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6. Our Vision and Objectives

Lake Macquarie residents will have access to a diversity of open space for dogs, fostering both dogs and owners physical and mental health, socialisation and community connection, while protecting our natural and cultural environment and balancing the needs of other open space users.

6.1 Objectives

i. Balance the needs for dogs in open space with the needs of the broader community

Acknowledge dogs are important companion animals and access to open space has positive physical and mental health and wellbeing for dogs and owners. Recognise this needs to be balanced with the open space needs for a range of other activities and pursuits.

ii. Provide a diversity of opportunities for dogs in open space

Provide access to a range of opportunities and environments in open space for dogs on-leash and off. Recognise that dog owners desire different experiences and will travel beyond locally provided facilities to meet their preferences.

iii. Provide off-leash areas that are fit for purpose

Establish a framework to guide the provision and development of off-leash areas and assess their suitability. iv. Plan for off-leash areas for existing and future populations

Assess supply and demand of off-leash areas for current and future populations. Identify gaps and new opportunities to fulfil these gaps, where suitable land is available.

v. Ensure environmental and cultural values of open space are retained

Recognise some open space is more susceptible to negative impacts by dogs off-leash and/or on-leash, on the basis of their high environmental or cultural values. Consider environmental and cultural values in the identification of future off-leash sites and dog prohibition areas.

vi. Improve education and regulation for dogs in open space

Identify a range of opportunities to better inform the community on the permissibility of dogs in open space. Improve dog owner’s self-regulation through awareness of responsibilities.

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