Engage - Summer 2022

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Sharpening Minds, Shepherding Hearts.

Class of 2022 This year marks the school’s 50th graduating class p. 8

Lakeland Christian School Lakeland, Florida





Milestone, n. def. a significant event, accomplishment, or stage Milestones in the history of a school can represent all these elements. The 2021-22 school year included several significant events. We are pleased to honor the Class of 2022 as the 50th high school graduating class in our 67year history. Eighteen of these graduates were among the children in our initial K4 program fourteen years ago. The Class was remarkable in their accomplishments as well. We reflect on the successful performances in the fine arts, back-to-back girls’ soccer state championships, stellar mock trial competitions, strong academics, strong community service, and a host of other achievements. We are also grateful for their expressions of spiritual leadership and influence that benefited the entire school community. The groundbreaking for our new high school building was another remarkable event this year. The addition to our physical plant will reflect our commitment to strong academics as well as to community among our high school students and faculty. We look forward to opening this facility in August of 2023. This event marks the accomplishments of the Forging

a Firm Foundation Capital Campaign which is nearing our $19.1M campaign goal. We are excited to partner with so many who are supporting this transformational project that will enable our faculty to better equip generations of students for years to come. We welcome your support as we work to cross the finish line in this campaign! Milestones can also reflect a stage in the life of a school or an individual. In February I informed the Board of Directors that I would be completing my service as Head of School in June 2023. When I began my teaching career at LCS in 1972, Mary and I were newlyweds, and I was coming home to the school I attended from 4th-9th grade. We arrived in time for the first high school graduating class in 1973. For the past fifty years, LCS has been our home. I am grateful for the support and encouragement of the LCS Board of Directors, parents, and students throughout this stage of life and look forward to the bright future that is ahead for LCS. We will have more to say on the transition in the future. In the meantime, we are appreciative of your prayers for LCS and for our family as we look forward to the next stage, the next milestone in the journey. At a time of leadership transition in the history of God’s people, Moses told them, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) We hope you enjoy the stories of LCS milestones in this edition of Engage.

Dr. Mike Sligh Head of School



Class of 2022

Our 50th graduating class celebrates commencement


08 Class of 2022

Our 50th graduating class celebrates commencement

18 Seniors’ Favorite Teachers

Cover Photography BA Schmitt

ADMINISTRATORS: Dr. Mike Sligh Head of School Dr. Keith Overholt Associate Head of School for Academics/Secondary Principal Darren Copeland Assistant Principal – High School Jonathan Harvey Assistant Principal – Middle School

25 Around Campus

Luci O’Byrne Elementary Principal

28 Six Things to Know

Six things you need to know about Jon Harvey, Assistant Principal - Middle School

31 Breanna Newberg

Heather Rhoden Assistant Principal – Elementary Matt Green Chief Financial Officer

The ‘22 grad will play soccer for the Air Force Academy

Bryant Black Director of Curriculum and Instruction

36 Campaign Update

MattE Diaz Director of Advancement

Construction for the high school building is underway

39 Alumni Updates


Creative Design Lakelander Creative

Our seniors share about some of their favorite LCS teachers

Events and activities from the spring semester at LCS


Magazine Editor Sandy Johnson Director of Marketing & Communications

Graduations, weddings, babies and more!

Engage magazine is published by Lakeland Christian School and is distributed free of charge to parents, grandparents, alumni and friends of the school. Send correspondence to: Lakeland Christian School Attn: Sandy Johnson 1111 Forest Park Street Lakeland, FL 33803

Julie Rice Director of Enrollment Geoff Stabler Director of Biblical and Worldview Studies Todd Radford Athletic Director

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Kevin Knowlton Chairman Payton Albritton, Heather Bryant, Dan DeLange, Dan Green, Holland Henderson, David Miller, Bill Mutz, Cory Petcoff, Steve Sligh, John Tucker

You may send emails to sjohnson@lcsonline.org.







