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Event Spotlight
CADV Brunch goes viral
The 19th testimonial, a 30-secannual Citiond video viewed at the zens Against virtual event and postDomestic event on CADV’s webViolence Brunch, site/social media. Bottle sponsored by the of wine and charcuterie Law Office of Barplatter provided. The bara VanTine, will Diamond Sponsor will be held October 14, also have their brunch 2020 from 11 a.m.-1 pre-party streamed. p.m. A virtual event A $1,000 Platinum is being planned Sponsorship level this year with prowill be recognized in gramming and a pre- and post-event silent auction. The promotions with a logo theme this year is displayed as a Platinum “All Things Purple.” Sponsor at the virtual October is Domestic event and on the webViolence Awareness site. The sponsor will be Month and the offiincluded in a 15-second cial color is purple. “We Support CADV”
A pre-event virtestimonial. Bottle of tual part will be held wine and charcuterie from 11 a.m-12 p.m. platter provided. Those who choose A $500 Gold Sponto join can show off sor will have their their purple team via The highlight of the CA DV B runch each year are the decorated business recognized in a live Zoom panel. Get tables (and people) as well as food from Lake area restaurants. pre- and post-event promoyour purple on with your team, share the virtual The event will be virtual this year but teams can still show off their decorations via a Zoom panel on the day of the Brunch. tions and a logo displayed as a Gold Sponsor at the virtual link with friends and help brunch and on the website. raise money and awareness for CADV. The program will A bottle of wine and charcuterie platter will be provided. stream from 12-1 p.m. featuring a survivor testimonial The $250 Silver Sponsor will have a business logo disand information on what CADV does for victims of doplayed as a Silver Sponsor at the virtual event and on the mestic and sexual assault in the Lake area. A preview of website. The $100 Business Sponsor will have a business the online auction begins October 1 with online/mobile name recognized at the virtual brunch and the website. bidding starting October 11. The brunch is the largest fundraiser of the year for
The event is the largest fundraiser for CADV, a 28-bed CADV and all money stays local to provide much-needed shelter in Camdenton that provides services and support services to clients for free. CADV provides safe shelter to men, women and children in Miller, Morgan and Camfor hundreds of women and children, takes hotline calls, den counties. Like other non-profit organizations, CADV provides legal advocacy, support groups, coordinates has been impacted by a lack of monetary donations and counseling, safety planning, and other services. CADV has volunteers due to COVID-19. While donations are down, outreach offices in Morgan and Miller counties and has the need for services has increased. All money raised goes plans to expand the existing shelter located in Camdendirectly to providing free services to victims. For donaton. tions over $100, a 50% Missouri Tax Credit is available. Brunch sponsorship forms, flyers and event informa
There are several levels of sponsorship. A $2,500 Diation are available on CADV’s website. For more informamond Sponsor will be recognized in pre- and post-event tion about CADV/VOC go to www.cadv-voc.org or call promotions with a logo displayed as a Diamond Sponsor. 573-346-9630. To donate and for a link to the virtual The sponsor will be included in a “We Support CADV” event, go to www.CADV.givesmart.com.