken as a credentialed photographer for the PRCA and PBR. his wife, Marie, participating with the Rainbow Riders, an equestrian precision drill team. Having received compliments on the quality of his photos, he was encouraged to apply for a PRCA photographer’s card, which is not an easy process. Besides trying to get the best shots, Settle, owner of RoughStock Photography, must keep track of the scores and the names of the
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MICHELIN LTX M/S2 8 M>3 :$!$BF 9<>F@ BQT=Q6S@: FS@ D>99>< !F9><F! 3F9>< >4FB6F9$QS &>!=: /Q6 :9Q= % *>>9 :QQS>< 9&FS 9&> BQT=>9$9Q<’: 9$<>. 8 ,&> S>3 ?I5 FB9$4> FS@ :$=>: FS@ Q=9$T$P>@ BQS9FB9 =F9B& Q* NF1 TQ6B& 7QS9<6B9$QS9T BQTD$S>: 9Q @>!$4>< AEJEEE TQ<> T$!>:.
competitors. After the event he has to work fast to post photos online or fulfill photo requests. “I literally run out of the arena,” Settle said about shooting an indoor PBR show, explaining that he goes to his computer and starts to download his photos, edit them, and provide captions. His photos have been in many magazines, catalogs, and advertisements.
There is a bit of risk working inside the arena and he has to be careful to stay out of the way of the animals. Settle said he has had close calls during the bareback and bronc riding events because when the rider is off, the horse is running around the edge of the arena where he is, looking for a way out. Settle’s rodeo travels have taken him throughout the state, to Portland, Ore., and to Arizona. He also travels for Civil War re-enactments, though not as far away as in the past. Although Settle grew up in San Diego, he was born in Virginia and his family — his father was in the Navy — visited there often. He has been a Civil War re-enactor since around 1991. He is in the Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers, which provided a living history event at Olive Peirce Middle School this spring. Settle said he enjoys bringing history alive for students and giving them hands-on time to come into the SEE SETTLE, A22
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strenuous to extreme and is suggested for those in good physical condition. The trail down to Boulder Creek is rated as one of the hardest short hikes in San Diego with approximately a half mile of trail going almost completely vertical. Couple this with extreme summer heat, no shade, and rocky, unstable terrain, and many hikers quickly find themselves overwhelmed and under prepared. Expect little to no cell phone reception in the area. For more information on Three Sisters Falls, visit Sheriff’s department hiking safety tips • Buddy up – Walk or exercise with a partner. It's fun and it's safer. If something happens along the way, you'll have someone at your side to help. • Phone home – Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Your cell phone could provide a necessary connection to emergency assistance. • Drink up – stay hydrated before, during and after exercise. You'll need at least a gallon of water per person during a hike. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. • Dress for the heat – wear lightweight, light-colored and breathable clothing. Bring a hat and sunglasses. Wear sunscreen. • Take regular breaks – find some shade or a cool place to stop. • Leave your dog at home – the trails at Cedar Creek Falls and Three Sisters Falls are not easy on the paws because they are littered with rocks and the surface gets very hot. • Head inside – if the heat seems overwhelming, don't sweat it.
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NEWS BRIEFS Sheriff’s checkpoint
Chamber at county fair
Responding to concerns about persons driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, sheriff’s deputies will conduct a DUI and driver’s license checkpoint in Poway from Friday, June 23, from 7:30 p.m. to Saturday, June 24, at 3 a.m. The deputies will evaluate drivers’ ability to safely operate motor vehicles and to see if they have a valid driver’s license. A California Office of Traffic Safety grant will fund the checkpoint.
Ramona Chamber of Commerce will be at the San Diego County Fair promoting the town on Saturday, June 24. Members of the business organization may bring promotional items, flyers, business cards, etc. to the chamber office, 960 Main St., to go in the chamber swag bags that will be given away at the fair. Call 760-789-1311 for more information.
NJROTC opening Retired U.S. Navy Comdr. Bradley Davis, the senior naval science teacher at Ramona High School for the past two years, has decided not to renew his contract, so Ramona Unified School District is advertising for candidates to replace him. Applications are due by 3 p.m. June 30. Qualification details are on the district’s website, under Human Resources, Employment Opportunities, Certificated Vacancies. Among requirements, candidates must have at least 20 years of active duty service in the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard and have earned a bachelor’s degree.
Thursday night series A Thursday night series titled “Simply Marriage” will start June 22 and continue weekly through Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. in Calvary Chapel Ramona, 114 14th St. The series explores practical tools for marriage from the word of God.
Country Fair art Art by all ages and in all media is being accepted for the Ramona Country Fair Art Contest, scheduled for Aug. 25. Entries will be accepted at the chamber office, 960 Main St., until Aug. 18 at 4 p.m. Guidelines include: • Photos, 8 by 10 inches, unframed/one entry per person • Other artwork no larger than 11 by 14 inches. • Artist’s name and age on the back of the art/photo. For more information, call the chamber office, 760-789-1311.
Launch Camp Launch Camp, a weeklong day camp for children entering grades one through five will be held at the North Coast Church midweek campus at 1710 Montecito Road from Monday, June 26, through Friday, June 30. There will be games, activities, crafts, songs, Bible stories, team competitions, snacks, water events, bounce houses, new friends, and
more. For cost and more information, call 760-742-3400. Registration is online at
Overdue tax payments San Diego County property owners who are late on their taxes still collectively owe nearly $93 million and must pay by the end of the month to avoid further penalties, the county treasurer said. “More than 98 percent of our taxpayers have already stepped up to pay on time,” Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister said. “For the small minority who haven't, we want to remind them to pay now or pay more later.” Almost 37,000 property owners have not paid one or both of their 2016- 2017 property tax installments, accounting for $92.9 million in property taxes still owed. Delinquent taxpayers already have incurred a 10 percent late fee on each unpaid installment, and if they don't pay by June 30, they'll accrue an extra 1.5 percent penalty per month, or 18 percent per year. Payments must be made or postmarked by June 30 to avoid the extra penalty.
Three earn degrees Three Ramona residents have graduated from the University of San Diego and were honored at ceremonies on May 28. John Barnum earned a bachelor’s degree in English. Danielle Silvaggio, who graduated cum laude, earned a bachelor's degree in
Mathematics. Vicky Torres earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. With more than 8,000 students from 75 countries and 44 states, USD is the youngest independent institution on the U.S. News & World Report list of top 100 universities in the United States. Its eight academic divisions include the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Leadership and Education Sciences, the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, and the Division of Professional and Continuing Education.
Sells on dean’s list Chloe A. Sells of Ramona is on Baylor University’s Dean's Academic Honor Roll for the 2017 spring semester. To be named to the dean's list, a student must be an undergraduate with a minimum GPA of 3.7 while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours. Baylor is the oldest continually operating university in Texas and has 12 nationally recognized academic divisions. Sells attends the College of Arts and Sciences.
All Star Learners Second- through sixth-graders are invited to play games while they improve their math and reading skills in the All Star Learners program in Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3 SEE BRIEFS, A22
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Ramona Elementary school teachers and support staff show up in force to congratulate RE teachers Michael Zehm, who retires this month after 36 years with the Ramona district, and Michele Beus, who retires after 10 years. Pictured are Teacher Diana Ramsey, Secretary Susana Abarca, Principal Pixie Sulser, Campus Supervisor Evelia Valladolid, RE volunteer and retired teacher Lynda Kubinak, Zehm, Beus, teachers Katie Lane and Heather Blue, Campus Supervisor Traci Anderson, and Teacher Chris Luitjens.
Outgoing Ramona CSEA President Betsy Bargo and incoming CSEA President Jim King congratulate this year’s Ramona Unified Classified Employees of the Year. Pictured are Bargo, Administrative Services Payroll Accountant Pam Crist, Olive Peirce Middle School Para Educator Betty Tepozano, Ramona Elementary Campus Safety Officer Evelia Torres Valladolid, Ramona Community Library Technician Cindy Zamora, Transportation Department Bus Driver/Dispatcher Jeanne Ybarra, Mt. Woodson Elementary Lead Food Services Debbie Morton, Hanson Elementary Lead ESP Assistant Anna Berger-Graham, Barnett Elementary Lead Custodian Tammy Larson, King, and Montecito High Career Technical Education Construction Trades Assistant Caylor Nuth, Ramona Unified’s 2018 Classified Employee of the Year. Not pictured are Cynthia Salow, Ramona High School secretary, and Kelly Kovach, James Dukes Elementary campus safety officer.
