health matters. We make it a priority to play an active role.


Human health in its biological, psychological, social, and ecological context is of interest to everyone, from citizens to governments across the globe. At Lakehead, you will be immersed in an environment filled with innovative research and educational programming that will ensure you play an active role in building a healthy society. Our programs provide a truly unique, hands-on learning experience with close ties to many providers of healthcare, mental health and social services in our campus communities.
Crafted specifically to help guide you with your academic & career goals.

Joe Newhouse HBK ’20, HBA ‘22, Technical Director, Hockey Northwestern Ontario (HNO)
“The biggest impact Lakehead has had on my current working career is that it allowed and taught me how to communicate with professors and peers in a friendly yet professional manner. Because of the smaller class sizes, it is imperative that students and professors maintain healthy working relationships. ”
Community service learning provides you the opportunity to link your studies with our local communities. Many of our courses allow you to contribute towards helping address critical social issues in our neighbourhoods.
Many of our programs include internship or field school opportunities. Translate the concepts and principles learned in class into practical skills in the workplace. Research internships are great opportunities to enhance your field of study and can often lead to summer or even full-time employment.
Many of our programs have integrated practicums and placements, or the opportunity for field schools and trips. These experiences can range from clinical placement courses in Nursing or field practice experiences with human service agencies in Social Work.
Having hands-on experience related to your field of study before you even graduate gives you a competitive advantage as you enter into your career.
Lakehead University integrates practical components – such as internships, field school and community engagement – into its programs whenever possible.

The study of human movement and the factors that influence and support our body’s ability to move are examined within the field of Kinesiology.
As a Kinesiology student, you will examine a broad range of disciplines , including physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, aging populations, psychology, psychomotor behaviour, socio-cultural influences, musculoskeletal injuries, ergonomics, adapted physical activity, lifestyle management, and nutrition. You will be challenged to examine health and physical activity across the human lifespan.
The “Practice of Kinesiology” is a vital part of the School of Kinesiology curriculum and involves a series of practical courses designed to develop knowledge and skills through hands-on experience. Graduates of the Kinesiology program are eligible to challenge the exam to become a regulated health professional.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. As a Psychology student you get the opportunity to explore the latest discoveries and approaches to research in how thought, feeling, and behaviour happen, and how they are influenced by the environment. How do we perceive, think, and learn? What makes us unique? How are we influenced by our social and physical environments? How do biological factors and/or drugs affect us? How do different therapeutic interventions work? Explore these topics and more by choosing either one of our Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science programs, and consider combining your degree with a Bachelor in Education.
The Indigenous Nurses Entry Program provides a eight-month full-time transition for Indigenous students with an interest in Nursing. The program is designed to increase opportunities for Indigenous students, with the appropriate grade point average, to gain entry to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.
The School of Nursing fosters excellence in professional nursing knowledge and research through innovative education, there by promoting the health of individuals, groups and communities. Lakehead’s Nursing programs create a supportive learning environment to help students apply a broad range of concepts that blend science with caring, and technology with humanity when caring for people of all ages, across families, communities, and populations.
Social work is an exciting, dynamic and diverse people-oriented profession. Whether providing counselling to individuals, families or groups, working with whole communities, or developing innovative social policy to promote change, Social Workers are committed to social justice and the wellbeing of all members of society. Our program provides you with an opportunity to learn the foundational skills you require to help people make positive change and begin your career as a Social Worker. Our programs are fully accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.
You will begin your academic journey at Lakehead by taking two foundational liberal arts years during which you will take introductory courses in Social Work, along with a variety of interesting courses that you select to broaden your learning. You will be required to apply for admission to the professional years (third and fourth year) during your second year of study. Academic guidance will be provided to help you prepare for a successful application.
You will participate in two field placements, under the direction of qualified social work supervisors, completing 110 days of on-thejob training in a social service agency or community organization.
Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon creating strong demand for a workforce that is trained to support an aging demographic. With the Minor in Aging and Health, you will gain knowledge from several disciplines to understand how the process of aging is shaped by individual and societal factors, and how function, health, and wellbeing can be supported throughout aging. This minor will give you a professional advantage in careers in health promotion, healthcare, health and social policy, research and more.

Don’t let them be typical. Your university years will define the rest of your life.

I chose Lakehead after transferring from a large school, where I felt like I was just another number. I enjoyed the idea of having small classes where I get to connect with my peers and know my professors. The staff at Lakehead is so welcoming and helpful and they made my transition smooth by answering all my questions and providing guidance.
Rufaro Muzorewa Honours Bachelor of Social Work, HBSW (2023)CHOOSE YOUR CAREER
• Medical or Surgical Acute Care Nurse
• Maternal-Infant Nurse
• Mental Health Nurse
• Pediatric Nurse
• Community Health Nurse
• Peri-operative Nurse
• Critical Care Nurse
• Occupational Health & Safety Nurse
• Infection Control Officer
• Behaviour Therapist
• Family Therapist
• Art Psychologist
• Occupational Therapist
• Clinical Coordinator
• Social Worker
• Special Education Teacher
• Researcher
• Policy Analyst
• Probation Officer
• Security & Intelligence
• Forensic Psychologist
Social Work
• Family Counsellor
• Crisis Intervention Worker
• Case Manager
• Child and Youth Advocate
• Medical Social Worker
• Addictions Counsellor
• Probation/Parole Officer
• Community Development Worker
• Mental Health Worker
• Trauma Counsellor
• Kinesiologist
• Rehabilitation Specialist
• Ergonomist
• Strength & Conditioning Coach
• Physical Education Teacher
• Sports Coach; Sport Technical Director
• Athletic Therapist
• Lifestyle Coach
• Nutritionist
• Workplace Wellness Coordinator
• Physiotherapist
• Occupational Therapist
• Chiropractor
• Doctor