Welcome To TEAM / AGENT NAME 69 Garden Circle, Unit 69, Laconia

Find this single level, 2 bed, 2 bathroom low maintenance condo nestled in the desirable Meadows within Southdown Shores.
A quick golf cart ride to your private shared Lake Winnipesaukee water access along 4,000 ft of Paugus Bay shorefront. Pull into the newly updated and heated garage complete with brand new epoxy floors, built-in cabinetry and office area, providing an extended living space as well as ample storage above. Step into the open concept kitchen and dining room featuring granite counters and additional pantry cabinet. The large living space with updated windows looks out to the private patio perfect for grilling. Cozy up next to the wood burning stove in the cooler months or stay cool with the mini split throughout the summer. The primary bedroom with ensuite bath, 2nd bedroom, and 3/4 bath complete the space, with laundry just steps away. Multiple upgrades have been made throughout the home, making it ready to go for its new owner. Southdown features 4,000 feet of lakefront shoreline, sandy beaches, walking trails, sports courts, playground, and day docking. Around the corner from the Laconia Country Club and minutes to Gunstock, this home is situated in the heart of the Lakes Region.
69 Garden Circle, Laconia

Exterior Add caption -Large, private patio space perfect entertaining or grilling location -Beautifully maintained garden spaces -Recently updated windows and doors

Dining/Kitchen -Open concept kitchen/dining space -Direct entry from garage -Granite countertops, under cabinet lighting, updated cabinetry -Low maintenance laminate flooring -Ample pantry storage

RoomLiving -Bright and airy with multiple oversized windows -Climate controlled with mini split and monitor heater -Wood stove for chilly winter days -Steps from the kitchen

SuiteMaster -Master bedroom with ensuite renovated full bath -Abundance of closet space -Sun-filled with views out to private patio space

BedroomsBedroomGuest -Additional guest space -Newly installed carpet -Renovated 3/4 just around the corner

Garage -Brand new Epoxy floors and garage door -Abundance of built-in storage cabinets and office space -Heated space provides an extension of the living space -Additional storage provided above


RealtyLifeLake87WhittierHwyMoultonborough,NH03254603-403-5944 STEPHANIE INGLIS stephanie@lakeliferealty.net603.490.8152Realtor® Compass is a licensed real estate broker in Massachusetts and Compass Real Estate is a licensed real estate brokerage firm in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont and each abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.

Location 69GARDENCR Mblu 271/441/3/023/ Acct# 7210 Owner DACEYRICHARDFIII&ELLEN L Assessment $251,000 6024 BuildingCount 1 Owner DACEYRICHARDFIII&ELLENL CoOwner Address 707BIRSTALLDR CARY,NC27519 SalePrice $122,000 Book&Page 1747/0598 SaleDate 04/26/2002 Instrument 00 YearBuilt: 1984 LivingArea: 1,008 BuildingAttributes Field Description Style: CONDODUPLEX Model ResCondo 69GARDENCR CurrentValue Assessment ValuationYear Improvements Land Total 2021 $251,000 $0 $251,000 OwnerofRecord OwnershipHistory OwnershipHistory Owner SalePrice Book&Page Instrument SaleDate DACEYRICHARDFIII&ELLENL $122,000 1747/0598 00 04/26/2002 FRIGOLETTODONALDL&JOANM $0 0902/0571 05/24/1985 CMBCONSTRUCTIONCOINC $0 /0 05/24/1985 BuildingInformation Building1:Section1
Stories: 1Story Grade Average+10 Occupancy 1 InteriorWall1: Drywall/Sheet InteriorWall2: InteriorFloor1 Carpet InteriorFloor2 HeatFuel: Electric HeatType: ElectrBasebrd ACType: HeatPump TtlBedrms: 2Bedrooms TtlBathrms: 2Full TtlHalfBths: 0 XtraFixtres TotalRooms: 4Rooms BathStyle: Average KitchenStyle: Average KitchenType 00 KitchenFunc 00 PrimaryBldgUse HtwtrType 00 Atypical ParkType N ParkOwn N ParkTandem N Fireplaces NumPartBedrm BaseFlrPm NumPark 00 PctLowCeiling UnitLocn Grade Average+10 Stories: 1 ResidentialUnits: 40 ExteriorWall1: Clapboard ExteriorWall2: RoofStructure Gable/Hip RoofCover Asph/FGls/Cmp CmrclUnits: 0 Res/ComUnits: 0 Section#: 0 Legend BuildingPhoto (https://imagesvgsi.com/photos/LaconiaNHPhotos//\00\01\56\48jpg) BuildingLayout (https://imagesvgsi.com/photos/LaconiaNHPhotos//Sketches/6024 6721jp BuildingSub-Areas(sqft) Code Description Gross Area Living Area BAS FirstFloor 1,008 1,008 FGR Garage,Finished 336 0 PTO Patio 230 0 1,574 1,008

