Recreation Fall Golf 12
September and October are some of the nicest times to explore the area, especially when it comes to hitting the green.
Q&A with a Pro 14
Need help with your golf game? Our expert answers your questions.
Celebrate Fall 16
Dozens of festivals, Halloween events and fairs are held each year. Read about the many things there are to do with family this season.
Historic Home 24
These homeowners love history and renovated an old fishing cabin into their dream retirement home.
Builders Showcase 34
Need a builder or looking for the right business to complete some work around the house?
Our special section can put you in touch with the right people.
Catch up with our editor and see what she has to say about this issue.
Happy Feet 46
Achy feet can be a pain! Get some advice on what you should do to avoid injuries and how to get the best treatment.
Fashionable Looks 48
Mini Boat Club 8
Not everyone owns a big boat at Lake of the Ozarks. Don’t be fooled by their small size. These mini boats can go fast and are a lot of fun.
Donut Revolution 55
America’s breakfast staple has really evolved. If you want something over-the-top these places have it.
Let’s Connect 5
Need to contact us or want more information about how to subscribe? We’ve got you covered.
Bright colors and clothing with a western influence are trending in boutiques. Adding just one small piece can dress up that wardrobe!
New Steakhouse 52
Based on the success of his other restaurants, chef and owner Mike Jones will be serving packed crowds at this new place in Osage Beach.
Fall is a busy season at the Lake with festivals and other events. Check out what’s happening this month.
See anyone you know? We’ve been out and about at Lake area events.
The award-winning editorial sta at Lake Lifestyles magazine works hard to put out each issue.
I’M A BIG FAN OF THE OUTDOORS. HIKING, SWIMMING, BOATING, JUST SITTING AROUND OUR DECK WATCHING TV…IF I CAN BE OUTSIDE, I AM. As much as I love the dog days of summer (the hotter, the better) the fall season at Lake of the Ozarks is a close second for my favorite time of year.
Each week for the next two months there will be plenty of things to do. Fall festivals will be in full swing and the Lake has many traditions when it comes to long-standing events. Personally, I love festivals for the food but the beautiful weather provides the perfect opportunity to browse vendors and do some early Christmas shopping.
Our cover story is full of some of our favorite things to do this season but there are several other ones we didn’t men tion. For years I would volunteer to pass out candy at the Osage Beach Hy-Vee Hollow event benefitting the Dream Factory and Wonderland Camp. Not only is it a good cause, but it’s an entertaining evening when thousands of people come through with their kids to show off their Halloween costumes. The homemade ones are the best! This year it will be held Oct. 22 from 4-7 p.m. If you are a business and want to have a booth to pass out candy, it costs $100. If you plan to bring the kiddos, for $2/child you’ll leave with a bag full of goodies after stopping at each booth.
The Lake of the Ozarks Fall Boutique Crawl is also anoth er great event happening Oct. 1 this year. With 16 stops, it’s a full day of shopping and supporting the many great small businesses at the Lake. Like most anything else, more infor mation can be found on Facebook.
Much of our content this issue is dedicated to the fall sea son. From fashion to golf and off-the-water dining options, there’s a lot to see and do.
Hope to see you out and about! charis.lakesun@gmail.com
shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”
4427 Osage Beach Parkway North (Old School Commons) Osage Beach, MO 65065 573-346-2132
Trevor Vernon tvernon@vernonpublishing.com
Charis Patires charis.lakesun@gmail.com
Judy Goppert
Connye Gri n
Anita Harrison
Marie Krolikowski
Paul Leahy
Candace Williams candace.lakesun@gmail.com
George Denny Al Gri n
Charis Patires
Alan Wohlgemut
Mel Woods
Barbara Deitrick Tracey Steinkraus
Stacie Marshall
Copyright 2022 by Lake Media, owned by Vernon Publishing. All rights reserved. Lake Lifestyles magazine is published six times annually for distribution in Missouri and in the Midwest. Lake Lifestyles provides residents of and visitors to the Lake of the Ozarks with lifestyle and recreation features about the greater Lake of the Ozarks area. While effort has been made to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this magazine, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. The publisher will assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transcripts or other materials. All advertisements created by the publisher are not considered a work made for hire and the publisher retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the publisher for the advertiser. The advertisements may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Lake Lifestyles magazine wants to know what you really think! Send your comments, questions and story ideas to charis.lakesun@ gmail.com or send snail mail to 4427 Osage Beach Parkway North, Osage Beach, MO 65065.
Lake Lifestyles magazine is available at the following locations:
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Al and Connye Griffin retired to do what they enjoy, taking photos of their new home and writing about the people and places here. Al was a forensic photographer for more than a decade before moving to Missouri where he’s had the opportunity to focus on art and commercial photography.
His varied work can be found at www.algriffinphotography.com. Connye likes to knit words together and does so daily. She spent 37 years teaching and still loves to learn and teach. She does both through Al and Connye’s collaboration www.oureyesuponmissouri. com. Al’s photography can be seen throughout the magazine.
Paul Leahy has been a golf professional at the TanTar-A Resort since 1989 and Director of Golf since 2001. He manages the 27-hole golf operation at Tan-Tar-A and has been active in the community via the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau and various charities. Paul has been a contributor in the golf section of Lake Lifestyles Magazine since 2007.
He is president of the Lake of the Ozarks Golf Council, Co-Director of the Lake of the Ozarks Junior Golf Association and on the board of the Gateway PGA of America. Originally from Cedar Falls, Iowa, Paul has a bachelor’s in marketing from Ferris State University and has been a Class A Member of the PGA of America since 1991.
Marie, her husband Stan, and their two children have been coming to the Ozarks every summer for the past 28 years. The family made their dreams come true recently when they purchased a lakefront home in the Four Seasons neighborhood. Marie not only gets to continue enjoying this life with her husband and children, but also with her granddaughters Layla and Harper.
Marie has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Public Re lations. She headed the public relations department in a Chicago area hospital for five years. She spent many years working as a freelance writer, and had articles published in a number of Chicago area newspapers. She also worked as a real estate broker for 14 years.
Residing part-time here allows Marie the opportunity to fulfill three pastimes she is passionate about: writing, enjoying Lake Life with her family and friends, and now experiencing the Lake with her granddaughters.
Mel Woods is the Owner of Blue Boat Art, one of the Lake area’s go-to for drone photos and video. Her Lake Life Portrait Sessions are one of the hottest new experience gifts you can give your Lake lover. Her work has been featured in several area magazines, on Lake TV and on live TV as the official drone pilot for the 2021 Lake Race, in real estate listings, art stores, and more. She holds an FAA drone pilot certification and a bachelor’s degree in visual communications. She lives at the Lake and loves capturing Lake life. See her work at www.blueboatart. com, and follow @BlueBoatArt on social for photos and videos from around the Lake.
The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don’t stop when something’s in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. It’s time to add your flower to the fight. Join us at alz.org/lakewalk
When Tim Knoepp pulls into Backwater Jack’s, people take notice. Some even get out of the pool to take photographs. It’s not Knoepp that turns heads — it’s what he’s driving.
The 10-foot 1970 GW Invader is no match for some of the larger boats on Lake of the Ozarks, but there is a large following of mini-boat owners on the Lake.
“Everyone keeps buying bigger and bigger boats. I thought I would go the other way,” he said. After seeing the Invader pop up on Facebook for sale, Knoepp decided to purchase it.
“I didn’t know what I was buying when I bought it. Turns out there is a huge cult following for GW Invaders,” he said. “People are always commenting that they had one back in the day, and there are Facebook groups dedicated to them.”
The boat was in rough shape and needed a full restoration. With a 60 horsepower outboard motor, Knoepp admits he’s a bit reluctant to find out its top speed.
“We’ve had it to about 35 MPH so far but there was a lot of throttle left,” he said. “Most people say their boat isn’t large enough for Lake of the Ozarks…. Most people don’t realize that the size of their boat doesn’t matter for fun. This is the most fun per foot you are going to have on the water. The part I love most is putting a smile on everyones face! It’s impossible to ride in this or see it out on the water without smiling.”
From their home in Backwater Jack’s no-wake cove they can easily take the boat around the neighborhood and visit the restaurants in the area.
“The best part is seeing the looks on everyone’s faces. There are million dollar boats pulling into Backwaters every day, but when you pull up in this you get all the attention,” he said. “People get out of the pool and take pictures. People that drive it say they feel like they are famous.”
Knoepp grew up on Table Rock Lake. He started coming to Lake of the Ozarks 10 years ago and purchased a home a few years later. Since he works remotely and his wife is a teacher, they can spend their entire summer enjoying the Lake and take the boat out on calmer weekdays and mornings.
