Welcome To TEAM / AGENT NAME 283 River Street, Unit 83, Ashland

283 River Street #83, Ashland
Secure your exclusive spot on Squam Lake at Squam River Landing. The chances to obtain a boat house at this association are few and far between. This 19‘ boat house with attached recreation space and storage will make your boating and lake experience a breeze. Squam River Landing and River Edge Marina make boating on this beautiful lake carefree, through the full-service marina, gas dock, bathhouse with showers, club house and brand-new ship store offering boat supplies, beer, wine, and snacks for your day on the lake. After a day on the boat relax in the recreation space of the boat house itself or the club house, roof deck overlooking the lake, before headed home take one last dip in the water at the beautiful sandy town beach. This is your chance to plant your roots on Squam Lake for summers to come and enjoy the best boating months before summer comes to an end.


Living space attached to the boat house to relax before or after a great day of boating

Galleries In unit storage for all of your boating necessities Steps to the ship store and full service marina

Galleries 19 Foot slip with ties on both sides 9’8” beat and roll down tarp to protect the boat from the weather

Galleries Easy access to the gas dock and quick ride to the bridge

RealtyLifeLake87WhittierHwyMoultonborough,NH03254603-403-5944 BRENDAN CONNOLLY brendan@lakeliferealy.netM:Realtor®603.937.0775 Compass is a licensed real estate broker in Massachusetts and Compass Real Estate is a licensed real estate brokerage firm in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont and each abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.

PROPERTYDISCLOSURERIDER CONDOMINIUM,CO-OP,PUDANDOTHERHOMEOWNERORGANIZATIONS (TobeusedinconjunctionwithPropertyDisclosure-Residential) NewHampshireAssociationofREALTORS® StandardForm acondominiumunit.IncompliancewiththerequirementsofRSA477:4-f,thefollowinginformationisprovidedtoBUYERrelativetothepurchaseofRIGHTTOINFORMATION:InaccordancewithRSA356-B:58,apartyinterestedinpurchasingacondominiumunithastherighttoobtainfromtheCondominiumUnitOwner'sAssociationthefollowinginformation:acopyofthecondominiumdeclaration,by-laws,anyformalrulesoftheassociation,astatementofmonthlyandannualfeesandanyspecialassessmentsmadewithinthelast3years. 1. SellerandPropertyAddress: 2. AssociationName(ifapplicable): 3. PropertyManager/Agent: Phone: 4. GENERAL AND LEGAL a. ArethereanyAssociationorCorporationapprovalsrequiredfortransferofOwnership? Yes No Unknown b. IsthereatimeshareoperationexistingatProperty? Yes No Unknown c. IsthereavacationrentaloperationorotherorganizedrentalprogramatProperty? Yes No Unknown d. Areyouawareofanyrental,useoragerestrictions? Yes No Unknown e. Numberofallocatedparkingspacesavailableforthisunit: f. Areyouawareofanypendingorexistinglitigation? Yes NoIfYes,pleaseexplain: g. AretheminutesoftheCondominiumAssociationannualmeetingavailable? Yes No Unknown h. Arethereanypetpolicies?Restrictions: Yes NoDogs/CatsAllowed: Yes No 5.MASTERINSURANCEPOLICYa.NameofCompany:b.NameofAgent: Phone: 6.FINANCIAL a. Monthlymaintenancefee(s):$ b. Whatdothemonthlyfeesinclude?AirConditioningHotWater RoadMaintenance CableTVSignal Landscaping Sewer Electricity LotRent SnowRemoval Garage/Parking RealPropertyTax TrashRemoval Gas Recreation/CommunityAssociationDues Water Other: c. Arethereanyadditionalfees?Ifso,pleasespecify: d. Areyouawareofanyspecialassessmentsorloansineffectatthistime? Yes No AdditionalComments:IfYes,explain: 7. PURCHASERS.BROKERTODISCLOSETHEINFORMATIONCONTAINEDHEREINTOOTHERBROKERSANDPROSPECTIVEISACCURATE,TRUEANDCOMPLETETOTHEBESTOFHIS/HERKNOWLEDGE.SELLERACKNOWLEDGESTHATHE/SHEHASPROVIDEDTHEABOVEINFORMATIONANDTHATSUCHINFORMATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:SELLERAUTHORIZESTHELISTING SELLER DATE SELLER DATE ANDINVESTIGATIONSVIALEGALCOUNSEL,HOME,STRUCTURALANDOTHERADVISORS.PROPERTYBYEITHERSELLERORBROKER.DISCLOSURESTATEMENTISNOTAREPRESENTATION,WARRANTYORGUARANTYASTOTHECONDITIONOFTHEPRECEDINGINFORMATIONWASPROVIDEDBYSELLERANDISNOTGUARANTEEDBYBROKER/AGENT.BUYERACKNOWLEDGESRECEIPTOFTHISPROPERTYDISCLOSURERIDERANDHEREBYUNDERSTANDSTHETHISBUYERISENCOURAGEDTOUNDERTAKEHIS/HEROWNINSPECTIONS BUYER DATE BUYER DATE © 2011 NEW HAMPSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR USE BY NHAR REALTOR® MEMBERS ONLY. ALL OTHER USE PROHIBITED 07.2021 James E. French and Linda A. Brophy-French 2020 Trust 283 River Street Unit 83, Ashland New Hampshire Squam River Landing 2 109.84 Reserves for common area maint James E. French TTEE dotloop 08/05/22verified4:21PM M56E-TZ6T-KPWH-F04TEDT Linda A. Brophy-French, TTEE dotloop 08/08/22verified8:27PM ZADT-S7L6-8B2N-Y3MNEDT dotloop signature verification: dtlp.us/sAXS-656A-UAyv

