26 Operations | Grounds, Dining Services, Energy, Waste, Water, and Transportation
Transportation Continue to support sustainable transportation systems.
1.1 Participate in a car/vanpool or ride sharing program, and/or offer reduced parking fees or preferential parking for car/vanpoolers.
Support sustainable transportation and commuting alternatives for students and employees.
1.2 Participate in a car sharing program. 1.3 Implement one or more electric vehicle recharging stations that are accessible to student and employee commuters. 1.4 Assess total percentage of employees and students (graduate and undergraduate) that use more sustainable commuting options as their primary means of transportation (e.g. walking, bicycling, vanpooling or carpooling, taking public transportation, riding motorcycles or scooters, riding a campus shuttle). 1.5 Develop resource materials to encourage active transportation, such as campus maps of bike paths and parking facilities.
Adam Krupper, former Mobility Coordinator for the City of Thunder Bay, presents a bike rack to the University for outstanding participation in Commuter Challenge. Photo credit: Ledah McKellar