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Every year as I watch our seniors walk across the stage at commencement, I think back to my own high school graduation. I remember the mix of excitement and pride, but also sadness and apprehension. I think those feelings accompany most endings and new beginnings, which is exactly what commencement is: the end of one very familiar chapter and the beginning of a new and unknown one ahead.

Letter from the Editor

- I felt these emotions when I left home for college and again when I graduated from college. - I experienced them when I got married and when I moved to Florida. - I felt them when I started my new job at Lakeland Christian back in 2005. - And I experienced them again when I had one baby and then another. These milestone moments in life bring change, and change can be scary. But we can face every new chapter ahead with confidence because God is with us. In fact, the phrase “do not be afraid” is one of the most-repeated commands in Scripture. So to the Class of 2022, as you prepare to move on to your next phase of life—whether that be college, the workforce, marriage, the military or even if you aren’t sure yet—keep this verse close and step out in courage: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 NIV We will miss you, and we are praying for you. This issue is for you.

Sandy Johnson

Director of Marketing & Communications



Why Engage?

The mission of Lakeland Christian School is to educate students in the light of God’s Word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service and worship.

engage (v.) to commit; to involve intensely; to begin action The title for the LCS magazine describes—in one word—a great deal about our passion for Christian schooling and the effectual results. This active verb reflects our commitment to fostering lives of vibrant faith, active learning and intentional influence. Teachers engage students, students engage in their studies and co-curricular activities, and children and young people are prepared to engage their culture for the Kingdom. Engage will share encouraging stories of commitments to Christ, engagement in learning and active applications of faith for a lifetime.









Senior Graduation Photos by BA Schmitt

eniors Jack Smith, Cheney Curls and Breanna Newberg earned top awards for the Class of 2022. Here are excerpts from the speeches they made to their classmates at Baccalaureate and Commencement.

“...I think we all can agree that uncertainty is kinda the worst. Right? So how do we keep going, knowing there is such uncertainty in the future? How do we truly rest easy? That answer is: A firm foundation … This firm foundation. What is it? Well, it’s the base. It’s what stays as our support system for years to come. And though it didn’t look like much in the beginning of our school career, in the years to come, its impression on the world around us will be immense. Lakeland Christian School built us upon a solid rock: Christ. Lakeland Christian’s education is our foundation. It is now our turn to be the builders. Modeling our lives for the world around us, with the Word of God within us. And as our lives continue to be built, as we remodel ourselves to fit God’s plan, the question arises: What will you do with the education given to you by Lakeland Christian School? And again, uncertainty. But is there truly anything uncertain about the answer to that question? If you can’t think of an answer to what you will do after high school with the education in the light of God’s Word given to you by Lakeland Christian


Jack Smith - Christian Leadership Award Winner Florida State University - Athletic Science and Physical Therapy Son of James Smith and Lyndi Smith

School, here is the answer I would offer you: You love. You show discipline. You lead by example. You follow Christ just as You have been taught to do all these years. You remain conscious to never jeopardize your building. Remember, we are models of the temple of God. That can be certain.”


“...if I could ask you to be competitive in one area, be a competitor for your faith...” “Everyone has such different talents, and we will all be competing in different areas of our lives. But there is one thing we can all have in common, one aspect of our lives that I pray we can all go through together. So if I could ask you to be competitive in one area, be a competitor for your faith. Don’t just show up to church or to youth group and just participate. Compete for your relationship with Jesus, because I promise that He is competing for you. So how do you compete for Jesus? Or if you already are competing for Him, how do you continue competing next year when just about every aspect of our life is about to change? First, effort. Just like we practice for a game, study for a test, get dressed for a date. Nothing worth competing for comes easy, and this is no exception. So read your Bible, listen to podcasts and worship music, and find a church that you actually enjoy going to. Ask the Lord to give you the desire to continue to compete for him next year. I know that we live in trying times, and there are a lot of conflicting beliefs that we’ll be exposed to next year. But how encouraging is it that the Lord hand picked you to be alive right now? He made you specifically to live right now, to be the change that you want to see, and He has equipped you with everything you need to do it. Next, seek out people that will hold you accountable. Next year, when you all of the sudden aren’t on a first name basis with everyone in your class, make it a priority to find new friends. Friends who will build you up and encourage you. Friends who will tell you when you’re wrong. Seek out that feedback that tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear … find people to keep you accountable, even when it’s not convenient or easy, and encourage each other in your competition for Jesus.”

