ignite cda 2018 Meeting Minutes

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Coeur d’Alene’s Urban Renewal Agency 2018 Meeting Minutes


WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Hoskins, Chapkis, Armon, Garcia, English, Metts.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


Motion by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to move forward the Midtown Proposal agenda item to the beginning of the agenda following approval of the December minutes . Motion carried.


David Lyons: shared comments with the board re. the one Midtown proposal received by the Agency. Commented on the fair market value of the Agency’s Midtown property and how the proposal submitted did not meet the requirements of the Agency’s Request for Proposals document. Commented that the Agency should consider transferring ownership of the Midtown property to the City of CDA.


▪ December 20, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the December 20, 2017 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Midtown Request for Proposals

Background: Excerpt from September 2017 board minutes:

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Ex. Director Berns shared an overview of a draft RFP pertaining to redevelopment on a portion of the Agency owned property located in Midtown, specifically property located 813-823 N. 4th Street (see graphic below, excludes ignite cda surface parking lots).

The Agency will invite developers to submit redevelopment proposals for this site in conformance with pertinent zoning regulations, City of CDA Design Guidelines, City of CDA Midtown Overlay Guidelines, and the Second Amended and Restated Lake District Urban Renewal Plan, as amended (Plan).

This competitive proposal process is intended to allow interested developers to respond to public-owned development opportunities. The Agency will negotiate an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with the selected developer to guide discussions leading to the preparation of a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA).

The Agency envisions urban development of an esthetically pleasing and efficient project that will complement and enhance the Midtown area of CDA. The design and uses of the proposed development should help to create energy in the Midtown area.

Ex. Director Berns shared that the due date for Midtown proposals was January 12, 2018. He shared that one proposal was received from the partnership team of Chad Oakland, Dan Stubbs, Teresa Capone and Tom Capone. Mr. Oakland was invited to discuss the following proposal with the board:

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Mr. Oakland shared the following comments with the board: • Midtown is an area currently going through a transition period.

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• The Agency’s Midtown property is currently positioned well for future development, but more time needs to pass (possibly 2-3 years) before the right type of development opportunity presents itself.

• Mr. Oakland and his partners want to create more activity in Midtown.

Mr. Stubbs shared that a six -month turnaround time for development planning as suggested in the RFP is too fast at this point in time in Midtown. He shared that costs of materials are going up, and that the appraisal conducted for the Paris Flea Market building in 2016 presented a value that was too high.

➢ Commissioner Armon asked legal counsel Quade if the Agency were to turn over the Midtown property to the City of CDA, what could the City do with the property?

• Mrs. Quade shared that the City has less latitude than the Agency to divest of the property. The City can declare the property surplus and sell it via a sealed bid auction process, or retain ownership of the property. Mrs. Quade also shared that the proposal submitted to the Agency for the Midtown property does not meet code requirements re. divesture of the property by the Agency. Options for the board moving forward include initiating a process for declaring the property surplus and placing it on the market for sale, issuing a revised/modified RFP, do nothing at this time.

Board discussion ensued re. next steps for the Midtown property.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to form an Adhoc committee to review/discuss possible next steps for the Agency’s Midtown property. The committee would plan to revisit this issue on or before the March 2018 board meeting. Commissioners volunteering for the committee: Garcia, Metts, Widmyer.

5. 2017 ignite cda DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT

Executive Director Berns shared that there was a change to the urban renewal statutes in the summer of 2011 that now requires an urban renewal agenc y to accept public comment on their annual report prior to submittal to City Council. The following ignite cda process has been established to meet the new statute requirements:

• The "draft" 2017 annual report to council was posted on the ignite cda website's home page a week prior to the January 2018 board meeting,

• A public notice ran in the CDA Press a week prior to the January 2018 board meeting indicating that the ignite cda Board will accept public comment on the annual report at the January 2018 board meeting. The notice states that the draft report is posted on line, and also states that written public comments are welcome and can be submitted via mail or email,

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• Public comment on the ignite cda annual report will be a discrete agenda item at the January 2018 board meeting. When this agenda item is addressed, an overview of the annual report will be provided by the Ex. Director. The ignite cda Chairman will then ask if there is any public comment on the annual report. The Board will then listen to public comment, and then review any written public comments received. The Board can then choose to discuss any issues as they wish, directing the Ex. Director to work with the Chairman on making any modifications to the draft annual report prior to submission to City Council. The Board will then approve the draft annual report, via motion, with any proposed modifications as noted.

Ex. Director Berns then proceeded to provide an overview of the draft 2017 ignite cda annual report (audience members and television viewers were also able to view the draft annual report).

Public Comment Re. 2017 ignite cda Draft Annual Report No public comment was provided at the Board meeting, and no written public comment was received.

Motion by Commissioner Metts, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the 2017 ignite cda Annual Report as drafted, authorizing the Executive Director to submit the 2017 ignite cda Annual Report to the CDA City Council as required by Idaho statute. Motion carried.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the December Lake and River District financial statements, and the December / January account payables sheet, with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the December financial statements and the December / January accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts as presented. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s parking revenues are

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remaining strong. He also shared that the general contractor for the parking garage initiative is on site and that utility relocati on issues are nearing an end.

Construction Materials Testing for Parking Garage Project: Strata Proposal

Ex. Director Berns shared that Miller Stauffer Architects, acting on ignite cda’s behalf, was contacted by three firms in the area regarding third party materials testing work related to the parking garage project. This third-party testing is critical to assuring quality control on key project elements. Project testing/observation components include subgrade observation, compaction testing, cast in place concrete testing, post-tensioned concrete testing, masonry, and structural steel. Proposals were received from the following firms:

• Strata – proposed fee: $39,252

• Allwest – proposed fee: $55,308

• Intermountain Materials & Testing – proposed fee: $77,930

Miller-Stauffer Architects recommends that the Agency select the Strata proposal.

➢ Commissioner Armon asked why there is such a wide discrepancy in the proposed fees?

• Mike Walker, Miller-Stauffer Architects, shared that the engineering firms develop a fee based on the estimated number of trips they will need to make to the site to perform needed testing/observations. Mr. Walker shared that Strata’s proposal will meet all of the required third-party testing needs for the project.

Motion by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the Strata third party testing proposal as presented, in the estimated amount of $39,252, with a total cost not to exceed $50,000. Motion carried.


Resolution 18-02: Destruction of Select Semi-Permanent and Temporary Public Records

Ex. Director Berns and legal counsel Quade discussed Resolution 18-02 which pertains to the destruction of the following public records per the Agency’s public record retention policy:

• Temporar y Public Records: documents and statements dated prior to October 1, 2015;

• Semi-Permanent Public Records: documents and statements dated prior to October 1, 2012:

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The Idaho State Historical Society will be contacted re. their interest in any of the semi-permanent records prior to their destruction.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve Resolution 18-02 approving the destruction of semi-permanent and temporary public records as proposed.

Roll Call: Armon Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Yes Metts Yes Goodlander Absent Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Yes

Motion carried.

Atlas Mill Site Planning Project: Welch-Comer Contract Modification

Ex. Director Berns invited Phil Boyd of Welch-Comer Engineers to provide an overview of the proposed Atlas Mill Site contract modification between ignite cda and Welch-Comer Engineers. Below are key slides from the Welch-Comer presentation.

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Blue box area depicts most likely location for structural fill pla cement.

Mr. Boyd shared that this opportunistic approach to acquiring needed structural fill material could save the Atlas Mill site project an estimated $1.4 million. The challenge is that some pre-work needs to be accomplished prior to potential receipt of the fill material. The proposal is for ignite cda to fund the necessary preliminary planning effort, with the City potentially partnering on paying for the importing, placing and compacting of the fill material.

Board discussion ensued re. several elements of this potential opportunity.

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➢ Commissioner Hoskins asked why can’t the material contained in “Mt. Hink” be used to level the site?

• Mr. Boyd shared that Mt. Hink contains material unsuitable for structural fill.

➢ Commissioner Armon asked how can the Mt. Hink material be used in development of the mill site area?

• Mr. Boyd shared that there are several ideas being evaluated. The first task is to characterize the material in Mt. Hink to see what is useable and unusable. There might be an opportunity to move some of the unsuitable material to the City’s BLM lease area near LaCrosse Avenue where a future park area is planned.

➢ Commissioner English asked when can some of the earth work start happening on the mill site area?

• Mr. Boyd shared that the parking garage fill material will become available in February, and the I90 material will become available in late spring. One option would be for the City to close on the Atlas Mill site acquisition early in order to be able to capture the majority of this available fill material.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer asked if the proposed conversations involving the I90 material will be with the I90 contractor?

• Mr. Boyd shared that yes, discussions will occur with the I90 contractor; the premise is that it will be less expensive for the I90 contractor to haul his cut material to the Atlas site versus other possible sites.

➢ Commissioner Armon commented that this Welch-Comer proposal is conditional on getting the I90 contractor on board, and getting the City Council to give the green light on their end of the proposal re. the fill material.

Commissioner Metts asked if these proposed fees will change?

• Mr. Boyd shared that no, ignite cda’s fees will not change.

➢ Commissioner Hoskins asked how would the trucks get to the site from I90?

• Mr. Boyd shared that the trucks would come into the eastern section of the site off Seltice Way.

➢ Commissioner Jordan asked for clarification of what is being paid for?

• Mr. Boyd shared that the proposal is not to pay for the fill material, but to pay for delivery, spreading and compaction of the material.

➢ Commissioner Garcia shared that she is struggling a bit with the Agency putting up this money since the Agency’s role in the Atlas Mill site initiative

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is still being defined. She suggested more of a sequential spending approach to this opportunity.

Other board members agreed with Commissioner Garcia and a suggestion was made that the Agency fund the first needed steps in the proposed process, then revisit the issue once City Council has had a chance to evaluate this opportunity.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to approve modification of the existing Welch-Comer Engineers Atlas Mill site planning contract, increasing the amount of the contract by $7,500 to address environmental / biological clearance issues and County permitting processes associated with the proposal. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update

Ex. Director Berns is working with Nicole Kahler (CDA 2030 Project Manager) on reviewing the contract with Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”). The amount of the contract is $62,750 which includes a travel expense budget of $6,000 and an optional donor survey cost of $7,500. HVS proposes to complete their study within 12 weeks following contract initiation.

➢ Atlas Mill Site Planning Project: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that the contract with Welch-Comer Engineering has been executed and that the planning effort is proceeding. The first milestone element of the planning effort will be a CDA 2030 led community input session scheduled for early February.

➢ Memorial Park & N. Park Drive Subdivision: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared the following N. Park Drive update with the board:

• Reminded the board that the following improvements are to be completed/constructed in 2018: sidewalks, alleyway, final berm grading and landscaping.

• The on-site sign has been placed, and the sign graphic material has been used in ads placed in the CDA Press.

➢ Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that all four lanes of the roadway are open to traffic. Project work will re-start in the spring which will include final asphalt overlays, roadway striping, irrigation and landscaping efforts.

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that the Agency continues to work with Active West on the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the right of way property, focusing on addressing pertinent due diligence issues associated with the sale.

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The Agency is working with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to address remediation efforts associated with the right of way.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone (formerly referred to as the Til ford Lane): Update Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.


Commissioner Widmyer shared that the CDA Do wntown Association, in partnership with the CDA Resort, held the first annual CDA mac and cheese event this past weekend. It was a huge success attracting over 2,000 people . Commissioner Widmyer thanked Ex. Director Berns and Commissioner Chapkis for volunteering to help with the event.

9. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comment provided.

10. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Roll Call: Goodlander Absent Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes Motion carried

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:44 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, legal counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 6:01 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns

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Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Hoskins, Chapkis, Armon, Garcia, English, Metts, Goodlander.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


▪ January 17, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the January 17, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.


Background: for more information on this agenda item, please refer to the board meeting minutes from October and November of 2017. These minutes can be found on the ignite cda website: www.ignitecda.org.

Chairman Hoskins opened the individual bids received for the lots located on N. Park Drive. Legal Counsel Quade reviewed the bids assuring that the bids met the sealed bid requirements. Following is a summary of the bids received:

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Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Bidder 209,000 $ 198,000 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 198,000 $ 198,000 $ 220,000 $ 198,000 $ Charles Hawkins 236,100 $ Charles Hawkins 241,100 $ Elizabeth Larson 236,500 $ Donald Mullen 227,500 $ Jack Fraser 221,999 $ Chad Cooper 198,500 $ February 21, 2018 NORTH PARK DRIVE LOTS: SEALED BID SUMMARY Lot Number and Minimum Bid Amount

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the following high bids as opened and rea d for the following four lots:

• Lot 4: Charles Hawkins: $236,100

• Lot 7: Charles Hawkins: $241,100

• Lot 8: Elizabeth Larson: $236,500

• Lot 10: Donald Mullen: $227,500 Motion carried.

The board discussed options pertaining to the unsuccessful bidders on lots 7 and 10, and decided to see if these bidders are interested in any of the remaining six lots at this time.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Metts, authorizing the Ex. Director to work expeditiously (within one week) with the second-place bidders re. their possible interest in acquiring one of the remaining six lots at the appraised value cost, and to negotiate a Purchase and Sale agreement with the two bidders pursuant to the bid forms contained in the sealed bid auction packet. Motion carried.

Board discussion ensued re. the next course of action pertaining to the remaining six lots that did not receive sealed bid offers. Discussion topics included whether to sell the lots individually or as a block, whether to engage a realtor to help sell the lots, timing on when to place the remaining six lots on the market.

An adhoc committee comprised of Commissioners Chapkis, Jordan and Hoskins was formed to discuss these issues and report back the board in March.


Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the January Lake and River District financial statements, and the January / February account payables sheet with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the January financial statements and the January / February accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts as presented. Motion carried.

“Coeurllaborate” Project Discussion Commissioner Armon led a discussion re. the status of the project. As background, the Agency has an existing $680,000 conditional Improvement

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Reimbursement Agreement (IRA) associated with the Coeurllaborate project. The Agency agreed to the conditional IRA in November 2016 with the understanding that the developer would break ground soon thereafter and have significant project completion in 2017. No action has occurred to date on the project area.

Ron Ayers (the developer of the project) shared recently that clarity involving his project financing package has occurred. Mr. Ayers also shared that he is working to find a contractor for the project and is optimistic to break ground on the project in late April or May of 2018. The project’s building permit expires in June 2018.

Commissioner Armon suggested that the board revisit the conditional IRA commitment in July if the project has not broken ground.

▪ Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no Parking Commission update

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan shared that the contractor has completed shoring operations and is now constructing foundation footings for the building. Project completion is estimated to be in early September 2018.


Midtown adhoc Committee Discussion

Commissioner Garcia shared that the adhoc committee met and discussed possible strategies involving the Agency owned 4th Street greenspace lots and the 823 N. 4th Street parcel (collectively the “Property”) with City of CDA Planning Director Hilary Anderson. Commissioner Garcia shared that the discussion involved the following four strategies:

• Do nothing at this time.

o This option was not appealing to the committee.

• Gift the Property to the City.

o City leadership feels it is better to leave the Property in the hands of the Agency because the Agency possesses more latitude involving redevelopment options for the Property.

• Declare the Property surplus and sell the Property via the Agency’s sealed bid auction process.

o There are pros and cons to this strategy. A pro is that a sale would generate cash for other projects within the Lake District. A con is that if sold, the Agency would have no control over what occurs on the Property.

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• Reissue a new Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Property following input from both the construction / development community and Midtown stakeholders to determine the type of project that could work in Midtown o This is the committee’s preferred strategy at this time.

Board discussion ensued re. the four suggested strategies, with board support for the RFP strategy. The next step is for the adhoc committee, working in unison with the City’s planning department, to gather interested stakeholders in an ideation session designed to generate development possibilities for the Property.

Atlas Mill Site Planning Project

Welch-Comer Contract Modification – Site Work Related Modifications

Phil Boyd shared a presentation with the board that was presented to City Council on February 20, 2018. Following are key slides from the presentation:

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Mr. Boyd and Ex. Director Berns shared that on February 20, 2018, CDA City Council decided to: 1. move forward with the I90 structural fill import opportunity for the Atlas Mill site (which will save the project over $1 million), and 2. pursue additional opportunistic planning issues.

These opportunities result in a cost for the I90 material placement of $420K and $155K for engineering oversight & planning services; $575K in total. A breakdown of the $155K cost elements follow:

• Engineering, permitting and compaction testing services associated with the I-90 fill material: $75K

• Shoreline stabilization concepts, permit applications and grant coordination: estimated cost $45K (updated figure from $35K value on earlier slide)

▪ Steve Gill with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) has indicated that grant funding is likely available for shoreline stabilization work. If the project would like to complete

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that time sensitive (low water) work in winter 2019, the applications for permits and grants need to start now.

• Soils investigation partnership with IDEQ: estimated cost $35K ▪ Steve Gill is also completing site soil contamination investigations in March/April 2018, but not geotechnical investigations. The project can “piggy back” the geotechnical work with the IDEQ effort thus saving the cost of borings and test pits.

City leadership seeks ignite cda’s agreement for the City to forward the $155K in funding to the Agency, with the Agency utilizing its existing Welch-Comer Atlas Mill site contract to pay for the necessary engineering and planning services. As a result of this proposed funding plan, the City and ignite cda would need to enter into a cooperative funding agreement for $155K.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, agreeing to modify the existing Welch-Comer Atlas Mill Site contract in the amount of $155,000, with said funds to be provided by the City of CDA, to incorporate necessary engineering and planning services pertaining to the Atlas Mill site area. Motion carried.

Ignite cda / City of CDA Cooperative Funding Agreement

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, authorizing the creation of a cooperative funding agreement between ignite cda and the City of CDA in the amount of $155,000 pertaining to engineering and planning services to be provided by Welch-Comer Engineers on the Atlas Mill Site. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that the contract with Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) has been executed by CDA2030 in the amount of $62,750, which includes a travel expense budget of $6,000 and an optional donor survey cost of $7,500. The HVS contract begins on February 26, 2018 and will take 12 weeks to complete.

➢ Atlas Mill Site Planning Project: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that the planning effort is proceeding. The first milestone element of the planning effort was the February 7, 2018 CDA 2030 / City of CDA led community input session. The Welch-Comer planning team is currently reviewing the input received at that community session.

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➢ Memorial Park: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that winter work is occurring on the site (e.g. traffic signal installation, electrical work, berm construction / shaping). Contractor efforts will ramp up once springtime weather returns, and the asphalt plants reopen. Construction of the skate park element of the Memorial Park project is scheduled to begin in May with project completion targeted for July.

Ex. Director Berns also shared that the City has selected Architects West as the architect for the Memorial Field grandstand rehabilitation initiative. Construction is scheduled to start in June with completion in December.

➢ Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that all four lanes of the roadway are open to traffic. Project work will re-start in the spring which will include final asphalt overlays, roadway striping, irrigation and landscaping effort s.

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

Ex. Director Berns shared that the Agency continues to work with Active West on the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the right of way property, focusing on addressing pertinent due diligence iss ues associated with the sale. The Agency is working with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to address remediation efforts associated with the right of way.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone (formerly referred to as the Tilford Lane): Update Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

➢ North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility Bid opening for the NICE project (estimated in the $8 million range) is planned for February 27. If an acceptable bid is received, the contractor will most likely begin site work by mid-April. Ignite cda is contributing $2.5 million to the initiative and will work with the State of Idaho Department of Public Works (DPW – the contracting entity for the project) on a project funding arrangement.


Commissioner Garcia shared that drivers using Seltice Way are getting the hang of using the new round abouts.


Greg Johnson: shared his views re. the four strategies discussed by the Midtown adhoc committee; supports the RFP strategy.

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10. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes

Garcia Yes

Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes

Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes Motion carried.

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:35 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, legal counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 5.54 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner English, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Hoskins, Chapkis, Armon, Garcia, English, Metts, Goodlander.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


February 21, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, to approve the February 21, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon

Lake & River District Monthly Financials

Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the February Lake and River District financial statements, and the February / March account payables sheet with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Metts, to approve the February financial statements and the February / March accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

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Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no report to share re. activities of the City’s Parking Commission.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed perimeter foundation footings for the building and has begun construction of the center line footing and the eastern line building walls. Project completion is estimated to be in early September 2018.


Midtown adhoc Committee Discussion

Commissioner Garcia shared that the adhoc committee met and continued discussions involving the Agency owned 4th Street greenspace lots and the 823 N. 4th Street parcel (collectively the “Property”). Commissioner Garcia shared that the committee discussed the need for a Midtown parking study that would encompass the following geographic area: length of study area from Foster Avenue to Harrison Avenue; width of study area from 3rd Street to 5th Street. The intent of the Midtown parking study would be to gain an understanding if parking issues are inhibiting growth opportunities in this portion of Midtown, and if so, what possible strategies could be employed to overcome these parking issues. Another concern is if there are parking issues identified in Midtown, the Agency needs to be mindful of further compounding any parking problems with a new development on the Property. Preliminary conversations with the Rich & Associates consultant firm (the same firm that recently updated the downtown CDA parking study) indicated that a study of this nature would cost approximately $8,500.

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve an amount not to exceed $8,500 for a Midtown parking study to be performed by the Rich & Associates consulting firm. Motion carried.