School district honors retirees, employees of the year BY MAUREEN ROBERTSON This month marks the end of the career for five Ramona Unified School District teachers, the superintendent’s administrative assistant, and four members of the district’s support staff. All received accolades before families, friends, and co-workers during the district’s Employee Recognition Night. Also honored were the district’s employees of the year. Robyn Puckett, a 40-year district employee, received triple recognition — first at the districtwide recognition event, then at Sun Valley Council PTA’s awards ceremony, and last Thursday evening during the school board meeting. “No matter what, you always greet everyone with a smile and go out of your way to affirm and assert positive energy,” Rodger Dohm, school board president, said. On behalf of the school board, Dohm presented Puckett with a plaque he had designed and made from purpleheart wood. “Purpleheart is a spiritual wood that comes from the rainforests of Brazil. Symbolically it is known for healing and eradicating negative energy,” Dohm told Puckett. “Purpleheart was specifically chosen to represent you, your demeanor and positiveness that is contagious, in that you are an exemplar of positive thought and actions to us all.” Puckett, who started with the district as a special education secretary, has been the administrative assistant in the district superintendent’s office for the past 20 years. During her career with Ramona Unified she also was secretary at Olive Peirce Middle School, James Dukes Elementary and Barnett Elementary, and in the district’s instructional services office. “The plaque inscription reads ‘Once a Bulldog, Always a Bulldog,’ and we want you to know that you will always be a Bulldog and will always be remembered,” said Dohm. Other gifts included an Amazon gift
Ramona Teachers Association President Cori McDonald joins others in honoring this year’s teachers of the year: Andrea Marootian, Olive Peirce Middle School; Sandra Jimenez, Ramona Elementary; Alexis Bowen, Barnett Elementary; Suzanne Van der Linde, Hanson Elementary; Laurie McBride, Ramona Community Campus; Robert Grace, Ramona High School; and Ashli Krainock, Mt. Woodson Elementary and RUSD 2018 Teacher of the Year. Not pictured is Adam Vickery, Montecito High School. card and a mug decorated with art from the cover of Dr. Seuss’ “Oh, the Places You Will Go!” “Thank you all,” said Puckett. “Really, it’s been my pleasure all these years.” Earlier in the month, Puckett received the Outstanding Administrator Award from the Sun Valley Council PTA. The inscription on the award commended her for her “outstanding service to children and youth through PTA, schools, and in the community.” Five of the district’s six teachers retiring this month attended Employee Recognition Night and received flowers and an Amazon gift card presented by Ramona Teachers Association President Cori McDonald on behalf of the association. In one of his last duties as assistant superintendent of human resources, Ramona High School Principal Tony Newman introduced and shared information about each: • Michael Zehm, Ramona Elementary teacher for 36 years. “Mike is the epitome of an educator,” said Newman. “He is a lifelong learner who is always open to learning new ways to reach his
students. He is selfless in his desire to truly make a difference in student learning. He is masterful at commanding the attention of his students, in bringing out the best in them and in encouraging each individual student to reach for the stars.” Describing Zehm as one of the most respected teachers at Ramona Elementary, Newman said “he will leave a hole in our staff that will never be filled.” • Sherry Carr, Olive Peirce Middle School science teacher for 27 years. Newman called Carr a treasure for the students and school. “She has a big heart and has spent her entire career loving her students and caring for her teammates,” he said. “She has gone out of her way to make science accessible for her students, and because of her class many of her students have continued with their love of science and become scientists.” • Teri Burns, Hanson Elementary teacher for 20 years. “As a teacher, she encourages each child to work to their potential and beyond,” said Newman. “She is always searching for new ways to assist students. Teri never gives up on a
Ramona Teachers Association President Cori McDonald presents flowers and an Amazon gift card to each of the teachers retiring this year. With her are Sherry Carr, middle school science teacher; Sandra Aldern, speech-language pathologist; Michele Beus, Ramona Elementary teacher; Teri Burns, Hanson Elementary teacher; and Michael Zehm, Ramona Elementary teacher.
Robyn Puckett, Superintendent Anne Staffieri’s administrative assistant, accepts a bouquet of flowers from Staffieri. child, whether that child has an academic or behavioral concern.” • Sandra Aldern, Pupil Services speech-language pathologist for 20 years. “Sandra has dedicated her entire career to helping students with special needs access their education with respect and dignity,” said Newman. “Her knowledge on supporting her students and helping them to advocate
RUSD Board President Rodger Dohm hugs Robyn Puckett, the district superintendent’s administrative assistant for the past 20 years, after presenting her with a plaque he designed with purpleheart wood. Puckett will retire at the end of the month after 40 years with the district. for themselves has not gone unnoticed. Students from all over the district are connected to Sandy and appreciate her kindness, patience, and ability to help them access information and master learning.” SEE RETIREES, A16
Alaskan Malamute captures Best in Show Kiwanis stages 13th annual Bow Wow Pow Wow
Kiwanian Bob Hailey announces Molly, Ashley Cypert’s Westie, as the third-place winner in the Cutest Little Dog category.
First place in the Cutest Little Dog category goes to Dante, Evelyn Brown’s chi/pom mix.
Julian resident Mary Beth Mora holds the Best in Show ribbon her 5-year-old Alaskan Malamute Oreo Cookie received. Also pictured are judges Deanna Lasley, Robin Brainard, and Kim Lasley.
Oreo Cookie, a 5-year-old Alaskan Malamute, earned Best in Show at Kiwanis Club of Ramona’s 13th Annual Bow Wow Pow Wow Dog Show. Owned by Julian resident Mary Beth Mora, Oreo Cookie also won Most Unusual Markings and Most Beautiful honors. The dog show, held June 10 in the Ramona Outdoor Community Center Pavilion, also featured opportunity drawings, food, and refreshments. The estimated $4,000 proceeds from the annual event will benefit Kiwanis scholarships and community projects. Robin Brainard and Kim and Deanna Lasley served as judges, admitting that at times their task was difficult, particularly in the Best Costume Child Dog category. Among other show winners: Best Kisser 1st Place—Brody, Australian Shepherd, owner Hunter Marty 2nd Place—Buddy, Parti Yorke, owner Patti Dutra 3rd Place—Generator, Pitt Lab, owner Robert Krinski Most Unusual Markings 1st—Oreo Cookie, Alaskan Malamute, owner Mary Beth Mora 2nd—Chucho, Pomsky, owner Jessi 3rd—Faith, Pit, owner Jodi Anderson Cutest Little Dog 1st—Dante, Chi/Pom mix, owner Evelyn Brown 2nd—Billie, Scottish Terrier, owner Courtney Lee 3rd—Molly, Westie, owner Ashley Cypert Best Tail Wagger 1st—Dante, Chi/Pom mix, owner Evelyn Brown
Gretchen Williams attempts to convince California Booty Girl that the English Bulldog can win a Best Kisser ribbon.
Hunter Marty shows judges why his Australian Shepherd Brody deserves first place in the Best Kisser category. 2nd—Sunny, Pomeranian, owner Penelope 3rd—Cody, Labrador, Cynthia Manning Most Talented 1st— Peanut & Georgia, Papillon, owner Lenore Shoberg 2nd—Cody, Labrador, owner Cynthia Manning 3rd—Sunny, Pomeranian, owner Penelope Dog & Child Look-Alike 1st—Generator, Pitt Lab, owner Robert Krinski 2nd—Brody, Australian Shepherd, Hunter Marty 3rd—Sinatra, Cavalier, owner Roman Martin Dog & Owner Look-Alike 1st— Lacy, Labradoodle, owner Suze W. 2nd—Buddy, Parti Yorki, owner Patti Dutra 3rd—Cody, Labrador, owner Cynthia Manning Most Handsome (Male)
1st—Sunny, Pomeranian, owner Penelope 2nd—Chucho, Pomsky, owner Jessi 3rd—Huey, Australian Shepherd, owner Ken Dower Most Beautiful (Female) 1st—Oreo Cookie, Alaskan Malamute, owner Mary Beth Mora 2nd—Morley, Penbroke Corgi, owner Jan V. 3rd—Ava, Bernese Mountain, Betsy Best Costume—Child Dog 1st—Sinatra, Cavalier, Roman Martin 2nd—Ernie, Shitzu, owner Kayla 3rd— Robin, Aussie-Husky, owner Jessica K. Best Costume Adult Dog 1st—Cosy, Labrador, owner Cynthia Manning 2nd—Chucho, Pomsky, owner Jessi 3rd—California Booty Girl, English Bulldog, owner Gretchen Williams
Kiwanis dog show judges Robin Brainard and Kim and Deanna Lasley evaluate entries.
