F O R B U S IN E SS december 2013 | Vol. xXII, No. 12
BUY LAKELAND. It Makes GOOD cents!
FORUM FOR BUSINESS Lakelandchamber.com
CH A M BER STAFF K a t h l een L . M unson President
B a rb a r a B enne t t Executive Assistant
s a r a h bree d
Administrative Assistant, Member Relations | Public Affairs
S a l ly C h a p m a n
Vice President, Finance & Administration
L a ke l a n d Are a C h a mber of C ommerce F orum for B usiness M on t h l y M a rk E . W i l son | C h a irm a n of t h e B o a r d Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
K a t h l een L . M unson | Pub l is h er Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
C a ro l y n J a ckson
Senior Vice President, Member Relations
J a c q ue l ine L . J o h nson
Senior Vice President, Convention & Visitors Bureau
Am y S . W i g g ins | E d i t or Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
nice br a n d in g a g enc y | C re a t i v e Direc t ion , P R O D U C T I O N & P h o t o g r a p h y www.brandnicely.com
K a t ie M c B ri d e Membership Consultant
N ikki O a k l e y
Bus NESS&bre kfast “Jumpstart 2014”
Real Success LIVE with Loura Parrish & “Coach” Jim Jones
Hear first hand from the Lakeland Economic Development Council what’s growing, moving, and changing in Lakeland’s business community.
Membership Account Executive
Terr y O t t in g er
Vice President, Membership Development
R ic h R o y
Vice President, Public Affairs
K a r a simm
Administrative Assistant, Membership Development | Communications
P a t t y S mi t h
Administrative Assistant, Convention & Visitors Bureau
Am y W i g g ins
Vice President, Communications
December 12 | 7:30 a.m. 3340 S Florida Ave 2
35 Lake Morton Drive PO Box 3607 Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 (863) 688-8551 LakelandChamber.com © 2013 Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to refuse certain advertising and is not liable for advertisers claims and/or errors. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the position of the Chamber.
R ec om m e nd e d R e a d i n g: Book Revie w From a Ch a m ber Peer Cottrell. The book shares the story of a manager struggling to increase his team’s performance. An experienced leadership mentor offers insights into improving his own management skills, leading to higher team achievements. He learns about eight key areas of leadership.
CJ Marcello Jr.
Express Employment professionals
CONNECT ] ExpressPros.com
Most companies don’t have a succession plan for managers and leaders when Baby Boomers move out of the workforce or lessen their workloads. As a result, more workers are being promoted into management positions before they are ready or have had management training. The book Monday Morning Leadership is written by the renowned author, speaker, and business owner David
Driver and Passengers: Be a driver. Until you accept total responsibility you will not be able to put plans in place to accomplish your goals. Transitioning from manager to leader requires you make different decisions. Try something different. Stop complaining. Assess your relationship with each team member.
Keep the Main thing Main.
Do Less or Work Faster.
Stay focused. Determine the Main Thing. Get out of crisis management mode.
Your time is your responsibility. Blaming others for taking up your time and having a bad attitude just wastes more time. Realizing that your time belongs to you is a step in the right direction. Look for small increments of time by prioritizing, limiting interruptions, and effectively managing meetings.
Escape from Management Land. Coach every team member to become better. Dehire the people that are not carrying their share. The “Do Right” Rule Develop your action plan before you get into a crisis. Guard your integrity like it’s your most precious management possession. Hire Tough. The most important asset in your company is having the Right People on your team. Never lower your standards to just fill a position.
Buckets and Dippers. You need to communicate with the team. Your team needs to know how it’s doing as a whole. Keep them informed of their progress and point out their accomplishments and areas for improvement. Know the main things. Give feedback on
performance. Provide recognition. Enter the Learning Zone. Most people go through life living in the comfort zone. They do the same thing day in and day out. Leaders get out of the comfort zone. Pushing yourself is the only way you’ll grow and become a better leader. You can get out of the comfort zone by entering the learning zone. Read 10 minutes a day. Listen to people. Give back. Set Goals. Stay positive. Monday Morning Leadership is an easy read filled with tons of valuable information.
Will Florida Blue offer different health plans under the new law?
I have insurance through my job. How does the new law affect me?
u Yes. Like today, we’ll
Most companies will continue to offer health insurance. Check with your employer to see if they will offer you coverage.
offer lots of choices.
v The new plans will Florida Blue is here to help you understand the new health care law. We know you may have questions about the health care reform, here are some answers... What will happen to the amount I pay for health insurance? As the new health care law takes effect, the amount you pay depends on:
Will my health affect my health insurance coverage?
u You can buy one of the new health plans starting October 1, 2013, even if you are sick or have had health problems in the past.
v Everyone who applies for health insurance can get coverage.
w Once you have
and your family.
a health plan, your coverage cannot be canceled if you have a health problem.
v If you can get help from the government to pay
x If you use tobacco,
u The type of health plan you decided to buy for you
for part of your health insurance. This help is called a subsidy.
w If you get insurance through your job, or if you buy
an individual health plan for yourself or your family.
include all the benefits required by the new law.
w Wellness care – like routine physicals, vaccines, mammograms, etc. – will still be covered at no cost.
x You will be able to buy one of the new health plans starting Oct. 1, 2013, for coverage that begins in 2014.
Does the new law make health care free?
you’ll pay more for your health plan.
