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Calendar of Events
5 & 6 • A dinner theater production of “Spin Off” will be held at the Camden County Museum . Cost is $15 per person . Dinner is at 6 p .m . and the play is at 7 p .m . Call 573-346-7191 ext . 8 or go to www .camdencountymuseum .org .
6 • A Holiday Gift Market will be held at the Lake Ozark Lions Club (131 S . Fish Haven Rd .) from 9 a .m .-3 p .m . Admission is free but monetary or non-perishable food donations are accepted at the door . The market will have wreaths, ornaments, doll clothing, quilts, wax melts, wood crafts, and other great gift ideas will be sold . The SOTO high school choir will perform at 11 a .m .
6 • Peace, Love & Party with a Purpose will be held to benefit Wonderland Camp at Margaritaville Lake Resort . Food, an open bar and entertainment by the i-Berrys, and a live and silent auction will be held . Cost is $125/person or $225/couple . RSVP by calling 573-392-1000 .
6 • The annual Veterans Day Parade will be held in Osage Beach from city hall to the Elks Lodge . Starts at 1 p .m . Food and beverages will be served at the Elks after the parade .
6 • Camden County Republican Club’s Meet the Candidates Patriots’ Dinner will be held at the Community Christian Church in Camdenton . Doors open at 5 p .m . with catered dinner at 6 p .m . Cost is $20 at the door . Speakers will be US Senate Candidates Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, Congressman Jason Smith and Mark McCloskey . Additional speakers to be announced . Visit ccrclub .com for updates . RSVP by Monday November 1 – email atguttman@hotmail .com or call or text 619-957-5090 .
6 • The Camdenton United Methodist Church Quilters and Crafters will be having their quilt and craft items for sale from 10 a .m .-2 p .m . in the church’s New Ministry Bldg (gym), located at 340 W . Hwy . 54 in Camdenton . 7 • St . Anthony Catholic Church will host the annual Turkey Dinner and Country Sale from 11 a .m .-3 p .m . Carry-out or dine in . Cost is $11 for adults, $5 for ages 5-11 and free for ages 5 and under .
8, 15, 22 & 29 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday . Doors open at 10:30 a .m, with play at noon . Snacks available . Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are optional . No smoking in the building . For more information, call 573-3744781 .
9,16,23 & 30 • Drop in knitting/crochet from 10 a .m .-3 p .m . at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach . All skill levels are welcome . For more information call 573-374-6927 .
11 • The Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting from 11 a .m . -2 p .m . at the Community Christian Church in Camdenton . Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level . For more information, go to www .lakefiberarts .com or email lakefiberarts@gmail .com .
13 • The Lake Bloomers and Eldon Garden Club members will be hosting a Winter Wonderland NCG Holiday Flower Show from 1-4 p .m . at the Eldon First Christian Church .
19-Jan. 1 • The Laurie Enchanted Village of Lights will be on display every night during the holiday season . Drive through the 27-acre park while looking at the many displays spread out at the Laurie Fairgrounds . Held from 5-9 p .m . Sunday-Thursday and 5-10 p .m . Fridays, Saturdays and holidays . Free but donations are accepted .
19 & 20 •A Holiday Market Place will be held from 9 a .m .-4 p .m . at the Camden County Museum . Craft booths and vendors with Christmas crafts and gifts will be on hand . Lunch available . Free admission . For more information call 573-346-7191 or go to www .camdencountymuseum .org .
21 • The Lake Area Chorale will host a concert at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Lake Ozark at 2 p .m . Admission is free but donations are welcome .
22 • American Red Cross blood drive, 10 a .m .-2 p .m ., Lake Ozark Elks Lodge 2517, 5161 Osage Beach Parkway, Osage Beach, MO 65065 . For more Information, contact Darlene Wisnasky at 314-401-8766 .
27 • The Lake West Chamber of Commerce will host the 20th annual Lighted Christmas Parade at 6 p .m . For more information, call 573-374-5500 .
28 • The Lake Area Chorale will host a concert, “Christmas Time is Here,” at the West Lake Christian Church at 2 p .m . Admission is free but donations are welcome .
1 • The American Legion Post 624 in Sunrise Beach will host their famous chicken dinner from 5-7 p .m . Several sized dinner options available from $1 .50/wing to $8 for a fourwing dinner . Call 573-3746091 for information .
4 • The Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce hosts Christmas for Kids on the courthouse lawn . Held from 10 a .m .-1 p .m ., a variety of free entertainment and games will be provided for kids . Visit with Santa as he makes a stop at the Square . For more information, go to www .camdentonchamber .com .
4 • The 41st annual School of the Osage Holiday Bazaar will be held at the School of the Osage Middle School from 9 a .m .-3 p .m . There will be more than 100 booths selling all kinds of items . For more information, go to the School of the Osage Holiday Bazaar on Facebook .
5 • The Lake Area Chorale will host a concert, “Christmas Time is Here,” at the United Methodist Church in Laurie at 2 p .m . Admission is free but donations are welcome .
7, 14,21,28 • Drop in knitting/ crochet from 10 a .m .-3 p .m . at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach . All skill levels are welcome . For more information call 573-374-6927 .
9 • Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild will meet from 11 a .m .-2 p .m . at Community Christian Church, N Bus 5, Camdenton . Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level, www .lakefiberarts .com; lakefiberarts@gmail . com .
10-12 • The Versailles Royal Theatre will host “The Nutcraker” ballet . Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children . For more information, go to www .theroyaltheatre .com .
11 • The 37th annual Lake Ozark Christmas Parade will take place at 1 p .m . on the Bagnell Dam Strip . Parade entries line up along Rte . 242 . Santa will make his appearance exclusively in the parade and elves will distribute gift bags along the route in lieu of a personal visit . To register for the parade e-mail rickie@mylaketv .com or call 573-434-3552 .
11 • The annual Christmas for Kids will be held at Campana Hall at the Lodge of Four Seasons . Cocktails are at 5:30 p .m . with dinner served at 6:30 p .m . The event hleps over 1,600 children around the Lake area have presents to open at Christmas . A silent and live auction is held and entertainment will be provided by Elite Lighting & Sound . Sponsorships are available or tickets are available for $100/ person . Everyone is asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy ($20 value) or $20 cash donation upon entry . For more information, go to www . lakeareachristmasforkids .com .
13 • The Lake Area Chorale will host a concert, “Christmas Time is Here,” at the First Baptist Church in Eldon at 7 p .m . Admission is free but donations are welcome .