The Lake of the Ozarks Powerfest kicks off race season June 1st – 3rd.
Come out and join us Saturday July 15th at Noon! By land or by water, the fun starts at Noon at Captain Ron’s on the 34.5MM for the Lake’s Largest Single Family Boating Event!
August 27th & 28th
Captain Ron’s on the 34.5MM will once more play host to the fastest boats in the world!
More than 100 drivers and their craft will vie for the title of fastestThe Top Gun! Since 2008 the event has raised $2,900,000 a host of Lake Area charities!
SNAIL MAIL 4427 Osage Beach Pkwy. North (Old School Commons) Osage Beach, MO 65065
PHONE 573.346.2132
Trevor Vernon, tvernon@vernonpublishing.com
Charis Patires, charis.lakesun@gmail.com
Candace Williams, candace.lakesun@gmail.com
McKayla Williams, mckayla.lakesun@gmail.com
Barb Deitrick & Tracey Steinkraus
George Denny photo
Bring your appetite to the Spring Food Truck Festival. It moved to a new location this year but many of the same vendors (and many new ones) will be on hand serving up all kinds of unique food and drinks.
These markets offer a vibrant and eclectic selection of new and used items from about 100 different vendors. Check out this year’s schedule and plan a shopping trip.
Copyright 2023 by Vacation News, a subsidiary of Vernon Publishing. All rights reserved. Vacation News is published byweekly for distribution in Missouri. Vacation News provides residents of and visitors to the Lake of the Ozarks with entertainment and recreation features about the greater Lake of the Ozarks area. While effort has been made to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this publication, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. The publisher will assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transcripts or other materials. All advertisements created by the publisher are not considered a work made for hire and the publisher retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the publisher for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
The Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce hosts the 72nd annual Dogwood Festival with a carnival, craft fair, food vendors, live music, a parade and lots of other entertainment. Held April 20-22, most events will be held at the Camdenton school campus and around the downtown area. Go to www.camdentonchamber.com for a full schedule.
A Senior Lifestyle Expo will be held at the Tri-County YMCA in Osage Beach. Held April 22 from 1-3:30 p.m. Businesses will be on hand with information and giveaways, there will be door prizes, snacks and it’s all FREE!
The Daughters of the American Revolution will be offering a Fabulous 50s Ladies’ Tea at 2 p.m. at the Camden County Musum in Linn Creek. Dig out those fancy hats and gloves for an afternoon of tea, refreshments and entertainment. Cost is $15 a person. Doors open at 1 p.m. For more information, call 573-873-2990.
MONday, may 8, 2023
Baxter’s Lakeside Grille –Lake ozark
Let’s celebrate our winners and finalists!
21 • Meowtown Animal Rescue’s Spring Garage Sale will be held from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Four Seasons POA Campgrounds, 187 Campground Road, off Horseshoe Bend Parkway. There will be a little bit of everything including new florals from Evergreen, high quality clothing for children, women’s and men’s shoes, Kate Spape purses, Longaberger baskets, home decor, small appliances, toys, books, kitchenware and much more. All of the sales go to Meowtown Animal Rescue. Contact Toni 573-480-3903 for more information.
21 & 22 • St. Anthony Catholic Church in Camdenton will host a garage sale from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. Craft supplies, collectibles, holiday decorations, housewares, toys, books, tool, furniture and lots of other items will be for sale.
21-23 • The Spring In-Water Boat Show will be held at Dog Days. Marine dealers and boating-related vendors will be on hand featuring the latest products and services. For more information, go to www. OzarkBoatShow.com.
21 & 22 • A Melodrama and Spaghetti Supper of “Fate Worse Than Death” will be held at the Camden County Museum in Linn Creek. This is the first dinner theater of the season. Tickets are $20/person. For more information, call 573-873-2990.
21-23 • The Four Seasons POA annual Spring Garage Sale will be held at homes all along Horseshoe Bend. For more information, go to www. fourseasonspoa.com/springgarage-sales.
22 • The Wine in the Vines 5K run and 1K walk will be held at Seven Springs Winery. Participants will receive a swag bag with a T-shirt and stemless wine glass. The 5K will begin at 1 p.m. with a glass of wine served at the end of the finish line. The fun walk will be held at 2:30 p.m. where you’ll walk through the vineyard with five
tasting stations. Cost is $45 for each event, or $80 for both. DJ John Marsi will be entertaining from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Live music by Mitch Shields will be from 3-6 p.m. To register, go to www.sevenspringswinery. com/events.
22 • Local young people ages 8-17 will have a chance to take to the skies (rain date April 29) as Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1254 hosts a Young Eagles Flight Rally at Camdenton Memorial Airport in Camdenton. Flights will take place from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The rally is part of the EAA Young Eagles Program created to interest young people in aviation. Flights generally last about 20 minutes and include a tour of the Lake area and demonstration how the aircraft controls work.
22 • The Iowa Reunion Club will host their annual event, the “IRC’s 28th Annual Iowa Reunion Dinner, for all current club members. Held at LandShark restaurant at Margaritaville in Osage Beach from 5:30-7 p.m. The Iowa Reunion Club, celebrating their 29th year on the Lake, is for former Iowans, and part time Iowans, that live at the Lake Of The Ozarks. Membership is $10 per year, per household to join. For more information, call Bil Cooper at 573-480-4601 or go to www.iowareunionclub.com.
22 • Mouse Races will be held at the Elks Lodge #2517 in Osage Beach at 3 p.m. All proceeds go to the charity fund. Doors open at 2 p.m. Food, refreshments and a great time for all. Friends and family welcome.
23 • The annual Osage Beach Firefighters Fish Fry will be held at Fire Station No. 2 on Hwy. KK from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost is $15 for adults, $5 for children under 12, and free for children under 3.
28 • A Ladies Tea from the Fabulous Fifties will be held at 2 p.m. at the Camden County Museum in Linn Creek. Cost is $15. The tea is presented by the Daughters of the American Revolution and the museum.
For more information, call 573873-2990.
29 • The Ozark Prairie Master Gardener (OPMG) Plant Sale will be held at the Morgan County Fairgrounds Lackey Home Economics Building on Saturday from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. There will be a complete offering of vegetable plants, trees, shrubs and both annual and perennial flowers for sale. The proceeds of the sale will support the OPMG educational programs in Morgan County, the Community Garden, the OPMG College Scholarship and scholarships for those taking the University of Missouri Master Gardener Core Training. A new addition to our sale this year will be educational presentations and demonstrations. This years topics are Microgreens and Indoor Gardening. These presentations will be offered for free.
29 • Kids’ Harbor will host the annual BBQ Bash at High Tide from 1-5 p.m. Live music from the i-Berrys. Tickets are $20. Sponsorships available. For more information, call 573-348-6886 or go to www. kidsharbormo.org.
29 • The inaugural Appreciation Gala for the Forget Me Not Horse Rescue Sanctuary will be held from 6-8 p.m. at MFMN’s Unbridled Equestrian Center. Wear your best cowboy/cowgirl outfits and celebrate with wine, appetizers and desserts, and silent auction. This is an adult-only event. To RSVP or for more information, email sponsorship@missouriforgetmenot.org.
