2 minute read
The healing power of music
Since starting up the Healing Box Project nine years ago, organizers Dave and CJ Dunklee have been providing guitars to disabled veterans and saving lives in the process. So far more than 190 guitars have been given to veterans who use the gift of music to ease the pain and stress felt from their time in the service.
Dave, who performs regularly around the Lake area, started The Healing Box Project in 2013 along with his wife, CJ. A retired music teacher, Dave began visiting Fort Leonard Wood once a week to give guitar lessons to wounded warriors and equipping them with a guitar for free. They called the program The Healing Box Project after the old folk guitars made from wooden boxes modified with a pole neck and strings. The program took off and more and more veterans wanted to participate.
At one point they were providing lessons at the VA in Columbia, but due to federal restrictions on COVID the program there is on hold. Today, lessons are held at the Disabled American Veterans in Jefferson City every other week, and at the Osage Beach Elks Lodge every week. Anywhere from a handful of veterans to 30 attend the classes.
To fund the program, Dave sets out a box to collect donations at each of his performances. Thanks to those people who have donated, The Healing Box Project has provided the gift of music to ease the pain for veterans who often suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and need a positive outlet to begin the healing process.
“Veterans have given so much to protect our freedom,” Dave said. “They are heroes that need some help, and music is a way to make them feel better. When they strum the guitar and they get that feeling of being better, it stays with them after they put the guitar down.”
The Healing Box Project fundraiser is held every year on the first Sunday in June. The 9th annual fundraiser will be from 12-6 p.m. on June 5 this year. Dunklee will entertain, several tables of silent auction items will be displayed with a buy-it-now option, and at 1 p.m. veterans will take the stage to perform.
The Healing Box Project is a 501c3 non-profit. Monetary donations allow them to purchase name-brand acoustic guitars which are gifted to veterans.
Dave says sometimes they hear stories from veterans about how The Healing Box Project has changed their lives. On one occasion, a veteran called Dave to say that he was having suicidal thoughts but decided to pick up his guitar and “made it through the night” thanks to being able to play.
“You never can tell what the benefits can be beyond the lesson,” Dave said.
June 5, 12-6 p.m. at the Fish & Co. (268 Wego Fish Lane, Camdenton) To donate to the fundraiser, call CJ at 573-372-1234. www.thehealingboxproject.org Facebook page: Veteran Program - The Healing Box Project
Top photo: Dave giving guitar lessons to veterans. Above; CJ holding the Healing Box that is on display at Dave’s shows for collecting monetary donations.
Photos provided by The Healing Box Project on Facebook
Upcomming Shows
May 7: Bulldogs Beach House, 1-5 p.m. May 8: Lake Burger, 12-4 p.m. May 13: Oh Tommy’s, 6-10 p.m. May 15: Fish & Co., 1-5 p.m. May 21, 22, 28 & 30: Lake Burger, 12-4 p.m. May 31: Frankie & Louie’s, 5-9 p.m.