N. Park Drive Lots: adhoc Committee Discussion

Commissioner Jordan shared that the committee met to discuss possible strategies for divesting the remaining five lots on N. Park Drive. Following is a list of the three strategies discussed:

1) Auction Strategy: Initiate another public auction for the remaining lots;

2) Discount Real Estate Broker Strategy: Increase the price of each remaining lot to $235,300 – a value derived from the non-weighted

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average price of the four bids received via the prior auction process, and employ a discount real estate broker to list the lots for a fixed fee per lot on the Kootenai County MLS, sharing that the Agency is willing to offer a 3% sales commission. Selection of a discount broker would be based on fees charged and recent sales history. Offers would be directed to the discount broker who would share the offers with the board chairman and Ex. Director for consideration. If an acceptable and viable offer is received, a conference call would be set up with the board seeking board approval to enter into a contract for said offer. Possible viable discount brokers based on preliminary committee research:

• Congress Realty, Inc. - 9 local sales closed in the last year; 7 homes ($235,000 to $1,050,000), and 2 lot sales ($220,000 to $225,000)

Fee structure: $299 flat fee for 6 months and can cancel at any time.

• Lowes Flat Fee Realty - 17 local sales closed in the last year; 15 homes ($175,000 to $731,000) and 2 lot sales ($145,000 each).

Fee structure: $299 flat fee for 6 months with up to 10 photos; $399 for one year and 25 photos, can cancel at any time.

• Mountain Blue Bird Realty – 6 local sales closed in the last year; all homes ($200,000 to $469,000) No lot sales.

Fee structure: charges 1/2 % listing fee with a 6-month term engagement Does not get paid unless the property sells. Seems to offer a higher level of service than the flat fee companies. A negative - if engagement is cancelled prior to 6 months, or we change companies, Bluebird is still owed the 1/2 %.

3) Local Real Estate Agent/Broker Strategy: Same basic strategy as number two above but instead of a discount broker, utilize a local real estate agent/broker that would be selected through a Request for Qualification process. Qualifications would need to be defined and scoring criteria for qualifications would need to be developed. Could be a time intensive process. The sales commission percentage would most likely be increased, possibly to 6%.

Board discussion ensued regarding the three strategies and next steps.

➢ Commissioner English asked if the three discount brokers mentioned are local?

• Commissioner Jordan shared that Lowes is Boise-based, and that Congress and Bluebird are based in California. Proceeding with this strategy would send a small flat fee amount out of the area, but a 3% sales commission would stay in the local community.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, authorizing the implementation of strategy number two as outlined and discussed, selecting Lowes Realty as the discount

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broker firm to utilize, listing two of the remaining five lots with Lowes Realty with the following sales criteria:

• Lot 5 – minimum acceptable offer of $249,300

• Lot 6 – minimum acceptable offer of $235,300 also giving the Ex. Director the authority to review offers and bring viable offers forward to the board for consideration. Motion carried.

Property Transfer to City of CDA: Jameson/Library Property

Background: ignite cda partnered with the CDA Public Library Foundation (“Foundation”) on the purchase of property located on Front Avenue in 2001 to help facilitate the creation of a downtown CDA public library. The Foundation deeded their interest in the property to the Agency in two phases (in 2001 and in 2007). The Agency financed the acquisition of the property via a conventional loan with Washington Trust Bank and has waited to transfer this property to the City of CDA until the loan was paid off. The loa n payoff occurred on March 1, 2018. A graphic depicting the Agency’s property ownership prior to the construction of the CDA Public Library follows.

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Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to approve the transfer of the Agency’s Jameson/Library property via a quitclaim deed to the City of CDA. Motion carried.

Memorial Grandstand: Architects West Design/Administration Proposal

Background: The City of CDA issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the design element of the reconstruction / remodeling effort involving the Memorial Field grandstand based on the Memorial Field Grandstand Structural Analysis / Feasibility Study conducted by Miller Stauffer Architects in April of 2017. The following two architect firms submitted qualification packets: Miller Stauffer Architects and Architects West. Architects West w as selected by the City

Bill Greenwood (City of CDA Parks & Rec Director) and Jon Mueller (Architects West: “AW”) visited with the board. Mr. Mueller shared a presentation with the board re. AW’s approach to the grandstand project. Following are key slides of the presentation.

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Mr. Mueller shared the following comments:

• AW’s $68,083 fee proposal includes services to be provided for all four phases of the project.

• The proposed schedule allows long lead times for the successful construction firm bidder to acquire materials that may be less expensive when delivered after Labor Day.

• Schedule targets the intensive project work to begin after Labor Day to avoid the summer tourist season and traffic/pedestrian congestion.

• Most of the reconstruction work will be accomplished by December 2018.

➢ Commissioner Metts asked if the proposed budget allows for the project being bid in the “high” summer season when contractors are busy?

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• Mr. Mueller shared that yes, AW is confident that the budget addresses this proposed schedule.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer shared that North Idaho College (NIC) is a partner on this project, and they need to be included in the process.

• Mr. Mueller shared that a representative from NIC will be included in the process

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, to approve the Architects West design proposal as presented in an amount not to exceed $68,083. Motion carried.

Atlas Mill Site Project

Ignite cda / City of CDA Cooperative Funding Agreement

Background: at the February 21, 2018 board meeting, the board authorized the creation of a cooperative funding agreement between ignite cda and the City of CDA in the amount of $155,000 pertaining to engineering and planning services to be provided by Welch-Comer Engineers on the Atlas Mill Site. The agreement would have ignite cda paying Welch-Comer Engineers for the $155,000 of engineering services, with the City reimbursing ignite cda the $155,000.

Ex. Director Berns and legal counsel Quade discussed a City of CDA / ignite cda cooperative funding agreement with the board, in the amount of $155,000, for Atlas Mill site project related engineering and planning services expenditures.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, approving the cooperative funding agreement between ignite cda and the City of CDA in the amount of $155,000, pertaining to engineering and planning services to be provided by Welch-Comer Engineers on the Atlas Mill Site, wherein ignite cda would pay Welch-Comer for said engineering services in an amount not to exceed $155,000, with the City of CDA reimbursing ignite cda for expended funds not to exceed $155,000. Motion carried.

Welch-Comer Contract Modification – Additional Public Meeting

Following the public response/energy of the February 7 Atlas Mill site stakeholder meeting, it was felt that another public meeting was needed in March prior to a public meeting and City Council / ignite cda workshop planned for April. Thus, a March 22 public meeting was scheduled. This March 22 meeting was not in the original Welch-Comer contract. The additional cost for the Welch/Comer team for this March meeting is $3, 400

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Motion by Commissioner Metts, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, agreeing to modify the existing Welch-Comer Atlas Mill Site contract in the amount of $3,400 for an additional public meeting on March 22, 2018. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) is scheduled to have an update conference call with project sponsors the week of March 26. HVS will share interim results and observations during that call. Topics will include a CDA market assessment, industry and participation trends, results from interviews and questionnaires, and comparable facility analysis. HVS will also discuss some initial thoughts on programming recommendations and discuss their next steps involving potential site analysis.

➢ Atlas Mill Site Planning Project: Update

The mill site planning effort is proceeding. The first milestone element of the planning effort was the February 7, 2018 CDA 2030 / City of CDA led community input session. The Welch-Comer consultant team has incorporated the input received at that community session into their planning efforts. The next public input session will be held on March 22 from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Frontier Ice Arena.

➢ Memorial Park: Update

Spring work has commenced on the site Cameron Reilly is currently prepping for concrete hardscape. Landscape crews have started installation of irrigation within the parking lot islands before landscaping the trail slopes and the NW Blvd entrance. The dugout and backstop fencing is being installed, along with miscellaneous electrical items including the plaza lighting. Cameron Reilly plans to pave the parking lot mid-April to meet the May 15th substantial completion date. Restroom facility construction is set to begin April 1st. Construction of the skate park element of the Memorial Park project is still scheduled to begin in May with project completion targeted for July.

Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

The contractor is planning to start the final phase of the project within the next two weeks. The primary work tasks remaining on Seltice Way are: second lift of paving, remaining illumination, landscaping / irrigation and minor concrete / road repair.

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive area Active West has 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing. An earnest

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money check in the amo unt of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone (formerly referred to as the Tilford Lane): Update Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

➢ North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility Bid opening for the NICE project occurred on March 9, 2018. Six bids were received. The apparent low base bid of $7,215,000 was delivered by Ginno Construction. The Idaho Department of Public Works (DPW) review ed the bids and awarded the contract to Ginno Construction in the amount of $7,504,800. All of the add alternate project elements were included in the award since the base bid came in under the estimated project cost of $8 million. Construction will most likely begin in mid-April. Ignite cda is contributing $2.5 million to the initiative and is working with DPW, the contracting entity for the project, on a project funding arrangement. Ignite cda will pursue a possible funding reduction since the bid award was under the budgeted value of $8 million.


Commissioner English asked to hear more about the Midtown parking situation, what are the issues?

• Commissioner Widmyer shared examples of what the Midtown parking study will address:

o existing business uses in Midtown could change in the future; e.g. what if you had more Capones types of businesses locate into Midtown, what type of parking capacity / location would be needed?

o There is a current issue with Midtown 4th Street commercial patrons parking in the neighborhood off of 4th street. What type of parking solutions would help to address this issue?

Commissioner Armon asked what is the plan for the Midtown stakeholder meeting?

• Commissioner Widmyer shared that the plan is to gather interested Midtown stakeholders in May to discuss potential development possibilities involving the property owned by the Agency.

8. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment was received.

9. EXECUTIVE SESS ION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

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Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes Motion carried

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:13 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, legal counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 5:30 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:31p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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3, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Vice-Chairman Metts called the ignite cda Special Call Board meeting to order at 4:00.

ignite cda board members attending meeting: Onsite: Widmyer, Garcia, Chapkis, English, Metts, Jordan Via Conference Call: Armon, Goodlander.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present via call: Quade


Ex. Director Berns discussed the purchase offer for Lot 5 located on N. Park Drive as submitted by Jim Slavin (Lakeshore Realty) on behalf of buyers Karen Borozan and Andrew Gillis. The purchase offer submitted was for $235,300. A $10,000 deposit was also submitted with the offer. Board members discussed the offer and the associated MLS forms associated with the purchase offer. It was noted that several elements appearing on the MLS forms will need to be modified to reflect consistency with previous Agency lot sales. Ex. Director Berns and Legal Counsel Quade were directed to work on form modifications to assure the desired consistency.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the offer of $235,300 for Lot 5 as submitted by Jim Slavin on behalf of the buyers Karen Borozan and Andrew Gillis, contingent on acceptable modifications to the offer forms as required by the Agency, and authorizing Chairman Hoskins to execute the final purchase and sale agreement when completed. Motion carried.



Ex. Director Berns discussed listing strategies for divesting of the remaining lots on N. Park Drive via Lowes Flat Fee Realty.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner English, to list the following lots with Lowes Flat Fee Realty with the associated minimum sale prices:

Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000

Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000

Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000

Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000

Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.



WEDNESDAY APRIL 18, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Hoskins, Chapkis, Armon, Garcia, English, Metts, Goodlander.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


March 21, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the March 21, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

April 3, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the April 3, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.




RECAP – Phil Boyd, Welch-Comer Engineers


Mr. Boyd shared a PowerPoint presentation with the board that provided an overview of the Atlas mill site public meeting held on March 22. Following are slides from the presentation capturing public input on key project variables.

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Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the March Lake and River District financial statements, and the March / April account payables sheet with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the March financial statements and the March / April accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no report to share re. activities of the City’s Parking Commission.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed perimeter and center line foundation footings for the building, and the eastern half of the ground floor has been poured. Project completion is estimated to be in early September 2018.

Parking Garage Change Order Proposal: Parking Equipment

Chris Bosley, City of CDA Engineer, visited with the board re. a change order proposal pertaining to parking equipment for the garage facility. Mr. Bosley shared the following information with the board:

• To provide access control for the new parking garage, equipment must be purchased and installed to control access in and out of the facility and to collect payment for parking. This equipment cost was not included in the original contract for the parking facility because the exact equipment needs of the City were not known at that time.

• Several months ago, a request for qualifications was issued by the City for this equipment, with only one responsive bidder submitting a bid at approximately $500,000. City Council rejected th at bid at the April 3 City Council meeting.

• City representatives have met with Perimeter Security Group (PSG) and PSG has put together a bid (see below) for design and equipment that could be change ordered into the project, or possibly installed at a later date.

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• The City is requesting that ignite cda consider contributing to Phase 1 of the PSG change order proposal:

o Phase 1: a change order to the T. LaRiviere parking garage contract for PSG’s equipment design efforts plus installation of necessary parking control loops to be imbedded in the facility’s lower level concrete floor exiting on to 3rd Street, and the facility’s concrete floor exiting on to CDA Avenue. Phase 1 change order cost is $13,500, and with contractor markup totals $15,930.

o Phase 2: a change order for PSG product delivery, installation, programming and testing for the remainder of the City requested parking equipment. Phase 2 change order cost is $187,318, and with contractor markup totals $216,424. Phase 2 is being reviewed by City staff at this time and will not be presented to the ignite cda board for consideration at this time.

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➢ Commissioner Jordan asked if the proposed detector loops will be sensitive enough to detect motorcycles in the facility?

o Mr. Bosley shared that yes, the proposed loops will be able to detect motorcycles.

➢ Commissioner Garcia asked of the $13,500, how much of the cost involves the loops and how much for design?

o Mr. Bosley did not have the cost breakdown for the two elements.

➢ Commissioner Armon shared that the PSG proposal involves elements of the parking facility related to the pay structure of the facility, and that the City would be the ultimate benefactor of the PSG proposal since the City will be receiving parking revenues in the future. So, he believes the C ity should pay for the PSG proposed parking facility elements.

➢ Commissioner Jordan shared that since the ultimate parking control system has yet to be defined, will the installed loops work with the still to be determined parking control system?

o Mr. Bosley shared that yes, the proposed loops will work with the future parking control system.

➢ Commissioner Goodlander shared that it seems to make sense for ignite cda to pay for Phase 1 of the PSG proposal since the proposal involves construction elements of the garage floors

➢ Commissioner Widmyer thanked Mr. Bosley for his presentation, and shared with the board that Mr. Bosley is still getting up to speed on this project. Commissioner Widmyer shared that he supports ignite cda funding of the PSG Phase 1 effort, and feels the City should fund the pending Phase 2 effort of the PSG proposal.

➢ Commissioner Metts asked for some more clarity re. Phase 2 detail?

o Mr. Bosley shared that Phase 2 involves the procurement and installation of the facility’s gates, doors, entrance cameras, wiring, and necessary IT elements (e.g. connectivity and servers).

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve funding for Phase 1 of the PSG change order proposal as presented at a cost not to exceed $15,930. Motion carried.

Parking Garage Change Order Proposal: Cable Railing vs. Precast Concrete Panels

Mike Walker (Miller-Stauffer Architects) visited with the board to discuss a change order proposal that will result in a $70,380 cost savings to the project

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by changing from precast concrete panels to cable railings on the alley side of the garage structure. There are no trade-offs on any safety fronts by switching to cable railings. Following are key graphics used in the discussion:


Examples of cable railing that would be placed on the alley facing side of facility

➢ Commissioner Jordan shared that his two concerns re. this proposed change order involves 1) the reduction of screening of the parked cars, and 2) any safety issues associated with cable railings.

o Commissioner English also had a concern re. any safety issues associated with cable railings

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facility design with concrete panels illustrated on the upper floors

o Mr. Walker shared that there are no safety tradeoffs with the cable railing proposal, and that the project’s structural engineer has designed the cable railings to meet all safety requirements

➢ Commissioner Widmyer asked if the CDA Resort parking structure has cable railings?

o Mr. Walker shared that yes, the resort parking facilit y has a cable railing system.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the change order as submitted, replacing the proposed precast concrete panels with cable railings on the alley side of the garage building, generating a cost savings to the project of $70,380. Motion carried.

Midtown - adhoc Committee

Commissioner Garcia shared that the committee has not met since the March board meeting. She also shared that the parking consultant firm of Rich & Associates has been hired to perform a Midtown parking study encompassing the following geographic area: length of study area from Foster Avenue to Harrison Avenue on 4th Street; width of study area from 3rd Street to 5th Street. Rich & Associates is planning a June site visit to gather data, with a final report completed prior to September 1, 2018. The committee plans to postpone any further action until the parking study is complete.

N. Park Drive Lots - adhoc Committee

Commissioner Jordan / Ex. Director Berns shared the following update with the board: The following N. Park Drive lots have closed (no sales commissions):

o lot 4: $236,100

o lot 7: $241,100

o lot 8: $236,500

o lot 10: $227,500

o subtotal: $941,200

The following two N. Park Drive lots are under contract and have May closing dates:

o lot 2 (May 14 closing): $198,000 (no sale commission)

o lot 5 (May closing date TBD): $235,300 (228,241 net after 3% sale commission related to this transaction)

o subtotal: $426,241

o cumulative closed sales/under contract net sales subtotal: $1,367,441

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1,3,6, & 9 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on

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April 16. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000 ($231,531 net after fees)

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000 ($260,631 net after fees)

o Potential Net Subtotal: $1,032,824


Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility

Study: Update

Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) held an update conference call with project sponsors the week of March 26. HVS shared preliminary observations during that call. Topics discussed included a CDA market assessment, industry and participation trends, results from interviews and questionnaires, and comparable facility analysis. Site and demand analyses are currently ongoing. The next update conference call will be in mid-May with a final report presentation planned for the June 20 ignite cda board meeting.

➢ Atlas Mill Site Planning Project: Update

The mill site planning effort is proceeding. Two community input sessions have occurred to date: February 7 and March 22. The Welch-Comer consultant team is incorporating the input received at that community sessions into their planning efforts. The next public input session will be held on April 25 at 5:30 in the CDA Library’s Community Room.

➢ Memorial Park: Update

Landscaping efforts are underway in certain areas of the project site. Cameron Reilly is working to complete the parking lot area. The restroom facility is under construction. Construction of the skate park element of the Memorial Park project is still scheduled to begin in late spring with project completion targeted for the end of summer.

Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

The contractor is planning to start the final phase of the project the first week of May. The primary work tasks remaining on Seltice Way are: second lift of paving, remaining illumination, landscaping / irrigation and minor concrete / road repair. Assuming the contractor resumes work in early May, the contract time frame will end in mid-July.

Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe

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Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive area. Active West has 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing. An earnest money check in the amount of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone (formerly referred to as the Tilford Lane): Update Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

➢ North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The Idaho Department of Public Works (DPW) has awarded the contract to Ginno Construction in the amount of $7,504,800. All of the add alternate project elements were included in the award since the base bid came in under the estimated project cost of $8 million. Construction fencing for the project has been installed. The old timber building that was on site has been moved and the building’s foundation was demolished this week. The existing River Building will be demolished next month. Site work has begun as well.

Ignite cda is contributing $2.5 million to the initiative and is working with DPW, the contracting entity for the project, on a project funding arrangement. Ignite cda will pursue a possible funding reduction since the bid award was under the budgeted value of $8 million.


Commissioner Goodlander shared that the CDA Arts Commission has budgeted for an art piece to be located on one of the brick side walls of the new downtown parking facilit y. The Arts Commission is also looking to add more bike racks near the front entrance of the CDA library.

Commissioner Chapkis shared that the Sergeant Greg Moore K27 memorial dedication is planned for May 15 at 4:30 pm at McEuen Park.

Commissioner Hoskins shared that he is also aware of a call to artists for creation of public art destined for the new round a bouts located on Seltice Way.

Commissioner Jordan shared that he has heard many compliments around town re. the “art wraps” located on the city-owned traffic signal control boxes.


No public comment was received.

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10. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes

Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes

Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes Motion carried.

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:00 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, legal counsel Quade, Ex. Director Berns and Phil Boyd of Welch-Comer Engineers. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regul ar session at 5:45 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner English, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:45p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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The Mayor and Council of the City of Coeur d’Alene met in a continued session of said Council in a workshop with the ignite cda board at the North Idaho College Lake Coeur d’Alene Room April 26, 2018 at 5:00 P.M., there being present upon roll call the following members:

Steve Widmyer, Mayor

Dan Gookin ) Members of Council Present Kiki Miller ) Dan English ) Woody McEvers ) Loren Ron Edinger ) Amy Evans )

MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE TEAM PRESENT: Troy Tymesen, City Administrator; Mike Gridley City Attorney; Chris Bosley, City Engineer; Renata McLeod, Municipal Services Director, and Hilary Anderson, Community Planning Director.

ignite cda BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Hoskins, Chairman, and Board members Mic Armon, Brad Jordan, James Chapkis, Alivia Metts, Sarah Garcia, Steve Widmyer and Dan English Legal Counsel Danielle Quade and Executive Director Tony Berns were also present.

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Widmyer called the meeting to order Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda meeting to order and conducted a silent roll call.

ATLAS WATERFRONT SITE - Mayor Widmyer noted that the meeting objective is to have the project team present a description of the project objective, community input process, and how the land use/site development may occur to achieve the public space and economic balanc e objectives for the site.

Welch Comer President Phil Boyd noted that the project team included himself and Taylor Tompke with Welch Comer Engineers, Matt Anderson and Amy Hartman with Heartland Realestate Advisors, Mark Sindell and Don Vehige with GGLO Design and Dell Hatch with BWA Landscape Architects. The project objective was to preserve the waterfront as public space, balance the public and private funding, and create a unique addition to the community that reflects the community values. He noted that they had three large community meetings wherein they solicited input that was used to develop the proposal presented this evening Some highlights of the public inputs include more bike and pedestrian access, and more public waterfront space even if it requires higher development density. Some of the amenities that were preferred included outdoor waterfront dining, swimming and beach areas, as well as non -

motorized watercraft launch sites. The public input also demonstrated a desire to have developed waterfront shoreline rather than natural shoreline protection.

