Computer science plays a leading role in modern society, shaping our abilities and our future. From streaming music to planning a mission to Mars, the application of computer science offers innovative approaches to new challenges.
Think big as you explore the world of computer science while engaging in one of two focused program streams in Business or Science. The Business Focus provides a path to the Entrepreneurship Certificate from the Faculty of Business, whereas the Science Focus emphasizes Science and Environmental Science electives.
Experience high-tech labs and classrooms, access to a 240-core high performance computer Linux cluster, a stunning 3-D virtual reality lab, and learn about the latest advances in game programming, mobile computing, health informatics applications, big data, and cloud computing.
• Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (3 Years)
• Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of Science (4 Years - Thunder Bay Campus)
• Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of Science with Computer Programming Diploma (4 Years - Orillia Campus)
Crafted specifically to help guide you with your academic & career goals.
We have redesigned our programs to allow more flexibility in the choice of electives, including the reduction of the number of required mathematics courses, leaving additional mathematics courses as possible electives (a path students are strongly encouraged to pursue). The additional elective flexibility in the Science Focus allows students to pursue any area of interest that is offered by the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies.
We recently introduced a game programming specialization. To obtain this designation a specific set of Computer Science courses is required along with a related elective approved by the department. The specific computing courses are: Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Game Programming, and the Advanced Game Programming Project. These computing courses either have significant game programming applications or are entirely focused on game programming.
a dynamic area that has and will continue to drive innovation. Therefore, a key part of our education is about the knowledge and skills needed in order to capture the new technologies of the future. The following are some of our educational aims:
We are modernizing several computing courses to include higher technical details on Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Computing, Machine Learning, Data Sciences, Vision Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Cloud Computing and Big Data.
The emphasis is on computing technologies (cloud, big data, web) that are related to computational aspects of health care.
We offer two focus majors (Pure Computer Science and Computer Science with Business).
• Practical experience and theoretical understanding of design methods for the specification, programming and analysis of a wide range of computing systems.
• The ability to plan and accomplish a substantial project.
• Experience in co-operative working through team projects, with their demands on the management of partners and time.
• Skills in written and oral communication.
• The ability and confidence to learn, unaided, new subjects and to locate and critically evaluate information.
• High quality training at the graduate level for both industrial and further advanced study paths.
• An appreciation of the environmental impact of computer and network technologies and the skills to limit this impact with innovative approaches.
Your first year academic experience will depend on whether you’ve enrolled in the Business or Science stream, and if you’ve chosen to pursue our co-operative education program.
(required courses)
Computer Science 1411 and 1431 – Computer Programming I & II
Business 1512 – Basics of Accounting
Business 1511 – Basics of Management
Mathematics 1171 – Calculus I
Mathematics 1271 – Discrete Mathematics
One-credit combination of English, History, or Philosophy
During your undergrad you will have the opportunity to participate in our co-operative education program to gain rewarding experiences in the industry, acquire practical skills and earn an income to finance your education. We have placed over 700 students with industry partners including IBM, Environment Canada, RIM, Atomic Energy of Canada, the Canadian Grain Commission, CIBC and more.
(required courses)
Computer Science 1411 and 1431 – Computer Programming I & II
Mathematics 1171 – Calculus I
Mathematics 1271 – Discrete Mathematics
One-credit combination of English, History, or Philosophy
If you’re pursuing our co-operative education program, you may have a formal work period assignment in the summers after first and second year (Computer Science 1990, 2990) at the discretion of the Chair of the department. Otherwise, formal work period assignments do not begin until winter term of third year.
We have a full-time faculty member who is dedicated to mentoring first and second year students’ programming skills. This resource is particularly useful if you have limited experience in computer programming and would like one-on-one time with an expert in the field outside of your class and lab time.
We offer a unique Game Programming Specialization to all Computer Science majors. This specialization teaches you the intricacies of animation, two and three dimensional graphics, gameplay and much more while you develop single, multiplayer and mobile games.
Our department is small enough to provide you with direct access to the professors, and individual access to advanced computing equipment. Our faculty is active in its research, and committed to balancing theoretical information with hands-on opportunities. Projects and research papers are regularly integrated into our undergraduate courses.
Naimpally BSc (Mathematics) ’79, BSc (Computer Science) ’85 Patent Attorney, Muncy, Geissler, Old & Lowe, P.C.“Many of the inventors for whom I write patent applications have commented on my ability to express complex technical topics in an easy to understand manner, something that I learned from one of my professors at Lakehead.”
The Lakehead-Georgian Partnership is a collaboration between Lakehead University and Georgian College. Our one-of-a-kind program offers you the opportunity to earn a university degree and a college diploma in four years of full-time study.
Studying computer science is your gateway to mastering the technology that’s rapidly revolutionizing our world. It plays a leading role in modern society, whether it’s helping to fight crime, finding a cure for cancer, or planning a mission to Mars. Think big as you explore the world of computer science while engaging in a targeted program stream. This fouryear program will focus on understanding and working with complex computer systems.
• It’s the best of Lakehead University and Georgian College in one innovative program.
• Earn a university degree and a college diploma in just four years.
• We offer the applied skills and critical reasoning you need to graduate job ready! Learn more: lakeheadgeorgian.ca
Small class sizes. Hands-on learning. Workplace experience. Industry connections. Everything you need to launch a successful career.
Your university years will define the rest of your life.
Don’t let them be typical.
Students applying for first-year admission to Co-operative Computer Science will be judged for admission on the basis of academic credentials normally submitted to the University Registrar in the admission process. For more advanced applicants, university academic performance will also be considered.
Departmental recommendations for work-term placements will be made in the first week of each academic term which precedes a work term,
Fall & Winter: Classroom Session
Spring & Summer:
Optional Co-Op
Fall & Winter: Classroom Session
Spring & Summer: Optional Co-Op
and will be based on performance in the program to that point. Note that the first work period is optional, but that a student must obtain a positive recommendation from the department by the first required work term to remain registered in the program.
For more information on Co-Operative education, visit: lakeheadu.ca/coop
Or contact Student Success Centre: lakeheadu.ca/ssc
Fall: Classroom Session
Formal Co-Op
Spring & Summer:
Formal Co-Op
• Health Informatics Specialist
• Web Developer
• Webmaster
• Computer Network Specialist
• Game Developer
• Information Specialist
Fall & Winter: Classroom Session
Spring & Summer:
Formal Co-Op
• Security Specialist
• Mobile Application Developer
• Software Developer/Engineer
• Computer Programmer
• Applications Programmer
• Multimedia Programmer
Formal Co-Op
Winter: Classroom Session
• Technician/Technical Analyst
• IT Analyst/Manager
• Data Analyst
• Information Systems Designer