No. But if you qualify, you may get help from the government to pay for part of the cost of your health plan. This help is called a subsidy.
How will the new law affect Medicare? Medicare will continue. If you have questions, please call the number on your Medicare card.
How can I learn more about the new law and how it will affect my family? We’re here for you every step of the way -- anytime you need us. Talk to us one-onone for answers to your specific health insurance.
When you need answers about health care, we’re here for you. Sometimes life can take an unexpected turn. Count on Florida Blue to help you find your way with a health plan option that fits your needs and budget. For Health Care reform seminar information, call us at 863-291-0140.
385 Cypress Gardens Boulevard Winter Haven, FL 33880 Located a half mile east of US 17 863-291-0140
floridabluecenters.com Connect with us:
Monday – Saturday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.* No appointments necessary. *As of October 1st, Florida Blue Centers will be extending hours of operation to 9am – 8pm, Monday – Saturday. As of October 15th, Florida Blue Centers will be open on Sundays from 12pm – 5pm through December 1st. Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Florida’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan 79368-1013
r et iring off i ce r s a n d dire ct ors t h a nk y ou t o re t irin g officers a n d d irec t ors The Chamber would like to recognize the following members of the executive committee and board of directors as they retire from service. Each has contributed unselfishly his or her time, leadership and commitment to the Chamber and its members.
Don Pick a r d
Pickard & Pickard, Inc., REALTORS Board of Directors, 2011-2013
Hun t B err y m a n
S a m S h ee t s
Board of Directors, 2012-2013
Board of Directors, 2011 - 2013
Timo t h y F. C a m p be l l
K a t h y W a l l en
General Counsel, 2013
Board of Directors, 2011-2013
M a y or Gow F ie l d s
Phil Wegman
Board of Directors, 2010 - 2013
Board of Directors, 2011-2013
Polk County School Board
Clark, Campbell, Lancaster & Munson, P.A.
City of Lakeland
Samuel G. Sheets and Associates, P.A.
Baylis & Company, P.A., CPAs
Furr and Wegman Architects, P.A.
W a l ker W i l kerson M e l in d a H a rrison Watson Clinic LLP
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Vice Chair, Organization Advancement, 2009 Vice Chair, Quality of Life, 2010 - 2011 Board of Directors, 2008 - 2013
Treasurer, 2009 - 2010 Chair-elect, 2011 Chairman of the Board, 2012 Immediate Past Chair, 2013 Chair, Lakeland Area Chamber Foundation, Inc., 2013 Board of Directors, 2007 - 2013
S t e v e M a d d en
J a son W i t t y
Board of Directors, 2011 - 2013
Board of Directors, 2011-2013
Madden Brand Agency
Southern Wine & Spirits of Florida
expe r i e nc e e me r g e
karen houtz chair
CONNECT ] EMERGELakeland.com
As the year closes, it is exciting to reflect on what EMERGE Lakeland has accomplished in 2013. We have organized more than 16 events, with more than 400 attendees, that included hosting a casino-style membership drive, building a community garden for a local elementary school, wearing tutus for the local arts, and graduating our 4th EMERGEServes class. We Followed the Leaders, Wined and Swine’d, Made the Grade at Florida Southern, became coffee aficionados, spent a morning with the Police Chief, toured the Big 4, fit in some fitness, and much more. Our main focus this
year was to connect with the other young professional groups throughout the County. EMERGE hosted multiple events this year to include the Winter Haven and Bartow YP groups. In March, we strategized with Unite! Polk: A Look at the Importance of a United Polk County and in July we played with Let’s Kick It! A Polk County Young Professionals Kickball Game. EMERGE also showed support for the Polk Emerging Leaders Award given by the Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce. Two EMERGErs took home honors! I am honored to have served as chair to this amazing group
of individuals from whom I have witnessed so much dedication and hard work to build and retain Lakeland’s young professionals as they become our community’s leaders. Of the 160+ members, 25% of them actively serve on EMERGE committees and another 25% volunteer their time and services in so many other ways. Looking forward to 2014, I am just as excited for what is to come. The incoming leaders of EMERGE are talented, enthusiastic, and passionate. I have had a sneak peek of what is they have in store and you will not be disappointed as we take EMERGE to the next level!
y p p a H
Matt Barrett Summit Consulting Brandon Bessette CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP JusTIN Callaham Clark, Campbell, Lancaster & Munson Renee Campisi Regal Chevrolet, GMC, Honda, Acura
Dana Hurley Allen & Company of Florida, Inc. Matthew J GrayRobinson, PA Erica Jordan The Terrace Hotel Lyndsey Ladewig Gadd Case & Associates, LLC
Kassandra Cook Baylis and Company PA CPA’s
Lucy Lewis Peninsular Florida District Council Assembly of God
Jonathan Crain Two Men and a Truck
Tonya Lockamy Firefly Tech Solutions, Inc.
Amanda Fulton Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay
Raul Lupercio Wells Fargo Bank
Kayla Goff The Lakeland Center Sonya Holland CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Hamilton Hooks Morgan Stanley
Salma Nawlo Bank of Central Florida Juli Surface CenterState Bank Michelle Wilde Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mike Woodhouse Lanier Upshaw, Inc.