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All offers exclusive to this ad and require ad to be present. Unless noted, prices are for yellow select trees, ad is valid 10 days from issue date and all offers are for in stock items. Offers not valid on previous sales. Some restrictions apply. See store for details. Largest box tree grower claim based on industry knowledge and box size trees in production. Challenges welcomed.
Prep Boys Volleyball
Pierce: Avocado East League Volleyball Player of Year Marushige also on first team; five Bulldogs honored BY JOE NAIMAN Recent Ramona High School graduate Austin Pierce was the unanimous selection for the 2017 Avocado East League Boys Volleyball Player of the Year. The league coaches also selected recent Ramona graduate Skylar Marushige to the first team. Three other Bulldogs also received all-league honors: Casey Buggeln was chosen for the second team and honorable mention distinction went to Ben Miller and Matt Miller. "Our guys, they work very hard," Ramona coach Kyle Adelman said. Adelman noted that Ramona lacks the club experience many schools have. "It really goes to show heart,” he said. “You don't win games strictly by skill, and we were able to prove that all year long. In order for us to win games, we put ourselves in a good position." Ramona ended the season with an overall record of 21-16, which includes a first-round win and a quarterfinals loss in the CIF Division II playoffs. The Bulldogs' 7-1 record in Avocado East League competition made Ramona
co-champions with Mission Hills. Even though Mission Hills also had a 7-1 record and the Bulldogs and Grizzlies split their two league matches, all of the league's coaches chose Pierce to be the player of the year. "For him to be recognized like that, it's encouraging," said Adelman. "It's exciting for the program as well." Pierce became Ramona's first boys volleyball league player of the year since the Valley League coaches gave Stephen Spieker that honor in 2008. "I'm just so proud and happy in the way he worked all season long," Adelman said of Pierce. Pierce was Ramona's libero. Marushige played the middle blocker position. "His skills were kind of obvious to anyone who was watching," Adelman said of Marushige. "He did have an impact." Adelman also praised Marushige's growth over his senior season. "From the middle of the season to the end of the season he was a completely different player," Adelman said. "He
completely changed his mindset in playing the game." Marushige plans to play volleyball at Miramar College next year. Pierce will serve his Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints mission before enrolling in college but hopes to play college volleyball in Utah. Ben Miller and Matt Miller, also Class of 2017 graduates, played both outside hitter and right side hitter during the 2017 season. Buggeln was Ramona's setter. Since Buggeln is Ramona's only all-league player who wasn't a senior this year, he and junior Caleb Sawlsville are expected to be the team's impact players in 2018. "It will be kind of a different game," said Adelman. Ramona was seeded eighth in the Division II playoffs, and the Bulldogs' final victory of the season was the playoff match at home against ninth-seeded Steele Canyon. The Cougars won the first game by a 25-20 score, but Ramona then SEE VOLLEYBALL, A16
Austin Pierce is Avocado East League’s Boys Volleyball Player of the Year.
MLB Draft
Pirates pick Sulser in baseball draft The Pittsburgh Pirates selected Dartmouth right-handed pitcher Beau Sulser, a 2012 Ramona High School graduate, as the 298th overall pick in the 10th round of the Major League Baseball Draft on June 13. The fifth-year Dartmouth senior from Santa Ysabel was the Ivy League Pitcher of the Year this spring with a 6-1 record and miniscule 1.40 ERA, which ranks third among Division I pitchers and is the 10th lowest in program history.
Sulser is the first Ivy Leaguer taken in this year’s draft, but the second Sulser from Dartmouth to be selected over the years. His older brother, Cole, was chosen in the 25th round in 2013 by the Cleveland Indians and has an unblemished 0.00 ERA in eight appearances and 11.1 relief innings at the AAA level with the Columbus Clippers. The Sulsers are the second set of brothers drafted out of Dartmouth.
HEADING TO STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Ramona Girls Softball 10U teammates display their medals and plaque after qualifying for the state championships last weekend by garnering second place in the USA (formerly ASA) District Championships. Playing at Robb Field-Softball Fields in Ocean Beach, the 10U team won four games and lost two. The state championships will be held the weekend of July 1 in Lancaster. This coming weekend, June 24 and 25, Ramona Girls Softball's 14U team will be playing in district championships in San Marcos.
Ramona Girls Softball plans ‘try it’ day A Ramona Girls Softball “try it” day will be held at the girls softball field on Aug. 5 from 10 a.m. to noon. Winter registration will be held the same day from 9 to 10 a.m.
Registration for winter play will also be held on Aug. 12 from 9 to 10 a.m. at the fields off Fifth Street and Aqua Lane. “Try it” day will give girls who have never played softball the opportunity to “try it out and see if they are interested,” said Jenny Parr, public relations chair. Ramona Girls Softball is open to ages 5 through 16, with T-ball for the youngest girls.
RHS boys place 13th at CIF meet BY JOE NAIMAN Ramona High School's boys swim team accumulated enough points to place 13th among Division II schools at this year's CIF meet. The meet included the Division II swim preliminaries at Granite Hills High School, diving championships at Mesa College, and swim finals at Granite Hills. Points went to the top 16 finishers in each event. Ramona's girls took 23rd place among Division II schools. "We swam well overall," said Ramona coach Jolyn Yanez. The Bulldogs earned the final Division II boys diving point after Cooper Smith's six dives totaled 146.25 points for 16th place. All divers who qualified for the CIF meet
competed. The swimmers or relay teams with the top eight times in each event during the preliminary heats advanced to the championship race three days later, while those with the next eight fastest times competed in the consolation race. The boys 400-yard freestyle relay team of Trevor White, Jacob Pradels, Jacob Powers, and Dawson Webster provided Ramona's sole representation in the championship race. The quartet had a sixth-place time of 3:32.63 in the preliminaries, and in the finals they also placed sixth with a time of 3:21.82. White, Pradels, Powers, and Webster also comprised Ramona's boys 200-yard freestyle relay team that ranked ninth with a time of SEE SWIM, A16
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FROM RETIREES, A10 • Michele Beus, Ramona Elementary teacher for 10 years. “ Michele loves her little ones,” Newman said. “She approaches each day with a smile on her face and a desire to teach her charges how to be good citizens and good students. She is a wonderful kindergarten teacher who not only teachers her students academics but the love for music and art.” Teachers of the Year from each school also were recognized: • Alexis Bowen, Barnett Elementary Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) teacher for 15 years. • Suzanne Van der Linde, Hanson Elementary Grade Four teacher for 20 years. • Laurie McBride, Ramona Community Campus SAI teacher with the district for 18 years. • Sandra Jimenez, Ramona Elementary Grade Four teacher with the district 13 years.
FROM QUINONES, A4 operations in the Middle East, and now, once again, the winds of war are beginning to blow in the direction of the Far East, at the Korean Peninsula. The entrenched national war mentality is not granting us greatness. Instead it is slowly, like a malignant cancer, destroying us from within. The almost continued state of war the United States has been supporting has forced the
• Andrea Marootian, Olive Peirce Middle School U.S. history teacher for 22-1/2 years. • Adam Vicery, Montecito High School math teacher for three years. • Robert Grace, Ramona High School Career Technical Education teacher for 22 years. • Ashli Krainock, Mt. Woodson Elementary teacher for 18 years. As this year’s RUSD Teacher of the Year, she advances to consideration for county teacher of the year in the fall. Members of the district’s support staff received recognition as Classified Employees of the Year: • Tammy Larson, Barnett Elementary lead custodian. • Anna Berger-Graham, Hanson Elementary lead ESP assistant. • Kelly Kovach, James Dukes Elementary campus safety officer. • Debbie Morton, Mt. Woodson lead food services. • Cindy Zamora, Ramona Community Campus library technician.
