2021-22 Hairstyling Handbook

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Lakeland College


HAIRSTYLING Student Program Guide


Chair: Office: Phone: E-mail:

Deb Minish BK210 780.806.6167 deb.minish@lakelandcollege.ca

Administrative Assistant: Tiffany Skinner Office: BK200 Phone: 780.871.5482 E-mail: tiffany.skinner@lakelandcollege.ca

Mission: To inspire lifelong learning and leadership through experience, excellence, and innovation. Vision: Transforming the future through innovative learning. Values: Learner Success, Integrity, Respect, Community, Excellence, Innovation

Lakeland College


TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the Hairstyling Program ............................................................................................................... 3 Important Dates ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Where to Go For Help—Lakeland College Services for Students .................................................................... 4 Lakeland College Student Rights and Responsibili es, Policies and Procedures ........................................... 5 Student Discipline .................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Grievance Appeal Process .......................................................................................................... 6 Academic Proba on and Suspension ...................................................................................................... 6 Hairstyling Program Policies and Academic Regula ons................................................................................. 6 Outcomes of the Hairstyling Program ..................................................................................................... 6 A endance Policy .................................................................................................................................... 6 Program Dress Regula ons...................................................................................................................... 7 Student Conduct (Classroom, Labs, A tude).......................................................................................... 8 Cleaning Du es ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Assigned Services ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Drug & Alcohol Abuse .............................................................................................................................. 9 Academic Honesty ................................................................................................................................... 9 Examina on Policies and Regula ons ..................................................................................................... 9 Assignment Submission Format ............................................................................................................ 10 FOIP Procedures for Handling of Student Marks/Assignments/Exams ................................................. 10 Grading System ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Academic Progress and Evalua on (Punctuality, Learning Plans, Course Credit, Withdrawal) ............ 10 Final Grades ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Gradua on Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 11 Dean’s Honour Roll ................................................................................................................................ 11 Travel in Inclement Weather ................................................................................................................. 11 Cell Phones, Computer, and Other Messaging Equipment Use ............................................................ 11 Informa on Technology / Computer Access.................................................................................................. 12 Prin ng and Media Services .................................................................................................................. 12 Desire2Learn (D2L) ................................................................................................................................ 13 Microso Teams .................................................................................................................................... 13 MyLakeland............................................................................................................................................ 13 Faculty and Staff .............................................................................................................................................. 14


Lakeland College


WELCOME TO LAKELAND COLLEGE HAIRSTYLING PROGRAM Welcome to the Hairstyling program and Lakeland College! We wish you every success in reaching your goals. This program guide provides important informa on to all students enrolled in the Hairstyling Program. Students are responsible to read the handbook at the beginning of the semester and be aware of the policies and procedures.

IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2021-2022 ACADEMIC YEAR September 6, 2021

Labour Day

September 7, 2021

Registra on day—fees due

September 8, 2021

Classes being for Semester 1

September 15, 2021

Last day to add courses

September 27, 2021

Last Day to drop courses. Last day to withdraw from college with a full refund.

October 11, 2021

Thanksgiving Day – College Closed

November 8, 2021

Last day to withdraw from Semester 1 courses with “W” grade or change from “credit” to “audit”.

November 11, 2021

Remembrance Day – College Closed

November 11-12, 2021

Fall break for students

December 17, 2021

Last Day of Semester 1 (for most programs)

December 18—January 4

Christmas Break for Students

December 24—January 3

College closed

January 5, 2022

Classes begin for Semester 2 – fees due

January 12, 2022

Last day to add courses Semester 2

January 25, 2022

Last Day to Drop Semester 2 Courses. Last day to Withdraw from College with full refund of Semester 2 Fees. Last day to withdraw from full year courses with W grade or change from credit to audit.

February 21, 2022

Family Day – College Closed

March 14, 2022

Last Day to Withdraw From Semester 2 Courses with “W” grade or change from “credit” to “audit”

April 15-18, 2022

Easter Break – College Closed

April 22, 2022

Last Day of Semester 2 (for most programs)

May 27, 2022

Lloydminster Convoca on

Please refer to your class schedule on your MyLakeland account for class loca ons and mes.


