July 2011

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Viking July 2011


Lakeland Christian School

Class of 2011 Seeks To ‘Be Salt’

“Why us, why now?” By Dr. Mike Sligh, Headmaster


his is one of my favorite questions to ask at the

student’s peers. Student-

beginning of an admissions interview. I genuinely

led prayer groups, Bible

want to know what motivates parents to consider Christian

studies, accountability

schooling at LCS for their children. I want to know if their

partners and mentors

reasons for seeking us have any connection to our mission

are an intrinsic part of

as a school.

school life. Questions

One of the most frequent responses I have received

about one’s faith and

from parents has to do with wanting a “Christian

how it connects to real

atmosphere” for their child. Sometimes disappointments

life are respected and

We want to have an atmosphere where it is “in” to excel academically while valuing those for whom school is a struggle.

with past school experiences are


described. Concerns about safety or peer

Admission of failure

treatment loom large for some. The

is met with forgiveness

exclusion of the mention of God or

and restoration rather

the use of scripture in the government

than condemnation

schools is a frustration for others.

and exclusion.

On some occasions we hear

All of these

unrealistic expectations about what it

atmospheric benefits

will be like to be in a Christian school.

are of great value and contribute to a school culture that

An idyllic place is described where

facilitates growth and learning. But, in my mind, these are an

everyone is courteous, no one is bullied,

insufficient rationale for the Christian school.

gossip is non-existent, and drugs,

A school is, first and foremost, about learning. So, although

drinking and sex are never on the minds

having the proper atmosphere for learning is certainly

of the students. Such a place is a far cry

important, I would suggest that what is learned is far more

from life in a fallen world, and I have feared the letdown

important. Of supreme importance is the perspective from

this family will face as reality sets in.

which the teaching is presented to the learner.

There can be no question that an atmosphere conducive

The mission of Lakeland Christian School is to educate

to learning is a key component in a student’s education.

students “In the Light of God’s Word” to equip them for a life

Sometimes new students are taken aback when they notice

of learning, leadership, service and worship. Every area of study

everyone around them actually doing the homework!

and every student activity is an opportunity to teach a biblical

We want to have an atmosphere where it is “in” to excel

worldview. What does it mean to view all of life biblically, to

academically while valuing those for whom school is a

have the major and minor decisions of life informed by the

struggle. For example, LCS is a school with an increasing

Truth of scripture?

number of AP classes as well as an expanding range

We would hope some of our graduates would pursue

of special education services. We want to serve as wide

vocations in politics and law. A biblical worldview equips them

a variety of students as possible, encouraging all

to apply the teachings of scripture about justice, morality,

towards excellence.

leadership, immigration, property rights and respect for one’s

“Christian atmosphere” also carries with it the

fellow man. Those who would pursue business will have a biblical

expectation that the cultural norms include a climate that

sense of fairness and integrity toward both their customers and

contributes to a student’s spiritual growth. Following Christ

their employees. The “bottom line” is about more than the P & L

is encouraged, not only from the adults, but also from a

sheet. Those who marry and have families will apply biblical continued on page 3

in this issue


Graduation, Seniors

12-15 Sports


Secondary News

16-17 Fine Arts

10-11 Elementary News



O’Byrne Named Elementary Principal W

hen elementary school students return to LCS in the

Mrs. Luci O’Byrne, Elementary Principal

fall, things are going to look a little bit different in

the Elementary Office and in the Wonder Room. Lakeland Christian School is pleased to announce that Mrs. Luci O’Byrne has been named the Elementary Principal for


K4-5th grade, and Mr. Fred Wiechmann has transitioned

B.S. Elementary Education, Campbell University M.Ed. Educational Leadership, Covenant College

to the role of Science Resource Teacher. “We believe that unifying the instructional leadership under one voice will facilitate the coordination of our school

Professional Experience

improvement efforts across the elementary school,” said

Lakeland Christian School, Primary Grades Principal, 2006-present

Dr. Mike Sligh, Headmaster. “Over the past five years, Mrs. O’Byrne has proven to be an effective leader of students and

Founding Director, Shepherd Road Christian Academy, 2003-2006

faculty and has earned the respect of her colleagues and our school families. We look forward to expanding her influence

Mulberry Middle School, 1997-2003; Teacher of the Year 1998, Head of Math Department

at LCS.” Mr. Wiechmann is recognized throughout the state and

Lutheran Church of the Cross School, Kindergarten Teacher, 1996-97

region as an outstanding educator in the area of natural and environmental sciences. He has received numerous honors for his activities in the field. He will be involved in

Swift Creek Elementary School, Raleigh, NC 1993-96, Teacher of the Year, 1993

providing elementary students with hands-on science


experiences across all of the

Husband: Chris

grades and will continue to

Children: Cameron (3rd), Taylor (6th)

give leadership to Creation Care Week, the Fifth Grade Retreat and much more.

Mr. Fred Wiechmann, Science Resource Teacher

“We are grateful for Mr. Wiechmann’s leadership in the elementary school for


the past 18 years and look

B.S. Comprehensive Science, Ashland College M.A. Administration, Grace Seminary

forward to the contributions he will continue to make to

Professional Experience and Organizations

our students in this new role,” said Dr. Sligh.

15 years, middle school science teacher 24 years, elementary principal (LCS 1993-2011) Awards Project Learning Tree National Outstanding Educator, 2004 Project Learning Tree Educator of the Year, 2001 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Teacher of the Year, 2002 The Florida Native Plant Society, School Landscape Award, 2003 SWFWMD Award of Excellence in Water Conservation Education, 2003, 2004 Family Wife: Barb


Three adult children, four grandchildren

Faculty, Staff Reach Milestones Auction Raises Financial Aid Funds


Eighteen members of the LCS faculty and staff were recognized for reaching

ore than 85 items were auctioned off as

major milestone anniversaries over

Lakeland Christian School hosted the first-ever

the past year. Dr. Mike Sligh honored

“Bids, Burgers and All That Jazz!” event on Friday,

the following members of the LCS

April 8, and the evening raised more than $48,000

family at the end-of-year luncheon:

for student financial aid. Held at First Presbyterian Church and sponsored

5 Years

by Publix Super Market Charities, the evening included both silent and live auctions featuring fabulous vacation destinations, a day with Sheriff Grady Judd, numerous sports tickets and memorabilia, fishing trips and much more. A cash call during the auction raised $7,150 for financial aid.

Jennifer Canady, Roger Evans, Caren Hiam, Christy Lee, Luci O’Byrne, Cathy Powers, Lynn Pruim, Bill Riley, Kathy Singler, Helen Walters-Carlson

Southeastern University’s Jazz Ensemble, led by professor John Seybert, performed during the dinner

10 Years

and silent auction portion of the night. The food included burgers, a mashed potato bar and homemade banana pudding. School parent Jason Brown emceed the evening, and board member

Jim Boatwright, Kay Henry, Lynne McNutt, Tami Mills

Jay Mueller served as the auctioneer. LCS student Tess Horne helps prepare the food before the auction. David Sligh checks out some of the silent auction items.

20 Years

A special thanks goes out to the team of coordinators who spent months putting the auction together. This group included Amy Mason, Randy Blalock, Ken Brannen, Jason Brown, Regina Harper and Danease Horne. Also, thanks to all of the parent volunteers who helped plan, organize, procure auction items, create baskets, decorate, set up and serve the dinner at the event, and to the classroom coordinators who so diligently communicated with the parents as they collected items for the baskets. The Southeastern University Jazz Ensemble entertained the crowd during the dinner and silent auction.


Nancy Bradley

Claudia Powell

30 Years

35 Years

Susan Ellis

Lorraine Latham

“Why us, why now?”

continued from inside front cover

principles and fulfill their roles as husbands and wives, and be informed by scripture as to how to raise their children “in the nurture of the Lord.” They will be equipped to give confident, loving and strong leadership to their children in a world of fearful, anxious parents.

There are as many examples of application as there are

vocational callings, for they all can be done for the glory of God. But students must be taught biblically in order to think biblically. It doesn’t just happen naturally.