Cheney Curls - Valedictorian Auburn University - Mechanical Engineering Daughter of Johnnie and Denise Curls



Breanna Newberg - Salutatorian United States Air Force Academy - Engineering Daughter of Thom and Jennifer Newberg

“Prioritizing worldly achievements over God is exhausting.” “If up until this point, I have not said anything that resonates with you, I hope you can take away this one thing: prioritizing worldly achievements over God is exhausting. You will be in a constant cycle of trying to prove yourself, and it is impossible to be the best at everything. No matter how hard you try, you will fall short. But that’s okay. God does not want us to be the best. He just wants us to do our best to live for Him. He embraces all our failures and shortcomings. Don’t waste your time trying to achieve worldly treasures that only bring happiness for a moment. Once that happiness is gone, you will feel empty again. Spending all that time trying to be great on your own will cause you to miss out on more important things in life - relationships. Relationships with family, relationships with friends, and most importantly a relationship with God. I’m not saying it will be easy, probably far from it. But if you prioritize God and start incorporating little habits to bring yourself closer to Him, you will slowly become more like Him.”



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The sixty-nine members of the Class of 2022 form their graduation year on the field in Viking Stadium.





“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9


Members in the Class of 2022 E A RN E D



Service hours for the Class of 2022

23 Honors Diplomas S E NIO R S E A R NE D

Senior Class Officers President James Ronald Smith III Vice President Brady Drew Copeland Secretary Cheney Elizabeth Curls Treasurer Breanna Kay Newberg Historian Riley Morgan Rhoden




Senior Trip

The Class of 2022 traveled to Washington for their annual trip.

ince the spring of 2007, Lakeland Christian School seniors have been traveling to Stanwood, Washington, for their annual service trip. LCS has partnered with Warm Beach Christian Camp, coming alongside their staff to help prepare the facility and grounds for the upcoming summer camp season. The Class of 2022 enjoyed much cooler (and rainy) weather as they painted, landscaped, deepcleaned, cleared trails and more. The seniors were able to enjoy some of the culture of the Pacific Northwest with trips to the Space Needle, Pike’s Market and a Seattle Sounders soccer game. The seniors divided into several work groups to complete projects at Warm Beach Christian Camp.



Students had a chance to bond while working, during their free time at the camp and while experiencing Washington culture.



The view from the top of the Space Needle is always a favorite for students.



Students help get the camp ready for the summer season.

Lakeland Christian School seniors have been serving at Warm Beach Christian Camp since the early 2000s. For more information about the camp, visit www. warmbeach.com.





Favorite Teachers Members of the Class of 2022 share about some of their favorite teachers and what made them special.

Chasity Branham

Chasity Branham (left) teaches law classes and coaches Mock Trial for the LCS RISE Institute.

Mrs. Branham takes an interest in my life by talking with me, praying for me, and loving me well. - Faith Albritton

Mrs. Branham is my favorite teacher because she is connected with her students and always makes class enjoyable. - Hudson MacDonald

Mrs. Branham is a beautiful role model and godly woman. She has inspired me to be a better version of myself. - Rebekah Baggett

Mrs. Branham was my favorite teacher because I’ve enjoyed the learning environment in her class over the past few years. - Erica Owen

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Branham. She meets each student where they are and understands how to help them work on their strengths. I know Mrs. Branham supports me in everything I do. - Cheney Curls Mrs. Branham is a phenomenal teacher, who cares deeply about her students and never has a boring class. - Cade Lawson



I adore Mrs. Branham. I have been in her law classes for the past two years. Mrs. Branham has a genuine heart and soul for her students. I have always felt both acknowledged and understood by her. I am so grateful for Mrs. Branham’s time both inside and outside the classroom. - Olivia Sale My favorite teacher is Mrs. Branham. She continuously pours into my life and treats me like her own daughter! - Katie Williams