JAMES E FRENCH/LINDA BROPHY-FRENCH 2020 TRUST JAMES E FRENCH/LINDA BROPHY-FRENCH TTES OLD PICK UP NOTES 2007: ADDED BOAT SLIP CONDOMINIUM Owner Information Assessed Values Parcel DataCurrent Assessment Summary Sale HistoryAssessed Visit HistoryLand Valuation $140,000Total Assessment Building AssessmentPermitsHistoryCurrentNotesUse 4 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE 1596Parcel ID: $127,5008/25/2006 FRENCH, JAMES E BROPHY-FRENC Version: 190114 $0Total Land Valid Arms Length Valid Arms Length Valid Arms Length Bk/PageSale PriceQ/U/ClassGrantorDate 140,000140,000140,000144,000140,000140,000140,000144,000 140,000140,000 StatusNumber12/07/2112/31/2012/12/1912/03/1812/29/17Date JBJBPBPick-up OutbuildingOutbuildingOutbldgOnlyOnly12/23/114/11/072/03/16 1of1Card: Ratio CU ValueRate/Acre Rec/AdjCU Rate/SPISiteLocation GradeAcres Adjustments Land Type Final ValueAdj. FactorBase ValueFrontage#UnitsAreaLand Type Type TotalImprovementsCurr. UseReasonLand ByDateDate 2018Assessment Year: 8/04/2022Date Printed: P/UWasteYearWaterResidentialDockominium Special District Road PropertyTopographySurfaceZonePrimeUseClass ElectricRIVEREDGE MARINNeighborhood $140,000$140,000Total Market LivingImprovementsValueCurrentUseNICULandAreaSq.Ft.TotalAcresCUAcresNICUAcres4533/0503$159,933Q/MARTHA SAMPSON, TTEE 83 RIVER S7/02/2020 4571/0482$158,933Q/NAUGHTON, JOHN NAUGHTON, NA11/04/2020 4588/0918Q/12/28/2020 RIVER STREETLocation: MOULTONBORO, NH 03254 103-039-000-BS0-0083Map & Lot: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT RECORD Town of Ashland
Base Value SizeAdj. /ConditionDepr. FO% Unf.%SizeUnitsorRate / Sq. Ft. Unf% Building Segments Extra Features Outbuildings Building Computation Building Adjustments $0$0Building ReplacementValueCost General Information 0Depreciated Value $0Main Building: Outbuildings: $140,00000 0Total Building Segments: Base ValueSketch Living Effective Area Segment Amount#/sfDescription Year Grade/Adj. 12007 1Of1Card: $140,000Total Buildings on Card: $140,000Value1.001.00$140,000Asquam DescriptionBoathouse Amount#/sfDescription 000000# Hot Water # Kitchen Sinks # Extra Fixtures # 5-Fixture Baths # 4-Fixture Baths # 3-Fixture Baths 0# 2-Fixture Baths Plumbing Fixtures 1.000.00$00000$0 Location Adj. % ExternalUnfinishedInflu. % Functional Obs % Depreciation % Influences/Obsolescence Extra SizeBuildingGradeFeaturesAdj.FactorAdj.Adj.FactorOutbuilding0000 Only (1) Cooling Type Heating ExteriorInteriorHeatingTypeFuelWallsFlooringSidingRoofMaterialRoofTypeInsulationFramingFoundationColor#ofBedrooms#ofRoomsConditionGrade/QualityEffectiveYearYearBuiltBuildingStyle $0Base ValueResidentialProp. Class JAMES E FRENCH/LINDA BROPHY-FRENCH 2020 TRUST JAMOwner:RIVER STREETLocation:103-039-000-BS0-0083Map/Lot #:
TOWN OF ASHLAND 8/3/2022 Information Invoice Number: TX-102133-TX Description: TAX1 Property ID: 103-039-000-BS0-0083 Owner: JAMES E FRENCH/LINDA BROPHYFRENCH 2020 TRUST J Address: RIVER STREET Bill Date: 5/25/2022 Due Date: 7/5/2022 Interest Date: 7/5/2022 Interest Days: 0 Last Paid: N/A Paid By: N/A Bill Amount: $1,925.00 Interest: $0.00 Costs: $0.00 Total: $1,925.00 Payments: $1,925.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Details Description Date Tax Year Period Amount Original Amount 5/25/2022 2022 2022 $1,925.00 Principal Transaction 6/5/2022 2022 2022 ($1,925.00)