Water conditions and holidays don’t prevent Tony Neal from going out on the Lake in his 13 foot Boston Whaler. A
life-long boater, Neal and his family own several boats but fell in love with the 1963 Boston Whaler when he discovered it for sale. He upgraded the engine to a newer 50 horsepower motor and can reach top speeds of around 30 MPH. The foam hull design slows it down a bit but Whalers have the reputation of being unsinkable, and Neal has put it to the test.
“I’ve had the boat a few summers and have gone from the 19-mile marker to Ha Ha Tonka on Fourth of July with no issues,” he said.
Neal has even taken the boat to Florida and three miles out into the Gulf of Mexico. He calls it a “little beast” that can go from the Swinging Bridges in two feet of water or take on four-foot waves in the Main Channel.
“For me, this boat has completely changed how I boat on the Lake,” he said. “People do say you need a 30’ boat to enjoy this Lake but equally important is the ability to navigate the conditions safely.”
Nick Kelly, 37, has been coming to the Lake ever since his parents got their first boat when he was two-years old.
“I got my first boat when I was 26 and have been there multiple times a year, every year, ever since,” he said. Wanting a different type of boating experience, Kelly purchased a mini boat for $5,500. The boat came from Vero Beach, Fla. where there is a large selection of these boats on the market. It was a drastic change from the large performance boat they’d drive to all the poker runs. The 1987 13-foot Funcat has a Johnson SST60 engine that runs at a top speed of 50 miles per hour. It holds 12 gallons of fuel, and even though that’s a large tank for a mini boat, Kelly is considering upgrading it soon.
“You get the same adrenaline rush as going faster in a bigger boat with only 20 percent the maintenance/cost,” Kelly said. “Towing it, fueling it, working on it, cleaning it, storing it, parking it … literally everything is easier. You can pull it with anything, store it anywhere, and I can customize it however I want for pennies on the dollar what a big performance boat would cost. It’s so much easier, it actually makes me enjoy boating again instead of just dreading all the work that comes with it.”
“For me, this boat has completely changed how I boat on the Lake. People do say you need a 30’ boat to enjoy this Lake but equally important is the ability to navigate the conditions safely.”Nick Kelly splits his time boating on the Mississippi River and Lake of the Ozarks in his 1987 13’ Funcat.
Measuring at 10-feet one-inch long and four feet wide, even on the busiest days Todd Dunlap can find a parking spot that will fit his 2000 Mercury Water Mouse. It’s one of the many perks of owning a mini boat.
Dunlap has been coming to Lake of the Ozarks with family since the early 80s and spends most summer weekends like everyone else — on the water.
“I just love boats of all kinds and thought (a mini boat) would be fun,” he said. “We normally are down on the weekends so if it gets too rough, we do have other options but if I can take the Mouse out I will.”
Dunlap says it’s not much different from a jet ski and holds 2.5 gallons of gas. He paid under $1,000 for it and replaced the motor with a 25 horsepower motor that allows him to go up to 32 MPH.
Todd, and his wife Melisa also own a cruiser that docks at Mariners Pier 31 and a Velocity they trailer back and forth.
Mini boats can go just about anywhere, including the shal low waters near the Swinging Bridges.
After purchasing a 2000 Mer cury Water Mouse, Todd Dun lap customized it with a new motor and graphics installed by Pro Dezigns in Eldon.
It used to be after Labor Day the Lake slowed down, restaurants closed, and golf courses weren’t busy, but those times are long gone! September and October are some of the nicest times to visit, whether golfing, boating, hiking or just spending time at your Lake house, the fall is the perfect time to visit and enjoy Lake of the Ozarks!
When planning your trip this fall keep in mind some helpful hints to make your time extra special. Even though daylight savings time begins November 6 this year, remember the days get significantly shorter as we move toward
November. On Labor Day sunrise is 6:45 a.m. and sunset is 7:34 p.m. Most courses don’t allow play until approximately 30 to 45 minutes after sunrise to allow the maintenance crew to prepare the course for play. By the end of September those times have changed to a sunrise at 7:06 a.m. and sunset at 6:54 p.m., and the days continue to get shorter and shorter each day. Just because it may be 70 to 80 degrees and perfect outside remember to plan accordingly to leave enough time to finish your round. With the shorter days and the courses still being as busy as when there were 14+ hours of daylight in July,
be prepared for a fuller course. My suggestion is to plan your tee times early so you get the times you prefer. It may be a little cool first thing in the morning, but playing earlier will keep you away from the most popular times which are between 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Just bring a light jacket you can shed and by the time you make the turn you will be in your short sleeves and in front of the crowds.
With fall temperatures comes the possibility of frost. What is frost? It is ice formed when water vapor on a surface is at or below 32 degrees, meanwhile the surrounding air temperature
could be above 32 degrees. Our temperature readings are usually measured from five to 10 feet above the ground since this is the level we live at. What does that mean for the golf course? It means that golfers can’t walk or play on the course until the frost is gone. If players are allowed to walk and play on the course while frost is present, the tops of the grass will die and brown spots will appear. This is detrimental for the greens in particular, so be patient with the course operator as they want to get you on the course as bad as you want to get out there. We are all at the mercy of “Mother Nature” when frost appears.
Green aeration is a maintenance practice that is done in the fall before the temperatures get to cold. This practice is necessary for the health of the turf grass and is something all golf courses must do yearly. Aeration is the process by which holes are put into the greens to allow for air to be able to get into the soil beneath the green. Aeration is needed when the soil beneath the surface of the green becomes compacted. When the soil is compacted, the grass roots struggle to breathe. We know it frustrates players
and we do everything possible to not inconvenience you, but weather plays a huge part when this process can be done. Course operators will try and give you an estimated date, but many factors including weather, business demands and equipment availability can cause the
courses will be less busy at game time.
There may be a lot of golfers down for the weekend but they will want to be off the course and in front of the TV at kickoff. If you’re not a dye-hard football fan you might be able to score yourself a deal on game day!
The overall conditions of the golf courses are typically at their best in September and early October. The turf grass gets a reprieve from the stifling summer heat and the course superintendents can speed the greens up as the worry of heat stress is in the rearview mirror.
dates to fluctuate. Just be aware that if you plan to play in October at the Lake, some to all of the greens you play on may have been recently aerified.
When planning your fall golf trip to the Lake it’s a good idea to check the college and professional football schedules. I know it sounds crazy but if the University of Missouri or the Kansas City Chiefs have a home game, especially against a quality opponent, the
You can typically find some great fall tournaments to play in such as the Bucket Tournament held at the Oaks at Margaritaville Lake Resort or the Fall Couples Scramble at Lake Valley Country Club. There is nothing better than waking up on a crisp fall morning to hit the links, taking in the beauty of the colors of the trees and finishing the day at sunset with a cocktail at your favorite watering hole overlooking Lake of the Ozarks.
What are you waiting for? Book your tee times today by visiting www.golfingmissouri.com.
Pinehurst is all you have to say and golfers throughout the world know what you’re talking about. Located in Moore County, North Carolina this township is a mere hour from Raleigh and Greensboro and a very short plane flight from Mis souri. If driving is more your thing, this beautiful scenic drive can be done in one day but the 15 hours might be better done in two so you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.
It all began in 1897 when the first nine holes was constructed and a year later an additional nine were built. Famed designer Donald Ross made his Pinehurst debut in 1901 putting his fin ishing touches on the 6,100 yard course coined Pinehurst No. 1. This was the beginning of centuries of course expansion and the beginning of one of the greatest golf destinations in the world.
In 1907 the famed centerpiece of Pinehurst’s nine courses was designed by Ross, Pinehurst No. 2. Known throughout the world as being one of the toughest tests of golf, this gem has hosted more single golf championships than any other course in Ameri ca. No. 2 has hosted such events as the U.S. Men’s and Women’s amateurs, PGA Tour Championship, PGA Championship, Ryder Cup, multiple U.S. Open Championships and a one-time back to back U.S. Open and U.S. Women’s Open Championships in 2014. It has also been awarded the 2024, 2029, 2035, 2041 and 2047 U.S. Opens, so generations to come will be able to see the beauty and difficultly of this timeless gem. The course has had two redesigns in its history. The first came in 1974 by R.T. Jones and the most recent in 2010 by Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw who brought
the course back to its famed form and created lasting images for golf enthusiasts to enjoy time and again. This 7,600 yard course is a must-play with one of their storied caddies on any trip to Pinehurst.
