2021 Annual Report

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Council’s Strategic Priorities OVERARCHING PRIORITIES:

INFRASTRUCTURE Well maintained infrastructure and facili es that meet community needs and allow growth and development for prosperity.

ECONOMY Building a strong and vibrant community by a rac ng, suppor ng and retaining businesses and residents.

GOVERNANCE Fiscally sustainable government focused on strategic decision‐making, transparency and inclusiveness.

ENVIRONMENT Maintaining a healthy and natural environment through responsible use, protec on and sustainable prac ces.

SOCIAL Building Social Capital and engaging ci zens and partners to improve the well‐being and diversity of the community 6

Our Commitment: Addressing Climate Change in All Decisions Support quality development that respects public safety, environment and community needs Finish what we started

2021 ACHIEVEMENTS  Successful Alterna ve Approval Process for borrowing $8.84 million for Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 4 Upgrade.  Council presenta on in May on update to Water Master Plan.  Council review of Highways and Traffic Regula on Bylaw

ONGOING OBJECTIVES  Secure long term wastewater service delivery for the community  Ensure sustainable water service delivery for the community  Create infrastructure that meets community needs

2021 ACHIEVEMENTS  Economic Development Strategy under development by Council’s Economic Development Commi ee  Related budget considera ons forwarded to 2022 financial plan delibera ons.

ONGOING OBJECTIVES  Support opportuni es to diversity lake country’s tax base.  Implement the Agricultural Plan  Encourage growth of the downtown core

2021 ACHIEVEMENTS  Council took part in several strategic sessions to inform the ongoing Zoning Bylaw review.  Bylaw Enforcement and Building Compliance Policy adopted.

ONGOING OBJECTIVES  Honour reconcilia on by strengthening rela onships and inclusiveness with our indigenous partners  Iden fy and support improvements to the development process  Explore opportuni es to engage with regional local governments for the be erment of the community

2021 ACHIEVEMENTS  Council reviewed a dra of the Forest and Vegeta on Strategy  Council began considera on of changes to development related bylaws to ensure protec on of the natural environment

ONGOING OBJECTIVES  Preserve, protect and enhance our natural environment.

2021 ACHIEVEMENTS  Council directed that a recrea onal needs assessment be undertaken in 2022  Funding request for submi ed for 2022 budget delibera ons

ONGOING OBJECTIVES  Review exis ng demand and capacity, future trends and projected needs  Create and support opportuni es for a healthy, ac ve and inclusive community.

District of Lake Country 2021 Annual Report

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