• Evelia Torres Valladolid, Ramona Elementary campus safety officer. • Betty Tepozano, Olive Peirce Middle School bilingual para educator. • Cynthia Salow, Ramona High School secretary to the principal. • Pam Crist, Administrative Services payroll accountant. • Jeanne Ybarra, Transportation Department bus driver/dispatcher. • Caylor Nuth, Montecito High School Career Technical Education construction trades assistant and the RUSD Classified Employee of the Year. Members of the district’s support staff who retire this year include: • Marta Garcia, RHS Food and Nutrition Department for 26 years. • Anna Reaves, James Dukes Elementary/Pupil Services special education para educator for 20 years. • Charmayne Polk, James Dukes Elementary/Pupil Services special education para educator. • Diana Truax, Ramona High School secretary for 13 years.
nation to adopt economic changes, and very slowly credit has replaced currency for just about every transaction. The credit system granted all of us an illusion of unlimited wealth, but in truth it prompted an upward redirection of wealth to the upper classes and the reduction of cash autonomy for the middle and lower classes, and with it came the reckless credit abuses by many, creating payment anxiety and the pitiful realities that in far too many cases began
to destroy the harmonious peace and unity of the American family. History most likely will record our generation by the excesses and unrealistic expectations the political machinery promised. We have begun to run the equivalent of a reverse mortgage for our nation. As one of President Trump’s twitter exclamations goes — SAD. Oscar A. Quinones is a Ramona resident.
Student stabbed at Ramona High A 15-year-old male student was stabbed by another student at Ramona High School around 11:40 a.m. Tuesday and transported to a hospital, reported the sheriff’s department. The injuries are not reported to be life-threatening. Sheriff’s deputies responded within minutes after being notified by Ramona High staff and found the teenager in front of the school being attended to by several staff members, said Ryan Keim, sheriff’s public information officer. The victim was treated by paramedics at the scene and taken by ambulance to a hospital for further treatment. The initial investigation revealed the victim and the suspect, a 16-year-old male student, were both in summer classes and knew each other, said Keim. They became involved in a physical altercation and at some point during the fight,
the suspect stabbed the victim and walked away from the scene, he reported. The suspect was immediately identified and taken into custody at his home by deputies within the hour, stated the report. Keim said this appears to be an isolated incident and there is no danger to students attending summer classes. According to Ramona Unified School Superintendent Anne Staffieri, Ed.D, the victim is a Montecito High School student and the 16-year-old is a Ramona High student. “Appropriate actions are being taken by officials at both schools as they continue to work closely with our community law enforcement to provide a safe campus for all Ramona Unified students,” she said. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the San Diego Sheriff's Department at 858-565-5200.
Dr. William H. ‘Bill’ Babine, D.D.S. October 14, 1924 - June 7, 2017
RamOna — Dr. William “Bill” H. Babine, D.D.S., age 92, died peacefully in his home on June 7, 2017. Dr. Babine was the older twin son of William and Catherine (Bowes) Babine, born October 14, 1924 in Long Beach, Ca. Bill grew up in Long Beach and Bakersfield, Ca before moving to Ramona, Ca in 1937. He attended school there and graduated from Ramona High School in 1942. Bill enlisted in the US army in 1943 and served in the European Theater of Operations, participating in the Battle of the Bulge as party of the 84th Infantry Division (The “Railsplitters”), earning a Purple Heart and Bronze Star in that battle. after the war, he returned home to Ramona. On april 4, 1948, he married marion Ponsford. They were
married 67 years. During that time, they raised five children and Bill returned to school, completing a pre-dental program at San Diego State College and dental school at the University of Southern California (USC) in 1963. after graduation Bill and marion moved the family to Terra Linda, Ca where they lived and began his dental practice. He retired in 1986. Bill
loved gardening and doing “projects” as the need arose around the house or with family. He was a faithful person, his actions guided by his faith in God. He served in many positions at his church, demonstrating his leadership and faithfulness. He also loved traveling with marion in their RV’s. In retirement, Bill and marion continued to travel as long as they were able. Bill loved to fish at Bon Tempe Lake on mt. Tam. Bill and marion raised a wide variety of flowers in their beautiful garden and delighted in giving the flowers away to friends and to people who were ill. Bill is survived by four sons, Daniel (Barbara) of new Hope, mn, Ted of Salem, OR, Dennis (Denise) of Sebastopol, Ca, and Brian (Joni) of Rohnert Park, Ca; and one
daughter, Teresa arthur of novato; along with numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and a nephews. Bill was preceded in death by his wife marion; both his parents, brother and his son-in-law. Bill will be remembered as a very loving and faithful husband, a loving father and grandfather. He will be remembered for the stories he told and for his love for cars and appreciation of nature. He did all he could to brighten the world around him with flowers, his honesty and his integrity. memorial services have already been held. Gifts and memorials may be given to St. Francis of assisi in novato. Please sign the guest book online at obituaries/ramonasentinel.
prevailed in 25-10, 25-20, and 26-24 sets. "In game two we completely changed our mindset," Adelman said. "It was really encouraging that these guys were taking the steps necessary." The win gave Ramona a quarterfinal match at top-seeded Point Loma. "We played very well," said Adelman. "They just overpowered us." Ramona was the winner of the 26-24 first game. "Playing that well kind of awoke the sleeping giant," Adelman said. Games two and three had 25-19 scores in Point Loma's favor, and the Pointers concluded the match with a 25-14 victory. "Their experience was what put them over the top," said Adelman. Point Loma then faced fourth-seeded Pacific Ridge in the semifinals and defeated the Firebirds in three sets, and the Pointers then won the CIF Division II championship with a four-game victory over second-seeded Sage Creek. "Definitely a valiant effort," Adelman said of the loss to Point Loma. "Absolutely no shame in the way they went out."
FROM SWIM, A14 1:34.26 in the preliminaries. They won the consolation race, placing ninth place overall, with a time of 1:32.32. Webster placed ninth in the 100-yard freestyle preliminaries after completing his laps in 48.90 seconds. He struggled with a turn in the finals and had a time of 49.13 seconds for 12th place. "Not too bad for a sophomore," Yanez said. White posted the 14th-place time of 5:05.77 in the 500-yard freestyle preliminaries. He improved his time to 4:55.63 in the finals for 12th place. White was also the first alternate for the consolation finals in the 200-yard freestyle race due to his 17th-place time of 1:48.54 in the preliminaries. The only Ramona girls to earn team points were 400-yard freestyle relay swimmers Trinity Stewart, Katelynn Dodd, Mariah Campanella, and Maddie Schwegler. Their time of 4:11.02 in the preliminaries placed 15th, and they were 15th in the finals with a time of 4:09.80.
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1970 Vermont St. • (760) 789-2371 • Bill Zabriskie, Pastor
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Farm Worker (Trevino Farm ServiceS, mulTiple SiTeS in Grundy, marShall, Tama, hardin, Black haWk counTieS, ia) Detassel corn, clean up fields. No experience. (07/01/2017-08/10/2017) $13.12/hr, ¾ guaranteed contract; tools and supplies, housing, transportation expenses provided at no cost to worker. Transportation, subsistence paid to worker upon 50% completion of contract. 23 temporary jobs. Please contact 515-281-7538 to locate nearest State Workforce Agency office and apply using 6054234. RESIDENTIAL CAREGIVERS HVRR is looking for caring applicants to work with brain injured residents. Must be minimum 18 years old, valid CDL required, speak/ read/ write English fluently. 24/7 Full Time, $10.50/hour. Call Jennifer, 760-789-4600 RESIDEnTIaL CLEanInG Physically demanding, fast paced. Must be reliable/ detail oriented. PT, Tue-Fri, 7:30am4pm & occasional Mon. Must have car/ cell phone/ live in Ramona. Bkgrnd chk & drug test req. 760-789-7951 JoB CoaCH/ GRoUP Work w/ adults w/ developmental disabilities in an outdoor ranch setting in Ramona. Excellent benefits, 35hr/wk, $12/hr. Call Sherry at Unyeway Inc., 619-562-8393 DID YOU KNOW...? The oldest breed of dog is the Saluki.