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Bank of Central Florida
“Personal service from knowledgeable, accessible bankers.” Jim Ham President, J.H. Ham Engineering
J.H. Ham Engineering is a full service engineering and construction firm. Founded in 1974, the firm has provided turn-key electrical, instrumentation and system integration for clients ranging from phosphate, citrus and aggregate industries in Florida to a ship loading project in Murmansk, Russia. “We feel like the Bank of Central Florida is an extension of the J. H. Ham family,” says Jim Ham. “The bankers are very experienced and knowledgeable. I value the bank’s local decision making and financial strength.”
Barbara Lineberger, Senior Vice President/Private Banking Officer and Paul Noris, President/CEO of Bank of Central Florida with Jim Ham at J.H. Ham Engineering.
Get started with Mobile Banking today Downtown Lakeland 101 South Florida Avenue 863-682-7100 South Lakeland 5015 South Florida Avenue 863-701-2685 Bartow 515 North Broadway Avenue 863-534-3585
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Vicki S p encer Spherion
Exploring Solutions for Productivity As businesses continually look for ways to maximize productivity and employee engagement while maintaining a lean, cost-effective work structure, staffing firms are stepping up with viable solutions. Employers are realizing there is more to staffing than just short-term workers — it may just be the secret to long-term competitive advantage. 8
recruiting expertise When you partner with a staffing firm, the first benefit you will realize is the depth of recruiting expertise which immediately becomes yours. Sourcing, recruiting, screening and hiring talent is their core business—it’s what they do every day and what they do best. A staffing firm already has the resources and tools in place to rapidly identify and deliver the skilled talent you’re seeking. So, you can stay focused on your business without getting bogged down by all of the activities involved in recruiting, advertising, screening and weeding through candidates to find the right person.
REDUCE the RISKS associated with hiring
When you are ready to add permanent talent to your workforce, the process of identifying the right candidate for the job can be daunting. What if a candidate interviews well, but their ability to perform well on the job is a whole different story? From a financial, as well as a time and resources perspective, making a poor hire is costly. One way to avoid that risk is to solicit the support of a staffing company with a rigorous talent selection process that prescreens, assesses, interviews, reference checks, background checks, drug screens and validates a candidate’s credentials. Staffing companies such as Spherion also have hiring checkpoints that take the candidate matching process to an even greater level—examining the factors that ensure the candidate is an ideal match for the job, the manager they will report to, and the company as a whole. These are the kind of value adds you will experience when you work with a staffing company with these types of tools and hiring practices in place. In addition to talent selection tools, a staffing company can give you the option to ‘try before you buy’ with a temp-to-hire solution. It’s an ideal concept for employers because it allows you to preview a candidate’s on-the-job performance before making a permanent hiring decision. And, the candidate is able to gauge if the opportunity is right for them as well. When both parties agree, you’ve just eliminated the potential risk and positioned your company to make an outstanding hire.
adjust your workforce to meet Another key advantage to engaging a staffing firm is the flexibility it presents amid changing seasons of business. While permanent employees are fixed costs for an organization, staffing companies offer you the advantage of variable resources which can be scaled up or down as demands change. So, when peak seasons of business hit, time-sensitive projects pop up or employees take sick time, vacation or maternity leave, productivity remains unchanged. And, during slower periods of business, you’re able to reduce staff and related costs without the threat of downsizing your permanent workforce.
Local Spherion owners David and Larry Miller and their team have been serving the recruiting and staffing needs of Polk County for 27 years. Founded in 1946, Spherion is a $2 billion national workforce leader with a distinct local focus. To learn more about the benefits of staffing or how Spherion can help you, contact Mike Carew at (863) 860-8200 or visit them online at www.spherion.com.
The new health care law is high on the radar of every organization. Although the employer mandate requiring large employers to offer health insurance to all full-time equivalent employees has been delayed until January 2015, employers need to understand what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) means for their businesses. Staffing companies are assisting in the process by educating local businesses on the new law and providing ways they can stay within its boundaries to avoid significant penalties. Under the ACA, businesses with 50 full-time employees are considered “large employers” and will be subject to the rules and added administrative burdens imposed by the new law. In determining whether businesses hit the 50 full-time employee trigger, the flexible talent they use generally will not count towards that total since those individuals generally remain the common law employees of the staffing company (and not the businesses). Staffing firms can also offer services to track the new ACA full-time employee criterion that applies a 30-hours-per-week standard, which will allow staffing firms either (i) to treat employees as part time and not covered by the ACA, or (ii) to offer those employees medical coverage. In those cases, businesses do not have to worry about the administration or penalties of ever-changing hours that some segments of their workforce may require.
access to
stay in touch
impacting the
Anyone can scour a job board looking for available candidates, but the only pool of talent you will be considering are those who are actively promoting themselves online, and even that is time consuming. Staffing companies can give you a real advantage in this process for several reasons. One, they know the local area and the people who live and work in your community. A good staffing firm is always building relationships with the people around them, whether they are happily employed, anticipating a job change, between jobs or new to the area. Those relationships translate into deep reservoirs of talent that are not necessarily visible on job boards. Not to mention, some of the most soughtafter talent in the market are already employed. But, that’s no obstacle when you have a well-connected staffing firm presenting them with the right opportunity at the right time. Second, working through a staffing firm gives you the benefit of candidate referrals—a goldmine of hidden talent. Birds of a feather flock together, so when staffing companies have high-performing candidates with specific skills or industry experience, they are able to identify other top performers in their profession since they tend to run in the same circles. And third, your search for talent is supported by industry best practices and the most relevant recruiting tools. Recent research shows workers have definite preferences in the media they use to job search and connect with potential employers. If your business does not have a strong presence in those places, you won’t reach them at all. Frankly, many businesses don’t have the time or resources to make sure they are attracting talent on all of those different levels; that’s where staffing companies can be a real value. Some of the most reputable staffing firms have innovative sourcing tools that employ a mix of social media, mobile recruiting tools, text job alerts, career blogs and local networking to garner the most robust selection of talent in the area and attract them to your opportunities.
