Live Barbering Competition Rules and Regulations
1. Eligibility:
The competition is open to all apprentice and journeyman barbers and hairstylists.
2. Preparation and Equipment:
Contestants must come prepared with a live model and all necessary equipment to participate in the competition.
Models' hair must not be cut, trimmed, shaped, or styled prior to the competition.
Temporary colors are allowed during the competition.
3. Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on visual evaluation only.
Judges will consider creativity, technique, precision, originality, and overall aesthetics.
Contestants will be judged on their ability to execute a well-balanced and visually appealing haircut and style.
4. Equipment and Product Restrictions:
Contestants must bring their own tools and equipment.
One plug in is permitted per contestant
All electrical equipment must comply with safety standards.
The use of any prohibited or unsafe products is strictly prohibited.
Sinks are not available.
5. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
6. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their cut and style.
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
7. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
8. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
9. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
10. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
11. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
12. Event Etiquette:
Contestants and attendees must adhere to event rules and guidelines, respecting the venue and fellow participants.
By participating in the Live Barbering competition, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulations. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
Avant-Garde Hair Competition Rules and Regulations
1. Eligibility:
The competition is open to all apprentice and journeyman hairstylists and makeup artists who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of traditional hairstyling.
Participants must adhere to the guidelines set forth for the Avant Garde category.
2. Group Participation:
Stylists can work individually or in groups of one or more members.
In group entries, each member must contribute significantly to the creative process, and their individual roles should be clearly defined.
The collaborative effort should result in a cohesive and innovative avant-garde presentation.
By allowing group participation, the competition aims to encourage collective creativity, collaboration, and the exploration of avant-garde concepts by multiple stylists.
3. Stylist Guidelines:
Natural and synthetic hair extensions and hairpieces are permitted. Headpieces and/or hair ornaments worn on the head are allowed only if they do not restrict viewing of the model.
4. Model Requirements:
Each participant must bring their own model for the competition.
Each participant must showcase a unique look that demonstrates creativity, innovation, and experimentation in hairstyling.
Models should be prepared to showcase the avant-garde looks on the competition stage.
5. Originality and Artistry:
The Avant-Garde category celebrates originality, artistry, and the ability to create extraordinary and visionary looks.
Participants are encouraged to break free from conventional norms and showcase their artistic expression through hair.
6. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 9am and ending by 3pm on day of competition.
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
7. Competition Time:
Participants will be given a designated space to complete their Avant-Garde creations on the competition day.
The space will be available after 9:30.
Participants must have models complete by 4:30pm.
8. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
9. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
10. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
11. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
12. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
13. Event Etiquette:
Contestants and attendees must adhere to event rules and guidelines, respecting the venue and fellow participants.
By participating in the Avant-Garde category, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulations. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
Nail Art CompeƟƟon Rules and RegulaƟons
1. Eligibility:
The compeƟƟon is open to all nail technicians.
2. Theme:
The compeƟƟon will have a springƟme theme.
3. PreparaƟon and Equipment:
Contestants must come prepared with brushes, gel polish colors, gel paint, topcoats; matte or/and shiny or any other nail art supplies that may be used. Nail stands with tips will be provided for art to be performed on. Curing lamp and sundries will be supplied for each competitor.
Contestants can bring a printout photo to work from.
4. Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on skill and precision.
Contestants will be judged on their ability to execute clean lines, creaƟvity, proper composiƟon of design on nail Ɵp and conƟnuity of the springƟme theme.
Judges will consider clean and even polish applicaƟon, detail in painƟng, smooth and clean topcoat applicaƟon, overall neatness, and aestheƟc.
5. Equipment and Product RestricƟons:
Contestants must bring their own tools and product.
One plug in is permiƩed per contestant
All electrical equipment must comply with safety standards.
The use of any prohibited or unsafe products is strictly prohibited.
6. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
7. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their nail art.
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
8. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
9. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
10. Judge's Decision:
a. The decision of the judges is final and binding.
11. Photography and Videography:
a. Photography and videography are allowed during the competition
12. Event Etiquette:
a. Contestants and attendees must adhere to event rules and guidelines, respecting the venue and fellow participants.
By parƟcipaƟng in the Nail Art compeƟƟon, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulaƟons. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
Professional Makeup CompeƟƟon Rules and RegulaƟons
1. Eligibility:
The compeƟƟon is open to all makeup arƟsts.
2. Theme:
The compeƟƟon will have a formal theme related to makeup suitable for bridal or formal events
3. Model Requirements:
Each parƟcipant must bring their own model for the compeƟƟon.
Models should arrive with a clean, moisturized face, ready for makeup applicaƟon.
4. PreparaƟon and Equipment:
Contestants must come prepared with a live model and all necessary equipment to parƟcipate in the compeƟƟon.
ParƟcipants must bring their own makeup kit, including all necessary tools and products, and cleaning supplies.
The use of false eyelashes, face jewels, and other decoraƟve elements is allowed.
5. Equipment and Product RestricƟons:
One plug in is permiƩed per contestant.
All electrical equipment must comply with safety standards.
