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Copyright 2023 by Vacation News, a subsidiary of Vernon Publishing. All rights reserved. Vacation News is published byweekly for distribution in Missouri. Vacation News provides residents of and visitors to the Lake of the Ozarks with entertainment and recreation features about the greater Lake of the Ozarks area. While effort has been made to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this publication, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. The publisher will assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transcripts or other materials. All advertisements created by the publisher are not considered a work made for hire and the publisher retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the publisher for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Take a look at the selection available at the farmers markets this season! Many are opening this month. Consult our list of places to go and support local growers and farmers.
An new authentic Sicilian Italian restaurant at the Lake has opened. Located in Eldon, Joey’s Pizza has a full menu of Italian favorites including amazing dessert.
The Spring Harbor Hop will be held all day on May 6. Go by water or land to one of the more than 40 participating locations to pick up a card. Keep hoping to checkpoints to obtain a full poker hand and turn it in by 7 p.m. to be entered into various prizes. Good luck!
The Lake of the Ozarks Blues Festival will be held May 7 starting at noon at Shawnee Bluff Vineyard. The festival is free! Food and drinks are available for purchase at the winery.
The event will be held from 12-6 p.m. featuring performances by Amanda Fish, Coyote Bill & the Brood, The Otis Money Band and the LOTO Blues Society Band. For more information, go to www.lotobs.com.
The Heartland Classic Vintage Boat Show will be held at Bear Bottom Resort from 1-4 p.m. May 20. Enjoy more than 30 vintage boats on display during this gathering. Many of these boats span the decades and have gone through renovations projects to make them operational. It’s always fun to look over the boats and talk to owners about their vintage vessels!
MONday, may 8, 2023
Baxter’s Lakeside Grille –Lake ozark
Let’s celebrate our winners and finalists!
5-7 • The Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals will be held along the Bagnell Dam Strip. The car show features about 1,000 vehicles from all decades. For a full schedule, or more information go to www.magicdragoncarshow.com.
5 • The Lake Ozark Rotary Club is hosting the Greg Gagnon Memorial Golf Tournament in memory of Gagnon, founding member of the Lake Ozark Rotary Club in 1982. Registration — along with lunch, complimentary range balls, putting contest and silent auction — will be held from 10-11 a.m. Shotgun start is at noon. From 4-5 p.m. is the 19th hole happy hour and awards. Golfer $200 includes a $50 gift card to be used anywhere at The Lodge of Four Seasons, green fees, box lunch and two drink tickets. This is limited to the first 130 golfers. Contact Clayton Bentzen at 573-302-2491 or cbentzen@ centralinvestment.net for registration information.
6 • The Lake Regional Scrub Run will be held at Lake Regional Hospital in Osage Beach. Check-in begins at 7 a.m. in Parking Lot A near the hospital’s main entrance. The 5K run begins at 8 a.m. and will follow a course from the hospital down Osage Beach Parkway. The walk will start immediately after the run begins and will follow a one-mile course around the hospital. The race will use chip timing with medals awarded to top male and female runners. Chris Cakes will provide a $5 all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Serving will begin at 8 a.m., and the breakfast is free to paid run/walk participants, as well as children 5 years old and younger. The registration fee is $30 for runners and walkers to receive a commemorative Tshirt (by April 21) or $20 without a T-shirt. Registration is open at www.lakeregional.com/scrubrun.
6 • The Spring Harbor Hop will be held all day at more than 40 participating locations on and off the water. Grab a card at
participating stops and collect a poker hand for a chance to win prizes. Cost is a $20 donation. For more information, go to www.funlake.com/harborhop.
6 • The American Legion Post 624 will host the second annual Veterans Bass Fishing Tournament at the Gravois Mills Public Access. Event-day registration starts at 5 a.m. Tournament is from 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost is $140/two-person team and includes the awards dinner held May 5 at the Legion. For more information, call Brian at 660537-6889.
7 • The Lake of the Ozarks Blues Fest will be held at Shawnee Bluff Vineyard (8 Tolwood Rd., Eldon) starting at 12 p.m. Featuring the Amanda Fish Band, Coyote Bill, The Brood, The Ottis Band and the LOTO Blues Band. Admission to the event is free, cash bar.
10-13 • The Sunrise Beach Little Theatre will present the musical “Kiss Me Kate” as a dessert theater at the Sunrise Beach Community Center. Admission is $20 for the musical including dessert and coffee or tea. Audience members are welcome to BYOB and or snacks. Doors open at 6 p.m. The musical will begin at 7 p.m. Seating will be at dining tables. For reservations and seat assignment, call 573836-0934.
10 • Grandparents Raising/Caring for Grandchildren Support Group meeting, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association Regional Training Center – Upper Level, 4821 Osage Beach Pkwy. Physical, emotional, personal and spiritual support is available. Breakfast snacks and lunch are provided. RSVP w/text or call Deb 573-280-1659 or email fergfam2@icloud.com by Tuesday, May 9, to reserve your seat.