Matthew Jerry Mr. Jerry creates an environment that allows open discussion in the classroom and encourages the expression of differing opinions. -Rebekah Baggett Mr. Jerry is my favorite teacher because he is always willing to listen and offer advice. He is able to find the balance between educating and providing fellowship. - Nidia Carpio My favorite teacher is Mr. Jerry because he was invested in my life and took the time to get to know me. He was always open to listening and gave me encouragement or advice when I needed it. - Margaret Garvey My favorite teachers are Mr. Jerry and Miss Grafton. They have created a space where I can learn and feel welcome and comfortable. - Kiara Gilot Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor sitsit amet ipsum dolor sitrem ipsum dolor sit amet

Mr. Jerry is my favorite teacher because he is a great role model and demonstrates Christian qualities. - Benjamin McDonald Mr. Jerry was the first teacher I got to know when I transferred to LCS, and he had a significant impact in shedding light on my life by reminding me that I am made in God’s image and loved by God. Every day when the bell rings, he always tells me, “Take care, I’ll be praying for you.” - Layla Warnock



John O’Neal I look up to Coach Williams and Coach O’Neal because they encouraged and believed in me and helped me grow as a man and mature in my faith in God. - Malcolm Bennett II I am grateful for all of my football coaches, especially Coach O’Neal. -Dre Hudson My favorite coach is Coach O’Neal because we had a great connection. - De’Qune Kelly Coach O’Neal taught me to become a better football player and person. He is the GOAT in my eyes. - Christopher Smith

Wendy Carl Mrs. Carl’s class has been a constant place of community throughout high school, and her directing has made me a more accomplished singer and student than I could have been without her. - Henry Elliott Mrs. Carl pours into her students every day and gives them a greater appreciation for music and understanding that everything we do is all for the glory of God. - Katie Jones



Kristen Grafton is an alumna of LCS and a favorite among our high school English teachers.

Kristen Grafton Miss Grafton is my favorite teacher because she is kind and genuinely cares for her students. - Emmy Allen Miss Grafton really helped me succeed in English and was a great friend to me throughout school. - Audri Anderson

Miss Grafton is a great listener, gives advice, and helped me succeed! - Savannah Coscia My favorite teacher is Miss Grafton. She’s interactive, helps students individually, and prepares students well for exams every year. She is also a kind and fun person. - Emma Galbraith




First Ever K4 Class Graduates n the Fall of 2008, a group of four-yearolds came to campus in August as the first students in the brand new K4 program at LCS. They would be the Class of 2022.

Brady Copeland

Thirteen years later, 14 of the students in this first-ever K4 class walked across the stage to receive their Lakeland Christian School diplomas.

Cheney Curls


Faith Albritton

Alex Drost

Madi Brown

Rally Fox 22

Ethan Green

Breanna Newberg

Bailee Hicks

Taylor Radford

Sydney Jani

Olivia Sale

Cathryn Miles

Joseph Sanoba 23



Around Campus CAMPAIGN KICKOFF CONCERT On February 22, Lakeland Christian School officially announced the expansion of our campus with the construction of a new high school building. School families were invited to an evening on campus to hear about the Forging a Firm Foundation campaign and to enjoy a live concert by The Voice runner-up Kenzie Wheeler. For more information about the campaign, please visit https://www.lcsonline.org/pledge/.

ELEMENTARY OLYMPICS The week of Olympics is one of the favorite weeks on campus for our elementary kids and their families! In early March, students in K4-5th grade competed in the softball throw, obstacle course, hurdles, sprints, relays and more. Members of the senior class helped time and score the events. Thanks to Coach Mike Carl, Coach John Weldy and Coach Beverley Reves for running another great year of competition!



SPRING PLAY The annual spring play took place on February 18 and 19, and LCS students performed The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. The cast, comprised of secondary students, rehearsed for six weeks in preparation for the play. The plot follows a pompous Robin Hood who, with the help of his loyal Merrymen, attempts to win the hand of Lady Marian, only to be foiled by the evil Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham who try some extreme and silly measures to defeat Robin Hood. This comedic retelling of the classic story provided lots of laughs for both the cast and the audience!

