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Applied Life Science
Degree: Honours Bachelor of Science (Applied Life Sciences with Specialization in Biomedical Techniques) degree with Biotechnology–Health diploma
Year 1 to 2 – Georgian Barrie Year 3 to 4 – Lakehead Orillia OUAC Code: AA
Required 4U courses:
• English (ENG4U) • Advanced Functions (MHF4U) • Biology (SBI4U) • Chemistry (SCH4U)
Explore how life works. Delve into the world of living organisms – from microbes to human beings. Our life sciences program teaches you to understand the extent of biological diversity at the molecular level with a specific emphasis on training in laboratory and data analysis. You’ll be positioned for scientific careers such as microbiology or pharmaceutical research, you’ll have the option to pursue graduate studies, or use your education as a stepping stone to professional degree programs such as medicine, pharmacy, or forensics.
LakeheadGeorgian.ca/ appliedlifesciences
Jessica M., fourth-year student Hometown: Tottenham, Ontario
“With the field of science being such an intricate and rapidly advancing field, the Applied Life Science program is designed to push you. It’ll push you to change the way that you think about the world around you, provoking you to question things and contemplate the workings of nature from the macroscopic level at which you observe it, all the way down to the molecular level.”