11 • Little Tigers Early Learning Center, 27870 Highway 5, Gravois Mills, is hosting its Volunteer Appreciation and Chicken Coop Dedication at 10 a.m. There will be a short program.
presenting “The Inn Around the Corner,” a light-hearted, family-friendly production at 7 p.m. at the Macks Creek First Baptist Church, 12972 US-54 in Macks Creek. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door for $6 each or $25 per family or in advance for $5 each or $20 per family.,For more information or advance tickets call Janette Fredrick at 573-836-5036.
12-14 • Red Cross Lifeguard Training and Recertification Classes will be offered at Westlake Aquatic Center in Laurie. Must be 15+ years old and be able to swim. Certification is $225 and recertification is $125. Pre-test swimming requirements need to be met. Call Clair Hubert @ 573-692-0394 to register.
12 • Hot Summer Nights will be held from 5-9:30 p.m. on the Bagnell Dam Strip. This free cruise-in will be held once a month during the summer. May’s theme is “Crusin’ Again! American Dreams, Hot Rods & Rate Rods.” Anyone is welcome to bring their car, truck or motorcycle to participate. No registration required. For more information, go to Hot Summer Nights - Lake of the Ozarks, MO on Facebook.
13 • Lake Valley will host the 15th annual Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament this year. Registration is $125 per player. Gold Team Sponsorship is available for $1,000 which includes: team registration for four, hats, polos, logo on banner and hole sponsorship. Shotgun start is at 9 a.m. Lunch will be available at noon at 54 Lake Rd., Camdenton. To register, visit lakeoftheozarksshootout.com or text 573-434-3552.
13 • A Car Show will be held at the Camden County Museum in Linn Creek from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. In case of rain, it will be rescheduled to June 10. For more information, call 573-873-2990.
13 •The Water Safety Seminar will be held at the Camdenton High School from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information, contact Doug Beck at 573-216-8141 or info@lozwatersafetycouncil.com.
13 • The Treasure Island Casino Benefit will be held at Jolly Rogers Grub & Grog from 3-6 p.m. Ticketholders play fun casinostyle games, enjoy a buffet and drink specials. The winner gets tokens to win prizes. The family is welcome to attend. A live auction will also be held. Cost is $50 in advance or $60 at the door. For more information, go to www.treasureislandcasinobenefit.com.
13 • Lake Area Master Gardeners are hosting a Garden Festival from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at historic Willmore Lodge. This event is a college scholarship program fundraiser. Activities include presentations, plant sale and an information booth. Admission is free. Donations are appreciated. For more information go to the Facebook page www.facebook.com/ LakeAreaMasterGardeners.
17 • Iowa Reunion Club’s IRC LakeFest will be held at Bear Bottom Resort from 5:30-7 p.m. This event, as are all Iowa Reunion Club events, is open to all current 2023 club members. The Iowa Reunion Club, celebrating their 29th year on the lake, is for former Iowans, and part time Iowans, that live at the Lake Of The Ozarks. Membership is $10 per year, per household to join. For more information, contact Bil Cooper at 573-480-4601 or go to www. iowareunionclub.com.
19 -21 • RunStock, a three-day running event, will be held at Camp Redbud at Lake of the Ozarks State Park. The weekend includes races, entertainment, activities, food and fun. Cost is $55-$135 per event. For more information, go to www. fundruns.org.
20 • A Pizza Party and Sock Hop will be held at the Camden County Museum from 6-9 p.m. An evening of 50s music, pizza and entertainment will be held. Cost is $5/person with proceeds benefitting the Cemetery Committee. For more information, call 573-873-2990.
A Vintage Boutique
Alpaca Haven
Bella Donna Salon
Bert Ehling Photography
Blair & Co. Confectionery (Ozark Maid)
Blair’s Landing
Chestnut Ridge
Coco’s Bistro
The Front Porch at Shabby Chic Main Street Music Hall
Peace of Mind
Peacock Lane
Shabby Chic Boutique
Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Spa
Truly Bridal
Valentina’s Alterations
Village Antiques (Original Yankee Peddlers)
Sylvia’s Pet Grooming
Yankee Peddler Tea Room
4 Generations
lthough most things celebrate former President Harry S. Truman are at Independence, Missouri, one tiny town in the Southeast part of the state is home to the birthplace of Truman. Located in Lamar, his former home is administrated by the Missouri State Parks system, an unusual place for such, in the middle of the busiest part of the town. The small white-frame house sits on a corner lot in a normal neighborhood. The only thing unusual is the surrounding parking area, and a park office across the street. The state purchased the home in 1957 and opened it as a dedicated historical site two years later. The house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1969.
