2023-2024 LCS People & Programs

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2023-2024 PEOPLE&PROGRAMS Shepherding Hearts. Sharpening Minds.


Greetings to the LCS Community,

It has been quite a summer. Ashley and I ventured to Chattanooga for our son Michael’s wedding and subsequently to Brevard, North Carolina, for a little R & R in June. Unusually cool weather for June had temperatures dip as low as 58 with daytime highs in the 70s. It was a welcome reprieve from “Florida Hot,” but I was excited to return to Lakeland and LCS with the following clearly in the headlights: 1) the grand opening of the new HS building, 2) Upper and Lower School program initiatives, and 3) the impending August return of faculty, staff, and students Is it possible that August has already arrived?

After 25 years, I still develop that sense of anticipation and excitement about seeing our kids on the first day of school. It's the same one I experienced on my first day as a teacher in 1995. I always made Day One a priority in my classroom. We only have one first impression! Does that first impression cultivate a sense of mission, of interest and expectation, of safe relationships and community? Schools, in many ways, are larger expressions of classrooms

With “first impressions” in mind, our new leadership team spent several days in June preparing for 2023-2024. The overarching theme of our sessions was activating our Mission Statement and Core Values. Simply, how do we intentionally foster a life of learning, leadership, service and worship that produces wisdom, in the context of Christ-centeredcommunity and in the light of God’s Word?

A particular target this year will be to establish patterns in our school culture what the church often refers to as liturgies that reflect the coming Kingdom of God, i e , a praying community that models grace, confession, forgiveness and repentance, praise and worship, care, courage and strength, and love for one another. This is a community that places others ahead of ourselves. This is a community that communicates with clarity and compassion in the spirit of Ephesians 4:25-32 and Matthew 18. This is the hope of our salvation. These community traits are increasingly countercultural because they are Kingdom-minded, yet they embody the “Good Life” that is a life in Christ and not of this world.

The intent of the three-part series we launched in May was to provide this type of clarity in the midst of leadership transition by focusing on the following questions: 1) Who is running the ship? 2) Where is the ship going? 3) What are the ship procedures and protocols, the SOPs if you will? Part II specifically targets building-level leadership and program. If my child is a 7th grader, or a rising senior, or a new 3rd grader, what may I anticipate? If I have a question, who might I contact?

Instead of sending separate letters of introduction from each school and program lead, we have combined these letters to create Part II in our series We hope what follows in this communication is both clarifying and encouraging Please feel free to send questions to my administrative assistant, Amy Bradley, at abradley@lcsonline.org. Part III will include an FAQ in addition to addressing procedures and protocols and should be in your inbox by August 5.


Dear Parents of Lower School (K4-5th grade) Students,

The Lord has brought an amazing team to our campus to educate students in the light of God’s Word. One of my favorite times of the year is to hear children entering campus for the first time and to see them light up when they see a familiar face which is often followed by a hug.

I will greatly miss Heather Rhoden and am thankful for her 10 years of service in Elementary; I know she will impact lives in amazing ways in the Upper School The Lord has provided an incredible Elementary Office team to assist families: Marsha Hannum and Lauren Nall are returning. Mrs. Kathy Mudger and Mrs. Trudi Sligh will join the Lower School Team as Assistant Principals. Trudi Sligh will continue to teach 2nd grade and serve as AP. I am thankful for the gifts the Lord has given them to teach, lead, and mentor children, colleagues, and families through a biblical worldview.

Lakeland Christian School is continuously striving to enhance our programs and curriculum to meet the evolving needs of our students and to fulfill our mission of providing a Christ-centered education This year, we are excited to introduce some new initiatives and educational offerings that will foster spiritual growth and academic excellence We have adopted a new Bible and math curriculum. You will learn more about these at orientation. We are in the process of creating new spaces for K4-5th grade art, music, and library. These remodeled areas will be phased in during this school year. We are expanding K4-5th grade robotics through STREAM Labs: Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Art, and Math. We are also placing more emphasis on social studies in K4-5th grade.

We are excited to introduce new Lower School (K4-5th) faculty and staff members who love the Lord and have a passion for teaching children biblically. Melissa Falter will be our new 5th grade math teacher. Jill Fox will join our kindergarten team. Kayla Wilson will be teaching K4-3rd grade art while Riley Burr will teach 4th-12th grade art classes. Lisa Harrell is joining the 3rd grade team to assist in the extension of lessons in the upcoming STREAM Lab. Keri Bauer will serve in the 4th and 5th grade STREAM Labs.

As we move forward in this journey of faith and learning, we believe that God's plans for Lakeland Christian School are greater than anything we could envision We trust in His guidance and wisdom to lead us, and we are confident that together, as a united school community, we will create a nurturing and transformative environment for our students to flourish.