Lakeland College


WHERE TO GO FOR HELP Lakeland College in Lloydminster has many resources to assist you. Please make use of them! Our toll-free number is 1.800.661.6490. Instructors – Instructors are the first line of academic support. Personal contact makes the instructors aware of your par cular concerns and interests, allowing him/her to help you succeed (faculty list—page 13).  To email an instructor or anyone at Lakeland College, email addresses are firstname.lastname@lakelandcollege.ca COLLEGE NURSE Kim Dary


780.853.8432 Lloydminster campus Thurs mornings—book appointment at library front desk

CONTINUING EDUCATION—check out the website for info on a variety courses and for contact info http://www.lakelandcollege.ca/academics/continuing-education/ FOUNDATIONAL LEARNING— Academic Upgrading and GED prep and tes ng Maricris Subia



FINANCIAL AID OFFICER—financial assistance, student loan application, scholarship information and budgeting Waunita Collins



INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—account information or general technical problems and services Nick Kroeker



Steven McConnell






LIBRARY—provides a range of services and resources to meet the teaching and learning needs of the Lakeland College community Ben Harrison



RECREATION CENTRE—physical fitness and recreational sports Chris King



RESIDENCE—visit residence office at Residence Village Michelle Gaboury

LV107 780.871.5414

ACCESSIBILITY ADVISOR—exam accommoda ons and peer tutoring Tami Smith

2078C 780.871.5457

STUDENT EMPLOYMENT—student job opportunities vary throughout the year Raelene Hickson




2074C 780.853.8425 Lloydminster campus Tuesday and Thursday

COUNSELLOR Chantel Walker

2074A 780-823-8583


2074B 780.871.5722



780.871.5444 Lloydminster campus Tuesday and Thursday 4

Lakeland College


LAKELAND COLLEGE STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Students who register at Lakeland College agree to abide by the rules and regula ons of the ins tu on and are expected to conduct themselves in a forthright and honest manner. Please refer to the website: h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/1 Lakeland College Policies and Procedures and Student Rights and Responsibili es can also be found at ‘My Lakeland’ www.lakelandcollege.ca/mylakeland—select “Lakeland College Policies and Procedures.” For a general summary, refer to: Lakeland College Academic Calendar h p://www.lakelandcollege.ca/admissions/academic-calendar/

STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES.........................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/2 LAKELAND COLLEGE POLICY AND PROCEDURES 5.57 Student Discipline .......................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/4 5.58 Student Grievance Appeal ...........................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/8 5.61 Learning Assessment and Recogni on ........................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/12 5.63 Academic Proba on .....................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/14 5.66 Grading System ............................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/18 5.67 Challenge Exams ..........................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/20 5.75 Recogni on of Honours and Dis nc on Standing .....h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/22 5.78 Academic Suspension ..................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/24 5.80 Security of Student Informa on ..................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/26 5.86 Cancella on of Registra on/ .......................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/28 Withdrawal from College 5.87 Registra on Fee Refund...............................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/30 5.88 Course Selec on Change..............................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/32 5.89 Repeat of a Course .......................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/34 5.90 Supplemental Evalua on .............................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/36 5.91 Formal Re-evalua on of an Assigned Mark ................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/38 5.95 Residence Code of Conduct .........................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/38 Code of Conduct Chart .................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/42 5.96 Electronic Device Use ...................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/44 8.78 Access to Informa on and Protec on of Privacy ........h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/44 Appendix A: Student Record........................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/48 INDEX ......................................................................................h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/48


Lakeland College


Student Discipline (Policy and Procedure 5.57)

Consult Student Services

All students should conduct themselves in accordance with College policies, regula ons and procedures. Appren ceship students are also subject to the rules and regula ons as set out by Alberta’s Appren ceship and Industry Training department. In cases where student misconduct occurs, discipline will be applied in a manner consistent with the Student Discipline Policy. Consistent applica on of this policy ensures that students are aware of the range of disciplinary ac ons that may be applied by the College.

Student Grievance Appeal Process (Policy and Procedure 5.58)

Consult Student Services

Students receiving academic or nonacademic disciplinary decision may appeal those decisions that have an adverse personal or academic impact. A copy of the “Student Grievance and Appeal Process 5.58” is also available from Student Services, the Students’ Associa on, or the Department Chair. Appeal Process for Academic and Non-Academic Issues  Discuss with Instructor and/or Chair or Registrar within five working days  Decision is given to student within one working day  If not resolved, move on to the Formal Student Grievance and Appeal Process

Academic Proba on and Suspension (Policy and Procedure 5.63, 5.78) Lakeland College students must sa sfy minimum standards of academic performance and adhere to standards for behaviour and a endance. Proba on is a method of aler ng students that they are not mee ng these standards and that improvement is necessary. Students who do not meet the condi ons of their proba on or do not have a sa sfactory GPA, may be suspended from the College. (Students may also be suspended or put on proba on for non-academic reasons.) For a complete list of Lakeland College Policies and Procedures and Student Rights and Responsibili es, visit: 5.63 Academic Proba on h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/14 5.78 Academic Suspension h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/24 Students who have concerns about their academic performance are encouraged to speak to their instructors, the Academic Advisor, or Department Chair and to use the resources available such as tutorials, peer tutoring, or the Learning Commons. In order to avoid academic penalty, students should officially withdraw themselves from courses within the stated me frame.