ASHLEY MOODY On May 9, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody was on campus to speak to our third and fourth graders. She taught the students about the roles of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government.

VIKING INVASION 5K The 5th Annual Viking Invasion 5K and Kids’ Fun Run was held on January 29. Sixteen-year-old James Lovely won the race, finishing with a time of 17:54. Several LCS families and friends came out on the very chilly Saturday morning to participate in the race. Thanks to Sweet Life Farms and Patterson Companies for sponsoring the Viking Invasion once again. The race, which starts and ends in Viking Stadium, benefits the LCS Viking Fund.




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lcsvikings - May 5

Mrs. Magar’s first-period devotions class has collected boxes for children who won’t get school breakfasts during the summer. Their original goal was to collect 100 boxes. Our LCS students collected 518 boxes, and Free Rider Fellowship collected 75, giving us a grand total of 593 boxes! Thank you for your generosity. God is Good!





lcsvikings April 20

Our LCS Academic Team came in 3rd place in the county today!


lcsvikings March 24


Congratulations Aiden! Aidan McGraw competed in the 2022 Florida State Scholastic Chess Championship in Orlando. Among 43 players in his K-5 division, Aidan finished with a score of 4.5 out of five rounds and tied for 1st Place. He received the 2nd Place trophy on tiebreaks. In his final game, he battled back from a losing position to claim victory.

lcsvikings March 7

Team RISE Robotics competed in the Florida FIRST Tech Challenge State Championship on Saturday. They won six out of seven matches, second place Connect Award, second place Think Award, and third place INSPIRE Award, which is the highest award in FIRST. They ranked fifth overall out of 49 teams Way to go Team 7719


lcsvikings January 31

Congratulations to all of our LCS 4-H students who exhibited at the Polk County YouthFair! Our 4-H club had five members representing LCS in the Parade of Champions. Congratulations Emma Durden, Myah Kane (not pictured), Rylee Fountain, Gracellyn Allen, and Mattie Fountain, on your outstanding effort & superior performance!!








Jon Harvey, Assistant PrincipalMiddle School

Jon grew up in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, in Westmorland County. He attended Nyack College where he received his degree in Elementary Education. Jon taught 6th grade for four years at Abundant Life Academy in Nutley, New Jersey. He took a new position teaching enrichment classes to gifted and talented students in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Jon completed his Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, which later led him to take the position of Middle School Assistant Principal at Lakeland Christian. Jon met his wife Lauren while at Nyack College. The couple has two kids. Their oldest daughter, Reagan, is in K4 at LCS. She loves all things unicorns and can usually be found climbing and hanging upside down from the monkey bars. Their son, Rhett, is two and a half and enjoys searching for fire trucks, police cars and ambulances. He loves to play “hit,” aka, baseball.


In 2006, Jon traveled on a mission trip to Swaziland, South Africa, where he traveled around teaching kids about the Bible, building shelters and providing education on hygiene. Jon credits this trip for confirming his calling to be an educator. Another highlight of the trip was holding a lion cub and going on an African safari. In 2018, Jon’s students won a national STEM contest, called Samsung Solve for Tomorrow. Using the engineering and design process, his students created a prototype for identifying undetected concussions using microcontrollers placed inside each football player’s helmet. This data would be analyzed and sent to alert the coach or parent’s cell phone if the data collected in the algorithm met the threshold. His school was announced as a national winner live on Good Morning America in New York City. Each of the students won a technology package and the school won $150,000 worth of technology. Jon has run competitively since college when he joined the crosscountry team. After college, Jon started to run longer races, including a total of six marathons. Jon’s fastest race qualified him for the Boston Marathon. In 2017 while running the Boston Marathon, he ran his slowest race and later found out he was running with two herniated discs. BUT...he finished the race. Alongside a team of three friends, Jon biked from Pittsburgh to Washington D.C. totaling over 300 miles in four days. The rain-filled trip was a memorable experience as Jon and his team stayed in tents along the route. On day three, the team had a flat tire and could not remove it without proper tools, so Jon ran the final 10 miles of the day until they found the tools at the next campsite.





