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2.2 Uses Not Proposed Now
A conservation-based approach, with clearly defined walking opportunities that can be accessed from local communities is consistent with these values.
Opportunities for passive recreation are identified for existing tracks and areas cleared of native vegetation in the Management Area, in the first instance primarily on Council owned land. This includes tracks and vista points/lookouts, that are currently accessed by walkers around the perimeter of Munibung Hill.
While the more defined walking access that is proposed in the Concept Plan will enhance pedestrian access from Macquarie Hills to Speers Point (i.e. from east and north-east to the south), the Concept Plan does not strengthen north to south or east to west active transport opportunities. There is some potential for cycle routes over Munibung Hill to be developed in the future (beyond 10 years), but only if further investigations of constraints indicates that they are feasible. Council has already moved to improve north to south active transport access with shared pathway development from Speers Point to Glendale.
It is not proposed that Munibung Hill will be made accessible for mountain bike riders over the ten-year life of the Concept Plan and Management Plan. There are three main reasons for this:
• The two proposed routes onto Munibung Hill for the next ten years have very steep sections that will require stairs and will not be suitable for bikes.
• A parallel track for bikes would require significant additional disturbance, which is not consistent with the conservation focus or with the protection of Aboriginal cultural values.
• Options for mountain bike activity on Munibung Hill require access along less steep route options from the north and west, and through potentially contaminated land owned by WAMC. Mountain bike activities on unsealed tracks tend to disturb and ground surface and throw up a lot of dust. Health risks need to be confirmed before these options could be opened for mountain bike track development.
It may be possible that mountain bike tracks could be developed on defined and previously disturbed areas of Munibung Hill beyond ten years, when the contamination, tenure and land management responsibilities have been resolved. However, it is important to note that there are multiple sites around Lake Macquarie that provide excellent and diverse alternative mountain biking opportunities. Similarly, development of additional recreation and or tourism uses on Munibung Hill, beyond this Concept Plan, is contingent upon formalising access suitable for more intensive use (for instance, vehicle access that would allow people of all abilities to access viewpoints on the ridge line) and the completion of feasibility studies to reduce uncertainty and clarify the risks associated with further recreation and for tourism activities.
Feasibility studies will focus on opportunities for walking track extensions, additional district scale trailhead locations and possible areas for mountain biking (to traverse Munibung Hill or for mountain bike sport activity). Further tourism options will also be considered beyond ten years, when there is clearer evidence of demand and feasibility.
Future investigation areas include a number of lots in the former Pasminco site, to provide formalised access from residential areas in the north-west and north of the Study Area. Other areas of future investigation include the area of the former quarry off Quarry Road, track extensions and additional district trailhead access locations. The constraints relating to physical characteristics of the land, appropriate access and land tenure need to be addressed for long term viability of these options.