WITH TRENDS WORKFORCE Here’s an advantage you may not even be aware of that can make a big difference in your ability to attract, manage and retain top performers. A good staffing partner will not only provide the talent you need to operate productively, they will also keep you abreast of workforce trends and insights that will make you more attractive to top talent and help you retain your company’s best performers. The Emerging Workforce® Study is a great example of the kind of intuitive research staffing companies can provide an employer. This particular study has been tracking the beliefs, changes and trends of the U.S. workforce for 15 years, honing in on what workers say keeps them engaged, productive and satisfied—and what factors motivate them to move on. If you thought staffing firms were just a source for temps, think again. The industry’s most respected, forwardthinking companies have integrated staffing into their workforce strategies, and they are reaping its benefits on a daily basis. From recruiting expertise, expanded talent pools, flexible labor structures and risk-free hiring, to complying with the standards of the ACA and staying in tune with today’s workforce—staffing firms are giving companies the competitive edge they need to build a high-performing workforce that will keep them at the top of their industry.
smal l b u s i n e s s o f th e mon t h
David R. Ramos, C.P.A. David R. Ramos (863) 701-7885 4215 Old Road 37 Lakeland, FL 33813
CONNECT ] www.lakelandcpa.com
Stepping into the office of David Ramos, you immediately get a sense of the calm demeanor of the man behind the door. Clients often compliment the well appointed office with its marble floors, leather clad couch and tasteful art. The lobby overlooks the lush garden in the rear of the building which is maintained beautifully by David himself. The office of David R. Ramos, C.P.A. is a trusted advisor to clients seeking help with financial planning,
tax preparation, bookkeeping, payroll tax filings, audits and reviews. David often performs peer reviews for other CPA firms who seek David’s advice and counsel on their particular practice. David has served on the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants Peer Review Committee since 2007 and has been a member of the American Institute of CPAs for more than 25 years. David’s peers and clients recognize him and his staff as well trained professionals
who are willing and able to meet their needs and address each client as unique. Therefore, the final financial design is a tailored solution for every situation. With both organic growth and acquisition, David R. Ramos, C.P.A. has been able to expand over the years. During the worst of the economic downturn, while some firms lost much of their staff and clientele, the firm retained all staff members and its diverse client base. David is a longtime
member and past president of the Kiwanis Club of North Lakeland. He worked as a volunteer Director of the Board of Alliance for Independence for nearly two decades. He currently serves on the board of directors for Catholic Charities of Central Florida, which operates Agape Food Bank and the Lake Morton Senior Center here in Lakeland. David is also a member and past president of the Estate Planning Council of Polk County. David and his wife have two biological children and
Gary E. Cleveland,
Small Business
of the Month
committee member Gary E. Cleveland presents the
November Small Business of the
Month Award to
Mr. David R. Ramos.
Scan here with your smart phone app for a short video about david r. ramos, c.p.a.
have been foster parents for 20 years often for children with serious medical conditions. They have adopted six of those foster children. Thanks to David Ramos and his dedicated staff, Lakeland has been proudly served with professionalism, passion and integrity. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce extends their congratulations to the firm of David R. Ramos, C.P.A. as the Small Business Award winner for the month of November 2013.
Cleveland & Company, Inc / Allstate
W A N T T O K N O W W HY B E in g A M E M B E R O F TH E LA K E LA N D A R E A C HA M B E R I S S O B E C O M I N G ? R E AD on . . .
C AL E N D a R
27th annual economic forecast breakfast On Thursday, January 16, 2014 the Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce, in concert with Allen & Company of Florida, will celebrate 27 years of bringing the Economic Forecast Breakfast to our Chamber members! This long standing partnership has brought many speakers to Lakeland to discuss the future of our economy, and this year will be no exception. Internationally renowned economists, Brian Wesbury of First Trust Advisors, LP and Dr. Tony Villamil of The Washington Economics Group, Inc. will capture your attention with their thoughtful and knowledgeable insights from a global, national and local perspective.
Breakfast will be held in Sikes Hall at the Lakeland Center at 7:00 a.m. with the program starting promptly at 7:30 a.m. Tickets are $25 each and tables may be reserved with advanced notice.
| 11
decEMBER 2013 dates thur 5
Thursday, December 5 Small Business Awards Committee Meeting 11:45 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
mon 9 wed 11
Monday, December 9 EMERGE Lakeland Steering Committee
wed 11 thur 12
Wednesday, December 11 Executive Committee Meeting
4:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 12 Leadership Lakeland, County Government Day
All Day
3:45 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
mon 16
Wednesday, December 11 Government Affairs
Monday, December 16 Small Business Awards Committee Meeting 11:45 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
8:00 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
wed 18
Wednesday, December 11 BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland 9:00 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
Wednesday, December 18 Board of Directors Meeting
11:30 a.m. Grasslands Golf & Country Club 1600 Grasslands Blvd.