Building Community Together



FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 6:00-8:00 PM VIKING STADIUM Inflatables | Rock Wall | Food Dunk Tank | and more! This free event is for all of our students and their families, from K4-12th grade!



Breanna Newberg In the midday heat of early June, Breanna Newberg was running laps around Viking Stadium in her combat boots. The ‘22 grad was doing what she always does: training hard to be the best for whatever challenge is coming next. And her next challenge might be the most difficult one yet as she packed up and left for the Air Force Academy just a month after graduation. The two-time state champion goalkeeper will play soccer for the Falcons as she studies engineering. Breanna’s list of academic and athletic achievements is lengthy—a testament to her intelligence, determination, drive and work ethic. But as she spoke to her classmates at commencement, Breanna was clear that accolades aren’t enough. She said, “Prioritizing worldly achievements over God is exhausting. You will be in a constant cycle of trying to prove yourself, and it is impossible to be the best at everything. No matter how hard you try, you will fall short. But that’s okay. God does not want us to be the best. He just wants us to do our best to live for Him.” Before she left for the Academy, we talked with Breanna about her time at Lakeland Christian, her advice for younger teammates and where she sees herself in the future.




Breanna’s ability to perform under pressure helped her team win back-to-back State titles.

How do you feel that LCS did in fulfilling its mission of educating students in the light of God’s Word to equip YOU for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service and worship? LCS did well. It provided me with a lot of resources and class material to guide me on how to live a Godcentered life. There were also so many teachers and staff available to provide their own insight and advice which helped on a more personal level. It provided lots of opportunities to be a leader, like being a counselor at summer camp or being a class officer, which taught me how to work with and communicate with others. Who was your most impactful teacher at LCS and why? Mrs. Branham impacted my life the most because of how well she loved me and other students. She was always asking about our day and always made herself available to listen, even when it may have been inconvenient for her. She also started a weekly devotion where we would meet and talk about all the ways God is working in our lives. Her love for God and the way she loves others is inspiring and encourages me to live more like Him. How do you feel you grew as a soccer player and person during your years at LCS? I think I grew most as a leader. I’m naturally very quiet and introverted, but LCS gave me lots of opportunities to grow and be a strong communicator. Whether as captain of the soccer team, as a camp counselor, or as class treasurer, I was put in situations where other people looked to me for guidance. All these opportunities increased my confidence and expanded my ability to communicate with others. What are your favorite soccer memories? My favorite soccer memories are just the funny moments spending time with my teammates. The team trips and REAC sleepover were some of the best ones. For example, on the away trip for my junior year state championship, Maddie, Katie, and I got left at the hotel and had to run to cold stone in the dark. That was pretty funny.




If you could give younger students and/or athletes advice, what would you tell them? Don’t stress over little things and make sure to stay grounded in your faith. There will always be worldly challenges (like tests or games) that seem really important at the time, but they won’t define you in the grand scheme of things. I think it is important to prioritize your time with God because trusting in Him will allow you to see what is really important in life and will save you a lot of stressful moments. Why did you choose the Air Force Academy? The Air Force Academy embodies everything I value and enjoy. I enjoy pushing myself mentally and physically, so the challenge of it was very appealing. Also, the Bible calls us to use our abilities to serve others and the Air Force will provide me with a lifetime of opportunities to serve the community. 33

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I plan on making the Air Force my career. Ideally, I would still be serving in whatever duty I end up in— probably engineering. What would you say has been your single greatest accomplishment so far, whether in the classroom or on the playing field? Although not a physical award, I think one of the things I’m most proud of is having a reputation that makes other people feel comfortable to ask me for help. In school, I’m pretty good at understanding the material, and I really enjoyed helping other people who were struggling. Especially in math, a lot of my classmates would ask me to help them understand the lessons or do homework, and I liked being able to use my talents to help others.