The use of any prohibited or unsafe products is strictly prohibited.
6. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
7. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their look.
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
8. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
9. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
10. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
11. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
12. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
13. Event Etiquette:
Contestants and attendees must adhere to event rules and guidelines, respecting the venue and fellow participants.
By parƟcipaƟng in the Professional Makeup compeƟƟon, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulaƟons. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
Bridal Updo Rules and RegulaƟons
1. Eligibility:
The compeƟƟon is open to all apprenƟce and journeyman hairstylists.
2. Theme:
The compeƟƟon will have a bridal theme.
3. Model Requirements:
Each parƟcipant must bring their own model for the compeƟƟon.
Models should arrive with clean, dry hair, ready for styling.
4. PreparaƟon and Equipment:
ParƟcipants must bring their own styling tools, accessories, and products.
The use of decoraƟve elements, and hair accessories is encouraged but cannot be more than 50% of the design.
5. Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on visual evaluaƟon only.
Judges will consider creaƟvity, technique, precision, originality, and overall aestheƟcs.
Contestants will be judged on their ability to execute a well-balanced and visually appealing updo.
6. Equipment and Product RestricƟons:
Contestants must bring their own tools and product.
One plug in is permiƩed per contestant
All electrical equipment must comply with safety standards.
The use of any prohibited or unsafe products is strictly prohibited.
7. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
8. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their updo
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
9. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
10. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
11. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
12. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
13. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
14. Event Etiquette:
Contestants and attendees must adhere to event rules and guidelines, respecting the venue and fellow participants.
By parƟcipaƟng in the compeƟƟon, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulaƟons. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
High School Formal Updo Competition Rules and Regulations
1. Eligibility:
The competition is open to high school students in grades 10-12 who have an interest in hairstyling and updo design.
Participants must be enrolled in a high school at the time of the competition.
2. Theme and Wishes:
The competition will have a formal theme.
On the day of the competition, "wishes" will be randomly determined and announced. Competitors must incorporate these wishes into their updo designs. Examples of wishes include braids, twists, knots, etc.
3. Model Requirements:
Each participant must bring their own model for the competition.
Models should arrive with clean, dry hair, ready for styling.
Models may be fellow high school students or individuals willing to participate.
4. Workspace:
Students will use the Lakeland College Salon to complete the updo.
6. Equipment and Supplies:
Participants must bring their own styling tools, accessories, and products.
The use of decorative elements, donuts, and hair accessories is encouraged.
7. Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on creativity, technical skill, incorporation of the announced wishes, overall aesthetics, and suitability for a formal event.
Judges will also consider the ability of the participant to adapt and improvise with the announced wishes.
9. Originality:
Originality in design and interpretation of the announced wishes is highly valued.
13. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
14. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their updo.
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
15. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
16. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
17. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
18. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
19. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
Participants are encouraged to document their updo designs through photographs for personal portfolios and promotional purposes.
12. Sportsmanship:
Participants are expected to display good sportsmanship and respect for fellow competitors.
By participating in the High School Formal Updo Competition, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulations. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.
High School Formal Makeup Competition Rules and Regulations
1. Eligibility:
The competition is open to high school students in grades 10-12 with an interest in makeup artistry.
Participants must be enrolled in a high school at the time of the competition.
2. Theme:
The competition will have a formal theme related to makeup suitable for formal events such as proms or dances.
3. Model Requirements:
Each participant must bring their own model for the competition.
Models should arrive with a clean, moisturized face, ready for makeup application.
Models may be fellow high school students or individuals willing to participate.
4. Workspace:
Students will use the Lakeland College Spa to complete their look
6. Makeup Kit:
Participants must bring their own makeup kit, including all necessary tools and products.
The use of false eyelashes, face jewels, and other decorative elements is allowed.
7. Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on creativity, technical skill, adherence to the formal theme, overall aesthetics, and the ability to enhance natural features.
Judges may also consider the ability of the participant to adapt to unexpected challenges.
8. Check-In:
All contestants must check-in at the registration area starting at 12pm on day of competition
Late contestants will forfeit their place in the competition and their paid entry fee.
Look for the "Registration" sign upon arrival at the event.
9. Competition Time:
Contestants will have a specific time allotted to complete their look
The competition organizers will announce and strictly enforce the time limits.
10. Dress Code:
Participants should dress in a manner appropriate for a professional setting.
Spa or salon attire or neat, casual clothing is recommended.
11. Professional Conduct:
Contestants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the competition.
Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in disqualification.
12. Judge's Decision:
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
13. Model Release:
Contestants must obtain consent from their models to participate in the competition and any associated promotional activities.
14. Photography and Videography:
Photography and videography are allowed during the competition, but contestants should be aware and respectful of their models' privacy.
Participants are encouraged to document their updo designs through photographs for personal portfolios and promotional purposes.
12. Sportsmanship:
Participants are expected to display good sportsmanship and respect for fellow competitors.
By participating in the High School Formal Makeup Competition, all contestants agree to comply with these rules and regulations. The organizers reserve the right to amend or add rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.