LAND USE PLANNING CONCEPT/SITE DESIGN- Mark Sindell and Don Vehige with GGLO Design presented a site plan design concept incorporating existing trail connections and engagement with Riverstone. Mr. Vehige noted that they envision great street connections and view corridors that are unobstructed to the water. He noted the type of development along the riverfront street is proposed to include town homes, with alley access and parking. He noted additional options for single-family development at the northwest side of the site. Mr. Sindell noted that it is important to create a compact walkable development with an easy to use trail system, commercial development that has outdoor space, and open space along the river. This is intended to pull people into the street ends that may include additional open space and/or river access. He noted that they envision a rim trail along the hillside of the development that wraps through the residential housing area.

PUBLIC SPACE CONCEPTS - Dell Hatch with BWA Architects reviewed the site plan open space/public spaces to include the potential of sports areas at the “Mount Hink” site. Some of the ideas to assist with public access may include an overlook site, public art, seating areas, and fishing docks. As public areas get closer to commercial space it could include a transient (shortterm parking) boat dock area, stone terracing, a re-creation of the old mill pond area and swim area. Additional options along the waterfront include a dog swim area and additional trails. Mr. Hatch reviewed the option of sports fields at the “Mount Hink” site, which he noted did not get favorable public input at last night’s public meeting. He noted that this type of use was proposed due to the restrictive soil issues for other type of developments. . Additional discussions with the planning team netted an idea for a network of trails with natural grasses and flowers and a connection to the Prairie Trail at the “Mount Hink” location



TO ACHIEVE PUBLIC SPACE- Matt Anderson and Amy Hartman with Heartland Real-Estate Consultants noted that they were engaged to serve two roles. The first role was to stand in place for the development community builders/investors, which means to express their needs/wants. The second role was to review the risk to the public agencies and developers. Mr. Anderson reviewed the economic analysis that was conducted for the project. Ms. Hartman explained the methodology of how they established the value for each block within the development. She noted that developers would first determine what type of investment is desirable and then establish what they could sell a product for, which aided in coming up with the value for each site. They focused mostly on residential for the site with limited commercial uses, as there are already established commercial and office uses in the vicinity. She noted the square footage estimates and the price that would be reasonable to assume for each type of use. She noted that condominium use requires more square footage due to parking requirements, so they are less profitable than the townhomes, but they wanted to propose diversity within the development. Ms. Hartman demonstrated the absorption rate for the mixed-use proposal versus single-family units and noted that there were approximately 400 units proposed within 4 phases of development. Mr. Anderson noted that they do not have a financing plan at this point; however, they have determined that the development portion pencils out. They just need to determine how to finance the public open space/parkland portion. He explained that Phase 1 is the most difficult financially, as there are upfront investments in infrastructure that are

Council Minutes April 26, 2018 Page

required with a need to ensure the City recoups those funds. The next step will be to work on the financing plan for the upfront costs. Mr. Anderson described the site plan phased development, again noting that Phase 1 is the largest and most expensive phase, due to infrastructure. Mr. Boyd explained the technical code requirements that must be included in Phase 1, such as roadways, irrigation lines, trails, etc. He noted that they are seeking some input from the City Council and the ignite Board to determine if they are on the right track and to direct them to keep refining the numbers. Mr. Boyd noted that there is an abutting triangle piece in the middle of the site and would advise that it is potentially valuable to acquire to complete the space.

DISCUSSION- Councilmember McEvers asked for clarification on the development value. Mr. Anderson noted that value would be for the builder as a value of the finished pad. Mayor Widmyer noted that there should be simultaneous public and private improvements to encourage development. Boardmember Armon asked how many units are included in Phase 1. Mr. Anderson noted that they are proposing 59 single-family, 90 multi-family, 149 condominium, and 122 townhome units, which totals 419 units in total with one small commercial neighborhood restaurant. Councilmember English felt that the docks would be valuable as day use docks, and he would support the docks and a dog water access park. Councilmember Gookin asked for clarification as to the method used to determine the pricing. Mr. Anderson explained that they used the residual land value, which is a way to back into the value through use of total land value and comparable sales. He noted that he was conservative with values, so that they do not miss the land value forecasts. Councilmember Gookin asked how to come up with ratio of commercial versus residential uses. Mr. Anderson felt that too much retail would be a big concern with Riverstone being so close. In regard to residential development, they used the geography of the site and the ability to divide it into the four phases. Councilmember McEvers noted that Riverstone was planned to be one type of development then plans kept changing due to economics. He expressed concern that there is not enough commercial in the proposal. Ignite Executive Director Tony Berns explained that the consultant team is presenting a proposal for what they determined would produce the most land value and finance for the debt of the infrastructure.

Councilmember Evans asked if the triangle piece referenced is valuable as residential space. Mr. Boyd noted that the initial review was to propose townhomes within that space as it would be valuable as a revenue stream. Mr. Vehige felt that the potential connection of the rim trail and a street connection would make the development more complete. Mr. Anderson noted that the triangle piece has two things that are enticing, the Seltice Way frontage for commercial, and a prominent view along the southern edge which is good for residential. City Attorney Mike Gridley noted that one of the reasons the City has been looking at the piece is to connect/extend a riverfront trail. Councilmember Evans asked if there was consideration of a school site due to the additional residential units proposed. Mr. Boyd explained that they have not had much discussion regarding the site, but noted that the School District would need to purchase the land.

Councilmember Miller asked how the timing works for moving forward with annexation and zoning. Mr. Boyd explained that the city would be the developer of the mixed use and would set the design standards and density. Ignite could assist in the process and with building the infrastructure. Mr. Anderson noted that there should be a balance of flexibility to allow for market changes such as the use of townhouses versus something similar in design, density,

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heights, and parking while still maintaining the cohesiveness of the development. Community Planning Director Hilary Anderson clarified that the annexation process would need to be completed and the zoning set based on the proposed uses, and standards could be set through the annexation agreement including a Planned Unit Development (PUD) with attached site plan. She noted that they could move forward with annexation at this stage or later, as the PUD could lock in the site plan. Mr. Berns noted that annexation would need to occur prior to the City Council approval of expansion and/or creation of urban renewal districts

Councilmember English noted that as part of the funding plan he would support moving forward with a G.O. Bond, as he believes the public would get excited about all the improvements included in the first phase. Mr. Boyd noted that they would anticipate presenting the funding options to the Council that would include an option with or without a bond. Councilmember McEvers asked if the City or ignite has done this type of development before. City Administrator Troy Tymesen clarified that the City has not been the developer like this before, nor has ignite. Mayor Widmyer clarified that the City would not subdivide/plat the lots, rather they would sell blocks of land to developers and they would formally subdivide. Mr. Boyd confirmed that a developer may buy an area of land or could buy the land in its entirety; however, the developer would be required to maintain the character of the PUD. Boardmember Metts thanked the planning team and asked what they estimate the current infrastructure and public improvement costs are. Ms. Hartman noted that the ballpark estimate for Phase 1 is $11 Million for infrastructure such as roads and grading of the site and $5 Million in park improvements. Boardmember Jordan said that this process is new to the community; however, it is not unheard of by other urban renewal agencies. He wondered what could be done to speed up the development of the waterfront park as he does not want to see it take 10 years and believes that the majority of the citizens would buy into a bond initiative. Councilmember Edinger asked how much money ignite would be putting toward the project and noted that the Council has not discussed a bond election. Mayor Widmyer noted that ignite is willing to partner with the City and that is part of the financial feasibility study. The team is currently asking that the Council and ignite Board look at the concept, and then would move forward with financial analysis. Ignite could then determine what they could bring to the project and if more funds are needed the Council could discuss other options. Councilmember Gookin noted that he likes the concept, is concerned about the funding, and would favor a bond. He expressed concern for the urban renewal agency being stuck with dirt that is not developed. Boardmember Armon noted that the risk is concerning to ignite as well, which is why they are trying to find out how much risk there is and get comfortable with absorption. Mayor Widmyer noted that the planning team was tasked to bring forward a unique type of development, and has agreed to continue to study the market. Boardmember Hoskins noted that the Kendall Yards development has a nice community feel and they love the town homes. Boardmember Jordan noted that if they can ramp up the time for the waterfront development, it would make it easier to sell the land. Mr. Anderson noted that the City would be able to determine if town house, cottage, and etc. would be better placed, depending on the price. Mayor Widmyer noted that condominium projects have not been popular in the past; however, the proposal for this area would be smaller condominium developments. Councilmember Miller asked how the annexation agreement would be worded to provide the City the flexibility needed, while still assuring the community input regarding height and density and security of the parkland/open space. Ms. Anderson noted that staff could draft proposed language and make sure that there is maximum heights/density

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included in the agreement. Mayor Widmyer noted that the building envelopes on the Park Drive lots might work for this project. Mr. Gridley clarified that the City is the party taking title and if conveyed to ignite, there can be deed restrictions as the Council ultimately controls the process. Councilmember McEvers expressed concern regarding the amount of parking within the entire development. Mr. Vehige explained that the concept includes narrow streets as traffic calming methods and did not want to include on-street parking on the water side; however, they will look at overall street parking throughout. He clarified that the concept was to create a unique space that would encourage walkability with its connected pathways and design. Mayor Widmyer noted that the timeframe for the financial feasibility study to be presented is mid-June.

MOTION: Motion by Gookin, seconded by McEvers to approve the proposed site development concept and park space size/development character and to move forward with refining the financial feasibility as presented and to confirm the annexation of the Bad Axe property. Motion carried

Ignite MOTION: Motion by Armon, seconded by Metts to approve the proposed site development concept and park space size/development character and to move forward with refining the financial feasibility as presented. Motion carried.

DISCUSSION: The Mayor thanked Mr. Boyd and Dell Hatch and their team for working on this project

ADJOURN: Motion by McEvers, seconded by Edinger that there being no further business, this meeting of the City Council be adjourned. Motion carried.

Ignite MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion by Garcia, seconded by Jordan that there being no further business, this meeting of the ignite cda board be adjourned. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

Steve Widmyer, Mayor

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WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 2018 4:00 P.M. COEUR



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Hoskins, Chapkis, Garcia, English.

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


April 18, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to approve the April 18, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

April 26, 2018 ignite cda / City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the April 26, 2018 ignite cda / City Council workshop meeting minutes. Motion carried.


Hilary Anderson (City of CDA Planning Director) and Nicole Kahler (CDA 2030 Executive Director) shared a PowerPoint presentation with the board that provided an update of the East Sherman Project. Following are key slides from the presentation.

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Bill Greenwood (City of CDA Parks & Recreation Director) and Phil Boyd (Welch-Comer Engineers) shared a concept with the board for finishing (with grass and “light” landscaping) the area in the Memorial Park project area northwest of the future skatepark towards River Ave and N. Park Drive and to the extended berm northeast of the N. Park Drive alley (approximate area depicted to the left of the yellow line in the graphic below).

Background: This area was graveled and treed and was not in the original project area because the skate park location and size was not yet determined. As the skate park size and location became clear, it was necessary to move some of the Memorial Parking lot storm water system further northwest, which removed several undesirable trees (as determined by the City) and the site grading was adjusted. The tree removal left N. Park Drive lots 1 to 3 more exposed to the east with little to no vegetative buffer. Some excess site material was used to add some berm buffering for these lots, but there was no budget for landscaping the extended berm. If left as is, the area will remain gravel and a dirt berm, while the remaining 97% of the area between Fort Grounds Drive and River Avenue will be completed.

Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Boyd presented a proposed concept to finish grade the site, add topsoil, extend the irrigation system, hydroseed and add some vegetation to the berm to improve the N. Park Drive lot buffering and finish the site. The cost for this proposed concept is estimated in the $40-$50K range. A concept drawing was shared with the board for their consideration. If the board approves the proposed concept, 100% of the area between Ft. Grounds Drive,

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River Ave, N. Park Drive and NW Blvd will be complete. As for timing, if the concept is approved, improvements to the project area would occur during the late summer / early fall timeframe.

➢ Commissioner Hoskins commented that one of the slides of the area depicts an overhead phone line – how will this line be addressed?

• Mr. Boyd shared that Frontier Communications has been contacted re. that issue, and that Frontier is working with the City/contractor on the most cost-effective options for placing that line underground.

➢ Commissioner Jordan asked if Frontier will help with the cost of relocating the phone line?

• Mr. Boyd shared that since this is a requested line burial, Frontier will help design the most cost-effective solution; Frontier will not bring funds to the project area.

➢ Commissioner Jordan shared that ignite cda has an implied commitment to the N. Park Drive lot purchasers to have buffering separating the lots from the park area, so he supports the proposed concept

• Mr. Greenwood shared that the proposed concept has back vinyl coated fencing and evergreen/shrub vegetation planned for the berm area.

➢ Commissioners English and Hoskins like the proposed concept of pulling the entire area together.

➢ Commissioner Garcia asked how close is the Memorial Park project getting to completion? Her question pertains to the additional request for Agency funding for this element of the Four Corner Master Plan.

• Mr. Boyd shared that the current project, if the additional improvements to the proposed area are not approved by the Agency, will be finished in a couple months, and is currently about $10,000 under budget.

The board liked the proposed concept and asked Mr. Boyd and Mr. Greenwood to bring back a more detailed development / cost proposal to the June board meeting


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon

Lake & River District Monthly Financials

Lake & River District Payables

Ex. Director Berns, in Commissioner Armon’s stead, reviewed and discussed the April Lake and River District financial statements, and the April / May account payables with the board.

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Commissioner Widm yer asked for additional detail re. the two Construction in Progress (CIP) line items under Fixed Assets for the Lake District.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the April financial statements and the April / May accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Appraisals: 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue Properties

Ex. Director Berns shared the following proposals for property appraisals from Columbia Valuation and Valbridge Property Advisors for the two Agency owned properties located at 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue. Sale proceeds from both properties are included in the fiscal year 2018 revenue plan:

Columbia Valbridge 301 Lakeside $4,500 $3,000 311 Lakeside $3,000 $1,500 Total $7,500 $4,500

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the appraisal proposal from Valbrid ge Property Advisors as submitted for the Agency owned properties located at 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no report to share re. activities of the City’s Parking Commission.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed pours for the base and first levels of the facility and is working on framing of the second parking level Rainy weather has been posing some challenges on the pour schedules. Project completion is estimated to be late-September 2018.


Lake District Boundary Expansion Possibility: Discussion

Ex. Director Berns, and members of the Atlas Waterfront Project steering committee, discussed the possibility of a Lake District boundary expansion to help pay for critical elements of the proposed Atlas Waterfront Project. The Finance Committee discussed this issue at their May meeting. The Lake District

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boundary can be extended one time by 10% of its current geography. The size of the Lake District post de-annexation is 671 acres; thus the district could be expanded by 67 acres.

The decision variables associated with this possible district expansion involve: • what critical elements may need to be funded in the Atlas Waterfront project utilizing Lake District resources

• what potential projects in the Lake District would the board be willing to forego, or partially fund (i.e. opportunity cost analysis).

Both decision variables are being evaluated at this time.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer suggested that Ex. Director Berns work with the consultant team to develop several scenarios as to how a Lake District boundary expansion might add value to the Atlas Waterfront Project.

➢ Commissioners English and Widmyer also shared with the board that City Council agreed to a memorandum of understanding with Lanzce Douglass (Rivers Edge Development) re. a potential land exchange involving City owned right of way that crosses the Rivers Edge development area and Mr. Douglass’ “triangle” property located adjacent to the Bad Axe property that the City recently acquired.

Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) is currently focusing on site analysis, demand analysis and financial / ownership models. The next update conference call will be in late May or early June with a final report presentation planned for either the June or July ignite cda board meeting.

➢ Atlas Waterfront Project: Update Project planning efforts continue following the April 25 public workshop and the April 26 City Council / ignite cda workshop. The City of CDA closed on the Bad Axe property acquisition on May 15.

➢ Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

The contractor has started the final phase of the project. The primary work tasks remaining on Seltice Way are: second lift of paving, remaining illumination, landscaping / irrigation and minor concrete / road repair. Completion of the project is estimated to be mid-July

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe

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Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive area. Active West has 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing. An earnest money check in the amount of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One.

• Ignite @ Riverstone: Update

Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

Gas tanks have been removed from the site and all remaining structures have been demolished. Site work is continuing and includes excavation to remove any soils that do not meet specs for building. This operation will continue for the next two weeks.

Ignite cda is contributing $2.5 million to the initiative and is working with DPW (the contracting entity for the project) and the other project funding entities (University of Idaho, North Idaho College, Lewis Clark State College), on a project funding arrangement. Ignite cda will pursue a possible Agency funding reduction since the bid award of $7,504,800 (which included all project add alternates) was under the budgeted value of $8 million.

• N. Park Drive Lots Sale: Update

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 4: $236,100

o lot 5: $226,903

o lot 7: $241,100 o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 10: $227,480 o subtotal 1: $1,168,063

N. Park Drive lot 2 is under contract and set to close by May 21 with a sales price of $198,000 (no sale commission)

o cumulative closed sales/under contract net sales subtotal: $1,366,063

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1,3,6, & 9 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on April 16. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000 ($231,531 net after fees)

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000 ($260,631 net after fees)

o Potential Net Subtotal: $1,032,824

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Commissioner Jordan asked for an update on the Memorial Field Grandstand project.

• Ex. Director Berns shared that the plan is to bid the project this June, award a contract by August, initiate project work in September, with the Agency receiving the first contractor project invoice in October


John Mueller (Architects West [AW] – architects for the Memorial Field Grandstand project) shared with the board that AW is currently working with structural engineers regarding the grandstand project. They are making progress on all facets of the design process, and stated they have a good plan and a good direction.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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WEDNESDAY JUNE 20, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Chapkis, Garcia, English, Metts, Armon, Hoskins

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


▪ May 16, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the May 16, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

5. PRESENTATION: Atlas Waterfront Project: Planning Team Update & Consideration of Amending Welch/Comer Contract for Atlas Mill Site Study –Phil Boyd

Atlas Waterfront

Project: Planning Team Update

Mr. Boyd shared that ignite cda, in partnership with the City, is completing the Atlas Development Feasibility Study (“Feasibility Study”) that is intended to identify the potential Atlas site development that will result in:

1. Preservation of the waterfront as public open space.

2. Development of sufficient land sales and tax increment revenues to repay the City for all, or a portion of the City’s, land purchase cost and fund necessary site infrastructure improvements that will facilitate land sales.

3. Creation of a unique and desirable development that reflects our community values and balances the economic realities of the site.

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ignite cda will use the Feasibility Study to develop the Urban Renewal District (URD) Plans for expanding the existing River and Lake URD’s and creating a new Atlas URD. To expand/create the URD’s the URD plans must be:

• Approved by the ignite cda Board and presented to the City Planning and Zoning Commission

• Approved by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and presented to the City Council.

• Approved by the City Council.

The strategy proposed by ignite cda for developing the URD boundaries follows:

• The Lake District is expanded to cover the waterfront public space because that area will generate a very small amount of tax increment and the Lake District’s term will expire in 2021.

• The River District, which currently has the largest funding capacity, is expanded to cover a portion of Phase 1 (graphic below) to fund Phase 1 site improvements. Phase 1 site improvements will allow a variety of product type (townhomes, single family, apartment, and commercial) to develop which the market study has determined can be more quickly absorbed than a single product type. Phase 1 land sales and River District tax increment will be used to fund future phase infrastructure improvements and repay the City’s land purchase cost.

• The new Atlas District covers a portion of Phase 1, all subsequent phases and the proposed River’s Edge development. The Atlas District will have the longest life providing the greatest opportunity for anticipated tax increment, along with land sales revenue, to fund infrastructure improvements and repay the City’s land purchase costs.

Following are key slides from the presentation. Note that the conceptual graphics are still in draft form at this time.

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➢ Commissioner Widmyer commented that the Phase 3 “Mt. Hink” area may be better suited for recreation fields in the future versus a natural area as presented in the current concept; more research is needed re. this area of the project site.

➢ Commissioner Jordan asked if the Phase 3 site area remediation cost is so high that no structural development could ever happen on that site?

• Mr. Boyd shared that no, that area could be remediated in the future once the known remediation needs are understood, and if/when available financial resources are available to perform the remediation

➢ Commissioner English asked when will we know if the Douglass property parcel located adjacent to Seltice Way will be available for inclusion into Phase 1?

• Mr. Boyd shared that the City and Mr. Douglass have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement for a proposed property trade that will result in the City’s ownership of the parcel adjacent to Seltice Way. As for timing, the best-case scenario would be for the land trade to happen this fall.

➢ Commissioner Chapkis asked how the improvements associated with the waterfront area will be prioritized for development?

• Mr. Boyd shared that the consultant team will prepare a menu of base level improvements for the area, and also prepare a menu of additional amenities for the area that could be added based on budget constraints / available financial resources from either ignite cda or the City.

➢ Commissioner Garcia asked if the proposed roadway along the waterfront is included in the expanded Lake District boundary?

• Mr. Boyd: yes.

Motion by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the proposed urban renewal district boundaries as presented , contingent upon City Council approving the proposed urban renewal district boundaries as presented at their July council meeting . Motion carried.

Consideration of Amending Welch/Comer Contract for Atlas Mill Site Study

The Atlas Waterfront Project Steering Committee sees the need for a traffic study pertaining to the Atlas Mill Site project area as it relates to the surrounding areas of Riverstone, Mill River, Seltice Way & Northwest Boulevard. There is some urgency re. a traffic study because traffic management is such a strategic element of the overall project development in this area.