Annual Back-to-School Bash Set for September 10

Any educational atmosphere, Christian or otherwise, lasts

Jump into a new school year at the annual Back to

the trajectory for a lifetime.

School Bash. This fun family event is scheduled for

Saturday, September 10, from 10 AM to 2 PM.

atmosphere” at LCS? Absolutely! Do we believe that our hope

The senior class is sponsoring a gym full of inflatable

for our students’ future is rooted in that atmosphere? No way.

games, and the junior class will host a barbeque lunch

As we partner together for the good of our students, let’s resolve to

in the cafeteria. Admission to the gym is $8/person or

look beyond the atmosphere, whether enjoyable or challenging,

$25/family, with all proceeds benefitting the senior

and strive to encourage our students to think and live biblically

class. Barbeque tickets will be sold in advance and at

for the glory of God and for their long-range good. After all,

the door. Stay tuned in the fall for more information!

when a group of adults and students is focused on thinking

only as long as the schooling lasts. Of far more lasting importance is what is learned and how a student is taught to think. That extends far beyond high school commencement. It sets Do we believe in doing all we can to enhance the “Christian

and living biblically, it makes for a really nice atmosphere!

If you could take just one person on vacation with you, who would it be? Lynn Pruim Secondary Administrative Assistant

Charlene Turlington

My boyfriend (Hugh Jackman!)

Senior Accountant


Amber Holland Accounts Receivable

Fred Wiechmann Science Resource Teacher

My friend Darla

My husband

The love of my life



Lincoln Logs and Barbies

My husband

Reva Thornton

What was your favorite toy as a kid?


My favorite pizza toppings are…

How do you relieve stress?

Ice cream: sugar cone, plain cone or in a bowl?

Pepperoni and green pepper

Go to the movies or watch TV


Onion, bell peppers and mushrooms

Pepperoni, bacon and onion

Board games

Art supplies

My Schwinn Wide Tire and my Daisy bb gun


Get a pedicure


Go to a girly movie

Sugar Cone

Cheese and pepperoni



Pepperoni, mushroom and green olives


Sugar Cone

Emily Tan was the Valedictorian for the Class of 2011.

Salutatorian Zoe Wilson addresses her classmates at graduation.

Class of 2011 Celebrates Commencement Events Christian Leadership Award winner Andrew Tew receives his diploma from Dr. Mike Sligh.

Mr. Stan McMahan was this year’s class-chosen commencement speaker.

Photos provided compliments of GradImages®

numerous awards and recognitions for academic, civic and athletic achievements. Salutatorian Zoe Wilson and


rom the very first day of their senior year, members of the

Valedictorian Emily Tan each shared memories, personal

LCS Class of 2011 anxiously anticipated the day when

advice and encouraging words with their classmates. The class selected Mr. Stan McMahan, a faculty member

they got to walk across the stage and be handed their diplomas. So after a week of finals followed by a week on

of the LCS Bible department, to speak at this year’s ceremony.

the senior trip, the students had just two final events

Using Paul’s letter to the Philippians, Mr. McMahan

remaining: baccalaureate and graduation.

encouraged the seniors to celebrate the lessons they’ve learned, the friendships they’ve made, their memories and

The seniors celebrated their baccalaureate service at Heritage Baptist Church on Sunday, June 5. This ceremony

possibilities and their growth as individuals made in the

included a charge by Christian Leadership Award recipient

image of God. He then challenged the graduates to stand

Andrew Tew, a message from Pastor Mark Bedwell of First

firm – to hold fast to what they know of God and in the

Baptist Church at the Mall and a special time for the seniors

power of his life, death and resurrection, to the assurance

to recognize their families. This year’s baccalaureate service

that they belong to Him and that He will never let them go. To conclude the evening, Dr. Mike Sligh presented the

also included a special recognition of former classmates Garrett Wynn and Keenan Mullings who both passed away

graduates with a diploma as their favorite Bible verse was

during their secondary years.

read. As the band performed the recessional, the seniors marched out of the auditorium, tossed their caps in the air

On Monday, June 6, the 80 members of the Class of

and celebrated with their family and friends.

2011 concluded their time at LCS as they received their

The faculty and staff of LCS congratulate each of these

diplomas. Surrounded by family, friends and members of the LCS faculty and staff at Florida Southern College’s

seniors on their many accomplishments and wish them God’s

Branscomb Auditorium, the seniors were honored with

blessing in their futures.

About the Cover: The eighty members of the Class of 2011 celebrated their commencement on Monday, June 6. The seniors chose Matthew 5: 13-14 as their class verse: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”


Kirby Awarded Elks Scholarship

Middleton Named National Merit Scholar

LCS senior Carrie Kirby recently received a college scholarship worth $250 from the Lakeland Elks Lodge. Carrie was honored at a special banquet this spring. A student at LCS since Kindergarten, Carrie is the daughter of Mark and Linda Kirby. She plans to attend Clearwater Christian College in the fall.

Senior Justin Middleton was one of six Polk County students to be named a National Merit Scholar. He is one of 8,200 high school seniors from around the country to earn this prestigious award. Based on his 2009 PSAT scores, Justin was named one of 16,000 semifinalists this past fall. Finalists are selected based on their academic record, contributions to school and community, standardized tests scores, an essay and a letter of recommendation by a high school official. Justin is the son of Bill and Alice Middleton. He plans to attend Auburn University in the fall.

Seniors Honored with Awards Special Recognition

at Commencement

Valedictorian – Emily Tan Salutatorian – Zoe Wilson Christian Leadership Award – Andrew Tew Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award – Zoe Wilson, Luke Yrastorza Wendy’s Heisman Award Nominee – Rachel Munson Ledger’s Boys Soccer Athlete of the Year – Michael Emert American Legion Award Winners – Courtney Payne, Andrew Tew

Subject Area Awards Weston Abramson – Yearbook Photo Editor

Congratulations to the following seniors for

Hailee Bennett – Economics Sarah Boger – AP Studio Art

their outstanding

Nick Burnette – Drama II

work both in and

Danielle Cayon – Yearbook Ad Editor

out of the classroom.

Jacy Carr – Yearbook Assistant Editor

These honors were presented as part of the school’s commencement exercises on June 6.

Drew Cleghorn – Advanced Topics in Math Garrett Dodd – Honors Physics Angela Douglas – Bible: Worldviews, AP Music Theory

American Legion Honorable Mention – Carrie Kirby, T. Buddy Miller

Michael Emert – Yearbook Ad Editor

Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Brice Futch

Kaley Henderson – English IV

President’s Volunteer Service Award – Brice Futch

Carrie Kirby – Bible: Worldviews, Bible: Implications of Christianity

National Merit Commended Scholars – Garrett Dodd, Michelle Jackson

Michelle Jackson – Government

Trevor Freeman – Honors Statistics Garrett Hill – Environmental Science

Justin Middleton – AP Literature, AP Calculus, AP Economics, Latin II, Psychology, Sociology, Piano, Honors Band

National Merit Scholar – Justin Middleton Perfect Attendance – Emily Tan Highest Honors (4.0 minimum GPA for every marking period) – Taylor Allegood, Blake Averitt, Stephanie Baker, Hailee Bennett, Emily Bolter, Nikki Chmura, Garrett Dodd, Angela Douglas, Michelle Jackson, Carrie Kirby, Nathan Lain, Courtney Madden, Justin Middleton, T. Buddy Miller, Rachel Munson, Shelby Pierce, Jimmy Prescott, Morica Reinsch, Olivia Schichtel, Luis Sierra, Emily Tan, Andrew Tew, Zoe Wilson, Luke Yrastorza

T. Buddy Miller – Yearbook Editor Courtney Payne – Chamber Ensemble Morica Reinsch – Computers I Taylor Scruggs – Algebra I Luis Sierra – AP Spanish Emily Tan – AP Biology Andrew Tew – Journalism Editor Zoe Wilson – Honors English IV


Seniors Travel to Georgia for Annual Missions Trip

Lakeland Christian School Class of 2011

With final exams behind them, 78 members of the Class of 2011 boarded

next day, the seniors spent the day riding roller coasters at Six Flags Over Georgia. On Monday and Tuesday, the seniors

unwind after two hard days of work. Pastor Tim Rice spoke on Sunday morning, challenging the seniors to give

two charter buses on the morning of

and sponsors worked on various projects

up their “Counterfeit Gods” (based on

May 27 and headed for Strong Rock

at the camp, contributing nearly 900

the book by Timothy Keller). Senior Brent

Camp and Conference Center in

man-hours to help prepare the camp

Adriano led worship time, and Mr. Geoff

Cleveland, Georgia. Over the next week,

facilities. Projects included landscaping,

Stabler challenged the students each

the students helped prepare the facilities

deep cleaning, clearing trails, chopping

evening during devotions.

for the upcoming summer camp season.

wood and much more.