Donald Ross also designed Pinehurst No. 3 and No. 4 in 1910 and 1919 respectively. No. 3 is the shortest of the courses playing at 5,155 yards as a par 68. Don’t let the shortness of the course fool you as it can be as challenging as the rest as you manage to hit your ball onto these small, undulating green complexes. No. 4 is the prefect compliment to its sister course No. 2. This 7,200-yard-plus masterpiece is the longest of the courses. Since 1919 famed designers Robert Trent Jones, Rees Jones and Tom Fazio have all put their stamps on the course during redesigns but in 2017 Gil Hance restored the course to more of its original design and it hosted the 2018 U.S. Amateur to rave reviews.
It took 42 years for the next course to open. Ellis Maples, a protégé of Donald Ross designed No. 5 and it opened in 1961. This 6,800 yard course is home to one of the most picturesque holes on the property, the Par-3 14th. Designers George and Tom Fazio opened Pinehurst No. 6 in 1979, a departure from the first five. This more rugged, undulating track playing 7,000 yards plays differently than the others. Tom Fazio came back in 2005 to make some small changes to his original design and it is a gem of a course.
After working on the redesign on No. 4, Rees Jones got the call to design Pinehurst No. 7 and it opened in 1986. He also did the redesign of the course in 2002 to expand it to its current length of 7,200 yards. Tiger Woods has only won one tournament at Pinehurst and that was on No. 7 in the 1992 Big I Junior Classic as a 16-year-old junior.
Tom Fazio got the call again to design No. 8 and it opened in 1996 to commemorate Pinehurst’s Centennial. This 7,100 yard course pairs well with the final course, Pinehurst No. 9, designed by famed golfer and architect Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus has long commented that No. 2 is his favorite golf course from a design standpoint, and he got to put his stamp on the final course Pine hurst No. 9.
This isn’t all the golf though at the resort. The Thistle Dhu, an 18-hole putting course is free to all guests. It was built in 1916 and is believed to be the first miniature golf course in America. Fun for the whole family, just bring a putter and a ball. In addition, there is a nine-hole short course that kids under 17 play free with a paid adult. The golf channel is quoted as saying “It’s the most fun 10 acres in all of golf.” Tradition is part of the experience and professional caddies are available at all the course but are highly recommended on Pinehurst No. 2 and No. 4.
Accommodations are plentiful with the beautiful historic 230 room Carolina Hotel, dubbed “Queen of the South” and the Holly Inn, the first accommodations on the property built in 1895. More modern accommodations can also be found at the Manor Inn, Carolina Villas and the Condos at Pinehurst. Ten dining options are available from a coffee shop, brewery, fine dining and everything in between. Pools, a full spa, ten nis, pickleball, a fitness center, carriage rides, and lawn sports and much, much more are found at the resort.
A historic and beautiful place for your next golf vacation. Visit Pinehurst at www.pinehurst.com to begin planning your next golf trip.
Paul Leahy is a PGA Golf Professional and the Director of Golf at Margaritaville Lake Resort.
When: September 24
Where: Ozarks Amphitheater
Info: www.pumkinchunkinpalooza.com
Why you should go: To see who will win the trebuchet contest this year.
The Laurie/Sunrise Beach Rotary Club hosts the annual event featuring a pie eating contest, local artisans, trebuchet demonstrations, food and beverage vendors, face painting, a petting zoo, bounce houses, pumpkin decorating, and a pirate and magic show.
One of the highlights of the event is watching the trebuchet contest where competitors bring their homemade contraptions to see how far they can launch pumpkins.
Admission is $8 for ages 13 and older, $5 for kids ages 5-12 and free for children under the age of 5. A family pass (maximum of six family members) is $20. Parking is free.
When: September 10
Where: Laurie Fairgrounds
Info: Bob at 573-434-2422
Why you should go: All makes and models of vehicles will be on display.
The 2nd annual show will be held all day at the park. More than a dozen trophies will be awarded in various categories. The Whiskey Trio Band performs from 7-10 p.m. Food vendors and the Beer Garden will be open from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. If you are interested in entering a vehicle, registration is Friday night from 4-7 p.m. or call in advance.
A Model Car Contest (bring your own cars) will be held for kids and adults.
When: September 16 & 17
Where: Laurie Fairgrounds
Info: www.cityoflaurie.com
Why you should go: Two words fair food.
Corn dogs, funnel cake and deep fried Oreos. Everybody has their favorite fair food and the 53rd annual fair in Laurie never disappoints. The carnival and exotic petting zoo are always a crowd favorite. Adult and kid games/contests are held, several bands will perform and don’t miss the Sailing Cardboard Boat Contest.
A full schedule of events can be found on Facebook at Laurie 53rd Hillbilly Fair.
When: September 23-25
Where: Hillbilly Fairgrounds
Info: Hillbilly Rendezvous on Facebook
Why you should go: Step back in time to the good ol’ days.
See what life was like from 1825 and 1840 between mountain men, Native Americans, and fur trappers and traders during this reenactment. Demonstrations will include fire starting, blacksmithing, toys and games, a traveling frontier doctor and more.
Vendors selling pre-1840s attire, accessories, cooking utensils, fur and other merchandise will be set up in booths. Food, a camp contest, dutch oven contest, live auction, seminars and other entertainment is planned.
Hours are Friday and Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
When: September 24
Where: Downtown Eldon Info: www.eldonchamber.com Why you should go: The turkey legs.
The 36th annual festival packs people into downtown Eldon for the vendors, food and entertainment. Go early to get your hands on a smoked turkey leg before they sell out. Live music, entertainment, a parade, children’s carnival and many other activities line the streets during the day-long event.
When: October 8
Where: Community Christian Church
Info: Lake Area Fiber Arts Festival on Facebook Why you should go: It’s a one-of-a-kind shopping experience.
Hand-made products created by local fiber artists will be showcased from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Items that have been knitted, dyed, woven, crocheted or sewn will be for sale, and vendors with yarn and other materials will have booths set up.
It’s a great place to do some early Christmas shopping as well as see talented artists display their craft.
The Ozark Hills Quilt Guild will also be hosting a show in conjunction with the Fiber Festival at the venue. A large display of hand-made quilts and a raffle will be held.
When: October 8
Where: Osage Beach City Park Info: www.osagebeach-mo.gov
Why you should go: It’s a free event for family.
Games, food, a bounce house, pony rides, petting zoo, pie eating contest, vendor booths and live music will all be a part of the city’s annual festival. Lots of fun entertainment from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
When: October 15 & 16
Where: Laurie Fairgrounds
Why you should go: To eat and support local food truck businesses.
Where can you get barbecue, burgers, Philly cheesesteaks, hot dogs, coffee and desserts all in one location? Expect at least 20 different food trucks and other local vendors set up from noon-7 p.m. at the Fall Food Truck Festival.
According to Ashley Hays, festival organizer and owner of the Baristago Coffee Co. mobile coffee shop, this is the third event of its kind. Each one has been popular and they hope to make it even bigger this fall. In addition to food and some vendors, the family-friendly event will include live music, bounce houses, face painting and other entertainment.
Most trucks are from the Lake area so it’s a great way to try many Lake of the Ozarks establishments in one place, Hays said.
When: October 21 & 22
Where: Camden County Museum Info: www.camdencountymuseum.org
Why you should go: Fresh baked pies and apple butter.
For days volunteers peel hundreds of apples to make batches of pies and apple butter that will be sold during the annual Apple Butter Days. Crafters with booths and food will be available during the two-day event. Hours both days are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free admission.
The scarier the better for Lake Breeze Resort owner Gena Aldrich. That’s why she decided to turn an area on the resort property into a haunted maze.
For the second year in a row, Aldrich and her staff will be setting up a very spooky outdoor haunted maze that is both intriguing and creepy. It’s not for the faint of heart.
“We always joked about owning a haunted resort but it’s always booked up so we couldn’t prepare it for Halloween,” Aldrich said. So when property next to the resort went up for sale, they saw the perfect opportunity to expand their business.
Aldrich created Ghouls Gathering with one of the scariest British horror movies ever made in mind. Segments of “The Descent” come alive as you make your way from the graveyard, a killing workshop, and a dark and frightening cave. It takes about 30 minutes to get through but could go by much quicker depending on how fast you run.
“We had so much fun hosting it and I was so thrilled it was scary enough,” she said.
Families with small children who may not want something too scary can still come to enjoy the kid’s area call Ghouls Gathering. Participants receive a gift bag and will win prizes. Parents can enjoy drinks and watch their kids before heading into the Haunted Maze.
Haunted Maze tickets are $19/person. Ghouls Gathering is $12 for kids (two free parents) for access to just the kid’s area.
