2015 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITY STATEMENT STATE ISSUES AGRICULTURE/WATER Work with our Florida Chamber partners in supporting the expanded use of alternative water supplies and projects in addition to implementing and creating science-based policies that encourage alternative water investments.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM Enterprise Florida: Work with our Florida Chamber partners to proactively market our state and facilitate economic development efforts. Enterprise Florida: Support the creation of a $40 million trust fund to entice business from out of state to relocate to Florida. International Trade-Ports: Work with our Florida Chamber partners in supporting international trade and logistics industry through a focus on manufacturing, trade and logistics. QTI and Tech Industries: Work with our Florida Chamber partners to support diversifying Florida’s economy through the attraction of businesses in a qualified targeted industry or an emerging technology sector.
HEALTHCARE Work to secure Florida’s future and ensure a healthy quality of life by supporting proactive and innovative policies that will deliver greater access and quality of care, control escalating healthcare costs and promote a healthy population by expanding insurance coverage for eligible, low-income Floridians only if certain prerequisites are put in place.
INTERNET SALES TAX LOOPHOLE Support measures to close the Internet sales tax loophole and streamline sales tax information and definitions to make it easier to preserve the competitiveness of Florida businesses.
TORT REFORM Fair Settlement Reform: Work with our Florida Chamber partners to establish a clearly defined timeline encouraging plaintiff attorneys and insurers to play by the same set of fair settlement rules in Florida courtrooms. Workers’ Compensation Reform: Ensure our workers’ comp system is fair and not inflated by trial lawyer tactics and unnecessary costs.
TRANSPORTATION Advocate for investment in transportation and infrastructure that improves and expands major trade and freight conditions. Develop public/private partnerships to better enhance and develop road projects.
LOCAL ISSUES CITY OF LAKELAND - ENTERPRISE ZONE Legislative recommendation to extend the repeal date of the City of Lakeland’s Enterprise Zone designation beginning December 31, 2015 for an additional 10-year period.
COMMERCIAL REAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF The Chamber supports the repeal and/or reduction of the sales tax imposition on commercial leases until its full elimination.
GUARDIAN AD LITEM Support and endorse the pursuit of the requested funding to reach 100% representation within Florida and Polk County’s 10th Circuit guardian ad litem program to provide care for abused, abandoned or neglected children through advocacy by a designated child advocate.
LAKELAND REGIONAL HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER Support payment of appropriate Medicaid rates to safety net hospitals like LRHMC or the securing of another funding source to replace the loss of intergovernmental transfers through the low income pool.