13 Academics | Curriculum and Research
Curriculum 1 Utilize campus grounds, infrastructure, and operations as living environments for multidisciplinary learning, applied research, and practical work that will advance sustainability on both campuses.
1.1 Create invitation/form to distribute to Deans/Communication Bulletin for staff and faculty to submit project ideas.
Build a working “wish list” from various stakeholders on campus, including Physical Plant, to be used as potential research projects (e.g. Emerald Ash Borer assessment and treatment plan, guided nature trail, waste audit). Ensure diversity in topics to cover various areas of sustainability, including: energy, grounds, water, coordination, planning and governance, diversity and affordability, campus engagement, air and climate, buildings, dining services, purchasing, transportation, waste, health, wellbeing and work, investment, and public engagement.
1.2 Identify administrators (Chairs/Deans/ Directors) and faculty interested in specifc projects. Ensure project ideas are diverse by soliciting ideas from all Faculties and Departments. 1.3 Compile a list of all special topics/ research topics in each Faculty/ Department. Identify any crosscurricular options. 1.4 Explore possibility of creating a sustainability-focused research course open to all students and/or Facultyspecifc courses. Identify possible instructors. 1.5 For special topics courses, draft a syllabus and form that could be used by all Faculties/Departments. Create processes for students to apply and forms/contract that outline expectations. Publicize to recruit students. 1.6 Seek funding to run special topics course(s). 1.7 Work with Faculties/Departments and faculty members to encourage undergraduate and graduate theses/ dissertations on identifed research topics. 1.8 Create and publicize an online inventory of all completed projects as well as projects still to be done.