30 • A cornhole tournament to benefit Shop with a Cop will be held at The Exchange Venue in Camdenton. Registration starts at 9 a.m. with a 11 a.m. start time for the first matches. Bring a partner or be paired up a the time of registration. Entry fee is $20 per player. Food will be available for purchase, bring your own drinks. For more information, call the Camden County Sheriff’s Department at 573-346-2243.
30 • The 2 Cool 4 School Car Show/5K will be held at the
Versailles City Park. The 5K begins at 8 a.m. with day-of registration at 7 a.m. Cost is $20 in advance or $25 day-of. Car show hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at 4:30 p.m. Cost to register a vehicle is $25 in advance or $30 dayof. Multiple classes available. A silent auction, food trucks and other entertainment planned. For more information, go to the 2 Cool 4 School Car Show/5K on Facebook.
30 •A Spay-Ghetti Dinner will be held to benefit the Dogwood Animal Sanctuary from 11 a.m.3 p.m. at Just a Little Diner in Camdenton. Entertainment will be provided by Dale Blue from 12-3 p.m. Cost is $15 for the pasta buffet. A silent auction and 50/50 raffle will be held.
5-7 • The Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals will be held along the Bagnell Dam Strip. The car show features about 1,000 vehicles from all decades. For a full schedule, or more information go to www. magicdragoncarshow.com.
5 • The Lake Ozark Rotary Club is hosting the Greg Gagnon Memorial Golf Tournament in memory of Gagnon, founding member of the Lake Ozark Rotary Club in 1982. Registration — along with lunch, complimentary range balls, putting contest and silent auction — will be held from 10-11 a.m. Shotgun start is at noon. From 4-5 p.m. is the 19th hole happy hour and awards. Golfer $200 includes a $50 gift card to be used anywhere at The Lodge of Four Seasons, green fees, box lunch and two drink tickets. This is limited to the first 130 golfers. Contact Clayton Bentzen at 573-3022491 or cbentzen@centralinvestment.net for registration information. Sponsorships opportunities for businesses/ organizations are also available. Make checks payable to: Lake Ozark Rotary Club. Mail to: Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks. Attn: Vervia Mahurin PO Box 207 Osage Beach, MO 65065.
A Vintage Boutique
Alpaca Haven
Bella Donna Salon
Bert Ehling Photography
Blair & Co. Confectionery (Ozark Maid)
Blair’s Landing
Chestnut Ridge
Coco’s Bistro
The Front Porch at Shabby Chic
Main Street Music Hall
Peace of Mind
Peacock Lane
Shabby Chic Boutique
Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Spa
Truly Bridal
Valentina’s Alterations
Village Antiques (Original Yankee Peddlers)
Sylvia’s Pet Grooming
Yankee Peddler Tea Room
4 Generations
Washington, Missouri is a river town worthy of a day trip by the sheer number of boutiques, historic museums, and pubs on the riverfront. Many do not know that the area was created by a gift to Daniel Boone resulting from the Spanish Empire. The area was called Upper Louisiana or New Spanish Territory in the 1800s. The town was originally called St. John Meyer’s Settlement and was the site of the Spanish log fort, San Juan del Misuri (1796-1803).
The town, named after George Washington with the settlement created by Daniel Boone’s move to the area in 1799. The cost of land was waived if the buyer could build a substantial house within two years. This encouraged many new settlers, including the Boones. The Germans came next in 1833, who were anti-slavery. They soon outnumbered the slave-owning population of Washington. Daniel and Rebecca Boone lived there in their later years and were buried near Washington.
The Washington Bridge was constructed in 1934 and was the only bridge spanning the Missouri River in Franklin County. It was replaced with a new, wider bridge which was opened to traffic on December 3, 2018. The original bridge was demolished on April 13, 2019. Many travelers photograph the beautiful, his toric cantilever truss bridge.
Washington’s Amtrak railway station on the Missouri River is also a popular tourist destination. Built in 1923, the charming brick structure is picturesque with a waterfront background.
Other historical places in Washington to visit:
The Boone Trace trail, formed in 1805 by Daniel and Nathan Boone, it starts at present day Matson from Daniel Boone’s Spanish land grant. The trail extends 140 miles to the west to the Boone Salt Lick at Old Franklin, near Booneville. I t was the main route west until the 1820’s.
The Daniel Boone Home. West of Defiance, the home of Nathan Boone, and Daniel and Rebecca Boone’s late years.
The Daniel Boone and American Frontier Exhibit housed in the Washington Old Town Depot, with a Washington Area Visitors Cen ter, an art gallery, and the Amtrak Station. The Boone Settleme nt sits right across the Mississippi River from the depot, and only 2 m iles from where Daniel and Rebecca Boone were buried.
While in town, stroll the riverfront and visit the many quaint and historic businesses. A good place to grab a bite to eat on a warm spring day is 1869 Draft Room.
The establishment overlooks James W. Rennick Riverfront Park. T he patio makes for a great view of the area as the trains rush by. Munch on some spicy, deep fried buffalo cau liflower, with ranch dressing a favorite appetizer in the St. Louis region. Lunch was followed by a couple of the dra ft room’s unusual burger offerings. Opting not to burn the mouth off with their Towering Inferno Burger, the tame r Pizza Burger with their garlic cheese curds mari -
nara sauce and parmesan cheese was tangy and flavorful. The stroganoff burger is not something found anywhere else. If you like mushroom burgers, you’ll love the Stroganoff Burger with melty pub cheese and sauteed onions with a brown gravy.
Stroll over to Scarlett’s Riverside Boutique after the rich burger meal to walk off some calories and find something to take home.
Scarlett’s is a lady’s boutique with modern country charm selections. They have high quality, reasonably priced clothing.
The Nest Café and Boutique offers an afternoon coffee rush, with a little more shopping. Located on 4th and Elm Street, The Nest Café at Swallows Nest Reconstruction Coffee Drive-Thru or walk in boutique has hot or cold drinks to charge you up for some more riverfront strolling. Their herbal tea menu serves healing teas with an endless option.
April in Washington plays host to Sunset on the Riverfront events.
Washington’s Streetside Market Downtown hosts vendors in June, with boutiques, foods, and wines.
booneassociation.com/places.html www.ci.washington.mo.us/
• 100 Things To Do at the Lake of the Ozarks Before You Die (May 2023, Reedy Press)
• Main Street St. Charles, MO: A Walk Through History (Reedy Press)
• Ready to Wear: A History of the Footwear and Garment Industries in St. Louis (Reedy Press)
• What’s With St. Louis?, 2nd Edition (Reedy Press)
• Lost St. Louis (The History Press)
• What’s With St. Louis? (Reedy Press)
Valerie Battle Kienzle has been coming to Lake of the Ozarks since the 1980s so it’s safe to say she knows a thing or two about the area. Traveling and writing about communities is something Kienzle loves to do and she is releasing her ninth book showcasing all the Lake has to offer.