Before getting to work at the camp,

The Class of 2011 would like to

In the evenings, the seniors had

thank everyone who helped them raise

the students were able to enjoy some free

free time to take part in some of the

the necessary funds for this year’s trip.

time in Atlanta on Saturday and Sunday.

different recreational activities offered

Fundraising activities included the Back

The group traveled to a local outlet mall

at the camp including a climbing wall,

to School Bash, Homecoming, the Senior

and Underground Atlanta before heading

riflery, swimming and canoeing. On

Play, the Friday Chick-fil-A breakfasts

to Turner Field where they watched the

Tuesday afternoon, the group traveled to

and much more.

Braves take on the Cincinnati Reds. The

a local bowling alley/skating rink to

New Class Officers Chosen for 2011-12

Late this spring, members of the high school student body elected their

new class representatives for the 2011-2012 school year. Congratulations to the following students who were selected to serve their classes: Ninth Grade President – Chase Turbeville Vice President – Tucker Scruggs Secretary – Colin Dodd Treasurer – Megan Gordon Historian – Grady Bolter

Eleventh Grade President – Amanda Roth Vice President – Courtney Miles Secretary – Lindsey Shelburne Treasurer – Allie Chmura Historian – Ly Velez

Tenth Grade President – Shane Buchanan Vice President – Cody Averitt Secretary – Rebekah Firmin Treasurer – Emily Carl Historian – Kaylyn Sizemore


Twelfth Grade President – Emily Behrens Vice President – Troy Schiebel Secretary – Nicky Aspinwall Treasurer – Ashley Abbott Historian – Emily Sharpe

Secondary Students Recognized at Awards Ceremonies Duke TIP Award: Christian Bedwell, Laurel Hesseltine, Breanna Skladanek, William Smaha National Fitness Award: Emily Lain, Emily Murphy, Katie Stubblefield, Brooke Wilsman, Jacob Koretchko, Reid Reynolds, Derek Torres, Rebekah Cline, Breanna Skladanek, Alison Frost, Kayla Mudger, Maddie Oxendine-Dial, Hannah Stevens

Students in grades 6-11 were honored for their academic achievements during two special awards ceremonies at the end of the school year. Congratulations to the following students for their exemplary academic performance: Perfect Attendance: Gage Frier, Harmon Gill, Patrick Lucas, Megan Watson, Reid Reynolds, Emily Montanez, Breanna Skladanek, Kenneth Boggess, Gurmon Gill, Robert Hickernell, Brandon Kaye, Kacee Strickland Subject Area Awards

(student with the highest GPA in the class)


Sydney Rayborn – Life of Christ Derek Andersen – Life of Christ Emily Oak – History of Christian Doctrine Stephanie Powers – New Testament Greek Mason Bellar – Bible Study Methods Kendra Lehner – Old Testament Survey Paige Watson – New Testament Survey Vinny Ferreira – Introduction to Old Testament Colin Dodd – Old Testament Survey English/Language Arts

Sydney Rayborn – English I Hope Dodd – Honors English I Kaley Etheridge – English II Ly Velez – Honors English II Stephanie Powers – Honors English II Meagan Palm – English III Whitney Andersen – Honors English III Mark Mutz – AP Language Anna Lanzino – Sixth Grade English Alaine Branham – Middle School English Breanna Skladanek – Seventh Grade English Tucker Scruggs – Eighth Grade English Foreign Language

Stephanie Powers – Spanish I Hope Dodd – Honors Spanish I Alexis Latimer – Spanish II Ly Velez – Honors Spanish II Emily Oak – Honors Spanish III Kristen Grafton – Latin I Triston LaPorte – Sixth Grade Spanish Christian Bedwell – Seventh Grade Spanish Connor Sutton – Eighth Grade Spanish Math

Audra Drake – Algebra I Emily Carl – Algebra I Kaley Etheridge – Algebra II Stephanie Powers – Honors Algebra II Hope Dodd – Honors Geometry Christina Sierra – Pre-Calculus Hannah Scruggs – Liberal Arts Math Hayden Patteson – Sixth Grade Math Caitlyn Russell – Sixth Grade Math Lexi Torres – Seventh Grade Math Michael Barcelo – Seventh Grade Math Terry Latimer – Eighth Grade Math Christian Bedwell – Pre-Algebra Coleton Carter – Pre-Algebra Tucker Scruggs – Algebra I Brent Brenneman – Geometry Physical Education

Kaitlynn Connell – Ninth Grade PE R.J. Caron – Ninth Grade PE Emily Oak – Life Management Phil Wilsman – Life Management Megan Watson – Personal Fitness Blake Crosby – Personal Fitness Zach Martinez – Weightlifting Lauren Latimer – Sixth Grade PE

Jacob Koretchko – Sixth Grade PE Chloe Wineinger – Seventh Grade PE Evan Gonzalez – Seventh Grade PE Kendra Lehner – Eighth Grade PE Reid Reynolds – Eighth Grade PE Science

Hope Dodd – Physical Science Stephanie Powers – Chemistry I Troy Schiebel – Physiology Meagan Palm – Marine Biology Megan Watson – Biology Stephanie Powers – Honors Biology Tripp Asbridge – Sixth Grade Science Christian Bedwell – Seventh Grade Science Tucker Scruggs – Earth Science Social Studies

Mason Bellar – US History Hope Dodd – World Cultures Troy Schiebel – AP US History Megan Watson – World History Emily Oak – Honors World History Christian Bedwell – Social Studies Tucker Scruggs – US History Sam Oak – Ancient Civilizations Electives

Caitlin Robb – Choir Anna Brooks – Middle School Choir Blake Bellar – Sixth Grade Choir Kaitlyn Smith – Sixth Grade Band Kacee Strickland – Sixth Grade Band Christopher Green – Middle School Band Greg Holden – Seventh Grade Music Scout Hunt – Sixth Grade Music Katie Stubblefield – Drama Kaitlynn Connell – Fabric Construction Ashlyne Wells – Food Prep Christian Bedwell – Living Skills Greg Gomez – Journalism Amy Robb – Journalism Campbell Rice – Sixth Grade Art Rebekah Firmin – Art I Courtney Wells – Art II Joe Roth – Drafting Livingston Boulerice – AutoCAD II Peter Cline – AutoCAD III Brooke Andrew – Guitar I Ocean Walters-Carlson – Driver’s Education Katie Smith – Careers Liana Plunkett – Graphic Information Design Kaitlin Smith – Intro to Computers Olivia Overholt – Intro to Computers Greg Holden – Intro to Computers Connor Sutton – Intro to Computers merit Awards Bible

(student who demonstrates hard work and a positive attitude in class)

Hope Dodd – Life of Christ Josie Koretchko – Life of Christ

Josh Sessums – History of Christian Doctrine Kristen Grafton – New Testament Green Kelcie Harris – Bible Study Methods English/Language Arts

Brooke Wilsman – English I Zoe Holmquist – Honors English I Phil Wilsman – English II Emily Oak – Honors English II Lacie Aldridge – English III Craig Uria – Honors English III Foreign Language

Morgan Jackson – Spanish I Matthew Buchy – Honors Spanish I Adam Scroggin – Spanish II Lacie Aldridge – Honors Spanish II Brooke Andrew – Latin I Jenna Smithson – Latin II Math