Harry S. Truman was born in the house on May 8, 1884, in a downstairs bedroom. The Trumans bought the home as newlyweds for $685. It was without electricity or indoor plumbing. Also in the yard is a smokehouse, wellhouse, and outhouse.
On the day that the future and only president from Missouri was born, to celebrate the birth of his first child, Harry’s father made a couple of gestures that remain on the homesite. One was that he mounted a horseshoe to honor the birth of his first child above the front door outside, and the other was he planted an Australian pine tree at the southeast corner of the house.
Free tours take you through the house. Hours of operation are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 12-4 p.m. Sundays March through October.
Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States. His parents, John and Martha Truman, were farmers and traders who had three children: Harry, John, and Mary. Harry’s middle name was not derived from any specific person, rather honored both of his grandfathers, who had the initials S. His mother’s brother, Harrison Young, was also a source of inspiration for his first name. Harry grew up in a rural environment, moving from Lamar to Harrisonville when he
was less than a year old. He learned to work hard and value honesty from his family and his Southern heritage.
Truman learned to play the piano at age seven and took lessons from Mrs. E.C. White, a well-respected teacher in Kansas City.[18] He got up at five o’clock every morning to practice the piano, which he studied more than twice a week until he was 15, becoming quite a skilled player. The rest of his childhood was spent in the Independence area.
Truman is not the only famed resident of Lamar. Before Truman, Wyatt Earp lived there. In 1869, the famous lawman turned 21 years old. He and his family moved to Lamar at that time. He served as the town constable, taking his father’s place after he resigned.
There is a park in Lamar, Wyatt Earp Park, dedicated to his memory and located across the street where Wyatt and Urilla Earp were married in the former Exchange Hotel, now home to Lamar Bank & Trust.
Barton County, Missouri Chamber of Commerce is building a second phase onto the park, with more panel storyboards telling the young couples life experiences and history in Lamar. Judy Earp, one of Wyatt Earp’s descendants, attended the dedication of Phase I.
Works Cited:
Missouri State Parks
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
https://missourilife.com/untold-story-of-wyatt-earp-in-missouri/ www.fourstateshomepage.com
As you head outdoors this to enjoy the warmer weather, it’s likely you’ll encounter a variety of newborn animals. Young wildlife can pull on our heartstrings as they appear to be aban doned, but that’s rarely the case. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds the public that interfering with wildlife does more harm than good.
According to MDC State Wildlife Veterinarian Sherri Russell, young animals are rarely orphaned.
“When we see newborn wildlife alone, that means the parents are likely out searching for food and will return,” Russell explained.
A common newborn species people can come across in the spring season is young birds.
“If you see a chick with feathers hopping on the ground, leave it alone because it’s a fledgling and the parents are nearby keeping watch,” said Russell. “Fledglings can spend up to 10 days hopping on the ground learning to fly. If you find one that has no feathers, you can return it to the nesting area if possible, as it likely fell out of its nest.”
Russell also warned against “rescuing” newborn rabbits.
“Rabbits seldom survive in captivity and can die of fright from being handled,” she said. “Even if the animal is injured, it’s best to return it to the nest because the mother will most likely re -
Human scent does not cause wild mothers to reject their young, and most newborn animals do not survive in captivity.
“It takes a lot of knowledge to care for and rehabilitate wild animals,” stressed Russell. “It requires special training, permits, and facilities. Not to mention, it’s illegal to possess many wild animals without a valid state or federal permit.”
Russell also noted wildlife can become dangerous as they mature, and can carry disease, parasites, and cause property damage.
“We know people have good intentions, and it can be tempting to take these cute, young animals in our homes, but the best thing we can do for wild animals is to leave them be,” she said.
To learn more about Missouri’s native wildlife, visit the MDC online Field Guide at https://nature. mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/fieldguide/search.
The lake level was 656.5, generation of 3,500 cubic feet per second (CFS) throughout the week for a level of 656.6 by the weekend. Surface temperature at Bagnell Dam was 61 degrees. Truman Lake was at the 705.3 level.
To Note: The Lower Lake is from the dam to the 22mile mark; Mid-Lake is from the 22- to 44-mile mark, the Upper Osage is from the 44-mile mark to the Route 65 Bridge.
Matt Schellert and Ron Lehrmann won the Just Fishing tournament last Saturday with five bass weighing 17.68 pounds.
Bagnell Dam spillway/Osage River
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Good on Chug Bugs, shaky head worms and crankbaits along rock banks. Crappie: Fair on small swimbaits around current breaks.
Lower Lake
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on wacky-rigged Senkos and spinnerbaits along 45-degree banks. Crappie: Good on jigs 4 to 10 feet deep along gravel banks in the evenings.