FT HoUSEKEEPInG General cleaning of suites. Daily housekeeping service for resort. Includes wknd & holidays. Medical, dental, vision & ESOP. Apply in person at SDCE Timeshare at: 25385 Pappas Rd., Ramona maInTEnanCE I - General maintenance. Includes wknd & holidays. Medical, dental, vision & ESOP. Apply in person at SDCE Timeshare at: 25385 Pappas Rd., Ramona. RIVIERA OAKS RESORT AND RACQUET CLUB Riviera Oaks Resort positions available: FT Suite Attendant,$10.50/h FT Houseperson position$10.50/hr . All full time positions offer benefits. Apply online at: Diamond Resorts Management, Inc. is an EOE
100 - LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-013308 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Megan Elizabeth Photography Located at: 15753 Brandiron Street, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 15753 Brandiron Street, Ramona, CA 92065 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Megan Elizabeth Roehrs, 15753 Brandiron Street, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The first day of business has not yet started . This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/17/2017. Megan Elizabeth Roehrs. RA 4973326 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15/17 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-014161 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. AutoCommute Located at: 358 Washington St. , Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 358 Washington St. Ramona, CA 92065. Registered Owners Name(s): a. Karyn Vest, 358 Washington St. Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The first day of business was 05/17/2017. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/26/2017. Karyn West. R5002200. June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-014159 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Roman’s Handy Man Service Located at: 523 11 St, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 523 11 St, Ramona, CA 92065 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Luis Roman, 523 11 St, Ramona, CA 92065, California. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The first day of business has not yet started . This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/26/2017. Luis Roman. RS5006352 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-015401 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Elisity Located at: 17744 A Dos Picos Park Rd., Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Registered Owners Name(s): a. Alexander A. Rendek, 17744 A Dos Picos Park Rd. Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The first day of business has not yet started . This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 06/13/2017. Alexander A. Rendek. RA5021295 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13/17
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-014197 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Annick’s Insurance Services, Inc b. Annick’s Insurance Services c. Affordable Insurance d. Prestige Insurance Located at: 1012 Main Street #105, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: PO Box 515 Ramona, CA 92065 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Annick’s Insurance Services, Inc, 1012 Main Street #105, Ramona CA 92065, S CORP California. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. 05/26/2017. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/26/2017. Annick Shelby Laurie, President. RA 5009658 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13/17
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-013901 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. ILS Construction Services Located at: 13200 Kirkham Way #114, Poway, CA 92064, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 13200 Kirkham Way #114 Poway, CA 92064 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Innovative Lab Solutions, Inc., 13200 Kirkham Way #114 Poway, CA 92064, California. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. The first day of business has not yet started . This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/24/2017. Jeffrey S Fulghum, President. RA4988670 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-013563 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. GRAHAM-MARTIN, a California corporation Located at: 24501 Barona Mesa Road, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 277, Ramona, CA 92065 Registered Owners Name(s): a. GRAHAM-MARTIN, 24501 Barona Mesa Road, Ramona, CA 92605, California. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. The first day of business was 09/02/1976. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/19/2017. Dixie Giebelman, Secretary. RS4992946 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-012940 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Erosion Control Depot Located at: 2499 Qualcomm Way, San Diego, CA 92108, San Diego County. Mailing Address: PO Box 880335, San Diego CA 92168 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Summit Enterprises, Inc., 2499 Qualcomm Way, San Diego, CA 92108, California. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. The first day of business was 09/21/2011. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/12/2017. Larry Holley, President. RA 4984398 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/171 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-012941 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Summit Erosion Control Located at: 2499 Qualcomm Way, San Diego, CA 92108, San Diego County. Mailing Address: PO Box 880335, San Diego CA 92168 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Summit Enterprises, Inc., 2499 Qualcomm Way, San Diego, CA 92108, California. This business is conducted by: a Corporation. The first day of business was 09/21/2011. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/12/2017. Larry Holley, President. RA 4984453 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22/171
Place a GaraGe sale ad today! call 800-914-6434
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 2017-015537 Fictitious Business Name(s) to be Abandoned: a. Dutch Buddies Located at: 1908A Dye Road, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 1908A Dye Road, Ramona, CA 92065 The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on: 11/12/2014 and assigned File no. 2014-029816. Fictitious business name is being abandoned by: (1.)Elena Nevarez, 1908A Dye Road, Ramona, CA 92065 This business is conducted by: an Individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., of San Diego County on 06/14/2017. Elena Nevarez Owner. RA5032202 6/22, 6/29, 7/6 & 7/13/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-013681 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Vina Emmanuel Ministry Located at: 16312 Dartolo Rd, Ramona, CA 92065, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 16312 Dartolo Rd, Ramona, CA 92065 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Ben Rivera, 16312 Dartolo Rd, Ramona, CA 92065. b.Kerri Rivera, 16312 Dartolo Rd, Ramona, CA 92065. This business is conducted by: a Married Couple. The first day of business was N/A. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/22/2017. Kerri Rivera. RA4986281 6/1, 6/8, 6/15 & 6/22/2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 2017-013994 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Assist Your Biz Located at: 1717 Lodgpole Road, San Marcos, CA 92078, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 1717 Lodgpole Road, San Marcos, CA 92078 Registered Owners Name(s): a. Michaela Carrozzo, 1717 Lodgpole Road, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The first day of business has not yet started . This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on 05/25/2017. Michaela Carrozzo. RS4991315 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29/17 APN: 281-075-53-00 TS No: CA08002366-16-1 TO No: 8676007 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d) (1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED July 27, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 14, 2017 at 10:30 AM, at the entrance to the East County Regional
ANSWERS 6/15/2017
entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust recorded on August 9, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0563318, and that said Deed of Trust was modified by Modification Agreement and recorded June 1, 2010 as Instrument Number 2010-0273321, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, executed by PAULA A STEPHAN AND THOMAS N. STEPHAN, WIFE AND HUSBAND AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustor(s), in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. as nominee for MORTGAGEIT, INC. as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California de-
situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 346 OAK STREET, RAMONA, CA 92065 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property
100 - LEGAL NOTICES obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $472,685.89 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call In Source Logic at 702659-7766 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Web site address listed below for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA08002366-161. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: June 9, 2017 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA0800236616-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-252-8300 TDD: 866660-4288 Stephanie Hoy, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: In Source Logic AT 702-659-7766 Trustee Corps may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained may be used for that purpose. ISL Number 32098, Pub Dates: RA5026754 06/22/2017, 06/29/2017, 07/06/2017, RAMONA SENTINEL
Prop. 47 grant to aid some misdemeanor offenders Will provide substance abuse, mental health services The County and City of San Diego will receive $6 million to provide substance abuse and mental health services to hundreds of people cited or charged with misdemeanor drug and property crimes across the region, according to the county’s communications office. The Board of State and Community Corrections voted recently to award the grant to the county and city, after ranking their joint proposal first among dozens of entries. Approved by voters in November 2014, Proposition 47 changed certain drug and property offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. Another
provision required the state to redirect savings from a reduced prison population to this grant program, to help those cited or arrested for certain misdemeanors. This is the first time grants have been distributed as part of the proposition. With the grant, those arrested and struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues have a better chance at success in their communities, said the county. The ultimate aim is to reduce crime. “With this grant, we’re aiming to further improve public safety and help those who have been on the wrong side of the law become healthy, productive members of the community,” said Dianne Jacob, chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The county, the city and community
Ask Mr. Marketing BY ROB WEINBERG
What good is that award?
ortland, Maine, friends Lester and Barry recently visited Little Italy. Meeting at my house for dinner their last night in town, Lester handed me the San Diego Downtown News list of best restaurants and observed a curious anomaly. “Here are two Gold Medal winners. One has a four-paragraph write-up providing some romance, history, and reasons for visiting. The second has nothing.” True enough, one establishment’s story overflowed with terms like organic,
vegan, flavor, and freshness; the other provided an address and nothing else. Meaning side-by-side one of the entries would automatically capture more attention and business than the other. The same pattern repeated through 62 culinary categories and 58 business types, leaving us shaking our heads. Some businesses were promoting the heck out of themselves. They obviously saw this as (no pun intended) a golden opportunity to grow the bottom line. The others were just — there. There were 259 businesses highlighted
Medicare News BY GREG DILL
Help for people with chronic illness
f you have Medicare, there’s a good chance you have two or more chronic conditions such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or dementia. Two-thirds of the 57 million Americans with Medicare have two or more chronic illnesses. Having multiple chronic conditions increases the risk of death and functional limitations, decreases quality of life, and leads to higher health care spending. Managing chronic diseases can be difficult, to say the least. You often face multiple visits to one or more doctors; you must take multiple drugs at different times on different days; you have to make extra trips for tests. It can all be a bit overwhelming. At Medicare, we recognize the
challenges you have in managing your conditions, working with your health care providers, and trying to stay healthy. Two years ago, we added a new benefit called Chronic Care Management, or CCM. This program provides additional payments to doctors and other providers to help you live with chronic disease. For example, through the CCM benefit your primary-care doctor will help you keep track of your medical history, medications, and all the different health care providers you see. You’ll receive a comprehensive care plan that outlines your treatments and goals. Additionally, you’ll have 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week access to health care professionals for urgent needs from the comfort of your home.