Jessica Torres – Algebra I Jake Molony – Algebra I Whitney Houk – Algebra II Kylie Shortt – Algebra II Heidi Bingle – Geometry Josie Koretchko – Honors Geometry Jessica Dorris – Pre-Calculus Mark Mutz – Statistics Physical Education

Alex Babcock-Latta – Life Management Ly Velezv – Personal Fitness Caleb Thomas – Personal Fitness Jeremiah Dupuis – Ninth Grade PE Chris Kitchens – Weightlifting Science

Sydney Rayborn – Physical Science Josh Sessums – Chemistry I Destiny Godwin – Physiology Destiny Godwin – Marine Biology Kaley Etheridge – Biology Zoe Holmquist – Honors Biology Social Studies

Beth Mora – World Cultures Hannah Scruggs – US History Amanda Terry – AP US History Thomas Plunkett – Woodman of the World Kaley Etheridge – World History Phil Wilsman – World History Ly Velez – Honors World History Stephanie Powers – Honors World History Electives

Tyler Slomowitz – Fabric Construction Olivia Wiles – Food Prep Carter Overholt – Journalism Hope Dodd – Art I Erica Baker – Art II Johnny Boatwright – AP Music Theory Kylie Shortt – Driver’s Education Caitlin Robb – Computers I Irene Mansour – Computers I Andrew Jones – Graphic Information Design

Juniors, Seniors Attend French Quarter Masquerade This year’s Junior/Senior Banquet took the upperclassmen to a “French Quarter Masquerade” at the beautiful Gaylord Palms Resort as they celebrated the last formal event of the year.

Archers Advance to World Competition After an outstanding showing at the National Archery in Schools (NASP) National Tournament in mid-May, the Lakeland Christian School archery team has qualified for the World NASP Archery Tournament that will be held in October. Led by sixth grader Jake Albritton who earned 272 out of a possible 300 points, including 12 bull’s-eyes, the team tallied 3,014 total points. The archers traveled overnight to the tournament that was held at

Hosted by the junior class, the New Orleans-

the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. More than 6,700

themed event featured a multi-course meal, an improv

students competed in three divisions: elementary, middle school and high

act by Saks Comedy Lab and a special video tribute

school. LCS was the only high school team from Florida to compete. Each

to the Class of 2011. The evening culminated with the

team shot three rounds of five arrows at 10 meters and three rounds of five

election of Kaley Henderson and Andrew Tew as this

arrows at fifteen meters. The team was comprised of four seniors, one junior, four sophomores,

year’s queen and king. After the banquet, many students spent the remainder of the evening at Downtown Disney, Universal’s Citiwalk, Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf

six freshmen, one eighth grader, two seventh graders and two sixth graders. The group was coached by James and Barb Moore and Sue Wilsman. The NASP World Tournament will be held October 6-8, 2011, at the Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando.

and other sites around Orlando. Kaley Henderson and Andrew Tew were chosen as this year’s Junior/Senior Banquet king and queen.

The LCS archery team qualified for the World Tournament in October.

Eighth Graders Visit State Capitol Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, a Polk County native, spoke to the students during their trip to Tallahassee.


akeland Christian eighth graders spent three exciting days in Tallahassee during the last week of the Legislative session in May that was made

memorable by the contact with state leaders. After a charter bus ride to the state Capitol, LCS students were greeted by Florida Senate budget chairman J. D. Alexander. He spoke to students about his work, the significance of the legislative process and about the impact of USF Polytechnic on Polk County. Students were fascinated by the debate they heard as they spent time in the House gallery and were greeted from the floor by State Representatives Kelley Stargel and Seth McKeel, who later joined the group to interact with students and take a picture. School parent and former Member of the House Dean Saunders provided a wealth of experience as he helped students understand the legislative process and introduced them to his

Secondary Spanish Students Travel to Ecuador A group of 12 students and adults from the Lakeland Christian School Spanish Department recently returned from Ecuador where they participated in the 3rd Annual Cultural Enrichment Tour. Secondary Spanish Teacher Denise Fie coordinated the trip through Joshua Expeditions. The group was able to enjoy white-water rafting, zip lining, horseback riding in a dormant volcano, riding a historic train through the Andes Mountains and dining on delicious, authentic Ecuadorian cuisine. The goal of the Cultural Enrichment Tour is to encourage high school students to explore Hispanic cultures around the world, practice their fledgling language skills and open their hearts to see where God might be leading them in their future careers. Next year’s trip will be to Peru where travelers will The students and adults on the trip, pictured here from left to right in front of the Embassy Hotel in

explore Incan culture while visiting Machu Picchu and

downtown Quito, included Greg Gomez, Casey Jones, Sonny Averett, Aaron Brooks, Emily Oak, Paige

Lake Titicaca. All students enrolled in high school

Stamey, Katelin Russ, Lymaries Velez, Mrs. Denise Fie, Erica Baker, Mrs. Gina Brooks and Mrs. Jill Jones.

Spanish next year are encouraged to obtain an information packet from Mrs. Fie in the fall.

Latimer Awarded Memorial Scholarship Keenan Mullings was a former member of the Class of 2011 who was killed in a car accident on October 10, 2008. Keenan’s family established the Keenan Chisholm Mullings Minority Scholarship Fund in his memory. We are pleased to announce a gift from this fund that will be used to help enable a minority student to attend LCS. The family asked that the candidate be a student who demonstrates care for others in education, friendship and community. We are delighted to announce that Alexis Latimer is the recipient of the Keenan Chisholm Mullings Minority Scholarship for 2011-12.

Keenan Mullings

former colleagues. Students also visited the Supreme Court, where they spent time in

their faith during morning devotions and students participated in

a question-and-answer session with Charles Canady, husband of LCS

praying for state leaders during National Day of Prayer activities.

faculty member Jennifer Canady, and enjoyed a behind-the-scenes

They participated in a “night prowl” where they learned about

tour of Florida’s highest court. Other highlights of the eighth grade trip

nocturnal animals at the Florida Museum of Natural History and

included time spent with Polk County native and Commissioner of Ag-

even raced go-carts at Fun Station and shopped at the Governor’s

riculture Adam Putnam, who helped the students understand the role of

Square Mall. All of their experiences combined to create a

his agency as well as answered their questions about how to prepare for

memorable and engaging eighth grade trip culminating their

a career in public service.

middle school experience at Lakeland Christian School.

In addition to meeting with influential leaders, touring the Museum

Several students in Mr. Rob Beaudreault’s class created

of Florida History, the National High Magnetic Field Lab and Florida

websites to share pictures and information from the Tallahassee

State University, students enjoyed both spiritual growth and recreation.

trip. Visit www.lcsonline.org/elementary/student-websites/ to view

LCS graduate Stephen Firmin challenged students to be serious about

several students’ websites.


Students Honored with

Presidential Award

Students Recognized by American Legion

The Presidential Award for Educational Excellence is awarded to fifth, eighth and twelfth grade students who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and who have scored in the 85th percentile in reading or math on a standardized test. Congratulations to the following students for receiving this prestigious award:

Each year, the American Legion recognizes students in fifth, eighth and twelfth grades who demonstrate the character qualities of courage, honor, patriotism, leadership, service and scholarship. Congratulations to the f­ ollowing students who were selected as ­American Legion Award recipients:

Fifth Grade

Distinguished Achievement Award: Kyle Beaudreault, Brantley Sabat Honorable Mention: Ellie Blalock, Reese Overholt

Luke Albritton, Taylor Anderson, Luke Averitt, Alex Barrow, Kylie Beaudreault, Justin Bell, Ethan Bennett, Katie Bodiford, Austin Branham, Abby Burton, Hannah Byers, Sydney Cabrera, Holly Cameron, Liz Campano, Addie Christian, Madison Graves, Isaac Green, Wilson Grooms, Brock Guynn, Ruthie Hall, Brooke Hammack, Case Hannum, Sarah Hodge, Katie Hulbert, Ellise Jenkins, Jack Mason, Logan Mason, Matthew McDow, Hope McGrath, Emily McKinney, Evan McLoughlin, Adam Mines, Sarah Mulaparthi, Taylor O’Byrne, Reese Overholt, Emme Palmer, Mary Peace, Chase Petro, Caroline Pike, Morgan Radford, Carlos Rash, Maddie Richert, Abby Riley, Brantley Sabat, Tacy Snyder, Annie Speed, Brandon Starling, Tyler Steckler, Elizabeth Tidey, Michael Tippel, Tori Townsend, Daniel Vila, Nixie Vorndran, Kaid Walding, Lee Wall, Peyton Wells