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lcsvikingsathletics April 15

Congratulations to CJ Smith and Cassidy Burke earning state medals today at the University of Florida. CJ became state running up in the high jump by clearing 6’7.5”.

lcsvikingsathletics April 12

Congratulations to the LCS Boys tennis team for winning districts, and Congratulations to Kase Gibson for winning districts at #5 singles. He was also county champion last week at #5 singles!




lcsvikingsathletics April 4

Meet The Ledger’s 2021-22 All-County Girls Soccer Team Coach of the year Jason Streets

lcsvikingsathletics February 22

Congratulations Coach Carl! Please join us in celebrating our varsity girls basketball coach, Mike Carl for being named 2022 District Coach of the year for girls’ basketball



lcsvikingsathletics February 2



✨THIRD✨ in the state!! So proud of the LCS

competition cheer team and thankful for the opportunity to represent LCS and use our talents to glorify God.




n the morning of March 29, the entire LCS school family lined the perimeter of what will be the new high school building. This official groundbreaking ceremony for the upper school facility followed years of planning and fundraising for the Forging a Firm Foundation capital campaign at Lakeland Christian School. Set to open in the fall of 2023, the building will feature 27 new learning areas including labs, classrooms, and special program suites. Students will benefit from the ongoing campaign, and the high school building, for decades to come. The Campaign Kickoff Concert featuring The Voice runner up Kenzie Wheeler, the schoolwide groundbreaking ceremony and the ongoing construction has brought much excitement to campus in recent months. The young kids, especially, are enthralled with the heavy machinery buzzing around on the construction site.

Campaign Update Photos by BA Schmitt & Ben Johnson Renderings provided by Straughn Trout Architects



LCS Board Members Payton Albritton, Bill Mutz, Heather Bryant, Holland Henderson, Kevin Knowlton, Cory Petcoff, David Miller and Jim Wilbanks participated in the groundbreaking ceremony.

As we wrapped up the 21-22 school year, we were able to see the financial progress as we updated the campaign thermometer in the carline. It has been an incredible work of God through His people getting Lakeland Christian to the following update: Of the $19.1 million goal, $17.5 million has been committed, with an additional dollar for dollar matching gift committed until we reach our goal. The Forging a Firm Foundation campaign is only $800,000 away from its completion! We are praying the campaign reaches completion this year. If you would like more information on how you can make this happen, visit www.lcsonline.org/pledge.

All students in grades K4-12 lined the perimeter of what will be the new high school building.







LCS Alumni Updates

Taylor O’Byrne (‘18) graduated from Davidson College in May 2022 with a degree in Public Health. She also played on the women’s soccer team during her four years. Taylor received the Davidson Wildcat Award for showing leadership in athletics. She is preparing to pursue further education to become a physician assistant.


Chris Newberry (‘18) graduated from the Florida Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering and mathematics in May 2022 and was consistently named to the Dean’s List during his undergraduate career. To be included on the Dean’s List a student must complete 12 or more graded credits in a semester with a semester grade point average of at least 3.4. Madison Oxendine-Dial (‘15) graduated from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May 2021. She is working as an ICU nurse at Scotland Memorial Hospital in Laurinburg, North Carolina.



William J. H. Sutton (‘15) presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 70th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 8, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The title of his presentation was “Quantification of Viral Antigen Expression Using Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry: Development of a Potency Assay for Next Generation Vaccines.” Will has been the lead investigator on this research project while completing a 3 year Fellowship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta, Georgia. In August, he will attend Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to pursue a PhD in chemistry. William graduated from Sewanee: The University of the South in 2019. Brooks Wilson (‘14) married Sarah Collins on November 20, 2021, at First Presbyterian Church in Lakeland. The couple resides in Tampa. Brooks is playing baseball with the Atlanta Braves organization, and Sarah is Provider Engagement Manager for DataLink Software. The couple met at Stetson University where Brooks played baseball and Sarah played soccer. Taylor Morton (‘11) married Austin Rumbley on December 1, 2021. Taylor is an IT Asset Management and Procurement Specialist for Rooms to Go, and Austin is a Financial Representative with Northwestern Mutual. He also serves in the US Navy Reserves as a Master at Arms 2nd Class. The couple resides in Lakeland.