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on Ned rigs and shaky head worms 4 to 5 feet deep along gravel banks. Crappie: Good on jigs 4 to 8 feet deep along rock transition banks.
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Good on wackyrigged worms, Carolina rigs and topwater lures along gravel banks, rock transition banks and main and secondary points. Crappie: Fair shooting jigs under docks or casting jigs along windy points.
Grand Glaize
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Fair on Ned rigs, wacky-rigged worms, shaky head worms and Carolinarigged creature baits around brush and docks along gravel banks. Crappie: Fair on jigs and minnows 3 to 4 feet deep along pea gravel banks.
Water clarity: Stained. Black bass: Good on crawfishcolored crankbaits and shaky head worms along secondary points. Crappie: Fair on jigs 3 to 5 feet deep along gravel banks.
Upper Osage
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on shaky head worms and Texas-rigged plastic lizards around laydown logs, brush and boat ramps in coves. Crappie: Fair on jigs and minnows 6 to 8 feet deep along gravel banks. Catfish: Fair on goldfish and worms in the coves.
Truman Dam spillway
Water clarity: Clear. Crappie: Good on jigs and minnows. White bass and hybrids: Good on jigs in the current. Catfish: Good on cut shad.
Guide Alfred Chapman (573-465-3810), www.lakeozarkfishingguideservice.com; Big Ed’s Guide Service (573-692-6710) www.bigedsguideservice.com; Guide Jack Uxa (573-4342570) www.lakeoftheozarksfishingguide.com; Guide John Blankenbeker (573-280-1455); Guide Terry Blankenship (573480-2835); Guide Jim Dill (573-204-9005) www.jamesdillguideservice.com; Fitz Fishing (573-693-9299); Bryants Osage Outdoors (573-374-2278); Casey Scanlon (913-449-3176) and Cody’s Bait & Tackle (660-723-5115). Tournament Results— Thanks to www.bassingbob.com.
Seminar educates importance of lifejackets and water safety at Lake of the Ozarks.
The summer season is quickly approaching and pretty soon the Lake will be filled with swimmers and boaters soaking up the summer sun. The Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council wants you to stay safe this year and is hosting the annual Boating & Water Safety Seminar May 13 to discuss a variety of topics.
Safety boat displays, exhibitors, food trucks, free kids activities and seminars are scheduled throughout the day. The event will be held at the Camdenton High School from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Life jacket safety: proper sizing, types and laws; and boating safety: navigation rules, boating hazards and maintenance will be discussed.
Free admission. To register, go to www.lozwatersafetycouncil.com/events.
For more information, call Water Safety Council chair Doug Beck at 573-216-8141 or email info@lozwatersafetycouncil.com.
May 5: The Ridge
The Lake Ozark Rotary Club will host the annual golf tournament with a shotgun start at noon. Registration, lunch, complimentary range balls, putting contests and a silent auction will be from 10-11 a.m. Happy hour and awards presented from 4-5 p.m. Cost is $200/golfer and includes a $50 gift card to be used anywhere at the Lodge of Four Seasons, green fees, box lunch and two drink tickets. Register by calling Clayton at 573-3022491 or email cbentzen@ centralinvestment.net.
Shootout Tournament
May 13: Lake Valley Golf Club
The 15th annual Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament will be held at Lake Valley Golf Club on May 13. Shotgun at 9 a.m. with lunch at noon. Cost is $125/player. Sponsorships are available. For more information or to register, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com.
HK’s Golf Tournament
May 21 & 22: The Cove Golf Course
Heart care technology will be the benefactor of this year’s HK’s Lake of the Ozark Open for Lake Regional Health System. The golf tournament will be held Sunday with brunch at The Cove at 10 a.m. and golf at 11 a.m. A party on the rooftop of Lodge of Four Sea-
sons will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday for all players and select sponsors. There will be a scramble on Sunday at The Cove and shamble at Porto Cima on Monday.
HK’s Lake of the Ozarks Open is limited to 120 players. Registration is $750 per golfer and includes course refreshments, meals and entry to the Rooftop Party.
To register a golf team, call Trish Creach at 573-3488376, email tcreach@lakeregional.com, or visit HKsGolf. com.
Twisted Golf Classic
June 12: Lake Valley Golf Club
The annual Suzie Sawyer’s Twisted Golf Classic will be held at Lake Valley Golf and Country Club at 8 a.m. Cost is $75/player or $300/team of four, and includes 18 holes of golf, lunch, prizes, raffles and entertainment.
The tournament benefits
Concerns of Police Survivors, headquartered out of Camdenton. The non-profit provides resources and services to families and others impacted by the loss of a law enforcement officer in the line of duty.
To register, call 573— 346-4911.
Father’s Day Scramble
June 17 & 18: Eldon Golf Club
The three-person Father’s Day Weekend Scramble will be held June 17 & 18 at the Eldon Golf Club. Cost is $210 without cart or $90 per team to cover both days. Mulligans available for purchase.
For more information or to register, email mcummings@eldongolfclub.com.
How difficult is it to break 80? Is it a realistic goal for most golfers?
Blake S., CamdentonThis a difficult question to answer but I can tell you these statistics. It is much easier to break 100 and then 90 than it is to get to 80. Continuing to work on your game, taking golf lessons, finding out where you are deficient and eliminating round-killing mistakes can help your score drop in a hurry.
If you look at the national averages 45 percent of golfers average over 100 strokes per 18 holes. These statistics are based on the player playing the ball as it lies, no “Gimmies,” and no free drop from a lost ball or out of bounds. In other words, playing by the rules of golf. Only 26 percent of all golfers can break 90 and that number goes down to a whopping 2 to 5 percent of all golfers who can break 80. That is why golf continues to be played and agonized over by so many in hopes of getting to the holy grail of golf “Breaking 80.”
Don’t give up the dream Blake, anything is possible if you believe.
This is a difficult question to answer without knowing your game. I’ll give you some statistics that may surprise you.
Many golfers inflate how far they think they hit their drive. Most often they take the farthest drive they have ever hit, not taking into account elevation change, firmness of the ground or wind at their back, and think that is their average driving distance. With launch monitors more relatively available, statistics have gotten better.
You might be surprised to know that the largest segment of male players drive the ball 200 to 224 yards on average. Only 29 percent of male golfers drive the ball more than 250 yards, and only four percent of all male golfers drive the ball over 300 yards. If you have a club head speed of 100 miles per hour you can drive the ball at best 270 yards.
For female golfers the average for all players is 147 yards off the tee. If you are hitting the ball over 200 yards on average, you are above average.
My dad always told me “you drive for show and putt for dough,” so don’t get too hung up on hitting the long ball.
Should I be tracking my golf statistics to improve, and which ones should I track?
Jeremy R., Osage BeachThousands of spectators and about more than 800 show vehicles will be participating in the Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals May 5-7 in Lake Ozark. The show started in 1987 and has grown into a summer favorite that some say is like being on the set of “American Graffiti.”
Show vehicles are limited to rat rods, street rods, muscle cars, street machines and motorcycles. They will be parked along the center lane of the Bagnell Dam Strip and in designated spots along the roadway. Show judges for this show will be looking at exterior, interior, engine and compartments to vote for the top vehicles in each class.
The Bagnell Dam Strip will be closed to traffic from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday, Motorists can access the Dam by using Valley Road. Use alternate routes or bypass the Strip via Route 242 if not attending the event. Several nearby businesses offer parking for a fee for spectators, and parking is available below Bagnell Dam.
For more information, go to www.magicdragoncarshow.com.
Friday, May 5
12 p.m. Pedal car Challenge awards
12-5 p.m. Show hours
Saturday, May 6
8 a.m.-6 p.m. Show hours
8 a.m.-7 p.m. Spectator parking shuttle service hours
2:30 p.m. Pedal Car Challenge Auction (Two Bit Town)
5 p.m. 50/50 raffle winner announcement (Main Stage)
Sunday, May 7
8 a.m.-1 p.m. Show hours
8:30 a.m. Outdoor worship service at Lake Ozark Christian Church
1 p.m. Presentation of awards (Ozark Live Stage)
The Lake of the Ozarks Powerfest kicks off race season June 1st – 3rd.
Come out and join us Saturday July 15th at Noon! By land or by water, the fun starts at Noon at Captain Ron’s on the 34.5MM for the Lake’s Largest Single Family Boating Event!
August 26th & 27th
Captain Ron’s on the 34.5MM will once more play host to the fastest boats in the world! More than 100 drivers and their craft will vie for the title of fastestThe Top Gun! Since 2008 the event has raised $2,900,000 a host of Lake Area charities!
Fresh baked bread, homegrown vegetables, artistic creations, and flowering plants are just a few of the things you will see at farmers markets this season. All around the Lake area you will find markets opening, offering the best selection of local products available. Check out these markets this summer!
You can easily say baking is in Amanda Hoover’s blood. Her parents started Dutch Bakery in Tipton 37 years ago, and her brothers own and run the business today.
“I basically grew up in a bakery,” she said. “I started decorating cakes and cookies when I was about 13 years-old.”
Just after she got married 15 years ago, Hoover created and began running The Sweet Farm Bakery out of her home. It was in a separate location from her residence and therefore inspected. For that reason, she was able to sell her products to other stores. In March of 2019, she started baking out of
her kitchen in her Versailles home and now sells her goods direct in accordance with the Cottage Food Law.
Hoover takes orders for custom cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. She caters to a number of events, including showers, graduation parties and weddings. She sells additional items, including apple fritters, jalapeño popper bread, donut holes, cinnamon fritters and more at the farmers market, vendor events and the Versailles Apple Festival. “I always throw in random things at the markets,” she said.
Hoover works alone the majority of the time and makes everything from scratch. She does have a prep helper that works
with her one day a week. Her children, aged 13, 11, seven and four, like to assist mom from time to time.
“It really is a full-time job,” she explained.
Her most requested custom jobs are for cakes, and they are her favorite to create. Especially the butter cream cakes with butter cream florals, she said. The first cake she ever made was a five-tiered wedding cake. The most unusual, she said, was a cake that was made to look like a suitcase. That project took four hours of hands-on work to create. Her impressive results are talent based, as Hoover has no formal culinary or cake decorating training.
“I’ve just learned on my own and by watching YouTube videos,” she said.
During the season, Hoover is a regular at the Morgan County Farmers Market. In fact, she was their very first (and often only) vendor when the market started in 2018.
During the winter months, Hoover takes orders for her goods and schedules a weekly pick-up spot for customers. Custom orders can be delivered, depending on location, or cus tomers can meet her halfway.
“The hours I work per week vary based on what I have going on as far as markets, events and special orders,” she said. “I do plan to continue doing this as long as it’s feasible to do so.”
Orders for Hoover’s creations can be made through Facebook messenger or her website (www.mycustombakes.com).
Spruce Up the Garden
Sunrise Farm Market in Sunrise Beach (14539 N. State Hwy. 5, Sunrise Beach) is celebrating 25 years in business and is stocked for another season on the Lake’s westside.
Early in the season you’ll find locallysourced mennonite tomatoes, asparagus, and lettuce with other items coming in seasonally. Three days a week, a Lake area mennonite baker brings a fresh selection of pies and other treats to be sold throughout the week.
The greenhouse has a selection of potted and hanging plants, as well as herbs and vegetable plants, succulents, annuals and perennials, and other varieties perfect for the gardener.
This market has arguably one of the best selections of pottery, rod iron, garden accents, “lake” signs and lots of fun and one-of-a-kind décor to spruce up your deck, outdoor patio or dock.
Their convenient location, off of Hwy. 5 in Sunrise Beach, makes it easy for everyone to access no matter what side of the Lake they are on.
Eldon Farmers Market
Every Friday from 3-6 p.m.
Held at the Rock Island Park in Eldon, this farmers market brings in vendors from all over with a selection of homegrown goods. New this year, a special Kids’ Market is planned for June 2. Open to those 18 and younger, these vendors will be set up along with the regular vendors.
Osage Beach Farmers Market
Every Saturday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Opens May 6.
Vendors will be set up on the parking lot of First Bank of the Lake at the Osage Beach Outlet Marketplace. Expect a little bit of everything — from European pastries and baked goods to jewlery and farm-fresh items.
Camdenton Farmers Market
Every Wednesday from 3-7 p.m.
Opens May 6.
A small market focused on bringing in farm-grown food products is located by the library in Camdenton. The variety of peppers and garlic are two favorites for shoppers at this market.
The vendors that show up each week depends on the weather and what local growers produce that week. Check Facebook for updates on who to expect.
Camdenton Farmers Market on the Square
Every Saturday from 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Opens May 6.
Every Saturday morning for years this farmers market has been a staple on the Camdenton Square. Great for those looking for fresh ingredients and a unique selection.
Morgan County Farmers Market
First & third Saturday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Open May 6.
The Morgan County Library (600 N. Hunter Street, Versailles) hosts this Saturday market.
Eat & Greet Market
Every Saturday from 7 a.m.-12 p.m.
Open thru October 28.
There’s a new market this season in Camdenton featuring food trucks, artists, bakers, crafters, farmers and rancers. More than 10 vendors have signed on so far to set up each Saturday at Firefly Valley Farms (527 Business Rte. 5, Camdenton). Follow Firefly Valley Eat & Greet Market on Facebook for more information.
Farm Market & Bazaar
Every Wednesday from 3-6 p.m. Open through December.
The Camden County Museum in Linn Creek (Hwy. 54 & V-Rd.) has vendors with fresh produce (in season), crafts and other items available for sale.
For more information, call 573-873-2990.
Farris Fruit & Vegetable Market
Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. & Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Open year-round
Farris Fruit & Vegetable Market (1715 North Hwy. 5, Camdenton) has been a go-to destination North of Camdenton for more than 50 years. Tony and Julie Farris have taken over and are in the middle of renovating the business.
Tony’s parents owned Farris Fruit & Vegetable Market for decades and it was time to pass it down to the next generation. Tony and Julie purchased the building and they expect to be up and running by mid-April. They will continue to operate their other business, the Camdenton Produce Stand, with the help of their daughters this year.
At Farris, you can find a full selection of produce, bulk foods and Mennonite-made items, and plants and hanging baskets. The produce stand is set up in a parking lot next to Sip Coffee House in Camdenton and is scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend.
Sunrise Farm Market
Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Located off of Hwy. 5 in Sunrise Beach, the selection of hanging and bedding plants, pottery and metal art/decor can’t be beat at Lake of the Ozarks. Shoppers will also find fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of canned goods, Mennonite baked items.
If you are looking for quality food served in a fast and casual environment, Joey’s Pizza in Eldon serves up some of the best Sicilian Italian dishes at the Lake.
Family owned and operated by Joe and Gina Kiszczak, the couple moved from St. Louis to the Lake to open the restaurant. They used recipes that have been passed down by the family so dishes are authentic and homemade.
The highlight of the menu are the New York style, hand-tossed pizzas. Crust is made fresh by Joey every day and aged to perfection. Gina makes all of the homemade sauces and pasta.
You can build a pizza however you want it, or choose from the many speciality pizzas. One of the favorites
Friday, May 5
Kirk Brown Blues Band
Saturday, May 6
The Nobodies (1-5)
Whiskey Trio (6-10)
Sunday, May 7
Phillip Twitchell
Thursday, May 11
Marcus Words
Friday, May 12
Whiskey Trio
Saturday, May 13
KC Ritz
Sunday, May 14
Marcus Words
Thursday, May 18
The Nobodies
Friday, May 19
Phat Mike and the Bartenders
Harbor Hop Stop
Saturday, May 6
is the Maui Moon Pizza, made with pesto, jerk chicken, bacon, spicy ham, pineapple, and banana peppers. For meat lovers, the supreme and meat lovers pizzas are among the most popular.
For starters, cheese sticks, chicken wings, and several salads served with in-house dressings are on the menu. The choice for subs are the meatball, Italian beef and spicy Italian. Pasta dishes are spaghetti, fettuccine and chicken parmesan (option to add meat). Gluten-free fusilli is available for diners with food sensitivities.
The menu is often updated so be on the lookout for new dishes to be added in the future. This summer, make sure to stop by for Italian Ice and gelato. Perfect for those hot summer days.
More information
Open Tuesday-Saturday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed from 2-3 to restock ingredients and make fresh pizza dough. On Facebook: facebook.com/joeyspizzaeldon
The Sunrise Beach Little Theatre will be presenting a musical production of Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me Kate” as a dessert theatre from May 10-13. This classic musical will feature many wonderfully-talented performers from the entire Lake area. Co-directed by Cheryl Glawe and Beth Buffe, each performance is sure to be an outstanding experience of live theater and a night to remember.
“Kiss Me Kate” is a light-hearted and fun-filled showwithin-a-show version of the “Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare. It also features such hits by Cole Porter as “Too Darn Hot,” “Another Op’nin’, Another Show,” “I Hate Men,” “Brush Up Your Shakespeare,” “Wunderbar,” “So In Love,” and many others.
Admission will be $20 for the musical which includes dessert and coffee or tea. Audience members are welcome to BYOB and or snacks. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the musical will begin at 7 p.m. Seating will be at dining tables.
The theater is located at the Sunrise Beach Community Center (15133 North Highway 5) in Sunrise Beach.
For reservations and seat assignment, call 573-836-0934.
we have all this and more waiting for you at the 1932 Reserve.Layla Thruman as Kate and Clinton Walters as Petruchi. Photo provided
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Osage Beach; 573-348-2181
Cell: 573-216-2182
Lynn is the REALTOR® who does what she loves and loves what she does!
3531 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite 4 Osage Beach; 573-365-2622
Our goal is to provide you with the best Buying and Selling Experience possible. Our motto is “OUR TEAM = YOUR DREAM!”
3525 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 573-302-2399
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4824 Osage Beach Parkway Suite 1, Osage Beach; 573-302-9990
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I am always here to help with your selling or buying needs. I am your Lake of the Ozarks Home Town Real Estate Expert
101 Crossings W., Ste. 202 Lake Ozark; 573-789-3650
My focus in Real Estate has always been the terrific people I meet. I enjoy showing off Lake of the Ozarks so let’s work together!
110 Crossings West, Ste. 202 Lake Ozark; 573-559-3983
Looking to buy or sell your home? Call Berkshire Hathaway Realtor Deb Grant to get the job done right. Deb is your local real estate expert for the Lake of the Ozarks.
101 Crossings West Dr. Suite 202 Lake Ozark; 573-365-7333
The Schrimpf Real Estate Group is ready to help you buy or sell with experience built through hard work and thorough education. We are committed to excellence!
109 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Osage Beach; 573-216-8599 573-348-9898
The 3 most important things in Real Estate... Location, Location, Sherry Stevens.