Brantley Sabat, Reese Overholt, Ellie Blalock

5th grade

8th grade

Josh Martinez, Tucker Scruggs, Jordan Wells, Amanda Fulton

Distinguished Achievement Award: Amanda Fulton, Josh Martinez Honorable Mention: Jordan Wells, Tucker Scruggs 12th grade

Distinguished Achievement Award: Courtney Payne, Andrew Tew Honorable Mention: Carrie Kirby, T. Buddy Miller

Andrew Tew, T. Buddy Miller

Eighth Grade Matt Agosti, Coleton Carter, Colin Dodd, Amanda Fulton, Torri Harris, Matthew Henderson, Alex Holmes, Jake Kinney, Anna Koretchko, Kendra Lehner, Maggie Long, Josh Martinez, Jordan Mason, Patrick McDaniel, Ashley Middleton, Kaylee Mills, Sam Moseley, Kayla Mudger, Kendall Plunkett, Tucker Scruggs, Nick Simpson, Katie Smith, Savannah Spinks, Connor Sutton, Chase Turbeville, Jordan Wells

Twelfth Grade Taylor Allegood, Blake Averitt, Stephanie Baker, Hailee Bennett, Emily Bolter, Nick Burnette, Nikki Chmura, Tyler Crowell, Garrett Dodd, Angela Douglas, Trevor Freeman, Michelle Jackson, Carrie Kirby, Nathan Lain, Courtney Madden, Justin Middleton, T. Buddy Miller, Rachel Munson, Jimmy Prescott, Morica Reinsch, Olivia Schichtel, Luis Sierra, Trey Standifer, Emily Tan, Carly Tippel, Zoe Wilson, Luke Yrastorza

Presley Philpot

Gabe Mudger

Holly Cameron

Matthew McDow

Four Elementary Students Chosen for ‘Vicky Dawson’ Award In memory of beloved, longtime elementary PE teacher Vicky Dawson, who passed away in 2007, four elementary students each year are selected as “Vicky Dawson Strong Christian Character” award winners. This award is given out each year to two second grade students and two fifth grade students who show a heart for others and who always try to “Be the Best!” – a well-known adage of Mrs. Dawson. This year’s awards recipients are second graders Presley Philpot and Gabe Mudger and fifth graders Holly Cameron and Matthew McDow.


Elementary Happenings K4-5th Grade Have Busy Spring

Fifth grade students in Mrs. Jennifer Copeland’s class were rewarded for positive behavior and hard work with a water balloon and silly string fight in mid-May. Elementary Principal Mr. Fred Wiechmann joined in on the fun, evening making himself a target for the students.

Eighth grader Hayden Hill demonstrated the “Roman’s Road” method of evangelism with fourth grade students this spring.

Elementary Artists Compete at ACSI, Recognized at Annual Review Congratulations to the following elementary artists for earning high marks at the annual Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Art Festival. Students were recognized at the LCS Elementary Art Review in late April. Best of Show: Emily Smith (K5) Superior: Carter Sandman (1st grade), Alex Lazenby (2nd grade), Cameron O’Byrne (2nd grade), Isaac Webb (3rd grade), Ryan Srivastava (3rd grade), Anna Harrell (4th grade) Excellent: Carley Hampton (K5), Emma Galbraith (1st grade), Gracie Begley (2nd grade), Presley Philpot (2nd grade), Kacey Mewborn (4th grade), Kaci Levy (4th grade), Nixie Vorndran (5th grade), Alex Barrow (5th grade) Good: Alexandra Clements (3rd grade) Special thanks to Mrs. Bonnie Mosley, elementary art teacher, for her efforts in organizing this event.


Third grader Sydney Curls, a student in Mrs. Debbie Stump’s class, wrote an essay called “A Trip to the Turtle Pond.” This story, made into a poster with Sydney’s original artwork, will be featured at the turtle pond next year.

Lakeland Christian School Named 2A Academic Team Champion


he Florida High School Athletics Association (FHSAA) named the first-ever Overall Academic Team Champions, and Lakeland Christian School has won the award for Class 2A. This means LCS

athletic teams posted the highest cumulative GPAs of any team in the 2A classification in the state of Florida. With 129 points, LCS finished well ahead of First Academy of Orlando (105 points), Westminster Academy of Fort Lauderdale (101 points) and Trinity Prep of Winter Park (98 points). Each season, schools earn points based on their overall team grade point average for each sport. The top 10 schools in each category receive points. The team with the highest cumulative team GPA earns 10 points, the second place team receives nine, and so on. Several LCS teams won individual Academic Team Champion awards this school year for having the highest GPA in their sport, including the girls’ swim team (3.876), the volleyball team (3.825), the girls’ soccer team (3.757) and the girls’ tennis team (3.939). LCS teams finishing second include the girls’ cross country team, the girls’ basketball team, the varsity softball team and both the girls’ and boys’ track teams. The boys’ basketball team finished in third, and the Viking varsity football team and baseball team each earned fourth place. LCS led the Class 2A overall ranking all year.

Girls’ Tennis Team Claims Spring Academic Team Championship

Athletic Department Releases Stats for 2010 -11 School Year Athletic competition plays an important role at Lakeland Christian School as our students learn important lessons about leadership, responsibility,

The Florida High School Athletic Association

attitude, sportsmanship, humility, respect and teamwork.

has named the Academic Team Champions for the

This year nearly 400 students in grades 6-12 participated

spring sports season, and the LCS girls’ tennis team

as part of an athletic team.

has topped the list for having the highest grade point

Here are some of the statistics about athletic

average in the state.

participation during the 2010-2011 school year:

With an impressive cumulative team GPA of

n 164 students in grades 6-8 participated in at least one sport (66% of the middle school)

3.939, the girls’ tennis team took top honors in Class 1A. Both the girls’ and boys’ track teams ranked

n 218 students in grades 9-12 participated in at least one sport (67% of the high school)

second in Class 1A with a team GPA of 3.803 and 3.485 respectively. The softball team had a cumulative GPA of 3.751 which earned them the second spot in

n 220 athletes participated in a fall sport

the Class 2A rankings. The varsity baseball team, with

n 183 athletes participated in a winter sport

a GPA of 3.386, took the fourth spot.

n 226 athletes participated in a spring sport


LCS Wins The Ledger’s All-Sports Award

The Ledger Names Spring All-County Athletes

For the third consecutive year, Lakeland Christian

Congratulations to the following students for being selected

School has been named The Ledger’s All-Sports Award

as All-County athletes by The Ledger for the spring sports season:

winner for the Small Schools Division. This marks the

Girls’ Track and Field:
 First Team: Mallory White, Rebecca Eaves
 Honorable Mention: Carrie Kirby, Miranda Stewart

12th time since 1998 that the Vikings have earned this distinction. With 228 points, LCS topped All Saints (205),

Boys’ Track and Field: First Team: Mark Mutz
 Honorable Mention: Alex Sessums, Jason Davis, Luke Cabrera

Frostproof (176), Santa Fe Catholic (176) and McKeel (137), among others. District championships in volleyball, girls’ basketball, boys’ and girls’ soccer,

Second Team: Zoe Wilson, Shelby Pierce

baseball, softball and girls’ track helped add to the

Baseball: First Team: Grant McKown
 Second Team: Logan Browning, Tyler Leach
 Honorable Mention: Ethan Marquis, Brooks Wilson, Corey Stump, Andrew Williams

tally, with each title earning 10 points. District runners up get five points, which the girls’ swim team, girls’ tennis team and boys’ track team all earned. Since 1998, the only team to disrupt the LCS domination of the Small Schools All-Sports Award is

Girls’ Tennis: Honorable Mention: Erica Baker, Emily Tan

Frostproof High School, who won the honor in 2005 and 2008.