Open Oct. 13-15, 21 & 22, & 28-31 from 6-10 p.m. (Haunted Maze 7-10 p.m.)
Lake Breeze Terrace is located at 7127 Old Route 5, outside of Camdenton. More information can be found at www.lakebreezeterrace.com.
When: October 29
Where: Bagnell Dam Strip
Info: Bagnell Dam Strip Association on Facebook
Why you should go: It is a great Halloween event for kids.
Dress up the kids in their spookiest Halloween costume and go trick or treating during the day. An annual tradition in Lake Ozark, businesses all along the Bagnell Dam Strip will be passing out candy from 2-4 p.m. An area with games will be set up at Luby’s Plaza and a costume contest is held at 4 p.m.
When: October 29
Where: Gravois Mills area
Info: Halloween Pub Crawl on Facebook
Why you should go: To have an adult night out.
Pub crawls are always a popular event at Lake of the Ozarks. Get your best costume on and hop on the bus as it makes stops at seven different locations. Ride the bus for $5 and enjoy a fun evening of entertainment. Participating locations are: 10-42 Bar & Que, Hillbilly Yacht Club, Tony Gs, Maggie’s, Lake Burger, VFW, and the Li’l Bass Hole.
When: Weekends in October
Where: 123 Swinging Bridges Road, Brumley Info: The Cave Pumpkin Patch on Facebook
Why you should go: To enjoy a full day of fall fun with family.
More than 10,000 pumpkin seeds have been planted in anticipation of this year’s fall crop of pumpkins so there will be plenty to decorate and take home. Dozens of activities are included in the admission (rates were not set as of press time). Kids will be able to go inside The Cave which is always decorated for the season, enjoy playground equipment, sand boxes, various yard games, go on a hay ride, climb straw bales, play mini golf, and experience the many other attractions set up around the farm. Additional activities such as paint balls, water balloons, pumpkin painting and picking pumpkins from the patch are available for a small fee. Admission is cash only.
Open on weekends in October from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
When: October
Where: 425 Delmar Dr., Roach Info: www.meccafarm.com
Why you should go: The hayride down to the pumpkin patch.
MECCA Farms has a variety of fun activities for the kids in October. The farm has a 150 foot slide, petting zoo, nature trail, obstacle course, hay rides, corn cannons, concession stands, and other entertainment. Go to the field to pick out your pumpkins to take home.
More information will be available closer to the season, so check their website for details.
Jennifer and George Greene were used to project houses. So when they stumbled upon a property for sale that was part of an old fish ing resort on Lake of the Ozarks they immediately saw its potential.
“Every house we have owned we have remodeled, so that did not scare us off,” Jennifer said. “But looking back, this was definitely the biggest project we have ever taken on.”
Living in Ft. Leonard Wood at the time, the Greenes were looking for a house to retire to that was centrally located to their family. Their realtor Annie Faulstich suggested a house that was located on Long Acres Re sort, outside of Laurie, which shut down in the mid 60s.
“Something kept drawing us to it,” Jennifer said. “It had character.”
The original footprint of the Native Fieldstone cabin was a 16' x 29', uninsulat ed summer fishing cabin, built in the 1920s. While it had been added on and up dated over the years it needed a lot of work to turn it into the 21st century dream home the Greenes were wanting. They were up for the challenge and purchased the home in September 2019.
“Renovating the property and keeping it a family home was important to us. The previous owner was concerned a developer would purchase it and bulldoze it down,” Jennifer said. Thankfully the right buyer had come along, ones that want ed to keep much of the historic charm in tact.
George was a facility manager for the United States Army Reserves in Ft. Leonard Wood and served in the Reserves for 40 years. Jennifer worked in the custom jewelry field for 22 years, owning a retail/design store. They both grew up in central Illinois, moved to Kansas in the 80s and relocated to Ft. Wood in 2005 until George retired from the military in 2021.
The original building was the clubhouse/ main building for the resort. The entire house was gutted down to the stone walls, and spray insulation was applied throughout. Walls were moved and added, and a 16' x 30' lakeside addition was created to make a family-friendly, openconcept kitchen and living area. Many original features were kept and can be found throughout the home, including an original stone pillar in the living room.
“Not being frequent visitors to the Lake before we moved here, we didn't really know what to expect,” Jennifer said. “The very first couple we met just happened to be our neighbors and President of our HOA. They welcomed us into this community with open arms and we have decided we didn't buy a house, we bought a neighborhood. All of our neighbors have enjoyed watching our home's transformation and many have shared more information and ‘stories’ to add to the history of this home.”
The front porch of the old cabin was enclosed and used as the entryway for the home as well as making room for a stairway that leads to living space for guests. Notice the old stone was kept exposed and “lake” items like an old oar was used as the handrail going up the stairs.
In the 50s a wing was added to include several bedrooms and a shared bathroom. This hallway is where those rooms were located but now leads to a laundry room and master bedroom. The wheelhouse chandelier was moved upstairs from the kitchen.
“When people walk into our house they aren't in awe about how big or fancy it is,” Jennifer said. “The first thing they say is ‘it's so cozy and feels so comfortable!’ That makes me feel great and makes me love my house even more. When we were planning the new layout of the home, we designed it so we can have everything we need on the ground floor. This is truly our forever home!”
Notice the original ceiling in the master bedroom. Like many things around the home, this bed was handmade by George.
Jennifer always had a love for interior design and dabbled in staging in the past.
George is a gearhead so they were looking for a piece of property that was flat and big enough to build a garage/Man Cave. The couple owns a 1971 Dodge Dart and 1950 Chevy pickup.
A tiered screened-in porch and patio takes full advantage of the Lake view and outdoor living space.
Contractor: Stamper Construction Heating & Cooling: Ozark Heating & Cooling Insulation: Black Sheep Building Products
Custom Front Door: Kirk Custom Woodworking Flooring: Richardson's Carpet & Flooring, Falcon Floor Covering Inc.
Exterior Finish/ Siding: Black Sheep Building Products
Metal Roofing: Martin Metal
Septic System Installation: Kincaid Septic Custom Kitchen Cabinetry: Powell Cabinets
Countertops: Kitchen Craft Inc.
Screen Porch: Madden Manufacturing Co.
Plumbing/Shower enclosure: ReevesWiedeman Co.
Work with the ONLY real estate brokerage in the state of Missouri focused solely on lakefront and lake-access property.
Thousands of lakefront homes for sale. If it’s on the water, it’s on our site.
With no signs of construction slowing down in the near future, Lake of the Ozarks continues to have a strong real estate market.
Many people are choosing to build their next Lake home and with that comes the challenge of finding the right contractors for the job. From securing a mortgage to selecting the perfect home builder, this special section spotlights some of the best in the industry.
A credit score is a snapshot of your credit history that can determine whether you qualify for the best interest rate—or any mortgage in general.
A credit score is a top-line analysis of your credit history. This includes how much debt you currently have, whether you make payments on time, and any bankruptcies or collection actions you’ve had in your past.
During the pre-approval process, you’ll find out how much your credit score matters. You might be disappointed that the rate you’re quoted is higher than the “teaser rate” you may have seen online. If you have a credit score of 680, for example, you likely won’t get the same rate as someone with a score of 780, which is considered among the best credit scores. That di erence in interest rate— even if it’s a gap of just a quarter-point of interest—can add up over time.
Finally, remember that there is no single credit score. Mortgage lenders rely on a version of the FICO score that is likely di erent than the ones you see through free online services or your credit card companies.
4558OsageBeach Parkway, Suite 100
924 Hwy. 42
OsageBeach,MO 573-348-4464 dkbshowroom.com
I’d like to replace my kitchen cabinets and countertops. What do I need to do before making an appointment with a consultant at the DKB Showroom in Osage Beach?
With so many choices in the category of “cabinetry”, narrowing down exactly what you want can be overwhelming. Do you want hardwood or another material, stained, glazed or painted fronts with simple or over the top hardware? When it comes down to it, functionality and personal preference will help you make these choices.
• Start by lookingaroundtheDKBShowroomorPinterest to seewhat styles and colors pique your interest.
• Bringroughroomdimensionsandyourbudgetamount to the showroom along with a list of what you love about the space and what doesn’t work.
• Workingfromthatlist,yourknowledgeableDKBConsultantwillhelp guide you through the choices of cabinetry, countertop and hardware styles that will enhance your unique space.
• Popularhardwoods for cabinetry are Birch,MapleandOak,eachwith their own unique grain and coloring. Painted engineered materials (MDF) or laminate are popular choices in a more modern setting.
• CountertopmaterialsrangefromAcrylic/Solid,QuartzComposite, Granite,LaminateandButcherBlock.YourDKBConsultantwillwalk you through the pros and cons of each.