• Columbia (MO)-Images of America (Arcadia Publishing)
• St. Charles (MO)-Postcard History Series (Arcadia Publishing)
• Bicentennial History 1821-2021, First St. Charles United Methodist Church
“100 Things to Do At the Lake of the Ozarks Before You Die,” published by St. Louis-based Reedy Press, will be released on May 1. It contains activities, attractions and amenities that have been developed around the Lake’s 1,100-miles of shoreline. The book contains a collection of places to see, things to do, and unique opportunities for people of all ages.
A native of Nashville, Tenn., Kienzle graduated from the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism and spent more than 40 years in various writing-related positions. Her family owned a Lake home in Osage Beach since 1981.
“I’ve spent countless vacations and extended periods of time enjoying the Ozark-style Lake life with four generations of family members and friends,” she said.
“Individuals born after 1980 may associate the Lake of the Ozarks area with watercraft, large lakefront restaurants, or a Netflix series (it wasn’t filmed there). Those born before 1980 may think of fishing, cabins, and music shows. The Lake area is so much more. It is truly a Missouri tresure.”
Kienzle is already busy working on her next book, a walking tour book about historic Ste. Genevieve, Mo.
Why did you decide to write this book and what was your inspiration?
As a self-described lifelong learner, I’ve made it a point to learn as much as I can about both the history and the current status of the areas surrounding the expansive Lake of the Ozarks. I’ve spent extended time there in warm-weather months and also during fall and winter. I discovered that the Lake area has its own beauty and interests in each season. I’ve also spent time in beautiful lakeside homes, as well as
decades-old mom-and-pop motels. Each has provided unique experiences. My ongoing goal of discovering new eating and entertainment opportunities at the Lake has resulted in a lengthy “been there, done that” list. “100 Things to Do in Lake of the Ozarks Before You Die” developed as a result of that personal list.
What would you like for readers to take away after reading your book?
I hope readers will realize that the Lake of the Ozarks area is truly a playground for all ages, with something for everyone — residents and visitors alike. I encourage people to stick their toes in the sand, to savor a sunset at a lakeside restaurant, to hit the links at one of the numerous golf courses, to paddle around a quiet cove, to cruise to a local watering hole, or to hike their way to spectacular vistas. The Lake of the Ozarks area offers these opportunities and so many more!
Where can people purchase it. Are there any events you will be appearing at?
“100 Things to Do in Lake of the Ozarks Before You Die” can be purchased at Boardwalk on 54 and through Reedy Press at books@reedypress.com, 314-833-6600. Reedy is continuing to make the book available at other local retail outlets. A book singing and launch event will be held May 27 from 12-2 p.m. at the Boardwalk on 54 in Camdenton (138 US Hwy. 54, Camdenton). Other upcoming events include a signing and presentation at Bridal Cave on Sat., June 16 from 11 a.m.2 p.m. and presentations at public libraries in Vienna (July 6, 6-7 p.m.), Eldon (July 13, 6-7 p.m.), and Camdenton (July 14, 2-3 p.m. and 6-7 p.m.).
he lake level was 655.9, generation of 10,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) decreasing to 3,000 CFS throughout the week for a level of 656.0 by the weekend. Surface temperature at Bagnell Dam was 51 degrees. Truman Lake was at the 707.0 level.
To Note: The Lower Lake is from the dam to the 22-mile mark; Mid-Lake is from the 22- to 44-mile mark, the Upper Osage is from the 44-mile mark to the Route 65 Bridge.
Bagnell Dam spillway/Osage River
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Good on Alabama rigs in the current breaks. Crappie: Good on small swimbaits in the eddies when the water is running. White bass: Good on Roostertails and small swimbaits in the current when water is running. Walleye: Good on small swimbaits in the evenings when the water is running.
Lower Lake
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on jerkbaits and shaky head Swamp Bugs along secondary points. Crappie: Good on bobber-and-jig setups 8 feet deep along chunk rock banks or on jigs for fish suspended 8 to 15 feet deep over depths of 30 to 35 feet.
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Fair on Carolina rigs, Alabama rigs, spinnerbaits and jerkbaits along secondary points, steep banks and gravel flats. Crappie: Good on jigs along gravel banks in the evenings or shooting jigs under deep docks. White bass: Good on suspending jerkbaits along points in the upper ends of the creeks. Catfish: Good drifting shrimp around shad schools.
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Fair on crankbaits and Carolina rigs along gravel banks. Crappie: Good on jigs around docks in coves.
Grand Glaize
Water clarity: Murky. Black bass: Good on jigs along logs in pockets or spinnerbaits along chunk rock banks. Crappie: Good on jigs 2 to 3 feet deep along gravel banks.
Water clarity: Murky. Black bass: Slow on spinnerbaits, jigs, crankbaits and shaky head worms along secondary points and chunk rock banks. Crappie: Fair on jigs 6 to 12 feet deep along gravel banks.
Upper Osage
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Fair on squarebill crankbaits, jigs, spinnerbaits and Alabama rigs along main and secondary points. Crappie: Excellent on plastic grubs and minnows
3 to 4 feet deep along gravel banks. White bass: Fair on Roostertails along points. Catfish: Fair on cut shad, nightcrawlers and chicken parts along docks.
Truman Dam spillway
Water clarity: Clear. Crappie: Good on jigs and minnows. White bass and hybrids: Good on jigs in the current. Catfish: Good on cut shad.
Guide Alfred Chapman (573-465-3810), www.lakeozarkfishingguideservice. com; Big Ed’s Guide Service (573-6926710) www.bigedsguideservice.com; Guide Jack Uxa (573-434-2570) www. lakeoftheozarksfishingguide.com; Guide John Blankenbeker (573-280-1455); Guide Terry Blankenship (573-4802835); Guide Jim Dill (573-204-9005) www.jamesdillguideservice.com; Fitz Fishing (573-693-9299); Bryants Osage Outdoors (573-374-2278); Casey Scanlon (913-449-3176) and Cody’s Bait & Tackle (660-723-5115). Tournament Results—Thanks to www.bassingbob.com.
Our guide to charity golf tournaments and other events at local golf courses this season.
April 29 & 30: Osage National
The annual tournament hosted by RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks Charitable Foundation to raise money for the Dream Factory. A pre-party will be held Saturday with cocktails and hors d’oeuvrees. Tee off is Sunday at 10 a.m. with food and awards following the tournament. Cost is $200 per player.
For more information, go to www.clowngolf.com.
May 5: The Ridge
The Lake Ozark Rotary Club will host the annual golf tournament with a shotgun start at noon. Registration, lunch, complimentary range balls, putting contests and a silent auction will be from 10-11 a.m. Happy hour and awards presented from 4-5 p.m. Cost is $200/golfer and includes a $50 gift card to be used anywhere at the Lodge of Four Seasons, green fees, box lunch and two drink tickets. Register by calling Clayton at 573-3022491 or email cbentzen@centralinvestment.net.
May 13: Lake Valley Golf Club
The 15th annual Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament will be held at Lake Valley Golf Club on May 13. Shotgun at 9 a.m. with lunch at noon. Cost is $125/ player. Sponsorships are available.
For more information or to register, go to www. lakeoftheozarksshootout.com.