Boys’ Tennis: Honorable Mention: Luke Yrastorza

Eight Seniors Named to All-Academic Team Eight Lakeland Christian School seniors were recently named to The Ledger’s 2011 All-Academic Team. Nominations are made by each school. Candidates must be senior athletes with a cumulative weighted GPA of at least 3.5. Congratulations to the following students for earning this honor: Emily Bolter

Courtney Madden

Olivia Schichtel

Zoe Wilson

Carrie Kirby

Shelby Pierce

Emily Tan

Luke Yrastorza

Eight Athletes Honored as ‘Mighty in Spirit’

Shelby Pierce

Emily Tan

Hannah Webster

Zoe Wilson

Brent Adriano

Jonathan Wilsman

Mitch Devore

Mark Mutz

Eight Lakeland Christian School student-athletes were recently chosen by their teammates as the Mighty in Spirit award recipients. Seniors Shelby Pierce, Emily Tan, Hannah Webster, Zoe Wilson, Brent Adriano and Jonathan Wilsman, along with juniors Mitch Devore and Mark Mutz, were recognized as having an exemplary Christian testimony both on and off the playing field. The Mighty in Spirit Awards are given out each year by the LCS Athletic Department.


Football Team Dominates in Peace’s Debut


fter weeks of spring practice, the Vikings only needed the first half of the game to show the fans what to expect under the

leadership of new head coach Wayne Peace. The game was called after halftime due to lightning, but not before the Vikings dominated the Community School of Naples by a score of 26-0. More than 590 fans witnessed the Vikings tally 313 yards of offense while only allowing the Seahawks 66 yards. On the first drive of the game, the Vikings went 75 yards that culminated in a touchdown pass from Christian Alexander to Brad Peace. Alexander finished the half completing 10 out of 16 passes for 127 yards with one touchdown. He also rushed eight times for 67 yards. In the second quarter, Patrick Behrens scored a touchdown with just under seven minutes to play in the first half. After the Vikings sacked the Seahawk’s quarterback on a fourth-and-two, Peace ran in for another touchdown. C.T. Thomas added another with under a minute to round out the scoring.

Quarterback Christian Alexander led the Viking offense in the spring game against Community School of Naples.

Brad Peace scored the first Viking touchdown of the game.

Vikings to Host Kickoff Events in August The annual Kickoff Barbeque will be held on Friday, August 19, at 6:30 PM. Tickets will be on sale in the LCS Athletics Office. The Vikings will open their season as they host the annual Kickoff Classic against Calvary Christian on Friday, August 26, at 7 PM in Viking Stadium. For a complete schedule, visit www.lcsonline.org/athletics. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Viking Football Boosters, call the Athletics Office at 863-688-1825.


Annual Golf Tournament Provides Support for Athletic Teams


hat better way to support the LCS Athletic Department than to grab some

The afternoon also featured a longest drive competition (won by Mike Gates), a

friends, load up your golf clubs and enjoy a

putting contest (won by Joe Musick) and four

beautiful April afternoon on the golf course?

awards for being closest to the pin (Mike

Nearly 100 golfers of all levels participated

Gates, J.J. Brown, Brian Rock and Walt

in the 21st Annual Four Man Scramble and

Arnold each won). In addition, all golfers

were treated to a fun day of lunch, dinner,

were eligible for door prizes.

skills contests and the 18-hole competition at

The LCS cheerleaders were on hand

the Huntington Hills Golf and Country Club.

as course volunteers. The girls operated the

The four-man student team of Blake

contests, helped with registration and sold

Crosby, Corey Stump, Andrew Williams and

beverages and snacks on the course.

Grant McKown won this year’s tournament.

Many thanks to former school parent

Second place went to the four-man team of

and tournament chairman Kevin Wasilewski,

David Sligh, Nathan Sligh, Blane Fox and

who provided outstanding leadership to the

Bill Boulet. The team of Steve Wilson, Mike

golf committee. The 2012 tournament is

McCormick, Daniel Wilson and Robbie Davis

scheduled for April 21.

finished in third. The Heritage Baptist team

The LCS Athletic Department sends

of the “Musick Men” – father Mike Sr. along

heartfelt appreciation to the following

with sons Mike Jr. and Joe – won first place

individuals and organizations who

in the church team competition.

sponsored the 2011 event:

Master Sponsors

Hole Sponsors

Auburndale Bookkeeping & Tax Serv. Cam Connections, Inc. Center State Bank Charles Masek, Jr. Gregco Recycling, Inc. Harrell’s, Inc. The Harless Agency Horne Construction, Inc. McCormick Industrial Services Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Syngenta

Allen & Co. Area Litho Barney’s Pumps Burnetti, P.A. Clark/Nikdel/Powell Con-Sur, Inc. Brian Crosby, DMD, PA Crown Electric, Inc. Denise & John Curls, Jr. Dixie Signs

Food Marketing, Inc. Foster’s Aircraft Refinishing Global Produce Sales Green Construction Harrell’s Inc. Herff-Jones, Inc. Hulbert Homes John O. Tucker, D.C. Lakeland Auto Mall Lakeland Farmer’s Market Lott Morr Pizza


Ray & Betsy Phillips Regal Automotive Register Construction & Eng. Rideout & Sons Scott Langston Sessums Law Group, PA Sligh Clinic Total Pest Solutions Wasilewski Court Reporting Wilson Real Estate Williams & Williams


LCS Golf Tournament Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Outstanding Improvement: Mixon Holmes & Sarah Kettelkamp, Kaleel Hayes & Ana Rodriguez Outstanding Enthusiasm: Brent Adriano Outstanding Leadership: Amanda Carl

Outstanding Leadership & Enthusiasm: Cailey Bates & Luis Sierra Psalmist’s Heart: Carrie Kirby, Makaylee Graves Outstanding Choir/Ensemble Member: Caitlyn Robb, Courtney Payne Four-Year Senior Award for Commitment, Service & Leadership: Brent Adriano, Courtney Payne The High School Concert Choir performs at the Spring Awards Concert.


Student Vocalists Honored at Awards Concert

Outstanding Improvement: Paige Watson Outstanding Enthusiasm: Rebekah Cline, Jordan Wells Outstanding Leadership: Anna Brooks, Amanda Fulton, Christopher Greene Outstanding Choir Member: Kara Stacy

More than 120 student vocalists in grades 4-12 performed at the 2011 Choral Awards Concert at LCS in mid-May. The various choirs were directed by Nancy Snyder (Heart of Joy) and Wendy Carl (Chamber Ensemble, Concert Choir, Jr. High Choir and 6th Grade Choir). Each choir presented a selection of pieces including classical, festival, spirituals and gospel styles, followed by awards presentations for improvement, service, enthusiasm, leadership and musicianship. The evening concluded with a mass choir performance of “When in Our Music God Is Glorified” as the students circled the room and gave ultimate praise to God with the use of their voices. Congratulations to the students who were recognized with the following awards:

Sixth GRADE Outstanding Improvement: Scout Hunt Outstanding Enthusiasm: Abigail Garrard Outstanding Leadership: Blake Bellar, Julia Canady, Craig Heacox Outstanding Choir Member: Ashlynn Joyner

HEART OF JOY (GRADES 4-5) Improvement: Wil Kirk Enthusiasm: Jeremiah Brinson Service: Tacy Snyder Leadership: Annie Bolter, Sarah Hodge

Student Pianists Showcase Talents at End-of-Year Recitals

The LCS Fine Arts Department hosted the

Led by Jacob LaVallee, students in 4th

masters that represented the four main periods

annual piano recitals in mid-April, giving all

and 5th grades hosted a sports-themed recital.

of music (Baroque, Classical, Romantic and

students in grades K5-12 the opportunity to

Students came dressed in a uniform and

Contemporary). High school pianists Emily

showcase their skills and talents developed over

entertained the crowd with remote-control car

Carl and Stephanie Powers earned Student

the past school year. At the recitals, the top

races, cheers and gymnastic stunts in addition

of the Year awards.

students in grades 2-12 were honored with

to their piano performances. Many of the

“Student of the Year” awards.

pieces were original compositions of Mr.

at a Chinese-themed recital. Students moved

Mrs. Christy Fung led the K5 and 1st grade

LaVallee. Student of the Year awards were

through the audience with Chinese lanterns

students in a recital structured as if the students

given to Kacey Mewborn, Emily McKinney

and a dragon. At the end, the piano students

were in a lesson. The kids asked and answered

and Emily Valentine.

gave the senior class special fortune cookies

questions and then concluded with a prepared

filled with Scripture verses.

performance piece. Students in 2 and 3

Student of the Year honors for 6th-8th

Senior pianists performed one last time

grade students were awarded to Kayla Mudger,

grades performed in groups as well as solos.