HAIRSTYLING PROGRAM POLICIES AND ACADEMIC REGULATIONS The following policies are in effect in the Hairstyling Program.

Outcomes of the Hairstyling Program At the comple on of the Hairstyling Program, you will be able to:

 Use the theory and lab component to provide safe and competent hair care and styling to clients of all ages in a variety of se ngs as per the curriculum legislated by Alberta Industry and Trade for the hairstylist profession.

 Use communica on skills to develop and maintain effec ve interpersonal and professional rela onships with individuals and groups and to impart per nent client informa on.

 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of a hairstylist by adhering to professional and industry scope of prac ce, and standards of conduct as defined by relevant legisla on, professional associa ons, and the employing agency.

 Take legal, ethical, and moral responsibility and accountability for your own ac ons. Hairstyling Program A endance Policy A student is required to a end all classes, laboratory mes (open salon), and examina ons, as these hours are compulsory to meet the 1400 hours as outlined by Alberta Industry and Trade to complete a hairstyling program. Absence for any reason does not relieve a student of the responsibility of comple ng course work and assignments to the sa sfac on of the instructor. In accordance with Lakeland College Policy, if a hairstyling student is absent for 50 hours for any por on of the program (theory or lab/open salon classes), the instructors will fill out an absence report and forward it to the program Chair for appropriate follow-up ac on. Unexcused or unreported absences may be cause for dismissal from the program.


Lakeland College


A student will receive a verbal warning for the first absence; a student will receive a wri en warning for the second absence; a er the third absence the student will be placed on a learning plan. Further absences beyond 50 hours will result in academic proba on in the program.

Absences following proba on will result in suspension from the program.

Students must a end all theory and labs for the total allo ed me.

If absent from a theory class, the student is required to phone the instructor or the office at 780.871.5482 PRIOR TO CLASS TIMES. If absent from a lab class, the student is required to call the supervising instructor. Failure to no fy absence from an examina on will result in a zero exam grade. A medical cer ficate is required if absent from examina ons. Without this cer ficate, students will write a supplementary exam, and only receive a mark of a minimum pass. Students under government specific funding must a end in order to qualify for funding. Vaca ons need to be taken when classes and labs are not in session. Holidays will not be taken during class, lab or scheduled prac cum mes.

Hairstyling Program Dress Regula ons  Dress regula ons require students to wear black scrubs and black socks and black closed-toe shoes.  Dress regula ons are a requirement in the lab. Black aprons or smocks must be worn during labs.  Clothes must be neat and dy at all mes. Students will be sent home if dressed inappropriately.  Clothes must be clean, wrinkle free, and in good condi on or repair.

Lab—Clothing Accessories  Plain black sweaters or warm-up jackets/lab coats may be worn over scrubs but must be removed prior to giving direct client care.  No sweatshirts or hoodies are allowed.  No sweaters with logos are allowed.  Lakeland College scrubs will be available through the bookstore. These scrubs must be worn during all lab, open salon or outside, public ac vi es where students will be comple ng hair services as a student representa ve of Lakeland College (i.e., Bridal Shows, Fashion Shows, Open House, etc). These scrubs iden fy you as a student and someone who will be performing hair services as well as prac cing the correct ethics and customer service behavior appropriate for a student and ambassador of Lakeland College.

Footwear Shoes must be predominately black, clean, and in good repair. Shoes should have: non-slip, quiet soles and heels; flat or medium height walking heels; closed toes during labs.

Personal Hygiene and Grooming       

Nails must be clean and trimmed. Nail polish worn must be in good repair. Overall personal hygiene and control of body odors must be prac ced. Hair must be clean, controlled, off the face, and in no way compromise client safety. Beards and moustaches must be clean and neatly trimmed or the face must be cleanly shaven. Failing to comply will result in being sent home, marked absent with no quotas for that day. Students are expected to wear make-up and have hair styled as appropriate for the hairstylist Industry. Hands must be washed before and a er each service.