• Thefinalcomponent,hardwareandpulls, are likejewelry for cabinets. Accessorize with modern or traditional styles in finishes from stainless steel, wood, wrought iron, glass and many more.
At oursixDKBShowroomslocatedinColumbia,Hannibal,JeffersonCity, OsageBeach,MoberlyandSpringfieldMissouri, we offerawidevarietyof cabinets for bathrooms, kitchens and other areas around the home. Whether you’re building or remodeling, stop by one of our showrooms to see cabinet samplesfromSchrock,Decora,AristokraftandBertchandspeak to oneof ourknowledgeableshowroomconsultantsaboutyourproject.DKB’sslogan is, “We DoKitchens&BathsBetter”,but we canalsohelp you createyour next one-of-a-kind laundry room, o ce, craft room or drop zone.
Why does a credit score matter?
you’re buying your first home, second home, buying a bigger home or building your dream home, we have you covered. Work with a loan expert who puts you first!
talk. When you’re ready to make a move, we’re ready to help make it
If you’re looking for a place to “SaveBigMoney”onall your home improvement needs, look no further than Menards and enjoy all of the great services, low prices and shopping conveniences.
Menards is truly a one-stop shop for all of your home improvement needs featuring a full-service lumberyard and everything you need to plan a renovation or build a home. You’ll find a large selection of lumber, roofing, siding, construction blocks, trusses, doors and windows, plus cabinets, appliances, countertops, flooring, lighting, paint, plumbing supplies and more. To complete the job, Menards has quality tools and supplies for everyone from the weekend do-it-yourselfer to the more experienced contractor.
Menards also has what you need to complete your outdoor projects and keep your yard in tip-top shape, plus a beautiful garden center, outdoor décor and patio furniture. Menards also has everyday essentials and much more!
A family-owned and run Midwestern company started in 1958, Menards currently operates 336 stores. Menards is known throughout the home improvement industry as the low price leader; it’s no wonder the famous slogan–“SAVEBIGMONEY”–isso widely known and easy to remember. Menards does things right – the lowest prices in town and the way customers are always treated like family.
210 Gobbler Road Camdenton, MO 573-346-2450 scottsconcrete.biz
Call Scott’s Concrete. Why you say?? They were established at the Lake of the Ozarks in 1954 and have worked with many local contractors. They supply the materials delivered to your jobsite and work with quality contractors throughout the Lake area who will make appointments, give free estimates and then complete the work start to finish. These contractors can provide pictures of completed work and references from satisfied customers.
Nothing is more frustrating than to receive a call from someone who has a job that is not finished or worse yet, has paid upfront for work that was never started. Gone are the days of the “hand shake deals”. You should have a signed agreement with your contractor. If there is the need for a change in your project you should expect to sign a change order. This is true for any construction project: concrete, building, etc.
Concrete is Permanent Paving. With proper maintenance your concrete should stay beautiful for years. It doesn’t track in on a hot day and is much cooler than asphalt. Concrete is much brighter and requires fewer light standards which will reduce energy costs. Concrete is more a ordable than you might think. Call us for contractor suggestions at 573-346-2450.
Concrete doesn’t have to be just plain gray. We have a color machine on site and can mix Soloman Colors to specifications. There is also stamped and exposed aggregate. The only limit is your imagination.
If you are even considering a project involving concrete give us a call. The quality contractors are several months out. They can get an estimate out fairly quickly and will give you a realistic time frame.
Where is a good place to shop for everything I need plus save some money in the process?
I’m considering a project involving concrete. How should I proceed?
105 McClurg Avenue Camdenton, MO 573-216-1062
Space e ciency and finish details are top priorities for homeowners these days. When it comes to maximizing all useable space there are a few things to consider.
First, an open floor plan is ideal; having the foyer, kitchen, dining area, and living room together not only makes the home feel bigger but creates gorgeous open sight lines. Another way to capitalize on space is to installpocketdoorsand/orbarndoors.Thesedoors have comealong way and now o er a soft close feature so no worries about doors slamming on their tracks.
For finish details, it’s important to hire someone with advanced carpentry skills. Custom cabinets are always a popular hit among our homeowners, includingabuilt-inbookcase/fireplace.Agreat way to adddepthanddetail to a home is to consider having a co ered ceiling. There are a variety of patterns to choose from and they can easily be showcased with custom LED lighting. Speaking of LED lighting, that’s another popular accessory to consider. LED Lighting can be installed above cabinets, doorways, virtually anywhere, and provides great ambiance and also an ideal amount of light (for those late night trips to the kitchen).
Lastly, as technology progresses so do appliances and home capabilities. Having a smart home is certainly a commodity to consider, especially if your home is not occupied full time throughout the year. Homeowner’s can access their home’s lighting, HVAC, and even garage door all by the click of a button on their device.
For more information on current home trends and to discuss your future home build, contact Cloke Custom Homes, LLC today!
Seamless gutters make your life easier. Your gutters protect your landscaping, siding and foundation from water damage, so if you see any of these signs then you need to schedule a gutter replacement as soon as possible. Your gutters and downspouts should not sag or pull away from your home.
Six inch half round seamless aluminum gutters are the traditional favorite that has been making their way back into the modern market. There are many reasons why a homeowner would choose to use half round gutters over their more popular k-style counterparts. Among other reasons are the stylish, sleek way they look. This gives you an option to customize the exterior look of your home!
Seven inch guttering is recommended for commercial properties but it is also a great solution for residential homes as well. If you have a metal roof, mission style or Spanish style roof, you may want to install a larger size gutter to prevent overflow. This size can withstand the heaviest rains.
We believe in bringing the best in products and services to install and repair your gutter systems. Contact us today for more information.
31980 Hwy. 83 Warsaw, MO 660-438-6381 stevesguttering.com
How important is it to choose the best gutters for my home?
Casual and candid photos are frequently requested. People enjoy capturing their memories in a way that showcases the Lake life. A great way to accomplish that is by hosting a reveal party at your new or remodeled Lake home, and get drone photos! Invite your friends and family to kicko this new chapter in style. Hire a drone photographer to stop by to capture priceless photos of your group and your home.
While you have the photographer there, grab some photos on the boat, your dock, and by the pool. Your guests will be entertained watching the drone fly around, and you’ll be able to check family photos o the to-do list for that year. Create a co ee table photo book showingthebefore/during/after, have them printed and framed, and share on social media.
5727 Chapel Drive
Screened porches, elaborate outdoor extensions and pools often incorporate kitchens, bars, fireplaces, water features, electronics and comfortable furniture. If you enjoy the fresh Lake air and relaxing outdoors, then consider adding a luxurious outdoor living space to your home plan.
Smart home technologies advance constantly and can provide homeowners a more secure, comfortable and cohesive environment. With touch-of-a-button access to lighting, audio, security and thermostat modifications, individuals can adjust their home’s most important features from anywhere in the world. Don’t forget to include built in charging stations throughout.
White will always be stylish but if you’re looking to make a statement in your home with color, now is the time. Find a way to use color and texture in your new build or renovation – add some texture in the tiled backsplash or more boldly explore the use of color on cabinets and pattern with wallpaper. There are a range of color options available in appliances that make a bold impact in the home. Also, patterned hardwood can be a stylish and beautiful way to elevate almost any space in your home, including bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and more.
Often referred to as the heart of the home, the kitchen is now being designed with more focus than ever. It’s all in the details. From cabinet door profile, backsplash and statement-making slab material to outlet location and microwave placement - keep a detailed eye throughout the design process. There are more options than ever for custom organization and functionality, and thanks to platforms like Pinterest and Instagram – access to inspiration is endless.
What are new trends in commemorating your new/ remodeled Lake house?GLASCOCK CONSTRUCTION, INC.
Getting ready to build or renovate? Beforegettingstartedbesure to contact the appropriate agencies to find out what types of permits are required. Planning ahead can prevent costly mistakes. On land and water, find out what rules you need to follow.