May 21 & 22: The Cove Golf Course
The HK’s Lake of the Ozarks Open committee has named former Kansas City Chief Keith Cash the event’s honorary chair. Cash, a tight end, played for the Chiefs for five seasons, 1992-1997. He will be joined by Kansas City Chiefs Ambassadors Deron Cherry, Danan Hughes, Jon McGraw and former Chiefs punter Dustin Colquitt.
“If you are a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, don’t miss this chance to mix and mingle with Chiefs Ambassadors on the golf course and at the HK’s events,” said Peter Brown, chairman of the HK’s committee. “HK’s has a
long tradition of bringing in Chiefs players, and their presence is always a highlight of the event.”
HK’s Lake of the Ozarks Open stretches across two days — Sunday, May 21, and Monday, May 22 — and two Lake of the Ozarks premier golf courses — The Cove and Porto Cima. Golfers will enjoy on-course refreshments and meals both days. There also will be a $1 million hole-in-one contest. Ten qualifying participants will take a shot for the $1 million prize. An awards luncheon will wrap up the event on Monday.
In addition to golf, the schedule of events includes a Rooftop Party at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 21, at The Lodge of Four Seasons Rooftop Bar for all players and select sponsors. Saxophonist Mike Byington will provide entertainment, and guests will enjoy signature chef food stations, as well as live and silent auctions. There also will be a virtual auction for the public at HKsGolf. com.
“All proceeds from this year’s event will support local heart care and access to the latest technology, including the Philips Azurion 7 Series, industry-leading imaging equipment,” Brown said. “Our community is blessed to have an exceptional heart program right here at Lake Regional and continuous advancements are essential.”
HK’s Lake of the Ozarks Open is limited to 120 players. Registration is $750 per golfer and includes course refreshments, meals and entry to the Rooftop Party.
To register a golf team, call Trish Creach at 573-3488376, email tcreach@lakeregional.com, or visit HKsGolf. com.
The Lake’s a great place to golf! To find out more about these local courses, go to www.golfingmissouri.com.
great day of golf!
Bear Creek Valley Golf Club 910 Hwy. 42, Kaiser 573-302-1000
The Cove at the Lodge of Four Seasons
315 Four Seasons Dr., Lake Ozark 573-365-8532
Golf Club at Deer Chase 770 Deer Path Dr., Linn Creek 573-346-6117
Eldon Golf Club 35 Golf Course Rd., Eldon 573-392-4172
Indian Rock Golf Club 100 Indian Lake Ave., Gravois Mills 573-372-3023
Lake Valley Golf Club 367 C.C. Blair Dr., Camdenton 573-346-7218
The Oaks at Margaritaville Lake Resort 1524 State Road KK, Osage Beach 573-348-8522
Old Kinderhook 20 Eagle Ridge Rd., Camdenton 573-317-3573
Osage National Golf Resort 400 Osage Hills Rd., Lake Ozark 573-365-1950
The Ridge at the Lodge of Four Seasons
170 Seasons Ridge Rd., Lake Ozark 573-365-8544
Rolling Hills Country Club
13986 Country Club Rd., Versailles 573-378-5109
Porto Cima (private club) 133 Club House Drive, Sunrise Beach 573-207-8700
The greens are green and it’s time to get out and enjoy aby MetroCreative
As the weather warms up, consider these safety tips before heading out.
Kayaking is a healthy and enjoyable activity that attracts new enthusiasts all the time. Part of what makes the sport so popular is the relative ease with which people can get started. Kayaking requires minimal gear (kayaks can be rented if not purchased) and no advanced skills are required. However, kayaking is not to be taken lightly, as water sports can be unpredictable. Adhering to certain dos and don’ts can make kayaking safer.
• DO choose the right boat. There are boats rated for kayak racing and those that are strictly for recreational purposes. Some boats are meant for calmer waters and others for waves and open seas.
• DON’T forget to check the weather forecast before heading out in the water. Storms can come up relatively quickly, and offshore winds can make it challenging to paddle back to shore.
• DO let someone know where you’re going and how long you plan to be out on the water.
• DON’T touch or get too close to wildlife, as animals can be unpredictable and even dangerous.
• DO dress for the water temperature and not the weather outside. This helps ensure your health if you intentionally or accidentally enter the water.
• DON’T skip wearing a life jacket/buoyancy aid.
• DO expect to get wet, even if you do not fall in. Splash up will occur from paddles and some water will get in the boat regardless.
• DON’T forget to bring along some snacks and water.
• DO bring a fellow kayaker along. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional, bringing a friend along ensures someone can go for help if you’re involved in an accident or suffer an injury. TF219246
It’s time to uncover, cleanup and de-winterize the boat! Warm weather is upon us and spending many sunny afternoons on Lake of the Ozarks is in our future. We are making it easy so you can mark your calendar and make plans to attend some fun, boating-related events coming up. Here’s our guide to help you plan for the summer. Have a safe and fun boating season!
The April In-Water Boat Show will be held April 2123 at Dog Days in Osage Beach. Local marine dealers will have new and pre-owned boats in the water ready to test drive. On land, businesses will have booths so you can shop their products and services.
Dog Days is located at the 19-mile marker by water and off of the Jeffries Road exit in Osage Beach.
Show hours are Friday 1-7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $7 for adults and free for ages 12 and under.
For more information, visit www.ozarkboatshow.com.
The Spring Harbor Hop will be held May 6 at more than 40 Lake of the Ozarks waterfront restaurants, bars and marinas. Stop at a checkpoint to pick up your first card for a $20 donation, and hop to six more stops to draw additional cards. Turn in your hand by 7 p.m. and you’ll be entered into the chance to earn prizes (best and worst hands, as well as random drawings are awarded prizes).
The fall Harbor Hop is held the second Saturday in October.
For more information, and a list of participating stops, go to www.funlake.com/harborhop.
Racers from all over the world come to Lake of the Ozarks in June to show off their high-performance vessels for LOTO Powerfest. Formerly Lake Race, the event will be held June 1-3 with most activities located at or around Shady Gators and Camden on the Lake. Racing will be held Saturday along the course that span from around the 5 to 8-mile markers.
For more information, and an updated event schedule, go to www.lotopowerfest.com.
Grab the sunscreen and floaties for the ultimate boat party of the year. AquaPalooza brings several bands to one stage at Captain Ron’s for an afternoon of live music while you cove out.
Located at Captain Ron’s at the 34.5-mile marker on July 15, boaters can swing by to enjoy this free event all day.
For more information, go to www.funlake.com/aquapalooza.
The largest unsanctioned boat race in the US doesn’t happen until August, but there are plenty of Shootoutsponsored events coming up.
Grab your golf clubs and register for the 15th annual Shootout Golf Tournament May 13 at Lake Valley in Camdenton. Or get to work building your own boat with duct tape and cardboard and join the Float Your Boat races June 3. The Great Shootout Treasure Hunt will also be held that day at Captain Ron’s as well. A Poker Run is scheduled for the following day. Don’t miss the Shootout for the Shootout event at the Missouri Trapshooters Association in Linn Creek. Held July 16, choose between sporting clays or trap for this 100-round event. Cost is $100 per shooter.