Kara Stacy and Kacee Strickland. Middle school

Mrs. Lorraine Latham, Mrs. Kathleen

Congratulations to Sydney Curls and Hannah

students performed music by 20 th century

Boatwright, Mrs. Christy Fung, Mrs. Jill Jones

Miller for earning the Student of the Year

composers at their recitals, while students in

and Mr. Jacob LaVallee for their work with

awards for 2 and 3 grades.

high school performed music by the great

the students this year.






Special thanks to piano teachers

Secondary Band Students Awarded at Spring Concert

The Spring Awards Band Concert was held in mid-May and featured performances by all band students in grades 5-12. All of

the music performed was centered around a theme of water, and musical selections included “Under the Sea,” “Shall We Gather at the River” and “Down by the Riverside.” Band directors Chuck Fulton and Kathy Johnson gave awards to the following band students for their accomplishments this year: Symphonic Winds (High School Band) Andrew Tew – Joe DeRosa Band Award Justin Middleton – John Philip Sousa Band Award Claire Jarvis – Most Outstanding Musician Emily Tan – Most Outstanding Woodwind Justin Middleton – Most Outstanding Brass Daniel Firmin – Most Outstanding Rhythm Section Jazmine Pabon – Most Improved Musician Jonathan Murray – Most Outstanding Freshman Danae Drake – Most Outstanding Sophomore Cameron Underwood – Most Outstanding Junior

Middle School Band

Sixth Grade Band

Christopher Greene – Most Outstanding Member

Kacee Strickland – Most Outstanding Flute

Evan Gonzalez – Most Improved Member

Kaitlin Smith – Most Outstanding Clarinet

Kaylee Mills – Most Outstanding Flutist

Quinn McKown – Most Outstanding Trumpet

Kendra Lehner – Most Outstanding Clarinet

Reece Batterton – Most Outstanding Low Brass

Jordan Meeks – Most Outstanding Lower Woodwind Stephen Mutz – Most Outstanding High Brass Ashley Middleton – Most Outstanding Trombone Amanda Fulton – Most Outstanding Low Brass

David Jones – Most Outstanding Tuba

Members of the Sixth Grade Band’s trumpet section perform at the Spring Awards Concert.

Lauren Latimer – Most Outstanding on a New Instrument

The seniors surprised Mr. Chuck Fulton with a new conducting platform.

Chase Palmer – Most Outstanding Beginner

Matt Yost – Most Outstanding Percussionist

Music Camp Incorporates New Technology

While the rest of the school gets quiet in

This year’s camp introduced some new

On Friday the students wrapped up

the middle of June, the cafeteria and music

experiences for the young musicians such as

camp with a special program for parents and

rooms were filled with the sounds of singing,

Yo Yo choreography and an iPad ensemble

guests that showcased the skills and talents

bell chimes, drums and even kazoos! The

led by Mr. Jacob LaVallee. Improv and

they worked on all week.

annual Lakeland Christian School music

dramas were presented through iMovie and

camp is a favorite summer activity for many

led by Mrs. Teri Evans. Miss Nancy Snyder

LCS Fine Arts Department, would like to

of the young students at LCS, and this year

led a 51-piece bell chimes class while Mrs.

thank all of the high school student leaders

was no different. More than 75 campers

Lorraine Latham led the mallet class. Mrs.

which include Brent Adriano, Brendan

attended the camp that is conducted by

Wendy Carl was the camp choral director

Adriano, Whitney Andersen, Ciara Atkinson,

members of the Fine Arts faculty and

and taught the younger students proper

Amanda Carl, Kyle Jenko, Carter Overholt,

several high school students.

singing technique to improve their choral

Caitlin Robb, Ana Rodriguez, Emily Tan and

Mrs. Lorraine Latham, the head of the

sound. Senior Carly Tippel led the stomp

Carly Tippel. Mrs. Latham said, “We could

about being a treasure to God. This theme

group (a favorite among campers) while

not have had such a successful camp without

was developed through devotions, crafts and

fellow senior Brent Adriano led 2nd and 3rd

them. The younger students love their team

the songs “The Treasure of You” by Steven

grade campers in drumming and the art of

leaders and work hard to win the team

Curtis Chapman and “If I Could See What

kazoo playing.

challenges. The impact they have on these

The spiritual emphasis for the week was

young students will be long lasting.”

You See” by Paul Marino.




L akeland

C hristian

S chool

On behalf of the students we serve, a heartfelt thanks to the following generous persons and companies who have partnered with LCS by providing a gift, in May and June 2011, to the ministry. We were blessed by: Ms. Pam Abbott Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Keith Albritton Mrs. Lori Alt Mr. Bob Andrew Mr. and Mrs. John Attaway Mr. and Mrs. Robert Averitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Randall Benton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blalock Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boatwright Mr. and Mrs. Don Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burns Mr. and Mrs. Dick Busing Mr. and Mrs. Don Busing Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Castor Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleghorn Ms. Pam Cole Ms. Anni Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Curls, Jr. Ms. Edith Daugherty Mrs. Jackie Davis Mr. and Mrs. Dan DeLange Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denney Miss Susan Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Roger Evans Mrs. Nancy Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Bob Forlaw Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulton

LCS Appreciates

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibson Ms. Ann Grassfield Dr. and Mrs. Graham Greene Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grigsby, Sr. Mr. Lew Hall Ms. Patsy Ham Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Rob Harper, IV Mrs. Norma Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Holland Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Rex Henry Mrs. Robert Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Horne Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hulbert Rev. and Mrs. Gary Hull Ms. Lisa Intagliata Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones Dr. and Mrs. Derek Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kleshinski Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kriegbaum Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ladd Rev. and Mrs. Mike Latham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latimer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lethers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Madden Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Marichal Dr. and Mrs. Jose Marichal Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Mason

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDonald Ms. Marla McLane Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mears Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miles Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Mrs. Norma Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Craig Muir Mr. and Mrs. Birk Mullinax Dr. and Mrs. Mark Munson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Musick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mutz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myhrer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nichols Mr. Alexander Nikdel Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Byrne Miss Ellen Oncu Mrs. Judy Oncu Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patteson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peace Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Don Pike Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers Dr. and Mrs. Wilton M. Reavis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Rideout Mr. and Mrs. James Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Dean Saunders Mr. Philip Sebring Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shimko

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Simmers Mr. and Mrs. David Sligh Dr. and Mrs. Mike Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder Miss Nancy Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Stabler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stacy Ms. Amy Statezny Rev. and Mrs. Robert Stubblefield Dr. and Mrs. Paul Suich Mr. and Mrs. John Szydlowski Mrs. Evelyn Towler Dr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turlington Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Varnum Mr. and Mrs. Don Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ernie White Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiechmann Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilbanks Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson Rev. and Mrs. William Yanney Mr. and Mrs. John Zeckler Class of 2011 The Denis L. Fontaine Foundation KAPPA DELTA MIDFLORIDA Credit Union The NCT Group CPA’s, L.L.P. Outsource Management Solutions Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation United Way of Central Florida

Lakeland Christian School is the ­beneficiary of many ­donated goods and services provided by school families and other friends. These gifts ­enable higher levels of ­excellence campus-wide.