Chamber closed December 24 and 25 for the Christmas Holiday; December 31 at Noon for New Year’s Eve
tuesday 3
past chairmen’s holiday luncheon | Noon
23rd annual chamber scramble emerge lakeland steering committee 3:45 p.m.
BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland | 9 a.m. executive committee meeting | 4 p.m.
16 small business awards committee meeting 11:45 a.m.
Government Affairs 8 a.m.
Board of Directors Meeting | 11:30 a.m.
chamber closed FOR christmas HOLIDAY
31 chamber closed at noon for new year’s eve
Wednesday, December 4 Past Chairmen’s Holiday Luncheon
mon 9
Monday, December 9 23rd Annual Chamber Scramble
thur 12
thur 19
Noon Lakeland Yacht and Country Club
Grasslands Golf & Country Club 2013Scramble.LakelandChamber.com
Thursday, December 12 Business & Breakfast
7:30 a.m. Community Southern Bank 3440 S Florida Ave
Thursday, December 19 Business After Hours
5:30 p.m. Two Men and a Truck 3220 Atlantic Ave
mon 9
Thursday, January 16 Economic Forecast Breakfast
thur 6
Thursday, February 6 2013 Chamber Annual Meeting
thursday 5
wed 4
small business awards committee meeting 11:45 a.m.
12 Leadership Lakeland, county government day all day business & breakfast 7:30 a.m.
19 Business After Hours 5:30 p.m.
Ev ent HI G HLI G H TS 01
October New Member Reception
Hosted by Grow Financial Federal Credit Union
01 | A huge thank you to the entire
team at Grow Financial Federal Credit Union for being our host sponsor in October along with our 2013 New Member Reception Presenting Sponsor!
02 | Members from all over the
area gathered to meet and greet one another—this is a great event to get to know fellow members along with all the programs and events the Chamber offers!
October Business After Hours Hosted by McGee Auto Service & Tires
03 | Board Member Jimmy Waller
(Sihle-Waller Insurance) presents the Plaque of Appreciation to Mike McGee, McGee Auto Service and Tires.
04 | More than 150 members came out
to enjoy this event! Thank you McGee Auto Service & Tires for hosting and once again having that spectacular money booth!
October Business & Breakfast Hosted by Heath Funeral Chapel
05 | Claudia Tritton of Lakeland 04
Economic Development Council reported on on what’s moving, shaking, and happening in Lakeland!
06 | Members packed in to network
and enjoy the delicious breakfast provided by the host Heath Funeral Chapel along with a tour of the facility!
CPS Investment Advisors James Luffman, CPA/PFS, recently spoke at the Volusia County Chapter of the Florida Institute of CPAs in Daytona. His topic was “Personal Wealth Management.
suntrust bank Has hired Marilyn Watson as Vice President of Commercial Banking. Watson is a Commercial Relationship Manager based out of the SunTrust Lakeland Plaza office and will be responsible for managing and expanding commercial client relationships. She has more than 22 years of commercial banking experience and resides in Lakeland. In addition to her responsibilities at SunTrust, Watson is a member of the Kiwanis Club of North Lakeland and a board member of Platform ART.
chairman ’s circle polk state college Earth Science Professor Natalie Whitcomb has received the 2013 Outstanding Educator Award from the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) for the innovation and enthusiasm she displays in teaching her students. Whitcomb received the award during the GCAGS’ annual conference in New Orleans.
Baylis & Company PA CPA’s Felicity Hendrix, CPA, recently joined the audit team. She holds a Master of Business Administration from Florida Southern College and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of South Florida. Felicity was formerly a Florida Department of Revenue auditor and a budget analyst at the Polk County Board of County Commissioners. She has also served as controller for a warehousing and distribution company.
dining . shopping . nightlife . sports . events . where to stay . what to do
DOWNLOAD FREE APP TODAY! Whether you’re a frequent visitor, a local or a newcomer to Central Florida, this app will lead you to local restaurants, shopping, attractions, night life & other fun things that can be found in Central Florida.
Farnsworth & Mullins, PA, CPAs Pleased to announce the admission of Jennifer E Royal, CPA as a shareholder of the firm. Jennifer has 25 years of experience in private industry and public accounting with an emphasis in personal and corporate taxation, along with the related tax planning.
Alltrust Insurance Alltrust, one of Florida’s largest independent employee benefits and Human Capital firms, was recently named one of the Best Places to Work in Insurance by Business Insurance Magazine. This is a national recognition and Alltrust was placed 4th out of 65 companies in the country. The fifth annual Best Places to Work Insurance list appears in the October issue of Business Insurance Magazine. Companies selected for this award range in size from 28 to 8,399 employees.
Two Men and a Truck Jessica Gutowski Slaydon was recently hired as Marketing Coordinator. Slaydon is an active member in EMERGE Lakeland and resides in Lakeland with her husband Jake. Steven Raymond II recently was hired as Customer Service Representative and Estimator. Raymond recently moved back to Lakeland transferring from a Two Men and a Truck franchise in Fayetteville, NC.
Danielle Fence President Marc Glogower recently unveiled a new Kitchen Design Studio. The new “one-of-a-kind” studio allows consumers to touch and feel outdoor products as well as view 3D design images of the proposed space.
C oldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Ralston Dantzler Realty, LLC R. Todd Dantzler, CCIM, managing partner, was the recipient the Central Florida Development Council’s Chairman’s Award for 2013.
Autobody Resurrection CARSTAR Was recently welcomed into Nissan’s Certified Collision Repair Network. This competitive program requires collision and repair shops to complete an audit process of 114 program standards and helps to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. To learn more about Nissan’s Certified Collision Network visit Collision.NissanUSA.com
start exploring Free for your Smart Device » Scan the above code with your smart device to download the free app.
The Lakeland Chamber prints business announcements each month as space permits. Please email announcements to motm@lakelandchamber.com
Special thanks to Mayor Gow Fields, Commissioner Howard Wiggs, Commissioner Edie Yates, and all the Board Members and Chamber Champions who truly make these ceremonies special events. The Raven Faerie
St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council #2505
Massage by Andrea
Lakeland, FL 33803
Lakeland, FL 33803
201 McDonald St | (863) 940-2086 TheRavenFaerie.com
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Brand Aid
Got Candy
Call to Schedule an Appointment (863) 557-7953 ABrandAid.com
Lakeland, FL 33801 115 S Kentucky Ave | (863) 853-9999 GotCandyLakeland.com
Take Shape for Life
The Loft Art Gallery
Brilliant Minds Early Learning Academy
Call to Schedule an Appointment (239) 887-1500 HealthCoachKelly.com
Lakeland, FL 33801
Mulberry, FL 33860
123 S Kentucky Ave | (863) 409-5771 LoftArtGalleryDowntown.com
5900 Sundance Blvd | (863) 646-6444 BrilliantMindsEarlyLearningAcademy.com
Lakeland, FL 33805 2014 Lakeland Hills Blvd | (863) 687-6086 KofCLakeland.org
Advanced PEO Solutions, LLC 1933 E Edgewood Dr, Ste 102 Lakeland, FL 33803 (877) 518-2881 advancedpeo.com Shane Underwood Employee Leasing
Dean Medical, Inc.
Lakeland cake company
Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 279-2482 awaadc.com Rocio Macias-Pena Bakers
the PF Solution
1129 Lakeland Hills Blvd Lakeland, FL 33805 (863) 648-5846 Byron Dean, DO Health Care – Physicians – Internal Medicine
1429 Fairhaven Dr Lakeland, FL 33803 (334) 357-6973 thepfsolution.com Gregor Ruthven Medical Equipment
Digital Boardwalk
Scarpa’s Italian
116 S Tennessee Ave, Ste 204 Lakeland, FL 33801 (850) 456-2225 digitalboardwalk.com Brian Wilkey Computers – Consulting & Networking
Emilee’s Events & Wedding Rentals, Inc. 2254 E Edgewood Dr Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 409-7165 Emileesevents.com Angel Jones Event Planning/Coordinator/Supplies
Flat Screen Branding
4406 S Florida Ave, Ste 19 Lakeland, FL 33815 (863) 937-8807 flatscreenbranding.com Geoff Schultz Advertising
1833 E Edgewood Dr Lakeland, FL 33802 Ashley Scarpa Restaurants
T’s Fitness and Wellness, LLC 2215 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33805 (863) 940-2096 Tari Terry Heath Care – Health & Wellness
Woodlake Garden Apartments 1475 Woodlake Dr Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 646-0327 myapartmentchoice.com Nancy Stevens Apartments
Florida Prosperity Partnership - Polk
PO Box 961 Highland City, FL 33846 (863) 797-4212 FloridaProsperityPartnership.org Deborah Prescott Financial Education
French Fry Heaven Lakeland
3800 US Hwy 98 N Lakeland Square Mall Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 698-0359 frenchfryheaven.com/locations/florida/ lakeland/lakeland-square-mall/ Joseph Sisson Restaurants
Home Encounter
1955 E Edgewood Dr, Ste 101 Lakeland, FL 33803 (813) 601-5090 homeencounter.com Van Womack Real Estate – Investments/Management
In With The New - Decorative Concrete Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 800-0639 noboringconcrete.com Riko Ramos Construction
Joshua’s Kitchen
2020 Shepherd Rd Mulberry, FL 33860 (863) 701-7230 joshuaskitchen.com Todd Sapulski I Restaurants
During the month of October our Visitor Information Center assisted hundreds of individuals, answering questions pertaining to Chamber member businesses and the Lakeland community. Walk-in Visitors...................................... 347 Relocation Response Mailings............. 2 Relocation Response (Walk In)........... 19 Accommodations...................................... 0 Winter Accommodations....................... 1 Visitor Information Mailings............. 16 Visitor Center E-mail Inquiries........... 66
1 9 5 3 | 6 0 Ye a rs
McKeel Academy of Technology
Sale Insurance Agency, Inc.
Padgett Elementary School Traviss Career Center
1 9 7 0 | 4 3 Ye a rs Lakeland Electric Wheeler Appraisals, LLC
1 9 7 3 | 4 0 Ye a rs
Straughn Trout Architects, LLC
1 9 7 5 | 3 8 Ye a rs
MST Sod Equipment Inc.
Bent’s Cycling & Fitness
1 9 8 2 | 3 1 Ye a rs Peterson & Myers, P.A.
1 9 8 6 | 2 7 Ye a rs Lakeland Downtown Development Authority
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Home Solution Title, Inc.