Events will pick up again in August with the Mini Shootout August 19 & 20, the Hall of Fame Dinner August 22, the Shootout on the Strip Party August 23 and other events that month. The races will be August 26 & 27.
The Shootout donated $625,000 to more than 30 different charities and eight fire departments just last year. Thousands of people come to Lake of the Ozarks to watch as racers compete for the Top Gun trophy (top speed)
For more information, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com.
(BPT) - Bees, birds, butterflies, and other pollinators play an important role in our global ecosystem. In fact, they are essential. By transporting pollen from one plant to another, they make growing the food we eat and the beautiful garden spaces we enjoy possible. One of the easiest ways to support a healthy growing environment is to plant a diverse selection of plants, making sure to include the types of blooms that various pollinators love.
“Pollinator gardens provide food for bees, butterflies, moths, wasps and other helpful species,” says Diane Blazek, Executive Director at National Garden Bureau (NGB). “In turn, they pollinate the vegetables that produce our food. They really are essential. That’s why it is important for everyone to do their part.”
You don’t have to devote a large space to pollinators to make a difference. Container gardens are a great way to provide the food sources that pollinators need to thrive. Having movable containers can also come in very handy if you want to move your pollinator gardens from space to space. Let’s say you really want to attract bees but have company coming and there is a concern about the nearness of your beloved bees. It is easy to move the containers to another area of your garden for the duration of that visit! Or you have hummingbird-attracting plants and want to move them so you can watch them at work from the comfort of your home. Simply move them to be visible from inside!
A diverse selection of plants attracts a diverse range of pollinators. Different flower colors attract different pollinators but adding various flower shapes and forms is also important. Butterflies like flower clusters with flat, open blooms like yarrow, coneflower, and zinnia. Hummingbirds like the tubular flower types such as penstemon, cuphea and salvia. Bees and wasps prefer different types of flowers depending on their tongue length.
There are so many beautiful pollinator-friendly plant choices, the container combinations are endless. Here are a few to get your pollinator containers growing.
“National Garden Bureau chose Verbena as our Annual of the Year and Phlox as our Perennial of the Year for 2022, due in part to their popularity with pollinators,” says Blazek. “Both Phlox and Verbena are beautiful, easy-to-grow flowers that are available in a wide variety of colors.” Compact Garden Phlox look stunning in larger containers while groundcover types create a cascade of early spring flowers for pollinators to feed on. Heat-loving Verbena are available in mounding or trailing types that can be container centerpieces or softening accent plants.
Coneflowers, or echinacea, provide a summer pollinator food source, then a fall/winter seed source, for the birds. Compact varieties can be a wonderful addition to smaller containers, while taller types serve as the focal point of the container. Since Coneflowers come in many color choices, you’re sure to find one to work with your color scheme.
“Deb was hands down the best realtor we have ever worked with. Very responsive from the start. Her knowledge of the area was extremely helpful for us being from out of town. Her guidance through the offer process allowed us to negotiate a very fair deal for our property. Highly recommend Her! We are confident enough in her that we will continue to use her to look for properties for us.”
Karen McFarland (573) 789-3650
3548071 $4,200,000
One-of-a-kind lot measuring an acre of ground & 354 ft of shoreline. With 7 bedrooms, office, dining room, 2 kitchens, several bars, 6 baths and spectacular outside gathering areas, this home has it all.
3549742 $3,400,000
Luxurious, custom-built private gated home sets privately in The Villages. Lakefront home is rich in architectural detail and includes a wine cellar, theater room, and pool, hot tub, and oversized dock.
3550180 $269,000
Bright and welcoming condo with 2 BDRM, 2 BA, a spacious family room that adjoins the kitchen. Indian Pointe has 3 pools, a clubhouse, a playground, trailer storage. Main channel views and 11X28 boat slip.
3551381 $1,200,000
Another opportunity to develop in the heart of Osage Beach, property consists of 3+ parcels on approximately 15+ acres and 350 ft of lakefront. Your possibilities are endless if you’re planning any kind of housing development!
3551160 $1,100,000
This 4 bedroom & 4 full baths 1 1/2 bath lake front home is set up for a large family setting or VRBO property. Sits on 185’ of water frontage plenty room for a large dock, 1.21 acres lot.
3551012 ........................... $625,000
Opportunities like these are rare, 12 Ac in The Villages. Gentle topography, great building spots, wonderful views of Lake of the Ozarks, and a shared lake with the immediate neighbor.
remodel of an original Thomas Construction home has been meticulously remodeled inside and out in ultra modern style.
3549762........................... $599,900
Opportunities like these are rare, 12 Ac in The Villages. Gentle topography, great building spots, wonderful views of Lake of the Ozarks, and a shared lake with the immediate neighbor.
3550706 ........................... $569,999
Located in a Massive Cove, this 3 BDRM, 3 BA lakefront fixer upper offers soaring ceilings and lots of glass with a beautiful wood burning fireplace. Large Kitchen along with propane gas gourmet stovetop and center island.
3550707 $489,000
Turnkey 3 BDRM, 3 BA condo that has million dollar main channel views. Located on the 18 MM with 18x48,14x32, and 10x14 dock slips. Complex amenities include indoor pool/tennis courts, sauna, and exercise room.
text RBJMLXF to 52187
text RBJLRLR to 52187
text RBJJHCD to 52187
3550719 ............................$475,000
ONE LEVEL ADORABLE waterfront haven with a well appointed single level home, 2 car detached garage, level ground, waterfront with a beach and boat slip in the community dock a short walk down the road.
Updated 4 BDRM Lake View/Lake Access home that includes a Boat ramp a few doors away to use anytime. Turn key, extra parking, and within walking distance to golfing and entertainment.
3551301 ...........................$325,000
Exceptional 2 BDRM/2BA condo at Parkview Bay. Gorgeous state park views. Comes furnished and steps away from your 12X30 boat skip. Lush grounds and 3 pools makes this a perfect condo package.
3549517 ............................$184,900
3551262 ............................$115,000
Panoramic lake views from this stunning building lot. Comes with a 12X32 boat slip in the community dock, community pool and clubhouse too. Very few lots available in this well established subdivision.
3550049 ..........................$250,000
Total Remodel in progress, this home will soon be like BRAND NEW! Close to town and schools, this Modern 2 story 3 BR/3Ba on large corner lot with full finished basement and large fenced yard.
3549211 ............................$275,000
This 3 BDRM/2 BA cabin style lake view home. Sits in a private setting but close to all the entertainment in the area. Property can be a great rental/VRBO. 2 Car Ports, plenty of parking.
3551071 ............................$217,000
This 2 BDRM condo at Tara Condominiums has unbelievable views with community pool and dock. Located at the 3 MM with a stunning screened deck, updated flooring, and most furniture stays. ............................$315,000
3548980 ............................$85,000
Nice lake view lot in Mission Bay. Wonderful subdivision offering water, sewer, an amazing clubhouse and both indoor and outdoor pools. You can buy a boat slip from the owner.
Wonderful Condo in Lake Ozark with 2 BDRM/2BA and over 1,500 sq ft. Turn Key unit with Fireplace and newer furniture/appliances. Just a few steps into unit and close to Hotel and entertainment during the season.