Hannah (Cotterill) Pratt (‘09) and her husband Brandon welcomed their first child, son Brady Lee Pratt, on March 11, 2022.



Holly Hungerford (‘06) has always loved serving others. While over the years that has included a ministry role in a church, more recently her passion has expanded to serving couples on the biggest day of their lives. In August 2021, Holly opened a wedding and event planning business called Handled by Holly and has been serving couples throughout the state since. “My favorite part of a couple’s big day is serving them and taking care of any issues that arise, so they can be fully present and enjoy their day together,” she said.



David Hungerford (‘08) and his wife Aimee welcomed their second child, son Ezra Neil, on March 31, 2022. He joins big sister Eliana Rose who is two years old. David and Aimee live in Lakeland on a small farm. David is a senior advisor with SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler, selling commercial real estate in Lakeland and beyond.

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Caitlyn (Smith) Hall (‘06) ended up being a LCS ‘Lifer’ as her parents, Dr. Steve and Kathy Smith wanted her to have the best K-12 education possible. After graduation, Caiti went on to graduate from the University of Central Florida in 2011. In 2013 she became a chef after completing the LeCordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts course in Orlando. In 2017, she met her husband, Chris Hall, also a chef, when they were hired for the opening of the AC Hotel by Marriott in Asheville, NC. The two chefs married in 2018 and were soon blessed with a daughter, Emerson Rose, now 3 years old. Caiti and Chris’ mutual dream of one day opening their own restaurant became a reality in Burnsville, North Carolina, when they opened Cast Iron Kitchen on Labor Day weekend, 2021. On May 11, 2022, the Hall family grew by one when their son, Archer Keith Hall was born in Asheville, North Carolina.

Upcoming Alumni Events at LCS Other Alumni News:

September 16 Alumni Night in Viking Stadium September 30 Homecoming in Viking Stadium September 30 Class of 2002: 20 Year Reunion September 30 Class of 2012: 10 Year Reunion

Patrick Smith (‘82) was named the Ledger’s AllCounty Football Coach of the Year. He is the head coach at Tenoroc High School in Lakeland. In a special election in May 2021, Mike Musick Jr. (‘91) was elected to the Lakeland City Commission to fill a vacant seat. He was elected to a four-year term in November 2021. Ashley (Thomas) Burella (‘05) was named to the Experience Kissimmee Board of Directors. She serves as the Head of Strategy & Insights for LEGOLAND Resorts & Peppa Pig Theme Park North America. Brent Behrens (‘09) was named the Lakeland Police Department’s Officer of the Year at the department’s annual awards in March 2022. Logan Mason (‘18) was selected from over 2,000 graduates to represent the Auburn University Harbert College of Business by serving in the honorary role of graduation marshal in the 2022 spring commencement ceremony.

Watch the LCS Alumni Social Media for more information on upcoming events Instagram: @lcs_viking_alumni Facebook Group: Lakeland Christian School Alumni Assoctiation

We love to hear from our alumni! News about you is important to us and to your former classmates. Please email Sandy Johnson at sjohnson@lcsonline.org. Planning your class reunion? Kelly Brenneman can arrange for use of facilities and will offer other helpful tips. Email Kelly at kbrenneman@lcsonline.org.



Lakeland Christian School 1111 Forest Park Street Lakeland, Florida 33803

Janda Bazemore

Diane Blanchard

Kay Moore

Mike Mullins

Kathy West

Debbie Howell

Greg McSwain

Cheryl Patterson

Charlene Risk

Alicia Whidden

Although LCS was founded in 1954, the school didn’t initially offer high school. Fifty years ago, the ten members of the Class of 1973 (shown here) became the first-ever graduating class from Lakeland Christian School. Were you a member of this class or know someone who is? We’d love to hear an update from you! Please email Sandy Johnson (sjohnson@lcsonline.org).

Lakeland Christian School, Class of 1973

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