Lakeland College


Jewelry  No rings during labs are permi ed.  Bracelets must not be worn (Medic Alert bracelets are an excep on).  A small fi ed watch is acceptable.

Viola on of any of the above will result in proba on. Student Conduct Classroom You are required to:  Be punctual for class – door will be closed 5 minutes a er scheduled me and you will not be permi ed to enter.  Prepare for classes by working through the learning ac vi es to be covered in class before the class.  Prepare for classes by no ng any informa on that you were unable to find or that needs to be clarified.  Seek clarifica on as needed from the instructor.  Par cipate in class discussions.  Be a en ve and respec ul of the opinions of others.  A end all classes.  If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to pick up handouts and/or review videos that you have missed.  Cell phones are not permi ed in the class or lab. Cell phones may be confiscated and held un l the end of class if the use of these devices occurs during scheduled class and lab mes.

Labs All labs are compulsory. You are required to:  A end all labs and be punctual (15 minutes early).  Call and no fy staff of your absence from the lab session prior to scheduled lab me.  Come prepared for all skill labs.  Dress according to the dress policy (wear dress clothing for labs; wear closed-toe shoes; no running shoes allowed).  Be prepared for all assignments.  Perform only those skills that have been taught in the labs and are allowed by the salon.  Seek out instructor supervision if performing a skill for the first me in the salon area or for help as needed.  Perform independently only those skills that have been assessed by the instructor and for which the instructor has given you permission to perform independently.  Report appropriately to the instructor.  For health reasons do not sit or lie on the chairs unless par cipa ng in demonstra ons or prac ce.  Put away equipment and supplies and clean the work area used following the prac ce of Hairstyling skills.  Have an instructor present or permission of an instructor to be allowed in the lab.  Students cannot refuse clients.  At the end of a client service, class or lab, the classroom and lab must be le in the condi on you found it in. Please refer to the cleaning du es. A tude    

Treat supervisors, clients and fellow students with respect. Students cannot refuse clients. Students will be required to perform specific services either for clients or classmates. Students must not refuse a service or they will be dismissed from class and marked absent. Only involve yourself in professional conversa on while in the salon. Save your personal conversa on for outside the classroom/lab/salon.


Lakeland College     


Be respec ul and professional when there is a client in the classroom/lab/salon. Remember you are training in working salon and your a tude reflects the salon as well as Lakeland College. Zero tolerance for the or vandalism to salon property. Demonstrate a posi ve a tude; operate as a team member. Maintain a success-oriented a tude. Demonstrate characteris cs of self-mo va on.

Cleaning Du es Treat the lab with respect and leave it in a condi on be er than when your lab or class began.  Safety and cleanliness standards will be adhered to at all mes.  Every student will contribute to keeping the classroom and lab safe and clean.  Students will be assigned cleaning du es to grow their knowledge of a working day salon.  Cleaning du es will allow students the opportunity to learn how to operate a successful and well-maintained salon.  The jobs will consist of daily and ongoing cleaning, laundry and dispensary du es.  Cleaning du es will be done a er each service or at the end of each day.  Failure to complete cleaning du es and comply with the regula ons of cleaning the salon to the sa sfac on of an instructor may result in proba on.

Assigned Services  

All services must be performed under the supervision of an instructor. All work must be evaluated by an instructor.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Students are not to be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages during classes or lab skills me. Students will not be permi ed to work on clients if they show obvious signs of alcohol or illicit drug use within a 24 hour period. Penal es of suspension or expulsion may be issued if this regula on is not adhered to.

Academic Honesty It is expected that each student honour the principles of truth and honesty in all academic ma ers. Dishonesty in academic ma ers includes chea ng and indirect aiding and abe ng to do so. Students misrepresen ng their work and not ci ng or giving credit to the original author, may be subject to disciplinary ac ons. Plagiarism is the taking and using of other people’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, wri ngs, inven ons etc. as your own. Paraphrasing is pu ng ideas into your own words without changing the author’s intenon. Chea ng or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. Departments will ensure that students are informed of the College’s stance on academic integrity as a regular part of the orienta on process. See Lakeland College website: Student Rights and Responsibili es h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/2 for detailed informa on.