ParkingSpaces 0 SectionStyle: 0 Foundation Security: CmplxCnd XtraField1: RemodelExt: Super Grade Legend LandUse UseCode 1020 Description CONDOMDL05 Zone RS Neighborhood CONDO No Category LandLineValuation Size(Acres) 0 Frontage 0 Depth 0 AssessedValue $0 Legend (c)2022VisionGovernmentSolutions,Inc.Allrightsreserved. ExtraFeatures ExtraFeatures Code Description Size Bldg# HRTH HEARTH 100UNITS 1 Land Outbuildings Outbuildings NoDataforOutbuildings ValuationHistory Assessment ValuationYear Improvements Land Total 2021 $251,000 $0 $251,000 2020 $185,600 $0 $185,600 2019 $177,000 $0 $177,000

7/25/22, 2:37 PM City of Laconia, Tax Bill for 271/441/3/023 https://www.invoicecloud.com/templates/Laconia/RE2013.aspx?InvoiceGUID=382035bf-226b-4f97-b6d6-2f171872e68e&LCT=6vpAk7CYzTsG1pCaLk 1/1 TaxCollector POBox48945BeaconStEast Laconia,NH taxcollector@laconianh.gov03247 CityofLaconia (603)527-1269 8:30-4:30Mon.-Fri. MakeChecksPayableTo:RealEstateTaxBill 1100 2022July1stHalfTaxBill CityofLaconia TaxYear Acct.No. BillNo. BillDate InterestRate DueDate 2022 7210 401902 5/27/2022 8%ifpaidafter: 7/1/2022 Map/ParcelNo. LocationofProperty Area 271/441/3/023 69GARDENCR 0.00 OwnerofRecord TaxCalculation DACEYRICHARDFIII&ELLEN 707LBIRSTALLDR CARY,NC27519 PriorYearsDue GrossTax $2,368.00 JulyTax $2,368.00 -Less:VeteranPrepaymentsCredit NetJulyTax $2,368.00 TaxRate AssessedValuation CityTaxRate 3.755 LandValue 0 CountyTaxRate 0.495 BuildingValue 251,000 LocalSchoolRate 4.265 TotalValue 251,000 StateEd.Rate 0.915 -Exemptions Total 9.43 NetValue 251,000 AmounttoPay $2,368.00 INFORMATIONFORTAXPAYERS *PlusinterestonJulyBillifApplicable 1 Pleaseuseaccountnumberonchecksandallinquiries.Payableto"CityofLaconia." 2 REMITTALPORTIONMUSTACCOMPANYPAYMENT.Cancelledchecksisyourreceipt.IfreturnreceiptisdesiredsendENTIREbill andaself-addressedstampedenvelope.NOSTAMP-NOENVELOPE-NORECEIPT 3 Taxesarenotconsideredpaiduntilcheckclears.Afeeischargedonallchecksreturnedforanyreason. 4 Thetaxpayermay,byMarch1followingthedateofnoticeoftax,andnotafterward,applyinwritingtotheAssessorsforatax abatement.WaitforDecemberbill. 5 ValuationquestionsmustbetoAssessors(notTaxCollector)527-1268. 6 Youareresponsibleforforwardingyourbilltoyourescrowagent.Wesuggestyoumakeanextracopyforyourrecords. 7 Interestandfeesarecollectedfirstwhereapplicable.Balanceofpaymentwillbeappliedtoprincipal. 8 UnpaidAccountsafterJanuarynextyearwillbesubjecttotaxlienandadditionalcharges. 9 Thereisafeeof$1.00peraccountforpaymenthistoriesorresearchofrecords. 10 Julytax=Valuationx1/2prioryearsrate.Decembertax=ValuationxcurrentratelessamountofJulybill. 11 Paymentofthisbilldoesnotpreventcollectionofpreviousunpaidtaxesnordoesanerrorinnameofpersontaxedpreventcollection. 12 TaxyearisApril1toMarch31.RSA76:2 13 Ifyouareelderly,disabled,blind,aveteranorsurvivingspouseofaveteran,orareunabletopaytaxesduetopovertyorothergood cause,youmaybeeligibleforataxexemption,credit,abatementordeferral.Mustbeyourprimaryresidencetoqualify FordetailsandapplicationcontacttheBoardofAssessors,45BeaconStreetE.,Laconia,NH03246,Phone:527-1268. 14 Creditcardsareacceptedonline,inperson,orbycalling(855)906-0411.Conveniencefeesareappliedtoallcreditcardtransactions. PLEASEKEEPTHISENTIREUPPERPORTIONOFBILLFORYOURRECORDS detachhere TOINSUREPROPERCREDIT,RETURNENTIREBOTTOMPORTIONOFBILL detachhere TaxCollector POBox48945BeaconStEast Laconia,NH03247 CityofLaconia RealEstateTaxBill PriorYearsDue FORRECEIPT,PLEASESENDASELF-ADDRESSEDSTAMPEDENVELOPEWITHTHEENTIREBILL Map/ParcelNo. LocationofProperty TaxYear Acct.No. BillNo. DueDate 271/441/3/023 69GARDENCR 2022 7210 401902 7/1/2022 8%APRInterestChargedAfter: 7/1/2022 AmounttoPay $2,368.00 NetJulyTax $2,368.00 DACEYRICHARDFIII&ELLEN 707LBIRSTALLDR CARY,NC27519 AddressChanges: PLEASERETURNTHISREMITTALPORTIONWITHYOURPAYMENT