Your continued support and involvement are vital to the success of our school. We encourage you to actively participate in school events, volunteer opportunities, and faith-based activities as we strive to build a strong partnership between home, school, and church

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with the education and spiritual development of your children. We are looking forward to seeing you on August 7 for Parent Orientation, August 8 for Meet the Teacher and kicking off the new school year on August 9.

fromthedeskof ShepherdingHearts.SharpeningMinds.


Dear Middle School Viking Families,

As the summer draws to a close, I am excited to welcome you back and hope that your family had a wonderful summer filled with rest, relaxation, and fun I know that you are entrusting your children's education to us, and I want to assure you that we are committed to providing them with a challenging academic program that is rooted “in educating students in the light of God’s Word.”

We are also excited to be adding three new teachers to our faculty this year: Jonathan Carver, who previously taught in Haiti, will be teaching 7th and 9th grade social studies; Jennifer (Boulet) Eikenberry (LCS Class of 2003) is returning to the classroom again to teach 6th grade Bible; and after graduating from the University of South Florida, Lexi (Walton) Adams joins us to teach 6th and 8th grade science We are thrilled to have them join our Middle School team!

I am confident that this year will be a great year for our school. We have a talented staff, a strong curriculum, and a supportive community. This year we are excited to launch our new Advisory program called "Engage." It will include:

A focus on helping students develop emotional management skills, build healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions from a biblical worldview

Study Skill activities to assist students in habits and systems to manage their workload most effectively Digital Citizenship lessons and discussions related to navigating the use of technology

Academic support time each day to study and catch up on work as well as periodically meet one-on-one with their academic advisor to set goals and check-in

Fun, engaging, community-building student life activities

Assisting us with Engage and other student activities is Heather Rhoden, Director of Student Life, and Stephanie Terry, School Psychologist We are excited at the possibilities ahead! Our team will work daily to create an environment where students can thrive academically, spiritually, and socially. I am confident that this year will be a year of growth and transformation for all of our students.

I want to thank you for your continued support of our school. Your partnership is essential to our success. Feel free to contact me or Stephanie Hicks, the Middle School Administrative Assistant, with any questions or concerns We're always here to help

We are honored to be a part of your child's journey and excited to see what God has in store for students this year.


fromthedeskof ShepherdingHearts.SharpeningMinds.

Dear 6th-12th Grade Viking Families,

In Esther 4:13-14, we come across a Scripture verse often referenced and found on posters publicizing special events. The short quote, “For such a time as this…'' commonly celebrates a new campaign or opportunity. While that is appropriate for this moment as we begin school, further reading actually references Mordacai’s rebuke of Esther not to take for granted her role in God’s kingdom. I appreciate that admonishment as I enter into the calling as Director of Academics for the Upper School at LCS

My family and I come from working at other Christian schools (most recently the Geneva School of Boerne in Texas and Trinity Presbyterian in Montgomery, Alabama) and in ministry (Bible Study Fellowship International). While we celebrate this amazing opportunity to be on mission with you, we do not take it lightly. My family is blessed to have this opportunity in God’s sovereign time to grow in learning and community with a school enjoying such a rich heritage. On this journey, I look forward to meeting you as we walk together with our faculty and your students to carry out the mission LCS has lovingly carried for close to seventy years

I desire to highlight a few roles that will be critical to what we do as a faculty team at LCS this year and going forward. Long-time faculty member and LCS alum, Geoff Stabler, will be critical to our focus on biblical worldview integration in the curriculum. Geoff and I have been partnering to recruit fantastic faculty who are skilled at integrating enduring understandings of God’s word in every discipline we offer at LCS. He will be leading the Bible department and will be helping every faculty member in 6th-12th purposefully pursue a growth journey with the Lord that will come through in their teaching

Esteemed history faculty member and Department Chair Carrie Wilkinson has broadened her role to include the role of Curriculum Coordinator. She and I are working on the overall curriculum map for the Upper School. We endeavor to ensure that our students are exposed and begin mastery of essential questions and enduring understandings that will fulfill our mission and prepare students well for any and all challenges ahead.

The two key endeavors our team will be embracing in unison with our faculty are the use of the highly-regarded Understanding by Design unit curriculum development practice and Metamorphosis: A Framework for Authentic and Accountable Faculty Growth. We will build off of last year ’ s introduction to the faculty by developing the former with full integration in the History and Bible Departments. Faculty in other departments will also have the opportunity to pilot the unit planning techniques of UbD. Metamorphosis is a comprehensive strategy for growth in one's craft. It will be implemented with new and selected faculty

One of my favorite writers, John Maxwell wrote: “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” With your decision to partner with us at LCS, you instinctively know that you are trusting your sons and daughters to our faculty with the expressed purpose of Godly influence. We rest in this trust and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us as a faculty united and on mission for Him.

fromthedeskof ShepherdingHearts.SharpeningMinds.
Director of Upper School Academics


Dear Viking High School Community,

I hope that your family has enjoyed a wonderful time together this summer, filled with rest, new adventures and a change of pace. With a new year and the anticipation of being in the beautiful new Mike and Mary Sligh High School Building, excitement is at an all-time high.