An over 2,000 sq ft villa on the ridge walking distance to one of 6 pools & the Regalia Hotel. Private courtyard, spacious unit, and Four Season’s amenities included.
A prime location within walking distance of all the hot spots Versailles downtown has to offer, including the annual Apple Festival. This 1/2 acre lot is ready for your dreams to come to life. Includes 30X40 shop. ..........................$250,000
text RBJPTYW to 52187
Sedum flowers late summer and early fall, providing a food source at a time when fewer floral resources are available. Look for Back in Black Sedum, an NGB Green Thumb Award winner, as a great addition to your fall pollinator garden.
The tall, spikey blooms of both annual and perennial Salvia are naturals in any pollinator garden. Extremely easy to grow, and available in several different colors and species, they look beautiful in containers all on their own. One new salvia, also a winner of the NGB Green Thumb Award, is Hummingbird Falls and guess what, it is a hummingbird magnet!
As its name suggests, Bee Balm, or monarda, is a proven feast for bees. Colorful, pom-pom shaped blooms planted in containers capture the attention of both pollinators and humans.
The beautiful blooms of lavender are a big draw for pollinators, while the scent provides a welcome and calming invitation for all visitors to linger in the garden.
Sunflowers now come in compact sizes that are perfect for containers. Choose from bushy, reblooming types or dwarf types, both of which can be used in patio pots.
If you’re looking for a drought-tolerant, pollinatorfriendly plant, Lantana is a good choice. Spreading varieties in a vast array of warm colors look great spilling over the edges of containers.
With its airy texture, Coreopsis is another excellent choice for pollinator containers. Bright-colored blooms are especially attractive to butterflies.
Don’t forget to water! Container gardens will dry out faster than landscape plantings, so water more frequently to keep the soil evenly moist. For almost care-free gardening, consider using self-watering containers. Simply keep the water-holding reservoirs at capacity and your plants will be watered as needed.
In addition to a large selection of flower colors and textures, pollinators are attracted to blooms at varying heights. Place your containers on decorative plant stands to elevate containers for a pleasing design.
Need additional information on attracting pollinators to the garden? Visit National Garden Bureau online here:
Excellent generated income. Remodeled, seats 100 & also comes with Inventory. Large Dining Rooms, 2 Storage Units & 8x16 Storage Container. Large Roadside LED Sign for advertising. All you can eat Breakfast Buffets on Weekends. Great in-town location.
5bd/51/2ba, 4902 sq ft, 3 Suites
Large Family Room, Game Room
Lakeside Deck, Boat Grge & Ramp
3 Well Dock, 484 Sq ft Guest House
Gated Entrance,
w/280’ of Lakefront, 19 MM
Main Channel View, Meticulously
Cleared, NO HOA or Restrictions
Great Location by Water or Land
Imagine waking up to this View $599,000 MLS#3550642
New Lake Home or Spec Home(s)
Total of 3 Parcels-1.34 Acres, Gentle Terrain
Paved Roads to Property, Great Location
Just off of KK, Close to all the Hot Spots
Wonderful Neighborhood w/Nice Homes
$54,900 MLS#3548807
4bd/3ba, 3806 sq ft, Main Lvl Lvg
Granite Countertops, Oversized Master
Huge Family Room, Theater Room
Custom Bar, Many Recent Improvements BEAUTIFUL LAKE VIEW
$589,000 MLS#3551225
Fairly Gentle 1.3 Acre Wooded Lot Quiet & Peaceful Country Setting
Surrounded by Gorgeous Homes Great Location, Dead End Road Just off Paved Road, Close to Bridal Cave $25,000 MLS#3549919
Amazing Recently Updated Brick Home 5bd/2.1ba, 3160 sq ft, Main Lvl Lvg
Custom Kitchen Cab, Quartz Ctrps Oversized Master Suite,Tons of Space Hardwood Flooring, Seller is Motivated $424,900 MLS#3551142
2260 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark; 573-365-3255
Panoramic Views & Fine Dining at Lake of the Ozarks. Legendary Steaks, seafood, and views. Join us for extended happy hour in the bar. Appetizer specials, drink features and live music.
910 MO-42 Osage Beach; 573-302-1000
Our cozy restaurant and Lounge offers a variety of menu choices for breakfast and lunch. The eggs Benedict is considered the best at the Lake.
1202 Procter Drive Osage Beach; 573-693-9197
Upscale casual dining lakeside. Bringing a building back to life built in 1932. Lakeview Dining, Great Food, Fine Wine
3076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 573-693-9973
The Lake’s Hottest New Restaurant and Entertainment Complex!
1013 Main Street
Osage Beach; 573-348-5045
The “Tradition in Fine Taste” continues at the NEW Yankee Peddlers Tea Room on Main Street in Osage Beach at the Lake of the Ozarks
BACKWATER JACK’S 4341 Beach Drive
Osage Beach; 573-348-6639
Backwater Jack’s uniquely combines the styles and ingredients cultures of South Florida & the Caribbean with traditional favorites of the Midwest. Daily specials and LIVE Music all summer long! Pool and Sushi Bar open May 4th.
CHEVY’S PIZZERIA AND PUB 5151 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 573-302-0027
30 years family owned. Pick up, Delivery, Door Dash
World’s Greatest Pizza and Wings $1 wings on Mondays from 5-close 5 Star Dive Bar HHHHH
28443 Polk Dr Rocky Mount; 573-392-0700
66 N Shore Drive Lake Ozark; 573-693-1655 offtheclifflakeozark.com
A local restaurant offering Food, Booze, and Tunes for the Lake of the Ozarks!
Taco Tuesday, Wingfest Wednesday, Friday Broasted Chicken, Karaoke, and Live Music
1339 Bagnell Dam Blvd Lake Ozark; 573-365-9769
Fun and relaxing restaurant on the Bagnell strip serving oysters, burgers, salads, steaks, tap beers and signature cocktails. Plus games, TVs, and an upstairs patio!
1345 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 573-693-9792
The best family activity at the lake. With a restaurant and outdoor ropes course that features delicious hand-crafted shakes, burgers, chicken sandwiches, and a side of adventure!
430 Tropical Trail Rd Sunrise Beach; 573-374-4777
The Lake of the Ozarks’ favorite waterfront restaurant. Paradise provides a tropical experience with a breathtaking view, live music, and delicious drinks!
1028 Deer Valley Rd Sunrise Beach; 573-374-5750
The Keywest of the Midwest” Beachfront bar & grill offering American classics. From pizza to frozen drinks, games, live music, boat rentals, volleyball, and a surf shop!
1076 Bagnell Dam Blvd
Lake Ozark; 573-964-6064
We keep it fresh with our delicious tacos and signature margaritas. Live music every weekend with both indoor and outdoor seating. Great view of the lake!
Jordan Moore started out painting furniture and flipping it. She’s always had an appreciation for repurposing items. Hailing from Iberia, Moore and her husband TJ own the wedding venue The Barn at Honeysuckle Farms. In 2016 she hosted an event at their house selling reclaimed pieces, antiques and “good ole junk” at the barn but quickly realized the need to expand. It was clear the public was looking for more shopping opportunities.