partners will work together to provide these services. The project will also support the District Attorney’s Community, Action, Resource and Engagement (CARE) Center, which links individuals with community-based prevention and intervention services. The funding will be available as of the end of June. A 2016 study by San Diego Association of Governments shows that over three-quarters of those booked into jail for drug and property crimes test positive for drugs in their system. Through the county’s program, community agencies in North County and central San Diego County will reach out to offenders appearing in court for misdemeanor offenses and provide in-person connections, case management, substance abuse
treatment, and help with finding housing and jobs. The city will expand the San Diego Misdemeanants At-Risk Track, or SMART, pilot program, which focuses on diverting and engaging individuals with chronic needs for services. All of these efforts will seek to identify complex needs at the root of criminal behavior. The goal is to help build self-sufficiency by connecting individuals with organizations that support recovery and rehabilitation. “This funding supports our ongoing efforts to stop the revolving door to jail and provide individuals in our community with the tools they need to help them improve their quality of life, reducing crime and recidivism, and promoting public safety,” said San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.
in this issue. A mere 11% provided write-ups about themselves. Yes, there was a promotional cost. After readers cast their “Best of” votes, the newspaper encouraged medal winners to buy an ad to increase visibility. The smart ones took advantage of the opportunity to raise their profile. One additional customer probably paid for the ad’s cost. Think about it: You see a gold medalist without ad or write-up followed by a silver medalist with both ad and interesting story. Lester visited the guys who tried to grab their attention. Just being on the list was a benefit, of course, but not enough to lure these customers’ dollars. Regardless of whether you’ve won an award lately, you’re probably also missing opportunities to promote your business.
All over the Web there are sites and lists with business profiles. From Google to chambers of commerce and everywhere in between there are directories large and small inviting a summary of offerings. Will they make a difference? As Grandma Bertha used to say; “It couldn’t hurt.” Keeping handy a two-to-three-paragraph stock description of your business ensures you’re ready to painlessly jump into a range of promotional opportunities the moment you see them. Publicity, directories, contests, and silent auctions all beckon to help you market yourself at little or no cost. All you need to do is be prepared. With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing. Learn to promote your business at
To be eligible for CCM services, you must be enrolled in Medicare or in both Medicare and Medicaid. And you must have two or more chronic diseases that are expected to last at least 12 months and place you at significant risk of death, acute exacerbation/decompensation, or functional decline. Other examples of chronic conditions include, but are not limited to, asthma, atrial fibrillation, autism spectrum disorder, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, heart failure, hepatitis, hypertension (high blood pressure), infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, ischemic heart disease, osteoporosis, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, and stroke. Specific CCM services may include: • At least 20 minutes a month of chronic care management services; • Personalized assistance from a dedicated health care professional who will work with you to create your care plan; • Coordination of care between your pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, hospitals, and more; • Phone check-ins between visits to keep you on track;
• 24/7 emergency access to a health care professional; • Expert assistance with setting and meeting your health goals. How much do CCM services cost? You’ll be responsible for the usual Medicare Part B cost-sharing and may have a deductible or coinsurance/co-pay. However, many people with Medicare have Medigap supplemental insurance that may cover CCM cost-sharing. Chronic Care Management means having a continuous relationship with a dedicated health care professional who knows you and your history, gives personal attention, and helps you make the best choices for your health. CCM gives you and your loved ones the assistance you need to manage your chronic conditions so you can spend more time doing the things you enjoy. Ask your doctor about Chronic Care Management and get the connected care you need. For more information, call 1-800-633-4227 or visit Greg Dill is Medicare’s regional administrator for California, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Territories. For more information, call 1-800-633-4227.
Petitioners fight to save desert cross BY KAREN BRAINARD For 51 years a cross at the county airport in Ocotillo Wells has stood to honor a soldier who died in the Vietnam War, but it is now slated for removal because of one complaint. An online petition to stop the removal started the weekend of May 13 and had 2,349 supporters in less than a week. "We're ready to battle for the right to stay where it is," said Sherri Kukla, who started the petition. An Ocotillo Wells resident, Kukla publishes S&S Off Road Magazine and said that for five decades thousands of people recreating in the desert have enjoyed the cross that sits on a hill, adding that it has been helpful to off-roaders. "They use it as a point of reference," she said. It has also been a source of comfort to those who have lost loved ones, she stated in an article in her magazine. Kukla didn't know the history of the cross when she received a call on May 9 alerting her to the fact that the county was going to remove it. The Ocotillo Airport is one of eight owned by the County of San Diego and adjacent to the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Park. According to the county, it has two dirt runways, no county or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) staff on-site, and the second-least aviation traffic of all its airports, averaging less than 200 takeoffs and landings per month. Alex Bell, program manager for the county's Land Use and Environmental
Group, said a complaint was received in January that a cross was located on county property. She would not say who made the complaint. After investigating, Bell said the county confirmed the cross is on its property, 84 feet from the unmarked property line. Bell said in an email that the presence "of a monument of this nature on government land is an establishment of religion and in violation of federal and state constitutions,” and the county is taking steps to address the issue. Kukla doesn't see it as a religious monument. "It's a historical memorial monument," she said. "That's what really it's about." The cross was erected in honor of Jim Bruce Robison, an Ocotillo Wells resident who was killed in action in Vietnam at age 21 in 1966. His house, still owned by the family, is across the street from the cross. The cross also serves as a memorial for two other residents in the community, according to a news article Kukla found in her research. The airport property was given to the county by the federal government in the 1950s with the stipulation that permission was required from the FAA if the land should ever cease to be used for aviation purposes, according to Bell. Bell said the county reached out to the FAA to request approval to sell the land under the cross to a private party or relocate the cross to another section of the airport that would be acceptable to sell. The requests
SHERIFF’S REPORTS A 30-year-old Moreno Valley man was arrested after attempting to pass a fraudulent prescription for Vicodin at a Ramona pharmacy around 1 p.m. June 13, reported the sheriff’s Ramona station. Law enforcement was alerted by the pharmacy and when officers arrived the suspect fled on foot, said Sgt. Robert Samuels. A short pursuit ensued and ended when deputies caught him at the Ramona Post Office parking lot. James Armour was arrested for commercial burglary and forging prescriptions, both felonies, along with being under the influence of a controlled substance, according to the report. The incident is under investigation, said Samuels. Among other reports: Sunday, June 18 • Male, 38, arrested, 1000 block Main Street, transport controlled substance and possess controlled substance. • Male, 40, arrested, 700 block Main Street, possess narcotic controlled substance and felony bench warrant. Saturday, June 17 • Victim of assault with deadly weapon: not firearm, 1200 block Main Street. • Female, 44, arrested, 14600 block Mussey Grade Road, battery: spouse/ex-spouse/date. • Male, 45, arrested, 14600 block Mussey Grade Road, felony other agency’s warrant. Friday, June 16 • Six people arrested, 24300 block of
Rutherford Road. Male, 32, felon/addict/possess firearm, prohibited person own/possess ammunition, felony bench warrant, and felony other agency warrant; male, 48, misdemeanor bench warrant; female, 46, misdemeanor bench warrant and misdemeanor other agency’s warrant; male, 40, felony and misdemeanor other agency warrants; and female, 32, and male, 50, possess narcotic controlled substance. Thursday, June 15 • Male, 42, arrested, South 14th and Main streets, use/under influence of controlled substance, possess controlled substance and possess controlled substance paraphernalia. Wednesday, June 14 • Petty theft of video games valued at $900, 1200 block Ramona Street. Monday, June 12 • Vandalism $400 or less, Ramona High and Olive Peirce Middle schools. Sunday, June 11 • Grand theft from building, 300 block Durgin Street, $325 power tool, $120 worth of miscellaneous tools, $1,200 worth of clothing, recording equipment valued at $2,000, $4,020 worth of wood, and $160 worth of garden tools. • Male, 52, arrested, 600 block Gem Lane, possess controlled substance for sale, use/under influence of controlled substance, possess controlled substance paraphernalia, and willful cruelty to child: no great bodily injury.