One approach to meeting the urgent need for the traffic study is modify the existing Welch-Comer mill site study contract. The ignite cda board could

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authorize Welch-Comer to work with the appropriate stakeholders to define the scope and scale of the traffic study, develop a cost sharing proposal for the traffic study, and bring back a contract modification proposal to the ignite cda board in July.

Mr. Boyd shared the following slide presentation with the board re. this issue:

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➢ Commissioner English asked if additional areas of the city should be included in the study, e.g. the Lakewood Drive to Ironwood roadway section?

• Mr. Boyd shared that it is tough to know where to end a proposed traffic study, but his team feels confident in the study area as presented

• Legal Counsel Quade shared that the Agency needs to keep the traffic study area aligned as close as possible to the Atlas mill site area since that is the area within the scope of the existing Welch-Comer contract.

➢ Commissioner Metts asked if this proposed traffic study could utilize / benefit from any previous traffic study work don e in the area?

• Mr. Boyd shared that his team would utilize previous traffic analysis work if it existed, but unfortunately, no viable large-scale traffic study work exists for this area.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, authorizing Welch-Comer to work with the appropriate stakeholders to define the scope and scale of the proposed traffic study, develop a cost sharing proposal for the traffic study, and bring back a Welch-Comer contract modification proposal to the ignite cda board in July. Motion carried.


Background: at the May board meeting, Bill Greenwood (City of CDA Parks & Recreation Director) and Phil Boyd (Welch-Comer Engineers) shared a concept with the board for finishing (with grass and “light” landscaping) the area in the Memorial Park project area northwest of the future skatepark towards River Ave and N. Park Drive and to the extended berm northeast of the N. Park Drive alley (approximate area depicted to the left of the yellow line in the graphic below). The board asked that a more detailed conceptual (with cost estimates) be presented at the June board meeting.

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Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Boyd presented a more refined concept to finish grade the site, add topsoil, extend the irrigation system, hydroseed and add some vegetation to the berm to improve the N. Park Drive lot buffering and finish the site (see graphic below). If the board approves the proposed concept, 100% of the area between Ft. Grounds Drive, River Ave, N. Park Drive and NW Blvd will be complete.

The cost estimate received from the existing project contractor for this refined concept is $120,000. Both Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Boyd think this cost estimate is too high. They shared that the existing Memorial Park project is currently about $20,000 under budget and that with a bit more project funding from ignite cda, coupled with some partnership help from the City’s Parks Department, the berm work could be completed in full around the ignite cda lots, and that the remaining area could be developed into a presentable lowmaintenance condition for the short-term until potential additional funding materializes.

Board members concurred that the contractor cost estimate for the refined concept is too high, and were agreeable to the proposal of adding some additional Agency funding to the project to complete the berm work around the lot area. The board feels it is important to complete the berm area work for the benefit of the purchasers of the ignite cda lots.

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Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, authorizing $5,000 for a landscape architect design plan for the remaining area of the Memorial Park project site, authorizing an additional $30,000 of Agency funding to complete the berm work associated with the N. Park Drive Subdivision area as presented, acknowledging that the project is currently $20,000 under budget and that those funds would also be targeted for berm work completion this fall. Motion carried.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the May Lake and River District financial statements, and the May / June account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the May financial statements and the May / June accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Amended Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Budget Discussion

Ex. Director Berns shared a draft overview of the proposed amendments to the Lake and River District FY18 budgets. The proposed budget amendments are necessary due to changes in district project costs and timelines. Proposed budget amendments are highlighted in red font in the following table:

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Ignite CDA FY2018 Budget Summary - AMENDED

Amended Amended Amended

Lake District Lake District River District River District Total Total 1 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (10/1/17) 4,985,382 $ 5,857,680 $ 5,515,411 $ 4,688,357 $ 10,500,793 $ 10,546,037 $

3 Revenues 4 Estimated Tax Increment 4,771,949 $ 4,540,766 $ 1,453,576 $ 1,369,714 $ 6,225,525 $ 5,910,480 $ 5 Property Rental Receipts 35,070 $ 65,940 $ - $ - $ 35,070 $ 65,940 $ 6 Int. & Misc. Funds 4,380 $ 4,380 $ 4,980 $ 159,980 $ 9,360 $ 164,360 $ 7 Note Draws 7,500,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 4,000,000 $ - $ 11,500,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 8 Property Divestitures 2,425,000 $ 1,686,063 $ - $ - $ 2,425,000 $ 1,686,063 $ 9 Capital Acquisition Financing - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10 Total 14,736,399 $ 13,897,149 $ 5,458,556 $ 1,529,694 $ 20,194,955 $ 15,426,843 $


Administration 99,452 $ 99,452 $ 99,453 $ 99,453 $ 198,905 $ 198,905 $

Office Expenses 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 9,260 $ 9,260 $ 15 Travel 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 16 Professional Services 57,130 $ 77,130 $ 60,430 $ 60,430 $ 117,560 $ 137,560 $ 17 Notices 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 18 Communications 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 19 Insurance 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 5,452 $ 5,452 $ 20 Meetings 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 5,100 $ 5,100 $ 21 Utilities 6,900 $ 6,900 $ - $ - $ 6,900 $ 6,900 $ 22 Property Management 27,090 $ 27,090 $ - $ - $ 27,090 $ 27,090 $ 23 Organization Dues 3,913 $ 5,163 $ 3,913 $ 5,163 $ 7,826 $ 10,326 $ 24 Miscellaneous 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 25 Public Art 95,439 $ 95,439 $ 29,072 $ 29,072 $ 124,511 $ 124,511 $ 26 Capital Acquisition Expense - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27 Debt: Interest (non-OPA,IRA) 152,545 $ 104,541 $ 82,700 $ - $ 235,245 $ 104,541 $ 28 Debt: Principal (non-OPA,IRA) 4,371,414 $ 2,153,982 $ 264,800 $ - $ 4,636,214 $ 2,153,982 $ 29 Parking Initiatives 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 30 Planning 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 355,000 $ 300,000 $ 455,000 $ 31

Agency Funded Programs 9,639,550 $ 9,745,450 $ 6,810,000 $ 2,810,000 $ 16,449,550 $ 12,555,450 $ 32 City of CDA - interest on Bad Axe - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ 33 Partnership Agreements (OPAs, IRAs) 91,068 $ 91,068 $ 559,030 $ 559,030 $ 650,098 $ 650,098 $ 34 Midtown Place Making 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 35 Special Project Reserve 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 36 Total 15,174,657 $ 13,036,371 $ 8,574,054 $ 4,182,804 $ 23,748,711 $ 17,219,175 $ 37 38 Estimated Ending Fund Balance (9/30/18) 4,547,124 $ 6,718,458 $ 2,399,913 $ 2,035,247 $ 6,947,037 $ 8,753,705 $

Comments: Line 6 (River): $155K added reflecting City's planned reimbursement to ignite for Atlas Project work under W/C contract.

Line 7 (Lake): original draw value: $6.5M for garage, $1.0M for grandstand. New draw value is just for garage @ $7.6M. Grandstand project moved to FY19.

Line 8 (Lake): original value contained proceeds from 10 N. Park Lots, 301 & 311 Lakeside. New value is for 6 N. Park lots plus RR row sale.

Line 16 (Lake): new value reflects additional legal counsel costs incurred for Agency/district initiatives.

Lines 27 & 28 (Lake): new values reflect decrease in 2017 Note payments due to altered parking garage schedule.

Lines 27 & 28 (River): new values reflect zero payments on debt obligation that did not occur in FY18, postponed until FY19.

Line 30 (River): $155K in costs added reflecting City's additional Atlas Project work under W/C contract.

Line 31 (Lake): Additions: Skatepark cost $350K; garage cost increase $1.6M; Memorial Park cost increase $???

Line 31 (Lake): Deletions: Projects moved to FY19: Grandstand cost $1M; NICE Project cost $2.5M

Line 31 (River): $4M reduction in funds originally targeted for Atlas project work that did not occur.

Ex. Director Berns will bring final FY18 budget amendment recommendations to the board at the July board meeting.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no report to share re. activities of the City’s Parking Commission.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed pours for the base, first, second and first half of the third level of the facility. Façade work is

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11 12

scheduled to begin the week of June 18. Project completion is estimated to be late-September 2018.


Appraisals: 301 Lakeside Avenue & 311 Lakeside Avenue Properties

Ex. Director Berns shared the following appraisal values provided by Valbridge Property Advisors for the two Agency owned properties located at 301 Lakeside Avenue & 311 Lakeside Avenue.

301 Lakeside: Appraised Value of $650,000

311 Lakeside: Appraised Value of $220,000

Motion by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to accept the Valbridge Property Advisors appraisal reports as submitted for the Agency owned properties located at 301 Lakeside Avenue & 311 Lakeside Avenue. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-03: Surplus Property Designation for 301 Lakeside Avenue & 311 Lakeside Avenue

Ex. Director Berns discussed Resolution 18-03 with the board re. the surplus property designation for 301 Lakeside Avenue and 311 Lakeside Avenue, and the need to set minimum sale prices for both properties.

Commissioners Widmyer and Jordan felt the appraisal value of $650,000 for the 301 Lakeside Avenue was a bit low, and from their knowledge of the real estate market, felt a minimum value for the property of $750,000 was more in line with current market realities.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to approve Resolution 18-03 approving the surplus property designation for 301 Lakeside Avenue and 311 Lakeside Avenue, setting the minimum sale price of 301 Lakeside Avenue at $750,000, setting the minimum sale price of 311 Lakeside Avenue at $220,000, authorizing both the publication of a public notice re. a public hearing to be held on the property sales at the July 18 board meeting, and the publication of a notice for a sealed bid auction process with sealed bids to be opened at the August 15 board meeting.

Roll Call: Armon Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Yes Metts Yes Goodlander Absent Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Yes Motion carried.

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Updated Public Record Policy

Ex. Director Berns discussed the updated Public Record Policy with the board, sharing that the only update to the policy is contained in section VI of the policy wherein the custodian(s) of the public records is identified. The ignite cda Public Record Policy now specifies that the custodian of the Agency’s public records is the Executive Director, and the Chairman of the Board is the alternate custodian. This change was needed to comply with a recent change by the legislature re. public record policies.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adopt the updated ignite cda Public Record Policy as submitted, identifying the Executive Director as the custodian of the Agency’s public records, and the Chairman of the Board as the alternate custodian. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update

Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) has completed a first draft of their feasibility study which is being reviewed by CDA 2030. A final report and presentation is planned for either the July or August ignite cda board meeting.

➢ Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

The contractor has started the final phase of the project but has been delayed due to a Spectrum cable re-alignment issue. The primary work tasks remaining on Seltice Way are: second lift of paving in mid-July, remaining illumination, landscaping / irrigation and minor concrete / road repair. Completion of the project is estimated to be by the end of summer

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive area. Active West has 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing. An earnest money check in the amount of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One. Active West has notified ignite cda that they are planning to move forward to close on the PSA.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone: Update

Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

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➢ North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The project is moving forward just a few days behind schedule, time that can hopefully be made up with pending concrete footing work. A few cost savings decisions have been made project-wise: deletion of the hail warranty board for the roof ($36,000 savings), electrical conduit revisions (savings being calculated).

Ignite cda is contributing $2.5 million to the initiative and is working with North Idaho College on a project funding agreement. The other project funding entities are: University of Idaho, Lewis Clark State College, and the Idaho Department of Public Works. Ignite cda is pursuing a new Agency partnership funding commitment to the project of $2,344,850 since the bid award of $7,504,800 (which included all project add alternates) was under the budgeted value of $8 million.

➢ N. Park Drive Lots Sale: Update

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 2: $198,000

o lot 4: $236,100 o lot 5: $226,903 o lot 7: $241,100 o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 10: $227,480 o total: $1,366,063

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1,3,6, & 9 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on April 16 and the listings expire on October 16, 2018. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000 ($231,531 net after fees)

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000 ($270,331 net after fees)

o Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000 ($260,631 net after fees)

o Potential Net Subtotal: $1,032,824


Commissioner Widmyer shared that a Midtown parking study public input meeting was held recently and was well attended. The meeting led by Rich & Associates Annaka Norris went very well with valuable input received from interested stakeholders representing both Midtown businesses and Midtown residents.

Commissioner Jordan asked when the board would receive an update re. the Memorial Field Grandstand initiative? Ex. Director Berns shared that he plans to

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have the Architects West design team provide such an update to the board at the July board meeting.

Commissioner English shared that he was frustrated with the delay on the Seltice Way project and did not understand why it has taken so long for the cable service provider to perform.

Commissioner Garcia apologized for being a few minutes late to the board meeting. Finding a parking space was a challenge due to the huge crowds downtown enjoying the numerous summer events.

10. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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WEDNESDAY JULY 18, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Vice-Chair Metts called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Widmyer, Chapkis, Garcia, English, Metts, Armon, Goodlander

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


▪ June 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Metts, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the June 20, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

5. PUBLIC HEARING: Surplus Property Designation of 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue

Vice-Chair Metts called to order the public hearing at 4:01 re. the Agency’s intent, pursuant to Resolution No. 18 -03 adopted on June 20, 2018 by the Agency, to offer for sale by using the municipal competitive bidding process for disposition of surplus property set forth in Idaho Code Title 50, Chapter 14 (the “Municipal Act”), certain real property located at 301 Lakeside Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and 311 Lakeside Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The Agency, having obtained appraisals of the two properties, declared the minimum price for 301 Lakeside Avenue to be obtained at a public auction at Seven Hundred, Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($750,000.00) and for 311 Lakeside Avenue to be obtained at a public auction at Two Hundred, Twenty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($220,000.00)

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No public comment was provided at the hearing and Vice-Chair Metts closed the public hearing at 4:02

Per Resolution 18-03, Ex. Director Berns will proceed with a sealed bid auction process with sealed bids for the two properties to be opened at the August 15, 2018 board meeting.

6. PRESENTATION: Atlas Waterfront Project: Planning Team Update & Consideration of Amending Welch/Comer Contract for Atlas Mill Site Study –Phil Boyd

Atlas Waterfront Project: Planning Team Update

Mr. Boyd shared an update on the Atlas Development Feasibility Study (“Feasibility Study”) with the board. Following are key slides from the presentation.

Background: the feasibility study is intended to identify the potential Atlas site development that will result in:

1. Preservation of the waterfront as public open space.

2. Development of sufficient land sales and tax increment revenues to repay the City for all, or a portion of the City’s , land purchase cost and fund necessary site infrastructure improvements that will facilitate land sales.

3. Creation of a unique and desirable development that reflects our community values and balances the economic realities of the site.

The strategy proposed by ignite cda for developing the URD boundaries follows:

• The Lake District is expanded to cover the waterfront public space because that area will generate a very small amount of tax increment and the Lake District’s term will expire in 2021.

• The River District, which currently has the largest funding capacity, is expanded to cover a portion of Phase 1 (graphic below) to fund Phase 1 site improvements. Phase 1 site improvements will allow a variety of product type (townhomes, single family, apartment, and commercial) to develop which the market study has determined can be more quickly absorbed than a single product type. Phase 1 land sales and River District tax increment will be used to fund future phase infrastructure improvements and repay the City’s land purchase cost.

• The new Atlas District covers a portion of Phase 1, all subsequent phases and the proposed River’s Edge development. The Atlas District will have the longest life providing the greatest opportunity for anticipated tax increment, along with land sales revenue, to fund infrastructure improvements and repay the City’s land purchase costs.

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Development Concept by Phase as Proposed

Ignite cda District Boundaries as Proposed

Construction Phasing as Proposed

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Ignite cda Phase 1 District Funding as Proposed Project Schedule as Proposed

Consideration of Amending Welch/Comer Contract for Atlas Mill Site Study Background: The Atlas Waterfront Project Steering Committee sees the need for a traffic study pertaining to the Atlas Mill Site project area as it relates to the surrounding areas of Riverstone, Mill River, Seltice Way & Northwest Boulevard. There is some urgency re. a traffic study because traffic management is such a strategic element of the overall project development in this area.

One approach to meeting the urgent need for the traffic study is modify the existing Welch-Comer mill site study contract. The ignite cda board could authorize Welch-Comer to work with the appropriate stakeholders to define the scope and scale of the traffic study, develop a cost sharing proposal for the traffic study, and bring back a contract modification proposal to the ignite cda board in July.

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Mr. Boyd and Melissa Cleveland of Welch-Comer Engineers shared the following $87,800 traffic analysis proposal and key slides with the board via an amendment to the existing Welch-Comer / ignite cda contract:

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Total: $87,800

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➢ Commissioner Garcia asked why the data will be collected from 2 pm to 7 pm in the afternoon versus in the morning?

• Mrs. Cleveland shared that past traffic analysis experience has shown that the best time to count traffic is in the afternoon. The plan is to look at an average peak day of travel, and not to model/plan for a 4th of July type traffic day.

➢ Commissioner Garcia asked if the traffic analysis should take into account morning/afternoon school traffic patterns, once schools reopen?

• Mrs. Cleveland shared that they are aware of this issue and will be mindful of these impacts when analyzing the data and forming recommendations.

➢ Commissioner English shared that when NIC is in session, there is a big impact on travel, especially in the morning. How many days will traffic be counted?

• Mrs. Cleveland shared that all traffic counts will occur in one day. Welch-Comer will work with the City to pick the right day for the traffic count.

➢ Commissioner Jordan asked if it is more accurate to count traffic on just one day versus taking an average of counts from multiple days?

• Mrs. Cleveland shared that traffic counts on just one day work best.

➢ Commissioner Jordan asked if any new I90 interchanges are planned between the I90 exits for Northwest Boulevard and Highway 41 in Post Falls?

• Mrs. Cleveland was not aware of any planned new interstate interchanges for that stretch of I90.

Ex. Director Berns shared that since there is planned development by four entities (ignite cda, City of CDA, Rivers Edge Apartments [Lanzce Douglass] and Active West Development [Dennis Cunningham]) within the traffic study area, one approach to funding the traf fic study would be to divide the study’s cost four ways @ 25% per entity.

Ex. Director Berns shared that he reached out to Dennis Cunningham, who plans to develop residential product in the eastern area of the traffic study area, to see if he would be willing to participate in funding the traffic study at 25% of the cost. Mr. Cunningham shared that he does not feel his proposed project will impact traffic flow in the area in a significant way, so he is not comfortable at the proposed 25% funding level, but he is open to further discussion on the issue.

Ex. Director Berns shared that City leadership is reaching out to Lanzce Douglass, who plans to develop residential product in the western area of the

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traffic study area, re. his interest in participating as a traffic study funding entity. No response yet from Mr. Douglass.

Ex. Director Berns shared that he discussed with City leadership the idea of ignite cda and the City splitting the cost of the traffic analysis since it is critical to get the study underway as soon as possible. City leadership was receptive to splitting the cost with the Agency.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, accepting the Welch-Comer traffic analysis proposal as presented at a cost not to exceed $87,800, agreeing for ignite cda to fund the traffic analysis study in the amount of $43,900 in an equal partnership funding arrangement with the City of CDA. Motion carried.


Steve Roth (Architects West) shared a design update with the board re. the Memorial Field Grandstand project. The project budget is currently $1 million. Following are key slides from his presentation.

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Finished Design Concept

Finished Design Concept

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➢ Commissioner Jordan shared that he liked the proposed siding and cement board treatments. His biggest issue is with the seating, he likes the aluminum bleacher seating suggestions.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer shared that he does not like the idea of adding aluminum seating. He prefers to keep the current wood seating venue, the way it has been since the 1960s.

➢ Commissioner Goodlander shared that she has concerns about long-term maintenance of painted wood seating and prefers the aluminum seating proposal.

➢ Commissioner Garcia asked about locker room and concession stand amenities?

• Mr. Roth shared that the locker rooms are currently designed to have seating available, but no lockers. The concession area will be plumbed with utility stubs for hookup / use by a potential concessionaire. The two spaces are designed to be flexible spaces.

Bill Greenwood, City of CDA Parks Director, asked if ignite cda would be willing to contribute 50% towards the $323K of additional costs associated with the proposed project add alternates as presented. The other 50% would be contributed by the CDA Parks & Rec Commission.

Mr. Greenwood shared that the Parks & Rec Commission has seen the summary cost table and is willing to split the additional $323K of additional costs with the

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Agency. He also shared that the Parks & Rec Commission does not prefer the aluminum seating proposal.

➢ Commissioner Armon asked why the Parks & Rec Commission does not like the proposed aluminum seating?

• Mr. Greenwood shared that the Commission feels that the added cost is too high and they prefer the historical look of the seating area.

Ex. Director Berns shared that since ignite cda has budgeted $1M for the project, the variance in estimated project funding including the add alternates amounts to $323,141. Thus, a proposed 50% cost share with the City’s Parks & Rec Commission would be approximately $161,570 per entity.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the design concept as presented, also approving and additional $161,570 in partnership funding for the project to assist in possibly paying for some or all of the listed add alternate project elements, with the understanding that the City of CDA Parks & Rec Commission will also contribute $161,570 in partnership funding for possibly paying for some or all of the listed add alternate project elements.

Commissioner Widmyer voted no. Motion carried.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the June Lake and River District financial statements, and the June / July account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the June financial statements and the June / July accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Amended Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Budget: Discussion & Publication Approval

Ex. Director Berns shared an overview of the proposed amendments to the Lake and River District FY18 budgets. The proposed budget amendments are necessary due to changes in district project costs and timelines. Proposed budget amendments are highlighted in red font in the following table. The

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proposed amended FY18 budgets were initially reviewed / discussed by the board at the June 20, 2018 board meeting.

Ignite CDA FY2018 Budget Summary - AMENDED

Amended Amended Amended Line Lake District Lake District River District River District Total Total 1 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (10/1/17) 4,985,382 $ 5,857,680 $ 5,515,411 $ 4,688,357 $ 10,500,793 $ 10,546,037 $

Revenues 4 Estimated Tax Increment 4,771,949 $ 4,540,766 $ 1,453,576 $ 1,369,714 $ 6,225,525 $ 5,910,480 $

Rental Receipts 35,070 $ 65,940 $ - $ - $ 35,070 $ 65,940 $

Int. & Misc. Funds 4,380 $ 228,026 $ 4,980 $ 159,980 $ 9,360 $ 388,006 $

Note Draws 7,500,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 4,000,000 $ - $ 11,500,000 $ 7,600,000 $

Divestitures 2,425,000 $ 1,686,063 $ - $ - $ 2,425,000 $ 1,686,063 $

Capital Acquisition Financing - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $

Total 14,736,399 $ 14,120,795 $ 5,458,556 $ 1,529,694 $ 20,194,955 $ 15,650,489 $


Administration 99,452 $ 99,452 $ 99,453 $ 99,453 $ 198,905 $ 198,905 $

Office Expenses 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 4,630 $ 9,260 $ 9,260 $

Travel 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 16 Professional Services 57,130 $ 77,130 $ 60,430 $ 60,430 $ 117,560 $ 137,560 $ 17 Notices 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 18 Communications 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 19 Insurance 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 2,726 $ 5,452 $ 5,452 $ 20 Meetings 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 5,100 $ 5,100 $ 21 Utilities 6,900 $ 6,900 $ - $ - $ 6,900 $ 6,900 $ 22 Property Management 27,090 $ 27,090 $ - $ - $ 27,090 $ 27,090 $ 23 Organization Dues 3,913 $ 5,163 $ 3,913 $ 5,163 $ 7,826 $ 10,326 $ 24 Miscellaneous 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 25 Public Art 95,439 $ 95,439 $ 29,072 $ 29,072 $ 124,511 $ 124,511 $ 26 Capital Acquisition Expense - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27 Debt: Interest (non-OPA,IRA) 152,545 $ 104,541 $ 82,700 $ - $ 235,245 $ 104,541 $ 28 Debt: Principal (non-OPA,IRA) 4,371,414 $ 2,153,982 $ 264,800 $ - $ 4,636,214 $ 2,153,982 $ 29 Parking Initiatives 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 30 Planning 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 355,000 $ 300,000 $ 455,000 $ 31 Agency Funded Programs 9,639,550 $ 9,818,450 $ 6,810,000 $ 2,810,000 $ 16,449,550 $ 12,628,450 $ 32 City of CDA - interest on Bad Axe - $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ 33 Partnership Agreements (OPAs, IRAs) 91,068 $ 91,068 $ 559,030 $ 559,030 $ 650,098 $ 650,098 $ 34 Midtown Place Making 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 35 Special Project Reserve 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 36 Total 15,174,657 $ 13,109,371 $ 8,574,054 $ 4,182,804 $ 23,748,711 $ 17,292,175 $ 37 38 Estimated Ending Fund Balance (9/30/18) 4,547,124 $ 6,869,104 $ 2,399,913 $ 2,035,247 $ 6,947,037 $ 8,904,351 $

Lake District FY18 Budget – Amended Budget Line Items


• Fiscal year 2018 estimated property tax increment revenue decreased from $4.77M to $4.54M due to the establishment of final levy rates.

• Property rental receipts increased from $35K to $66K due to planned delay of property divestiture program.

• Interest and Miscellaneous Funds increase from $4.3K to $228K reflects the addition of $150K for NIC’s contribution to the Memorial Field Grandstand project plus $73K for River District audit adjustment charges.

• Note draws line item increase from $7.5M to $7.6M reflects current project status. Original value planned for a draw of $6.5M for the parking garage project and $1.0M for the Memorial Field Grandstand project. The updated

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2 3
5 Property
8 Property
11 12

value reflects a draw just for the parking garage project; the Memorial Field Grandstand project has been moved to fiscal year 2019.

• Property divestitures line item decrease from $2.4M to $1.7M reflects a timing realignment re. divestures. The original value contained proceeds from the sale of ten (10) N. Park Drive lots and the sale of the 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue properties. The new value reflects the sale of six (6) N. Park Drive lots and the sale of the Agency’s right of way located east of Beebe Boulevard in the Riverstone area.


• Professional Services: cost increase reflects additional legal counsel costs for Agency / district initiatives.

• Organization Dues: cost increase primarily reflects increased commitment to Jobs Plus.

• Debt Interest (non-OPA, IRA): decrease reflects lower 2017 Note payments due to altered parking garage schedule.

• Debt Principal (non-OPA, IRA): decrease reflects lower 2017 Note payments due to altered parking garage schedule.

• Agency Funded Programs: cost increase reflects the following changes: ➢ Additions:

• Memorial skatepark cost of $350K

• Parking garage cost of $1.6M

• Memorial Park cost of $5K

• Memorial Field Grandstand design fee of $68K

➢ Deletions: (projects moved to fiscal year 2019)

• Memorial Field Grandstand project capital cost of $1.0M

• NICE project partnership commitment of $2.5M

River District FY18 Budget – Amended Budget Line Items


• Fiscal year 2018 estimated property tax increment revenue decreased from $1.45M to $1.37M due to the establishment of final levy rates.

• Interest and Miscellaneous Funds increase from $5K to $160K reflects the addition of $155K for City’s planned reimbursement to ignite cda for Atlas project work under the Agency’s Welch-Comer contract.

• Note draws line item decrease from $4.0M to $0 reflects postponing pl anned Atlas project partnership participation until fiscal year 2019.


• Organization Dues: cost increase primarily reflects increased commitment to Jobs Plus.

• Debt Interest (non-OPA, IRA): reflects postponing planned Atlas project partnership participation until fiscal year 2019.

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• Debt Principal (non-OPA, IRA): reflects postponing planned Atlas project partnership participation until fiscal year 2019.

• Planning: cost increase reflects City’s additional $155K Atlas project work under the Welch-Comer contract.

• Agency Funded Programs: cost decrease of $4.0M reflects funds originally targeted for work on the Atlas project that has been postponed until fiscal year 2019.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to authorize the ignite cda Executive Director to publish the proposed amended FY18 Lake & River District budgets as presented in the CDA Press prior to the August 15, 2018 budget public hearing date. Motion carried.

River District 2018 Note: Request to Banks

Ex. Director Berns discussed with the board a proposed River District 2018 $7 Million ($7M) Note Request to Banks seeking bank financing proposals, and shared that the Finance Committee has reviewed / discussed this Request to Banks document. Following is the general description of the proposed 2018 River District Note Request to Banks:

Purpose: Funding of the Agency’s River District Revenue Allocation Note, Series 2018 to utilize on projects as defined in the River District Plan, as amended.

Security: Pledge of tax increment revenues from the River District Revenue Allocation Area as amended. Annual Tax Increment Revenues are expected to be approximately $1.36 million in Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) and $1.84 million in Fiscal Year 2028 (FY28).

Priority: The pledge of tax increment revenue to the Bonds is subordinate to one Owner Participation Agreement (OPA), and five Improvement Reimbursement Agreements (“IRAs”) (See “Outstanding Debt”).

The pledge of tax increment revenue on the Bonds does have priority ahead of the Operation and Maintenance Expenses of the Agency.

Term: 10-year repayment term with final maturity August 1, 2028.

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Redemption: No optional redemption required, however “break-funding” provisions should be contemplated.

Tax Status: Federal and State of Idaho Tax Exempt; BANK QUALIFIED

Bond Counsel: Hawley Troxell Ennis and Hawley will serve as Bond Counsel. Bond Counsel will prepare the Bond Resolution, Loan documents, Legal Opinion and other related legal documents.

Authority to Issue: The Bonds were issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of Title 50, Chapter 20, and Title 50, Chapter 29 Idaho Code, as amended. Bond Counsel will provide an unqualified bond opinion that the Bonds are an enforceable obligation of the Agency and is exempt from federal and Idaho state tax.

Structure: The Agency would like level amortization of the Bonds until maturity.

Payment Dates: Semi-annual principal and interest payments on February 1, and August 1, beginning February 1, 2019.

This request to banks document involves sensing bank interest in funding a potential River District $7M Note. This proposed $7M Note is needed to fund the proposed Phase 1 Atlas Waterfront project costs to be incurred by an expanded River District, as well as provide a loan from the River District to the proposed new Atlas District (to help pay for Phase 1 costs located within that new district). Funding of the debt service for this proposed Note will be generated by the tax increment valuation already existing in the River District. The proposed Note will be retired on or before the expiration of the River District’s term in 2027.

The Finance Committee feels the time is right to approach banks to sense their interest in this proposed Note request, especially given the economy’s interest rate environment (i.e. conventional wisdom is that interest rates will continue to escalate over the coming months).

Ex. Director Berns discussed the timeline of the Request to Banks and the notification to the banking community of this financing opportunity. Ex. Director Berns received guidance from the board to request bank proposals be submitted to the Agency prior to the August board meeting, and to share the request with the banking community via a published legal notice as well as direct contact with banks that have expressed interest in this type of

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financing opportunity in the past (Washington Trust Bank, Banner Bank, Mountain West Bank, Umpqua Bank).

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, authorizing the Ex. Director to issue the Request to Banks to the aforementioned banks, as well as notifying the banking community of the financing opportunity via a legal notice, with bank proposals being submitted prior to the August 15, 2018 board meeting. Motion carried.

Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Draft Budget: Discussion & Publication Approval

Ex. Director Berns shared an overview of the draft FY19 budget with the board (summary table below). Ex. Director Berns also shared that under Idaho urban renewal law, urban renewal agencies are required to prepare and finalize budgets prior to September 1st of each year. Therefore, the ignite cda board needs to review draft budgets at the July board meeting and authorize publication of the draft budgets prior to the August board meeting where a public hearing is held on the proposed budgets.

Meeting Minutes 7/18/18 17

Line Lake District River District Total


Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (10/1/18) 5,990,286 $ 2,899,532 $ 8,889,818 $ 2 3 Revenues 4

Estimated Tax Increment 5,163,377 $ 1,541,509 $ 6,704,886 $ 5 Property Rental Receipts 14,490 $ - $ 14,490 $ 6 Int. & Misc. Funds 4,860 $ 2,940 $ 7,800 $ 7 Note Draws 2,400,000 $ 6,540,000 $ 8,940,000 $ 8 Property Divestitures 2,004,020 $ - $ 2,004,020 $ 9 Capital Acquisition Financing - $ - $ - $ 10 Total 9,586,747 $ 8,084,449 $ 17,671,196 $ 11 12 Expenses 13

Administration 99,900 $ 99,900 $ 199,799 $ 14 Office Expenses 4,726 $ 4,726 $ 9,452 $ 15 Travel 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 16 Professional Services 63,130 $ 59,430 $ 122,560 $ 17 Notices 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 $ 18 Communications 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 19 Insurance 2,862 $ 2,862 $ 5,724 $ 20 Meetings 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 21 Utilities 2,550 $ - $ 2,550 $ 22 Property Management 14,304 $ - $ 14,304 $ 23 Organization Dues 5,163 $ 5,163 $ 10,325 $ 24 Miscellaneous 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 25 Public Art 103,268 $ 30,830 $ 134,098 $ 26 Capital Acquisition Expense - $ - $ - $ 27

Debt: Interest (non-OPA,IRA) 250,102 $ 220,037 $ 470,139 $ 28

Debt: Principal (non-OPA,IRA) 3,986,896 $ 556,019 $ 4,542,915 $ 29 Parking Initiatives 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 30 Planning 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 31 Agency Funded Programs 7,493,750 $ 6,540,000 $ 14,033,750 $ 32

City of CDA - interest on Bad Axe - $ - $ - $ 33 Partnership Agreements (OPAs, IRAs) 98,840 $ 601,772 $ 700,612 $ 34 Midtown Place Making 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 35 Special Project Reserve 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 36 Total 12,847,990 $ 9,327,738 $ 22,175,728 $ 37 38 Estimated Ending Fund Balance (9/30/19) 2,729,043 $ 1,656,243 $ 4,385,286 $

Ignite CDA FY2019 DRAFT Budget Summary River District – key budget item comments ✓ Estimated beginning fund balance (10/1/18) (line 1): $2,899,532 ✓ Total Revenues (line 10): $8,084,449

Total Expenses (line 36): $9,327,738 ✓ Estimated ending fund balance (9/30/19) (line 38): $1,656,243

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• Estimated Tax Increment (line 4): $1,541,509

• Proposed Note Draw (line 7): $6,540,000 (budget assumes a new $7 million Note established in FY19 for project initiatives within the expanded River District area)


• Professional Services (line 16): $59,430. Costs on this budget line item include:

➢ External contract accounting services

➢ Legal services (Hawley-Troxell, Elam & Burke)

➢ FY2018 Audit expense

➢ Other professional services

• Public Art (line 25): $30,830. Transfer to City’s Public Arts Commission remains at 2% of increment revenue realized

• Debt (lines 27 & 28): interest and principal payments associated with the $6.54M draw on the proposed new FY19 Note.

• Planning (line 30): $200,000. Budget value includes funding for potential additional planning efforts involving the old mill site area located in the expanded district boundary.

• Agency Funded Programs: (line 31): $6,540,000

➢ $4,390,000 budgeted for Phase 1 proposed work in the expanded district area.

➢ $2,150,000 budgeted for loan to new Atlas District for Phase 1 proposed work.

• City of CDA – Interest on Bad Axe Acquisition (line 32): $0. Budget does not include an y interest payment to the City re. their site acquisition cost of the Bad Axe mill site property

• Special Project Reserve (line 35): $1M. Reserve funds for district / Agency related initiatives, including potential funding for planning efforts associated with a proposed new Health Corridor district.

Lake District – key budget item comments

Estimated beginning fund balance (10/1/18) (line 1): $5,990,286

✓ Total Revenues (line 10): $9,586,747

✓ Total Expenses (line 36): $12,847,990

✓ Estimated ending fund balance (9/30/19) (line 38): $2,729,043


• Estimated Tax Increment (line 4): $5,163,377

• Ignite cda properties (line 5): $14,490

Meeting Minutes 7/18/18 19

• Note Draw on $10M 2017 Note established in FY17 (line 7): $2,400,000 (remaining funds available)

• Ignite cda Property Divestitures (line 8): $2,004,020 (311 Lakeside $220K / 301 Lakeside $750K / 4 remaining Park Dr. lots $1,034,020)


• Professional Services (line 16): $63,130. Costs on this budget line item include:

➢ External contract accounting services

➢ Legal services (Hawley-Troxell, Elam & Burke)

➢ FY2018 Audit expense

➢ Other professional services

• Public Art (line 25): $103,268. Transfer to City’s Public Arts Commission remains at 2% of increment revenue realized.

• Debt: Interest (line 27): $250,102. interest payments on the Washington Trust Bank 2016 & 2017 Lake District Notes

• Debt: Capital (line 28): $3,986,896 principal payments on the Washington Trust Bank 2016 & 2017 Lake District Notes.

• Planning (line 30): $200,000. Planning funds for board initiatives.

• Agency Funded Programs (line 31): $7,493,750

• Misc. Projects: $60K

• CDA 2030 Contract: $25K

• Downtown Association Event Contract: $18,750

• Memorial Park Element of Four Corners Master Plan: $30K

• Memorial Field Grandstand Revitalization: $1M

• North Idaho Collaborative Education Facility (NICE): $2.5M

• Atlas Waterfront Project Phase 1 Improvements: $3.86M

• Special Project Reserve (line 35): $500K Reserve funds for district / Agency related initiatives.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer asked why the estimated ending fund balances in the amended FY18 district budgets were different than the estimated beginning district budgets for FY19?

o Ex. Director Berns shared that the estimated ending fund balance values in the amended FY18 district budgets remain in context with the district budgets approved by the board in the summer of 2017, and that the estimated beginning fund balances contained in the FY19 district budgets reflect the estimated financial position of each district as of October 1, 2018.

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to authorize the ignite cda Executive Director to publish the

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draft FY19 budget as presented in the CDA Press prior to the August 15, 2018 budget public hearing date. Motion carried.

Fiscal Year 2018 Audit: Hoover CPA

Hoover CPA (Scott Hoover) provided an engagement letter to the Agency to perform the fiscal year 2018 audit. The Hoover CPA proposed audit fee for fiscal year 2018 of $8,000 is unchanged from last year’s audit fee.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner English, to accept the Fiscal Year 2018 audit engagement proposal from Hoover CPA in the amount of $8,000. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s Parking Commission will assist the City in reviewing and establishing new parking rates for City controlled parking areas.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed five of the scheduled seven deck pours of the facility The final deck pour is scheduled for early to midAugust. Façade work has begun and is progressing well. Project completion is estimated to be late-September 2018.


Initiative Updates

➢ Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study: Update

Chicago-based HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting (“HVS”) has completed a draft of their feasibility study which is being reviewed by CDA 2030. A final report and presentation is planned for the August ignite cda board meeting.

➢ Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

The project delay related to the Spectrum cable re-alignment issue has passed. The contractor started paving the trails on both sides of Seltice earlier this week and plans to begin the second lift of asphalt the first week of August. Irrigation work is scheduled to be completed by mid/late August, with landscaping completed by September (holding off on some landscaping issues until some cooler weather arrives in September).

➢ Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe

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Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive area. Active West had 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing. An earnest money check in the amount of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One. Active West has requested a closing date extension from July 10, 2018 to August 10, 2018 to address a few additional items on the title report. The one-month extension has been granted by ignite cda.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone: Update

Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA.

➢ North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The project is moving forward without any current significant issues. The contractor is asking for an additional 14 days on the contract term due to unanticipated soil removal issues incurred at the beginning of the project.

Ignite cda has agreed to contribute $2.5 million to the initiative and is working with North Idaho College on a project funding agreement. The other project funding entities are: University of Idaho, Lewis Clark State College, and the Idaho Department of Public Works. Ignite cda is pursuing a new Agency partnership funding commitment to the project of $2,344,850 since the bid award of $7,504,800 (which included all project add alternates) was under the budgeted value of $8 million.

➢ N. Park Drive Lots Sale: Update

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 2: $198,000 o lot 4: $236,100 o lot 5: $226,903 o lot 7: $241,100

o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 10: $227,480 o total: $1,366,063

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1,3,6, & 9 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on April 16 and the listings expire on October 16, 2018. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000

o Potential Subtotal: $1,066,000

o Net Subtotal: $1,034,020 (less 3% commission)

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Commissioner Metts welcomed Commissioner Goodlander back to the board meeting.

Commissioner English shared that he will miss the August 15th board meeting.

11. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


Motion by Commissioner English, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Chapkis, Garcia, Metts, Armon, Hoskins

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


▪ July 18, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the July 18, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

5. BID OPENING: Sealed Bid Auction Bids for 301 & 311 Lakeside Avenue

Chairman Hoskins opened the following bids which were reviewed by ignite cda Counsel Quade for compliance to the auction process.

301 Lakeside Avenue 311 Lakeside Avenue Bidder (Min. Bid: $750,000) (Min. Bid: $220,000)

GVD Partners $221,000

Dan Clark $226,000 John Swallow & Tyler Alvarado $266,000

Mr. Clark’s bid contained an escalation clause wherein he would pay $500 more than the highest bid with a total maximum bid not to exceed $3 26,000. Therefore, Mr. Clark’s bid would be $266,500 and he would then be the highest bidder. Mr. Swallow and Mr. Alvarado challenged the legitimacy of using an escalation clause

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in the sealed bid process. The board decided to take this issue under advisement and asked Counsel Quade to review the issue .

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to take the purchase offers for the 311 Lakeside Avenue property under advisement and schedule a Special Call Board meeting to further discuss the purchase offers. The special call meeting is recommended to occur on Friday August 17 at 1:00, thus giving Counsel Quade sufficient time to review the issues.

Motion carried.

6. PRESENTATION: Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study – HVS Consulting

Nicole Kahler, CDA 2030 Executive Director, introduced Thomas Hazinski, Managing Director with HVS Consulting, who presented an overview of the draft Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study to the board. Following are key slides from his presentation:

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Ignite cda Commissioners asked that the draft HVS report be placed on the ignite cda website for 30 days so that interested stakeholders could provide feedback to HVS on the draft report.

Commissioner Armon asked how does this initiative move forward? Ex. Director Berns shared that he will work with City & CDA 2030 leadership on finalizing the report and discussing next steps which may involve a ignite cda / City Council workshop

Chairman Hoskins, on behalf of the ignite cda board, thanked Nicole Kahler and the entire CDA 2030 organization for their leadership role and effo rt on this initiative.

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Chairman Hoskins called the FY2018 budget amendment public hearing to order at 5:27 p.m.

Ex. Director Berns shared that the proposed budget amendments are necessary due to changes in district project costs and timelines. Proposed budget amendments are highlighted in red font in the following table.

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Chairman Hoskins asked if there was any public comment re. the proposed FY18 amended budget. No public comment was provid ed at the hearing, and no public comment was submitted to the Agency’s office prior to the board meeting.

Chairman Hoskins closed the FY2018 budget amendment public hearing at 5:28 p.m.

Resolution 18-04: Adoption of ignite cda Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Amendment

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve Resolution 18-04 adopting the ignite cda FY2018 Budget Amendment as proposed.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Absent Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes

Widmyer Absent Metts Yes Armon Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Absent

Motion carried.


Chairman Hoskins called the FY2019 budget public hearing to order at 5:29 p.m.

Ex. Director Berns presented the draft FY19 budget to the board (summary table below). Under Idaho urban renewal law, urban renewal agencies are required to prepare and finalize budgets prior to September 1st of each year. Therefore, the ignite cda board needs to review draft budgets at the July board meeting and authorize publication of the draft budgets prior to the August board meeting where a public hearing is held on the proposed budgets.

Meeting Minutes 8/15/18 7

Ignite CDA FY2019 DRAFT Budget Summary

Line Lake District River District Total


Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (10/1/18) 5,990,286 $ 2,899,532 $ 8,889,818 $ 2 3 Revenues


Estimated Tax Increment 5,163,377 $ 1,541,509 $ 6,704,886 $ 5 Property Rental Receipts 14,490 $ - $ 14,490 $ 6 Int. & Misc. Funds 4,860 $ 2,940 $ 7,800 $ 7 Note Draws 2,400,000 $ 6,540,000 $ 8,940,000 $ 8 Property Divestitures 2,004,020 $ - $ 2,004,020 $ 9 Capital Acquisition Financing - $ - $ - $ 10 Total 9,586,747 $ 8,084,449 $ 17,671,196 $ 11 12 Expenses 13

Administration 99,900 $ 99,900 $ 199,799 $ 14 Office Expenses 4,726 $ 4,726 $ 9,452 $ 15 Travel 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 16 Professional Services 63,130 $ 59,430 $ 122,560 $ 17 Notices 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 $ 18 Communications 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 19 Insurance 2,862 $ 2,862 $ 5,724 $ 20 Meetings 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 21 Utilities 2,550 $ - $ 2,550 $ 22 Property Management 14,304 $ - $ 14,304 $ 23 Organization Dues 5,163 $ 5,163 $ 10,325 $ 24 Miscellaneous 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 25 Public Art 103,268 $ 30,830 $ 134,098 $ 26 Capital Acquisition Expense - $ - $ - $ 27

Debt: Interest (non-OPA,IRA) 250,102 $ 220,037 $ 470,139 $ 28

Debt: Principal (non-OPA,IRA) 3,986,896 $ 556,019 $ 4,542,915 $ 29 Parking Initiatives 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 30 Planning 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 $ 31 Agency Funded Programs 7,655,320 $ 6,540,000 $ 14,195,320 $ 32

City of CDA - interest on Bad Axe - $ - $ - $ 33 Partnership Agreements (OPAs, IRAs) 98,840 $ 601,772 $ 700,612 $ 34

Midtown Place Making 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 35 Special Project Reserve 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 36 Total 13,009,560 $ 9,327,738 $ 22,337,298 $ 37 38 Estimated Ending Fund Balance (9/30/19) 2,567,473 $ 1,656,243 $ 4,223,716 $

Ex. Director Berns noted that the FY19 draft budget is the same as reviewed by the board in July, except for $161,570 of board approved Memorial Grandstand project funding that is added to the Lake District “Agency Funded Programs” budget line item.

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Chairman Hoskins asked if there was any public comment re. the proposed FY19 budget. No public comment was provided at the hearing, and no public comment was submitted to the Agency’s office prior to the board meeting.

Chairman Hoskins closed the FY2019 budget public hearing at 5:30 p.m.

Resolution 18-05: Adoption of ignite cda Fiscal Year 2019 Budget

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve Resolution 18-05 adopting the ignite cda FY2019 Budget as proposed.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Absent Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Absent Metts Yes Armon Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Absent

Motion carried.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the July Lake and River District financial statements, and the July / August account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the July financial statements and the July / August accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

River District 2018 Note: Request to Banks

Background: at the July 18, 2018 board meeting, Ex. Director Berns discussed with the board a proposed River District 2018 $7 Million ($7M) Note Request to Banks seeking bank financing proposals, and shared that the Finance Committee has reviewed / discussed this Request to Banks document. The request to banks document involves sensing bank interest in funding a potential River District $7M Note. This proposed $7M Note is needed to fund the proposed Phase 1 Atlas Waterfront project costs to be incurred by an expanded River District, as well as provide a loan from the River District to the proposed new Atlas District (to help pay for Phase 1

Meeting Minutes 8/15/18 9

costs located within that new district). Funding of the debt service for this proposed Note will be generated by the tax increment valuation already existing in the River District. The proposed Note will be retired on or before the expiration of the River District’s term in 2027. Ex. Director Berns received guidance from the board to request bank proposals be submitted to the Agency prior to the August board meeting, and to share the request with the banking community via a published legal notice as well as direct contact with banks that have expressed interest in the type of financing opportunity in the past (Washington Trust Bank, Banner Bank, Mountain West Bank, Umpqua Bank).

One bank proposal was received for the River District $7 million note:

Note Note Interest Payoff Bank Amount Term Rate (%) Penalty WA. Trust1 $7.0 M 10 Years Fixed 3.30 No

1 = Loan fee of $7,000. Legal fees cap of $3,500. Ignite cda to maintain River District cash on hand in the amount of 10% of the outstanding Note balance; said required cash balance will be adjusted semi -annually.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Metts, accepting the proposal from Washington Trust Bank for the $7.0 million River District Note at a fixed interest rate of 3.30% for the term of the Note, directing the Ex. Director to work with Counsel Quade to craft the necessary documentation f or the Note. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s Parking Commission August meeting was moved to September 4th to allow the subcommittee that is reviewing the parking rates time to finish their work.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor has completed all seven of the scheduled deck pours of the facility Work continues on both the exterior (i.e. façade) and interior of the building. Project completion is estimated to be lateSeptember 2018.


Atlas Waterfront Project Update - Phil Boyd Phil Boyd (Welch-Comer Engineers) updated the board on the Atlas Waterfront Project. Following are key slides from his presentation.

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Project phasing graphic showing proposed land uses July 2018: graphic showing proposed district boundar y areas

August 2018: Graphic showing revised district boundary areas

August 2018: Graphic showing revised district boundar y areas Schedule

Meeting Minutes 8/15/18 12

Original urban renewal district Phase 1 funding levels


urban renewal district Phase 1 funding levels

Ex. Director Berns shared that at the September board meeting, the board will review the amended urban renewal plans for the Lake & River Districts and review the new urban renewal plan for the Atlas District. The Welch-Comer financial feasibility study will be incorporated in the plans.

ICRMP Insurance Policy: Terrorism Insurance Coverage

Executive Director Berns shared that ignite cda, at the recommendation of ignite cda’s insurance agent, should once again decline Idaho Counties Risk Management Program’s (ICRMP) annual offer for additional terrorism insurance coverage per the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; additional coverage for ignite cda would cost $5,000 per year. ICRMP is required to offer its policy holders this additional terrorism coverage if so desired. ICRMP carries $50 million in terrorism insurance for its clients in its standard policy which ignite cda deems appropriate coverage.

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Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, declining the additional terrorism policy coverage offered by ICRMP. Motion carried.

N. Park Drive Lots

Counsel Quade indicated that this agenda item was made an action item on the agenda less than 48 hours before today’s meeting, thus requiring an approval of a change to the agenda to effectuate the change under Idaho Code 74 -204(4)(b). The reason for the change was that an offer was made on lot 6 after the original agenda was posted, which expired today and thus required immediate action to avoid potentially losing the sale. Counsel Quade indicated that the agenda was changed to denote the agenda item as an action item immediately upon receipt of the offer on Tuesday.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to make the amended ignite cda board meeting agenda effective per Idaho Code 74-204(4)(b). Motion carried.

On August 13, ignite cda received a purchase offer for lot 6 in the N. Park Drive subdivision. The asking price for lot 6 is $279,000. The appraised value was $220,000. The purchase offer for lot 6 is $200,000 good until August 15 @ 4:00 pm. Ignite cda made a counter offer to the potential buyers of $249,000 with a condition that the counter offer is contingent upon ignite cda board approval.

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, approving the counter offer for N. Park Drive lot 6 in the amount of $249,000. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

Paving on Seltice Way continues the week of August 13th. Pavement markings will be finished up by the end of this week, and Seltice Way is planned to be opened for traffic by Friday. Irrigation and landscaping are scheduled to be completed by the end of the month

Railroad Right of Way Surplus Property Sale: Update

Background: On March 12, 2018 the Agency executed a $320,000 Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with Active West for the Agency’s right of way property located east of Beebe Boulevard in the Riverstone/Belle Rive ar ea. Active West had 90 days to conclude their due diligence efforts on the site prior to closing An earnest money check in the amount of $3,200 payable to ignite cda is being held by Title One. Active West has requested a closing date extension from July 10, 2018 to August 10, 2018 to address a few additional items on the title report. The one-month extension has been granted by ignite cda.

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Ignite cda closed this transaction on August 10th receiving net proceeds of $319,995.76.

➢ Ignite @ Riverstone: Update

Project due diligence efforts continue by Welch-Comer Engineers to determine the viability of the proposed land exchange between the Agency and the City of CDA. The proposed initiative is awaiting the completion of the traffic study underway in this geographic area.

North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The project is moving forward without any current significant issues. The contractor has been granted an additional 14 days on the contract term due to unanticipated soil removal issues incurred at the beginning of the project.

Ignite cda had originally agreed to contribute $2.5 million to the initiative and has finalized a project funding agreement with North Idaho College (NIC). The other project funding entities are: University of Idaho, Lewis Clark State College, and the Idaho Department of Public Works Ignite cda and NIC have agreed to a new Agency partnership funding commitment to the project of $2,344,850 since the bid award of $7,504,800 (which included all project add alternates) was under the budgeted value of $8 million.

N. Park Drive Lots Sale: Update

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 2: $198,000

o lot 4: $236,100

o lot 5: $226,903 o lot 7: $241,100

o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 10: $227,480 o total: $1,366,063

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1,3,6, & 9 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on April 16 and the listings expire on October 16, 2018. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Lot 6: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Lot 9: minimum sale price of $269,000

o Potential Subtotal: $1,066,000

o Net Subtotal: $1,034,020 (less 3% commission)

Meeting Minutes 8/15/18 15


Commissioner Metts shared that a celebration commemorating CDA 2030’s fifth year of service to the community will be held on August 16 at 5:30 in Riverstone Park.

12. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 6:11 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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FRIDAY AUGUST 17, 2018 1:00 P.M. COEUR



Vice-Chair Metts called the ignite cda Special Call Board meeting to order at 1:00.

ignite cda board members attending meeting: Onsite: Armon, Garcia, English, Metts, Jordan Via Conference Call: Widmyer

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade

Vice-Chair Metts shared with audience attendees that per the agenda, no public comment would be received at the special call board meeting.


Background: At the August 15, 2018 board meeting, Chairman Hoskins opened the following bids which were reviewed by ignite cda Counsel Quade for compliance to the auction process.

301 Lakeside Avenue

311 Lakeside Avenue Bidder (Min. Bid: $750,000) (Min. Bid: $220,000)

GVD Partners $221,000 Dan Clark $226,000 John Swallow & Tyler Alvarado $266,000

Mr. Clark’s bid contained an escalation clause wherein he would pay $500 more than the highest bid with a total maximum bid not to exceed $326,000. Therefore, Mr. Clark’s bid would be $266,500 and he would then be the highest bidder. Mr. Swallow and Mr. Alvarado challenged the legitimacy of using an escalation clause in the sealed bid

8/17/18 1
Ignite cda Special Call Minutes

process. The board decided to take this issue under advisement and asked Counsel Quade to review the issue.

Counsel Quade shared her insights regarding the bid escalation issue. Her recommendation is for the Agency to reissue the notice of auction and rebid the sale of 311 Lakeside Avenue. It is in the best interests of the Agency and the public to get the highest and best compensation for the property and to treat all bidders fairly since there was confusion by bidders in this case. Mr. Swallow and Mr. Alvarado expressed that they interpreted the Bid Form to not allow an escalating offer and Mr. Clark obviously believed such an offer was permissible, as evidenced by his offer with an escalation clause.

Clarifying the Bid Form, either to clearly allow or prohibit escalation clauses, will clear the bidders’ confusion and give everyone an opportunity to bid on equal footing. Additionally, it will allow the Agency to meet its statutory obligation to sell the property to the highest bidder and its duty to the public to receive the highest purchase price for the property and utilize the proceeds in accordance with the urban renewal plan.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, approving the re-issuance of a sealed bid auction packet for the 311 Lakeside Avenue property to the two highest original bidders for the property (i.e. Mr. Clark and Messrs. Swallow and Alvarado), with the revised sealed bid packet containing no bid escalation language, with sealed bids due to the Agency by 3:00 pm on August 29, 2018. Sealed bids will be opened at an ignite cda special call board meeting on August 29, 2018 at 4:00 at the CDA Chamber of Commerce.

Board discussion re. the motion ensued.

Commissioners Jordan and Armon voted no.

Motion carried.


The board discussed how to proceed with the 301 Lakeside Avenue property disposition since no bids were received via the August 15, 2018 sealed bid public auction process. One option discussed involved re-bidding the 301 Lakeside Avenue property via the sealed bid process at the appraised value of $650,000. Another option discussed involved the engagement of a commercial realtor via a Request for Qualification (RFQ) process.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to re-issue a sealed bid auction packet for the 301 Lakeside Avenue property with a minimum bid of $650,000, utilizing the new bid form that does not allow for a bid escalation clause. Sealed bids will be due at 3:00 pm on September 19 at the

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Agency’s Chamber office and will be opened at 4:00 pm on September 19 at the ignite cda board meeting. Motion carried.


Ex. Director Berns discussed the Buyer counter offer received on August 16 for Lot 6 located on N. Park Drive.

Background: On August 13, ignite cda received a purchase offer for lot 6 in the N. Park Drive subdivision. The asking price for lot 6 is $279,000. The appraised value was $220,000. The purchase offer for lot 6 is $200,000 and expired on August 15 @ 4:00 pm Ignite cda made a counter offer to the potential buyers of $249,000 with a condition that the counter offer is contingent upon ignite cda board approval. Board approval for the counter offer of $249,000 was received on August 15, 2018.

The Buyer’s August 16 counter offer for Lot 6 is $225,000. Board discussion ensued pertaining to the Buyer’s counter offer.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to make a counter offer to the Buyer at $239,000. Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner English, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns

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Chair Hoskins called the ignite cda Special Call Board Meeting to order at 10:45 a.m.

ignite cda Board Members Present: Armon, Chapkis, Garcia, English, Widmyer, Jordan, Metts.

ignite cda Staff Present: None ignite cda Legal Counsel Present: Quade, Kling, Anderson (by telephone)

2. PUBLIC COMMENT: 5 minutes each side – per group

• Scott Poorman, attorney for Dan Clark,

o Discussed option to choose to award property;

o Discussed litigation (indicated he thought the best course of action is to not make a decision today and give competing bidders opportunity to discuss options); and

o Discussed possibility of rebid, recommended doing it in a live auction rather than a sealed bid

• Megan O’Dowd, attorney for John Swallow and Tyler Alvarado,

o Referenced letters in record (8/16/18 and 8/21/18, including draft complaint);

o Discussed legal parameters, ignite is bound by statutory authority;

o Stated her clients have made highest total bid amount and followed bid rules, her clients were $40,000 higher;

o Discussed what to do with the escalation clause? Stated ignite cannot consider it because it violates the bi d rules and the bid document has to be interpreted within the four corners of the document;

o Stated they will file a lawsuit today if property is not awarded today, and although discussions should happen between the parties, it will not prevent the lawsuit; and

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o Stated her clients were never told they could include an escalation clause.

3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Entered into Executive Session at 10:58 a.m.

Commissioner Widmyer moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(f) to communicate with legal counsel to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Commissioner Chapkis seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Mic Armon: Approved Jim Chapkis: Approved Sarah Garcia: Approved Dan English: Approved Steve Widmyer: Approved Brad Jordan: Approved Alivia Metts: Approved Scott Hoskins: Approved

Motion carried.

Commissioner Goodlander joined the meeting by phone during executive session.

Commissioner Armon moved to end Executive Session and Commissioner Widmyer seconded. Motion carried. Executive Session ended at 11:31 a.m.

4. ACTION ON EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discuss 311 Lakeside Avenue Property Disposition.

Commissioner Garcia made a Motion to delay the rebid and not otherwise dispose of the 311 Lakeside while the dispute regarding the August 15, 2018 bid process continues and to direct ignite’s attorney to take action to file or respond to a filed lawsuit, an interpleader action to have a court decide who was the highest bidder. Commissioner Armon seconded. Motion carried.

5. Legal counsel Quade mentioned that another offer for the same amount was made of the same Park Drive Lot and inquired if the Board wanted a Special Mee ting. No one indicated a need for a Special Meeting.


Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Counsel Quade.

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Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda Special Call Board meeting to order at 4:00.

ignite cda board members attending meeting: Garcia, English, Jordan, Hoskins, Widmyer, Chapkis

ignite cda staff present: ignite cda legal counsel present: Berns Quade, Kling, Anderson (by telephone)


Ex. Director Berns discussed the $249,500 purchase offer received on September 4, 2018 for Lot 6 located on N. Park Drive from realtor Jim Slavin on behalf of Andrew Gillis & Karen Borozon.

Board discussion ensued pertaining to the Buyer’s purchase offer.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the $249,500 offer as submitted for lot 6, directing Ex. Director Berns and counsel Quade to prepare the necessary Purchase and Sale documents, including a seller’s addendum, with a closing date on or before October 1 5, 2018. Motion carried.


Ex. Director Berns discussed the $230,000 counter offer received on August 23, 2018 for Lot 9 located on N. Park Drive from realtor John Beutler on behalf of Roger and Joanne Wing.

Background: The original purchase offer from Mr. & Mrs. Wing for lot 9 in the N. Park Drive subdivision totaled $225,000. The asking price for lot 9 is


$269,000. Ignite cda made a counter offer to the potential buyers of $232,000 with a condition that the counter offer is contingent upon ignite cda board approval. Mr. and Mrs. Wing countered with an offer of $230,000

Board discussion ensued pertaining to the Buyer’s counter offer.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the $230,000 counter offer as submitted for lot 9, directing Ex. Director Berns and counsel Quade to prepare the necessary Purchase and Sale documents, including a seller’s addendum, with a closing date on or before October 15, 2018. Motion carried.


Commissioner Garcia moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(f) to communicate with legal counsel to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Commissioner Chapkis seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Armon: Absent Chapkis: Approved Garcia: Approved English: Approved Widmyer: Approved Jordan: Approved Metts: Absent Hoskins: Approved Goodlander: Absent Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.






Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Chapkis, Garcia, Hoskins, Widmyer, English

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade



Nathan Baker thanked the board on behalf of the skatepark users / stakeholders for the board’s strong support of the Memorial Park skatepark initiative. He shared that the new skatepark would not have happened without ignite cda’s support. He shared that the ribbon cutting for the skatepark is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on October 6th and invited all board members to attend.


August 15, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the August 15, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

August 17, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the August 17, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

August 22, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to approve the August 22, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

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September 10, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the September 10, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

5. BID OPENING: Sealed Auction Bids for 301 Lakeside Avenue Property

Chairman Hoskins opened the following sealed bids which were reviewed by ignite cda Counsel Quade for compliance with the auction requirements.

301 Lakeside Avenue Property Bidder (Min. Allowed Bid: $650,000)

Donald R. Smock Dev. Co. $710,000

Douglas Rupiper $667,000 Furgerson & Schmidt LLC $659,999

Counsel Quade shared that all bids were compliant with the auction requirements

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to accept the sealed bid offer of $710,000 for the 301 Lakeside Avenue property submitted by Donald R. Smock Development Co. Motion carried.

6. PRESENTATION: CDA Arts Commission – Jennifer Drake

Jennifer Drake, Chair of the City of CDA Arts Commission, shared an overview of the Commission’s activities and plans for the future. Mrs. Drake, on behalf of the Arts Commission, thanked the board for their years of support re. public art in CDA. Following are excerpts from her presentation:

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➢ Commissioner English asked how the ignite cda art funding process works?

• Ex. Director Berns shared that each September, the board decides whether to transfer accrued public art funds (accrued at 2% of realized district revenues) for the fiscal year to the City’s Arts Commission for their use in funding art projects within the Agency’s respective districts. Funding of public art is not mandated but has been a board tenet over the years to help create value in the community. The 2% value is determined by the ignite cda board. This is a voluntary board decision: the board can transfer all the accrued funds for each district, a portion of the funds, or zero funds.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer asked if the Arts Commission can spend Agency funds it possesses beyond the expiration term of a district, e.g. the Lake District’s term expires in 2021, can the Arts Commission spend any Lake District fund balances they possess beyond this date?

• Counsel Quade shared that yes, the Commission can spend fund balances beyond the district’s termination date, if the funds are spent on public art located within the district’s boundary.


Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Ex. Director Berns, in Commissioner Armon’s stead, reviewed and discussed the August Lake and River District financial statements, and the August / September Accounts account payables with the board.

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Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the August financial statements and the August / September accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s Parking Commission subcommittee on parking rates is still working through parking rate issues and will have a report out to the full Parking Commission in October.

➢ Commissioner Widmyer shared that the new rate structure for the downtown parking garage is the most important issue for the Commission to focus on. The City would like to encourage parking customers to use the new garage, so the garage rates will need to be favorable / attractive to the parking customer

➢ Commissioners English and Jordan shared that quite a bit of Commission conversation focused on how much to charge for the lower level secured parking area in the new parking garage.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor is focusing on exterior masonry work and interior cleanup & light installation at this time and plans to have the facility complete by mid-October. The 2-week delay is due to wet weather conditions this past spring and a cement shortage that occurred in August due to a train derailment in Montana.