Lakeland Christian School is committed to providing your child with a challenging academic program that is rooted “in educating students in the light of God’s Word ” We do not take this for granted, and we are constantly seeking to improve the LCS experience!

God has assembled a wonderful team of educators for the high school for this new year, and we are blessed to have several new faculty members joining us.

Timothy Totten (Director of Spiritual Cultivation), Annie Bolter, an LCS alumna (English), John Thomas (Bible), Michelle Worrell (Social Studies), Jason McCormick (Social Studies), Jonathan Carver (Social Studies) and Melissa Helm (Culinary). These new faculty members bring rich and diverse backgrounds and experiences, and we are looking forward to their investments in our student’s lives.

This year we are excited that Mrs. Heather Rhoden is the Director of Student Life, a new role at LCS, which is a reflection of our commitment to:

Cultivating a culture of Christ-centered community

Fostering discipleship, mentorship and a hearts of service

Developing servant leaders through intentional training and growth opportunities

Offering fun, engaging, community-building events and activities

The year promises growth and transformation for all of our students We have a tremendous opportunity for a fresh start as we move into an amazing facility that the Lord has blessed us with

I want to thank you for your continued support of our school. Your partnership is essential to our success. Feel free to reach out to Alice Middleton, the High School Administrative Assistant, or me with any questions or concerns.

We are honored to be a part of your child’s journey and excited to see what God has in store for them this year

In Partnership,

fromthedeskof ShepherdingHearts.SharpeningMinds.


Dear Viking Nation,

Welcome to Student Life 2023-2024! I wish you all could experience the excitement that we feel about what is happening on our campus as we prepare for the new school year!

As many of you know, I have spent the past 10 years serving at LCS in our elementary school, first as a 5th grade teacher and then as Assistant Principal. Prior to that, I taught at Lake Gibson High School. The Lord has definitely used this combined experience to prepare me for my new role at LCS.

Many of you have asked me, “What is student life?”, and I love being asked that question! Student life at LCS extends beyond academic excellence to encompass the spiritual growth, character development, and the holistic well-being of students in a Christcentered community. It is our desire to provide an educational environment that nurtures, challenges, equips, and empowers our students to fulfill God’s calling on their lives. Our hope is that our students will thrive in a challenging and supportive atmosphere that prepares them to be followers of Jesus in college, as career professionals, community-engaged citizens, and members of local churches

We already have so many student life initiatives in the works. This summer we had almost 50 high school student leaders attend Student Leadership University. At SLU 101 in Orlando and at SLU 201 in Washington D.C., our students heard from powerful Christian speakers and learned what servant leadership looks like. Before school starts, we will have our own Student Leadership Retreat for our newly-formed team of LCS Student Ambassadors We have 150 students who have stepped up to serve our school in this way, so we ’ re embracing their enthusiasm and desire to create a more positive school culture

We will be very intentional about building Christ-centered community this year. We are launching an Advisory Program in Middle School, implementing a house system for 5th-8th grade, increasing our club offerings, and continuing our mentorship programs We will also have more student life events outside of the classroom which will enable them to build lasting friendships and create a healthy school culture.

Our students love to serve and we want to come alongside them as they apply their faith in practical ways. We will partner with local ministries to give our students a better understanding of their mission, the needs of our community, and the many ways that we can make a positive impact on others by being the hands and feet of Jesus

The spiritual formation of our students is of utmost importance to us. Through the direction of Tim Totten, our new Director of Spiritual Cultivation and Biblical Leadership, we will have an increased focus on providing meaningful worship experiences and chapel services as well as Bible studies for all Upper School grade levels We have also launched the inaugural “SingerSongwriter’s class” to engage students in both the creative and performance aspects of leading worship In addition, we have created dedicated time to the development of our student Praise and Worship team under the direction of Jordan Burks.

One of my favorite verses is John 10:10 where Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” My hope is that our students are able to experience an abundant life in Christ Jesus, and I’m honored that your partnership enables me to be a small part of their student life experience at LCS

fromthedeskof ShepherdingHearts.SharpeningMinds.


The mission of Lakeland Christian School is to educate students in the light of God's Word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service and worship

Through Learning | Spiritual Cultivation | Christ-Centered Community
CoreValues Wisdom

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