1 9 8 8 | 2 5 Ye a rs Eye Express GLT Total Office Jimbo’s Pit Bar-B-Q Stephen M. Martin, P.A. Taylor Rental Center Town & Country Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
1 9 8 9 | 2 4 Ye a rs A-C-T Environmental & Infrastructure Cannon’s Appliance Service Jeffrey Reese Coffman, C.P.A. Mid-State Machine and Fabricating Corp. National Association of Women Business Owners Vecchio, Carrier, Feldman & Johannessen, P.A.
1 9 9 0 | 2 3 Ye a rs Fabric Warehouse Northwestern Mutual
1 9 9 2 | 2 1 Ye a rs Learning Resource Center of Polk County, Inc.
1 9 9 3 | 2 0 Ye a rs Crichlow Data Sciences, Inc.
Each month, the Chamber enlists the help of 20 volunteers to mentor new and current members with involvement in Chamber events and programs. This month, the Chamber staff would like to recognize Bob Read, Director at LegalShield of Lakeland for his outstanding attention to Chamber members and attendance at events! Bob is a wonderful asset to the Chamber and to the Lakeland community!
Fantasy of Flight Manning Building Supplies Play It Again Sports R Nunez Homes
Bob Read
LegalShield of Lakeland Director
Leade r s hi p L a k e l a n d A lum n i A ssociat ion C e l ebr at in g 3 0 Ye a rs of Le a d ers h i p & C ommuni t y I n v o lv emen t
CONNECT ] LeadershipLakeland Alum.com
When celebrating an anniversary, the 25th (silver) and the 50th (gold) are most recognized. The Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association (LLAA) celebrates a milestone anniversary in 2014. On January 30, 2014, the association will celebrate its 30th Anniversary. It’s not time to celebrate silver or gold. This 30 year celebration is all about pearls. More than 750 leaders in our community have graduated from one of the 30 classes of the Leadership Lakeland program. These leaders have shared their “pearls of wisdom, talent, and time” to help the association grow and become an organization focused upon community involvement and leadership enhancement. Over the past three
decades, the association has provided its members with countless pearls: leadership programs, learning experiences and outreach opportunities. From guest speakers at luncheon events to facilitating youth leadership conferences, LLAA continues to focus on its mission: “To provide extraordinary learning experiences, inspire community participation and leadership, and cultivate and invigorate leaders in Lakeland.” The greatest “pearls” of an organization lies in the quality of its leadership and LLAA is proud of those who have served as president over the past three decades. Each will be honored and recognized at this year’s celebration in January.
1984 - 1986
1986 - 1987
1987 - 1988
1988 - 1990
1990 - 1991
1991- 1992
1992 - 1993
1993 - 1994
1994 - 1995
1995 - 1996
1996 - 1997
1997 - 1998
1998 - 1999
Thomas Petcoff Howard Wiggs Rick Stephens Greg Ruthven Dean Boring Bob Eanett
Terry Wilson Edie Yates
Bob Landers
Cindy Young Petterson Steve Boyington Jolinda Pipkin Ed Lunz
1999 - 2000
Lyonal Lindsey
Janice Jones Lyle Philipson Hollis Hooks Donna DeStefano Nancy Cattarius George Brooks
John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association thanks its past presidents who have shared their pearls of wisdom and inspired our alumni association and its members to get involved and make a difference in our Lakeland community. That was then
Steve Bissonnette Joe Tedder Larry Ross John Burton Sherri Nickell Barbara Erickson Michael Tamney
This is now
I ntroducing the
F lori d a Pros p eri t y
p o l k progre ss updat e
debbie prescott
Florida Prosperity Partnership Polk County Executive Director
Florida Prosperity Partnership and United Way of Central Florida have forged an alliance to provide a local subject matter expert in the areas of collaboration and financial education for Polk, Highlands, and Hardee counties. To this end, Debbie Prescott was hired in August, 2013, and charged with providing professional development, program marketing, and connectivity among all of the agencies in the Financial Stability Partnership, a part of the United Ways’ Income Initiative. In 2014, the Florida Prosperity Partnership - Polk County will focus on free tax preparation through a series of events. With a theme for tax season, “What is YOUR tax refund Dream in 2014,” Florida Prosperity Partnership will bring a new perspective to planning an effective use of tax refunds. Because of programs like the earned income tax credit, the tax refund check can provide a 10 to 20% increase in household income. These funds can be an economic tool that changes a person’s or family’s future. Planning the best use of that money is critical. A community event is in the works for Saturday January 25, 2014, at the Coleman-Bush Building in Lakeland. This event will provide FREE tax preparation information, household budgeting tips, and answers to credit questions, while having fun and refreshments for everyone! FREE tax preparation season begins late January 2014 and continues through April 15, 2014. To volunteer with Florida Prosperity Partnership, keep up on what is happening, or find a location for FREE taxes in your area, please contact Debbie Prescott at (863)797-4212 or email polkdirector@ floridaprosperitypartnership.org.
Dr. James Farrell, CFA
Florida Southern College
CPS Investment Advisors is proud to underwrite the research and preparation of the Polk Progress report
CONNECT ] FLSouthern.edu/ PolkProgress
After spending two weeks with the Federal Government under a partial shutdown, we emerged a shortterm deal to fund the government until midJanuary and extend the debt ceiling to cover borrowing until February 7. The amount of funding will remain at the sequester level established because of the past impasse that lead to the Budget Control Act of 2011. As part of the deal, there will be a bicameral, bipartisan budget committee charged with merging the House and Senate proposed budgets before the next deadlines. While it is necessary to allot sufficient time for forming and passing a budget, the likelihood that the budget will be passed significantly ahead of the January deadline is small. This will leave businesses and households with significant uncertainty entering the new year and likely contribute
to our continually slow recovery. For August, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 7.1% while the Polk County unemployment rate fell to 8.4%. Polk County usually has stronger seasonal effects due to the summer, driven by our higher than average portion of seasonal residents, and this year was no different. Despite that, we continue to recover along with the rest of the country from the unemployment peak caused by the housing bust and recession. From 2011 to 2012 our labor force grew less slowly than the nation, 0.39% and 0.88%, respectively; however the growth of our number of employed remains on pace (2.35% for Polk County and 2.34% for the U.S.). Over the same period the population in Polk County rose by 1.04% while the population of the nation rose by 0.75%. The ratio or labor force to population change suggests that our labor
force participation rate will is decreasing relative to the nation as a whole. While we have been able to add jobs and reduce our unemployment rate, we are also experiencing a demographic shift towards a smaller percentage of workers relative to residents. Overall, we continue on the slow, bumpy road towards recovery. GDP growth has remained positive, however it continues to fall short of what is normally considered healthy. On the upside, there has been enough growth and improvement, along with last year’s tax increases and budget cuts, to reduce our deficit to 4.1% of GDP for the fiscal year, which is a welcomed drop from our 2009 peak of over 10%. We still have a ways to go before breaking through the 3% bar that should keep our debt to GDP level steady. Hopefully, continued improvements will work to reduce expenditures while boosting revenues.
unemployment rate polk county united states
0 jan - nov 2003
apr/sep 2004
feb - dec 2005
may/oct 2006
mar/aug 2007
jan - nov 2008
apr/sep 2009
feb- dec 2010
may/oct 2011
mar/aug 2012
jan/june 2013
a of local business o n e c u p at a t i m e
The Common
Grounds member
feature gives your business the
opportunity to showcase “a day in the
life” of your employees and customers. Each month, one of the door prizes at
the Business After Hours event will be a Common Grounds Lakeland Chamber coffee mug & the opportunity to submit a 350 word article about your local business.
B y L a ur a Le a r
| AAMS | Edward Jones |
member sipc
As a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones, I have many clients I can call my friend. Every day when I open my office door, I am not sure what to expect for the day. I have a list of to-do’s to accomplish but I am there to help my clients as they call me for trusted advice. My client’s financial planning is very important and I strive to do the best I can to make my clients the most important aspect of my business. Being a Lakeland resident, I pride myself to be actively involved in the community, as a Chamber member and a board member of SPCA Florida. I am a member of the Wednesday Chamber Leads Group and that has proved invaluable to me. I have developed relationships with members from that group that I can now refer to my clients when they ask me various questions about who they should select for a moving company, how to use their iPad, where to go for a haircut, or what health insurance should they choose. Over the years, I have witnessed and experienced many exciting changes in the financial services industry. Cutting-edge technology, more direct access to markets, lower transaction costs, and instantaneous access to information have truly empowered investors like never before. As any prudent business would do, I anticipate, assess, react, and adjust to change, yet live every day sharing this information with my clients. Edward Jones’ rich history, business model and guiding principles are the very things that set us apart from many other firms. I believe this is the best way to truly know and serve our clients. Although investment trends and fads come and go, our set of business principles remains the same. First, we serve just one client: the serious, long-term individual investor. Second, our investment philosophy emphasizes quality and a well-diversified portfolio. Lastly, we believe that personal relationships are key. Building on the relationship you have with your Edward Jones Financial Advisor, I can provide a complete, tailored approach to help meet your financial needs, which can make a world of difference in your financial future. Working together, we can help you develop an overall strategy, drawing on our long-standing principles to help you achieve your financial goals. Set up a face-to-face meeting with Laura Lear, Financial Advisor, 3019 Lakeland Highlands, (863) 688-3440. 2222 | | F OF O RR UU MMF OF O R RB B UU SS I NI N ES ESS
n a c k e e w a One night
u/lake d e r. te s b e w • 9 3-687-930 6 8 2 0 2 e it u S , r Drive 1479 Town Cente
Webster University educates professionals in the Lakeland area through our accredited master’s degree programs. Classes are taught by academically qualified faculty who are practitioners in their fields. The classes are the right size for learning and the perfect place for networking. Apply today! For a complete program listing go to webster.edu/lakeland No GRE/GMAT • Classes one night a week Webster University, founded in 1915 with its home campus based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is the only Tier 1, private, nonprofit university with campus locations around the world including metropolitan, military, online and corporate, as well as American-style traditional campuses in North America, Europe and Asia.
Be a part of what’s next.
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$1449 : k 199 Des za: $1 49 Creden 1 $0 : h c t u 19 H file: $6 l a r e t a L is ad,
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3607 • Lakeland, FL 33802 - 3607
Waldeinon Collect
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours Thursday, December 19 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Located at Two Men and a Truck NEW LOCATION 3220 Atlantic Ave Lakeland, FL 33803
Two Men and a Truck “Movers Who Care”
$10 Chamber Members; $30 Non Members