Atlas Waterfront Project Update

Final versions of the three district plans (i.e. Amended Lake District Plan, Amended River District Plan and the new Atlas District Plan) are being prepared along with a final version of the Welch-Comer Master Plan / Feasibility Analysis.

Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study

Background: following the feasibility study presentation by HVS at the August 2018 board meeting, ignite cda commissioners asked that the draft HVS report be placed on the ignite cda website for 30 days so that interested stakeholders could provide feedback to HVS on the draft report. The report was also placed on the City’s and CDA 2030’s websites where feedback was sought

HVS received two comments over the past month that related to facility sizing; the comments did not change the content of the draft report; therefore, HVS is

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finalizing their report. In the coming weeks, CDA 2030 will meet with city leadership representatives (Hilary Anderson and Kiki Miller) to discuss establishing a steering committee that would be tasked with evaluating the fundraising potential for the Performing Arts Center initiative as well as determining next steps in the process.

Memorial Field Grandstand Renovation

The renovation bid package is out for bid with bid openings scheduled for September 28 (3:00 pm at city hall). Architects West is working on addendum #1 which removes the fire sprinkler system and replaces it with fire-rated walls and ceiling. The current project funding budget between ignite cda, NIC and the City is $1,296,000 (breakdown: ignite cda = $1,011,000, NIC = $150,000; City = $135,000). Currently, there are six general contractors on the plan-holder’s list. The list of bid alternates includes:

1. Optional Structural upgrades 2. New Bleacher Steps 3. Relocate Field Lights from Poles to Roof 4. Gutters, Downspouts, Storm Drainage System 5. Plywood Sub-Floor & Surface on Bleachers Treads & Risers 6. Scoring Platform 7. Stainless Steel Toilets and Lavatories in Public Toilet Rooms 8. Cedar Siding in Lieu of Spruce Siding

Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

Landscape planting should begin at the Grand Mill intersection the beginning of next week. Once that is finished, the contractor will move their focus to the Atlas roundabout. Their goal is to finish landscaping on the entire project by the end of the month. Once landscaping is complete, a few minor miscellaneous punch list issues will need to be addressed.

North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The project is moving forward without any current significant issues.

N. Park Drive Lots Sale: Update

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 2: $198,000

o lot 4: $236,100 o lot 5: $226,903 o lot 7: $241,100 o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 10: $227,480 o sub-total: $1,366,063 (net)

The following N. Park Drive lots are under contract: net sale proceeds listed:

o Lot 6: $242,015 (sales price $249,500)

o Lot 9: $223,100 (sales price $230,000)

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o Sub-total: $465,115 (net)

Total proceeds to date: $1,831,178 (net)

Lowes Flat Fee Realty has been engaged to list and sell lots 1 & 3 on N. Park Drive at the following sale prices. Lowes listings became active on April 16 and the listings expire on October 16, 2018. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Potential Subtotal: $518,000

o Potential Net Subtotal: $502,460 (less 3% commission)


Motion by Commissioner Chapkis that Commissioner Hoskins be nominated as ignite cda Board Chair, and that Commissioner Metts be nominated as ignite cda Vice-Chair, for fiscal year 2019. Commissioner Jordan seconded the motion. No other nominations were proffered, and no objections to the nomination slate were voiced. Motion carried.


No commissioner comments.


No public comment provided.

12. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director

Subsection (1) (f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director.

Subsection (1)(f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Absent Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes

Metts Absent Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Absent English Yes Chapkis Yes

Motion carried.

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The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 4:54 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, Counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding the evaluation of the executive director and communication with legal counsel re. pending litigation. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 5:11 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner English, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

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Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda Special Call Board meeting to order at 4:00.

ignite cda board members attending meeting: Garcia, English, Jordan, Hoskins, Widmyer, Chapkis, Armon, Metts, Goodlander

ignite cda staff present: ignite cda legal counsel present: Berns Quade


Phil Boyd shared an overview presentation with the board re. the mill site initiative planning process. Following are key slides from his presentation:




Following Mr. Boyd’s presentation, board discussion ensued re. the district boundary expansions of the Lake & River Districts, as well as the creation of the new Atlas District. Strategic, operational and financial issues were discussed pertaining to the Stimson Mill site initiative, with all board members supportive of partnering with the City of CDA on this value adding community initiative.


Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to approve Resolution 18-06 approving the Second Amendment to the Second Amended & Restated Lake District Urban Renewal Plan.


Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Yes Metts Yes Armon Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Yes

Motion carried.



Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve Resolution 18-07 approving the Second Amendment to the River District Redevelopment Plan.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Yes Metts Yes Armon Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Yes

Motion carried.



Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve Resolution 18-08 approving the Atlas District Urban Renewal Plan.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes

Widmyer Yes Metts Yes Armon Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes English Yes

Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.



WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17, 2018 4:00 P.M.



Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Chapkis, Garcia, Hoskins, Widmyer, English, Armon

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to remove the Washington Trust Bank River District 2018 Note agenda item. Motion carried.


No public comment provided.


September 19, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the September 19, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

September 27, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to approve the September 27, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.


Finance – Commissioner Armon

Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Meeting Minutes 10/17/18 1

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the September Lake and River District financial statements, and the September / October account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the September financial statements and the September / October accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s Parking Commission subcommittee on parking rates work has concluded and rate recommendations have been sent to city leadership for consideration and approval.

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that the contractor is focusing on exterior masonry work, panel installation, interior cleanup & light installation at this time and plans to have the facility complete by month end.


Stimson Mill Site Planning: Next Steps Discussion Phil Boyd, Welch-Comer Engineers, shared with the board via a PowerPoint presentation a proposal re. the next planning steps for the Stimson Mill Site initiative. Following is a summary of the proposed tasks and related costs.

The purpose of the memorandum is to summarize the project’s “next steps” and proposed engineering scope of services to achieve steps one and two below. The steps required to get to “saleable blocks” and a completed waterfront public space include:

1. Master Plat and PUD

2. Waterfront public space and shoreline stabilization final design

3. Preliminary design of the all the site infrastructure

4. Phase 1 infrastructure final design

5. Pre-marketing the properties and RFP development

6. ignite cda RFP’s for block sales

7. Phase 1 infrastructure bidding and construction

The proposed scope of services will complete steps 1 and 2 and include:

• City master plat, PUD and shoreline variance (“Entitlements”). Subsequent Phase plats will result in saleable parcels

• Waterfront public space and shoreline stabilization design, plans and specifications for 2019 construction

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Ex. Director Berns and Mr. Boyd shared that these planning & design fee issues were discussed throughout the project’s master planning process and are included in the fiscal year 2019 Lake and River District budgets.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to authorize the Stimson Project planning and design spending proposal as presented for Tasks 1 & 2, in an amount not to exceed $582,700.

Motion carried.

N. Park Drive Lots Listing Discussion

The following N. Park Drive lots have closed: net sale proceeds listed:

o lot 2: $198,000

o lot 4: $236,100 o lot 5: $226,903 o lot 6: $238,502 o lot 7: $241,100 o lot 8: $236,480 o lot 9: $220,144 o lot 10: $227,480

o sub-total: $1,824,709 (net)

Lowes Flat Fee Realty had been engaged to list and sell lots 1 & 3 on N. Park Drive at sale prices listed below. Lowes listings became active on April 16 and the listings were set to expire on October 16, 2018. Lowes has extended the listings for lots 1 & 3 until October 24, 2018. Each listing has a direct selling fee of $299 with a 3% sales commission on the buyer’s side.

o Lot 1: minimum sale price of $239,000

o Lot 3: minimum sale price of $279,000

o Potential Subtotal: $518,000

o Potential Net Subtotal: $502,460 (less 3% commission)

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Lowes will extend the listings for another 6 months for $199 (per lot) if the extension occurs prior to October 24.

Ex. Director Berns shared that he noticed an ad in the CDA Press from local realtor Renice Sandler advertising a 1% listing fee , well below typical real estate listing fees. Following a conversation with Ms. Sandler re. the Agency’s two remaining N. Park Drive lots and her aggressive listing business model, Ms. Sandler offered up the following proposal for board consideration:

• If the board desires to continue with the same flat fee paid up front arrangement, Ms. Sandler will match whatever the outside broker's fee for simply imputing the information into the CDA MLS for 12 months.

• The other alternative is to do a traditional listing with a significantly reduced rate for full broker service to be paid at the close of escrow. To earn ignite cda’s business and to keep business local, Ms. Sandler would list both lots for $2,500.

• Via either listing choice, the listing will go out to all the internet sites that every other listing does. With the flat fee up front arrangement, she will still provide an individual sign on each lot (as will be done for any arrangement made). If there is an offer, ignite cda would deal directly with other brokers bringing buyers. With the conventional type listing, she would deal with brokers. Either way, it will be a significant benefit to ignite cda to have a local, knowledgeable broker dealing with potential buyers from sign calls, internet inquiries, etc.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to accept the offer from Renice Sandler to list and market N. Park Drive Lots 1 & 3 for a fee of $2,500.

Motion carried.

Memorial Grandstand Project: Increased Funding Discussion

The following three bids were submitted for the Memorial Grandstand renovation project:

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The project funding budget between ignite cda, NIC and the City is $1,296,000 (breakdown: ignite cda = $1,011,000, NIC = $150,000; City = $135,000). A total of $68,083 for Architects West design fees has been paid from the $1,296,000, thus leaving a current available balance of $1,227,917. The available balance is insufficient to cover the low base bid from Walker Construction of $1,341,000, excluding project add alternates.

Given the variance between the existing project budget and the submitted bids, the City has decided to reject all bids and re-evaluate the project elements, and possibly rebid the project in a refined design concept

➢ Commissioner Widmyer shared that he will work with City Administrator Tymesen and Parks Director Greenwood to keep this initiative moving forward. The City will be re-engaging with the funding partners on a new concept in the near future.

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Young Avenue Property: Disposition Discussion

Ex. Director Berns shared a refresher overview of the actions to date involving the Agency owned property south of city hall located off Young Avenue depicted below.

As the graphic illustrates, the Agency owned property is highlighted in red, with a March 2017 appraised value of $960,000. The Agency’s total purchase cost for this property totals $629,000.

Following the appraisal, the Agency was approached by the City regarding a potential land trade involving City-owned right of way property adjacent to Tilford Lane in the Riverstone development that is adjacent to Agency owned right of way property in that area. Both right of way properties are abandoned railroad right of ways. This proposed land trade was initiated due to the desire of the Tubbs Hill Foundation to obtain use of the Agency’s Young Avenue property for Foundation related activities. Recently, this proposed land trade was withdrawn by the City, thus the re-evaluation of the disposition possibilities of the Agency owned property on Young Avenue.

Ex. Director Berns shared that back in 2015, Architects West was engaged to provide development scenarios for the board to consider on the Young Avenue property. Numerous development concepts were presented to the board at that time ranging from single family housing to commercial developm ent (refer to the August 2015 ignite cda board meeting minutes for further details). At that time, the board favored the “pocket housing” development scenario as depicted below.

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Ex. Director Berns shared that in 2015, the City supported the pocket housing type of development. Since then, the City has rescinded the pocket park development option. Recently, Ex. Director Berns asked Phil Boyd of WelchComer Engineers to develop a three-lot draft development concept for the Young Avenue property that would place a portion of this property back on the tax rolls via three lot sales, while gifting the remainder of the property to the City for future public use. Following is an initial draft development concept of the threelot sale scenario.

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As for potential sale values of the three-lot concept, a similar sized lot (6,720 sf) that the Agency recently sold on N. Park Drive sold for $241,100. If the three proposed Young Avenue lots sold for an average of $250,000 the Agency would realize gross proceeds of $750,000 translating into an estimated land gift (19,326 square feet) value to the City of $210,000 (math: $960,000 - $750,000).

George Sayler, President of the Tubbs Hill Foundation, was invited to address the board re. the Foundation’s position. Mr. Saylor shared that although Ex. Director Berns had shared the development concept as presented today, the Foundation had no formal response to provide at the board meeting since the Foundation board had yet to meet on the proposed Young Avenue development concept as presented. Mr. Sayler shared that he did meet with several Foundation board members and their position, as stated in the past, is to still preserve all of the Young Avenue property as open green space. The Foundation still feels that this open space is of benefit to the community. The Foundation believes City Council supports the use of the area as public space.

➢ Commissioner Hoskins thanked Mr. Sayler for his comments, and asked if the Foundation has the ability and desire to buy property?

• Mr. Sayler shared that yes, that is a tenet of the Foundation.

➢ Commissioner Armon asked if there is some form of compromise to be found in this discussion between the Agency and the Foundation? Can the Foundation contribute some level of financial contribution to the Agency for the Young Avenue property to help the Agency with its fiduciary responsibly for the taxpayer investment in the property?

• Mr. Sayler shared that yes, that is a conversation that the Foundation can continue with the Agency.

➢ Commissioner English shared that he does not see a short-term time crunch re. the disposition of the Young Avenue property. He would like to add value to Tubbs Hill, but also understands the fiduciary role of the Agency to spend taxpayer funds wisely, and thus he supports some further discussion with the Foundation on their potential funding role re. the property.

Mr. Sayler shared that he will work with Ex. Director Berns re. a possible Foundation funding role pertaining to the Young Avenue property.

Midtown Property: Disposition Discussion

Background: earlier in 2018, the board sought development proposals for the Agency’s Midtown property outlined in red in the graphic below. No viable development proposals were received. An adhoc team (Commissioners Garcia, Metts & Widmyer) was formed to evaluate next steps for the described property. The adhoc team encouraged the board to perform a parking study in Midtown prior to further discussing the disposition of the described property. The Midtown parking study was completed in September 2018.

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Ex. Director Berns discussed the potential divestiture of the Agency owned property in Midtown outlined in red in the graphic below: the Agency’s 813 -821 N. 4th Street undeveloped lots and the Agency’s 823 N. 4th land/building. The Agency’s acquisition cost for these properties totals $636,311. The genesis of this discussion emanated from:

• the recent sale by The Housing Company to a private individual of the “Junk” building/property located at 811 N. 4th Street on the corner of 4th and Roosevelt that borders the south end of the Agency’s ownership,

• the recently completed Midtown parking study which indicates the existence of sufficient parking resources for this area of Midtown,

• the Agency’s strategy to invest capital fundin g into the expanded Lake District area of the former Stimson mill site

The Agency owned public parking lots outlined in blue would be retained as long-term public parking assets in Midtown. A possibility for expanding the 3 rd Street public parking lot to the south is being explored which would entail acquiring a small section of the northern portion of the adjacent privately-owned lot located at 824 3rd Street that is already paved and used for tenant parking. Acquiring this portion of the adjacent lot would allow the parking count on the 3rd street lot to be increased; the net number of new spaces possible via this potential acquisition is still being determined.

Ex. Director Berns suggested that the Agency’s 813-821 N. 4th Street undeveloped lots and the Agency’s 823 N. 4th land/building owned properties be either: 1. considered for a potential surplus land sale by the Agency or 2. included in a new Request for Proposal (RFP) process that would seek development proposals from interested parties

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➢ Commissioner Garcia shared that as part of the adhoc team, she discussed Midtown stakeholder feedback re. the parking study with Commissioner Metts. Midtown stakeholders have expressed their feedback as to the need for better parking management in Midtown. Both commissioners reviewed the parking study and feel that a majority of the stakeholder’s issues revolve around better code enforcement, improved street parking signage and possibly improvements to the two existing ignite cda owned surface parking lots (e.g. improved signage on the Agency lots, improved lighting).

➢ Commissioner Widmyer shared that given the recent changes that have occurred in Midtown, he supports issuing a new RFP for the Agency owned parcels delineated in red in the graphic, with the requirement that the RFPs include some level of public space in the proposal.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to issue a new RFP for the Agency’s 813-821 N. 4th Street undeveloped lots and the Agency’s 823 N. 4th land/building owned properties, with a condition that proposals submitted include some level of public space, directing Ex. Director Berns to prepare and issue said RFP.

Motion carried.

Initiative Updates

1. Seltice Way Road Revitalization: Update

• 10/3 – 10/8: Atlas Roundabout center island plantings, irrigation, mulch/bark, and rock placement.

• Week of 10/15: Seeding of all other areas.

• 10/15 - 10/31: Project cleanup and punch list items.

2. North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The project is moving forward, however several project related issues have caused the project’s completion date to be extended from February 2, 2019 to April 29, 2019


Commissioner Hoskins shared that he recently attended the grand opening of the new downtown CDA skatepark located at Memorial Park. The event was well attended by many users and supporters of skateboarding in the community. Skatepark members presented Commissioner Hoskins with statuette made from an actual skateboard in the shape of the state of Idaho; a very nice recognition to the ignite board for their support and financial contribution to the new skatepark.

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No public comment provided.

9. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director Subsection (1) (f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Cod e Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director. Subsection (1)(f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation.

Roll Call: Goodlander Absent Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Absent Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes

Motion carried.

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:43 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, Counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding the evaluation of the executive director and communication with legal counsel re. pending litigation No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 6:05 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to award Ex. Director Berns a ½% salary merit bonus for work performed on many Agency initiatives, specifically the Stimpson mill site initiative. The merit bonus percentage will not be added into the Ex. Director’s base salary.

Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns

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Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda Special Call Board meeting to order at 10:30

ignite cda board members attending meeting: Garcia, English, Jordan, Hoskins, Widmyer, Chapkis, Goodlander, Armon

ignite cda staff present: ignite cda legal counsel present: Berns Quade


Commissioner Garcia moved to enter Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(f) to communicate with legal counsel to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likel y to be litigated. Commissioner Chapkis seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Armon: Approved Chapkis: Approved Garcia: Approved English: Approved Widmyer: Approved Jordan: Approved Metts: Absent Hoskins: Approved Goodlander: Approved


Motion carried.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Armon to exit Executive Session. Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Widmyer, to authorize the Executive Director and ignite cda legal counsel to proceed pursuant to discussion in Executive Session with regards to the proposed settlement agreement.

Motion carried.


Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda Board meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.






Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Chapkis, Garcia, Hoskins, Widmyer, Metts, Goodlander

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade



Frank Kaderka, who owns Norms Downtown Auto Body on CDA Avenue, commented that the new parking garage looks great, and the new streetscaping looks great on the south side of CDA Avenue and hopes that the City/Agency would improve the streetscaping on the north side of CDA Avenue, potentially adding benches, trees, lights. This would tie the street together; looks lopsided right now.


October 17, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the October 17, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

November 6, 2018 Special Call Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the November 6, 2018 special call board meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Meeting Minutes 11/21/18 1


Hilary Anderson, City of CDA Planning Director, shared an overview of the Midtown Parking Study results with the board. Following are key slides from her presentation:

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The board thanked Ms. Anderson for her presentation and plans to work with the City on Midtown parking opportunities as they arise.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon

Lake & River District Monthly Financials

Lake & River District Payables

Meeting Minutes 11/21/18 4

Ex. Director Berns, in Commissioner Armon’s stead, reviewed and discussed the October Lake and River District financial statements, and the October / November account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to approve the October financial statements and the October / November accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Washington Trust Bank River District Series 2019 Note Resolution 19-01: Approval of Washington Trust Bank River District 2019 Note (authorized by the ignite cda board on November 21, 2018 with the Note closing scheduled for January 2019)

Ex. Director Berns and Counsel Quade provided an overview of the resolution to the board. Following is a summary of Resolution 19-01:

A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of the Coeur d’Alene Urban Renewal Agency d/b/a ignite cda, the urban renewal agency of the City of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, authorizing the issu ance and sale to Washington Trust Bank of its Revenue Allocation Note, Series 2019 (River District Redevelopment Project), in the principal amount of up to $7,000,000 to finance in part the redevelopment of the River District Urban Renewal Area, including but not limited to financing costs of (i) any eligible capital expenditure projects within the River District Urban Renewal Area, as amended, authorized under the River District Redevelopment Plan, as amended, and (ii ) costs of issuing the Series 2019 Note (collectively, the “Project”); authorizing the date, maturity, and other terms of the Note and the accompanying Note Purchase and Security Agreement; authorizing the Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Di rector to take appropriate action and providing an effective date

Motion by Commissioner Widmyer, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, to approve Resolution 19-01 authorizing the Washington Trust Bank $7.0 Million River District Series 2019 Note effective November 21, 2108 with closing of the Note scheduled for January 2019.

Roll Call: Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes

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Armon Absent English Absent Chapkis Yes

Motion carried ▪ Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) shared that the City’s Parking Commission has finalized parking rates and has prioritized pricing from the most strategic parking lots to the less strategic lots

Parking Garage Project Update: Commissioner Jordan and Ex. Director Berns shared that a ribbon cutting for the new parking garage was held on November 20, and that the garage is planned to open to the public in the very near future.


Young Avenue Property: Disposition Discussion / Tubbs Hill Foundation Background: please refer to the October 17, 2018 ignite cda board meeting minutes for further background on this item. Following is background pertinent to today’ s discussion

Agency owned property south of city hall located off Young Avenue is depicted below.

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As the graphic illustrates, the Agency owned property is highlighted in red, with a March 2017 appraised value of $960,000. The Agency’s total purchase cost for this property totals $629,000.