With the help of family, they pulled off their first big show, TC’s Junk Fest, in Lebanon in 2017. At the time it was a one-day show but as interest grew, more events were added at different regional venues and over the course of several days.
TC’s Junk Fest is a shoppers paradise. The markets offer a vibrant and eclectic selection of new and used items.
“There’s nothing truly junky about it,” Moore says. “We work to create a place vendors can come to, that it is like coming home. In doing so, we hope to create a place for shoppers to come and enjoy a fun and unique shopping experience with vendors who pour their hearts and souls into their small businesses.”
While the market’s home base is The Barn at Honeysuckle Farms in Iberia, other events will be held in Jefferson City and Lebanon in the coming months. Rows upon rows of vendors selling everything from antique furniture and old signs, to a mix of new items including clothing and handmade products. They strive to be the best market for shoppers and vendors. Expect about 100 booths to be set up. Some shows have a VIP night when specials and additional perks are offered, in addition to getting first dips on all of the merchandise available. Often food trucks, live music, a beer/margarita garden or a snow cone/ice cream stand is also on-site.
One of the best things about these markets is the number of out-of-state vendors that attend the show brining with them a unique selection of merchandise from their areas. Men, women and children will appreci-
ate browsing the booths and tents stocked with a mix of rusty relics, artisans, boutiques and up-cycled goods.
The vendors take pride in the setup and offer nothing but quality. Grab your wallet and a few people to carpool with to one of the markets being held this season.
“This is a hidden gem in Central Missouri,” she said. “It’s special to the area and brings a lot to not only our community but our surrounding communities.”
May 19 & 20: Junk Fest
Friday 12-6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Barn at Honeysuckle Farms (41 Tavern Creek Rd., Iberia)
$5 cash only admission, kids 12 and under free, parking free
June 9 & 10: TC’s Junk Vintage and Handmade Market
Friday 12-6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Jaycee Fairgrounds (445 Fairgrounds Rd., Jefferson City)
Admission is $10 on Friday and $5 on Saturday
Sept. 8 & 9: Junk Fest
Friday 12-6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Barn at Honeysuckle Farms (41 Tavern Creek Rd., Iberia)
$5 cash only admission, kids 12 and under free, parking free
Oct. 6 & 7: Vintage and Handmade Market
Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Cole County Fairgrounds
Admission is $10 on Friday (early access) and $5 on Saturday
Nov. 3 & 4: Vintage and Handmade Market
Friday 3-7 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Cowan Civic Center (500 East Elm St., Lebanon)
Admission is $10 Friday (VIP) and $5 on Saturday
TC’s Junk on Facebook
Organizers expect record-breaking numbers of attendees and vendors at this year’s festivals. The Spring Food Truck Festival will be April 29 & 30 from 11 a.m. -7 p.m. at the Osage Beach City Park. Besides food trucks, participants can browse local vendors, see live artists and musicians, enjoy concessions and have the kids play in the bounce houses and playground. This year the festival will move to a new location to accommodate more people. As the festival has grown over the years, organizers needed more space.
You might find trucks offering rolled ice cream to order, tamales made from scratch, and different cuisines from Jamaica or Thailand. Most food trucks are owner-operated. That means they have bought the truck, designed the menu, and is often the one preparing the food and serving it to the customer.
“Everybody working that truck is excited to be there and proud to sell and show off their product,” organizer and Lake of the Ozarks Food Truck Coalition member, Ashley Hays said.
When to go
Spring Food Truck Festival: April 29 & 30
Fall Food Truck Festival: Sept. 23 & 24
Hours are 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Whether you’re looking for a relaxing cocktail at our beautiful bar, craving a great meal with the perfect glass of wine, or planning a special party for an upcoming milestone, we have all this and more waiting for you at the 1932 Reserve.
Traveling around the country, this history buff draws from his own memories as a social studies teacher and coach to write songs that transport listeners to another time. Mick Byrd first picked up a plastic guitar from Wal-Mart at age nine, which set his feet on a path of creativity.
“My sister, who is an excellent pianist, tuned all six strings of that little guitar so I could play all of them with my thumb!” he explained. “I got the song writing bug then. Playing another person’s song is just fine, but that song sort of belongs to the person who wrote it in my abject view of the Universe. It’s not mine, I borrowed it and didn’t create it. I’ve always been drawn to do songs that belong to me.”
At 13, this budding musician had a hollow-bodied electric guitar and a little amplifier. While blasting “Smoke on the Water” he blew the head off his mother’s ceramic bird. Needless to say, she was not pleased upon returning home.
He continued to play at school functions in high school and joined a rock and roll cover band called Pure Jade in college, playing REO Speedwagon, Lynyrd Skynyrd and others. He studied at the University of Missouri for two years, then transferred to School of the Ozarks to play baseball.
“When I came back home, music went to the back burner as I was teaching and coaching,” he said.
At age 38, Byrd suffered a serious injury playing basketball, and while home feeling sorry for himself he decided to pick up and play the guitar again. That was 27 years ago.
Mick Byrd and the Backroad Band released their first CD in 1995 called “No Frills.” It was a leap of faith. At that time, he was fortunate to win a songwriting award from Billboard Magazine for a song he wrote called “Afternoon at the Wall,” referring to the Vietnam Wall. This opened doors and he has played at a number of veterans festivals.
Byrd believes the song is the most impor-
tant part of the music.
“No one wins the Indianapolis 500 in a Volkswagen,” he said. “Playing a poorly-written song is not going to fly.”
In his hometown of Vienna, Mo. Byrd taught English 1 for a year, then history to students for 31 years, and coached for about 40 years. Since retiring, he continues to drive a school bus and noted one of his favorite jobs is being the EMCEE for homecoming each year (this year is his 41st year).
“School was, and is, a great source of songwriting projects. My band and I are going to be in the studio in March to record
Songwriter Mick Byrd pens thoughts from his heart to create imaginative experiences for those who hear him sing.PHOTOS PROVIDED
four singles with an accompanying video,” he shared. “One song is called ‘Pictures on the Wall,’ which comes directly from me being a history teacher. All the paintings and things you see in a museum. It is a gnarly rocker and we can’t wait to have that one out!”
They released their first rock album in 2021, called “Shadow on the Sun,” as people always request their rock tunes. The new country CD is “GoodNite ToNite.”
“I want to mention my Backroad Band members: Brad Edwards, Dennis Layne Schubert and Ray Spiller. Our usual configuration is three of us, Brad and Dennis are guitar players, and we mix and match who is available on a different day,” he said. “They are great compadres on the road. They all add their unique creativity to every song we play.”
He is involved with the Nashville Songwriting Association, and pitches music through that organization. Currently, his song “Tears on your Pillow,” is on a publisher’s desk in Nashville, Tenn.
Byrd plays solo all around the Lake area, and across the country. He has played at the Blue Bird Café in Nashville, which has been a hallowed hall for songwriters for 25 years. Cheatham Warehouse just south of Austin, Texas, and White Water Tavern in Little Rock, Ark., are two other places for songwriters he has had the honor of playing. This year he has already scheduled gigs all over Missouri, as well as Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Iowa and Tennessee. Over the course of Bryd’s career he has played in 31 states.