GENERAL EXCAVATING Missouri One Call System 1-800-344-7483 www.mo1call.com
1 Court Circle Camdenton, MO 65020 573-317-3810 www.camdenmo.org
2001 Highway 52 Tuscumbia, MO 65082 573-369-1900 www.millercountymissouri.org
100 East Newton Versailles, MO 65084 573-378-4643 www.morgan-county.org
437 West US Highway 54 Camdenton, MO 65020 573-346-3600 www.camdentoncity.com
101 S Oak Eldon, MO 65026 573-392-2291 www.eldonmo.org
3162BagnellDam Blvd. Lake Ozark, MO 65049 573-365-5378 www.cityoflakeozark.net
147 South Main Laurie, MO 65038 573-374-4871 www.cityoflaurie.com
102 E. Valley Drive Linn Creek, MO 65052 573-302-2030 www.linncreekmo.com
1000 City Parkway OsageBeach,MO65065 573-302-2030 www.osagebeach.org
16537 Highway 5 SunriseBeach,MO65079 573-374-8782 www.cityofsunrisebeach.org
104 North Fisher Versailles, MO 65084 573-378-4634 www.cityofversaillesmo.com
VILLAGE OF FOUR SEASONS 133 Cherokee Four Seasons, MO 65049 573-365-3833 www.villageoffourseason.com
LAKE OZARK 1767 BagnellDamBlvd Lake Ozark, MO 65049 573-365-3202 www.lofpd.com
MID-COUNTY 184 N BusinessRoute 5 Camdenton, MO 65020 573-346-2049 www.mcfpd.org
OSAGE BEACH 1170Bluff Dr. OsageBeach,MO65065 573-348-1221 www.obfire.com
SUNRISE BEACH 293 State Road TT SunriseBeach,MO 573-374-4411 www.sbfpd.org
GRAVOIS FIRE 215 Highway O Laurie, MO 65037 573-374-4442 www.gravoisfire.org
ROCKY MOUNT 20401 Brendel Blvd Rocky Mount, MO 65072 573-392-4301
NORTHWEST FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 13906 N State Highway 7 Climax Springs, MO 65324 573-347-3110 www.nwfpd.org
SOUTHWEST CAMDEN FIRE 130 State Rd N Macks Creek, MO 65786 573-363-0011 www.swfpd.net
AMEREN MISSOURI 1-800-552-7583
CO-MO ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. Lake District O ce 17698 North State Highway 5 SunriseBeach,MO65084 573-374-5407 co-mo@co-mo.coop
LACLEDE ELECTRIC 193 S Mo 5 Camdenton, MO 65020 573-346-5303 1-800-299-3164 573-346-5303 www.lacledeelectric.com
SOUTHWEST ELECTRIC J7Office 6179 N State Hwy 7 Roach, MO 65787 573-347-2760 1-800-346-9214
AMEREN MISSOURI SHORELINE MANAGEMENT OFFICE 3 Wilmore Lane Lake Ozark, MO 65049 573-365-9208 573-365-9212 lake@ameren.com www.ameren.com
4558OsageBeachPkwy.,Suite100 OsageBeach,MO 573-348-2265
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105 McClurg Avenue Camdenton, MO 573-216-1062
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5727 Chapel Drive OsageBeach,MO 573-348-3229
• GeneralContractor
• Residential Construction
• CommercialConstruction
• Renovation
924 Hwy. 42 OsageBeach,MO 573-348-4464 dkbshowroom.com
• Cabinets
• Countertops
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210 Gobbler Road Camdenton, MO 573-346-2450 scottsconcrete.biz
Products and Services:
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31980 Hwy 83 Warsaw, MO 660-438-6381 stevesguttering.com
Products and Services:
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1015BarredOwlLane Lake Ozark, MO 573-365-7604 menards.com
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BLUE BOAT Lake of the Ozarks 573-303-9570 blueboatart.com
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o you have a bony bump on the base of your big toe? It’s likely a bunion. Twenty-five percent of adults in the United States have this painful deformity.
“If you notice a visible bump, then you should definitely see your doctor,” says Lake Regional Foot and Ankle Specialist Cody Fox, DPM, FACFAS. “Untreated, bunions do not get better; they usually get worse.”
Bunions result from too much pressure on the big toe’s base joint. The pressure can be from certain foot shapes, such as flatfoot, or from footwear. Shoes that either squeeze the toes together or shift weight to the toes force the big toe to slant inward. Rheumatoid arthritis and genetics are both factors that can increase your risk of getting bunions. Smaller bunions, called bunionettes, can develop on the joint of the little toe.
“Bunions can cause ongoing pain and decreased movement of your big toe or foot,” Dr. Fox says. “Treatment ranges from protective pads to injections of medicine to surgery, including Lapiplasty.”
“Most patients are able to return to low-impact activities at three months after surgery and impact sports at four to six months,” Dr. Fox says. “Talk with your doctor to see if Lapiplasty is right for you.”
Conservative treatments, such as orthotics and wider toe-box shoes, can help alleviate the pain, but they will not fix the problem. Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ is different.
“Whereas traditional osteotomy surgery merely cuts and shifts the bone to address the cosmetic bump, Lapiplasty corrects the unstable joint causing the bunion,” Dr. Fox says. Lapiplasty fully repositions the bone in all three dimensions — sideways, vertically and rotationally — for better results, including a quicker healing time. The results also last better than traditional surgery. With Lapiplasty, there are no physical limitations after recovery.
“Most patients are able to return to low-impact activities at three months after surgery and impact sports at four to six months,” Dr. Fox says. “Talk with your doctor to see if Lapiplasty is right for you.”
1 Wear the right footwear. Look for shoes that have:
•Cushioning at the toe
•A wide and generous toe box
• Heels shorter than 2 inches
• Arch support
2 Exercise your feet. Strong feet better handle stress and pressure. While sitting down, try using your toes to pick up small objects, such as marbles or pebbles.
3 Pamper your feet. Massage them often, and soak them in warm water with Epsom salts. And remember to give your feet a rest throughout the day.
To make an appointment with Dr. Fox, call Lake Regional Foot and Ankle Surgery at 573-302-2828.
When your feet hurt, don’t downplay the pain. See a podiatrist who can diagnose the problem and recommend the best treatment.
Conservative treatments, such as medications, orthotics, or taping or strapping can help treat many foot and ankle problems. But sometimes surgery is needed. It may be an option for things like:
• Repairing bunions.
• Easing the pain of arthritis.
• Repairing hammertoes.
• Removing heel spurs.
• Easing metatarsal pain.
• Correcting nail damage or deformity due to infections or fungus.
• Addressing skin conditions, including lipomas, fibromas, warts, moles and rashes.
• Removing neuromas, a benign enlargement of a nerve that causes numbness, tingling and burning in the toes.
• Repairing tendon injuries. Ask your primary care physician how a podiatrist can help get you on your feet again — literally.
Anita Harrison is the Public Relations Assistant Manager at Lake Regional Health System
Make way for lots of bright colors and turquoise this fall season. You’ll be seeing people wearing sequins, high-waisted and flared jeans, and clothing with a western influence such as cowboy hats and fringe.
It doesn’t take much to change out your wardrobe. Even one small piece or an accessory can add the kind of flair you need to look fashionable and put-together.
According to Brenda Cribb, owner of Shabby Chic Boutique in Osage Beach, shackets are still very popular (jacket/ shirt), and bubble sleeves on sweaters and tops are also trending.
Check out these new styles as we usher in cooler weather at Lake of the Ozarks.
AMANDA CRIBBSocial media live coordinator for Shabby Chic
WHAT SHE’S WEARING: ee:some Black blazer, 54 Jaded Gypsy velvet camisole, 72 Kan Can jeans, 54 Art by Amy oneof-a-kind hat, 345 Art by Amy flower necklace, 56 turquoise Star Bar tassel necklace, 124 stretch bracelet, 8
WHAT SHE’S WEARING: ee:some bodysuit, 44 Dear John jeans, 94 black suede cowboy hat, 32 up-cycled Louis Vuitton purse, 319 Art by Amy feather earrings, 49 turquoise bracelets, 26- 36 and turquoise belt, 98
WHERE: 1056 Main Street, Osage Beach (The Landing on Main Street)
HOURS: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. MondaySaturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday
ONLINE: Facebook & Instagram at Shabby Chic Boutique Osage Beach
WHAT SHE’S WEARING: Georgette and metallic dress, 84 up-cycled Louis Vuitton necklace, 84 up-cycled Louis Vuitton earrings, 48 J. Coons stack bracelets, 48
Even as Mike Jones opened Jones Outpost in Montreal in 2018, he held onto his dream for a steak house one day. Two years later, Jones opened Smokin’ Jones in Camdenton, his steakhouse dream still alive and his fortunes on a rising arc. At the top of that arc is the newest restaurant, Jones Chophouse in Osage Beach. It’s his dream come to life.
Mike’s passion for cooking creatively has brought him great success and even more creative opportunities with the help of loyal staff members who followed him to Smokin’ Jones and now to Jones Chophouse, located in the old private dining club, The Bull Pen. According to Jill Hartman, manager of both the Chop house and Smokin’ Jones, the building’s existing look and feel perfectly suited Mike’s vision for upscale casual dining. He could also honor the history of the place at the same time.
Jill, who has managed Mike’s restaurants for years, says the staff was able to follow them to the Osage Beach location. She explained that the Old Favorite menu items from the Outpost also followed them to Osage Beach. A special section for the new menu, called Outpost Favorites, lists country Fried Pig, Chicken Livers & Mushrooms, and more.
The new menu also lists dishes that will become instant classics among Jones’ followers. In the tra dition of fine chop houses, Jones Chophouse offers a Hand-Cut Rib Eye and a Bone-In Pork Chop from the Steaks & Chops section.
Jill added that Shrimp & Grits is a dish of which they are especially proud. The Chophouse version of shrimp and grits is a very generous bowl of cheesy grits adorned with large shrimp, smoked sausage, fire-roasted corn, pickled onion, and tri-colored peppers. The various flavors combine and enhance each other. Part of the joy of this dish is the diner’s ability to create different taste combinations with every bite.
Jill’s salad recommendation, Bleu Cheese Wedge, arrived with authority. It was a beautiful-bright iceberg wedge covered with fire-roasted corn, to matoes, fresh bacon bits, red onions, and huge bleu cheese crumbles, all topped, of course, with a bleu cheese dressing.
Jill’s two dessert recommendations are dazzling. The first, a New York Cheesecake, is served in a very long, thin wedge with an elegant and flavor ful drizzle of macerated strawberries. The second choice, a Raspberry Truffle Cake, stood six light and airy layers tall. It was topped with two truffles and whipped cream. This magnificent edifice is drizzled with chocolate and raspberry.
Jill recommended two drinks from the Chophouse Cocktail Menu. First, the Earl Grey Fizz is a variation of a Gin Fizz created with an Earl Grey simple syrup and prosecco for sparkle. The gin is very subtle with the Earl Grey forward. It is clean and crisp with a slight lemon tanginess.
Second, the Georgia Peach, is a bourbon cocktail with peach schnapps and a peach muddle stirred into a rosemary simple syrup. A sprig of rosemary garnishes. This drink delivers a good bourbon flavor with the peach playing a strong accompanying part. It is clean and crisp with a citrusy lemon finish.
As with any Mike Jones restaurant, service per fectly complements the creations from the kitchen making a truly great fine dining experience.
1493 State Road KK Osage Beach, MO 65065 573-348-2467
Open Wednesday - Sunday 5-9 p.m. Closed Monday & Tuesday
Donuts… America’s favorite breakfast treat. What’s not to love? They are gooey, sweet, decadent and in plentiful supply in the Lake area.
Sure, you could go for the traditional glazed or long john but why would you with a combination of flavors available that takes an ordinary donut to the next level.
When owners Dusty and Kaitlin Jewell opened Mo Co & Dough in Osage Beach they knew exactly what they wanted to offer … donuts like you’ve never seen before.
These Pot of Gold donuts were made to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day.
“We are all about creativity, coffee, donuts and our community,” Dusty said.
With a menu consisting of coffee, donuts, and other breakfast staples and drinks, you won’t find concoctions like these anywhere else at the Lake. Four rotating flavors of craft donuts with unique pairings of glazes and topping combinations are highlighted each week. Called Monuts, some of the past flavors introduced include White Chocolate Limoncello and even a gluten-free dairyfree Pineapple Upside Down Cake.
Their MO Boats and Holes (in the food service industry a boat is slang for food tray/basket and holes for donut holes) are topped with decadent in gredients. The two best-sellers are the Blueberry Fruit Salad, made up of glazed donut holes, blueberries, local honey, and powered sugar, and The Can’t Help Falling In Love (based off an Elvis song and his favorite sandwich) glazed donut holes, peanut butter, chocolate, banana and bacon.
They also offer Loaded MOnuts, sand wiches built with a donut base instead of bread. The most popular is the Southern Sweet Heat, made with a glazed MOnut, breaded chicken breast, hot honey glaze (local honey and sriracha), coleslaw, and pickles. Your tastebuds will be hit with sweet, spicy, crunchy goodness.
For a real sugar overload, the MoShakes are an ice cream based blend ed drink mixed with flavors that comple ment the MOnut placed on top. There are some gluten-free, dairy-free and other healthy options available such as the selection of MOuffles (egg soufflés),
MOasts (gluten free optional loaded toasts) and fresh fruit smoothies.
Keeping it Missouri-local, the coffee beans are roasted by Firefly Valley Farms in Roach and all baking ingredients are locally sourced including the honey which comes from the Eldon area.
Dusty and Kaitlin have longstanding roots in the community. Kaitlin went to the School of the Osage and Dusty’s family is three generations strong in the area. As former managers at one of the largest lakefront restaurants and entertainment venues, they wanted to strike off on their own adventure in the industry and play to their passions. Their restaurant experience is over 25 years combined and spans from Osage Beach to Seattle’s coffee scene (Dusty), to Co lumbus, Ohio where Kaitlin created local artisan baked goods.
“We love seeing kids’ faces as they look over the cases and see all of their choices or take their
Another donut joint located in Lake Ozark makes hundreds of donuts a day to satisfy those early morning cravings.
Owned by Tiffany and Keith Gipson, you’ll find every day favorites including chocolate long johns, glazed, maple bars, a variety of cake donuts as well as a selection of speciality items with candy bars or cereal mixed in. Recently a cin namon sugar twist, and a jumbo birthday cake donut hole with Funfetti cake was added to the menu. Bacon maple bars and Fruity Pebbles are the most popular specialty donuts requested. The apple fritters are also a great seller.
A veteran-owned company, Tiffany and Keith moved to the Lake area from San Diego. Keith’s Army contract was up in 2012 and he became a student using his GI bill to pursue a degree in history. Tiffany worked in retail management with Gap, Inc. They moved to the Lake in November 2014.
“We are incredibly humbled by the support we have gotten from the community. We love that you make us a part of your day,” Tiffany said. “We love seeing kids’ faces as they look over the cases and see all of their choices or take their first bite of a donut.”
Large orders or specially-made donuts for celebrations can be made in advance and is recommended because if you don’t swing by early enough, they just might be sold out for the day.
It’s not just about the donuts at Mo Co & Dough in Osage Beach. Comfortable seating and many other unique menu items will keep you coming back for more.
The type of Monuts and milkshakes available changes often at Mo Co & Dough. Pictured, the Peanut Butter and Jelly Milkshake.
4681 Osage Beach Pkwy Ste. 6, Osage Beach (Kings Plaza)
Monday, Thursday & Friday 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Tuesday & Wednesday
2545 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Ste. 211, Lake Ozark (Monarch Plaza)
Tuesday-Sunday 6 a.m.-12 p.m.
14 Valley Rd., Sunrise Beach 6 a.m.-12 p.m. Thursday-Sunday
The Donut Palace
101-131 Hopkins Circle, Camdenton 5 a.m.-12 p.m. daily
The Donut Palace
306 W. 4th Street, Eldon 5 a.m.-1 p.m. daily
The Boba Lemonade PHOTOselling a variety of merchandise. Admission is free. Lunch available for donation. 573-346-7191 or www. camdencountymuseum.org
4 p.m., Jolly Rogers. The first annual Wine Dinner benefitting Citizens Against Domestic Violence will include a six-course culinary experience prepared by Chef Joey Vaughan with paired wines. Tickets are 250/person with a limit of 60 participants. 573-392-0700 or www.cadv-voc.org
8 a.m.-4 p.m., Camdenton Memorial - Lake Regional Airport. The annual Lake of the Ozarks Air Show features vendors, air show acts, a Salute to Veterans Breakfast from 7:3011 a.m. and other entertainment. Free admission. Parking is 10. The Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall will be on display at the airport from Sept. 8-11. www.LakeAirShow.com
8 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Anthony Catholic Church. Lots of great items will be for sale during this annual event. Craft supplies, collectibles, holiday decorations, housewares, toys, books, tools, furniture and many other items available for purchase.
2-10 p.m., Bear Bottom Resort. Flankin’ Fest will be held all day with three di erent bands performing on barges set up on the water. A fireworks display will be held at 9:45 p.m. The resort is located at the 38mile marker. The concert will be able to be seen by land or water.
7-10 p.m., Camden County Museum. The city of Linn Creek and the Camden County Museum will host a Street Dance with a live DJ. Bring lawn chairs/seating.
5-10 p.m., Bagnell Dam Strip. The final Hot Summer Nights of the season will be held rain or shine. The event is free for participants and spectators. All makes and models of cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome to park along the Strip. www.facebook.com/ cruisehotsummernights
8 a.m.-2 p.m., Sunrise Beach Community Center. A communitywide rummage sale will be held with booths o ering a variety of new and old merchandise. Free admission. A cozy tea room and food trucks will be set up. Continental breakfast provided for vendors. 913-707-4580 or Sunrise Beach Community Center on Facebook
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Camden County Museum. An Indoor Garage Sale & Market Place will be held with vendors
9 a.m.-11 p.m., Hillbilly Fairgrounds. The Laurie Hillbilly Car Show will be held with entertainment provided and hot rods on display. Awards ceremony at 7 p.m. 573-374-8776 or www.cityoflaurie. com
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Camden County Museum. Check out all the vendors and tour the museum for free. www.camdencountymuseum.org
9-11 a.m., Camdenton MemorialLake Regional Airport. The annual event where participants are asked to walk or run one mile in honor of one of the 160 fallen soldiers of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, & Operation New Dawn. Free event. Annual Walk/Run for the Fallen on Facebook
Air show acts during the Lake of the Ozarks Air Show.12-3 p.m., Captain Ron’s. The Lake West Chamber of Commerce will host the 11th annual Kids Fishing Derby. Registration is from 12-1 p.m. with fishing for boys and girls in various age groups. Free event but participants must bring a life jacket, rod/reel, and kids must be accompanied by parent/ adult.
5-7 p.m., Regalia Hotel & Conference Center. WingFest will be held to determine who serves the best wings at the Lake. Sample wings from Lake area restaurants who will be competing for the title of Best Wings. All-you-can-eat plus one drink is included in the 15 ticket. Available in advance at any Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks locations or 20 at the door. Held poolside (weather permitting). All proceeds benefit local charities.
WingFest Lake of the Ozarks 2022 on Facebook
Lake area venues. Bars and restaurants will be hosting bikerfriendly events during the 16th annual Lake of the Ozarks Bikefest. Vendors, concerts and other entertainment will be held.
10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday & 8 a.m. until sold out Thursday. Lake Regional Auxiliary’s annual Mum Sale will be held in a tent outside the hospital’s main entrance. Great place to grab some fall plants!
4-11 p.m. Friday & 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Saturday., Laurie Fairgrounds. Crafts, food, a carnival, parade, vendors and entertainment is planned for the twoday event. Admission is free. Parking is 2. Hours are Friday 4-11 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-11 p.m.
Bikefest is the perfect fall event for bikers since the Lake area o ers several scenic rides and great weather.
1-4 p.m., Ozark Chapel United Methodist Church. Lake Bloomers and Eldon Federated Garden Clubs of American jointly are sponsoring a Goin' to the Fair Flower Show in conjunction with the Hillbilly Fair. 573-374-1151
All day, city of Osage Beach. The City of Osage Beach will host a City-wide Rummage Sale all day. Booths will be set up at City Hall and homeowners will have items for sale all over the city. A map will be available to show participating locations on the city’s website. Play Rummage Bingo for prizes, so make sure to get your card stamped at 10 stops. www.osagebeach-mo.gov
7 p.m., Ozarks Amphitheater. The second annual Lake of the Ozarks Got Talent will be held in Camdenton. First place will receive 3,000, second place gets 1,500, and third place is 500. Doors open at 6 p.m. Performances at 7 p.m. 573-836-5344 or www. lakeoftheozarksgottalent gmail.com
7 p.m., Camden County Museum. The dinner theater production of “Trick or Treat” will be held with dinner at 6 p.m. Cost is 20. Seating is limited so reservations are strongly suggested. 573-346-7191 ext. 8 or www. camdencountymuseum.org
9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday & Saturday & 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Laurie Fairgrounds. The Hillbilly Rendezvous Festival will have reenactors and participants in 1800s period costume providing demonstrations and merchandise for sale.
1-7 p.m. Friday 1-7 p.m., 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. & 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Captain Ron’s. A variety of boats from Lake area marine dealers will be on display at the Fall In-Water Boat Show. Vendors will also be available by land.
10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Ozarks Amphitheater. Pumpkin’ Chunkin’ Palooza, sponsored by the Laurie/ Sunrise Beach Rotary Club will include a variety of activities, entertainment and contests. A family area with a maze, face painting, bounce houses, pirate and magic shows and petting zoo will be set up. A Trebuchet demonstration and contest, art contest and exhibit, pie eating contest, artists, vendors and food will be available.
4:30-9 p.m., La Roca Club. Cocktails for a Cause will be held to benefit the Community Foundation of the Lake. This event helps raise money for 25 non-profits organizations in Camden, Miller, and Morgan counties. Tickets are $65/person. Food stations and passed hors d’oeuvres, a live auction, ra es and entertainment will be held. Cocktails for a Cause on Facebook
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Downtown Eldon. The 36th annual Turkey Festival will be held in downtown Eldon. Homemade crafts, décor, jewelry and clothing will be sold by vendors. Food, a carnival, parade, bounce houses and other activities are planned. www. eldonchamber.com/upcoming-events
7 a.m.-10 p.m., Jacob’s Cave. Missouri’s largest swap meet comes a few times a year to Versailles. Antiques, guns, fishing gear, crafts, small animals, and flea market items.
The Crossover Music Festival will be held at Ozarks Amphitheater. A variety of bands and artists featuring Southern Gospel and Contemporary music will perform.
9 a.m.-2 p.m., Camden County Museum. A car show will be held at the museum. Cost to enter is 15. In the event of rain this event will be held on Oct 8. 573-346-7191 or www.camdencountymuseum.org
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday & 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Downtown Versailles. A weekend full of entertainment is scheduled for the 42nd Versailles Apple Festival. A parade, vendors, food booths, car show, fiddle contest, live music and other entertainment is planned.
7 a.m.-3 p.m., Lake area. The Fall Big Bass Bash will be held giving anglers the chance to win big cash prizes. Fee is 140 for one day or 190 for two days to enter.
www.midwestfishtournaments.com/ event-info-bbb/event-info-bbb-lozfall
12 p.m., Lodge of Four Seasons. The annual Citizens Against Domestic Violence Brunch fundraiser will be held in Campana Hall. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for table decorating with the program/food served by Lake area restaurants starting around noon. This year’s theme is “Super Heroes United Against Domestic Violence.” www.cadv-voc.org/brunch.html
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Community Christian Church. The annual Fall Fiber Festival sponsored by Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild is held in Camdenton. Handmade artwork for sale, vendor booths, and fiber demonstrations. www.lakefiberarts.com or lakefiberarts gmail.com
All day, participating venues. The 37th annual Harbor Hop will be held at bars and restaurants across the Lake area. Enter to play and draw a card at participating locations. Prizes will be awarded to winners.
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Osage Beach City Park. Enjoy a family day at the annual Osage Beach Fall Festival. Live music, vendor booths, contests, a petting zoo, pony rides, a bounce house, food and drinks.
3:30-7 p.m., Camdenton Crossroads. The second annual Happy Days Fall Festival is held on the Camdenton Square. Vendors and food trucks will be available.
www.facebook.com/ CamdentonCrossroads
12-7 p.m., Laurie Fairgrounds. More than 20 food trucks are expected to be on-site during the Food Truck Festival selling a variety of food and beverages. Face painting, bounce houses, and live music will be a part of the entertainment.
7 p.m. Thursday and Friday & 2 p.m. Sunday, Sunrise Beach Community Center. The Sunrise Beach Little Theater will host a dessert theater production of “Mom's Gift,” a fulllength play. Cost is 20. Reservations required.
Sunrise Beach Little Theatre on Facebook
A Fiber Festival and uilt Show will be held in Camdenton in October.
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Community Christian Church. The Ozark Hills uilt Show will be held in conjunction with the Fiber Festival. Sponsored by the Ozark uilt Guild the event will feature quilt made by members, there will be a quilt ra e and quilter vendors.
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Camden County Museum. Go early for the best selection of apple butter and apple pies o ered at the Fall Festival/ Apple Butter Days. Craft boots, demonstrations, a quilt ra e, chili supper, and apple pie and apple butter will be for sale.
573-346-7191 or www. camdencountymuseum.org
This O shore Powerboat Association sanctioned race is held every year by Bagnell Dam.
AUGUST 5 & 6
The 14th annual event raises money for the Ozark Coast Kiwanis Club which supports dozens of Lake area charities.
Investing in our community means bringing leading care to their doorstep. Lake Regional’s nationally accredited Cancer Center leverages state-of-the-art therapies to detect and treat various forms of cancer.
Each form of cancer is di erent. e therapies that apply to one may not apply to another. We go to great lengths to fully understand each patient’s situation and carefully explain all the options available.