Friday, May 5
Backwater Jack’s, Kirk Brown Blues Band
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Cheryl Lynn, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz
Dog Days, Justin Larkin, 6 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, The House Band, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Steven Tyler Moore & DJ Nick Niemeier, 12 p.m.
Whittle’s, DJ Krazy J, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Saturday, May 6
Backwater Jack’s, The Nobodies, 1-5 p.m.; Whiskey Trio, 6-10 p.m.
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Blake Gardner & The Farmers, 7-11 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Patrick Wilson, 6-10 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, Art Bentley, 1-5 p.m.; KC Groove Therapy, 7-11 p.m.
Casablanca, Bryan Copeland, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Slick Nickel
Coconuts, Pure Drive, 6 p.m.
Dog Days, Dead Roads, 1 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, The House Band, 8 p.m.
Lake Burger, Dave Dunklee and the Healing Box
Project, 12 p.m.
Maggie’s on the Lake, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Whittles, The Red Sky Band, 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 7
Backwater Jack’s, Phillip Twitchell
Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m.
Dog Days, live music (Homegrown Festival)
Fish & Co., Marcus Words, 2 p.m.
Monday, May 8
Whittles, The Velvet Bricks, 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan
Attention musicians, bands, bars and restaurants: Send us live entertainment schedules to be included in our live music listing. Event information must include name of venue, name of entertainer, time, date and contact information for verification. Send information to charis.lakesun@gmail.com or call 573346-2132. The following list has been updated as of press time.
Thursday, May 11
Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words, 6 p.m.
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, open jam, 6 p.m.-12 a.m.
Ozarks Amphitheater, Breaking Benjamin with special guest Bush
Friday, May 12
Backwater Jack’s, Whiskey Trio
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, PDA, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Jordan Isakson, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Dog Days, DJ Mikey J, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, I-10 Overdrive, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Pure Drive, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, JC the DJ, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Saturday, May 13
Backwater Jack’s, KC Ritz
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Jason Earl, 7 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, Backtracks (Ponch & Kennie Dee), 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7-11 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Dave Dunklee and the Healing Box Project, 5-8 p.m.; The Nobodies, 8 p.m.-12 a.m.
Dog Days, Phat Mike and the Bartenders, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, I-10 Overdrive, 8 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Pure Drive, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, Dayne Hudek, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Sunday, May 14
Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words, 6 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m.
Fish & Co., Dave Dunklee show, 2-6 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17
Off the Cliff, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 18
Backwater Jack’s, The Nobodies
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Whittle’s, Out on a Limb, 6:30-9 p.m.
Friday, May 19
Backwater Jack’s, Phat Mike and the Bartenders
Camden on the Lake, Marcus Words, 6-10 p.m.; Five Turn Knot, 8-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Johnny Henry Band, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Taz Dog Days, Randall Shreve, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m.
Tap & Grill, Down Side Up, 6 p.m.
Whittle’s, DJ Krazy J, 8:30 p.m.-12 a.m.
Saturday, May 20
Blue Cat Tavern, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Rebel Walker, 7 p.m.
Bulldog’s Beach House, Dave Dunklee show, 5:309:30 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Mark Barger, 6-10 p.m.; Five Turn Knot, 8-10 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, Loaded Dice, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Don Akers, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Duane Ramelot, 8 p.m.-12 a.m.
Dog Days, Dead Roads, 8 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m.
Tap & Grill, I-10 Overdrive, 6 p.m. Whittle’s, Ancient Stone Band, 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
Sunday, May 21
Backwater Jack’s, J.J. Jam Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m.
NautiFish, Marcus Words, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23
Charlie Foxtrots, DJ Ryan
Thursday, May 25
Backwater Jack’s, Phat Mike and the Bartenders
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, open jam, 6 p.m.-12 a.m.
Dog Days, Justin Larkin, 6 p.m.
Lake Burger, karaoke, 6 p.m.
Friday, May 26
Backwater Jack’s, The Mix-
tapes Bear Bottom Resort, I-10 Overdrive, 7 p.m.
Boathouse, Adam Powell, 2 p.m.
Camden on the Lake, Aaron Blumer, 6-10 p.m.; The Plastic Kings, 8-10 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Phat Mike & the Bartenders, 6-10 p.m.
Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7-11 p.m.
Charlie Foxtrots, Jack Bowden, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Coconuts, karaoke, 6:30 p.m.
Dog Days, DJ Taz, 1 p.m.; Molly Lovette Band, 9 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack
Shooters, 9 p.m.
Jolly Rogers, Nathan Vegas Lake Burger, Faded Youth, 6 p.m.
Maggie’s on the Lake, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Oh Tommy’s, Dave Dunklee show, 5-9 p.m.
Ozarks Amphitheater, Dwight Yoakam, 7 p.m. Tap & Grill, Chill Bone, 7 p.m.
Whittle’s, JC the DJ, 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.