As a member of the Missouri Arts Council, Byrd was their featured artist of the month in May 2022. Following an applications process, members decide if the music puts Missouri in a good light, and if it is of a style and significance of which they approve.
“It’s a juried project, sent all over the state to different people who vote,” he explained. “It has been very helpful in publicizing my music and getting the word out.”
Byrd and his wife, Debbie, are enjoying this new stage of their life, traveling around and promoting his music business. Debbie has been alongside him raising children, grandchildren, substitute teaching, being a school secretary, working in a lawyer’s office, taking care of an elderly grandmother, and now she is running a music business. They have a daughter, Ellie, who is a preschool director in New Bloomfield, and a son, Curt, who is a fisheries biologist with the United States Geological Survey in Columbia. He
Lake Burger, 12-4 p.m.
May 28, June 25, July 23, Aug. 27
Hillbilly Yacht Club, 4-7 p.m.
May 13, June 17, July 8, Sept. 3
Paradise Tropical Bar and Grill
June 4, 5-9 p.m.; July 7, 6-10 p.m.; July 9, 5-9 p.m.; Aug. 4, 5-9 p.m.
Albums include: “Outer Road,” “A Few Good Tunes,” “Stolen Kisses,” “The Barber,” “Live at the Focal Point,” “No Frills,” “Around,” “Roots & Ozark Blues,” “Moline,” “GoodNite ToNite,” and “Shadow on the Sun.” “The Chance/Gentle Souls” CD single. Proceeds go to the Special Olympics Missouri.
Mick Byrd on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube @mickbyrdmusic. Listen to Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Amazon Music. Visit www.mickbyrd.com for show schedules and more information.
admits Debbie, Curt and Ellie are pretty good songwriting critics. If it gets their approval, it’s good enough to play for a crowd.
“People, places and ideas inspire me,” Byrd said. “A song is a two and a half minute novel, and you want to condense your story to the bare honest essentials. All of life’s experiences are fodder for a possible song. Every person and place you encounter has a story. When we play our blues stuff, we are playing an emotion. If you can get a person to feel that emotion, that’s a story in and of itself.”
Friday, April 21
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Casablanca, PDA, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz
Franky & Louie’s, JD Heckler Band, 7 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m.
Whittles, DJ Krazy J, 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 22
Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7-11 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Nathan Vegas
Franky & Louie’s, JD Heckler Band, 7 p.m.
Maggie’s on the Lake, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Whittle’s, The Carson Tucker Band, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Sunday, April 23
Captain r on’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m.
Tuesday, April 25
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan
r egalia Hotel & Conference Center, open mic night/karaoke, 7 p.m.
Thursday, April 27
Charlie Foxtrots, open jam, 6 p.m.-12 a.m.
Friday, April 28
Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words, 6 p.m.
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, PDA, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz
Franky & Louie’s, Phat Mike & The Bartenders, 7 p.m.
Whittles, JC the DJ, 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 29
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Rebel Walker, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Astro Katz
Franky & Louie’s, Phat Mike & The Bartenders, 7 p.m.
Whittle’s, Dayne Hudek, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Attention musicians, bands, bars and restaurants: Send us live entertainment schedules to be included in our live music listing. Event information must include name of venue, name of entertainer, time, date and contact information for verification. Send information to charis.lakesun@gmail.com or call 573346-2132. The following list has been updated as of press time.
Sunday, April 30
Captain r on’s, DJ Kyle, 610 p.m.
Tuesday, May 2
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan
Thursday, May 4
Backwater Jack’s, Thursdays Child
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, open jam, 6 p.m.-12 a.m.
Friday, May 5
Backwater Jack’s, Kirk Brown Blues Band
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Cheryl Lynn, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz
Dog Days, Justin Larkin, 6 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, The House Band, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Steven Tyler Moore & DJ Nick Niemeier, 12 p.m.
Whittle’s, DJ Krazy J, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Saturday, May 6
Backwater Jack’s, The Nobodies, 1-5 p.m.; Whiskey Trio, 6-10 p.m.
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Blake Gardner & The Farmers, 7-11 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Patrick Wilson, 6-10 p.m.
Captain r on’s, Art Bentley, 1-5 p.m.; KC Groove Therapy, 7-11 p.m.
Casablanca, Bryan Copeland, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Slick
Dog Days, Dead Roads, 1
Franky & Louie’s, The House Band, 8 p.m. Lake Burger, Dave Dunklee and the Healing Box Project, 12 p.m.
Maggie’s on the Lake, Marcus Words, 7 p.m. Whittles, The Red Sky Band, 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 7
Backwater Jack’s, Phillip Twitchell Captain r on’s, DJ Kyle, 610 p.m.
Dog Days, live music (Homegrown Festival) Fish & Co., Marcus Words, 2 p.m.
Monday, May 8 Whittles, The Velvet Bricks, 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan
Thursday, May 11
Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words, 6 p.m. Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, open jam, 6 p.m.-12 a.m.
Ozarks Amphitheater, Breaking Benjamin with special guest Bush
Friday, May 12
Backwater Jack’s, Whiskey Trio
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, PDA, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Jordan Isakson, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Dog Days, DJ Mikey J, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, I-10 Overdrive, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Pure Drive, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, JC the DJ, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Saturday, May 13
Backwater Jack’s, KC Ritz
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Jason Earl, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.
Captain r on’s, Backtracks (Ponch & Kennie Dee), 610 p.m.
Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7-11 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Dave Dunklee and the Healing Box
Project, 5-8 p.m.; The Nobodies, 8 p.m.-12 a.m.
Dog Days, Phat Mike and the Bartenders, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, I-10 Overdrive, 8 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Pure Drive, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, Dayne Hudek, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Sunday, May 14
Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words, 6 p.m.
Captain r on’s, DJ Kyle, 610 p.m.
Fish & Co., Dave Dunklee show, 2-6 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17
Off the Cliff, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 18
Backwater Jack’s, The Nobodies
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Whittle’s, Out on a Limb, 6:30-9 p.m.
Friday, May 19
Backwater Jack’s, Phat
Mike and the Bartenders
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.; Five Turn Knot, 8-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Johnny Henry Band, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz Dog Days, Randall Shreve, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy
Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m. Tap & Grill, Down Side Up, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, DJ Krazy J, 8:30 p.m.-12 a.m.
Saturday, May 20
Blue Cat Tavern, Marcus Words, 7 p.m. Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Rebel Walker, 7 p.m.
Bulldog’s Beach House, Dave Dunklee show, 5:309:30 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Mark Barger, 6-10 p.m.; Five Turn Knot, 8-10 p.m.
Captain r on’s, Loaded Dice, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Don Akers, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Duane Ramelot, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Dog Days, Dead Roads, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m. Tap & Grill, I-10 Overdrive, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, Ancient Stone Band, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Sunday, May 21
Backwater Jack’s, J.J. Jam Captain r on’s, DJ Kyle, 610 p.m.
NautiFish, Marcus Words, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan