Dream Come True Campaign

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DREAM COME TRUE A n u r g e n t a n d h e a rt- f e lt a p p e a l to all LCS families and friends


Lakeland Christian School dramatically changed the face of education in Lakeland with the massive $23 million expansion and renovation of the LCS campus, which began in 2006. Since that time, the LCS community graciously and generously contributed $21.3 million of this cost. Today, however, we’re faced with the urgent challenge of wrapping up the campaign by raising a final amount of $1.7 million by June 2013. Naturally, we need your help – every family, friend and neighbor – anyone who appreciates the inestimable spiritual and educational value LCS brings to the lives of our children and their future. Please read the Quick Facts and FAQ in this brochure, then search your heart for an appropriate response. As always, we are deeply grateful for your generous support, especially at this crucial time in the life and mission of LCS!

Fact #1: THE DREAM IS NOT YET FINISHED. We are so close to realizing a dream that began in 2006 with the unprecedented transformation of the LCS campus. Can you help us close the gap?

Fact #2: IT’S OUR TOP FUNDING PRIORITY. Completing this $1.7 million financial obligation will allow us to work toward providing even more educational excellence for LCS families. Will you do your part to help?

Fact #3: IT’S ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE STUDENTS. Everything we do at LCS is focused on the highest quality, Christ-centered educational formation possible. It’s why we were moved by faith to commit to an unprecedented transformation of the campus. Building an innovative academic environment to achieve that goal was an act of faith. Will you also be moved by faith to support that mission with a heart-felt contribution to this most urgent need?

Fact #4: WE NEED ALL FAMILIES TO PARTICIPATE. Since 2006, many members of the LCS community have made generous gifts to support the cause. Some have not. Can we all pull together to finish the dream?

FAQ: These questions and answers should provide a thorough understanding of the campaign since its inception. What changes occurred at LCS thanks to the campaign? It began in 2006 and has transformed the campus in the following amazing ways: • A three-story Elementary/Middle School Building, the premier educational facility in West Central Florida • A beautiful and spacious Center for Early Childhood Education, where the youngest students on campus (K4/K5) begin their formal education • An Outdoor Learning Center amphitheater and natural Florida habitat • Viking Stadium, the newest and finest sports venue in the Lakeland area • An expansion of parking and creation of new main entry to campus

What a time to be a part of Lakeland Christian School!

Why was the campaign necessary? The forward-thinking Board and school leadership gave their blessings on this aggressive plan because of: • Unprecedented enrollment growth • Overcrowded, small classrooms built in the 1970s • Over-populated class sizes • Overwhelming demand for Special Programs • To reduce Polk County’s surging quality education waiting pool

How much did it cost? The cost of the campus transformation was $23 million – by far the largest capital expansion effort in school history.

How was it funded? The school has raised $21.3 million, all from private donations, leaving only $1.7 million to raise to complete the funding. This $1.7 million is what LCS is now seeking through the Dream Come True wrap-up campaign.

What is the status of the bank loan? The expansion loan matures in June 2013. If all outstanding campaign pledges are paid, LCS must raise the final $1.7 million to pay off this loan.

Doesn’t a portion of tuition cover these capital expenditures? No. So far, 100 percent of the expansion ($23 million worth!) has been funded through bank loans and paid for through private donations from parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, relatives and other friends of the school.

So, you need me to give. Why should I? Christian schooling the “LCS way” is a treasure and worthy of everyone’s support. When you give, the children and young people of this community benefit. Your investment in the next generation allows us to sharpen minds and shepherd hearts.

Why give now? Because the loan is due by June 2013, the Dream Come True campaign is the top funding priority of LCS for 2012-13. The Board has participated in the wrap-up. Teachers and staff members are giving sacrificial gifts. Those who gave the largest gifts to the initial campaign have given generously once again. We are now asking for the support of everyone in the school family of families, to join together during this crucial wrap-up phase.

Why should I give to LCS with so many other groups asking me for money? To answer that question, ask yourself one more: Am I personally or emotionally vested in those other groups? If a child you love now attends LCS, clearly, it’s personal for you. If you are an LCS alumnus, you are emotionally vested because LCS was certainly a formative piece of your past – contributing to your current success. Either way, we tend to support the causes that are near and dear to our heart. The Christian education of children is a cause that produces life-changing dividends for eternity. And will you give generously at this most critical time in the life of LCS?

How much should I give? Will my limited resources really make a difference? Please give generously. And realize that what is generous for one, may not be for another. Whether you have much or little is not as important as the possibility of making money available to God and watching Him multiply the fruits of your generosity.

What’s next for LCS? Can’t I wait and give to that? The LCS Board and strategic planners are prayerfully considering ways to accommodate the future needs of our students. However, we are committed to a solid stewardship principle: paying for what we have before moving on to dreams and visions for even more excellence. That’s why the Dream Come True campaign is such a priority. Your gift today puts us that much closer to a thrilling future!

Okay. So what will my giving accomplish? What do I “get” for my money? Think value. “Attending” LCS and “investing in” LCS are two sides of the same coin. The school that has value enough for children to attend is a school worthy of financial support. Your investment and financial partnership with LCS provides solid dividends in return – impacting young lives for eternity.

All right, I’m convinced – I’m in. What do I do now? Thank you for being a blessing! You can provide a gift or make a pledge. Often, folks can be even more generous when they are given a little time. Remember, the loan doesn’t mature until next summer. We are looking to receive as many gifts as possible before December 31, 2012 with others to follow in 2013. And some large commitments may even be paid out beyond that period.

HOW to GIVE: • Provide a gift or make a pledge online at lcsonline.org. • Make a contribution or pledge using the enclosed reply form and envelope. • Share this appeal with an LCS family or friend and invite them to give! • Call Steve Wilson, Director of Advancement, at 863-688-2771 for more information or a personal consultation.

WHEN to GIVE: If possible, by December 31, 2012, or we’ll work with you in planning for giving in 2013 and beyond.

When your generosity flows, blessings will also flow. We are immensely blessed to be the recipients of more than $21 million of LCS community generosity! We’re now on the home stretch and firmly believe this final $1.7 million figure is doable by next year. But time is of the essence. Some simple guidelines to help you in your giving decisions – Remember that God owns it all. We are simply stewards of God’s resources. So, by all means, pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to support His work at LCS in a way that is most generous for you and pleasing to Him. Above all, please give something to this all-important funding priority for your school. And remember, even though the repayment date looms, you will certainly have the flexibility to contribute over an extended period of time.

For additional questions, more information or a personal consultation, please contact:

Steve Wilson

LCS Director of Advancement

swilson@lcsonline.org | Office: 863/688-2771 | Cell: 863/860-6805 1111 Forest Park Street | Lakeland, FL 33803 | lcsonline.org

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