Following the appraisal, the Agency was approached by the City regarding a potential land trade involving City-owned right of way property adjacent to Tilford Lane in the Riverstone development that is adjacent to Agency owned right of way property in that area. Both right of way properties are abandoned railroad right of ways. This proposed land trade was initiated due to the desire of the Tubbs Hill Foundation to obtain use of the Agency’s Young Avenue property for Foundation related activities. Recently, this proposed land trade was withdrawn by the City, thus the re-evaluation of the disposition possibilities of the Agency owned property on Young Avenue.

Recently, Ex. Director Berns asked Phil Boyd of Welch-Comer Engineers to develop a three-lot draft development concept for the Young Avenue property that would place a portion of this property back on the tax rolls via three lot sales, while gifting the remainder of the property to the City for future public use. Following is an initial draft development concept of the three-lot sale scenario.

As for potential sale values of the three-lot concept, a similar sized lot (6,720 sf) that the Agency recently sold on N. Park Drive sold for $241,100. If the three proposed Young Avenue lots sold for an average of $250,000 the Agency would realize gross proceeds of $750,000 translating into an estimated land gift (19,326 square feet) value to the City of $210,000 (math: $960,000 - $750,000).

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George Sa yler, President of the Tubbs Hill Foundation, thanked the board for the continuing conversation re. the Young Avenue property and shared with the board both a Foundation newsletter and a letter from the Foundation pertaining to the potential future use of the Agency owned Young Avenue property. The essence of the Foundation letter is captured in the excerpts below:

… the mission of the Tubbs Hill foundation is, in part, to be: “dedicated to the preservation of Tubbs Hill City Park as a unique and natural lakeside forest typical of North Idaho, while providing for compatible public use of this special place…and to…advise city administration on issues pertaining to the park….” Maintaining the Young Avenue property as public open space would enhance public use of Tubbs Hill as well as McEuen Park.

As you may infer, the Tubbs Hill Foundation believes the most valuable use of the Young Avenue property is to maintain it as a public space, and to utilize it in ways that would enhance access to and enjoyment of Tubbs Hill, as well as McEuen Park. It could serve as a natural link between the two, provide new more desirable access to Tubbs Hill from the north side, be used for environmental education, or even as a site for a small grove of Idaho’s state tree, the White Pine.

We pledge ourselves to work with ignite cda and the city to find a way to keep this land for the public, including the offer of property we hold on Cherry Hill. The heritage of Coeur d’Alene has been to acquire and protect Tubbs Hill for current and future generations to enjoy as a natural park, set along our beautiful lake. As part of that tradition the Tubbs Hill Foundation is committed to preserving the long-term health of the hill while keeping it available for appropriate public use. Let us work together to co ntinue that work.

Chuck Hosack, also a Tubbs Hill Foundation member, discussed the Foundation’s Cherry Hill property. This property asset could be liquidated as part of a partnership conversation with ignite cda. The Cherry Hill property was gifted to the Foundation by Art Manly years ago, with the intent that the Foundation use the value of the property for the benefit of Tubbs Hill. Mr. Hosack shared that he is not sure of the property’s current market value, but it will be much less than the amount of money ignite cda has invested in the Young Avenue property. This property asset is all of the resources that the Foundation possesses.

➢ Commissioner Goodlander shared that she feels the Young Avenue property should be placed in the public realm and should be used as public space to benefit Tubbs Hill.

Motion by Goodlander, seconded by Chapkis, to gift the Agency’s Young Avenue property to the City of CDA to be used as public space.

Yes – Goodlander, Chapkis, Widmyer

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No – Jordan, Metts, Garcia, Hoskins. Motion failed.

➢ Commissioner Garcia shared that she feels that a fiduciary discussion re. the Agency’s investment in the Young Avenue property needs to occur prior to any formal board action re. gifting the Young Avenue property to the City and recommended that the issue be taken up by the Finance Committee for further discussion.

Motion by Garcia, seconded by Metts, directing the Ex. Director to work with the Finance Committee on the opportunity costs associated with transferring this property asset to the City, considering the advantages of the property as public space but also considering the fiduciary elements of the Agency’s current investment in the property and the advantages of using the inherent value of the property for other Agency initiatives in the Lake District.

Yes – Hoskins, Garcia, Metts, Jordan

No - Widmyer, Chapkis, Goodlander

Motion carried.

Parking Garage Property Transfer Agreement with City of CDA Ex. Director Berns and Counsel Quade shared with the board a property transfer agreement wherein the Agency would transfer to the City of CDA via quitclaim deed the following Agency owned property associated with the new downtown parking garage:

Ignite owns certain real property situated within the Agency’s Lake District Project Area pursuant to the Agency’s Lake District Redevelopment Plan (the “Plan”), which real property is contiguous to certain property owned by the City and upon which a parking garage has been constructed. The Agency’s property (collectively the “Property”) is more particularly described as follow:

• 213 N. 4th Street: CDA & Kings Addition, S. 25 feet, Lots 5 and 6, Block H, URD Lake District 1997;

• 214 N. 3rd Street: CDA & Kings Addition, Lot 1, Block H, URD Lake District 1997; and

• 308 E. Coeur d’Alene Avenue: CDA & Kings Addition, Lot 2, Block H, URD Lake District 1997.

The Agency desires to transfer the Property to the City for use as a public parking garage in accordance with the Plan, as authorized by Idaho Code Section 50-2015(f) (the “Act”)

The City desires to accept the transfer of the Property and to comply with the Act.

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Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to approve the Parking Garage Property Transfer Agreement, transferring the following Agency owned property assets via quitclaim deed to the City of CDA:

• 213 N. 4th Street: CDA & Kings Addition, S. 25 feet, Lots 5 and 6, Block H, URD Lake District 1997;

• 214 N. 3rd Street: CDA & Kings Addition, Lot 1, Block H, URD Lake District 1997; and

• 308 E. Coeur d’Alene Avenue: CDA & Kings Addition, Lot 2, Block H, URD Lake District 1997. Motion carried.

N. Park Drive Lots: Combination of Tract A with Lot 1 Background: when the N. Park Drive subdivision was being developed, city Administrator Hammond requested that the Tract A (see graphic below) area be excluded from the lot platting process for possible future city use combined with the BLM lease area.

With the finalization of the northern border of Memorial Park now in place, and the completion of the earthen berm work underway, Bill Greenwood (City of CDA Parks Director) sees no value to the City of owning the Tract A property, and thus recommends that ignite cda retain ownership of Tract A and that Tract A be combined with Lot 1. Having a larger Lot 1 footprint will most likely assist in the sale of Lot 1.

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➢ Commissioner Jordan asked Planning Director Anderson if the Agency would have to replat the area, possibly providing some access to Tract A off of N. Park Drive.

• Ms. Anderson shared that yes, a replat would be necessary and access points could be evaluated during the process.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, directing the Ex. Director to work with the City to combine Tract A with Lot 1 as presented, also evaluating additional access points off N. Park Drive into the Tract A / Lot 1 parcel. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates:

Stimson Mill Site / Riverstone Area Traffic Impact Study

The Welch-Comer transportation team has completed the analysis of the existing network and are now in the middle of analyzing the future network as well as mitigations. They have coordinated with the City, KMPO, as well as the River’s Edge developer to determine the location and impacts of future development and appropriate growth rates. At the City’s request, the Welch-Comer team will discuss these topics at the December 11th P&Z meeting where Lancze Douglass’ River’s Edge project will be presented.

Memorial Grandstand Project

Background: please refer to the October 17, 2018 ignite cda board meeting minutes for further background on this initiative

Following the City’s rejection of the three bids submitted for the Memorial Grandstand renovation project in October, the City decided to seek Request for Qualifications (RFQs) from Construction Managers / General Contractors (CM/GC Services).

The City intends to construct this project using the Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) delivery process. Additionally, the City intends to select one or more qualified construction managers /general contractors from those who respond to the RFQ for this project.

The City is planning to construct the following project for which CM/GC Services are required:

➢ A remodel of the existing Memorial Grandstands that will include structural modifications, carpentry, roofing, siding, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, ADA improvements, and other work, as described in the design drawings and specifications, prepared by Architects West, dated August 14, 2018.

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➢ The maximum allowable construction cost for this project has been established as $1,250,000 including contingencies, special inspection and testing fees, and hazardous materials removal to be procured by the City

➢ It is the intent of the City that the three main components of the Project Team will consist of the City including their Representative, the Architectural Design Team, and the CM/GC.

The FY19 Memorial Grandstand renovation project funding budget for ignite cda is $1,161,570 which includes $150,000 in partnership funding from North Idaho College (NIC) Ignite cda has spent $68,083 for Architects West design fees, thus reducing the available ignite cda / NIC funding amount to $1,093,487.

Midtown Request for Proposals (RFP)

Ex. Director Berns shared that per board direction received in October, the Midtown RFP has been issued, with proposals due January 11, 2019.

North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Facility

The contractor is starting to make significant progress; plan is to have the roof of the building completed by month end The project is going very smoothly except for the construction element involving the board formed concrete sandwich walls; these walls have been much more time consuming and difficult to construct than envisioned The facility is scheduled to be complete by April 29th.


No comments were provided.


Greg Johnson – commented on Midtown parking issues/opportunities, especially the opportunities involved with the alleys on both sides of 4th street and the ignite cda parking lots.

10. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206

Subsection (1) (b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director

Subsection (1) (f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Metts, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Cod e Section 74-206:

Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.

Subsection (1)(f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation.

Meeting Minutes 11/21/18 12

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Yes Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Absent English Absent Chapkis Yes

Motion carried.

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:26 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, Counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring property not owned by a public agency and communication with legal counsel re. pending litigation No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 5:49 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Metts, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns.

Meeting Minutes 11/21/18 13





Chairman Hoskins called the ignite cda board meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

ignite cda board members present: Jordan, Chapkis, Garcia, Hoskins, Widmyer, Goodlander, Armon, English

ignite cda staff present: Berns ignite cda legal counsel present: Quade


Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to remove the Hawley-Troxell conflict disclosure letter agenda item from the agenda. Motion carried.


No public comment was provided.


November 21, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to approve the November 21, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion carried.


Panhandle Area Council (PAC)

Recusal: Commissioner Widmyer recused himself f rom any discussion and voting on this agenda item.

Abstention: Commissioner Armon abstained from voting on this issue since he is a member of Kootenai Health’s Board of Trustees.

Abstention: Commissioner Hoskins abstained from voting on this issue since he is employed by Kootenai Health.

Meeting Minutes 12/19/18 1

Nicole Kahler, Ex. Director of CDA 2030, shared with the board some background as to CDA 2030’s involvement with this effort, and introduced Wally Jacobsen, PAC Ex. Director, who introduced Tom Hudson, consultant to PAC, who shared an overview of the Health Corridor Eligibilit y Report with the board. Following are key slides from his presentation. CDA City Council passed a resolution on December 18, 2018 accepting the Health Corridor Eligibility Report as prepared and submitted by PAC.

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Proposed Health Corridor Boundary


Chairman Hoskins asked Counsel Quade to share an overview of how an urban renewal district is formed. Counsel Quade shared the following steps:

1. An Eligibility Report is prepared for the geographic area being considered for an urban renewal district

2. Once the Eligibility Report is approved by City Council, City Council tasks the urban renewal agency to prepare a master plan and economic feasibility study for the proposed district, which involves engaging a consultant team that works with the Agency, City and community stakeholders.

3. The master plan and economic feasibility study once completed is taken for approval to the urban renewal agency board, then to the City’s P&Z Commission, then to City Council.

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Chairman Hoskins invited Kootenai Health’s CEO Jon Ness to visit with the board. Mr. Ness shared key insights as to the strategic geographic location and strategic priorities of Kootenai Health, and shared that Kootenai Health’s goal is to grow in place on the existing campus to meet the health care needs of the growing community and looks forward to partnering with the Agency and the City of CDA to achieve that goal.

Resolution 19-02: Acceptance of Health Corridor Eligibility Report

Motion by Commissioner Goodlander, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to approve Resolution 19-02 accepting the Health Corridor Eligibility Report as prepared and submitted by the Panhandle Area Council.

Roll Call:

Goodlander Yes Garcia Yes Chapkis Yes Widmyer Recused Metts Absent Armon Abstain Jordan Yes Hoskins Abstain English Yes

Motion carried.

6. PRESENTATION: SCHOOL DISTRICT 271 (SD271) – Dr. Steve Cook, SD271 Superintendent

Dr. Cook shared an overview of SD271 strategic priorities with the board which include:

• SD271 being more engaged in the community, reaching out to organizations like ignite cda.

• Working with community leaders re. the growing community and the impacts of a growing community on school district needs.

• Partnering with community leaders on future planning for school capacity; e.g. each new 100-unit apartment complex translates into approximately 40 new children into the school district.

• SD271 wants to be on ignite cda’s radar for any upcoming opportunities wherein the Agency sees an impact/opportunity for the school district.

Dr. Cook also touched on the permanent supplemental levy issue. Although the SD271 School Board has chosen not to go down the permanent supplemental levy path at this time, he feels it is important to continue the conversation. As background, currently, Idaho Code does not prohibit urban renewal agencies from taking a portion of any permanent levies initiated by a school district. This may have been an oversight by the legislature several years ago when they removed the ability for urban renewal agencies to take any portion of a voter approved annual or biannual levy.

Dr. Cook asked the ignite cda board to be willing to consider entering into some type of agreement in the future wherein the ignite cda board would agree to not

Meeting Minutes 12/19/18 5

take any portion of a voter approved permanent supplemental levy (if one were to be established). Dr. Cook shared that following conversations with Ex. Director Berns and Agency counsel Quade, his understanding is that the Agency might entertain some form of agreement since the Agency has not planned on using any school district funds in the Agency’s long-range planning models. The SD271 School Board would also need to agree to such an agreement if an agreement moves forward in the future.

Jeff Voeller, SD271 Director of Operations, shared that SD271 wants to be a resource to the board on any topic where appropriate.

Chairman Hoskins thanked Dr. Cook and Mr. Voeller for their visit with the board and for all they do for the community.


▪ Finance – Commissioner Armon Lake & River District Monthly Financials Lake & River District Payables

Commissioner Armon reviewed and discussed the November Lake and River District financial statements, and the November / December account payables with the board.

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner English, to approve the November financial statements and the November / December accounts payables for the Lake & River Districts. Motion carried.

Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Report – Scott Hoover, CPA

Mr. Hoover shared a summary o f the Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Audit Report with the board, discussing key elements of the audit process. Mr. Hoover shared that the FY18 financial statements fairly present, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities and each major fund of ignite cda, and the respective changes in the FY18 financial position ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Goodlander, to accept the Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Report as submitted and presented by Scott Hoover, CPA. Motion carried.

Young Avenue Property: Disposition Discussion / Tubbs Hill Foundation

Background: please refer to the October 17, 2018 and November 21, 2018 ignite cda board meeting minutes for further background on this item.

Meeting Minutes 12/19/18 6

At the November 21, 2018 board meeting, Commissioner Garcia shared that she felt that a fiduciary discussion re. the Agency’s investment in the Young Avenue property needs to occur prior to any formal board action re. gifting the Young Avenue property to the City and recommended that the issue be taken up by the Finance Committee for further discussion.

The Finance Committee discussed the Young Avenue issue and shared the following items/issues for board consideration:

• Ignite cda investment in Young Avenue property: $629K

• Appraised value for Young Avenue property: $960K

• Young Avenue asset sale proceeds contained in Lake District financial planning model: $750K

• Commissioner Jordan’s value estimate of the Tubbs Hill Foundation Cherry Heights parcel asset: $65K

Commissioner Armon shared that before the board takes any formal disposition action on the Young Avenue property, the board needs to understand the opportunity costs associated with potentially gifting the property to the City of CDA without any form of compensation. To that end, Ex. Director Berns has been asked to develop a list of potential projects in the Lake District that the board could consider funding in the final three years of the Lake District’s term. Consideration and discussion of that project list will help the board make a better-informed decision as to the disposition strategy for the Young Avenue property.

▪ Parking – Commissioner Jordan

Commissioner Jordan (who serves as the ignite cda representative on the City’s Parking Commission) had no report to share.


Coeurllaborate” Project Conditional IRA

Background: In November 2016, the ignite cda board agreed to a conditional Improvement Reimbursement Agreement (IRA) in the amount of $680K for public improvements associated with the proposed Coeurllaborate project: a proposed 200,000 square foot, mixed-use, LEED certified, solar powered, Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott-anchored entrepreneurial and economic development focused hospitality center project on Northwest Boul evard. Please refer to those meeting minutes for further details re. this issue.

The Finance Committee recently discussed the status of this project. According to the City, the developer of the proposed project has until December 31, 2018 to pull a building permit for this project. Since conditional ignite cda project funding has been approved for over two years, without any movement forward on the project, the Finance Committee discussed rescinding the conditional IRA

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commitment if a building permit is not pulled by the end of the year. If the developer chooses to move forward with the project at a later date, he could approach the board again at that time for ignite cda partnership funding consideration.

Motion by Commissioner Armon, seconded by Commissioner Chapkis, to rescind the Agency’s current conditional Coeurllaborate IRA in the amount of $680,000 if the developer does not pull a building permit for the project by December 31, 2018. Motion carried.

N. Park Drive Lots: Combination of Tract A with Lot 1 Background: refer to the November 21, 2018 ignite cda board meeting minutes for further information re. this issue.

With the finalization of the northern border of Memorial Park now in place, and the completion of the earthen berm work underway, Bill Greenwood (City of CDA Parks Director) sees no value to the City of owning the Tract A property, and thus recommends that ignite cda retain ownership of Tract A and that Tract A be combined with Lot 1. Having a larger Lot 1 footprint will most likely assist in the sale of Lot 1. Ex. Director Berns discussed the possibility of selling Tract A with Lot 1 for the current listing price of Lot 1 ($239,000).

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Motion by Commissioner Chapkis, seconded by Commissioner Armon, agreeing to sell Tract A with Lot 1 which increases the lot size of Lot 1, and to leave the current sales price of Lot 1 plus Tract A unchanged at $239,000. Motion carried.

Initiative Updates:

Stimson Mill Site / Riverstone Area Traffic Impact Study

The Welch-Comer transportation team has completed the anal ysis of the existing network and are now in the middle of analyzing the future network as well as mitigations. They have coordinated with the City, KMPO, as well as the River’s Edge developer to determine the location and impacts of future development and appropriate growth rates. The Welch-Comer team discussed a draft version of the traffic impact study at the December 11th P&Z meeting. A second public workshop re. the traffic impact study is scheduled for 5:00 pm on December 20 in the Community Room of the Library.

Memorial Grandstand Project

Background: please refer to the October 17, 2018 and November 21, 2018 ignite cda board meeting minut es for further background on this initiative

Following the City’s rejection of the three bids submitted for the Memorial Grandstand renovation project in October, the City decided to seek Request for Qualifications (RFQs) from Construction Managers / General Contractors (CM/GC Services) The City intends to construct this project using the Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) delivery process with a budget of $1,250,000 The FY19 Memorial Grandstand renovation project funding budget for ignite cda is $1,161,570 which includes $150,000 in partnership funding from North Idaho College (NIC). Ignite cda has spent $68,083 for Architects West design fees, thus reducing the available ignite cda / NIC funding amount to $1,093,487.

The City has selected Walker Construction as the CM/GC for the Memorial Grandstand renovation project and is working on a contract at this time

Midtown Request for Proposals


Ex. Director Berns shared that per board direction received in October, the Midtown RFP has been issued, with proposals due January 11, 2019.

North Idaho Collaborative Education (NICE) Fa cility

The contractor continues to make progress The building is mostly framed, roof installation is nearly complete, and work continues on interior project elements. The facility is scheduled to be complete by May 2019.

CDA Avenue Streetscaping Initiative

Ex. Director Berns shared that he has reached out to members of the City lead team to discuss the possibility of streetscaping improvements on CDA Avenue

Meeting Minutes 12/19/18 9

from 5th Street down to 2nd. A City task team has met, and they have identified needed streetscaping elements (e.g. street trees, lights, bulb outs) with corresponding locations. Sidewalk assessments still need to occur Development of costs for proposed enhancements will occur in January.


Chairman Hoskins shared that Commissioner Goodlander is retiring from the board following 18 years of service on the board. Chairman Hoskins, on behalf of the board, presented Commissioner Goodlander with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for all of her years of s ervice to the community, including her time on both the ignite cda board and CDA City Council and CDA Arts Commission All of the other board members echoed Chairman Hoskins sentiments.

10. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment provided.

11. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Idaho Code Section 74-206 Subsection (1) (b): to consider the evaluation of the ignite cda executive director Subsection (1) (f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation

Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Armon, to convene an Executive Session, as provided by Idaho Code Section 74-206: Subsection (1)(c): to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Subsection (1)(f): to communicate with legal counsel re. pending litigation.

Roll Call: Goodlander Yes Widmyer Yes Garcia Yes Metts Absent Jordan Yes Hoskins Yes Armon Yes English Yes Chapkis Yes Motion carried

The ignite cda board entered Executive Session at 5:45 p.m. Those present were the ignite cda Board of Commissioners, Counsel Quade, and Ex. Director Berns. Deliberations were conducted regarding acquiring property not owned by a public agency and communication with legal counsel re. pending litigation. No action was taken in Executive Session and the ignite cda board returned to regular session at 6:06 p.m.


Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hoskins, to adjourn. Motion carried.

The ignite cda board meeting adjourned at 6:07 p.m. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ex. Director Berns

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Coeur d’Alene’s Urban Renewal Agency

105 N. 1st, Suite 100

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 info@ignitecda.org

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