Ocotillo Wells residents are petitioning to save a memorial cross that sits on county-owned land. The county says it received one complaint about the cross and has to remove it or modify it. were denied, she said. There is no official date to remove the cross, said Bell, adding that the county is actively trying to work with the community to either identify a new permanent home for it or to modify it so there is no religious reference and can remain. One idea, she said, is to replace it with a flag pole with the American flag and a memorial plaque at the base honoring fallen military members. Kukla’s goal is to get 5,000 supporters on
the petition and present it to Supervisor Bill Horn, whose District 5 includes that area. As of June 20, there were 2,922. The petition has attracted supporters from all over the country. To see the Save the Ocotillo Memorial Cross petition, visit Bell said that questions may be directed to Airport Manager Marc Baskel at 619-956-4805 or
District honors eighth-grader as ‘a role model for others’ BY MAUREEN ROBERTSON An Olive Peirce Middle School eighth-grader Principal Pauline Leavitt describes as “a role model for others” is a Ramona Unified School District Inspirational Student of the Month. The district at the start of the school year began a tradition of honoring one student a month, rotating schools each month so that by the end of the school year one student from each school would receive recognition as an inspirational student. In April, OPMS student Ashtin Brown was that student. “When people talk about him, they have this huge smile on their face for many reasons, because he’s really a friend to all,” Leavitt said when she introduced Ashtin at a Board of Education meeting. Ashtin, an aide in the class with severely handicapped students, “goes to their houses. He attends their parties. He also is a friend to those in need,” said Leavitt. If a student is alone at lunch, “you see Ashtin out there making a friend and making sure that we live up to be a kind and safe environment,” added Leavitt. “We appreciate him. He’s a role model. He is the kind of student who makes us happy to come to school every day.” Ashtin goes out of his way to be a friend to students who need one, and he is “authentic and genuine with all students, no matter who
Ashtin Brown listens as Olive Peirce Middle School Principal Pauline Leavitt describes characteristics Ashtin has that make him an Inspirational Student of the Month. they are,” said Leavitt. Dawn Perfect, school board vice president, presented Ashtin with a plaque honoring him as OPMS and district Inspirational Student of the Month. On the plaque is a quote from Edger Allen, Easter Seals founder: “Your life and mine should be valued not by what we take but by what we give.” Asked if he wanted to say anything, Ashtin quietly replied, “Well, just thank you for having me here.”
FROM SEWER, A1 updated assumptions for the capital projects and Bartle Wells updated the rate calculation. Alex Handlers with Bartle Wells said revised annual increases of 4 percent for Santa Maria and 5 percent for San Vicente should be sufficient for the next few years to pay for work at the sewer plants. Remaining projects in the district’s facilities plans total $10.9 million for the Santa Maria sewer plant and $3.39 million for San Vicente. Last year the district completed two projects at the Santa Maria plant that cost $6.6 million. Projects already completed at San Vicente totaled $1.06 million. Lawler, who is executive director of the University of California San Diego Health System and noted he oversees a $450 million budget, said he reviewed the district fund by fund and the overall fund balance has risen from $9.6 million about six years ago to $41.6 million as of this April. He questioned “whether or not an increase is necessary given the fact that the current rates are yielding year-over-year increases in cash to the district.” Barnum said the $41.6 million in the overall fund balance isn't cash available. He said if the board did not adopt a fee increase and $5 million
Ramona Municipal Water District General Manager David Barnum talks about the need for a sewer fee increase. Listening are board president Thomas Ace and directors Joe Zenovic, Jim Hickle, Jeff Lawler, and Bryan Wadlington. was spent on sewer projects, they would have to hold off on future projects as there would be no revenue stream. Hickle said there would be a slower growth rate in the sewer fund without a fee increase, but added that the current revenue stream is growing at an excess rate. Director Joe Zenovic commented that the district needs to have sufficient funds for a rainy day and he would be happy to pay what amounts to a "dime a day increase."
According to Barnum, previous boards deferred maintenance prior to 2008. “The concept was we’ll fix it when it breaks,” he said. Barnum said that after deferring maintenance for 20 years, “Failure is an option.” Director Bryan Wadlington, who sat on a previous Ramona water board, said he found it appalling to learn that a lot of future projects and repairs weren’t addressed. “This is stuff that we need to replace now so it
Elaine Ruff holds the large wooden scissors to cut the ceremonial ribbon marking her membership in the Ramona Chamber of Commerce as owner of Village Real Estate and Home Center, 23680 San Vicente Road in San Diego Country Estates. Joining her are real estate agents, Village members, and chamber members. The Village offers full-time, part-time, and virtual office space to local business professionals who support and serve the community. FROM BRIEFS, A9
to 4 p.m. The free program will be from June 20 through July 27. For more information, visit the library or call 760-788-5270.
Recycled art sculptures The Ramona Community Art Group, sponsored by 2Create Gallery and The Art Center, will build recycled art sculptures to be placed in the community. Persons interested in being a part of this community art project may contact 2Create Gallery at or view projects in progress at
Wonderful home with almost everything. Cul-de-Sac location, Views, Open Floor Plan, Paid Solar, Pool & Spa, 3 Car Attached & 3 Car Oversized Detached Garage. New Flooring, Updated Windows, Light & Bright. 2544 Sq Ft, 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, Fireplace in Master Suite & Great Room, Open Space to Mountains in rear.
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ham radio’s ability to work reliably under any conditions from almost any location and create an independent communications network. Over 35,000 people from thousands of locations participated in Field Day in 2016. “It’s easy for anyone to pick up a computer or smartphone, connect to the Internet and communicate, with no knowledge of how the devices function or connect to each other,” said Sean Kutzko of the American Radio Relay League, the national association for amateur radio. “But if there’s an interruption of service or you’re out of range of a cell tower, you have no way to communicate. Ham radio functions completely independent of the Internet or cell phone infrastructure, can interface with tablets or smartphones, and can be set up almost anywhere in minutes. That’s the beauty of amateur radio during a communications outage.
FROM SETTLE, A8 camps and touch the items. They also show students how signal flags were used instead of texting. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Settle’s group traveled to the East to participate in Civil War re-enactments in such places as Gettysburg, Pa., and Manassas, Va. "I've done Gettysburg so many times I know it by heart,” he said, noting they used to have about 30,000 re-enactors perform. Of re-enacting Picket’s Charge, he said, "We
t Sa m N - 2p E O Pam 11
doesn’t fail and cost us 10 times more to replace it after it’s failed,” he said, adding that it’s a tough position but a long time coming. “As the saying goes, it’s time to pay the piper because we didn’t pay the piper 10 to 15 years ago.” Board President Thomas Ace said he was persuaded by the consultant's presentation that the district can fund the improvements through gradual increases. The board’s discussion during the three-hour meeting was preceded by a public hearing on the sewer fee increase. About a dozen members of the public attended. Only one of two speaking at the hearing asked directors to reconsider the increase. The district said it received 12 protest letters from among the 7,000 parcels receiving sewer service. During a staff presentation on the facilities plans, contracted District Engineer Mike Metts said the district recently had a small break in a pipeline. Barnum said that during the last rainstorms, the Santa Maria plant had more inflow than it could handle but was able to avoid a spill. In addition to adopting the fee increase, the board, by unanimous vote, approved continuing the $10-per-acre sewer availability charge in the San Vicente Sewer Service Area. The board is expected to consider the fiscal year 2017-18 budget at its July 11 meeting, according to Ace. “Hams can literally throw a wire in a tree for an antenna, connect it to a battery-powered transmitter and communicate halfway around the world. Hams do this by using a layer of Earth’s atmosphere as a sort of mirror for radio waves. In today’s electronic do-it-yourself (DIY) environment, ham radio remains one of the best ways for people to learn about electronics, physics, meteorology, and numerous other scientific disciplines, and is a huge asset to any community during disasters if the standard communication infrastructure goes down.” Anyone may become a licensed amateur radio operator. Licensed hams in the United States are as young as 5 and as old as 100. And with clubs such as ROARS, it’s easy to get involved in Ramona. For more information about Field Day, contact Steve Stipp, ROARS president, at 760-788-2012 or visit had 14,600 men marching across that field. That was one of the most awesome Civil War moments I've ever been in." Settle said the living history is a big part of why he likes doing it. “But then, it's just like walking in a rodeo arena, your adrenaline gets going. When you're in command of 500 guys on the field and you're on your horse, your adrenaline is going. And the artillery is right next to you.” Settle added that it’s as close as they can get to what it was really like. “That's part of the reason why you do it."
BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM DREAM HOME Experience Comfortable Elegance w/ Mountain Views. Custom built 2016. 2400 sf. 4 BD / 2 BA Open plan, high ceilings w/ custom fireplace & Gourmet Chef Kitchen w/quartz counters, island. Views! A70 Level 1/2 acre lot for pool, outdoor galley, RV, horses, vineyard.
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Martha Luce. REALTOR. Century 21 Award 760.532.7196 CalBRE: 00763016
businesses remain open later and offer specials. ■ Simply Marriage, 7 p.m., Calvary Chapel, 114 14th St. Practical tools for marriage from the word of God. Weekly series through Aug. 10. 760-789-6031.
THURSDAY, June 22 ■ Ramona Business Network Exchange, 7 a.m., Nuevo Grill, 1413 Main St. Buffet breakfast. 760-788-1770 or ■ TOPS, Grace Community Church, 1234 Barger Place, 9 a.m. Weigh-in at 8:30 a.m. ■ Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tai Chi at 9 a.m., Adult Coloring Club at 10 a.m., Toddler Storytime at 10:30 a.m., Women’s Art at 11 a.m., 3D Printing Demonstrations at 3 p.m., All Star Learners at 3 p.m., Stability Balls at 3 p.m., Family Movie at 4 p.m. 760-788-5270. ■ Ramona American Graffiti Cruise night, departs from Ron’s Tire & Brake, 2560 Main St. at 6:30 p.m. and continues up Main Street through Old Town and back. Many
FRIDAY, June 23 ■ Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Zumba at 9:30 a.m., Bouncing Baby Storytime at 10:30 a.m., DIY Luggage Tags and More at 1 p.m., Family Craft at 3:15 p.m. 760-788-5270. ■ Ramona ACBL Bridge Club, open game, 9:30 a.m., 1721 Main St., Suite 101. 760-789-1132. ■ Free Farmers’ Market, 1:30 to 3 p.m., First Congregational Church of Ramona, 404 Eighth St. ■ American Legion Post 332, 7 p.m., Ramona Library Community Room, 1275 Main St. Includes planning for Annual Pancake Breakfast, scheduled for Nov. 4. 760-788-5947. SATURDAY, June 24 ■ Kiwanis of Ramona, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Denny’s, 1946 Main St. 760-522-2625. ■ Weight Watchers, Ramona Woman’s Club, 524 Main St., 8 a.m. ■ Ray Spence Horse and Mule Clinic, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 16515 Highland Valley Road. 858-204-7834. ■ Ramona Certified Farmers’ Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kmart lot. ■ Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 760-788-5270. ■ Mural Dedication, 10 a.m., La Cocina restaurant, 681 Main St. “Tending the Vineyard” mural by Miguel Angel Godoy and Saratoga Sake. Public welcome. Refreshments, picture of the mural autographed by the artists.
■ Ramona Soccer League Registration, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ramona Soccer fields. ■ Ramona Tea’d, doors open at 11 a.m., program begins at noon, Ramona Lutheran Church, 520 16th St. Topic: The Difference between Biblical and Islamic values. Speaker: Nonie Darwish, human rights activist.
Speaker: Mike Slater. Theme: Celebrate America. 760-789-0220.
SUNDAY, June 25 ■ Depression and Bipolar Support Group, 10 to 11 a.m., Rose Garden at Collier Park, 626 E St. ■ Ramona Soccer League Registration, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ramona Soccer fields. ■ Congressional Candidate Forum, hosted by Indivisible Ramona, Session 1 — noon to 1:30 p.m., Session 2 — 2 to 3:30 p.m., Ramona Library Community Room, 1275 Main St. Featuring candidates seeking to run in the 2018 District 50 election against incumbent Congressman Duncan Hunter. Seat registration at ■ Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., 12 to 5 p.m. Sunday Funday at 2 p.m. 760-788-5270. ■ Car Show, 4 to 6 p.m., Albertsons parking lot, 1400 block of Main Street. Pre-1974 trucks and cars. Free.
TUESDAY, June 27 ■ Backcountry Quilters, 9 a.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. ■ Ramona Library, 1275 Main St., 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Country Line Dancing at 10 a.m., Preschool Play at 10:30 a.m., Kids Craft at 1 p.m., Computer Class at 2 p.m., Teen Chess Club at 3 p.m., All Star Learners at 3 p.m., Children’s Folklorico Dance at 4:30 p.m., Adult Folklorico Dance at 6 p.m., Citizenship Classes at 6 p.m. 760-788-5270. ■ Ramona ACBL Bridge Club, lessons and practice for open players with separate class for beginners, 2 to 5 p.m., 1721 Main St., Suite 101. 760-789-1132. ■ San Diego County Mobile Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Country Village Store, 23658 San Vicente Road. ■ Soroptimist International of Ramona, 6 p.m., Hatfield Creek Vineyards and Winery, 1625 state Route 78. 858-395-3112 or ■ Ramona Community Singers, 7 to 8:45 p.m., Ramona Town Hall West Wing, 729 Main St. Open to all. 760-788-1887 or
MONDAY, June 26 ■ Ramona Library, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mindful Mondays at 9:30 a.m., Adult Chess Club at 10 a.m., Billingual Storytime at 10:30 a.m., Book Club at 1 p.m., 3D Printer Demonstrations at 3 p.m., Stretch & Strength at 4:45 p.m. ■ Intermountain Republican Women Federated, 5:45 p.m., Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. June fundraiser.
WEDNESDAY, June 28 ■ Ramona Library, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. ■ Veterans Services Representative, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. Walk-ins welcome. ■ Ramona Outback Amateur Radio Society (ROARS), 7 p.m., Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. For Complete Calendar, See
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Q’Nique Properties
It’s a great time to sell!
SPECTACULAR ESTATE! 14.38 acres (2 parcels) with panoramic mountain and valley views. Custom residence is approx. 4,003 SF, 4 optional 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ bathrooms, 4 car attached garage, pool w/cascading spa, and 2 story barn w/loft. $1,495,800 MLS #170003017
Properties Sold 2016/2017................................ 76 Average/Median Days on Market .............50/29 Current Homes/Properties in Escrow ............ 15 % of List Price .................................................... 97% Lot 15 D Street 15 / 7,680 SF ................................................$78,800 Parcel 4 Dapple Ridge Road 4 / 5.81 Acres..................... $99,800 15309 Wyeport Road #7 / 2.27 Acres.............................. $195,800 19703 Via Vista Grande #11 / 9.52 Acres ....................... $200,000 19462 Highland Hills Road #2 / 12.18 Acres..................$295,800 2565 Main Street (Comm) / 1+/- Acre.............................$303,700 Rancho Maria Lane / 12.21 Acres ..................................... $457,300
Located at end of private road easement. Home is approx. 1,568 SF, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 4 car garage on ½ acre fenced parcel. $449,800-$459,800 MLS #170029777
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Amazing mountain & valley views! Residence is approx. 2,983 SF, 4 opt 5 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms & attached 2-car garage. Outdoor kitchen & entertaining area. $549,800-$595,800 MLS #170006996
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Home is approx. 2,224 SF, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and attached 2 car garage. Terrain is level/gently sloping and ideal for the horse/animal enthusiast. $525,800-$535,800 MLS #170026395
48.40 acre (2 parcels) site with private legal airstrip. Home is approx. 2,595 SF, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 3 car garage. AG buildings/workshops. Well. Solar. $895,800 MLS #170024227
Located on private easement road. Beautiful panoramic mountain and valley views. Please call listing agent for details. $99,800 MLS #170029179
Cozy hacienda is approx. 726 SF with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom & walk-out basement with laundry facilities. Forever mountain & valley views. Mature Oak & Pine trees. $495,800-$525,800 MLS #170000238
Q’Nique Properties
2130 Main Street, Ramona, CA 92065
Sharon Quisenberry 760.787.3177 CalBRE# 00768893