Pam Abbott, Kellie Atkinson, Sylvia Sizemore, Liz Behrens, Kimberly Smithson, Tim and Julie Rice, Pam Mutz and Teresa Robb – for planning and volunteering at the Senior Pre-Grad Party.

Darise McLoughlin and Room Moms – for all their work serving in the classrooms this past year. Payton Albritton, Scott Brickhouse, Amy Mason, Christine McDow, Shannon Miles and Belinda Mines – for serving as the 5th Grade Celebration Committee.

Kellie Atkinson, Sylvia Sizemore, Liz Behrens, Teresa Robb, Kimberly Smithson, Missy Green and Floy Graves – for serving as parent coordinators for the Junior/Senior Banquet.

Rosemary Cardosi, Denise Curls, Lydia Kinney, Kristin Petro, Kelly Lowe, Heather Rhoden, Robin Foster – for their help in the elementary computer lab this year.

Dave and Caleb Wickenkamp – for assisting the maintenance department by pressure washing walkways around the LCS campus.

National Flight Services and Kelly Shortt – for the donation of several pieces of equipment and supplies to the LCS Maintenance Department.


Mark Your Calendar

Living Memorials It is a joy to receive gifts that are sent to ­acknowledge a loved one. We are grateful for the gifts received from the following: In memory of: Mrs. Cathy Asbridge Given by: Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Castor Class of 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burns Ms. Anni Cramer Ms. Edith Daugherty KAPPA DELTA Ms. Marla McLane Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Marchial Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miles Mr. and Mrs. Don Pike Ms. Amy Statezny Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiechmann In memory of: Mr. Joe Firmin Given by: Ms. Edith Daugherty In memory of: Miss Ashley Turlington Given by: Ms. Edith Daugherty In memory of: Mr. Brad Langston Given by: Ms. Edith Daugherty

Library Donations The Lakeland Christian Library staff ­appreciates the g­ enerosity of those who have provided recent book ­donations. The library counts on the regular ­contributions of school families to expand its c­ ollection for students. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Bagwell Dr. & Mrs. David Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Terry McNutt Mr. & Mrs. Brad Smith Mr. & Mrs. James Williams

August 15 – Teachers Report August 18-19 – Open House/Orientation August 19 – Football Kickoff BBQ, 6:30 PM August 22 – First Day of School for Grades 1-12 August 24 – First Day of School for Grades K4 & K5 September 5 – Labor Day, No School


2011-2012 School Year

Orientation Events

Important Dates

Scheduled for August

Parents, please keep these important

With the beginning of school quickly

school year:

approaching on August 22 (Grades 1-12)

dates in mind for the 2011-2012

and August 24 (K4 and K5), there are a

August 18-19: Orientation

number of important orientation meetings and events scheduled in the days leading

August 22: First day of school for grades 1-12

up to the first day of school. If you have

questions, please contact the school at

August 24: First day of school for K4 & K5


Thursday, August 18: Orientation Meetings for Grades 1-12 6:30 PM in the cafeteria (Sligh Center): Parents of all NEW students in grades 1-12

August 23: K4 & K5 Orientation

Nov. 21-25: Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 19-Jan. 2: Christmas Break March 12-16: Spring Break

June 5: Last day of school

6:30 PM in the gym: All NEW students in grades 7-12 7:15 PM in the choir room: Parents of ALL K4 students 7:15 PM in the classrooms: Parents of ALL K5 and 1st grade students 7:15 PM in the cafeteria (Sligh Center): Parents of ALL 6th grade students

Friday, August 19: Meet Your Teacher and Orientation Day 9 -11 AM Elementary orientation is for parents and students in grades 1-5 and will be held in each teacher’s classroom. 1:00 PM in the cafeteria (Sligh Center): Orientation for ALL 6th grade students 1-3 PM Open House for returning students in grades 7-12

Monday August 22: First Day of School for Grades 1-12 7:50 AM School starts for Grades 6-12

Give to LCS Through ­ Payroll Deduction Did you know that you can donate to Lakeland ­Christian School through your company’s payroll d ­ eduction ­program? If you would like to know how, please contact the LCS ­Advancement Office at 863-688-2771.

8:00 AM School starts for Grades 1-5

Tuesday, August 23: Orientation Day for K4 and K5 8-10 AM S tudents and parents in K4 and K5 can drop by the classrooms to meet the teachers.

Wednesday, August 24: First Day of School for K4 and K5 8:00 AM School starts for students in K4 and K5


Alumni News 2000s Kimberly (Delph) Choate (2004) and her husband Ryan welcomed daughter Anora Ashley into their family on June 8, 2011. Arriving nearly eight weeks early, Anora weighed in at 4 lbs., 5 oz. and was 17 ¼ inches long. She is named in memory and honor of Kimberly’s best friend, Ashley Turlington. Anora is Latin for “to honor.” Anora joins big brothers Benjamin (3) and Nathan (15 months). Kimberly is a charge nurse at Winter Haven Hospital, and Ryan is a Marketing Communications Leader at First Baptist Church at the Mall. Jen (Bragg) McGee (2002) and her husband Josh welcomed their second son, James, into their family on March 17, 2011. He weighted 10 lbs., 3 oz. and was 23 inches long. Big brother Jaiven just turned two years old. Jen and Josh just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary and currently reside in Mason, Ohio, where Josh is currently planning The Great Awakening Youth Conference 2011. Daniel Wilson (2002) and his wife Jessica welcomed their son, Bryce Hayden, into their home on April 18, 2011. Bryce weighed 8 lbs., 15 oz. and was 21 3/4 inches long at birth. Daniel and Jessica moved from Atlanta to Lakeland in November, 2010, where Daniel is employed with Southern Homes. Note to Alumni Parents: If your former student no longer lives in your home but still receives mail from Lakeland Christian at your address, please ­e-mail Claudia Powell at ­­­ cpowell@lcsonline.org to update their alumni information.

1990s Tammy (Hawkins) Grey (1996) and her husband Alan welcomed son Ethan Christopher Grey into the world on March 16, 2011. Big brother Kaleb Christopher was born on December 6, 2009. Tammy is currently serving as the youth pastor at New Horizon United Methodist Church in Haines City and will graduate with her Master of Divinity in May 2012. Jamie Hartsock (1991) and his wife Jennifer have three children – Justin, Jason and Jordyn – and recently moved to Brandon, Mississippi.

Anora Choate

Bryce Wilson

Alumni Survey Coming Soon! We value your opinion about your Lakeland Christian School experience, and we want to hear from you. Look for more information in the fall.

We love to hear from you. News about you is ­important to us and to your former classmates. Please e-mail Claudia Powell at ­cpowell@lcsonline.org. Planning your class reunion? Contact Director of Community Relations Julie Rice, at 863-688-2771, ext. 236, and she will arrange for use of facilities and will offer other helpful tips.

Firmin Travels to Uganda Class of 2010 alum Steven Firmin recently traveled to Uganda on a missions trip to serve with seeJesus Ministries. He was part of a three-man team from Church of the Redeemer in Winter Haven that trained missionaries in The Person of Jesus (POJ) study, which is

Steven Firmin, Class of 2010

an interactive inductive Bible study for small groups. It helps people discover the wonder of Jesus as a person by looking at how he loves people in the Gospels. There were three different teaching seminars all over Southern Uganda, and Steven’s specific

Alumni: Do You Have a New Baby? Then We Have a Gift!

responsibility was to help teach the seminar lessons. The group traveled to Bundibugyo, Mbale and Kapchorwa. Steven hopes to eventually take the POJ study to the Muslim world.

Alumni, if you have recently had a baby, then we have a gift for you! Start sharing your Viking pride early with an LCS bib, modeled here by Sam Goodman, son of Dr. James and Mrs. Sarah (Sligh) Goodman ‘96 and grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Mike Sligh, Headmaster.


Mark Your Calendar for September 6-15!


1111 Forest Park Street • Lakeland, Florida 33803 • 863-688-2771 • www.lcsonline.org Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Lakeland, FL Permit No. 133

The Viking is published quarterly by Lakeland Christian School, 1111 Forest Park St., Lakeland, Florida 33803

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