2021 Annual Report

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Parks, Recreation and Culture Parks, Recrea on and Culture is responsible for building and maintaining the District’s parks, public green spaces and indoor and outdoor recrea onal spaces as well as coordina ng recrea on opportuni es, the community theatre, Live! In Lake Country performances and other pubic art and cultural events. The department is responsible for facility maintenance and opera ons. 2021 FAST FACTS 10 9 4 11 4,160

Community Parks Neighbourhood Parks Regional Parks Theatre Events Live! In Lake Country a endees

227 Recrea on Programs 2,051 Program Par cipants

Multi-Generational Activity Centre Lake Country is now home to the Mul ‐Genera onal Ac vity Centre, providing a place for ac vi es and group gatherings, building on the offerings of the Winfield recrea on complex, and ensuring families in Lake Country have the supports they need. The District of Lake Country received $6.155 million through the Canada Community‐Building Fund for this project in addi on to $500,000 from the Province of BC through the Childcare BC New Spaces Fund. The three‐storey, 19,000 sq. . building provides a central loca on for the Lake Country branch of the BGC Okanagan, seniors’ ac vi es and other collabora ve and sustainable community ac vity programming. Addi onally, renova ons were made to the Winfield Arena and Curling Club as well as the Seniors’ Ac vity Centre to address accessibility issues and create dynamic places for people to gather, The total cost of the project was $8.175 million, with the District of Lake Country contribu ng $1.52 million.

Woodsdale Indigenous Cultural Centre and Park A Project Advisory Commi ee with representa ves from the Okanagan Indian Band and the District of Lake Country has been established to guide the design of an Indigenous Cultural Centre and Nature Park. The Centre will be located along the Okanagan Rail Trail at the corner of Woodsdale Road and Oyama Road on the south shore of Wood Lake (the former Woodsdale Packinghouse site). The project will celebrate the history of the Okanagan People in this region. It will also provide a unique and memorable entrance to the Okanagan Rail Trail. The project was awarded grant funding through the Inves ng in Canada Infrastructure Program ‐ Community, Culture and Recrea on Stream.

Shoreline Park Playground Upgraded A new play structure was added to the children’s playground at Shoreline Park, a move prompted by public input in 2019. The Lakes Community Associa on contributed $5,000 towards the $30,000 project. The improved playground was the top priority for neighbourhood residents. The playground plays an important role for families in this centrally located community park. The new addi on to the play structure included slides, climbing apparatuses and other features. District of Lake Country 2021 Annual Report


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