Examina on Policies and Regula ons A final examina on is held in each course unless otherwise stated in the official ICODEV course outline. During an exam, students are expected to follow these department rules:  Scheduled dates and mes for all exams will be adhered to.  Failure to a end a scheduled exam without a legi mate excuse will result in a zero grade.  No student will be allowed into the exam room more than 30 minutes a er the exam has begun.  Students must not touch the exam or exam papers un l instructed to do so.  Students may only speak to the instructor during an exam.  Only books and resources that are permi ed by the instructor are allowed in the exam room.  Once the exam is completed a student is permi ed to leave the room. Students are not permi ed to re-enter the exam room un l all other students are finished the exam.  Students may not leave the room during the examina on period without permission from the instructor.


Lakeland College

  


Copying or exchanging materials between students is not allowed. Students may not talk, whisper, or exchange signs with other students. Any student may be asked to leave before comple ng the exam if suspected by the instructor of dishonesty in the exam. Viola on of any of the above rules will lead to expulsion from the exam, a mark of zero on that exam, and possible expulsion from the College.

Final examina ons are retained by the College for a period of one year.

Assignment Submission Format Several courses contain wri en assignments or group projects. The outline for each course iden fies the assignments and the mark alloca on towards the final course grade. Assignment/project due dates will be announced by the instructor. If you are unable to submit the assignment on the due date, you must request an extension. Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day at the discre on of the instructor. If you do not hand in an assignment, you will receive a grade of zero. If all assignments are not complete, a zero grade in that course may be issued. Instructors may have specific requirements regarding assignments; please follow specified criteria. Penal es will be assessed against any assignments which do not adhere to the instructor’s format. The amount of penalty will be at the discre on of the individual instructor. Students may be asked to redo assignments if the format is unacceptable to the instructor.

FOIP Procedures for Handling of Student Marks/Assignments/Exams Marked exams and assignments will be returned to students during class me. Marks may be placed on the back page at the discre on of the instructor. If the course is online, your marks may be published online. Instructors may post final or interim mark for courses by randomized student I.D. numbers at a specified loca on. You have the op on of making other arrangements with the instructor if you do NOT want marks/assignments/exams returned in this manner. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the “Student Marks/Assignments Consent Form” and arrange with each instructor for an alternate method to return marks/assignments/exams.

Grading System The Lakeland College Hairstyling program uses one grading strip. Final marks will be submi ed to the Office of the Registrar by your instructor in the form of a Le er Grade. This grade will be assigned according to your achievement in a course. Each le er grade has a numeric value. The GPA is the weighted average of grades over a specific me period, calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points by the sum of the weights of the graded courses. Hairstyling Program Percent Grade Conversion LETTER



























Academic Progress and Evalua on Punctuality The first me a student is late for either a classroom lecture or lab, a wri en warning will be given. The second me a student is late , a learning plan will be done. The third me a student is late for a lecture or lab, proba on or possible suspension will result. Learning Plans If you are having difficulty mee ng the iden fied course goals or the prac cal performance objec ves, you may be asked to par cipate in a case conference with your instructor. A learning contract called a Learning Plan is ini ated. This ac on plan is a suppor ve tool to assist students in dealing with iden fied problems. This plan includes: iden fied problems; a specific ac on plan required to overcome the problem; a me frame for the problem to be resolved and evaluated


Lakeland College


Course Credit To obtain credit for a course, you must sa sfactorily complete all course requirements. This includes all the examina ons, assignments and lab skills. Course credit will not be given for only parts of a course. Withdrawal from the Program If you have not met the passing grade for a theory/lab course, you will be withdrawn from the program.

Final Grades Final grades are typically posted in the week following the end of the semester. Students may view their final marks on-line by accessing their “My Lakeland” accounts.

Gradua on Requirements A student must achieve a cumula ve grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in order to graduate. A student must fill out an Applica on for Creden al in order to graduate. Even if you do not a end convoca on ceremonies, you must complete the form. Alberta Appren ceship Exam Students with a minimum 65% standing in program requirements and 90% or be er a endance record will be eligible to write the Alberta Appren ceship first year Hairstylist examina on

Dean’s Honour Roll Full- me students who achieve a GPA of 3.50 and above at the end of a term will be recognized by the Dean of the academic school and will have their name published on the "Dean's Honor Roll" which will be displayed by each school. This is truly an honor! For more details, see: 5.75 Recogni on of Honours and Dis nc on Standing h p://viewer.zmags.com/publica on/8074d079#/8074d079/22

Travel in Inclement Weather Absences due to weather and road condi ons will be reviewed by the instructor. Students should use discre on and can call the department or check the Lakeland Facebook page (Lakeland College Canada) to check if classes have been cancelled.

