Hands-on learning beginning in first year with clinical placements.

Hands-on learning beginning in first year with clinical placements.
100% employment rate
2 years after graduation, above the provincial average.
First year students will focus on the foundations of relational nursing theory and practice. Students take applied anatomy and physiology, head-to-toe health assessment, nursing inquiry, introductory psychology, mathematics and electives. Simulation and lab experiences augment clinical nursing practice in long-term care settings.
In second year, students focus on the medical and surgical care of acute and chronically ill adults. Students integrate their knowledge of pathophysiology, microbiology, pharmacology, nutrition, clinical skill, with theory on lifespan development and nursing ethics. Simulation and lab experiences augment clinical nursing practice in acute and chronic care settings.
Third year has a focus on nursing specialties, including maternal-infant, childyouth, mental health and addictions, and older adult nursing care. Students integrate their knowledge from years 1 and 2 with theory on community health and family nursing across the lifespan. Simulation and lab experiences augment clinical nursing practice in acute and chronic care settings.
Fourth year has a focus on professional nursing practice and leadership, supported by 6-weeks of nursing theory courses. Students complete three 6- week clinical placements in their final year. Simulation and lab experiences augment clinical nursing practice across various sectors of health care service delivery in Northwestern Ontario and beyond.
Crafted specifically to help guide you with your academic & career goals.
“The BScN program at Lakehead provides the most evidence-based research in order for its students to provide the highest quality of care.
The nursing faculty go above and beyond for the needs of their students and provide ongoing support in and out of the classroom.”
• Valuable hands-on experiences using state of the art medical technology.
• Nursing theories and practices through classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences.
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
• Clinical experiences during your first year.
• Diverse clinical experiences (e.g., in the community, the hospital, and long-term care) throughout the program.
• A 4-year BScN and 3-year Compressed BScN program.
• A focus on northern health issues.
• Established relationships with health agencies within and outside of Thunder Bay.
• Fourth year students who meet eligibility criteria may be permitted to travel for clinical placements.
• Our graduates practice nursing in a variety of areas and settings around the world, and many go on to pursue further education and specialization in the field.
Brianna Decontie worked to adapt a five-week mothers’ support group for Kitigan Zibi Health and Social Services in Maniwaki, QC.
The program, offered to new mothers, focuses on oral health care and embraces Indigenous teachings such as the Medicine Wheel and Sacred Medicines.
She was honoured by the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing with the Excellence in Professional Nursing Practice award.
4-year BScN program
3-year Compressed BScN program
Students who take the compressed BsCN program complete all of the same courses and gain all of the same credentials as those in the 4 year BScN program, however the sequencing/number of courses per semester per year is increased in order to be able to complete the program in 3 years. You will use your spring and summer semesters to complete your electives and nursing courses.
Your first year is tightly organized to ensure you gain the necessary background in Nursing courses as well as non-nursing social science and sciences courses. You will complete courses in:
• Relational Nursing Theory and Practice
• Physiology and Anatomy
• Nursing Inquiry
• Introduction to Psychology
• Mathematics for the Health Sciences
If you are enrolled in the three-year compressed program you will also complete spring/summer course work.
Lakehead University Nursing Association’s (LUNA) aim is to support students throughout their time at Lakehead University and act as a liaison between faculty and students. Getting involved with this community and it’s social events is a great way to gain experience working with community members and make new friends!
In Year 2, with its focus on the acquisition of holistic assessment skills for individuals and families across the lifespan, in addition to more complex nursing skills, the students practice in hospital settings.
In Year 3 where the focus is on caring for acute and chronically ill patients and families across the lifespan in acute care settings.
In Year 4, students complete three six-week clinical placement courses in which the student is linked to a nurse preceptor in a variety of health care settings.
Want to gain international experience? In your fourth year you may qualify to complete your placement(s) abroad. We have had students complete senior clinical courses in places such as Thailand, England, Finland, Africa, Sweden and New Zealand. This opportunity enhances your university experience and exposes you to health care practices around the world.
Nurse Practitioner
The Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (PHCNP) Program is a unique program offered at Lakehead University as part of the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing PHCNP Programme.
A consortium of nine Universities (including Lakehead University) offers this program.
Master of Nursing
The Master of Nursing (MN) program is a coursework master’s program, which includes a clinical placement component. Two streams are offered: Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Nursing.
• Medical Care Nurse
• Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner
• Surgical Acute Care Nurse
• Maternal-Infant Nurse
• Mental Health Nurse
• Pediatric Nurse
• Community Health Nurse
• Peri-operative Nurse
• Critical Care Nurse
• Occupational Health & Safety Nurse
• Nurse Administrator
• Infection Control Officer
The BScN program opens many opportunities for you in your professional career; these are only a few. Have a Look!
Don’t let them be typical. Your university years will define the rest of your life.
Lakehead has expanded my horizons academically, and personally. From amazing instructors who allow me to challenge perceptions and support me along the way, to the connections and memories I’ve made beyond the classroom, I know that even after I graduate, I will always be a proud Thunderwolf!
• Maintain and build capacity for relationships with academic partners that support high-quality teaching, research, and service.
• Maintain and build capacity for relationships with clinical practice partners that support the delivery of high-quality teaching, research, and service.
• Investigate opportunities for new relationships with potential stakeholders.
• Design and deliver nursing curricula that upholds our commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights.
• Address recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.
• Contribute to individuals accessing and achieving success in nursing education in Northwestern Ontario.
Our mission is to lead nursing education and scholarship in the promotion of health in Northwestern Ontario and beyond.
Foster excellence in teaching and learning
• Deliver high-quality nursing education.
• Improve success rates on the NCLEX exam for first-time writers.
• Design and deliver creative pedagogies to innovate teaching and learning.
Cultivate research, scholarship, and creative activities:
• Enhance the scholarship profile of faculty within the University and beyond.
• Advance nursing and health related knowledge.
• Support faculty success to obtain/hold research funding.
Explore more about our School of Nursing in our Undergraduate Viewbook: lakeheadu.ca/admissions/viewbook/undergraduate
Jewel Fraser 4th year student, BScN (2023)