Cell Phone, Computer, and Other Messaging Equipment Use To provide an opportunity for students to prac ce proper decorum and courtesy in the workplace, and to prevent distrac ons in the classroom, Lakeland College enforces the following policy to restrict the use of cell phones, computers, and other messaging machines :  The use of cell phones, blackberries, and other messaging equipment is prohibited in the classroom, lab and exam rooms.  Students will keep messaging equipment turned off and in their backpacks/book-bags in the classroom and exam rooms.  Students will restrict their computer work to only authorized use in the classroom and exam rooms. Authorized use is dictated by coursework and instructor guidance. Unauthorized use includes checking email messages, playing games, blogging, and opening so ware that is not required at the me for the class or the exam.  Permission to use any electronic device for video or audio recording must be sought for the instructor of the course for privacy reasons. Disciplinary Ac on:  Any student who violates this policy may have his or her phone or other messaging equipment confiscated.  On subsequent viola ons, the student may be removed from the course and will receive an RW (Required to Withdraw), a failing grade, in the course.  Students who are caught with message machines in a test situa on will be given a “0” grade on the exam or course if it is a repeat offense. 11

Lakeland College


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IT (Informa on Technology) is located in The Commons in Alumni Hall on the Vermilion campus and Room 2067 beside the Library on the Lloydminster campus to assist your Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:30 pm.

Remember to bring your student ID card with you when coming for assistance. We require photo iden fica ons to make changes to student accounts.

When using a Lakeland computer, please remember to save all your work to either your Microso OneDrive or to external storage such as a USB stuck. Anything saved to the computer's hard drive is erased when you log off the computer. This includes areas such as the C: drive and Desktop.

Before accessing the Computers or WIFI (LLC-BYOD) you will have to log in with your Lakeland College student email account which was created for you already when you signed up to be a student.

 

The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca The password will be LLC! Followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number (example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234)

A er you log in the first me, the system will prompt you to change your password. Your password has the following requirements:

   

Minimum 7 characters Capital le er Special character Neither your first nor last name

A er this is complete, you now have access to College computers and WIFI (LLC=BYOD) with you username and selected password. Once you set a unique password, you will also have access to Lakeland Learning pla orms, D2L and Microso Teams.

Prin ng Services You start the year with $5 in prin ng credits on your account. You may use these when prin ng from the computer labs and library computers. Addi onal credits may be purchased from the bookstore. These credits are non-refundable so be sure not to buy too many at a me.

Media Services The Media Services department offers fully equipped graphics worksta ons available for student use, lamina ng, colour prin ng, and computerized edi ng equipment. With valid instructor authoriza on, equipment may be borrowed free of charge for class projects. It may also be rented for personal use.


Lakeland College


Accessing D2L D2L is the main portal for all your course materials, content, resources, quizzes, and instructor communica ons. h ps://www.lakelandcollege.ca/campus-life/get-connected/d2l/

The login to D2L will be the same as your Teams and student email.

 

The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca The password will be LLC! Followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number (example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234)

Accessing Microso Teams Microso Teams is use for Live lectures and recorders. Accessing teams at Lakeland is a simple process.

It starts by downloading and installing the Microso teams App on your personal devise (PC, Mac) which you can access here h ps://www.microso .com/en-ca/microso -365/microso -teams/download-app and on your iDevice or Android in the app store.

The next step in logging in with your Lakeland College student email account.

 

The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca The password will be LLC! Followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number (example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234)

A er you have successfully signed in, you can add yourself to your classroom Team using the Link or Team code your instructor has provided to you via your course on D2L. From that point on, you will use you Lakeland College Edu email to access your Teams live lectures and recording through the installed program on your device.

Accessing MyLakeland Lakeland students can access their student records online to verify enrolment in classes, pay tui on and residence fees with a credit card, check grades and update personal informa on in real me-and on their own me-with the launch of the self-serve portal, MyLakeland.

If students have ques ons, go to www.lakelandcollege.ca/mylakeland/FAQ.aspx. If students have difficulty ac va ng their account or have forgo en the password, they should email the Help Desk at myLChelp@lakelandcollege.ca.


Lakeland College


FACULTY AND STAFF The Health and Wellness Department faculty and staff welcome you to Lakeland College. We look forward to our educa onal partnership throughout your journey. We encourage you to seek our assistance and support as well as other College resources in achieving your goals.

Health & Wellness faculty and staff offices are located in BK200. All faculty and staff can be reached by email at firstname.lastname@lakelandcollege.ca. You can also contact the Administra ve Assistant at 780.871.5482.

Regular office hours are from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Statutory holidays are observed.

Have a wonderful year!


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